Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations
Issued Feburary 06, 2023 Page 1 of H-1100
Replacing April 9, 2020
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Effective January 1, 1988, the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of
1988 required expansion of Medicaid coverage for a mandatory
eligibility group of low-income Medicare beneficiaries called Qualified
Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB).
The applicant/beneficiary must meet all of the following QMB
requirements. A QMB must:
Be entitled to or enrolled in hospital insurance benefits under
Medicare Part A, but is not required to be enrolled in Medicare
Part B.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who reach
age 65 are automatically entitled to Medicare. Enrollment
will be effective at the time the State begins to pay the
premium through Buy-In.
Any individual with a Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC) of
M is entitled to Medicare Part A and should be considered
for QMB. The alphabet code following the SSN in a
Medicare Claim Number is referred to as a BIC.
Have income that is less than or equal to 100 percent of the
Federal Poverty Income Guidelines (FPIG). Refer to Z-200
Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.
In January of each year, disregard the Social Security
Administration (SSA) cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)
through the month following the release of the annual FPIG
update. For example, the annual FPIG is released in
January, disregard COLA through February. Thereafter,
determine eligibility using all income including the COLA for
that year.
Meet all non-financial eligibility requirements for Medicaid.
Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations
Issued Feburary 06, 2023 Page 2 of H-1100
Replacing April 9, 2020
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H-1110.1 Coverage
QMB eligibles are divided into two categories:
QMB Only
Eligible for Medicaid payments for:
Medicare Part A (when applicable) and B premiums;
Medicare deductibles for Medicare covered services; and
Medicare coinsurance for Medicare covered services.
QMB Plus
Eligible for Medicaid payments for:
The same benefits listed for QMB Only; plus
The full range of Medicaid services.
Individuals who qualify for one of the Medicare Saving Programs
(QMB, SLMB, or QI) are automatically enrolled in the SSA low-
income subsidy (LIS) program (also called Extra Help). This subsidy
helps pay for the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan premiums, co-
payments, and the annual deductible. For more information on
LIS/Extra Help, please visit the Social Security Administration Extra
Help website.
Although the BHSF Form 1-MB, Application for Medicare
Savings Program, is commonly used to apply for QMB, it is
acceptable to use BHSF Form 1-A, Application for Health
SSI recipients do not have to apply for QMB. When Part A
eligibility is received through the data exchange , the individual
is automatically certified for QMB. If the SSI recipient who is
entitled to enroll in Part A is not automatically certified, enter the
QMB certification.
A beneficiary who is no longer eligible for full Medicaid may continue to
be eligible as a QMB Only.
SSI/QMB Plus beneficiaries remain eligible for QMB after entering a
long-term care (LTC) facility.
Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations
Issued Feburary 06, 2023 Page 3 of H-1100
Replacing April 9, 2020
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Determine eligibility by applying the following criteria. The elements
have been listed in the most logical order, but work on all steps
H-1121.1 Determine Assistance Unit
The assistance unit includes the applicant(s)/beneficiary(s).
H-1121.2 Establish Categorical Requirement
Verify entitlement/enrollment in Medicare Part A for the
applicant/beneficiary. Medicare Part A eligibility, the start date for
Medicare Part A, and the Medicare claim number may be verified
through the interfaces available in LaMEDS.
H-1121.3 Establish Non-Financial Eligibility
Verify eligibility for each member of the assistance unit with regard to
the following factors:
Assignment of Third Party Rights I-200
Citizenship/Identity and Qualified Non-Citizen Status I-300
Enumeration I-600
Residence I-1900
H-1121.4 Establish Need
A. Determine Composition of the Income Unit
The income unit includes the:
Applicant/beneficiary and ineligible spouse living in the same
home; or
Applicants/beneficiaries who are a couple living in the same
home (eligible couple).
If SSA considers the applicant/beneficiary and their spouse
Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations
Issued Feburary 06, 2023 Page 4 of H-1100
Replacing April 9, 2020
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as a couple for SSI, they are considered as an eligible
couple for the purposes of budgeting in the Medicare
Savings Programs ( QMB, SLMB, QI). An eligible spouse is
one who is aged, blind, or disabled and lives in the same
household as the applicant/beneficiary. The eligible spouse
does not have to be entitled to Medicare for the couple to be
considered an eligible couple.
B. Determine Need/Countable Income
If the applicant/beneficiary is an individual with no spouse or with
an ineligible spouse with no income, complete the following budget
Step 1. Determine the total gross unearned income.
Step 2. Subtract the $20 SSI general income disregard from
unearned income.
Step 3. The remainder is the countable unearned income.
Step 4. Determine the total gross earned income.
Step 5. Subtract any remainder of $20 SSI disregard from gross
Step 6. Subtract earned income deduction from remaining gross
earnings. Earned income deduction is $65 and one-half
of remainder of earnings.
Step 7. The remainder is the countable earned income.
Step 8. Add remainders from Step 3 and Step 7.
Step 9. Compare the total to 100 percent FPL for one person.
Refer to Z-200 Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.
If the remaining income is greater than the QMB income limit for
one person, the applicant/beneficiary is not income eligible.
If the remaining income is equal to or less than the QMB income
limit for one person, the applicant/beneficiary is income eligible for
Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations
Issued Feburary 06, 2023 Page 5 of H-1100
Replacing April 9, 2020
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Ineligible Spouse Deeming
If there is an ineligible spouse with income, complete budget Steps
1 through 9 above using only the applicant/beneficiary income. If
the income of the applicant/beneficiary is greater than the QMB
limit for one person, the applicant/beneficiary is ineligible and there
is no deeming. Consider for the Medically Needy Program (MNP).
If the income of applicant/beneficiary is equal to or less than the
QMB limit for one person, apply deeming policy. Refer to I-1420
Need - Deeming. Go to Step 1 of the couple budget.
If both members of a couple are potentially eligible, or if there is
income remaining in the deeming process, complete the following
budget steps:
Step 1. Determine the total gross unearned income by combining
the couple’s unearned income.
When deeming income from an ineligible spouse, the
income of the ineligible spouse remaining after
allocation for ineligible children is combined with the
income of the eligible spouse. The couple is then
treated the same as an eligible couple for budgeting
Step 2. Subtract the $20 SSI general income disregard.
Step 3. The remainder is the couple’s countable unearned
Step 4. Determine the total gross earned income by combining
the couple’s gross earned income.
Step 5. Subtract any remainder of the $20 SSI disregard from
gross earnings.
Step 6. Subtract one earned income deduction from the
remaining gross earnings of the income unit. The earned
income deduction is $65 and one-half of the remainder of
the earnings.
Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations
Issued Feburary 06, 2023 Page 6 of H-1100
Replacing April 9, 2020
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Step 7. The remainder is the couple’s countable earned income.
Step 8. Combine the remainders in Step 3 and Step 7.
Step 9. Compare the total countable income to 100 percent FPL
for two persons. Refer to Z-200 Federal Poverty Income
If the income is greater than the QMB income limit for two persons,
the applicant/beneficiary is not eligible.
If the income is equal to or less than the QMB income limit for two
persons, the applicant/beneficiary is income eligible.
Couples in a nursing facility or receiving waiver services who
are being considered as individuals, are considered
individuals for QMB need/countable income determinations.
Refer to MEM 831.4
If one spouse is in a nursing facility or receiving waiver services
and his community spouse is not receiving waiver services,
determine eligibility for each spouse as an individual. Consider
income of each individual for separate QMB decisions.
Count as unearned income to the community spouse any
income allocated from an institutionalized spouse.
H-1121.5 Eligibility Decision
Evaluate all eligibility requirements and verifications received to make
eligibility decision.
H-1121.6 Certification Period
Eligibility for QMB shall not be retroactive from the application date.
The certification period shall not exceed 12 months.
QMB certifications are effective the month following the month the
individual is determined to be QMB-eligible. The “month the individual
is determined to be QMB-eligible” is the month that the individual is
Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations
Issued Feburary 06, 2023 Page 7 of H-1100
Replacing April 9, 2020
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determined to meet all the requirements for QMB eligibility.
If an individual applies for Medicaid on January 1 and is determined
to meet all of the requirements of eligibility at that time, even if the
state makes this determination on March 10
, the individual’s QMB
coverage would begin on February 1.
H-1121.7 Notice of Decision
Send the appropriate notice of decision to the
Applicants enrolled in Medicare Part A are not referred to the
Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM).