Redeployment Policy and Procedure
Mental Health and LD
Community Health Services
Version number:
Consultation Groups:
Line Managers, Staff Side, Senior Management
Approved by (Sponsor Group):
JSC Policy Sub Committee
Ratified by:
Joint Staff Committee
Date ratified:
June 2019
Name of originator/author:
Redeployment and Careers Adviser
HR Adviser
Executive Director lead :
Director of HR
Implementation Date:
June 2019
Last Review Date:
June 2019
Next Review Date:
June 2022
Version Control Summary
Joanna Lysenko,
Associate Director
of HR and
Introduction of
redeployment procedure
Mashal Abdullah,
Redeployment and
Careers Adviser
Hannah Lootfun, HR
Review of redeployment
procedure to include new
system (TRAC), new role
of Redeployment and
Careers Adviser, relevant
employee relation cases
and case law updates
Contents Page
Introduction and Aim
Principles and Values
Staff with Priority
Procedure and Process
Application Process
Trial Period
Vacancy Restrictions
Employees on Fixed Term Contracts
Disability and Redeployment
Roles and Responsibilities
Flowchart of Redeployment Process
Justification Form for Managers
Justification Form for Redeployees
Employee Profile Form
Redeployment Period Progress Review
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Introduction and Aim
1.1. The redeployment policy and procedure outlines the key principles and process
of managing staff that need to be redeployed.
1.2. This policy and procedure is intended to provide advice and guidance to
managers and Redeployees on the process that will be followed during
redeployment situations. This policy should be read in conjunction with the
relevant policy and process applicable to the staff member for example the
Management of Staff Affected by Change Policy and Procedure, Managing
Sickness Absence Policy or Capability Policy.
1.3. Redeployment may apply to staff in different circumstances. The most common
examples are:
Staff who have been displaced due to organisational change;
Following the application of formal processes relating to capability
(whether due to ill-health or performance),
In advance of the non-renewal of a fixed term contract upon expiry.
1.4. The aim of this policy is to ensure a fair and consistent approach to redeployment
is followed, whilst providing an easy to follow guide for managers and employees
about the principles surrounding redeployment.
1.5. This policy applies to all affected staff of the East London NHS Foundation Trust
(herein referred to as “the Trust”) from the point it is identified that they will be
placed on ‘Redeployment Register. The process which employee’s access
redeployment may vary, and individual employee entitlements within this may
differ, depending on the grounds upon they have been placed ‘at risk’. For ease
of reference, however, this process will refer to relevant staff affected as
2. Definitions
2.1. Redeployment - ‘Redeployment’ is the process of securing suitable alternative
employment for an employee. This is usually when it is identified they will be
displaced, usually at a stated future date, from their post as a result of
organisational change, or, following application of formal processes relating to
capability (whether due to ill-health or performance), or, in advance of the non-
renewal of a fixed term contract upon expiry. It is, however, recognised that there
may be other circumstances where East London NHS Foundation Trust
determines that redeployment may be appropriate.
2.2. Redeployee a staff member who is eligible to be registered on the
redeployment register and given priority access to potentially suitable vacant
jobs. This can be due to being placed at risk, being unfit to carry out their
substantive role, or because their fixed-term contract is due to end for reasons of
2.3. At Risk - where a formal process has been initiated and an individual has been
issued with a formal “At Risk” letter from organisational change, capability
management or the end of a fixed term contract.
2.4. Redeployment register a register of redeployees’ skills, education and
experience, maintained by the Human Resources department that is used for the
process of assessing vacancies for potential suitability.
2.5. At-risk account a TRAC jobs account that allows the account holder to view
Restricted, Internal and External vacancies advertised across the Trust.
2.6. Restricted vacancies vacancies that have been advertised on TRAC jobs as
Restricted specifically to be only viewed by at risk account holders. Only
Restricted account holders are able to apply for ‘Restricted’ vacancies.
2.7. Suitable alternative employment whether a role is suitable depends on how
similar the work is to the Redeployee’s current job, status, pay, hours of work,
location and length of the role. Regard will be given to the personal
circumstances of the Redeployee although some flexibility will be expected to be
3. Principles and Values
3.1. The general principles that underpin the redeployment process are as follows:
3.1.1. Redeployees have the right to be considered preferentially for posts and
will not be unfairly denied a suitable alternative post.
3.1.2. Redeployees are expected to view TRAC jobs regularly and apply for
positions for which they meet most of the essential criteria.
3.1.3. Jobs will be assessed for potential suitability for staff with priority based
upon the essential criteria listed in the person specification. In cases
where potential suitability is initially unclear, the Redeployee should
always be given the opportunity to demonstrate their suitability.
3.1.4. Consideration will be given to any reasonable training needed to facilitate
3.1.5. Managers who choose not to shortlist or appoint a Redeployee identified
as potentially suitable must provide clear, written objective reasons for
non-appointment in the Justification Form for Managers (Appendix B).
3.1.6. Redeployees who choose to reject a post deemed to be suitable
alternative employment must provide clear, written objective reasons for
rejecting the position in the Justification Form for Redeployees (Appendix
C). In circumstances where the job is considered suitable but the
Redeployee does not wish to carry out the role for reasons of personal
choice, they must be aware that this may have implications for their
ongoing employment and, for at-risk of redundancy employees; they may
forfeit their right to redundancy payment.
4. Staff with priority
4.1 The Trust will maintain a Redeployment Register for all staff for whom suitable
alternative employment should be sought. Employees will be placed on a
Redeployment Register for one of the following reasons:
They are deemed by Occupational Health to be medically unfit to carry out
their substantive role;
They are unable to fulfil their duties in their substantive post due to a formal
capability process;
Their Fixed Term contract is due to expire for reasons of redundancy;
They have been issued notice of redundancy.
In some circumstances, for example when there is a complete closure of
service, it may be necessary for redeployees to be placed on the
Redeployment Register when they have been informed they are at risk of
redundancy in order for suitable vacancies to be sought. The decision to
place at risk staff on the redeployment register will be made jointly by
management, HR and the redeployee.
5. Procedure and Process
5.1. A flowchart providing an outline of the redeployment process is included as
Appendix A.
5.2. Employees who become eligible for priority status will have a meeting with their
manager and / or HR representative during which the redeployment process will
be discussed. The manager / HR representative will process an outcome letter
which will include details of the redeployment discussed and this will be passed
onto the Redeployment and Careers Adviser.
5.3. The Redeployment Adviser will contact the Redeployee to gather information
about the employee’s skills, experience, status, pay, hours of work, location and
will begin to explore options available to them in terms of potential redeployment.
During the meeting the form at Appendix D ‘Employee Profile Form’ will be
completed. A copy of this form will be retained on the personnel file and the
details will be logged on to the Redeployment Register.
5.4. Staff on the Redeployment Register will then be given access to vacancies
posted on the restricted tab of TRAC Jobs and will be set up on the system with
an at-risk account.
6. Application process
6.1. Whenever a vacancy is deemed a potential match for a Redeployee and
restricted from external advertising, the Redeployment and Careers Adviser will
send a notification email to the suitable individual(s), copying in their line
manager and locality HR Adviser/HR Business Partner to confirm that a job has
been posted on TRAC jobs on a Restricted basis that matches their skill set. The
email will confirm the closing date for the post.
6.2. Redeployees should then submit an application online via TRAC using the
standard TRAC application form and apply using their restricted TRAC jobs
6.3. The line manager and Locality HR Adviser/HR Business Partner will provide
additional support to the Redeployment and Careers Adviser, the Redeployee
and the Recruiting Manager in determining whether the post is potentially
suitable. In cases where it is agreed that the job is not suitable, the Redeployee
and Careers Adviser will give authorisation for the job to be advertised
immediately without restriction.
6.4. Recruiting Managers will be notified of any applications from Redeployees within
1 day of the vacancy closing. Upon receipt of the online application(s), managers
will be asked to consider the suitability of each Redeployee.
6.5. In the case of a single applicant, the Recruiting Manager will be asked to arrange
a meeting with the Redeployee within 5 working days of receiving the application.
The sole purpose of the meeting is to assess whether the post is suitable for the
employee. A representative from Human Resources may also attend this
meeting if necessary. Tests may be used during or before the meeting if it is
deemed to be an appropriate method of determining suitability for the post.
6.6. If there is more than one Redeployee suitable for a post, then the redeployment
meeting will take the form of a competitive selection process e.g. interview.
7. Trial period
7.1. Where redeployees are appointed to posts via redeployment, a trial period of 4
weeks will apply in all cases. In nearly all circumstances a trial period cannot be
extended longer than the initial 4 weeks. Trial periods can only be extended by
an additional 4 weeks if there is a need for additional training and development
for the role or if this is a requirement as a reasonable adjustment if the employee
is disabled for the purposes of the Equality Act. For the avoidance of doubt, trial
periods cannot be extended for the purposes of annual leave, sick leave etc. If in
doubt, please contact your locality HR representative or redeployment adviser.
7.2. A Redeployment trial period progress review form (Appendix E) may also be
used during this period to action plan each week to consider suitability for the
role. It is the responsibility of the new manager and employee to discuss any
issues that arise during the trial period promptly and advice should be sought
from their Locality HR team at the earliest opportunity.
7.3. At the end of the trial period either the new line manager or the employee may
determine that the post is not suitable. In either case, this unsuitability must be
clearly demonstrated and discuss with the Locality HR Team supporting the
employee. A meeting may be held if this will be beneficial. Consideration should
be given as to whether the trial period needs to be extended as described in
section 7.1. A meeting can be held before the end of the trial period if either the
Redeployee or new Line Manager feels there are valid reasons why the job
cannot be considered suitable.
7.4. If the end date of the trial period lapses without any review or written confirmation
of suitability being received, this does not automatically mean the employee can
be permanently confirmed in the post. However if there have been no issues
raised during this period it would give indication that the position is suitable. In
any event if a Redeployee has been in a trial period beyond 3 months they will be
deemed to have been permanently appointed into that post.
7.5. It is the responsibility of the line manager and the redeployment adviser to
ensure a change form is completed for the redeployee. Should the redeployment
not be successful and the redeployee has to return to their existing department
as a redeployee, finance can recharge the department the redeployee has come
from in order for the department to not lose funds for trialling a redeployee.
7.6. Redeployees may be appointed temporarily for developmental purposes or in a
holding position, retaining their employment status, where appropriate, until a
suitable alternative employment opportunity becomes available. This should not
usually be longer than 3 months.
8. Timescales
8.1. Redeployment for redeployees should be managed proactively. The Trust has
funded a dedicated human resource (the redeployment adviser) for redeployment
which should assist in ensuring a smooth and efficient process for redeployees
and hiring managers.
8.2. As each redeployment case is different and subject to the individual
circumstances of the case, strict timescales cannot be set for how long the
redeployment process should take. As a general rule, the entire redeployment
process should not normally take longer than 6 months - from the date the
redeployee has been place on the register to the end of the their trial
period/termination of their contract of employment.
8.3. In exceptional circumstances when redeployment is taking longer than 6 months,
the redeployment adviser should inform the recruitment manager and HR
representative for advice on how long the redeployment will be extended for. The
final decision to extend redeployment for longer than 6 months will be made by
the line manager or service manager and HR representative.
9. Vacancy restrictions
9.1. In the event that a vacancy has been identified as suitable for a redeployee,
recruitment to the post will be put on hold for 1 week in order for the redeployee
to be considered for the post.
9.2. The functionality of TRAC jobs allows employers to deploy a vacancy. This
means vacancies can be advertised in the first instance to “at risk” ELFT
employees giving them priority access to any vacancies that arise across the
9.3. Once a Budget Authorisation Form (BAF) is submitted to the resourcing team the
Resourcing Team Leader/Redeployment Adviser will carry out a preliminary
exercise to compare the post against members of staff on the redeployment
register to consider whether there are Redeployees who are potentially suitable.
9.4. Any jobs that have been identified as potentially suitable will be advertised on the
restricted basis for no less than 1 week and all potentially suitable Redeployees
will be notified of the vacancy and the closing date. The vacancy will also appear
on Redeployees TRAC Restricted account.
9.5. Where no Redeployee has submitted an application following the above
processes, and the Redeployment and Careers Adviser is satisfied there is no
redeployee is suitable for the post, the vacancy will then be advertised
internally/externally as per recruiting managers’ request. In exceptional
circumstances, posts may require to be advertised on ‘Restricted’ basis for
longer than 1 week, as it may not always be sufficient time to ensure that all staff
at risk have been given the opportunity to view the position, discuss any issues
and then submit an application. If this is the case, the hiring manager will be
informed accordingly by the Recruitment Adviser/Redeployment Adviser.
9.6. Similarly, positions that have already been held back for at risk applicants can
match the skills of staff who are newly added to the at risk register. Any
Redeployees who submits an application prior to the closing date of an
unrestricted vacancy would still be entitled to be considered on a priority basis
and the Redeployment and Careers Adviser will intervene to ensure this
9.7. Redeployees may choose to apply for any advertised vacancy; even where the
vacancy is not one identified as being potentially suitable by the HR team. Such
an application will be subject to the normal recruitment and selection procedures,
which will be in open competition with all other applicants.
9.8. Fixed-term vacancies of 9 months or longer will be considered as suitable
alternative employment for Redeployees. If a redeployee is redeployed into a
fixed-term post, Redeployees will be placed back on the Redeployment Register
12 weeks from the end of the fixed-term period. Vacancies of less than 9 months
will not be considered suitable alternative employment.
9.9. In order to retain talent in the workforce and to minimise redundancies, positions
may be held back for staff yet to be placed at-risk of redundancy but are subject
to proposals for change, which are likely to lead to reduction in numbers of a
particular role or profession. Recommendations for posts to be frozen will be
considered by the HR Business Partner of the locality in consultation with the
relevant Service Directors and Associate Director of Human Resources where
necessary and timescales will be agreed.
10. Employees on Fixed Term Contracts
10.1. Redeployment will be sought for any member of staff on a fixed term contract
where termination or expiry of the contract would result in a redundancy situation.
10.2. A member of staff on a fixed term contract will attend a meeting with their
manager and HR to be advised of the ending of the fixed-term contract and will
be entered on the redeployment register no less than 1 month prior to expiry of
the contract. The department which currently employs the member of staff will
continue to be responsible for salary payment during the redeployment process.
10.3. In cases where a suitable alternative position has not been secured, an
employee with two or more years of continuous NHS employment whose post is
redundant following the expiry of their fixed term employment may be entitled to
a redundancy payment, calculated in accordance with Agenda for Change Terms
and Conditions of Employment.
11. Disability and Redeployment
11.1. In circumstances where a displaced employee is also disabled for the purposes
of the Equality Act 2010 and that employee’s disability puts them in a particular
disadvantage in relation to the requirements of the duties, physical location or
nature of the vacancy, consideration must be given to what reasonable
adjustments can be made to the role to overcome this disadvantage and allow
the employee to be matched to the vacancy. Further advice must be sought from
the employee, current line manager, occupational health/redeployee GP and
Locality HR Adviser/HR Business Partner.
12. Roles and Responsibilities
Resourcing Team
Check Redeployment register when a new BAF (Budget
Authorisation Form) is received, to ensure all redeployees
are considered prior to post being advertised externally.
If the post is a match, forward details of BAF to
Redeployment and Careers Adviser who will confirm to the
team whether post needs to be advertised on Restricted
Advertise roles without restriction as soon as it has been
established that there are no suitable Redeployees.
Seek support from Redeployment and Careers Adviser and
local HR team for regular updates on Redeployment and
redeployment register.
Redeployment and
Careers Adviser
Advise Recruiting managers on all aspects of the
redeployment policy and procedure.
To enter redeployee details on the redeployment register
and TRAC as appropriate.
Maintain Redeployment register and Redeployment TRAC
Check the Redeployment register once all BAF are received.
Perform a skills match to see if any of the vacancies are
potentially suitable alternative employment for any
Highlight potential opportunities to Redeployees, and
provide support with TRAC accounts where required. Set up
Restricted TRAC accounts.
Maintain regular contact with at risk staff, explore and seek
redeployment opportunities within the organisation and other
NHS Trusts where possible.
Regularly liaise with the Recruitment team and Locality HR
Discuss suitable matched posts with the member of staff to
clarify suitability.
Provide advice and support to employees at risk throughout
the process.
Arrange redeployment meetings or interviews.
Provide CV & Interview techniques / support session.
Arrange for trial periods, maintain contact with Redeployee
and line manager during trial period.
Be aware of the impact of holding posts back on a service
and take all reasonable steps to expedite the redeployment
process to ensure posts do not remain unfilled for longer
than necessary.
Locality HR teams
Keep in touch with Redeployment and Careers Adviser for
regular updates.
Respond to any queries or concerns related to
Redeployment procedure.
Provide advice and support to employees at risk throughout
the process.
Ensure the Redeployment and Careers Adviser has a
thorough brief of the redeployee case and all associated
relevant documentation.
Inform Redeployment and Careers Adviser as soon as new
at risk employee has been added on Redeployment register.
Assist in resolving any difficulties or problems which may
arise during Redeployment process.
Advise Redeployees of suitable sources of support.
Line Managers
Have a responsibility to explore and seek suitable
redeployment opportunities for members of staff within their
own Directorate prior to placement of a member of staff on
the Redeployment Register.
Comply with the principles, values and processes outlined in
this procedure.
Support their members of staff throughout the redeployment
process, including ensuring such time as required is made
available to the individual to facilitate the process of
redeployment, for example to enable attendance at
meetings etc.
Recruiting Managers
To be proactive with their existing and upcoming vacancies.
To advertise vacancies and be open to redeployees based
on their skills and experience.
Ensure preference is given to Redeployees where a skill
match or potential skill match exists.
Consult with the Redeployment and Careers Adviser or
Locality HR Team in the first instance on any potential
rejection of a redeployee.
Complete the justification form for any redeployees that are
not suitable for their post.
Consult with their Locality HR contact where it may be
necessary to make adjustments to the post or the
Maintain contact with the HR Team and Redeployment
Adviser during any trial period.
Ensure local orientation to the new post and identifying initial
and ongoing learning and development requirements.
Ensure completion of change form for the transfer of
employees details.
Co-operate and engage with HR teams and Recruiting
manager during the redeployment process.
Regularly access ELFT vacancies through both their
restricted account and the main job vacancy page on ELFT
website and TRAC Restricted tab to ensure they are fully
aware of all opportunities arising.
Participate fully in any training required.
Continue with their own continuing professional
development and statutory/mandatory training.
Attend any Interview & CV training sessions arranged by HR
Complete the justification form for posts that are declined.
Recruitment Manager
Oversee the process for assessing suitable alternative
employment and ensure that all decisions made are fair and
based upon objective criteria.
Ensure that the Redeployment Register is maintained by the
Redeployment and Careers Adviser and Locality HR teams.
Ensure that the process of restricting vacancies is managed
efficiently so that vacancies are not held back longer than
13. Review
13.1. This policy and procedure will be subject to ongoing monitoring to ensure that it
is being fairly and consistently applied and that the stated principles and values
are being met. It will also be subject to regular review, in partnership, to ensure
that any new standards and/or structures are incorporated when necessary and
that it remains fit for purpose.
Appendix A
Flowchart of Redeployment Process
Initial meeting to assess if employee should be considered for redeployment
Is redeployment necessary?
Case closed for
Outcome letter from meeting sent to
redeployment adviser (RA)
RA contacts redeployee for redeployment meeting, asks them to complete employee profile form, adds
them to TRAC and redeployment register. Redeployee can now apply for posts
If RA finds post that is deemed suitable alternative employment, the redeployee is contacted to apply.
Post will be held open for 1 week.
Does redeployee find post suitable alternative
Manager completes
justification form for
Redeployee completes
justification form for
Does hiring manager find redeployee suitable
for a meeting to discuss with redeployee?
Redeployee applies for post via TRAC
and application sent to hiring manager.
Manager invites redeployee for
Do both hiring manager
and redeployee want to
engage in trial period?
completes justification form.
4 week trial period commences
and terms are set out by RA
formal letter in conjunction with
hiring manager.
Has 4 week trial period
been successful?
Redeployee is confirmed in
post and confirmation letter
sent by RA.
Redeployee back in the pool
for suitable alternative
Appendix B
Justification Form for Managers
This form must be completed by the hiring manager who chooses not to appoint a
Redeployee identified as potentially suitable by the Redeployment and Careers Adviser
for the role they are advertising.
Hiring Manager
Hiring Manager Job
Vacancy Name
Vacancy Number
Redeployee(s) Name
Provide details of the
gaps between
redeployee and role.
For example skills,
knowledge and
What training can be
provided to bridge
the gap?
For example
EMIS/RIO, Microsoft.
How long will the
training take?
How much will the
training cost?
Any other details
Signature______________________________________________ Date____________
Once complete, please return to the redeployment and careers adviser.
Appendix C
Justification Form for Redeployees
This form must be completed by the redeployee who chooses not to reject post deemed
to be suitable alternative employment by the Redeployment and Careers Adviser.
Redeployee Name
Redeployee Job Title
Vacancy Name
Vacancy Number
Provide details of the
gaps between the
role and you.
What training can be
provided to bridge
the gap?
For example
EMIS/RIO, Microsoft.
Please outline further
why you do not
consider the post(s)
as suitable
Signature______________________________________________ Date____________
Once complete, please return to the redeployment and careers adviser.
Appendix D
Adjustments to the role or process required?
1. Brief description of current role key skills, knowledge and experience.
Personal Email
Personal Telephone
Home Address
Current Band
Job Title
Ward/ Service
Current Hours
Are you willing to
increase or decrease
your hours?
Yes / No
If yes, how many hours are to be increased or decreased?
Shift Pattern
Qualifications /
Date of redeployment
Date placed at risk
Email address
(for at-risk account
and vacancy
notification via
2. Any other skills relevant for redeployment.
3. Preference for alternative posts, e.g. administration, mental health,
4. What locations can be considered? What cannot be considered? What means of
travel is currently used?
5. Ability/willingness to change working hours/shift patterns? If unable, please give
6. Any other details that should be taken into account when considering suitable
alternative employment?
Employee’s signature:...................................................... Date:....................
Appendix E
Redeployment Trial Period Progress Review Form
Redeployee’s Name:
Job Title:
Shift Pattern:
Start date of trial period:
Date of review:
Week 1: Activities / Tasks / Training to be undertaken during this week
Actions/Outcomes/Achievements from Week 1 review:
Week 2: Activities / Tasks / Training to be undertaken during this week
Actions/Outcomes/Achievements from Week 2 review:
Week 3: Activities / Tasks / Training to be undertaken during this week
Actions/Outcomes/Achievements from Week 3 review:
Week 4: Activities / Tasks / Training to be undertaken during this week
Actions/Outcomes/Achievements from Week 4 review:
Employee’s Comments (employee to provide overview and confirm if trial
period has been successful or not successful)
Trial Period Successful
Trial Period Not Successful
Line Manager’s Comments (line manager to provide overview and confirm if
trial period has been successful or not successful)
Trial Period Successful
Trial Period Not Successful
Employee's Signature........................................... Date........................
Manager/Mentor Signature...................................... Date.........................
Appendix F
1. What happens if someone who is at risk misses the first five days of a post
being advertised?
If they can demonstrate a legitimate reason for missing the restricted advertising
process (e.g. a period of annual leave) individuals will still be given equivalent priority
ahead of other non-priority internal or external applicants. In order to be considered for
the post, you must liaise with the redeployment and careers adviser who will liaise with
the hiring manager on your behalf. Recruiting Managers will also treat at risk candidates
on a priority basis when shortlisting.
2. Are managers able to go directly to external advert for specialist posts that
are difficult to recruit to?
Yes, providing there are no consultation papers going through JSC that mean that staff
with the specialist skills to meet these posts are shortly due to undergo a process that
may mean they will be placed at risk.
3. I don’t want to go forward for a job that is being offered to me. Do I have to
If there are valid reasons why the job is not suitable then you should discuss these with
your HR Adviser/HR Business Partner. Consideration will be given to personal
circumstances which could mean that the job is not suitable e.g. health or personal
commitments that make the working hours or travel very difficult. The HR Adviser/HR
Business Partner may first explore whether there are possibilities for adjustments being
made in the first instance. However if you simply do not wish to carry out the role for
reasons of your own choice then this may have implications on your contract of
employment and/or eligibility for a redundancy payment.
4. How will recruiting managers know if an individual applicant for a job is
designated as at risk?
When viewing the list of applicants for a particular post, the name of designated “at risk”
individuals will have a small circle around a red “R” above their name which will alert
employers to this person’s status. The Redeployment and Careers Adviser will also
assist recruiting managers on identifying at risk applications on TRAC.
5. Can Redeployees apply for vacancies in other services?
Yes and this is encouraged to open up the opportunity of gaining another role within the
Trust. Redeployees can also apply for vacancies in other NHS organisations.
6. Will Redeployees be automatically offered a job if they are the only
applicant for the role?
No. For audit purposes, the redeployee still needs to apply for the role on TRAC and if
the recruiting manager assesses the redeployee as suitable for the role, they will need
to meet with the line manager so an assessment can be made. Provided the redeployee
meets the person specification or it is identified that this can be covered by appropriate
training within a brief, agreed timescale, they may be offered the post after the meeting
which will be subject to a trial period of four weeks in the first instance.
7. What is Suitable Alternative Employment?
Whether a job is suitable or not depends on how similar the work is to your current job,
the terms of the job and your skills and abilities in being able to carry out the role.
8. What if a Redeployee or Recruiting Manager is unsure about someone’s
suitability in a role?
All offers of posts will be subject to a 4 week trial period. Should it be decided by either
party by the end of the trial period that the role is unsuitable; the reasons for the
unsuitability are considered and documented. Should these reasons be accepted by the
HR department, the employee returns to their “at risk” status and may be issued notice.
9. Will I be given any support in preparing for interviews?
The Redeployment and Careers Adviser will offer CV writing and Interview techniques
training session for those going through the redeployment process.
10. A post is being advertised for a 6 month contract. Is this post considered
suitable alternative employment?
No. Fixed term vacancies of 9 months or longer is considered suitable alternative
employment for redeployees.