Create the vision
Design the policy
Set up for
and roll out
The global trends are clear that remote working is here to stay and the demand for organisations to adapt to this way of working is
increasing. It is imperative that organisations have a scalable policy and tools in place to meet employee expectations now and are adaptable for
future remote working approaches. Based on extensive work with our clients in this space, we have formulated a simple 5-step plan for organisations
to implement a fit-for-purpose remote working framework.
What is your value offering?
Workshop ideas with your key
stakeholders (ExCo, Tax, HR,
OH&S etc) to ensure buy-in and
alignment, particularly around
corporate tax risk. Capture
company values, overarching
people strategies and understand
your appetite for risk - remote
working comes with pushing the
What will the deal be?
Determine if you want to be
aligned to, or differentiated
from, the market. Design a
policy that meets business
needs whilst also compliant with
tax, immigration and legal
requirements. Be clear on your
expectations of the employees
you allow to work remotely and
ensure your messaging is
aligned to these expectations.
Is your policy scalable?
Many organisations are
moving fast to get a simple,
adaptable framework in place
under a phased approach.
Ensure your policy is future
focused by implementing the
right tools and parameters to
manage your remote working
requests. Be transparent with
employees on the evolving
nature of their benefits.
Align with the
Are you fit for the future?
Understand the current market
practices and benchmark your
approach with competitors.
Many organisations have shared
their policy headlines publically
(including PwC), and we will be
happy to share our market
observations with you.
Is your policy sustainable?
Ensure you have the right
operation framework, approval
documents, risk assessments
and technology to deliver your
policy and a great experience for
your people. With such a
dynamic immigration and tax
landscape, make your policy a
live document which is regularly
reviewed and updated.
Remote working: a 5 step plan to bring control, compliance and consistency
© 2022 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the Australia member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further
details. This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.