Bridge Design Guide
Bridge Division
January 2023
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 About this Guide ................................................................................................. 1-1
Section 1 — Introduction ............................................................................................ 1-2
Chapter 2 — Load and Resistance Factor Design .................................................................. 2-1
Section 1 — Load Factors ........................................................................................... 2-2
Section 2 — Loads ...................................................................................................... 2-3
Chapter 3 Superstructure Design Guidelines..................................................................... 3-1
Section 1 — General Recommendations .................................................................... 3-2
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance .......................................................... 3-4
Section 3 — Corrosion Protection Measures ............................................................ 3-10
Section 4 — Concrete Deck Slab on Stringers ......................................................... 3-11
Section 5 — Concrete Deck Slab on U-beams ......................................................... 3-13
Section 6 — Pretensioned Concrete I Girders .......................................................... 3-14
Section 7 — Pretensioned Concrete U-beams .......................................................... 3-16
Section 8 — Pretensioned Concrete Slab Beams and Decked Slab Beams .............. 3-18
Section 9 — Pretensioned Concrete Box Beams ...................................................... 3-20
Section 10 — Straight and Curved Plate Girders...................................................... 3-22
Section 11 — Spliced Precast Girders ...................................................................... 3-23
Section 12 — System Redundancy Evaluation for Steel Twin Tub Girders ............ 3-24
Chapter 4 Substructure Design Guidelines ........................................................................ 4-1
Section 1 — Overview ................................................................................................ 4-2
Section 2 — General Recommendations .................................................................... 4-3
Section 3 — Foundations ............................................................................................ 4-4
Section 4 — Abutments .............................................................................................. 4-5
Section 5 — Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Caps ................................................. 4-6
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps .............................................. 4-10
Section 7 — Steel Bent Caps .................................................................................... 4-16
Section 8 — Substructure Phasing Guidance............................................................ 4-17
Section 9 — Lateral Restraint for Bridge Superstructures........................................ 4-19
Section 10 — Columns for Multi-Column Bents ..................................................... 4-21
Section 11 — Columns for Single Column Bents .................................................... 4-23
Chapter 5 Other Design Guidance ...................................................................................... 5-1
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 1 — Bridge Widening Guidance .................................................................... 5-2
Section 2 — Steel-Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings .............................................. 5-13
Section 3 — Approach Slabs .................................................................................... 5-14
Section 4 — Strut-and-Tie Method ........................................................................... 5-17
Section 5 — Expansion Joints................................................................................... 5-18
Section 6 — Bridge Width Considerations ............................................................... 5-21
Chapter 6 Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................. 6-1
Section 1 — Overview ................................................................................................ 6-2
Section 2 — FAQ’s ..................................................................................................... 6-3
Appendix A Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder Haunch Design Guide ........................... A-1
Section 1 — Components of Haunch ......................................................................... A-2
Section 2 — Minimum and Maximum Haunch Values ............................................. A-5
Section 3 — Steps to Calculate Haunch .................................................................... A-6
Section 4 — Vertical Curve Effects on Haunch ...................................................... A-10
Section 5 — Superelevation Transition Effects on Haunch..................................... A-12
Section 6 — Example Tx-Girder Haunch Calculations ........................................... A-15
Appendix B Pretensioned Concrete U-Beam Design Guide .............................................B-1
Section 1 — Bearing Pad Taper Calculations for U-beams ........................................B-2
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U-beams .........................................................B-6
Section 3 — Beam Framing ......................................................................................B-16
Section 4 — Restraining Superstructure Lateral Movement ....................................B-17
Appendix C Steel Twin Tub Girder System Redundancy Simplified Method Guide ... C-1
Section 1 — Overview ................................................................................................C-2
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline ...................................................C-3
Section 3 — Redundancy Evaluation .......................................................................C-16
Section 4 — References ............................................................................................C-17
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 1
About this Guide
Section 1 — Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 1 About this Guide
Section 1 – Introduction
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 1 Introduction
This document presents guidelines for designing bridges in Texas. This document should
be used in companion with the policies stated in the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual -
The main objectives of this document are to:
Serve as a resource for engineers designing bridges for TxDOT.
Provide guidelines specific to TxDOT policies, details, and design assumptions.
Updates to this guide are summarized in the following table.
Summary of Changes
2018-1 August 2018 New guide published.
2020-1 January 2020 Chapter 3: Additional Section 12, System Redundancy
Evaluation for Steel Twin Tub Girders added to guide.
Appendix C, Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide, added.
2022-1 March 2022 Revised for updates to the TxDOT Bridge Design
Manual LRFD due to the issuance of the AASTHO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 9th Ed. Added a
table of contents. Chapter 1 was updated to include a
list of references used throughout the guide. Chapter 3,
Section 1 updated the beam guidance and added
guidance on vertical clearance and PCPs. Sections 8
and 9 were updated with additional geometric
information. The guidance on inverted tees in Chapter
4, Section 5 was updated. Additional guidance was
added to Chapter 5, Section 1 on widenings. Joint
guidance was added into Chapter 5, Section 5.
Additional FAQs were added to Chapter 6, Section 2.
Chapter 1 About this Guide
Section 1 – Introduction
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
2023-1 January 2023 Chapter 2 was updated to include guidance on overlay
loads. Chapter 4 was updated to include information on
precast abutments, bent caps, and inverted tee caps.
Chapter 5 was updated to include bridge width
Chapter 1 About this Guide
Section 1 – Introduction
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
The information in this Guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, About this Guide
Chapter 2, Load and Resistance Factor Design
Chapter 3, Superstructure Design Guidelines
Chapter 4, Substructure Design Guidelines
Chapter 5, Other Design Guidance
Chapter 6, Frequently Asked Questions
Appendix A, Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder Haunch Design Guide
Appendix B, Pretensioned Concrete U-beam Design Guide
Appendix C, Steel Twin Tub Girder System Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
For TxDOT policy on designing bridges, please refer to the TxDOT Bridge Design
Manual - LRFD. Please direct any questions on the content of this document to the
Bridge Design Section Director, Bridge Division, Texas Department of Transportation.
Bracketed <references> reference relevant sections of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, edition specified in the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual - LRFD.
Links to External documents:
Bent (Pier) Protection Guide. Texas Department of Transportation.
Bridge Design Manual-LRFD. Texas Department of Transportation.
Bridge Detailing Guide. Texas Department of Transportation.
BridgeLink PGSuper Design Guide. Texas Department of Transportation.
Guidelines to Design for Constructability and Fabrication (G12.1-2020). American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and National Steel
Bridge Alliance.
Chapter 1 About this Guide
Section 1 – Introduction
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Preferred Practices for Steel Bridge Design, Fabrication, and Erection. Texas
Department of Transportation, and Texas Steel Quality Council.
Roadway Design Manual. Texas Department of Transportation.
Links to websites:
Bridge Publications website. Texas Department of Transportation.
Live Load Deflection Spreadsheets
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Guide
Recommended beams spacings and span lengths
Bridge Standards website. Texas Department of Transportation.
Engineering Software website. Texas Department of Transportation.
Extended Span Precast Girders. Texas Department of Transportation.
Long Span Precast I-Girder Sections
Long Span Precast U-Girder Sections Straight and Curved
Structure Design - Corrosion Protection Guide, Texas Department of Transportation.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 2
Load and Resistance Factor Design
Section 1 — Load Factors .................................................................................................. 2-2
Section 2 — Loads ............................................................................................................. 2-3
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Appendix A Chapter 2 — Load and Resistance
Section 1 –Load Factors
Section 1 Load Factors
Load and Resistance Factor Design
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LFRD) is a methodology that makes use of load
factors and resistance factors based on the known variability of applied loads and
material properties.
Load Factors
TxDOT recommends the following load factors from <Article 3.4.1>:
The engineer may reduce the maximum load factor for wearing surfaces and utilities
<DW in Table 3.4.1-2> to 1.25.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 2 Load and Resistance Factor Design
Section 2 — Loads
Section 2 Loads
Dead Loads
In the past, our web page recommended considering 2” of future overlay in the design.
This recommendation was removed.
Examples of when overlay should be considered in the design include, but not limited to:
bridge widenings where overlay is added to match existing conditions or overlay is
being replaced.
overlay-topped precast elements such as decked-slab beams.
accelerated bridge construction that might utilize overlay to reconcile beam camber
to a finished profile grade or overlay contingency for final profile.
Planned overlays such as polyester polymer concrete (PPC) to be applied before the
bridge is opened as part of a preservation or preventative maintenance plan.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3
Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 1 — General Recommendations ............................................................................ 3-2
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance .................................................................. 3-4
Section 3 — Corrosion Protection Measures .................................................................... 3-10
Section 4 — Concrete Deck Slab on Stringers ................................................................. 3-11
Section 5 — Concrete Deck Slab on U-beams ................................................................. 3-13
Section 6 — Pretensioned Concrete I Girders .................................................................. 3-14
Section 7 — Pretensioned Concrete U-beams .................................................................. 3-16
Section 8 — Pretensioned Concrete Slab Beams and Decked Slab Beams ...................... 3-18
Section 9 — Pretensioned Concrete Box Beams .............................................................. 3-20
Section 10 — Straight and Curved Plate Girders ............................................................. 3-22
Section 11 — Spliced Precast Girders .............................................................................. 3-23
Section 12 — System Redundancy Evaluation for Steel Twin Tub Girders .................... 3-24
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 1 – General Recommendations
Section 1 — General Recommendations
Vertical Clearance
If project circumstances such as construction phasing require temporary vertical clearance
to be less than the recommended vertical clearance, as specified within the Roadway
Design Manual, take the following considerations into the design of the bridge:
Discuss with the TxDOT Project Manager and Area Engineer for the project location
to verify that a reduced temporary vertical clearance is acceptable.
Consider structure types that can better withstand an over-height impact prior to deck
placement, eg. prestressed slab beams, prestressed box beams, U-beams, and
prestressed X beams.
If structure types, eg. prestressed Tx Girders, that are less able to withstand an over-
height impact before deck placement are needed due to geometric restrictions such as
span length, adjust the construction phasing to minimize duration of time that girders
are in place prior to placement of the concrete deck.
Prestressed Concrete Beam and Girder Design
Unless a design exception is granted by the Bridge Division, the maximum allowable
concrete strength (f’
) at time of release of prestressing will be 6.0 ksi. Designers may
request an exception for cases in which they can demonstrate that slightly higher release
strengths will allow for longer spans to keep bents out of channels, a girder line can be
eliminated, or some other discernible benefit.
Previously, TxDOT policy held designs to a firm maximum of 6.0 ksi compressive
strength at time of release of prestressing tension. The TxDOT Standard Specifications
now include provisions for limiting cement content to prevent issues related to Alkali
Silica Reaction (ASR), Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF), autogenous shrinkage, and
other problems related to high cement content. With that, TxDOT will consider proposed
higher release strengths on a case-by-case basis. While each case will be considered,
designers should generally aim for 6.0 ksi maximum release strength in order to prevent
negative impact to the precast fabrication production rates.
Prestressed Concrete Panels
TxDOT has standard detail sheets for prestressed concrete panels (PCP) on prestressed
concrete beams and structural steel beams. These details can be viewed on the Bridge
Standards website. PCP designs are highly standardized and follow the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications.
The panels support the slab dead load. The composite PCP/CIP slab cross section resists
slab live load moments. Distribution reinforcing is not required.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 1 – General Recommendations
Strands are located at mid-depth in a 4-inch thick panel. When 5-inch panels are needed
consider locating strands at 2-inches above the bottom. This makes panel construction
simpler for the fabricators.
PCPs are reinforced with -inch or ½-inch diameter Grade 270 strands at 6 inches on
center. Regardless of size, the strand is stressed to 14.4 kips and an assumed total loss of
25 ksi is used for design. These limits are set to reduce the cracking of the panels. The
panels are generally not wide enough to develop larger strand, so the design is based on
the amount that can be developed rather than full development.
For short panels, usually 5 feet or less, #4 Grade 60 reinforcing steel can be substituted
for the strands. Reinforcing steel instead of prestressing strands is required in panels
shorter than 3.5 feet to prevent splitting.
The panel width (span) can be adjusted in each panel to accommodate flaring beams but
this requires diligence on the contractor’s part to ensure that the panels are set in the
correct location.
TxDOT does prohibit the use of PCPs for certain applications:
Curved steel girder bridges. TxDOT prefers a monolithic deck on these units because
of the complicated interaction between the deck, the curved girders, and the
diaphragms. PCP fabricators can fabricate a pie-shaped panel for use on curved
girders, but TxDOT has elected not to use them for this application.
Bridge widenings. PCPs are not typically allowed in the bay adjacent to the existing
structure because it is usually not possible to set the panels properly on the existing
structure. PCPs can be used in the other bays when the widening involves multiple
Steel girders with narrow flanges. Girders with flanges less than 12 inches wide make
PCP use difficult because the shear studs conflict with the panels. Standard details
allow shear studs to be skewed across the flange width to facilitate the use of PCPs
where sufficient flange width is available
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 2 Superstructure Phasing Guidance
Phased Construction Recommendations
Do not use span standard detail sheets for phased structures. In other words, for a 38-ft.
roadway phased bridge, the 38-ft. roadway standards are not applicable and cannot be
Geometric Constraints
When selecting a location for the phase line, consider the following items:
Traffic needs and the placement of any temporary barriers. If the clear distance
between the back of the barrier and the edge of the slab is less than 2 feet, pin the
barrier to the deck. If possible, allow a 2-ft. buffer when placing the temporary
barrier on new bridge deck to avoid the need for installing pins in the new bridge
When building next to an existing structure (such as for phased replacements),
provide enough space between the existing structure and the new construction to
accommodate the following: splicing of the deck reinforcement; the portion of the
beam that extends beyond the edge of slab; the portion of bent or abutment that
extends past the beam edge; any reinforcing of the bent or abutment that extends into
the next phase; and form work.
For TxGirders, place the phase line as shown in Figure 3-1. Other considerations as
Do not place a phase line in the middle or at the edge of a precast panel as shown
in Figure 3-6.
Do not place the phase line closer than 10 inches from the beam edge, to allow
for the use of precast panels in the future phase.
Place the phase line a minimum of 4 inches past the centerline of the girder, so
that the horizontal interface reinforcement is cast into the initial construction
phase of the slab.
Alternately, consider placing the phase line between two beams. Treat the slab
between the beam and the phase line as an overhang. Do not allow the use of
panels in this bay.
For adjacent slab or box beam superstructures, place the phase line at the edge of the
beam, as shown in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3. Do not place a phase line within the
top flange of a Slab Beam or adjacent Box Beam as shown in Figure 3-7.
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
For U-beam and X-Beams, place the phase line as shown in Figure 3-4 and
Figure 3-5. Other considerations as follows:
Place the phase line along the top flange of the beam. If the phase line is located
along the top flange of the beam, the majority of the beam will be under the
initial phase of construction.
Do not place the phase line closer than 6 ½ inches from the beam edge for U-
beams and 10 inches for X-Beams, to allow for the use of precast panels in the
future phase.
Alternately, consider placing the phase line between two beams. Treat the slab
between the beam and the phase line as an overhang. Do not allow the use of
panels in this bay.
If a full depth open longitudinal joint is used at the phase line, the bridge is
considered two structures and should have two NBI numbers.
Phased superstructures may require a different beam spacing for each phase and for
the beams near the phase line.
Load rating of the existing structure is required if the phasing scheme removes
portions of the existing structure. Acceptable load rating limits for phased
construction of existing structures should be discussed with the District where the
work is performed.
Figure 3-1: Phasing for TxGirders
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure 3-2: Phasing for Slab Beams
Figure 3-3: Phasing for Adjacent Box Beams
Figure 3-4: Phasing for U-beams
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure 3-5: Phasing for X-Beams
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure 3-6: Incorrect Phase Joint Location Examples
Figure 3-7: Incorrect Phase Joint Location Examples
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 2 — Superstructure Phasing Guidance
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Structural Analysis
When designing the beams, consider all temporary loading such as temporary rails as
permanent loads for that phase. Design beams so that they meet all requirements for all
phases of construction.
The beam located under the phase line will have less dead load deflection than the other
beams constructed at the same time. This beam will not deflect additionally when the
remainder of the slab is cast, due to the added stiffness of the cured slab. When
calculating haunch for the beam along the phase line, use the dead load deflection from
the initial slab weight. Do not use the full dead load deflection due to the full slab weight
(initial and final).
Consider lowering the bearing seat elevations of later phases to account for the potential
for higher than predicted cambers. There is no way to adjust the roadway grade in
subsequent phases to accommodate high camber girders.
It is recommended to use BridgeLink (PGSuper) for beam design. Model phasing in
PGSuper by using separate files for each phase and the completed structure. Refer to
PGSuper Design Guide for further guidance about using PGSuper for beam design.
PGSuper calculates live load distribution factors. Alternatively, use the spreadsheets on
the Bridge Publications website to calculate live load distribution factors and manually
input them into PGSuper. BridgeLink (PGSuper) can be downloaded from the
Engineering Software website.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 3 – Corrosion Protection
Section 3 Corrosion Protection Measures
For corrosion protection information, refer to Structure Design - Corrosion Protection
Guide. This web page includes information on the following:
High Performance Concrete (HPC)
Corrosion Resistant Reinforcing
Increased concrete clear cover
Air entrainment
Corrosion inhibiting admixtures
Bridge deck overlays
Limiting the use of open bridge rails
Crack control in structural design
Shrinkage control in bridge decks
Other protection measures
Information on District specific requirements
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 4 — Concrete Deck Slab on Stringers
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 4 Concrete Deck Slab on Stringers
See Corrosion Protection Measures in Section 3 for special considerations.
Geometric Constraints
Deck slabs less than 8.5 in. thick are not recommended with TxDOT's standard
prestressed concrete panels because they are not as durable or as constructible, and they
do not provide enough practical room above a 4-in. panel. An 8.5 in. thick deck provides
added durability and allows for grinding if the roadway grade is off.
Design Criteria
TxDOT’s slabs, on beams and girders, are based on empirical deck design, also known as
isotropic deck design. This decision was based on various research projects;
collaboration with construction and maintenance experts; and past performance. For
more information on TxDOT’s policy on empirical deck design refer to the TxDOT
Bridge Design Manual – LRFD.
For continuous beams (ie. steel plate girders and concrete spliced girders), there is a
requirement to provide at least one percent longitudinal reinforcement in order to control
cracking in negative moment regions. This one percent is based on the cast-in-place
portion of the deck, for example, for 4.5” cast in place deck over a 4” panel would be
designed for one percent of the 4.5” depth and for a full depth, 8.5” deck would be
designed for one percent of the 8.5” depth.
For an 8.5” concrete deck, the one percent requirement can be achieved for both the full
depth cast in place deck and the partial depth cast in place over panels by providing
additional No. 5 longitudinal bars spaced at 9” maximum located between the No. 4
longitudinal bars at 9” maximum spacing.
No software is needed for the majority of deck slabs. For special cases software programs
may be needed.
To account for reduced wheel load distribution at transverse slab edges, strengthen the
slab by increasing its depth, as shown on the Thickened Slab End Details standard
The standard deck slab corner breakback dimension is 2 ft. when skew is more than
15 degrees. The corner break point must occur at least 1 in. and preferably 3 in. from the
toe of any concrete parapet into which an expansion joint is upturned.
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 4 — Concrete Deck Slab on Stringers
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
With simple-span construction, minimize expansion joints by creating multi-span units
with the slab continuous over interior bents. At bents without expansion joints, locate a
control joint or construction joint in the deck. However, if a short span is placed at the
end of multi-span unit, verify that slipping of the bearing pads will not occur. Also, the
engineer should verify that the standard bearings do not exceed their design limits when
units are comprised of more than 3 spans. See I-Girder Continuous Slab (IGCS) standard
for unit limitations for use with the standards.
Additional longitudinal reinforcing steel is required for continuous steel girders
<Article>. Adding one #5 bar in the top slab between each longitudinal bar
usually meets this requirement.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 5 Concrete Deck Slab on U-beams
Section 5 Concrete Deck Slab on U-beams
See Corrosion Protection Measures in Section 3 for special considerations.
Geometric Constraints
Consider using a normal overhang when conditions make the sloped overhang unsightly
or difficult and expensive to construct. For the sloped overhang, the slope of the bottom
face of the overhang may vary significantly when used with curved slab edges primarily
because of the overhang distance varies along the length of the exterior U-beam.
On a straight bridge slab edge, however, the slope of the bottom face of the overhang
varies only because of the vertical curvature of the roadway surface and the camber and
dead load deflection of the exterior U-beam, thereby creating a more pleasing
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Pretensioned Concrete I Girders
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 6 Pretensioned Concrete I Girders
Design Criteria
For grade separation structures, use the same girder depth for the full length of structure
for economies of scale and aesthetic reasons. Stream crossing structures may have
different types and sizes of girders for purposes of economy. Optimize girder spacing in
each span. Maintaining constant girder spacing for the full length of structure is not
Selection of the proper type of girder for a span is a matter of economics; calculate
relative costs using current average bid prices for girders and slab.
Use relative humidity of 60% regardless of the location of the bridge. The reason for this
is that 60% is about an average relative humidity for Texas and is consistent with designs
shown on standard drawings. In addition, the beams could be cast at a location with a
different humidity than the bridge location.
For bridges with multiple spans, it is more economical to group beam designs. This
allows the fabricator to limit the number of different types of beams to fabricate. Beams
should also be grouped across various bridges in the same project. For grouping beams,
TxDOT recommends grouping beams where there is a difference of 4 strands or less.
Provide a unique beam design where there is a difference of 6 strands or more.
There are physical limits on the total prestress force a fabricator’s production lines can
handle and too many strands can overwhelm the mild reinforcement meant to control
bursting and spalling cracks in the girder end regions. The software might indicate a
design works, but the design can very well be impractical or impossible to construct. For
TX girders, restrict the number of strands in girders as follows:
TX28 thru TX40, 44 – 0.6” strands
TX46 thru TX70, 54 – 0.6” strands
If this strand limit needs to be exceeded, contact Bridge Division to discuss alternatives. If
more strands are decided on then the girders ends need to be designed for splitting
resistance <Article>. Consider flaring as few beams as necessary when framing
a flared span to avoid fabricating several geometrically different precast deck panels.
It is recommended to use BridgeLink (PGSuper) for beam design. Refer to PGSuper
Design Guide for further guidance about using PGSuper for beam design. PGSuper
calculates live load distribution factors. Alternatively, use the spreadsheets on the Bridge
Publications website to calculate live load distribution factors and manually input them
into PGSuper. BridgeLink (PGSuper) can be downloaded from the Engineering Software
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Pretensioned Concrete I Girders
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
For each design, show optional design parameters for maximum top flange stress, bottom
flange stress, and ultimate moment due to all design loads on the plans. The fabricator has
the option to use other strand arrangements if design parameters are satisfied by the
prestress and concrete strength selected.
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 7 — Pretensioned Concrete U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 7 Pretensioned Concrete U-beams
Geometric Constraints
U-beams are not vertical but are rotated to accommodate the average cross slope of a
given span. As a result, the depth of slab haunch at the left and right top edges of the
beam may differ. Pay special attention to these beams in calculating the haunch values.
Left and right bearing seat elevations are located at the intersection of the edges of
bearing seats with centerline bearings. When calculating these elevations for each bearing
seat, be careful to apply the appropriate deduction at that elevation point - that is, the
minimum deduction at the correct elevation point and the maximum deduction at the
other elevation point. Typically, the minimum deduction and maximum deduction are
each applied at diagonally opposite corners of a beam in plan view. See
Pretensioned Concrete U-Beam Design Guide for information on calculating U-beam
slab haunches. The information is tailored for use with Bridge Geometry System (BGS),
but the principles behind the method remain the same.
One method for framing U-beam centerlines is at the top of the beam. This prevents
spacing at the top of the beam from varying due to the cross slope of the beam and, thus,
simplifies slab formwork dimensions for construction.
The alternate method for framing U-beam centerlines is at the bottom of the beam. This
method allows the U-beams to be framed as vertical members whereby the beam spacings
dimensioned on the span details and beam layouts match the beam spacings shown on the
substructure details. However, if this method is used, call attention to the variable beam
spacing at the top of the beam in the plans. A construction note is recommended on the
span details stating, "Beam spacing shown is measured at bottom of beam. Beam spacing
at top of beam may vary due to cross slope of U-beams."
TxDOT's Bridge Division currently uses the Bridge Geometry System (BGS) software
program to frame U-beams. The latest version of BGS frames U-beams using the alternate
method. The BGS manual includes information on three framing options written
specifically for U-beams: Options 20, 21, and 22. These framing options help the designer
calculate accurate slab haunch values, bearing seat elevations, and bearing pad
taper reports for U-beams under the alternate method.
Use the same minimum haunch value for all U-beams in a given span if reasonable to do
Provide at least 3 in. from the end of the cap or corbel to the edge of the bearing seat.
It is recommended to use BridgeLink (PGSuper) for beam design. Refer to PGSuper
Design Guide for further guidance about using PGSuper for beam design. PGSuper
calculates live load distribution factors. Alternatively, use the spreadsheets on the Bridge
Publications website to calculate live load distribution factors and manually input them into
PGSuper. BridgeLink (PGSuper) can be downloaded from the Engineering Software
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 7 — Pretensioned Concrete U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Detail span sheets for a cast-in-place slab with prestressed concrete panels. A full-depth
cast-in-place deck with permanent metal deck forms may be provided at the contractor's
Use thickened slab ends at all expansion joints with non-inverted tee bents. See the
Miscellaneous Slab Details standard drawing for details of thickened slab ends.
Do not show a detailed bill of reinforcing steel on production drawings. Instead, show a
table of bar designations with sizes used in the slab as is currently done with TxGirder
If inverted-tee caps are used and are sloped to match the sloping face of the U-beam, use a
4:1 slope normal to the centerline of the bent.
Use slab dowels to provide lateral restraint when constructing U-beams with inverted-tee
bents. These dowels are located at the top of the inverted-tee stem and are in a slotted pipe
to allow for expansion and contraction of the unit. Typically, only one dowel is placed at
the centerline of every beam. Slab dowels need to be placed on only one side of the
centerline of the bent.
A left and right bearing seat elevation is given for each U-beam bearing seat location.
Bearing seats for U-beams are level perpendicular to the centerline of the bent but slope
uniformly between the left and right bearing seat elevations. This allows the bearing pads
to taper in one direction.
Include a Bearing Pad Taper Report sheet in the plans summarizing bearing pad tapers to
be used by the fabricator. See
Pretensioned Concrete U-Beam Design Guide, for information on the calculation of
bearing pad tapers for U-beams.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Chapter 8 Pretensioned Concrete Slab
Beams and Decked Slab Beams
Section 8 Pretensioned Concrete Slab
Beams and Decked Slab Beams
Geometric Constraints
A three-pad system is currently used with slab beams and decked slab beams. Typically,
the forward station end of the beam sits on a single elastomeric bearing pad while the back
station end sits on two smaller pads.
Limit skew to 30 degrees. The standard beam details do not accommodate skews larger
than 30 degrees. Larger skews may result in beam twist and uneven bearing on the pads.
The requirement to bevel the bearing pads to match the beam slope on the Elastomeric
Bearing Details sheet will not result in parallel pad and beam surfaces for skewed bridges.
The actual calculations and fabrication of pads for each particular skewed case is complex.
Given the small area of the pads, experience with slab beams and the nearly parallel
surfaces, the pads should be able to deform sufficiently to accommodate the mismatches.
When both a vertical curve and skew exist, a complex planar relationship develops
between the skewed bottom of the slab beam, bearing pad, and bent or abutment cap: a
stepped bearing seat arrangement on the caps may be required.
Except for the T411 and C411 railings, no adjustment is needed to individual reinforcing
bars embedded into the slab beam to account for the effects of vertical curve. The vertical
curve requires the slab to be thicker either at the ends of the beam or at midspan.
Theoretically, each embedded bar should protrude from the beam a different amount.
However, in the most extreme case (VC length = 600 ft., tangent slopes = -5%, 5%, and
span length = 50 ft.), the maximum variation of the profile grade line from a straight line
drawn between top of slab at adjacent bents is only in. This is not significant enough to
warrant complicating the detailing, fabrication, and installation of the railing reinforcing.
Design Criteria
Avoid slab overhangs on slab beams. Choose beams and gap sizes so that the edge of the
slab corresponds to the edge of the top flange of the exterior beams.
Slab beams and decked slab beams are not appropriate for use on curved structures and
should be avoided on flared structures. The complexity of the geometry required to frame
the bridge increases dramatically as the degree of curvature exceeds 1 or 2 degrees.
When two or more different widths are needed, use the largest width as exterior beams.
Do not use dowels for lateral restraint. Provide lateral restraint by ear walls located at the
ends of each abutment and interior bent cap. Provide a ½-in. gap between the ear wall and
the outside edge of the exterior beam.
Bearing seats are not used with slab beams and decked slab beams. The pads sit directly on
top of the cap. Provide top-of-cap elevations at the points coinciding with the outer edge of
the exterior beams at the centerline of bearing. Also provide elevations at any intermediate
points along the cap, at the centerline of bearing, where either a change in cap slope or
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Chapter 8 Pretensioned Concrete Slab
Beams and Decked Slab Beams
change in cap elevation occurs.
Slab beams and decked slab beams are not vertical but either parallel the roadway surface
when the cross slope is constant or are rotated to the average cross slope of a span in a
transition area. Because there are no bearing seat build-ups, the top of the cap must be
sloped to match the rotation of the beams.
Provide a minimum of three elevation points for unskewed spans with an even number of
slab beams and a constant housetop profile: one at the outside edge of each of the exterior
beams and a third point at the center of the middle joint. Provide four elevation points for
spans with an odd number of beams: one at the outside edge of each exterior beam and one
at the center of each joint on either side of the middle beam.
Framing is complicated in cross-slope transition areas and skewed bridges. Orient the
beams to minimize the variation in slab thickness both longitudinally and transversely
along the span. This may require stepping the cap at some joints so that adjacent beams not
only have a different slope but also sit at a different elevation. Elevation points may be
required as often as every joint in some situations. The forward half of an interior bent cap
may have a different elevation than the back half at some locations.
It is recommended to use BridgeLink (PGSuper)for beam design. Refer to PGSuper Design
Guide for further guidance about using PGSuper for beam design. PGSuper calculates live
load distribution factors. Alternatively, use the spreadsheets on the Bridge Publications
website to calculate live load distribution factors and manually input them into PGSuper.
BridgeLink (PGSuper) can be downloaded from the Engineering Software website.
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 9 — Pretensioned Concrete Box Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 9 Pretensioned Concrete Box Beams
Geometric Constraints
A three-pad system is currently used with box beams. Typically, the forward station end
of the beam sits on a single elastomeric bearing pad while the back station end sits on two
smaller pads.
Box beams are fabricated using a two-stage monolithic casting. The bottom slab is cast in
the first stage, and the sides and top are cast in the second stage while the slab concrete is
still plastic. In addition, cardboard void forms are no longer permitted. All interior voids
must be formed with polystyrene. Void drain holes are installed at the corners of the
bottom slab during fabrication.
The requirement to bevel the bearing pads to match the beam slope on the Elastomeric
Bearing Details sheet will not result in parallel pad and beam surfaces for skewed
bridges. The actual calculations and fabrication of pads for each particular skewed case is
complex. Given the small area of the pads, experience with box beams and the nearly
parallel surfaces, the pads should be able to deform sufficiently to accommodate the
When both a vertical curve and skew exist, a complex planar relationship develops
between the skewed bottom of the box beam, bearing pad, and bent or abutment cap: a
stepped bearing seat arrangement on the caps may be required.
Except for the T411 and C411 railings, no adjustment is needed to individual reinforcing
bars embedded into the box beam to account for the effects of vertical curve. The vertical
curve requires the slab to be thicker either at the ends of the beam or at midspan.
Theoretically, each embedded bar should protrude from the beam a different amount.
This is not significant enough to warrant complicating the detailing, fabrication, and
installation of the railing reinforcing.
Design Criteria
Use a cast-in-place reinforced concrete slab rather than an ACP overlay on box beam
bridges. The slab should have a 5-in. minimum thickness, typically at the center of the
span (or at center of bearing in situations such as sag vertical curves).
Avoid slab overhangs. Choose box beams and gap sizes so that the edge of the slab
corresponds to the edge of the top flange of the exterior beams.
Box beams are not appropriate for use on curved structures and should be avoided on
flared structures. The complexity of the geometry required to frame the bridge increases
dramatically as the degree of curvature exceeds 1 or 2 degrees.
Use 5-ft. boxes as exterior beams when the roadway width requires a combination of both
4-ft. and 5-ft. boxes.
Do not use dowels for lateral restraint. Provide lateral restraint by ear walls located at the
ends of each abutment and interior bent cap. Provide a ½-in. gap between the ear wall
and the outside edge of the exterior beam.
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 9 — Pretensioned Concrete Box Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Bearing seats are not used with box beams. The pads sit directly on top of the cap.
Provide top-of-cap elevations at the points coinciding with the outer edge of the exterior
boxes at the centerline of bearing. Also provide elevations at any intermediate points
along the cap, at the centerline of bearing, where either a change in cap slope or change
in cap elevation occurs.
Box beams are not vertical but either parallel the roadway surface when the cross slope is
constant or are rotated to the average cross slope of a span in a transition area. Because
there are no bearing seat build-ups, the top of the cap must be sloped to match the rotation
of the beams.
Provide a minimum of three elevation points for unskewed spans with an even number of
box beams and a constant housetop profile: one at the outside edge of each of the exterior
beams and a third point at the center of the middle joint. Provide four elevation points for
spans with an odd number of beams: one at the outside edge of each exterior beam and
one at the center of each joint on either side of the middle beam.
Framing is complicated in cross-slope transition areas and skewed bridges. Orient the
beams to minimize the variation in slab thickness both longitudinally and transversely
along the span. This may require stepping the cap at some joints so that adjacent beams
not only have a different slope but also sit at a different elevation. Elevation points may
be required as often as every joint in some situations. The forward half of an interior bent
cap may have a different elevation than the back half at some locations.
It is recommended to use BridgeLink (PGSuper)for beam design. Refer to PGSuper
Design Guide for further guidance about using PGSuper for beam design. PGSuper
calculates live load distribution factors. Alternatively, use the spreadsheets on the Bridge
Publications website to calculate live load distribution factors and manually input them
into PGSuper. BridgeLink (PGSuper) can be downloaded from the Engineering
Software website.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 Superstructure Design Guidelines
Section 10 –Straight and Curved Plate
Section 10 Straight and Curved Plate Girders
TxDOT Preferred Practices for Steel Bridge Design, Construction, and Fabrication,
TxDOT November 2021.
G12.1-2020 Guidelines to Design for Constructability and Fabrication, American
Association of Highway Officials (AASHTO) and National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA)
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guideline Section 11Spliced Precast Girders
Section 11 Spliced Precast Girders
Structural Analysis
Bridge Division suggests using the section properties given on the Extended Span Precast
Girders website:
I-Section: The top flange thickness can be increased up to 2 inches to accommodate
more prestressing strand in the top flange.
U-Section: Web width of these sections may be varied to optimize the sections in
meeting design requirements.
Design Criteria
A calculated positive (upward) camber is desired after application of all permanent (dead)
loads for segments resisting positive flexural moment. This may not be possible for all
roadway geometries.
Section 12System Redundancy Evaluation for
Steel Twin Tub Girders
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 12 System Redundancy Evaluation for Steel Twin Tub Girders
The TxDOT Bridge Design Manual-LRFD, Chapter 3, Section 17 presents a LRFD based
methodology to design spans with two tub girders in cross section such that the span will
not collapse after the fracture of one of the girders. The probability of such a fracture for
tub girders designed for infinite fatigue life is considered exceedingly small in
comparison to the bridge’s design life. Therefore, the method addresses the design of a
simulated fracture with the extreme event limit state. The methodology establishes a
simplified method for evaluating system redundancy in two tub girder span bridges and
was developed on the basis of behavior observed during a series of full-scale tests
(Barnard et al., 2010).
For the simplified analysis to be permitted, certain established conditions and detailing
requirements must be met. If these conditions and requirements are met, the simplified
method specifies the entire self-weight of the span under consideration and the entire live-
load is carried by the intact girder after the assumed fracture event. The bottom flange in
tension and the webs attached to that flange of the fractured girder are assumed to be fully
fractured at the location of the maximum factored tensile stress in the bottom flange
determined using Strength I load combination. The bridge deck is a vital link in the
transfer of load from the fractured girder to the intact girder and the shear studs
connecting the deck to the fractured girder must have sufficient tension capacity and the
deck must have adequate shear and moment capacity.
In some cases, the results obtained from the simplified method may not provide the level
of detail necessary to design for the redundancy of twin tub girder bridges. Hence, it may
be necessary to carry out a refined structural analysis to account for the capacity of the
intact girder as well as portions of the fractured girder that can still provide structural
resistance, such as interior support locations.
Design Criteria
The 1.10 live load factor in Extreme Event III limit state in the TxDOT Bridge Design
Manual-LRFD, Chapter 2 Section 1, is considered appropriate for determination of
system redundancy as specified in Chapter 3 Section 17, in consideration of the very low
probability of fracture of one steel tub girder in a twin tub-girder superstructure cross-
section which has been designed for infinite fatigue life.
It is considered appropriate when evaluating system redundancy for the Extreme Event III
limit state, as specified in TxDOT Bridge Design Manual-LRFD Chapter 3 Section 17, to
restrict the number and width of design lane(s) to the actual number and width of striped
traffic lane(s) on the bridge. If a future lane configuration is known at the time of design,
the future lane configuration should also be considered when evaluating system
redundancy. It is considered overly conservative to place additional live load in a striped
shoulder to represent a parked or disabled vehicle when evaluating system redundancy.
Section 12System Redundancy Evaluation for
Steel Twin Tub Girders
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
The criteria for a refined analysis used to demonstrate the presence of redundancy in the
structure have not yet been codified in AASHTO. Chapter 3, Section 17 in the TxDOT
Bridge Design Manual-LRFD provides a method to evaluate the system redundancy in
spans of twin tub-girder cross-sections to allow for the designation of the bottom tension
flanges and webs attached to those flanges in the span under consideration as Structurally
Redundant Members (SRMs)) rather than Nonredundant Tension Steel Members
(NSTMs), previously known as Fracture Critical Members (FCMs). Modeling the
Response of Fracture Critical Steel Box-Girder Bridges, Barnard et al., Research Report
5498-1, 2010, demonstrated that spans with twin tub-girder cross-sections can possess
adequate system redundancy to prevent collapse and carry a substantial live load in excess
of HL-93. To evaluate the system redundancy for twin tub girders for the extreme event
limit state, therefore, the loading cases to be studied, location of potential cracks, degree
to which dynamic effects associated with a fracture are included in the analysis, and
fineness of models and choice of element type structural analysis approach should all be
agreed upon by TxDOT and the Engineer. The ability of a particular software product to
adequately capture the complexity of the analysis should also be considered and the
choice of software should be mutually agreed upon by TxDOT and the Engineer. Relief
from the full factored loads associated with the Strength I Load Combination of
appropriate load factors associated with Extreme Event III from the modified Table 3.4.1-
1 in Chapter 2 Section 1 in the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual-LRFD should be
considered, as should the number of, loaded width, and location of the design lanes versus
the number of striped traffic lanes to be loaded.
One of the most accurate ways to assess the redundancy of complex systems, such as twin
tub-girder systems, is through finite-element modeling (Samaras et al., 2012). Such
models, however, require a substantial amount of time to develop and analyze. A
simplified method for evaluating the system redundancy in spans of twin tub-girder
bridges was developed on the basis of behavior observed during a series of full-scale tests.
Simplified Method:
Barnard et al. (2010) present a simplified method for analyzing twin tub girder bridges in
the event of a fracture and which is permitted in Chapter 3 Section 17 of the TxDOT
Bridge Design Manual-LRFD for spans meeting a list of conditions. Appendix C:
Steel Twin Tub Girder System Redundancy Simplified Method Guide presents guidance
for performing the simplified method. For the simplified method redundancy evaluation,
the bridge under consideration needs to satisfy three conditions:
1. Intact girder has adequate shear and moment capacity
2. Deck has adequate shear capacity
3. Shear studs have adequate tension capacity.
If the twin tub girder bridge satisfies the first two conditions: 1) the intact girder having
adequate shear and moment capacity and 2) adequate shear capacity of the deck; but
doesn’t satisfy 3) the condition of adequate tension capacity in the shear studs, then a
more refined analysis can be used to evaluate the ability of the deck to transmit load to the
intact girder without the shear studs connecting the deck to the fractured girder.
Section 12System Redundancy Evaluation for
Steel Twin Tub Girders
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Also, if a bridge meeting these conditions does not satisfy the strength checks using the
results from the simplified analysis method, either the designer can revise their design to
satisfy the strength requirements or a three-dimensional finite element model can be
developed to provide a more accurate estimate of the bridge performance in the event of
fracture. Finite element modeling techniques for assessing system redundancy are also
described in Barnard et al. (2010).
Live Load Truck Position:
Consistent with the experimental testing program described in Barnard et al. (2010), it is
specified in Chapter 3 Section 17 of the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual-LRFD that
evaluations of bridge redundancy be performed for the case in which the truck or tandem
portion of the HL-93 live load is positioned on the bridge deck in the striped traffic lane
or lanes above the presumed fracture location so as to cause the most severe internal
stresses to develop in the assumed intact girder. Thus, on an in-service bridge, this worst-
case scenario would occur when the design truck was passing across the bridge at the
location that induced the maximum internal bending moment at the same instant that a
fracture event occurred at that same point.
The flexural resistance of the intact girder in regions of positive and negative flexure
needs to be checked after the assumed fracture event to ensure that the girder can sustain
the load transferred from the fractured girder in conjunction with the self-weight of the
intact composite girder.
The shear in the intact girder due to the torsion and vertical loads transferred from
fractured girder should be included in the strength check. Results from the test program
described in Barnard et al. (2010) on the full-scale test bridge indicated that the torsion
introduced into the intact girder was nearly symmetrical, indicating that the torque was
resisted equally at each end of the intact girder. Therefore, for simplicity, it was assumed
that the intact girder had symmetrical torsional boundary conditions so that each end
resisted one-half of the total applied torque. For the simplified method, boundary
conditions would be idealized or approximated, so the research recommends symmetrical
torsional boundary conditions. Due to the fracture location or other mitigating factors, this
simplification may not be appropriate in all cases, and an engineer may have to
approximate the boundary conditions for torsion or complete a more detailed analysis.
The research presents equations for calculating torques for dead and live load. These
equations were used to calculate the torques on the experimental tested bridge and
compared them with torques computed using strain gauge data. The results showed that
the proposed simplified method to compute the applied torque is conservative because it
overestimated the applied torque. Furthermore, it is assumed that the live load and dead
load is uniformly distributed.
Section 12System Redundancy Evaluation for
Steel Twin Tub Girders
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
The radius of curvature must be taken into account for the intact tub girder. A decrease in
the radius of curvature increases the torsion on the bridge, which must be resisted by the
intact girder in the event of a fracture of a critical tension flange. Under such conditions,
the eccentricity should not be taken as the radial distance between the centerlines of the
girders and the loads; it should be computed as the distance from the center of gravity of
the loads to the line of the intact girder interior supports. The center of gravity for non-
prismatic girders can be determined by using equations developed by Stith et al. (2010),
modified for the case of tub girders.
This applied torque is resisted by a couple generated by the bearings of the two girders
(i.e., bearing reactions). The reaction at the bearing of the fractured girder is equal to the
torque applied to the intact girder divided by the distance between the bearings of the two
girders. If two bearings per girder are used, the torque applied to the intact girder could be
distributed to its two bearings.
Bridge Deck:
The bridge deck is a vital link in the transfer of load from the fractured girder to the intact
girder. In lieu of using the provisions of <> to design the shear connectors, the
method suggested in Barnard et al. (2010) is considered to be an acceptable alternative.
External Diaphragms
External intermediate diaphragms or cross-frames can help in some instances to obtain a
reasonably uniform concrete deck thickness during the deck placement by controlling the
box-girder twist relative to the adjacent box girders. Helwig et al. (2007) and Helwig et al.
(2004) have shown that 2 to 4 external intermediate diaphragms or cross-frames are
typically sufficient for this purpose in horizontally curved box-girder spans.
The requirement to provide permanent external intermediate diaphragms in spans of twin
tub-girder cross-sections designed for Extreme Event III limit state as specified in Chapter
3 Section 17 of the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual-LRFD is intended to enhance system
redundancy by providing additional load paths on each side of an assumed fracture
location within the span under consideration. External intermediate bracing elements are
sometimes removed after the deck placement for aesthetic purposes, but must
permanently remain in the structure in this case to provide additional load paths in the
event of a fracture.
System Redundant Members (SRMs)
For twin tub-girder superstructures evaluated in accordance with TxDOT Bridge Design
Manual-LRFD Chapter 3 Section 17 and for other bridges where refined analysis has
demonstrated that collapse would not occur following simulated failure of a member for
which the redundancy is not known by engineering judgment, the members or portions
should not be subjected to the hands-on in-service inspection requirements described in
23 CFR 650. FHWA recommends identifying such members or portions as System
Redundant Members (SRMs), and noting in the contract documents that SRMs are to be
fabricated in accordance with Clause 12 of the AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Bridge
Welding Code.
Section 12System Redundancy Evaluation for
Steel Twin Tub Girders
Chapter 3 — Superstructure Design Guidelines
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Barnard, T, C.G. Hovell, J.P. Sutton, J.S. Mouras, B.J. Neumann, V.A. Samaras, J. Kim,
E.B. Williamson, and K.H. Frank. 2010. Modeling the Response of Fracture Critical Steel
Box-Girder Bridges, FHWA/TX-10/9-5498-1. Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, DC, University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Mouras, J.M., J.P. Sutton, K.H. Frank, and E.B. Williamson. 2008. The Tensile Capacity
of Welded Shear Studs, FHWA/TX-09/9-5498-2. Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, DC, University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Helwig, T., J. Yura, R. Herman, E. Williamson, and D. Li. 2007. Design Guidelines for
Steel Trapezoidal Box Girder Systems, FHWA/TX-07/0-4307-1. Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, DC, University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Helwig, T.A., R.S. Herman, and D. Li. 2004. Behavior of Trapezoidal Box Girders with
Skewed Supports, 0-4148-1. University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Samaras, V. A., J. P. Sutton, E. B. Williamson, and K. Frank. 2012. “Simplified Method
for Evaluating the Redundancy of Twin Steel Box-Girder Bridges,” Journal of Bridge
Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, Vol. 17, No. 3, May/June,
pp. 470-480.
Stith, J., A. Schuh, J. Farris, B. Petruzzi, T. Helwig, E. Williamson, K. Frank, M.
Engelhardt, and H. J. Kim. 2010. Guidance for Erection and Construction of Curved I-
Girder Bridges. Technical Report FHWA/TX-10/0-5574-1. Texas Department of
Transportation, 2010.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4
Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 1 — Overview ....................................................................................................... 4-2
Section 2 — General Recommendations ............................................................................ 4-3
Section 3 Foundations .................................................................................................... 4-4
Section 4 — Abutments ...................................................................................................... 4-5
Section 5 — Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Caps ......................................................... 4-6
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps ...................................................... 4-10
Section 7 — Steel Bent Caps ............................................................................................ 4-16
Section 8 — Substructure Phasing Guidance ................................................................... 4-16
Section 9 — Lateral Restraint for Bridge Superstructures ................................................ 4-19
Section 10 — Columns for Multi-Column Bents ............................................................. 4-21
Section 11 — Columns for Single Column Bents ............................................................ 4-23
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines Section 1 — Overview
Section 1 Overview
This section provides guidance and recommendations on Load and Resistance Factor
Design (LRFD) of specific bridge substructure components.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines Section 2 — General Recommendations
Section 2 General Recommendations
Limit States
TxDOT recommends the following limit states for design of bridge system substructure
components <Article 3.4.1>:
Limit State
Concrete Bent Caps
Strength I, Service I, and Service I with Dead Load only (1)
Strength I, III, and V, Service I and IV, and Extreme II (for
vehicle or vessel collision, when required)
(1) Traditionally, non-integral bent caps only consider DC, DW, and LL. Braking
(BR), wind (WS and WL), and temperature (TU and TG) are typically neglected.
For fully integral bent caps, braking, wind, and temperature should be considered.
Corrosion Protection Measures
Refer to Chapter 3 for information on corrosion protection measures.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines Section 4 — Foundations
Section 3 Foundations
Drilled Shafts
For drilled shafts greater than 4 feet in diameter, consider using a concrete cover to
reinforcing steel of 6”.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines Section 4 Abutments
Section 4 Abutments
Consider using a construction joint in abutment caps when the length of cap exceeds
80 ± ft. Evaluation should be made on a per project basis. Locate the joint close to a dead
load inflection point. The joint should clear the bearing seat by a minimum 3”.
Place dowels D at outside TX girders and X beams only. Phased construction may require
additional dowels, and wide structures may require dowels to be moved to inside girders.
When the distance between the centerlines of the outside girders exceeds 80 feet, move the
dowels to an inside girder. Keep the distance between the dowels a maximum of
80 feet (+/-) apart. Use dowels D at abutments for single span TX girder and X beam
bridges, however, do not use them at the ends of multi-span TX girder and X beam units.
Structural Analysis
Analysis of abutments is similar to rectangular bent caps. Refer to Section 4 for
information on the structural analysis.
Precast Abutments
Individual precast elements should be sized to weigh less than the below transport and
lifting weight limits:
≤ 100 Tons for transport over distance
≤ 150 Tons for erection assuming a two-crane lift
Evaluate cross-sections and feasible lift points to prevent cracking. Reasonable
assumptions for impact loads and form suction loading should be considered.
Precast abutments may be conventionally reinforced, pretensioned, and/or post-tensioned.
Consider the backwall location in developing the connection details. Backwalls may be
moved relative to the typical location of the backwall face along the centerline of the
abutment cap.
Consider the stability of the abutment prior to establishing connections. The backwall can
cause the abutment to rotate.
Consider the backfill type and construction loading due to placing and compacting the
Attaching the wingwall to the precast abutment has proven to be difficult in the field.
Bolting has not been full successful. Consider the following alternates,
Using cast-in-place wingwalls off the critical path.
Extending the abutment longitudinally to capture the transverse approach cross
section (usually limited to shallower superstructures).
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 5 — Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 5 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Caps
Class C concrete is preferred for caps with f
́ = 3.6 ksi. When using a higher concrete
strength, use Class F, H, or K.
Geometric Constraints
Cap width should be a minimum 3 in. wider than the supporting columns to allow column
reinforcing to extend into the cap without bending.
Structural Analysis
Apply dead load reactions due to slab and beam weight as point loads at centerline of
beam. For all beams, except U-beams, distribute the weight of one railing, sidewalks,
and/or medians to no more than three beams, applied to the composite cross section. For
U-beams, distribute 2/3 the weight of one railing, sidewalks, and/or medians to a single
U Beam and 1/3 to the adjacent beam, applied to the composite cross section.
Considerations should be given to wide medians and sidewalks, where the weight may be
distributed to more than the prescribed number of beams. Distribute dead loads due to
overlay, when used, evenly to all beams.
If using CAP18, model the total live load reaction as two wheel loads, distributing the
remainder of the live load over a 10-ft. design lane width. Carefully consider lane
boundaries to produce the maximum force effect at various critical locations:
W = The uniform load portion of the live load (kip/ft.).
= Live load reaction/lane or (LL
* 1.33) + LL
P = The load on one rear wheel of the HL-93 truck increased
33% for dynamic load allowance (kip).
Typically, P = 16k * 1.33.
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 5 — Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
The following figure shows the recommended live load model:
Figure 4-1: Recommended Live Load Model for CAP18
Design Criteria
It is advisable to provide a design where all the tensile reinforcement yields at ultimate,
which results in a ductile failure.
Bridge Division encourages the engineer to use <Appendix B5> General Procedure For
Shear Design With Tables. Bridge Division discourages the use of <Article>
Simplified Procedure for all designs and <Article> General Procedure for
nonprestressed sections, as it results in a significantly overly conservative shear design.
However, if the engineer selects to use the Simplified Procedure or <Article>,
the engineer must ensure that the minimum stirrup spacing requirements are not violated.
If the required stirrup spacing is less than the minimum allowed per AASHTO, re-
evaluate using <Appendix B5> General Procedure For Shear Design With Tables, before
increasing the dimensions of the cross section in an attempt to force the Simplified
Procedure or <Article> to be sufficient.
Precast Bent Caps
Individual precast elements should be sized to weigh less than the below transport and
lifting weight limits:
≤ 100 Tons for transport over distance
≤ 150 Tons for erection assuming a two-crane lift
Evaluate cross-sections and feasible lift points to prevent cracking. Reasonable
assumptions for impact loads and form suction loading should be considered.
Precast bent caps may be conventionally reinforced, pretensioned, and/or post-tensioned.
When using construction joints, longitudinally or transversely,
Base the design on concepts with a proven history of successful construction and
Minimize the number of construction joints
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 5 — Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Use approved waterproofing treatments to limit the ingress of water at construction
Design for and select materials that limit the shrinkage restraint cracking due to
casting against existing concrete.
Consider using a construction joint in multicolumn bents when the distance between
outside columns exceeds 80 ± ft. Evaluation should be made on a per project basis.
Locate the joint close to a dead-load inflection point. The joint should clear the bearing
seat by a minimum of 3”.
Typically, the minimum number of flexural bars is four top and bottom, and the
maximum number in a layer is limited by a 3-in. clear-spacing requirement to facilitate
concrete placement and vibration. A second layer may be placed 4 in. or greater on
center below or above the outside layer. A third layer should be used only in very deep
caps. A horizontal tie bar tied to the vertical stirrup legs should support second and third
layers. In heavily reinforced caps, bundling bars in two-bar bundles may be used to
maintain necessary clear spacing. Layered and bundling bars should comply with
<Chapter 5>.
Bars longer than 60 ft. require laps. Try to locate these laps in compression or very low
tension zones. Base lap lengths on tension lap requirements <Article>.
Consider staggering or alternating laps in adjacent bars to minimize congestion.
Mechanical couplers or welded splices may be specified for phased construction.
Lap lengths for bundles bars or bars spaced closely in either direction may need a longer
development length than shown in the Bridge Detailing Guide; see <Article>
for modifications for bundled bars, <Article> for how to treat the lap of
individual bars in a bundle, and <Article> for the calculation of
Bars with yield strengths above 60 ksi will need lap lengths longer than shown in the
Bridge Detailing Guide; see <Article> for the tension development length and
<Article> for lap length requirements.
Many cantilevers are too short to allow full development length for the #11 Grade 60 top
reinforcement. However, for TxGirder superstructures, the reaction from the outside
beam provides a clamping effect and a bar extension of 15 in. beyond the center of the
beam will develop the bar.
For most conventional caps, use #5 stirrups with a 4-in. minimum and 12-in. maximum
spacing. Double stirrups may be required close to column faces. For large heavily
reinforced caps, use #6 stirrups.
Pay attention to the bearing seat build-up for prestressed beam spans. Extreme grades and
skews can produce conflicts between the bearing seat or bent cap and the beams or
bearings of adjacent spans. The bearing seats need to be shown properly on the bent
details. The Bridge Detailing Guide shows typical bearing seat configurations. Bearing
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 5 — Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
seat build-ups taller than 3 in. require reinforcement, which should be shown on the
Place dowels D at outside TX girders and X beams only. Phased construction may
require additional dowels, and wide structures may require dowels to be moved to inside
girders. When the distance between the centerlines of the outside girders exceeds 80 feet,
move the dowels to an inside girder. Keep the distance between the dowels a maximum
of 80 ± feet apart. Use Dowels D at the ends of TX girder and X beams single spans, but
do not use them at the ends of multi-span units.
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 6 Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps
Class C concrete is preferred for caps with f
́ = 3.6 ksi. When using a higher concrete
strength, use Class F, H, or K.
When calculating spacing requirements per <Article> use the absolute maximum
aggregate size, the smallest sieve with 100 % passing, not the maximum nominal size of
the aggregate per Item 421, “Hydraulic Cement Concrete”.
If smaller reinforcing spacing is required, limit the sizes of aggregate in the material notes
on the plan sheet. Contact Bridge Division for guidance.
Geometric Constraints
Stem width should be at least 3 in. wider than the supporting columns to allow column
reinforcing to extend into the cap without bending.
Use a stem height in whole inch increments.
Verify the ledge width provides sufficient development length for the ledge reinforcing as
shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2: Ledge Width
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Extend caps at least 2.5 ft. past centerline of the exterior beam to prevent excessive
hanger and ledge reinforcing requirements and to provide adequate punching shear
capacity. For skewed bridges or phased designs, consider punching shear capacity for the
exterior beams; a cap extension of 2.5 ft. may not be adequate.
Structural Analysis
Consider torsion in bents due to the bearings being relatively far from the center of the
cap and where there is a considerable difference in adjacent span lengths or beam
Apply dead load reactions due to slab and beam weight as point loads at centerline of
beam. For all beams, except U-beams, distribute the weight of one railing, sidewalks,
and/or medians to no more than three beams, applied to the composite cross section. For
U-beams, distribute 2/3 the weight of one railing, sidewalks, and/or medians to a single
U-beam and 1/3 to the adjacent beam, applied to the composite cross section.
Considerations should be given to wide medians and sidewalks, where the weight may be
distributed to more than the prescribed number of beams. Distribute dead loads due to
overlay evenly to all beams.
If using CAP18, model the total live load reaction as two wheel loads, distributing the
remainder of the live load over a 10-ft. design lane width. Carefully consider lane
boundaries to produce the maximum force effect at various critical locations.
W = The uniform load portion of the live load (kip/ft.).
= Live load reaction/lane or (LL
* 1.33) + LL
P = The load on one rear wheel of the HL-93 truck increased
33% for dynamic load allowance (kip).
Typically, P = 16k * 1.33.
The following figure shows the recommended live load model:
Figure 4-3: Recommended Live Load Model for CAP18
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Limitations to the construction sequence should be shown on the plans. In some instances
the unbalanced dead load during construction could cause the controlling torsional force
in the cap and on the cap to column connection.
Design Criteria
It is advisable to provide a design where all tensile reinforcement yields at ultimate, which
results in a ductile failure.
Longitudinal reinforcing check must pass for all inverted tees. Beam loads on an inverted
tee are applied at the bottom of the section; they do not provide the clamping effect that is
exhibited with beam loads applied to the top of a rectangular cap.
Bridge Division encourages the engineer to use <Appendix B5> General Procedure For
Shear Design With Tables. Bridge Division discourages the use of <Article>
Simplified Procedure for all designs and <Article> General Procedure for
nonprestressed sections, as it results in a significantly overly conservative shear design.
However, if the engineer selects to use the Simplified Procedure or <Article>,
the engineer must ensure that the minimum stirrup spacing requirements are not violated.
If the required stirrup spacing is less than the minimum allowed per AASHTO, re-
evaluate using <Appendix B5> General Procedure For Shear Design With Tables, before
increasing the dimensions of the cross section in an attempt to force the Simplified
Procedure or <Article> to be sufficient.
Inverted tee caps are usually deeper than 3 feet, provide beam side reinforcing according
to <Equation 5.6.7-3>.
Ledge reinforcing is determined by <Article> and the TxDOT Bridge Design
Manual - LRFD.
Size web reinforcing for hanger loads, vertical shear, and vertical shear/torsion when
Precast Inverted Tee Bent Caps
Individual precast elements should be sized to weigh less than the below transport and
lifting weight limits:
≤ 100 Tons for transport over distance
≤ 150 Tons for erection assuming a two-crane lift
Evaluate cross-sections and feasible lift points to prevent cracking. Reasonable
assumptions for impact loads and form suction loading should be considered.
Precast inverted tee bent caps may be conventionally reinforced, pretensioned, and/or
Consider using a construction joint in multicolumn bents when the distance between
outside columns exceeds 80 ± ft. Evaluation should be made on a per project basis. Locate
the joint close to a dead-load inflection point. The joint should clear the bearing seat by a
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
minimum of 3”.
The maximum number of main flexural reinforcement in a layer is limited by a 3-in.
clear-spacing requirement to facilitate concrete placement and vibration. A second layer
may be placed 4 in. or greater on center below or above the outside layer. A third layer
should be used only in very deep caps. A horizontal tie bar tied to the vertical stirrup legs
should support second and third layers. In heavily reinforced caps, bundling bars in two-
bar bundles may be used to maintain necessary clear spacing. Layered and bundling bars
should comply with <Article>.
Bars longer than 60 ft. require laps. Try to locate these laps in compression or very low
tension zones. Base lap lengths on tension lap requirements <Article>.
Consider staggering or alternating laps in adjacent bars to minimize congestion.
Mechanical couplers or welded splices may be specified for phased construction.
Lap lengths for bundled bars or bars spaced closely in either direction may need a longer
development length than shown in the Bridge Detailing Guide; see <Article>
for modifications for bundled bars, <Article> for how to treat the lap of
individual bars in a bundle, and <Article> for the calculation of
Bars with yield strengths above 60 ksi will need lap lengths longer than shown in the
Bridge Detailing Guide; see <Article> for the tension development length and
<Article> for lap length requirements.
Space stirrups (Bars S & SS) and ledge reinforcing (Bars M & N) such that the spacing is
multiples of the other to allow for grouping of the bars.
Cap hanger and ledge reinforcement may be aligned to match the cap skew when simpler
detailing can be achieved as shown in Figure 4-4. For larger skewed caps, this detail is
preferred rather than transitioning normally oriented hanger and ledge reinforcement by
fanning the reinforcement at the cap ends when a skewed end detail is needed as shown in
Figure 4-5.
Figure 4-4: Skewed Reinforcing
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure 4-5: Flared Reinforcing
For caps required to be investigated for torsion according to <Article>, detail
stirrup reinforcing according to <Article> including providing the 135-degree
standard hooks.
Show bearing seats on the bent details. Detail in accordance with the Bridge Detailing
Guide which shows typical bearing seat configurations. Bearing seat build-ups taller than
3 in. require reinforcement, which should be shown on the detail.
Place dowels D at outside TX girders and X beams only. Phased construction may require
additional dowels, and wide structures may require dowels to be moved to inside girders.
When the distance between the centerlines of the outside girders exceeds 80 feet, move
the dowels to an inside girder. Keep the distance between the dowels a maximum of
80 ± feet apart. Use Dowels D at the ends of TX girder and X beams single spans, do not
use them at the ends of units. For inverted tee bent caps with two expansion joints, slab
dowels are used to provide continuity between the inverted tee cap and the slab. See the
Miscellaneous Slab Details for I-Girders (IGMS), steel girders (SGMS), and U-beams
(UBMS) standard details for more information.
For inverted tee bent caps with U-beams, with construction joints at the deck slab and
inverted T stem interface, slab dowels are used to provide lateral restraint. These dowels
are located at the top of the inverted tee stem and are in a slotted pipe to allow for
expansion and contraction of the unit. Additional lateral restraint will be needed for
bridges over waterways for the limits provided in the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual
LRFD. See the UBMS standard details for more information.
See Figure 4-6 for end of cap reinforcing and the Bridge Detailing Guide for additional
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 6 — Inverted Tee Reinforced Concrete Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure 4-6: End of Cap Reinforcing
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 7 — Steel Bent Caps
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 7 Steel Bent Caps
Steel bent caps can be used for accelerated bridge construction to minimize motorist
impact, manage vertical clearance limitations, and/or limit weight of prefabricated
elements. Steel bent caps consisting of more than 2 columns are considered redundant.
Refer to the TxDOT Preferred Practices for Steel Bridge Design, Fabrication, and
Inspection for more guidance on steel bent caps.
Steel Straddle Bent Caps
Steel straddle bent caps, consisting of 2 columns, are often utilized in congested urban
environments when intersecting roads do not permit the use of conventional piers.
Currently, this type of bridge component is classified as Non-redundant Steel Tension
Member (NSTM). The National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) require hands-on
inspection of NSTMs of in-service bridges (23 CFR 650.313(f)(2)) every two years and
must be fabricated to the provisions of Clause 12 specified in AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding
TxDOT requires steel straddle bent caps to be designed for redundancy. Background on
redundancy requirements can be found in the following:
FHWA Memorandum_ACTION: Inspection of Nonredundant Steel Tension
Members (
TxDOT Bridge Design Manual-LRFD
Internal redundancy is a redundancy that exists within a primary member cross-section
without load path redundancy such that fracture of one component will not propagate
through the entire member, is discoverable by the applicable inspection procedures, and
will not cause a portion of or the entire bridge to collapse (23 CFR 650.305). Typically,
methods to establish internal redundancy demonstrate that the remaining structural section
of the member will continue to safely carry dead and live load until the fracture is
discovered, presumably at the next inspection event. Previous research efforts have
demonstrated the ability of sections built up from mechanically fastened components in
certain structure types to prevent fracture of one element from propagating to connected
elements and to redistribute stress within the section.
To help demonstrate redundancy, consider designing steel bent caps with a bolted bottom
flange, which is a mechanically fastened component. TxDOT research project 0-7012,
Development of Non-Fracture Critical Steel Box Straddle Caps (Report to be published in Feb.
2023) will give guidance on designing and detailing steel straddle caps for redundancy.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 8 — Substructure Phasing Guidance
Section 8 Substructure Phasing Guidance
Phased Construction Recommendations
Do not use standard abutment, bent, or trestle detail sheets for phased structures.
Geometric Constraints
In most cases, the phase line in an abutment or interior bent will be offset from the phase
line for the slab. The phase line should not be under a beam or within a bearing seat.
Extend the abutment or interior bent past the slab phase line in order to provide support
for the beam or girder. Preferably, the phase line should be a minimum of 3 inches from
the bearing seat or edge of beam, whichever is greater.
When phasing an abutment or an interior bent, consider providing enough space between
the existing structure and the new construction to accommodate splicing of the
reinforcement and formwork. Consider how the next phase of construction will be
impacted by the placement of phase lines and reinforcement that extends beyond the
phase line. Drilled shaft or pile for the next phase may lie within the length necessary for
splicing. Avoid having splices that overlap drilled shaft or pile locations in order to
facilitate construction.
If unable to provide enough room to splice the reinforcement through traditional lapping,
use welded splices or mechanical couplers. In some cases, a combination of
couplers/welded splices and traditional lapping may be utilized for elements with varying
bar sizes. Extend reinforcement that will be spliced by welds or mechanical couplers
beyond the end of the cap by at least 1-foot.
As an alternative to splicing or welding the reinforcement, a full depth joint may be used
at the phase line. For abutments, if a full depth joint is used, limit the space between
abutments to 1-inch. Use bituminous fiber to fill the gap between the phases. Use a PVC
waterstop across the space along the full height of the cap and backwall.
For bent caps, the full depth open joint at the phase line should be at least 1-foot wide to
allow for forming of the adjacent phases. Individual bent caps would support each phase.
When selecting column or drilled shaft/pile spacing, try to keep the distance from face of
column or drilled shaft/pile to the phase line between 0.5 and 4 feet. Overhangs greater
than 4 feet can result in high negative moments and permanent deflection of the
overhang under loading. The construction of additional phases will not remove this
Phased construction of abutments or bents may require that columns or drilled shafts be
spaced at irregular intervals.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 8 — Substructure Phasing Guidance
Offset old bent lines and new bents by at least 5 feet, if possible, to keep from fouling
foundations on the existing structure. Pay attention when battered piling is shown on
either existing or new construction. Also, investigate potential battered pile conflicts with
wingwall foundations when abutments are heavily skewed.
Structural Analysis
When designing bents and abutments to be continuous after phasing, consider all stages of
construction (including temporary loads) and the final configuration. Select flexural and
shear reinforcement so that loading in all phases can be supported.
Design bents and abutments that have full depth joints at the phase line as individual
Phased construction may require additional dowels, and wide structures may require
dowels to be moved to inside girders. See the guidelines for abutments, interior bents,
and inverted tees for maximum recommended space between dowels. If a full depth joint
is used between the phases, each component may require a dowel.
Section 9 — Lateral Restraint for Bridge
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 9 Lateral Restraint for Bridge Superstructures
Lateral movement of superstructures can occur on water crossings due to flooding events
and on grade separations due to cross slope with certain beam types. Provide effective
lateral restraint in the form of shear keys as described in the TxDOT Bridge Design
Bridges Crossing Water Features
The design criteria for bridges over water crossings provide an economical way to prevent
the beams from separating from the substructure during a major storm or flood event.
I-Girder Bridges
Refer to the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual - LRFD and Bridge Standard Shear Key
Details for I-Girders (IGSK) for design and detailing information.
U-beam Bridges
Grade Separations:
Shear keys are required on abutments and bent caps when the roadway has a single
direction cross-slope because U-beams are placed in a rotated position to match the
roadway cross-slope; as such, the center of gravity of the beam is not coincident with the
center of the bearing pad, and the beam has the potential to slide downhill with resistance
provided by the shear resistance of the elastomeric pads. When the roadway cross-slope is
crowned, beams on opposite sides of the crown will provide opposing forces, thus
limiting lateral movement of the superstructure. When the roadway cross-slope is single-
direction, the superstructure is not self-restrained and shear keys are needed to limit lateral
Crossing Water Features:
Refer to the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual - LRFD and Appendix B of this Guide for
more information.
Section 9 — Lateral Restraint for Bridge
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Spread Slab Beam and Spread Box Beam (X-beam) Bridges
Grade Separations:
Shear keys are required on bent and abutment caps of X-beams because X-beams are
placed in rotated position to match the roadway cross-slope; as such, the center of gravity
of the beam is not coincident with the center of the bearing pad, and the beam will slide
downhill. When the roadway cross-slope is crowned, beams on opposite sides of the
crown will provide opposing forces, thus limiting lateral movement of the superstructure.
When the roadway cross-slope is single-direction, the superstructure is not self-restrained
and shear keys are needed to limit lateral movement.
Crossing Water Features:
Refer to the TxDOT Bridge Standard Shear Key Details for X-Beams (XBSK) for design
and detailing information. Contact TxDOT Bridge Division for guidance on shear key
details for spread slab beam bridges.
Slab Beam, Box Beam, and Decked Slab Beam Bridges
Additional measures of lateral restraint are not required for slab beam, box beam, and
decked slab beam structures because the earwalls on the abutments and bents are
considered to be adequate for preventing transverse movement.
Steel Beam or Girder Bridges
For additional considerations and guidance, refer to the TxDOT Preferred Practices for
Steel Bridge Design, Fabrication, and Erection.
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 10 — Columns for Multi-Column Bents
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 10 Columns for Multi-Column Bents
Structural Analysis
For typical bridges only:
For analysis, the designer should consider predicted scour when determining column
Moments can be magnified to account for slenderness (P-delta) effects by using
<Article> or other analytical methods. <Article> is typically
considered highly conservative.
Column size may change within the bent height, producing a multi-tiered bent.
Consider multi-columns bent tiers with web walls to be braced in the transverse
direction. Column capacity in the longitudinal direction is not affected by the web
For multi-tier bents with square or round columns separated by tie beams, analyze as
a frame, and magnify transverse and longitudinal moments separately.
Design and model single-tier bent columns without a tie beam or web wall as
individual columns with bottom conditions fixed against rotation and deflection at the
location of fixity. The top-of-column should be modeled consistent with the detailing
of the cap to column connection.
In most cases, it can be assumed when determining fixity conditions for loads that
columns on single drilled shafts are fixed at three shaft diameters but not less than 10
ft. below the top of the shaft. This should always be reviewed by a Geotechnical
Engineer to evaluate and determine the fixity condition.
Refine designs by limiting longitudinal deflections to the maximum movement
allowed due to joint closure.
For typical bridges only:
Round columns are preferred for multicolumn bents with rectangular caps and are
used for most structures. See the TxDOT Bridge Detailing Guide for available
column size, typical reinforcement, and recommended height limits. Round columns
with diameters less than 36 in. are unable to provide sufficient structural resistance
when subjected to collision loads. See the Bent (Pier) Protection Guide for
additional guidance.
Square or rectangular columns are occasionally used for aesthetic enhancement of a
Refer to TxDOT Bridge Detailing Guide for guidance on reinforcement in square
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 10 — Columns for Multi-Column Bents
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Refer to the TxDOT Bridge Detailing Guide for desirable column-to-tie-beam
connection details.
Precast Concrete Columns
Use the TxDOT-sponsored synthesis, Research Project 6978 - Synthesis of Precast
Column Designs for Texas Bridges, for initial guidance
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 4 — Substructure Design Guidelines
Section 11 — Columns for Single-Column Bents
Section 11 Columns for Single Column Bents
Structural Analysis
For typical bridges only:
Longitudinal and transverse moments can be magnified separately for P-delta effects
using the method in <Article> or with a second order analysis computer
Effective length factor may be taken as 2.0 in both directions unless restraints
provided by the superstructure sufficiently limit secondary moments.
Refine designs by limiting longitudinal deflections to the maximum movement
allowed due to joint closure.
See the Bent (Pier) Protection Guide for additional guidance on designing for vehicular
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5
Other Design Guidance
Section 1 — Bridge Widening Guidance ........................................................................... 5-2
Section 2 — Steel-Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings for Pretensioned Concrete Beams . 5-13
Section 3 — Approach Slabs ............................................................................................ 5-14
Section 4 — Strut-and-Tie Method .................................................................................. 5-17
Section 5 — Expansion Joints .......................................................................................... 5-18
Section 6 — Bridge Width Considerations ...................................................................... 5-21
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Section 1 Bridge Widening Guidance
General Recommendations
Bridge widenings involve added horizontal width to accommodate such items as widened
shoulders, additional lanes, and pedestrian sidewalks. Before proceeding with widening,
consult the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual - LRFD for basic requirements. Evaluate a
range of geometric aspects when developing a bridge widening including:
Vertical clearance in the existing and widened condition;
Relative horizontal clearances to lower roadways or reconfigured roadways;
Maintain bridge skew, if possible;
In stream crossings, consider relative stream geometry with widened bridge; and
Plan and elevation information based on existing plans may not reflect in-situ
conditions. Provide surveyed information where possible and ensure plans require
contractor verification in terms of notes that require “Field verify existing dimensions
and elevations prior to ordering materials and beginning work”.
Widenings may involve bridge superstructure types different than the original construction.
Consult original as-built plans for such items as bearing conditions, expansion joint
conditions, continuous beams, and lateral restraint that might influence design and details
for the widened condition. Match the expansion joint system of the existing structure unless
it has been retrofit with a header joint. Evaluate condition of existing joint and replace full
width if damage exists. Strip seals in SEJs should be replaced over the full combined
width. Widen existing approach slabs with approach slabs that meet the current standard
thickness and design.
Superstructure Recommendations:
Superstructures that involve a cast-in-place composite bridge deck in the existing and
widened construction should have deck details that preferably:
Utilize the modern standard deck thickness in the new construction regardless of the
thickness of the existing bridge deck.
Examine the load carrying capacity of existing exterior beam in the proposed condition
as a factor in determining location of proposed beams.
Locate slab breakback lines at the centerline or towards the outside of the centerline of
existing beam to ensure an appropriate level of composite action is retained in the
broken back condition.
Clean and extend existing transverse steel full length and lap with transverse steel in
the widening. Use grade 60 reinforcing. Do not widen a traditionally designed deck
with an empirically designed deck.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Allow a thickened end slab (if applicable) in the widened construction regardless of
original diaphragm details.
Evaluate bedding and strand extension for prestressed concrete panels used in the first
beam bay adjacent to the existing. If insufficient room exists, restrict the use of panels.
Timber or permanent metal deck forms may be used as forming in this bay.
The following describes common existing Texas bridge and suggested superstructure types
and design/detail considerations for the widening.
Cast-in-Place Slab Spans
Widen cast-in-place slab spans with cast-in-place slab spans. Skewed slabs with the main
reinforcing perpendicular to the bents will be weak if the edge beam is removed under
traffic. Shore the edge under this condition. Alternatively, keep the curb in place and grout
dowels into the existing slab edge and then place the widening with reinforcing parallel to
the centerline of the roadway. Remove the curbs after the new slab has cured.
Widening of Flat slab (FS) Bridges is not recommended. FS Bridges should be replaced.
FS Bridges have a structural curb acting as an edge beam that cannot be removed without
shoring the span.
Figure 5-1: Cast-in–Place Slab Span Widening Examples
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Cast-in-Place Concrete Girders
Concrete girder spans can be widened with concrete girders, pretensioned I-girders, or
pretensioned box beams. Pretensioned beams are recommended. Box or slab beams may be
used if depth is an issue.
Figure 5-2: Concrete Girder Span Widening with TxGirder Example
Figure 5-3: Concrete Girder Span Widening with Slab Beam Example
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Pan Form Girders
Pan form girders can be widened with pan forms, prestressed box beams, or prestressed
slab beams.
Figure 5-4: Pan Form Girder Widening with Pan Form Example
Figure 5-5: Pan Form Girder Widening with Slab Beam Example
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Steel I-Beam
Steel I-beam spans can be widened with prestressed TxGirders or steel I beams. Steel I
beams may be used if depth, framing, or aesthetics is an issue.
Figure 5-6: Steel I Beam Widening with Steel I Beam Example
Continuous Steel I Beam
Continuous steel I beam units can be widened with prestressed beams or steel I beams.
Simple-span prestressed girders with the slab continuous are commonly used. The slab
should have traditional reinforcing and be tied to the existing slab.
Cantilever/Drop-In Steel I Beam
Cantilever/drop-in steel I beam units can be widened with prestressed concrete girders or
continuous steel I beams. Simple-span prestressed beams with expansion joints over the
bents connected by longitudinal open joints to the existing expansion joint at the notches
are commonly used. Other solutions that get rid of the longitudinal joint are recommended.
Continuous Steel Plate Girders
Continuous steel plate girder units can be widened with continuous steel plate girders or
with prestressed beams if the span is 150 ft. or less.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Pretensioned Concrete I Beams and I Girders
Pretensioned concrete I beam and I girder spans and units should be widened effectively in
kind with I-girders (TxGirders).
Figure 5-7: Pretensioned Concrete I Beam Widening with Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Figure 5-8: Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder Widening with Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Prestressed Concrete Box Beams
Prestressed concrete box beam spans and units should be widened in kind. Existing box
beams prior to the mid-1980’s had specific details that showed the cast-in-place end
diaphragms partially integral with the substructure. In addition, existing box beam bridges
may have no composite concrete slab and only overlay. Evaluate the condition of these
bridges carefully to determine if widening is feasible. Consult with Bridge Division for
guidance on preferred details.
Prestressed Concrete Slab Beams
Prestressed concrete slab beam spans and units should be widened in kind. Various
breakback and doweling details have been applied, and the designer should consider the
limited slab thickness and damage potential in removal operations. No clear preferred
method presently exists from these options.
Figure 5-9: Pretensioned Concrete Slab Beam Widening in Kind – Deck Connection Option 1
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Figure 5-10: Pretensioned Concrete Slab Beam Widening in Kind – Deck Connection Option 2
Figure 5-11: Pretensioned Concrete Slab Beam Widening in Kind – Deck Connection Option 3
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Substructure Recommendations:
Foundations of widened bridge sections can be of different type than the existing
foundations. Design foundations to the same depth or deeper than the existing foundation.
Consider minimum clearances for pile driving leads or drilled shaft equipment. Provide a
minimum clearance between the new foundation and the existing foundation of two times
the least dimension of the existing/proposed foundation. If a foundation element is outside
of the bounds of supporting the substructure due to adherence to the minimum clearance
requirements, a new foundation may be installed closer, provided the following is
Group effect interaction of the existing foundations and the new foundations
Load carrying capacity of existing foundation while it remains in service during
installation of adjacent foundation
If the immediate adjacent substructure of a widened bridge section employs a tie beam or
web wall, incorporate a tie beam or web wall into the substructure widening, unless the
existing bridge inspection report indicates that these components will cause measurable
negative impacts to scour, debris accumulation, or excess stream force.
Abutment Widenings:
Connect using a bent cap shear connection consisting of 4 ~ #6 dowels minimum using
an epoxy post-installed connection, or larger reinforcing bar as necessary.
If there is an existing backwall and if the bearing area is sufficient for the new
superstructure, match the face of the existing backwall and connect by breaking back
and providing a minimum splice length of horizontal steel.
Interior Bent Widenings:
Interior bent widenings may consist of one of the following:
Independent non-connected bents with two or more supporting columns, conforming
to the criteria of Chapter 4 Section 8.
Independent non-connected bents with one supporting columns, conforming to the
criteria of Chapter 4 Section 9.
A connected bent with one or more columns using a bent cap shear connection
consisting of 4 ~ #6 dowels minimum using an epoxy post-installed connection, or
larger reinforcing bar as necessary.
A connected bent with one or more columns using a bent cap shear and moment
connection with mechanically coupled longitudinal reinforcing. Verify that localized
removal of end concrete in the existing bent cap does not compromise the structural
resistance of the existing bent cap relative to existing structural loads (dead and live
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Figure 5-12: Abutment Widening Example
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 1 – Bridge Widening Guidance
Figure 5-9: Bent Widening Example
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 2 – Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings
Section 2 Steel-Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings
Geometric Constraints
Rectangular pads are preferred over round pads, which makes it harder to satisfy rotation
Structural Analysis
Expanding length of prestressed concrete beam units can be taken as ½ total unit length.
For highly skewed bridges and very wide bridges, take expanding length on a diagonal
between slab corners to obtain the most unfavorable expansion length.
Design Criteria
For Design Method A in <Article 14.7.6>, shape factor S is preferred to be between 10 and
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 3 — Approach Slabs
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 3 Approach Slabs
Geometric Constraints
Supporting an approach slab on wing walls is strongly discouraged. Compaction of
backfill is difficult and loss of backfill material can occur. Without the bearing on the
backfill, the approach slab is supported on only three sides (at the two wing walls and the
abutment backwall), and the standard approach slab is not reinforced for this situation nor
are the wing walls designed to carry the load. The approach slab should be supported by
the abutment wall and approach backfill only, and appropriate backfill material is
essential. TxDOT supports the placement of a cement-stabilized abutment backfill
(CSAB) wedge in the zone behind the abutment. CSAB solves the problem of difficult
compaction behind the abutment, and it resists the moisture gain and loss of material
common under approach slabs.
Beginning of the Bridge Bump
There are many mechanisms that cause the bump at the beginning of bridges. The main
reasons can be caused by the following:
Consolidation settlement of foundation soil
Poor compaction and consolidation of backfill material
Poor drainage and soil erosion
Traffic volume
Mitigation Techniques
Mitigation techniques to remove or lessen the bump at the beginning of the bridge for
bridge approaches are:
Improvement of the embankment foundation soil – if the foundation soils are too
weak to support the embankment, they can be improved by:
Excavation and replacement
Dynamic Compaction
Stone Columns, compaction piles, auger cast piles, deep soil mixing
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 3 — Approach Slabs
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Improvement of Approach Embankment/Backfill Material
Use high quality fill limit the percentage of fines and ensure that the material is
properly compacted. Compaction of fill adjacent to the back wall and wingwalls
can be problematic.
Use cement stabilized abutment backfill (CSAB) or flowable fill this solves the
compaction problems and is resistant to moisture gain and loss of material.
Effective Drainage and Erosion Control Methods
Design for drainage of the bridge and where it is going once off the bridge.
Avoid having water run over expansion joints particularly at abutments.
Strategically placed deck drains can solve issues with water flowing under
approach slabs.
Use surface drains and/or gutter system.
Reduce the amount of fines in the backfill and use a more porous material or
Design of approach slab (more information below)
Approach Slab Use
The positive aspects of using approach slabs are as follows:
Provides a smooth transition between the bridge deck and the roadway pavement.
Minimizes the effect of differential settlements between the bridge abutment founded
on shafts or piles and the embankment fill. An approach slab is designed to span
across a section that is approximately half of its length without any problems.
Consequently, they do a good job of mitigating issues with settlement behind the
abutment backwall.
Approach slabs are relatively economical compared to other options (i.e. pile
supported embankment, grouted columns, etc.) and are a natural extension of the
Approach slabs also decrease the live load effect on the abutment backwall, which
decreases the lateral load and overturning of the abutment cap.
Approach slabs, when properly placed, provide a seal to prevent water from seeping
into the soil behind the abutment backwall and in front of the wingwall. Sealing the
gap between the approach slab and the wingwalls is very important.
Districts that have not used approach slabs have found that the maintenance required
to minimize the bump at the end of the bridge is very high. This is especially true in
swelling clays, where during the dry times the clay shrinks so additional asphalt is
placed and then during wet times the clay swells so the asphalt has to be milled off.
This can become bothersome after a couple of wet/dry cycles.
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 3 — Approach Slabs
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
The negative aspects of using approach slabs are as follows:
Voids can develop under the approach slabs. The size of the void depends upon what
is the cause of it. For example, most approach slabs have a small gap (< 1 inch)
between the approach slab and the soil immediately behind the abutment backwall,
which is due to the settlement of the soil. This gap is not a problem, as the approach
slab is designed to span over sections like this. However, if there is considerable
settlement or water erosion behind the abutment backwall, the void can be fairly
significant in size and if left unfilled could potentially grow in size. This would need
to be filled in with flowable backfill. (It should be noted that in the event of
considerable settlement or erosion due to water seepage behind the backwall, if the
approach slab wasn’t present there would considerable and constant maintenance
required to maintain a nearly constant grade for the roadway.)
If the entire embankment settles then the approach slab can become tilted. The
portion of the approach slab that is connected to the backwall would remain fixed
but the end away from the backwall would settle. This would create a bump at the
end of the approach slab. This would also be problematic for roadway/bridges
without an approach slab.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance Section 4 Strut-and-Tie Method
Section 4 Strut-and-Tie Method
Structural Analysis
Place nodes at applied loads and reactions. More nodes can be added as long as the
tension ties are located where reinforcement is normally placed. In general, nodes need to
be located at the center of the tension ties and compression struts. If there is sufficient
concrete in the connected member the strut can be considered within both members, such
as in the case where a column connects to a footing; the nodes can be placed where the
two members meet. If the nodes are placed where the two members meet, use the lower
concrete strength of the two members for strut checks.
A 3-dimensional truss can be broken into multiple 2-dimensional trusses to design tension
ties. When analyzing the 2-dimensional trusses, use the same reactions as the 3-
dimensional truss, but recalculate the applied loads so equilibrium is satisfied. Use a 3-
dimentional truss to verify the strut-to-tie angles satisfy the geometric limitations in
<Article> and to check the strut-to-node interface stresses.
The tension tie reinforcement must be close enough to the drilled shaft to be considered in
the truss analysis. Therefore, the tension tie reinforcement must be within a 45-degree
distribution angle (i.e. no more than d
away from the member on either side).
Use strut bearing lengths proportional to the amount of load carried by the strut at a node
<Figure C5.8.2.2-4>.
Conservatively assume the width of a strut in a CCC node, h
, as the height of the
compression block as a starting point. Adjust h
as needed as long as the truss model
geometry is modified to place the strut at the midpoint of h
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 6 — Bridge Width Considerations
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 5 Expansion Joints
See Item 454, “Bridge Expansion Joints” for material requirements.
Aluminum joint components are discouraged.
Geometric Constraints
Bridge deck continuity by providing multi-span units is recommended in order to
minimize the number of joints. Unit lengths of up to 350 feet are not uncommon. All
expansion joints in de-icing zones should be sealed or drained. Stream crossing structures
may have open joints in the salt-free zones. Joints for all grade separation structures
should be sealed.
Design Criteria
Thermal Expansion:
The total movement required through a bridge deck expansion joint may be based on a
temperature range of 10 to 110 degrees for concrete bridges and 0 to 120 degrees for steel
bridges. Alternatively, the temperature contour maps in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, <Article 3.12.2> may be used.
The expansion length considered for sizing a joint can be assumed as one-half the unit
length on one side of the joint plus one-half the unit length on the other side of the joint.
Use coefficients of expansion equal to 6.0x10-6 for concrete and 6.5x10-6 for steel.
When placed on a skew, sealed expansion joints (SEJ) have a reduced ability to
accommodate longitudinal movement. Calculate reduced movement range by multiplying
joint size by cosine (skew).
When integral or semi-integral bents are used, give consideration to the effect column
stiffness has on the distribution of thermal movement.
Available Joints for New Construction:
Pourable Seal (TYPE A):
Preferred joint for low traffic volume off-system structure
Used for spans or units no longer than 100 feet.
Open Armor Joint (ARMOR JOINT):
Not allowed on CIP slab spans, in de-icing zones, grade separations, or over steel
Min opening = 0 in.
Max opening = 2 in.
Total movement = 2 in.
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 6 — Bridge Width Considerations
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Pourable Seal (Sealed Armor Joint (ARMOR JOINT)(SEALED)):
Min opening = 0.75 in.
Max opening = 2.25 in.
Total movement = 1.5 in.
Sealed Expansion Joint (SEJ):
Mechanically Bonded (SEJ-M and SEJ-S(O)): –
Preferred joint for freight corridors or other high truck volume roadways
SEJ-M - No overlay
SEJ-S(O) With ±2” overlay
Minimum slab and overhang thickness = 6.5 in.
Available in two sizes:
Min opening = 0 in.
Max opening = 4 in.
Total movement = 4 in.
Min opening = 0 in.
Max opening = 5 in.
Total movement = 5 in.
Bonded Strip Seal (SEJ-B)
No overlay
Minimum slab and overhang thickness = 6.5 in.
Available in one size:
Min opening = 0 in.
Max opening = 4 in.
Total movement = 4 in.
Adjacent box beam and slab beams have 5” slab thickness. These beams have a
required block out in the beam that allows an increased slab thickness for the AJ and
SEJ joints.
Header Type Joints with Seal:
If there is a concern with snow plows or deicing, consider selecting an unarmored
concrete header with seal, instead of an AJ or SEJ.
Consider only using when there is a thickened slab end. If there is no thickened slab
end, give consideration to the impact the encroachment of the header material has on
the bridge slab. Alternately, use with ACP overlay to reduce the encroachment.
Set joint opening based on design requirements with the following limits:
Minimum joint opening = 0.5 in.
Maximum joint opening = 3 in.
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 6 — Bridge Width Considerations
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
The joint seal can accommodate +/- 50% movement. The joint opening shown on the
plans at 70 degrees typically should not be less than 1-in. or greater than 2-inches.
The minimum joint opening is to keep the sealant from squeezing upward and being
abraded. The maximum joint opening is to limit the actual width to reduce the
potential for impact loading at the span end, which could cause the header to fail.
Finger Joint and Modular Bridge Joint Systems (MBJS):
For expansion movements greater than 5 in., Finger Joints or Modular Joints may be
used. These systems tend to be high maintenance. Consult with the Bridge Division
on the use of these joint types.
Expansion joints are predesigned and shown on standard drawings except for Finger
Joints and Modular Bridge Joint Systems (MBJS), which require project specific details.
Additional or supplemental joint details may be required for widenings or bridges
constructed in phases.
For projects with inverted tee bent caps use two joints (one at each face of the inverted tee
Chapter 5 — Other Design Guidance
Section 6 — Bridge Width Considerations
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 6 Bridge Width Considerations
Refer to the TxDOT Bridge Project Development Manual Chapter 3, Section 1 for bridge
width requirements.
On divided highways, use separate bridges for each direction of traffic. If the median is
less than 30 ft wide between inside lane edges, consider using a single bridge for both
directions of traffic.
Longitudinal Open Joints
Wide bridge decks can have issues accommodating concrete shrinkage and thermal
movements with respect to bearing pads, lateral restraints, and deck cracking. Consider
using a longitudinal open joint when the bridge width exceeds 100 ft.
When an open joint is used, concrete median barriers must be placed on one side of the
open joint. See the SSCB(1)-16 and CSB(3)-16 for more information. In the past, the
barrier was allowed to be over the joint, which caused cracking of barrier.
Bridge rails (“back-to-back”) placed on either side of the open joint may be used. Provide
details for transitioning from back-to-back bridge rails to the concrete median barrier, if
Phased Construction
Phasing of the bridge deck allows most of the concrete shrinkage to occur in the separate
pours for the narrower phase widths.
Instead of a longitudinal open joint, design the bearing pads for the transverse and
longitudinal thermal movements.
Place lateral restraints no more than 80 feet apart.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 6
Frequently Asked Questions
Section 1 — Overview ....................................................................................................... 6-2
Section 2 — FAQ’s ............................................................................................................ 6-3
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 6 — Frequently Asked Questions
Section 1 — Overview
Section 1 Overview
This Chapter captures some of the most frequently asked questions.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 6 — Frequently Asked Questions
Section 2 — FAQ’s
Section 2 — FAQ’s
Why is Texas disregarding the requirement for braking force specified for 25 percent of
the combined axle loads?
The braking force in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications is significantly
larger than what was specified in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges. Based on the performance of our standard columns, our historic treatment of
braking force was deemed adequate. t
Why is the minimum spacing for reinforcement in conventional rectangular caps set at
4 inches instead of 3 inches?
The minimum is set at 4 inches for vertical space between rows and 3 inches for
horizontal space. This allows for adequate consolidation of concrete.
How do standard bents have sufficient development length without hooking the
longitudinal bars?
From research Report 52-1F [Ferguson, 1964], it was experimentally shown if the exterior
beam is 0.5d to 1.2d from the effective face of the column and the flexural reinforcing
extends more than 15 inches from the centerline of the beam, research has shown that
there is sufficient development for bars up to #11 at yield strengths up to 75 ksi. If the
exterior beam is further than 1.2d from the effective face of the column, development
length should be provided based on <Article>.
Why do we ignore shear in overhangs when the exterior beam is within 1.2d from the
effective face of the column?
This assumes the use of the standard 6-in. stirrup spacing in the overhang.
From research Report 52-1F [Ferguson, 1964], it was experimentally shown that the shear
strength was larger than calculated by the shear provisions and not affected by the
presence of stirrups when the exterior beam is placed between 0.5d to 1.2d from the
effective face of the column on the cap overhang, indicating that the load was directly
strutting to the column.
Why does the shear design spreadsheet state that longitudinal reinforcement check can be
ignored for typical multi-column bent caps?
This is not a policy statement, but an interpretation of <> along with research
Report 52-1F [Ferguson, 1964] for multi-column bents.
<Article> states: “Except as required by <Article> where the reaction
force or load at the maximum moment location introduces direct compression into the
flexural compression face of the member, the area of longitudinal reinforcement on the
flexural tension side of the member need not exceed the area required to resist the
maximum moment acting alone. For example, where there is a beam on a cap overhang
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Chapter 6 — Frequently Asked Questions
Section 2 — FAQ’s
near a column creating a clamping force on the cap.
If there is no beam on the overhang or if the exterior beam is closer than 0.5 d from the
exterior column the beam no longer provides a clamping effect, so the longitudinal
reinforcing checks in <Article> should be verified.
AASHTO LRFD doesn’t usually apply to standard (rectangular) TxDOT multi-
column bent caps due to the little amount of torsion in them. Inverted-Tee bents may see a
significant amount of torsion requiring <Article> to be verified. Whether or not
to perform the longitudinal reinforcing check is an engineering judgement call.
Why are we using still using <Appendix B5> for shear capacities of reinforced concrete
The shear design method in <Article> General Procedure is a valid shear design
procedure. The development of this article was based on simplifying the iterative method
now found in <Appendix B5> General Procedure For Shear Design With Tables. In
simplifying the <Appendix B5> procedure, some assumptions needed to be made that
made <Article> a closer solution for some cases and further for others. For
mildly reinforced design <Article> is often conservative, sometimes excessively
conservative. For prestressed sections this is not the case.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Appendix A
Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder Haunch Design Guide
Section 1 — Components of Haunch ............................................................................ A-A-2
Section 2 — Minimum and Maximum Haunch Values ................................................. A-A-5
Section 3 — Steps to Calculate Haunch ........................................................................ A-A-6
Section 4 — Vertical Curve Effects on Haunch .......................................................... A-A-10
Section 5 — Superelevation Transition Effects on Haunch......................................... A-A-12
Section 6 — Example TxGirder Haunch Calculations ................................................ A-A-15
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 1 — Components of Haunch
Section 1 Components of Haunch
Camber is the upward deflection in the girder after release of the prestressing strands due
to the eccentricity of the force in the strands. The camber of the girder is usually the
largest contribution to haunch. In most cases, as camber increases, so does haunch.
Figure A-1: Camber of Girder (Before Slab is Placed)
Dead Load Deflection
The dead load deflection used in haunch calculations is the deflection due to the dead load
of the slab only (it does not account for haunch weight). The dead load helps lessen the
haunch. As the dead load deflection increases the haunch decreases. Note: The dead load
deflection calculation assumes a monolithic, cast-in-place slab, whether or not prestressed
concrete panels are used. Where prestressed concrete panels are used deflections used to
screed the roadway surface will be different since the deflection due to the panels will
already be there.
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 1 — Components of Haunch
Figure A-2: Girder After Slab is Placed
Cross Slope
The cross slope is the slope of the slab across the transverse section of the girder. The
cross slope correction (CSC) is the distance from the bottom of the slab to the top of the
girder at the center of the top flange needed to prevent encroachment of the girder into
the slab at the lowest point of the cross slope. The CSC is needed for TxGirders since the
girders are placed vertically on the bearing pads. As CSC increases, the haunch also
Figure A-3: Cross Slope Correction
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 1 — Components of Haunch
Vertical Clearance Ordinate (VCO)
The VCO is the distance from the Bridge Geometry System (BGS) reference line to the
roadway surface. The reference line is the chorded roadway surface between the center of
bearings. The VCO is given in the BGS output as negative when the roadway surface is
above the reference line and positive when the roadway surface is below the reference
line. When the VCO is negative (crest curve) the haunch decreases at center of bearing,
and when the VCO is positive (sag curve) the haunch increases at center of bearing.
Figure A-4: VCO with Respect to BGS Reference Line
Figure A-5: All Haunch Components Working Together
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 2 — Minimum and Maximum
Haunch Values
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 2 Minimum and Maximum Haunch Values
The maximum haunch without reinforcing is 3 ½”.
The minimum haunch at the center of bearing is 2” to accommodate the thickened slab
end since the TxGirder flange is too thin to notch like the I-beam.
The minimum haunch at mid-span is ½” to accommodate bedding strips for
prestressed concrete panels.
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 3 — Steps to Calculate Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 3 Steps to Calculate Haunch
This section applies to simple geometric cases only. Refer to Section 4 for guidance on
complex geometry.
Step 1
Execute a preliminary BGS run using a beam framing option from 1-10 in the FOPT card.
On the BRNG card, input a “Depth Below the Reference Line”, or bearing deduct, of
zero. This gives the VCLR output as the VCO defined above. Include a VCLR card for
each span with the bridge alignment as the specified alignment.
Step 2
Examine the BGS output. The vertical ordinate (VO) will be given along the girder at as
many segments as defined in the VCLR card. The first and last columns of each VCLR
table are the ordinates at the center of bearings and should equal zero. The maximum
magnitude VO is used in haunch calculations. The critical VO typically corresponds to
the 0.5L column in the VCLR table as shown below. The sign convention shown in BGS
should be used in the haunch calculations.
Figure A-6: BGS Output of VCLR Table
Step 3
Calculate the required minimum haunch at center of bearing at center of girder top flange
that will work for all TxGirders in a span.
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 3 — Steps to Calculate Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
CL Brg,Req
= (C 0.8Δ
) + VCO + CSC + Haunch
C = Camber of the TxGirder, ft (taken from PGSuper “TxDOT
Summary Report” under “Camber and Deflections”, the
Design Camber. Design Camber includes girder self-weight
deflection, camber at release, and camber due to creep.
NOTE: PGSuper gives camber in inches and feet. The
camber will need to be in feet for the above equation.)
= Absolute value of dead load deflection of TxGirder at
midspan due to a cast-in-place slab, ft (taken from PGSuper
“TxDOT Summary Report” under Camber and Deflection”
for deflections of Slab and Diaphragms. NOTE: PGSuper
gives dead load deflection in inches and feet. The dead load
deflection will need to be in feet for the above equation.)
VCO = Maximum magnitude vertical clearance ordinate, ft (taken
from BGS VCLR output table; keep BGS sign convention)
CSC = Cross slope correction, ft (this equation assumes a constant
cross slope above the girder top flange)
CSC = CS x ½(w
CS = Cross slope of slab above girder top flange, ft/ft
= Width of top flange, ft
= Minimum required haunch measured at the least-haunch edge
of the girder flange. Minimum haunch typically occurs at
mid-span. However, with large crest curves and
superelevation transitions, Minimum Haunch can occur
anywhere along the beam.
Use the largest Haunch
CL Brg,Re q
value for each girder in that span:
CL Brg
max{ Haunch
CL Brg,Req
} (round up to the nearest ¼″)
CL Brg
is the haunch that will be provided at center of bearing for each TxGirder
in that span.
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 3 — Steps to Calculate Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Step 4
Calculate the theoretical minimum haunch along center of girder top flange.
= Haunch
CL Brg
Step 5
Calculate the slab dimensions at the center of bearing, “X”; the theoretical slab dimensions
at mid-span, “Z”; and the depth from top of slab to bottom of girder at center of bearing,
“Y”, for each TxGirder in the span.
“X” = Haunch
CL Brg
+ t
“Y” = “X” + Girder Depth
“Z” = Haunch
+ t
= Slab thickness
Figure A-7: “X” and “Z” Dimensions in Elevation View
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 3 — Steps to Calculate Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure A-8: “X”, “Y”, and “Z” Dimensions in Section View
NOTE: “Z” is a theoretical dimension. The true value depends on actual beam camber,
which is difficult to predict.
Step 6
Calculate the required bearing deduct used in computing the final bearing seat elevations.
Bearing Deduct = “Y” + Bearing Pad Thickness
If sole plates are required,
Bearing Deduct = “Y” + Bearing Pad Thickness + Sole Plate Thickness
(Values should be rounded to the nearest
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 4 — Vertical Curve Effects on Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 4 Vertical Curve Effects on Haunch
The three most common classes of sag and crest curve haunch effects are illustrated
below. Figure A-9 shows a sag curve, which creates a minimum haunch at mid-span with
a much larger haunch at the ends. Figure A-10 shows a large crest curve with respect to
the girder camber. In this case, there is more haunch at mid-span than at the ends. Figure
A-11 shows a small crest curve where there is less haunch at mid-span than at the ends.
Figure A-9: Sag Curve Effect on Haunch
Figure A-10: Large Crest Curve Effect on Haunch
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 4 — Vertical Curve Effects on Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure A-11: Small Crest Curve Effect on Haunch
Appendix A Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design
Section 5 — Superelevation Transition Effects
on Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 5 Superelevation Transition Effects on Haunch
Superelevation transitions can create unusual VCO patterns. The typical VCO pattern is a
parabolic shape with a maximum or a minimum at mid-span. When there is a
superelevation transition that starts or ends in a span, the VCLR table of BGS needs to be
looked at more closely to determine if the haunch needs to be calculated at points other
than mid-span. This also applies when a superelevation transition ends at a skewed bent
because all the girders not along the PGL will see the same effects as if the superelevation
transition was terminated within the span. When the VCO output has an unusual pattern
as shown below in Figure A-12, the haunch needs to be calculated at multiple points
along the girders since the camber and dead load deflection vary along the girder. This
means that it is incorrect to calculate the haunch using the critical VCO and the camber
and dead load deflection from mid-span when the critical VCO does not happen at mid-
span. When considering quarter points, dead load deflection can be calculated as 0.7123 x
ΔDL and camber can be estimated as 0.7123 x C. Figure A-13 through Figure A-17 give a
visual representation of the superelevation transition on the bridge. In general, the use of
superelevation transitions increases the haunch in order to prevent encroachment of the
girder into the slab.
Figure A-12: BGS VCLR Table Output for Superelevation Transition
Figure A-13: Elevation View of a Superelevation Transition
Appendix A Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design
Section 5 — Superelevation Transition Effects
on Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure A-14: Section A-A (House top cross-slope)
Figure A-15: Section B-B (Full superelevation)
Appendix A Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design
Section 5 — Superelevation Transition Effects
on Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure A-16: Section C-C
Figure A-17: Detail A.
(Showing the kink that is created by a superelevation transition at mid span.)
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 6 — Example TxGirder Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 6 Example Tx-Girder Haunch Calculations
Bridge Information
This bridge consists of three Tx54 spans with a straight horizontal alignment and a
vertical profile with a crest curve. It has a 2% house top cross slope with no
superelevation transition. The following calculations are for Span 2 (115ft) only.
Step 1
Execute a preliminary BGS run. As shown in Figure A-19, the beam framing option used
is 5, the bearing deduct (depth below the reference line) is set to zero, and there is a
VCLR card for every span using the bridge alignment.
Step 2
Examine BGS output. As shown in Figure A-18, the first and last columns of the VCLR
table for Span 2 are zero. Also, the VCO values are all negative indicating a crest curve.
For these haunch calculations we will be using the VCO at mid-span.
Figure A-18 shows the VCO as -0.19 ft for all the beams in the span.
Figure A-18: BGS VCLR Table Output
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 6 — Example TxGirder Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure A-19: BGS Input
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 6 — Example TxGirder Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Step 3
Calculate the required minimum haunch at center of bearing at center of girder top
flange that will work for all TxGirders in a span. Since all girders have the same VCO,
Camber, and Dead Load Deflection, the haunch will be the same for all girders.
Using PGSuper (See Figure A-20)
CL Brg,Req
= (C0.8Δ
)+ VCO + CSC + Haunch
4.675 in. = 0.390 ft (From PGSuper)
= 1.818 in. = 0.152 ft (from PGSuper)
VCO = - 0.19 ft (From BGS)
CSC = CS x 0.5w
= 0.02 ft/ft x ½(36 in. / 12)
= 0.030 ft
= 0.5 in. / 12 = 0.0417 ft (See Section 2)
CL Brg,Req = (0.390 ft – 0.8(0.152 ft))+ (-0.19 ft) + 0.030 ft + 0.0417 ft
= 0.1501 ft
= 1.801 in.
The required haunch at center of bearing needs to be greater than the 2″ minimum
(see Section 2). Rounding the required haunch up to the nearest ¼” gives a haunch
for Span 2 of 2.00″.
CL Brg
= 2.00 in.
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 6 — Example TxGirder Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure A-20: PGSuper, TxDOT Summary Report, Camber and Deflection Table
Step 4
Calculate the theoretical minimum haunch along the center of girder top flange. The
haunch used for the remaining calculations will be from PGSuper.
= Haunch
CL Brg
CL Brg
= 2.00 in. = 0.167 ft
= 0.152 ft
C = 0.390 ft
VCO = - 0.19 ft
CSC = 0.030 ft
0.167 ft(0.390 ft – 0.8(0.152ft)) – (-0.19 ft) – 0.030 ft
0.0586 ft = 0.703 in. ( > Haunch
= 0.5 in.)
Appendix A — Pretensioned Concrete TxGirder
Haunch Design Guide
Section 6 — Example TxGirder Haunch
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Step 5
Calculate “X”, “Z”, and “Y”.
CL Brg
+ t
CL Brg
= 2.0 in.
= 8.5in
“X” = 2.0 in. + 8.5 in. = 10.5 in.
“X” + Girder Depth
Girder Depth = 54in
“Y” = 10.5 in. + 54 in. = 64.5 in. = -4 ½″
+ t
= 0.703 in.
= 8.5 in.
CSC = 0.030 ft = 0.360 in.
“Z” =
0.703 in + 8.5 in. + 0.360 in. = 9.563 in. ~ 9
Step 6
Calculate the required bearing deduct.
Bearing Deduct
“Y” + Bearing Pad Thickness
“Y” = 64.5 in.
Bearing Pad
= 2.75 in.
Bearing Deduct = 64.5 in. + 2.75 in. = 67.25in = -7 ¼″
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Appendix B
Pretensioned Concrete U-Beam Design Guide
Section 1 — Bearing Pad Taper Calculations for U-beams ............................................ B-B-2
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U-beams ............................................................. B-B-6
Section 3 — Beam Framing ......................................................................................... B-B-16
Section 4 — Restraining Superstructure Lateral Movement ........................................ B-B-17
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 1 — Bearing Pad Taper Calculations for U
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 1 Bearing Pad Taper Calculations for U-beams
Bearing Pad Taper
The bearing seat for a U-beam is level perpendicular to the centerline of bearing but
slopes along the centerline of bearing between the left and right bearing seat elevations.
The bearing pad is oriented along the centerline of bearing. This configuration for the
U beam bearing allows the pad to taper in only one direction (perpendicular to the
centerline of bearing). The amount of bearing pad taper depends on three factors:
Grade of the U-beam
Slope of the bearing seat (taper is along Brg)
Beam angle (angle between Beam and Brg in plan view)
All U beam projects should have a Bearing Pad Taper Report sheet that contains the
various pad tapers for use by the bearing pad fabricator. This report summarizes the
bearing pad taper perpendicular to the centerline of bearing for each beam bearing
location. In BGS, the report is titled “Bearing Pad Taper -- Fabricator’s Report”. The
calculations that follow derive the formula for calculating the bearing pad taper
perpendicular to centerline of bearing.
For purposes of developing the formulas for calculating bearing pad taper, the following
sign convention will be used looking in the direction of increasing station numbers:
Positive bearing seat slope is up and to the right
Negative bearing seat slope is down and to the right
Positive beam grade is up
Negative beam grade is down
Positive bearing pad taper is up
Negative bearing pad taper is down
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 1 — Bearing Pad Taper Calculations for U
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Case I
Beam Angle is θ < 90° and Right Forward.
Figure B-1: Plan View of Bearing Seat with Right Forward Beam Angle
Perpendicular to the centerline of bearing, the pad taper is only function of the bottom
surface of the beam. The bearing seat is level in this direction, so the component of pad
taper due to the top surface of the bearing seat is zero. Using ELEV
, and
at points 1, 2, and 3, respectively, at the bottom of U-beam, the equation for pad
taper is:
/sin θ)
+ SLOPE × (L
/tan θ)
Substituting for ELEV
and ELEV
, the equation for pad taper becomes:
(BEAM GRADE SLOPE × cos θ)/sin θ
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 1 — Bearing Pad Taper Calculations for U
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Case II
Angle is θ < 90° and Left Forward.
Figure B-2: Plan View of Bearing Seat with Left Forward Beam Angle
Using ELEV
, and ELEV
at points 1, 2, and 3, respectively, at the bottom of the
U-beam, the equation for pad taper is:
/sin θ)
/tan θ)
Substituting for ELEV
and ELEV
, the equation for pad taper becomes:
(BEAM GRADE + SLOPE × cos θ)/sin θ
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 1 — Bearing Pad Taper Calculations for U
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Case III
Beam Angle is θ = 90°
Since the centerline of the U-beam is perpendicular to centerline of bearing, the
component of bearing pad taper due to the bearing seat is zero, and the bearing pad taper
is simply:
Defining β = beam angle as measured counterclockwise from centerline of bearing, the
equation for the calculating bearing pad taper for any bearing location is as follows:
(BEAM GRADE SLOPE × cos β)/sin β
Figure B-3: Plan View of Bearing Seat
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 2 Haunch Calculations for U-beams
U-beams are placed at a cross-slope, unlike I beams. For spans with constant cross-slope
and constant overall width, U-beam flanges will be parallel to the cross-slope of the
roadway surface. For spans with more complicated geometry, such as varying cross-slope
and/or varying overall width, U-beams will be at some cross-slope other than the cross-
slope of the roadway surface. Each U-beam in a span is balanced in cross-slope from the
back bearing to the forward bearing of the beam so that no torsion is introduced into the
beam. Thus, the haunch at centerline of bearing for the left edge of the beam may be
different than the haunch at right edge of the beam. Skewed beam end conditions can also
contribute to a different haunch at centerline bearing for each edge of the beam this
difference can exist even with a constant cross-slope (i.e., it is due to the geometry of the
roadway surface and not necessarily the balancing of the U-beam).
In terms of calculating the required haunch at centerline of bearing for a U-beam, the
haunch for each edge of top flange of the U-beam must be calculated. Once the minimum
haunch value is established, the maximum haunch at centerline of bearing on the opposite
top edge of the U-beam can be calculated as well as the deduct value for computing
bearing seat elevations. This section covers a suggested method of calculating the
required haunch and the corresponding deduct values for U-beams.
Figure B-4: U-beam Section View Definitions
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Step 1 – Execute a Preliminary BGS Run
Execute a preliminary BGS run using beam framing option 20, 21, or 22 in order to
calculate the vertical curve component of the haunch. On the BRNG card, input the
section depth as zero and the pedestal width equal to the top flange width of the U-beam
(7.42' for U40 beams and 8.00' for U54 beams). Add the letter “P” in column 80 of the
BRNG card. This instructs BGS to keep the top flange width dimension perpendicular to
the centerline of U-beam. Thus, for skewed beam end conditions, BGS will take into
account the skew at that end of the U-beam and give the corresponding vertical clearance
ordinates (VCO) at the centerline of bearing for the left and right edges of the top flange
(See Figure B-5). Also, include a VCLR card for each span with the bridge alignment as
the specified alignment.
Step 2 – Examine the BGS Output
Three lines of vertical clearance ordinates (VCO) will be generated for every U-beam: the
VCOs along the left top edge, centerline, and right top edge of U-beam. The first and last
columns of each VCO table are the ordinates at centerline of back bearing and forward
bearing, respectively. One or both VCO values at the left and right top edge of the
U beam at centerline of bearing will be zero. A VCO of zero indicates that the top edge
of the U-beam is matched with the elevation of the top of slab at that point. Thus, the
vertical placement is controlled by these “corners” of the U-beam that have VCO of zero.
The corner opposite to the controlling corner at the centerline of bearing will either have a
zero or negative VCO. Its value depends on the bridge geometry and/or balancing of the
U-beam. A zero value for the VCO at the dependent corner means that at that point the
top of the U-beam is also matched with the elevation of the top of slab. However, a
negative VCO value at the dependent corner means that at that point the top edge of
U beam is below the elevation at top of slab. This negative VCO is the difference in
haunch at centerline of bearing from the left top edge of beam to the right top edge of
beam due to bridge geometry and/or balancing of the U-beam (Figure B-6).
Figure B-5: Example Plan View of the Vertical Clearance Ordinates for U-beam
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure B-6 illustrates the VCOs produced by BGS for the left and right top edges of the
U beam when framing a span with a crest vertical curve and a varying cross-slope along
the span. It is shown only to help visualize a possible scenario of VCOs produced by
Figure B-6: Example Vertical Profile at Edges of U-beam
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
When inputting the top flange width of the U-beam, bf, on the BRNG card, the VCLR
command calculates the VCOs at an offset distance of bf/2 from the BGS beam line (See
Figure B-7). The standard convention for defining the BGS beam line is a vertical line at a
point coinciding with the centerline of the bottom of the bearing pad. Thus, for U-beams
at a cross-slope, the beam rotates about this point. This rotation of the U-beam shifts the
top flange of the beam transversely with respect to the BGS beam line. BGS makes no
adjustment for the rotation-induced transverse movement and, therefore, VCO
calculations that are not exactly at the outside edge of the top flange. The offset error may
be computed as follows, but it is usually negligible.
Figure B-7: Example of U-beam Geometry as per BGS
where: α = cross slope angle in radians = arctan(cross slope);
= top flange width h
= height of U-beam
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Table B-1: BGS Offset Errors for Common Cross Slopes
U40 (all values in in.) U54 (all values in in.)
⅛″ per 0.0104 0.41 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.57 0.01 0.56 0.01
1.5% 0.0150 0.59 0.01 0.58 0.01 0.82 0.01 0.80 0.01
2% 0.0200 0.79 0.02 0.77 0.02 1.09 0.02 1.07 0.02
Step 3 – Calculate Required Minimum Haunch
Calculate the required minimum haunch at centerline bearing that will work for all U-beams
in a span. Start by calculating the required minimum haunch at centerline of bearing for both
the left and right top edges of each U-beam in that span. For each side of the beam, work
from the controlling corner and use the entire maximum vertical clearance ordinate (VCO)
on that edge in your haunch calculation. Do not be concerned with the VCO value at the
dependent corner for each side, because that value affects only the maximum haunch (see
Step 4), not the minimum haunch. Also, for U beams, we typically use 75% of the camber
computed by PGSuper because in the field we have not been consistently getting our
predicted cambers.
Also, a note to users who obtain camber and dead load deflection values from PGSuper. The
reduction coefficients presented in this section are stored within PGSuper and can be
utilized by its haunch algorithm. Follow these steps to obtain the raw values (which are
required when using the equations in this document) from the TxDOT Summary Report in
Camber: Use Design Camber under “Camber and Deflections”
: Use Slab and Diaphragms deflection under “Camber and Deflections”
A positive VCO means the top of beam is above the top of slab at that point, while a
negative ordinate means the top of beam is below the top of slab at that point. Keeping the
sign convention used by BGS, the required minimum haunch values at centerline of bearing
for each U-beam are as follows:
For Controlling Corners along the Left Top Edge:
CL Brg,Req(L)
(0.75C − 0.8Δ
) + VCO
+ Haunch
+ y
For Controlling Corners along the Right Top Edge:
CL Brg,Req(R)
= (0.75C 0.8Δ
) + VCO
+ Haunch
+ y
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Maximum VCO, left top edge (usually at mid-span)
= Maximum VCO, right top edge (usually at mid-span)
C = Camber of U-beam
= Dead load deflection of U-beam due to slab only (no haunch)
= The minimum required haunch (usually at mid-span) is ½″
= Vertical BGS Offset Error; this value is usually small and
negligible. If the user wishes to account for this error, assign a
positive value for the “downhill” haunch and a negative value
for the “uphillhaunch.
Next, calculate the largest haunch required at a controlling corner for that span:
CL Brg(CC)
= max{Haunch
CL Brg,Req(L)
, Haunch
CL Brg,Req(R)
(round up to the nearest ¼″)
This haunch value will be the haunch at all controlling corners for each U-beam in that
span. Now, calculate the theoretical minimum provided haunch on each side:
= Haunch
CL Brg(CC)
(0.75C − 0.8Δ
= Haunch
CL Brg(CC)
(0.75C − 0.8Δ
Step 4 – Calculate Maximum Haunches
Calculate the corresponding maximum haunches at centerline of bearing. The maximum
haunches at centerline of bearing occur at the dependent corners of each U-beam. These
maximum haunches may vary between U-beams in a span but typically will not vary for
the same U-beam. The maximum haunches at centerline of bearing for each U-beam in a
span are:
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Left Top Edge:
= Haunch
CL Brg(CC)
Right Top Edge:
= Haunch
CL Brg(CC)
Vertical clearance ordinate value, dependent left top corner
= Vertical clearance ordinate value, dependent right top corner
Step 5 – Calculate Slab Dimensions
Calculate the slab dimensions at centerline of bearing, X
and X
, and the theoretical
slab dimensions at mid-span, Z
and Z
for each U-beam in the span (See Figure B-8).
The equations are:
= Haunch
CL Brg(CC)
+ slab thickness
= Haunch
CL Brg(LDC or RDC)
+ slab thickness
= Haunch
+ slab thickness
= Haunch
+ slab thickness
Again, X
is the section depth at all controlling corners of the beam while X
is the
section depth at all dependent corners of the beam (any difference in X
for each
dependent corner of an individual beam should be negligible).
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure B-8: Section Depth Information on Production Drawings
Figure B-8 above shows a typical plan view and table that can be used on production
drawings to describe the depth and location of the X and Z values. In order to use a single
and generic detail, the “min” and “max” designation is changed to an open convention
using the letters “A” and “B”. As a result, X
and X
can be either the X
or X
Step 6 – Calculate Required Deduct
Calculate the required deduct at the specific bearing location to use in computing the final
bearing seat elevations. The UBEB standard sheets provide pedestal widths for the U40
and U54 beams with the standard and dapped end conditions. The pedestal widths listed
depend on the beam angle and are adequate for up to two 9" x 19" bearing pads. Also,
because only one pedestal width can be input per BRNG card, the pedestal width used
must be for the U-beam with the smallest beam angle at that bearing location. Omit the
letter “P” in column 80 of the BRNG card so that BGS applies the pedestal width along
the centerline of bearing.
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure B-9: Location of Deduct for Final Bearing Seat Elevations
The required deduct for calculating bearing seat elevations needs to be the deduct at the
edge of the bearing seat (see Figure B-9). This deduct can be obtained by interpolating
between the values X
and X
for each U-beam using the beam angle, the top flange
width of the beam, and the chosen bearing seat width. The largest calculated deduct at that
bearing location should be used to compute the final bearing seat elevations for all the U-
beams at that bearing location. The difference between the calculated deducts at a given
bearing location should be negligible, but check the worst case span initially to see if the
difference is large enough to take into account. The deduct for the calculation of final
bearing seat elevations is:
cross slope angle = arctan(cross slope)
= top flange width
= beam angle
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 2 — Haunch Calculations for U Beams
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
D = bearing seat width
Note: The beam angle and cross slope can usually be ignored because of negligible
difference in the final deduct amount.
The required haunch at centerline of bearing for the left and right top edges of the U-beam
should always be calculated working from the controlling corner for that side. This is
done because the vertical clearance ordinate for the dependent corner is “built-in” to the
geometry for the beam and bridge. We cannot use that value in determining our haunch
because the vertical clearance ordinate at the dependent corner is always present, i.e., we
cannot adjust the beam vertically to reduce that dimension. Basically, the controlling
corners will have the minimum haunch at centerline of bearing, while the dependent
corners will have the maximum haunch at centerline of bearing, the difference being the
vertical clearance ordinate value at the dependent corner. Incidentally, because the U-
beam is at an average cross-slope, the haunches at centerline of bearing for the back end
of the beam for the left and right edges will typically be reversed at the forward end of the
At mid-span, the theoretical haunch value for the left and right top edges of each U-beam
will be the same value if the roadway surface cross-slope is constant or transitions at a
constant rate over the entire length of the span and the beam spacing remains constant in
the span. For any other case, the theoretical haunch at mid-span may be different for the
left and right top edges of each U-beam. Also note that, as with any beam type, the
minimum haunch does not always occur at mid-span. With large crest curves and
superelevation transitions, minimum haunch can occur anywhere along the beam.
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 3 — Beam Framing
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 3 — Beam Framing
Three BGS beam framing options specifically written for U-beams currently exist:
Options 20, 21, & 22.
When using BGS, beam spacing should be dimensioned at the bottom of beam.
U beams are not vertical but are rotated to accommodate the cross-slope of the
roadway. Dimensioning the beam spacing at the bottom of the beams will allow BGS
to correctly report the beam spacings on the bent reports. Also, the span sheet details
should contain the note:
Beam spacing shown is measured at bottom of beam. Beam spacing at top of
beam may vary due to cross-slope of U-beams.
Because U-beams may not be parallel to the cross-slope of the roadway in a given
span, the depth of haunch at the left and right top edge of beam may vary. Special
attention should be given to these beams in calculating the haunch values.
The amount of deduct for the calculation of final left and right bearing seat elevations
should be the deduct at the edge of pedestal (bearing seat) on the minimum haunch
side of the beam. This is where BGS applies the input deduct value for a given
bearing location.
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 4 — Restraining Superstructure Lateral
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 4 Restraining Superstructure Lateral Movement
Shear Keys
Shear keys are recommended for superelevated cross-sections on curves or on cross-
sections sloping in one direction on straight roadways.
Consideration of the use of shear keys should also be given to bridges that might
experience significant vibration from trains or pile driving.
Shear keys are required on abutment and bent caps on U-beam bridges that cross water
features that meet the criteria given in the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual - LRFD.
The placement of shear keys between U beams are at the discretion of the designer.
However, typically shear keys are placed in the bay between the exterior and first
interior beam. The shear keys are to be poured on the cap after the beams have been
Typically, the top of the shear key is 5" above the bottom of the U-beam. For a
standard 1 ½" build-up with 2 ½" thick bearing pad, the shear key is 9" in height,
measured from top of cap.
Include the cost for furnishing and installing a shear key in the Class “C” Concrete
Bent Cap quantity on the interior bent sheet and the Estimated Quantities sheet.
Bituminous fiber material should be used as a bond breaker at the beam/shear key
See Figure B-10 for an example shear key detail.
Appendix B — Pretensioned Concrete U Beam
Design Guide
Section 4 — Restraining Superstructure Lateral
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure B-10: Example Shear Key Detail
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Appendix C
Steel Twin Tub Girder System Redundancy Simplified
Method Guide
Section 1 — Overview ................................................................................................... C-C-2
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline ....................................................... C-C-3
Section 3 — Redundancy Evaluation ........................................................................... C-C-16
Section 4 — References................................................................................................ C-C-17
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 1 — Overview
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 1 Overview
One of the most accurate ways to access the performance of a steel twin tub Girder Bridge
in the event that one of the tension flanges fractures is through finite-element modeling.
This type of modeling requires a substantial amount of time to develop and analyze.
Simplified procedures for evaluating the redundancy of steel twin tub girder bridges were
developed on the basis of behavior observed during a series of full-scale tests, which were
part of a TxDOT research project, Modeling the Response of Fracture Critical Steel Box-
Girder Bridges, Barnard et al., Research Report 5498-1, 2010. The following gives an
overview of the simplified method that was developed to evaluate twin tub bridges for
system redundancy in lieu of finite element modeling.
Criteria for Use of Simplified Method
In order to use the simplified method, the following criteria must be met:
Spans do not exceed 250 ft.
Supports are skewed no more than 20 degrees
Horizontal curvature greater than R = 700 ft.
Engineer ascertains that the use of an approximate method is adequate.
Refer to the Design Criteria Section of the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual - LRFD,
Chapter 3, Section 17, for assumptions, assumed fracture location, worst case loading
condition, and live load positioning.
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 2 Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Step 1: Design the bridge as normally done with the following exceptions:
Design for Strength Limit State using a Redundancy Factor, η
= 1.05
Design for Infinite Fatigue life for Fatigue and Fracture Limit State
Step 2: Design the bridge for member failure under Extreme Event III according to the
TxDOT Bridge Design Manual-LRFD
1. Assume one girder is fractured, within the span under consideration.
Fracture the girder at the bottom flange in tension and webs attached to that
flange. Assume the other girder in the span under consideration is intact. For
continuous units, assume that both girders are still intact in adjacent spans.
The location of the fracture within the span is assumed to be at the maximum
factored tensile stress in the bottom flange determined using Strength I load
The fractured girder should be the girder that would result in the worst loading
2. Calculate the transmitted load to the intact girder. It is assumed that just prior
to the fracture event, the girder that will fracture is carrying 50% of the total dead
load of the bridge and all of the live load, due to the position of the live load. Once
the fracture occurs, the slab must transfer the entire load the fractured girder was
carrying to the intact girder via the bridge slab. Therefore, the intact girder will
now be carrying 100% of the dead load of the bridge and the entire live load.
F = (1.2)((L)(Wgirder + Wdeck/2 + Wrailings/2) + WLL)
Transmitted load to intact girder (kips)
Weight of one steel tub girder plus weight of diaphragms
and stiffeners, etc. (kips)
Concrete deck and haunches weight (kips)
Total Railing weight (kips)
Live Load (kips)
Dynamic Increase Factor, DIF
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
3. Calculate the maximum moment on the bridge.
Maximum moment due to dead load:
= (L
/8)( 2W
+ W
+ W
Maximum moment due to live load:
Position the HL-93 live load, including truck and lane load on the bridge deck
directly above the fracture location.
The number, width, and location of design lanes is taken as the number, width,
and location of striped traffic lanes on the bridge.
The live load is notional and meant to capture an envelope.
The impact factor, IM, is zeroed out for the fracture event
4. Calculate the bending capacity demand on the intact girder under Extreme
Event III, according to the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual - LRFD, Chapter 2,
Section 1:
I. Ф, Resistance Factor = 1.0
II. DL Load Factor = 1.10
III. LL Load Factor = 1.10
IV. DIF, Dynamic Increase Factor = 1.2
= (1.2)( 1.10M
+ 1.10M
= Moment of member at failure under Extreme Event III
5. Calculate the plastic moment capacity, MP, of the intact girder to determine if it
has sufficient capacity to sustain the total live load and total dead load on the
6. Check the bending and shear capacity of the concrete deck to ensure adequacy
to resist the moment and shear produced by the unsupported load of the fractured
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Positive Moment Capacity, M
of Concrete Deck
The assumed strain and stress gradients at positive moment regions are shown in
Figure C-1.
Figure C-1: Strain and stress gradients at positive moment regions
Take the moments about the neutral axis to solve for the nominal moment
Negative Moment Capacity, M
of Concrete Deck
The assumed strain and stress gradients at negative moment regions are shown in
Figure C-2.
Figure C-2: Strain and stress gradients for negative moment regions
Take the moments about the neutral axis to solve for the nominal moment
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Bending and Shear Capacity Check of Concrete Deck:
The deflected shape of the concrete deck and the bending moment diagram,
assuming that the shear studs have adequate tensile capacity, is shown below:
Figure C-3: Deflected shape and moment diagram before any failure of shear studs
The shear associated with the plastic deck mechanism is:
= (M
+ M
) / s
Positive Moment Capacity of Concrete Deck (k-ft)
= Negative Moment Capacity of Concrete Deck (k-ft)
= Distance between the mid-width of the fractured girder’s
interior top flange and edge of the interior top flange of the
intact girder (ft.)
The shear capacity, V
, is calculated using the ACI equation below and based on a
12-inch wide transverse deck section.
= Compressive strength of concrete for use in design (psi)
b = Width of compression face of member (in)
d = Effective depth of member, distance from extreme
compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tension
reinforcement (in)
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
The maximum shear capacity is taken as the smaller of the shear corresponding to a
plastic moment mechanism in the deck and the shear capacity of the deck. Use the
controlling shear, lesser of V
and V
, to calculate the total length, L
, required
to transfer the transmitted load, F.
= F / (Controlling Shear)
7. Check the behavior of the shear studs. The shear studs connecting the deck to the
fractured girder must have sufficient tension capacity to develop the plastic beam
mechanism in the bridge deck. The shear force on the studs in the fractured girder is
assumed to be zero since it is assumed that no load is being carried by the fractured
girder. The shear force on the studs in the intact girder, which are assumed to be not
subject to tension, must satisfy <> to ensure composite action between the
intact girder and the slab. Due to the inherent conservatism in the simplified
method, and observations from laboratory testing of actual girders, it is reasonable
to neglect the tension in the studs over the intact girder.
Determine the tensile strength of the shear stud group. The tensile capacity of the
shear stud group can be obtained by using the modified ACI equations (ACI 2019, which are also included in the TxDOT research report 9-5498-R2, The
Tensile Capacity of Welded Shear Studs (Mouras, 2008). The ACI equations serve
as a good basis for predicting the tensile strength of shear studs, but it does not
adequately address these connections, especially when the detail has a haunch,
therefore they must be modified for haunch.
Concrete cone breakout strength of a single isolated stud in a
continuous piece of cracked concrete (lbs)
= 24 for cast-in-place shear studs
= Specified concrete compressive strength (psi)
= Effective height of the stud above the top of the haunch (in)
= Effective height of shear stud in concrete, which is equal to the
length of stud excluding the height of the stud head (in)
= Haunch height (in)
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
= Width of haunch perpendicular to bridge span axis
To determine whether the shear studs pull out or a hinge is formed in the concrete
deck, calculate N
, which is the design concrete breakout strength of a stud or
group of studs.
= Design concrete breakout strength of a stud or group of studs
= Projected concrete cone failure area of a stud group (in
= 3 h
If no haunch is present, the group failure cone area is defined
by the total area covered by overlapping single stud failure
cone areas. If a haunch is present, the sides of the haunch are
assumed to act as an edge in confining the size of the failure
cone to the haunch region. See Figure C-4 and Figure C-5 for
more information.
= Projected concrete cone failure area of a single stud in
continuous concrete (in
) See Figure C-4 and for Figure C-5
more information.
9 h
= Group effect modification factor for studs on a bridge girder
= 1.0 for 1 stud
= 0.95 for 2 studs spaced transversely
= 0.90 for 3 studs spaced transversely
= 0.80 for studs spaced longitudinally 3h
= Eccentric load modification factor
= Eccentricity of resultant stud tensile load
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Edge distance modification factor
= 1.0 for c
≥ 1.5 h
smallest edge distance measured from center of stud to the
edge of concrete (in)
= Cracked concrete modification factor
= 1.0, Cracked or no haunch
= 1.25, Uncracked or with haunch
Figure C-4: Dimensioned Projected Concrete Cone Failure Areas for (a) 1 Stud (b) 3 studs
Spaced Transversely (c) 3 Studs Spaced Longitudinally, all without a Haunch
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure C-5: Dimensioned Projected Concrete Cone Failure Areas for (a) 3 Studs spaced
Transversely and (b) 3 Studs Spaced Longitudinally, both in a Haunch
The shear studs connecting the deck to the fractured girder must have sufficient
tension capacity to develop the plastic beam mechanism in the bridge deck. The
required shear stud tensile capacity is estimated by using the model of the bridge
deck shown in Figure C-6 below.
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Figure C-6: (a) Plastic Deck Mechanism and (b) Shear Stud Pull-out Capacity
The required tension capacity of the group of shear studs included in the strip can
be calculated as:
Required tensile capacity of the shear stud group in a strip (k)
= Positive moment capacity of the deck strip at the top flange of
the fractured girder (k-ft)
b = Distance between the mid-width of the top flanges of the
fractured girder (ft.)
= Shear from the plastic deck mechanism (k)
If the tensile capacity of the shear studs is exceeded, the flange of the fractured
girder will pull out of the bridge deck and the beam mechanism in the deck between
the girders will not form.
8. Check the shear capacity of the composite section at the supports due to
torsion and bending for Extreme Event III, V
. The entire weight of the
bridge and live load are applied to the intact girder. The shear, which is developed
at the end of the span due to this loading, is calculated as:
= 1.2 (1.10 V
+ 1.10 V
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Shear due to dead load
= Shear due to live load
The unsupported load, which is at first carried by the fractured girder, now has to be
transferred to the intact girder. The eccentricity between the chord of the intact
girder bearings and the center of gravity (CG) leads to a torque that is applied to the
intact girder in addition to all the transferred loads. Results from the experimental
testing program of TxDOT Research 0-5498 showed that the torsion introduced
from the fractured girder into the intact girder was nearly symmetrical, indicating
that the torque was resisted equally at each end of the intact girder. Therefore, for
simplicity, assume that the intact girder had symmetrical torsional boundary
conditions so that each end resists one-half of the total applied torque.
Based on the assumption of symmetrical torsional boundary conditions, the torque
of the dead load under Extreme Event III can be computed as:
(1.2) (1.1) ƩW
= Torque due to dead load under Extreme Event III (k-ft)
= Dead load of steel girders, deck, rails, etc. (k)
= Distance from each dead load component to centerline of
support of intact girder for straight girders plus effect of
curvature for curved girders (ft.)
Based on the assumption of symmetrical torsional boundary conditions, the torque
of the live load for Extreme Event III can be computed as:
(1.2) (1.1) W
Torque for live load under Extreme Event III (k-ft)
= Live load (k)
= Distance between intact girder’s centerline and truck
(assuming lane load is coincident with the truck) plus effect of
curvature for curved girders (ft.)
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
When the girders have a horizontal radius of curvature, calculate the eccentricity as
the distance between the center of gravity of the loads and the line of support for the
intact girder. The center of gravity for nonprismatic curved girders can be
determined using the equations in the TxDOT Research 0-5498 Report.
Assuming that one-half of the calculated torque is applied to each end of the intact
girder, the shear flow, q, of the closed section can be calculated as:
A = Area enclosed by the mid-thickness of the composite
box- girder section (in
Check the concrete deck to ensure that it has adequate capacity to resist the shear
force due to torsion. According to <equation C5.7.3.3-1>, shear capacity of
reinforced concrete, Vs, is calculated as:
Width of the concrete deck between the top flanges (in)
= Area of a reinforcement bar in the transverse direction (in
s = Spacing between the reinforcement bars (in)
θ = Angle of shear crack with the horizontal plane (degree)
Check that the shear capacity of reinforced concrete, Vs, is greater than the shear
due to torsion, which is calculated as:
= q b
9. Check the shear stress due to torsion for every component of the composite
The entire weight of the bridge and live load are applied to the intact girder.
I. The shear stress in the webs due to torsion is calculated as:
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
= Thickness of web (in)
II. The shear stress in the webs due to bending is calculated as:
2 d
cos β
Height of web (in)
β = Angle of web inclination (degree)
V = One-half of the total factored load on the span (k)
III. The shear buckling stress is calculated as:
= C 0.58 f
C = Ratio of shear-buckling resistance to the shear yield
strength, <>
IV. Ensure that the summation of the shear due to torsion
) and
) is less than or equal to the shear-buckling stress.
+ τ
V. Check the bottom flange at the pier for combined shear and compression
according to <>
VI. Check the end diaphragm and its connection to both girders to ensure that it has
adequate resistance to the torque applied to the intact girder. This applied torque
is resisted by a couple generated by the bearings of the two girders (bearing
reactions). The reaction at the bearing of the fractured girder is equal to the
torque applied to the intact girder divided by the distance between the bearings
of the two girders. In the case of a continuous girder, the interior support is not
as critical as the end support because some of the applied torque is resisted by
the continuous girder. Thus, it is always critical to check the end diaphragm of
the end support.
The forces acting on each side of the end diaphragm are calculated as follows:
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 2 — Simplified Method Procedure Outline
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
+ T
Forces acting on each side of the end diaphragm (k)
= Distance between bearings of the two tub girders (ft.)
Calculate the nominal shear resistance, V
, of the end diaphragm according to
< V
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 3 — Redundancy Evaluation
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 3 Redundancy Evaluation
Following the steps outlined in Section 2 of Appendix C, the redundancy level of a twin
steel tub girder bridge can be evaluated. If the bridge under investigation satisfies the
following conditions, the bridge has sufficient strength to sustain load without collapsing:
1. Intact girder has adequate shear and moment capacity
2. Deck has adequate shear capacity
3. Shear studs have adequate tension capacity
If the bridge only satisfies the first two conditions, it may still sustain load without
collapsing. Under these conditions, a refined analysis can be used to evaluate the ability of
the deck to transmit load to the intact girder without the shear studs connecting the deck to
the fractured girder.
Appendix C — Steel Twin Tub Girder System
Redundancy Simplified Method Guide
Section 4 — References
Bridge Design Guide
TxDOT January 2023
Section 4 References
Barnard, T, C.G. Hovell, J.P. Sutton, J.S. Mouras, B.J. Neumann, V.A. Samaras, J. Kim,
E.B. Williamson, and K.H. Frank. 2010. Modeling the Response of Fracture Critical Steel
Box-Girder Bridges, FHWA/TX-10/9-5498-1. Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, DC, University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Mouras, J.M., J.P. Sutton, K.H. Frank, and E.B. Williamson. 2008. The Tensile Capacity
of Welded Shear Studs, FHWA/TX-09/9-5498-2. Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, DC, University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Samaras, V. A., J. P. Sutton, E. B. Williamson, and K. Frank. 2012. “Simplified Method
for Evaluating the Redundancy of Twin Steel Box-Girder Bridges,” Journal of Bridge
Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, Vol. 17, No. 3,
May/June, pp. 470-480.
Stith, J., A. Schuh, J. Farris, B. Petruzzi, T. Helwig, E. Williamson, K. Frank, M.
Engelhardt, and H. J. Kim. 2010. Guidance for Erection and Construction of Curved I-
Girder Bridges. Technical Report FHWA/TX-10/0-5574-1. Texas Department of
Transportation, 2010.