Adapted from J. Galsuha (2012)
During Unit II you are learning about a variety of research methods. This project
will help you become more familiar with the components of a case study,
naturalistic observation, and survey. After completing all three parts of the
project, you will create a cover page and submit your work in a portfolio as your
final product.
Due date: ____________________________________________________
Part 1: Case Study
Read the case study provided by your teacher. Respond to each of the following in a paragraph (typed or neatly hand-
written) = minimum 3 paragraphs. Use specific examples and details to demonstrate understanding.
Briefly summarize the case study.
In your opinion, was it ethical for researchers to conduct this case study?
What can be learned from this case study (why was/is it valuable research)?
Part 2: Naturalistic Observation
Select a naturally-occurring, public human behavior to observe. The behavior must occur in a setting that is clearly in the
public domain (places such as a cafeteria, library, or mall are acceptable; restrooms and locker rooms are not acceptable
because people assume some degree of privacy in these types of places). Your observation may not disrupt a class or
otherwise interfere with learning &/or any school activities. Your observation must be a minimum of 30 minutes
(preferably consecutive).
Simply observe; do not try to intervene or manipulate and control the situation. Do not tell anyone what you are
observing (this could alter their naturally occurring behavior.)
Take notes during your observation. Turn in your observation notes along with a 1 page summary (typed or neatly
hand-written) of your observations and the conclusions you reached based on your research. Use specific examples and
details to demonstrate understanding.
Part 3: Survey
Conduct a survey to gather data from 20 females & 20 males to record the number of shoes owned by each. Create a
chart of your data. Write a 1-page reflection that explains each of the following. Use specific examples and details to
demonstrate understanding.
How did you address the AP Psych concepts of operational definition, wording effects, and random sampling in
the context of your survey?
Reflect on any trends or outliers that were evident in your data. Overall, do you feel your sampling gives an
accurate representation of the larger population? Explain.
Provide any additional thoughts or reflections on the survey and its results.
Adapted from J. Galsuha (2012)
Final Product: Research Methods Portfolio
Your completed portfolio should contain each of the following, typed or neatly hand-written.
Cover Page
Part 1
3-paragraph (minimum) summary & reflection
Part 2
Observation notes
1-page (minimum) summary
Part 3
Data chart
1-page (minimum) reflection
Parts 1-3: This rubric will be applied to each of the 3 parts of the project.
1 / 0
A full and complete
description and explanation
that thoroughly responds to
all questions and prompts
given. Additional information
is provided. Rich details and
multiple examples given.
A complete description and
explanation that responds to
all questions and prompts
given. Clear details and
examples given.
A basic description and
explanation that responds to
most questions and prompts
given. Few details and
examples given.
A vague description or
explanation that responds to
some questions and prompts
given. No details or examples
-or- Missing
Cover Page
1 / 0
Title, name, class period, and
the date included, as well as
additional illustration.
Title, name, class period, and
the date included
Some elements are missing
(Title, name, class period, or
the date)
Most elements are missing
(Title, name, class period, or
the date)
-or- no cover page