To: Sharon Pearcy and other colleagues
From: Roger Bakeman
Date: March 10, 2021
Re: Cohen on small, medium, and large effects sizes
Perhaps the first thing to know about designating specific values to represent small, medium,
and large effect sizes is that, although many may do it, everyone should be uneasy doing it.
Cohen (1
ed. 1969, revised ed. 1977, 2
ed., 1988) was the first to say that the values he
provided are a last resort. For example, Thompson (2007), echoing Cohen, argued that it is
preferable to relate effect sizes to similar effects in the literature, that different areas of
research should develop their own standards for what is a meaningful effect size, but that
absent such consensus (rarely seen), Cohen’s guidelines remain usefuleven recognizing the
arbitrary way cut-points segment a continuum.
Cohen provided small, medium, and large values for several common statistics. These values
are best understood as thresholds. An effect size is characterized as small, for example, if it is
equal to or greater than the value Cohen gives for small but less than the value Cohen gives for
medium. Here is Cohen’s cautionary statement:
For each statistical test’s ES [effect size], the author proposes, as a convention, ES values to serve as
operational definitions of the qualitative adjectives “small,” “medium,” and “large.” This is an
operation fraught with many dangers: the definitions are arbitrary, such qualitative concepts as
“large” are sometimes misunderstood as absolute, sometimes as relative; and thus they run a risk of
being misunderstood. ... Although arbitrary, the proposed conventions will be found to be
reasonable by reasonable people. An effort was made in selecting these operational criteria to use
levels of ES which accord with a subjective average of effect sizes such as are encountered in
behavioral science. (pp. 1213; all page numbers in this memo are for the 2
ed., 1988)
Throughout Cohen speaks of populations and their parameters, not samples or groups, and
largely leaves it for others to work out how estimates for population parameters are computed.
He also routinely assumes equally numerous populations (i.e., sample sizes), although noting
the robustness of statistics based on nonequal sample sizes. In this memo, I focus on four
chapters: Chapters 2 and 8 (tests between means of two groups and their generalization to
more than two groups and factorial designs), and Chapters 3 and 9 (correlation between two
samples and its generalization to multiple regression).
Chapter 2: The t Test for Means
When testing the difference between means for two independent populations, Cohen’s effect
size (ES) statistic is d (and d
for related populations).
d = (m
) / σ and d
= m
/ σ
(Equation 2.2.1, p. 20, and Equation 2.3.5, p. 48)
where m
is the difference between the means for the independent groups and m
is the
mean of the differences between the paired samples, divided by the appropriate standard
Cohen on small, medium, and large
deviation. (When quoting Cohen, I preserve his notational convention, which is to bold and not
italicize Roman letters that represent statistics; for consistency, I do the same in my own prose.)
For Cohen’s d, thresholds for small, medium, and large effects are 0.20, 0.50, and 0.80.
Before introducing thresholds, Cohen cautioned:
... there is a certain risk inherent in offering conventional operational definitions for these terms ...
This risk is nevertheless accepted in the belief that more is to be gained than lost by supplying a
common conventional frame of reference which is recommended for use only when no better basis
for estimating the ES index is available. (p. 25).
Cohen offered a way to visualize what different values of d mean. Assuming two populations of
normally distributed scores that are equally numerous and equally variable, he computed, the
percent of nonoverlap in the populations for various values of d. For example, when d = .0, the
nonoverlap (U
in Cohen’s notation) is 0%, and as d increases, the nonoverlap percentage
But why these specific thresholds? When analyzing whether the means of two independent
groups differ, a t test and point biserial correlation (r
, a correlation between a binary and a
continuous variable) produce identical p values; they are essentially the same test. Moreover,
as Cohen showed, values of d can be converted to r (equation 2.2.7, p. 24). Thus, in support of
his thresholds, Cohen wrote:
SMALL EFFECT SIZE: d = .2. ... When d = .2, normally distributed populations of equal size and
variability have only 14.7% of their combined area which is not overlapped. ... From the point of
view of correlation ... d = .2 means that the (point biserial) r between population membership (A vs.
B) and the dependent variable Y is .100, and r
is accordingly .010. ... The latter can be interpreted as
meaning that population membership accounts for 1% of the variance in Y ... The above sounds
indeed small ... Yet it is the order of magnitude ... [Cohen goes on to cite several behavioral science
studies.]. ... (p. 25)
MEDIUM EFFECT SIZE: d = .5. A medium effect size is conceived as one large enough to be visible to
the naked eye. ... A d = .5 indicates that 33.0% ( = U
) of the combined area covered by two normal
equal-sized equally varying populations is not overlapped ... In terms of correlation ... d = .5 means
that the (point biserial) r ... is .243. Thus, .059 ( = r
) of the Y variance is “accounted for ” by
population membership. ... Expressed in the above terms, the reader may feel that the effect size
designated medium is too small. That is, an amount not quite equal to 6% of variance may well not
seem large enough to be called medium. [Again, Cohen goes on to cite several behavioral science
studies.] ... (p. 26)
Large EFFECT SIZE: d = .8. When our two populations are so separate as to make d = .8, almost half
= 47.4%) of their areas are not overlapped. ... The point biserial r here equals .371, and r
equals .138. Behavioral scientists who work with correlation coefficients ... do not ordinarily
consider an r of .371 as large. Nor, in that frame of reference, does the writer. Note, however, that
it is the .8 separation between means which is being designated as large, not the implied point
biserial r. [Again, examples follow.] ... (p. 26)
Cohen on small, medium, and large
I have quoted Cohen at some length here for two reasons: first, to give a sense of his reasoning
in selecting particular values for small, medium, and large; and second, to note the correlation
coefficient (r
) equivalences for his effect size statistic, which here is d.
Chapter 3: The Significance of a Product Moment r
When testing whether two variables are uncorrelated, the ES statistic is r, the Pearson product-
moment correlation. (In Cohen’s notation, r
is the correlation coefficient obtained from a
sample of n pairs of scores, whereas r is the population parameter.)
For r, Cohen’s thresholds for small, medium, and large effects are .10, .30, and .50 absolute.
Typically, Cohen prefaces his values for small, medium, and large effects with the statement
that these “are definitions for use when no others suggest themselves, or as conventions” (p.
79). Cohen then wrote:
SMALL EFFECT SIZE: r = .10. An r of .10 in a population is indeed small. The implied PV [proportion
of variance] is r
= .01, and there seems little question but that relationships of that order in X, Y
pairs in a population would not be perceptible on the basis of casual observation. ... it is comparable
to the definition of a small ES for a mean difference .... [again, examples] ... (p. 79)
MEDIUM EFFECT SIZE: r = .30. When r = .30, r
= PV = .09, so that our definition of a medium effect
in linear correlation implies that 9% of the variance in the dependent variable is attributable to the
independent variable. It is shown later that this level of ES is comparable to that of medium ES in
differences between two means ... (p. 80)
LARGE EFFECT SIZE: r = .50. The definition of a large correlational ES as r = .50 leads to r
= .25 of
the variance in either variable being associated linearly with variance in the other. Its comparability
with the definition of large ES in mean differences (d = .8) will be demonstrated below. ... (p. 80)
At first glance, the point biserial equivalences for small, medium, and large dwhich are r
.100, .243, and .372—don’t seem comparable to those given for r.10, .30, and .50at least
for medium and large. The explanation is that the point biserial correlationwhich assumes
an underlying true dichotomy for the X or independent variable, like malefemaleis not the
appropriate comparison. Comparable to r is the biserial correlationr
, which assumes an
underlying continuous variable that has been dichotomized, like passfail on a testand which
is about 25% larger than r
when groups are equal (i.e., when p = q = .5, at which point the
height of the standard unit normal curve is .399). Specifically, r
= 1.253 r
(the square root of
pq divided by .399) × r
; see Cohen & Cohen, 1983, pp. 3739, 6667, 521). Here is Cohen’s
table showing the equivalences (p. 82):
Cohen on small, medium, and large
As Cohen wrote, “Comparing the r
equivalent to the r criteria of the present chapter, we find
what are judged to be reasonably close values for small and large ES and almost exact equality
at the very important medium ES level” (p. 82). Note, however, this equivalence assumes
equally sized samples; as p deviates from .5, values for r
and r
for a specific value of d become
less. (The sceptic in me thinks this is a cute intellectual trick.)
Chapter 8: The Analysis of Variance
Cohen’s effect size index for analysis of variance is f, which he intends as a generalization of d
to analysis of variance designs (i.e., designs with more than two groups or more than one
factor). He did not treat repeated-measures designs explicitly (as he did in Chapter 2 with d
paired samples)which is what makes Olejnik & Algina (2003) such a useful contribution.
Cohen defined his ES index for analysis of variance as:
that is, the ratio of the standard deviation of the population means to the overall population
mean, where each population is associated with a cell in the analysis of variance design.
Cohen then defines small, medium, and large effects as f = .10, .25, and .40, as usual prefacing it
with the caution that these thresholds are for use “When experience with a given research area
or variable is insufficient to formulate alternative hypotheses as ‘strong’ as these procedures
demand” (p. 285). When k = 2, f = ½ d (“i.e., the standard deviation of two values is simply half
their difference, p. 276). Thus, again when k = 2, these thresholds are the same as d in
Chapter 2 (one-half of .2 = .10, of .5 = .25, of .8 = .40).
The effect size f is uniquely Cohen’s own; to my knowledge, textbooks rarely discuss it and
statistical programs do not compute it. Eta squared is more commonly encountered (e.g., SPSS)
as an effect size for analysis of variance results. Cohen defined η
in the usual way:
, which I would write as
He then expressed eta squared in terms of f (Equation 8.2.19, p. 281):
Thus, in terms of η
, his thresholds for small, medium, and large are, to four digits after the
decimal point, .0099, .0588, and .1379, which are usually rounded to two digits, and so:
For η
, Cohen’s thresholds for small, medium, and large effects are .01, .06, and .14
These are the values Kirk (1996) gives, citing Cohen, although he applied them to ω
, a statistic
that is essentially identical in concept to η
although computed slightly differently, with the
result that its values are slightly less; it is generally favored by statisticians although η
, perhaps
because it is computed by SPSS, is more commonly reported.
Cohen on small, medium, and large
Note also that Cohen wrote of eta squared. Partial eta squared and, in particular, generalized
eta squared were in the future (e.g., Olejnik & Algina, 2003), although it seems reasonable to
apply his thresholds for eta squared to partial eta squared and generalized eta squared as well.
Chapter 9: Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis
Reflecting the generality of multiple regressioncorrelation (MRC)as expressed in his ground-
breaking 1968 Psychological Bulletin article, “Multiple regression as a general data-analytic
system”—Cohen defined his ES index for multiple regression as:
where PV
reflects the proportion of variance accounted for by the source and PV
proportion accounted for by error, recognizing that PV
could be 1 reduced by just PV
, reduced
by PV
and other variables thought of as precursors (think step-wise regression), or further
reduced by “other” variables.
Cohen then defines small, medium, and large effects as f
= .02, .15, and .35, noting that “The
values for f
that follow [i.e., .02, .15, and .35] are somewhat larger than strict equivalence with
the operational definitions for the other tests in this book would dictate” (p. 413). Indeed. The
eta squared equivalences (Equation 9.2.5, p. 411), rounded to two digits, are .02, .13, and .26
not the. 01, .06, and .14 of Chapter 8 for analysis of variance. As Cohen explains:
The reason for somewhat higher standards for f
for the operational definitions in MRC is the
expectation that the number of IVs in typical applications will be several (if not many). It seems
intuitively evident that, for example, if f
= .10 defines a “medium” r
( = .09), it is reasonable for f
.15 to define a “medium” R
(or partial R
) of .15 when several IVs are involved” (p. 413).
Intuitively evident? Frankly, I’m not sure I am completely convinced. Taking Cohen 1968 to
heart, there is no difference between analysis of variance and multiple regressionif there are
multiple predictors (sets of predictors) in MRC, so also in analysis of variance. In both, they are
identified with degrees of freedom. So why doesn’t the sauce for the goose of Chapter 8 apply
to the sauce for the gander in Chapter 9?
In any event, this explains why I wrote in my 2005 Behavior Research and Methods article,
“Recommended effect size statistics for repeated measures designs”:
Cohen, who did not consider repeated measures designs explicitly, defined an
(which is not the
same as Cohen’s f
) of .02 as small, .13 as medium, and .26 as large (Cohen, 1988, pp. 413-414); it
seems appropriate to apply these same guidelines to
as well.
I would now say that this was sloppy scholarship on my part. Perhaps still under the thrall of
Cohen, 1968a must-read when I was in graduate school—I relied on Cohen’s multiple
regression Chapter 9 and not his analysis of variance Chapter 8 for the statement in Bakeman
(2005). I now recommend the .01, .06, .14 thresholds, keeping company with Kirk (1996).
Cohen on small, medium, and large
A final comment: My focus here has been on Cohen’s qualitative labels of small, medium, and
large. His focus in the books cited was on power analysis; small, medium, and large
conventions “when no others suggest themselves” was something of an aside.
Now, 50 years later, it is worth reflecting on the dramatic changes Cohen has caused in social
science. He came of age at a time when analysis of variance and multiple regression were
separate worlds, hardly on speaking terms. His 1968 Psychological Bulletin article changed that
(andunseen by userscomputer programmers quickly realized that, with a little matrix
magic, common routines could undergird the computations required by various statistical
procedures; think general linear model).
A few years earlier (1962), Cohen had rattled the social sciences with his revelation that articles
claiming no effects (i.e., no statistically significant ones) were too often under poweredand so
a power analysis became de rigueur for all grant and dissertation proposals. But now that the p
< .05 “cliff” (you can only talk about effects below the cliff, as journal editors and reviewers are
prone to admonish), has been partially demolished (thanks in part to Cohen, 1990, among
others), we can realize that power analyses only matter when statistical significance is the only
criterion by which results are judged. This makes only more prescient Cohen’s emphasis on the
size of effects.
Bakeman, R. (2005). Recommended effect size statistics for repeated measures designs. Behavior
Research Methods, 37(3), 379384.
Cohen, J. (1962). The statistical power of abnormal-social psychological research: A review. Journal of
Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65, 145153.
Cohen, J. (1968). Multiple regression as a general data-analytic system. Psychological Bulletin, 70, 426
Cohen, J. (1969). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. New York: Academic Press.
Cohen, J. (1977). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (Revised ed.). New York:
Academic Press.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Cohen, J. (1990). Things I have learned (so far). American Psychologist, 45, 13041312.
Kirk, R. E. (1996). Practical significance: A concept whose time has come. Educational and Psychological
Measurement, 56(5), 746759.
Thompson, B. (2007). Effect sizes, confidence intervals, and confidence intervals for effect sizes.
Psychology in the Schools, 44(5), 423432. https://doi:10.1002/pits.20234
A personal note: in the mid-1960s, when I was working for the Yale Computer Center, some
people in the Psychology Department, showing me formulas in Weiner (1962; Statistical
Principles in Experimental Design), asked me to write a program for repeated-measures designs,
which were not yet included in the fledging statistical packages of the time. The program
(written in FORTAN) was brought to Georgia State University from Yale by a Yale post-doc GSU
had hired and installed on the GSU computer system. When I asked someone where the
program had come from, I got a vague, oh-we-get-them-from-here-and-there response
unaware they were talking to the author.