5530 Shady Grove Road
Memphis, Tennessee 38120
Manual of Administrative Operations
(effective 05-28-2024)
This Manual of Administrative Operations was developed by the Session in accordance
with the Book of Order G-3.0106 and is designed to provide members of the Session
and the Congregation with a general knowledge of the structure to administer the
mission of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tennessee. An overall review
and revision of this Manual of Administrative Operations shall be completed by the
Session at least every three years, with specific provisions amended as needed.
Church Staff………………………………………………………………………………….…..3
Mission Statement………………………………………………………………………………4
Presbyterian Church (USA)…………………………………………………………………….4
Church Membership…………………………………………………………………………….4
Ruling Elders…………………………………………………………………………………….5
Clerk of Session…………………………………………………………………………………8
Congregational Meetings……………………………………………………………………….8
Standing Teams & Committees
Worship Ministry Team………………………………………………………………..11
Nurture Ministry Team………………………………………………………………...14
Community Outreach Team..………………………………………………………16
Communications Team………………………………………………………………..19
Formation Team - Christian Education……………………………………………...20
Building & Grounds Team…………………………………………………………….21
Personnel Committee…………………………………………………………………23
Stewardship, Budget, and Finance Committee…………………………………….25
Nominating Committee………………………………………………………………..26
Presbyterian Women…………………………………………………………………………27
Personnel Policies……………………………………………………………………………..29
Staff Job Descriptions…………………………………………………………………………33
Drug Free Workplace Policy………………………………………………………………….44
Policy & Procedures on Sexual Misconduct………………………………………………..45
Child and Youth Protection Policy……………………………………………………………49
Internal Accounting Controls………………………………………………………………….55
Internal Control Checklist……………………………………………………………………..57
Shared Space Partners……………………………………………………………………….60
Facility Use Policy…….……………………………………………………………………….61
Wedding Policy………………………………………………………………………………...64
Funeral Policy………………………………………………………………………………….70
Designated Gift Policy…………………………………………………………………………71
Policy for Accepting Donations of Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment and Real Estate……72
Communications Policy……………………………………………………………………….75
Rev. Margaret Wolfkill Burnett
Office Manager/Accountant
Angie Wagner
Parish Associate
Sarah Strong
Church Accompanist
Anna Neal
Tim Prudhomme
Children’s Director
Carolyn Dodson-King
Youth Director
Christopher Williams
I. Mission Statement
The mission of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church is to be a diverse, welcoming
community that seeks to nurture and serve all of God’s people.
II. Presbyterian Church (USA)
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
and is nurtured, guided, and governed by the Session, the Presbytery of the Mid-South,
the Synod of Living Waters, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
(USA) and its Constitution.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church is also a member of the Covenant Network of
Presbyterians (Covenant Network), which seeks to strengthen the church by working for
the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in its life and leadership.
Shady Grove utilizes the unicameral form of government, and the Session has the
responsibility to nurture, guide, and govern the membership. To assist in this
responsibility, the Session has designated several teams and committees for the
accomplishment of the mission of the church. These teams and committees will be
chaired by an active Ruling Elder, and membership on the teams and committees is
open to all members of the congregation.
Should any provision of this Manual of Administrative Operations conflict with the
Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Constitution of the Presbyterian
Church (USA) shall prevail.
III. Church Membership
A. New Members
1. Received by public profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or certificate of
2. Examined and received by the Session.
3. Presented in worship.
B. Categories of Membership
1. Baptized Member – A person who has received the Sacrament of Baptism,
and who has been enrolled as a baptized member by the Session, but who
has not made a profession of faith.
2. Active member – A person who has made a profession of faith in Christ, has
been baptized, and has been received into membership.
3. Affiliate Member – A member of another congregation of this denomination or
of another denomination or Christian body who has (1) temporarily moved
from the community where the congregation of membership is situated, (2)
has presented a certificate of good standing from the appropriate council or
governing body of that congregation, and (3) has been received by the
Session as an affiliate member.
C. Membership Roll
1. There shall be rolls of Baptized, Active, and Affiliate members.
2. The Session shall delete names from the roll of the congregation upon the
member’s death, admission to membership in another congregation or
presbytery, or renunciation of jurisdiction.
3. The Session may delete names from the roll when a member so requests,
has moved, or otherwise ceased to participate actively in the work an worship
of the congregation for a period of two years.
IV. Ruling Elders
A. Ruling Elders shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee, which is selected
by the congregation, drawn from and representative of its membership, and
consisting of at least three active members of the congregation and at least one
ruling elder currently serving on the session. The pastor shall serve ex officio
and without vote.
B. The nomination and election of Ruling Elders shall express rich diversity and
inclusiveness of all persons of the congregation’s membership.
C. Ruling Elders shall be elected by the congregation at a meeting of the
D. When persons have been elected to the ordered ministry of Ruling Elder, the
Session shall provide a period of study and preparation.
E. After the study period, the Session shall examine them as to their personal faith;
knowledge of the doctrine, government, and discipline contained in the
constitution of the church; and the duties of the ministry. The Session shall also
confer with them as to their willingness to undertake the ministry appropriate to
the order.
F. If the examination is approved, the Session shall appoint a day for the service of
ordination and installation.
V. Session
A. Organization
1. The Session is the council for the congregation, which shall be composed of
those persons elected by the congregation to active service as Ruling Elders,
together with all installed pastors and associate pastors.
2. There shall be from nine (9) to eleven (11) Ruling Elders elected to serve
terms of no more than three (3) consecutive years on the Session, after which
they are eligible for reelection according to congregational rule. However, no
Ruling Elder shall be eligible to serve more than six (6) consecutive years.
3. A Ruling Elder who has served six (6) consecutive years shall be ineligible for
election for at least one year.
4. Election shall be to classes as nearly equal in number as possible, with the
terms of only one class ending each year.
5. Terms of Ruling Elders will expire when their successors have been ordained
and installed.
6. At least one Ruling Elder shall be assigned to each of the regular session
teams and committees as a representative to the Session.
B. Notice – There shall be reasonable notice given of all special meetings.
C. Quorum Sessions shall provide by rule for a quorum for meetings. The current
rule requires one-half of Session members, including moderator, to constitute a
D. Moderator The pastor of a congregation shall be the Moderator of the Session
of that congregation.
E. Clerk The Clerk of the Session shall be a Ruling Elder elected by the Session
for such term as it may determine.
F. Commissioners to other Councils The Session shall elect Ruling Elders to
serve as Commissioners to other councils of the church. Commissioners to the
Presbytery should preferably be elected for one year.
G. Meetings of the Session
1. The Session typically shall hold stated meetings at least monthly.
2. The Moderator shall call a special meeting when they deem necessary or
when requested in writing by any two members of the Session.
3. The business to be transacted at special meetings shall be limited to items
specifically listed in the call for the meeting.
4. There shall be reasonable notice given of all special meetings.
5. The Session shall also meet when directed by Presbytery.
6. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s
Rules of Order except when it conflicts with the Book of Order.
7. The Session may also make use of processes of discernment in their
deliberations prior to a vote as agreed upon by the body.
H. Electronic Voting
1. Electronic Session voting (by email, phone, or other means) may be
conducted on those issues which require action before the next Stated
Session meeting.
2. All Ruling Elders will be provided an opportunity to vote, even if they do not
have the primary means of electronic communication.
3. Since the opportunity for discussion is central to Presbyterian Government,
only issues which are not expected to generate debate should be submitted
for electronic voting.
4. If one or more Ruling Elders object to the electronic form of voting on a
particular issue, the vote will be suspended, and the issue will be taken up at
a Stated or Called Meeting.
5. All electronic votes conducted will be affirmed at the next Stated Meeting.
6. The Moderator must approve conducting the electronic vote.
7. The Clerk of Session will be the initiator of all electronic votes and will be
responsible for communication of vote results.
I. Session Responsibilities
1. Provide that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard.
2. Provide that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received.
3. Nurture the covenant community of disciples of Christ.
4. Participate in the life of the whole church through participation in other
5. Maintain required rolls and registers.
6. Prepare and adopt a budget and determine distribution of the
congregation’s benevolences and shall provide full information to the
7. Elect a treasurer.
8. Shall review annually the minister’s terms of call and shall propose for
congregational action such changes as the session deems appropriate.
VI. Clerk of Session
A. The Clerk of the Session shall be a Ruling Elder (not necessarily an active Ruling
elder) elected by the session for such term as it may determine.
B. Primary Duties of the Clerk
1. Record the minutes of the Session.
2. Keep rolls of membership and attendance of the Session.
3. Preserve the records of the Session.
4. Furnish extracts to other governing bodies when required.
5. Submit Session minutes to the Presbytery once a year for their review.
6. Provide statistical data for review.
7. Prepare and execute annual membership roll review with the Session.
8. Assist the pastor in preparing the agenda for session meetings.
C. Source Handbook For Clerks Of Session In The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
by Frank Walmsley.
VII. Congregational Meetings
A. The congregation shall hold an annual meeting and may hold special meetings,
as necessary, for any of the purposes appropriate for congregational
consideration. The business to be transacted at special meetings shall be limited
to items specifically listed in the call for the meeting.
B. Meetings of the congregation shall be called by the Session, by the Presbytery,
or by the Session when requested in writing by one fourth of the active members
on the roll of the congregation.
C. Public notice of the time, place, and purpose of all meetings of the congregation
shall be given on the preceding two Sundays. The meeting may be convened
following the notice given on the second Sunday.
D. All active members of the congregation present at either annual or special
meetings are entitled to vote.
E. A quorum in congregational meetings shall consist of 25 eligible voters or 10
percent of the congregation, whichever is greater.
F. The installed pastor shall ordinarily moderate all meetings of the congregation.
1. If it is impractical for the pastor to preside, the pastor shall invite another
minister of the Word and Sacrament who is a member of the Presbytery, or a
person authorized by the Presbytery, to serve as moderator.
2. If there is no installed pastor, or the installed pastor is unable to moderate
and/or name another moderator, the Presbytery shall make provision for a
G. The Clerk of Session shall serve as secretary for all meetings of the
1. If the Clerk of Session is unable to serve, the congregation shall elect a
secretary for the meeting.
2. The secretary shall record the actions of the congregation in minutes of the
3. The Session shall read, correct, and approve the minutes of each
congregational meeting at its next scheduled meeting.
4. The minutes shall then be attested by the Moderator and the Clerk and shall
be entered into the minute book of the Session.
H. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Book of Order, Chapter
Three, G-3.0105, when applicable, or according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
I. All congregational meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer.
J. Business proper to congregational meetings
1. Electing Ruling Elders
a. When Ruling Elders are being elected, full opportunity shall always be
given to the congregation for nominations by any active member of the
church present at the meeting.
b. Persons to be nominated from the floor shall have given prior permission
to be nominated and declared assent to serve if elected or, if present,
shall be asked to declare willingness to serve.
c. When the number of nominees equals the number of Ruling Elders to be
elected, the congregation may vote by voice or show of hands.
d. When the number of nominees is greater than the number of elders to be
elected, the congregation may vote by secret ballot.
e. A majority of all the active members present and voting shall be required
to elect.
2. Calling a pastor, co-pastor, or associate pastor.
3. Changing pastoral relationships (terms of pastor’s call) or requesting,
consenting to, or declining to consent to dissolution.
4. Buying, mortgaging, or selling real property.
5. Requesting the Presbytery to grant an exception to terms for Ruling Elders.
6. Approving a plan for the creation of a joint congregational witness or
amending or dissolving the joint congregational witness.
The Worship Ministry Team shall provide for the worship of the people of God, including
the preaching of the Word, the sharing of the sacraments, and the music program, in
keeping with the principles in the Directory for Worship. It will be sensitive to worship
needs of all persons wherever they are in their faith journey.
Membership of this team shall include at least one active Ruling Elder and other
members of the congregation at large. The Pastor, Accompanist, and Office Manager
will serve as ex officio members of this team.
This team will ordinarily meet monthly and as necessary for discussion and decision-
To establish the time, place, and appropriate order of worship for regular Sunday
worship services, as well as special services of worship:
1. Collaborate with the Pastor and Session (as appropriate) to plan and
coordinate special services of worship. These include services on Christmas
Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.
2. Provide for lay readers to assist the Pastor in the leadership of worship as
3. Schedule and train volunteers for Children’s Chat during the worship service,
in consultation with the pastor.
4. Establish policy and guidelines for weddings and funerals and review such
guidelines yearly.
5. Assist the Pastor in arranging pulpit supply.
6. Develop methods to distribute Sunday sermons to individuals who cannot
attend regular Sunday worship.
7. Carry out periodic evaluation of the congregational worship services.
To supervise the celebration of the sacraments:
1. Prepare elements for Communion.
2. Provide for worship volunteers to serve Communion.
3. Assist Pastor in providing Communion to homebound members when
4. Prepare and assist in baptism ceremonies.
To provide the proper setting for the conduct of public worship:
1. Maintain flower calendar.
2. Provide for the care and maintenance of the sanctuary, including stocking the
pews with welcome pads, handouts, Bibles and hymnals; preparing and
maintaining any paraments or vestments for the sanctuary; dressing the altar;
and arranging decorations for special worship services.
3. Provide for ushers, assign duties, and provide for the training of ushers.
4. Provide for the distribution of worship bulletins for adults and children each
5. Maintain equipment for acolytes who carry the light during the service.
6. Oversee and coordinate the issuance of member and visitor name tags.
To oversee the music program of the church:
1. Recommend to the Session the appointment of a choir director and an
2. Support and assist the music leadership in their service.
3. Support the development of a children’s music program when appropriate.
To provide for the continuing education of our congregation regarding the rich worship
life of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition:
1. Assist the Pastor as appropriate in providing for the instruction of parents
presenting their children for the sacrament of baptism.
2. Collaborate with the Formation and Education teams and Children/Youth
Ministry to assure worship education is being incorporated into adult, youth,
and children programming, including Sunday School and confirmation
The Nurture Team ministers to needs within the congregation by praying and caring for
members and encouraging others to do so. The Nurture Team coordinates
refreshments and meals at gatherings of the faith community. The Nurture Team
organizes social events for the congregation to foster connections and community and
welcomes new members and visitors to the church. In collaboration with other teams,
the Nurture Team also helps coordinate the congregation’s interfaith ministries.
Membership of the Team shall include at least one Ruling Elder and other members of
the congregation at large.
The Team will ordinarily meet monthly.
A. Member Care – Joys/Concerns
1. Keep track of joys and concerns within the congregation and share them as
appropriate with the larger congregation.
2. Regularly pray for, and encourage others to pray for, members and their families
as they experience needs and as they celebrate joys.
2. Maintain a monthly greeting card ministry in which one Team volunteer each
month sends cards celebrating birthdays, offering congratulations, articulating
prayers, expressing sympathy, and otherwise offering support and
encouragement to members and their families.
3. Respond in specific, practical ways to meet needs of members and their families,
including emergency and crisis situations, and draw upon other members and all
available resources in order to address needs that arise.
4. Visit, call, bring food, send messages, provide transportation, help arrange
events, and in every concrete and feasible way, make God’s caring presence
known to every individual in the congregation, and be present as the hands and
feet of Christ in our midst.
5. Coordinate delivery of food for members and their families in appropriate
6. Provide presence, and encourage other church members’ presence, at funerals
and memorial services involving members and families of members, and, when
appropriate, share with the congregation information about such services.
B. Member Care Connections
1. Coordinate Wednesday Night Suppers (WNS), and other meals during special
seasons of the year, and involve as many members as possible in planning,
promoting, and implementing such events.
2. Plan, promote, and provide educational and inspirational programs associated
with WNS and special meals as needed.
3. Plan, promote, and provide social opportunities for the congregation in
association with WNS, such as game and trivia nights and crafts.
4. Coordinate and oversee after-worship refreshments in the Narthex on Sunday
5. Coordinate and oversee the monthly Book and Movie Club and the monthly
Ladies Birthday Luncheon.
6. Plan events and activities for the congregation and the community to foster
connections and friendships, such as cookouts by our fire pit, caroling,
kayak/camping trips, group walking, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, etc.
7. Create and distribute New Member Welcome Baskets that includes welcome
items, such as homemade bread and jams, and information about the church,
such as a church directory and pastor welcome letter.
8. Welcome, and encourage others to welcome, visitors to our church at each
service and ask if they would like to be added to the newsletters or receive other
information about the church.
C. Budget Items
1. Make budget recommendations, and administer budget expenditures, related to
the church’s food ministries, social events, and other member care, such as the
card ministry.
2. Make recommendations for use of the Benevolence Fund to the Pastor and
ensure that the congregation is made aware of the Benevolence Fund.
This Team will provide opportunities for witness in the community and the world. This
Team will develop and implement imaginative techniques for personal evangelism and
outreach aimed at the larger Memphis community and world, as well as an outreach to
newcomers and other visitors to the church.
Membership of this Team shall include at least one active Ruling Elder and other
members of the congregation at large.
This Team will ordinarily meet monthly and as necessary for discussion and decision-
A. General
1. Reach out into the larger community by offering opportunities for the
congregation to minister to the needs of the world through community action
and social concern.
2. Cooperate not only through the outreach of our denomination but with other
organizations locally, nationally, and globally in meeting the needs of
persons, groups, and nations.
3. Motivate the members of the congregation to assume individual and
corporate responsibility for witness to Christ through the Global Mission of the
4. Creatively approach the opportunity to present ourselves as a Church home
to the people of Memphis and neighboring communities.
5. Assess the opportunities for evangelism and the needs of people who are
unchurched, within the reach of our congregation. Follow through on those
opportunities and work on meeting those needs.
6. Provide support and oversight to other Teams as they carry out evangelism
efforts for the church.
7. Provide recommendations to the Session for disbursement of proceeds and
budgeted monies for specific programs, such as Saturday Supper at St.
Luke’s United Methodist Church.
B. Ministries and Programs
1. Saturday Supper - One Saturday each month Shady Grove is responsible for
preparing and serving a meal, either in person or to-go, for those in need. We
serve between 30-60 people at St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 480 S
Highland, Memphis, TN 38111.
2. Food Pantry - Shady Grove helps support the University Cluster Food Pantry
located at St. Luke's Methodist Church 480 S. Highland 38111. The Pantry is
open two weeks every month. On Tuesdays, the shelves are stocked and, on
Thursdays, food is distributed to needy families and individuals.
3. Prayer Shawl Ministry - The knitting group at Shady Grove creates prayer
shawls to give to Shady Grove members and to donate to Church Health
Center and baby caps to donate to Regional One Health Labor & Delivery
4. Beulah Baptist Church & Masjid As-Salam Mosque - Shady Grove hosts
Thanksgiving dinner with Beulah Baptist Church and Masjid As-Salam
Mosque in a heartwarming meal shared with friends of diverse faiths.
5. Kick It 5k - The Kick It 5K is an annual fundraiser for the Kosten Foundation to
support pancreatic cancer research. Shady Grove members began
participating in 2020 after the passing of Shady Grove's beloved Tom Walsh
to pancreatic cancer.
6. Our Own Voice - Created in 1991, the Our Own Voice Theatre Troupe is a
creative arts organization providing empowering experiences for people
marginalized by mental illness and striving to engage our community in an
ongoing dialogue about mental health.
7. Refugees with World Relief - Shady Grove has formed a Good Neighbor
Team with World Relief, the refugee resettlement agency in Memphis. This
team is assigned a refugee family to welcome them in love and friendship
over the course of their first 6 months in Memphis. Our responsibility is to
build relationships that help to welcome refugees to their new home.
8. Memphis Pride Fest - Each year in June Shady Grove has a table at the
Memphis Pride Fest and a group of Shady Grovers participate in the parade
from Robert Church Park down Beale Street. We proudly support the LGBTQ
community in Memphis.
9. Team Read - Shady Grove partners with the Memphis Shelby County
Schools Team Read program that pairs volunteers with students who are
reading below grade level to provide weekly mentorship. Each volunteer
meets with the same 2 students each week for 30 minutes to work on reading
10. Prizm Ensemble - This is a non-profit that builds diverse community through
chamber music education, youth development, and performance. Prizm
brings classical music training to underserved students in the Memphis and
Shelby County Schools. Summer and winter music camps with performances
are held at Shady Grove, and Prizm musicians perform monthly during
11. Mustard SeedHoused at Shady Grove Presbyterian Church, the Mustard
Seed is a Fair Tradestore that sells products from international and local
artisans. Vendors include SERRV and Ten Thousand Villages, Thistle & Bee,
and many others.
12. Sister Supply - This is a non-profit that supplies menstrual products to those
in need, destigmatizes menstruation, and educates about reusable products.
13. Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope (MICAH)Shady Grove is
one of the founding members of this organization which is committed to
pursuit of justice through action.
This Team will strive to provide appealing and effective communications to the
congregation and the community about the mission and ministries of the church.
Membership of this Team shall include at least one active Ruling Elder, the Pastor, the
Office Manager, the church volunteer videographers, and other members from the
congregation at large.
This Team shall meet as needed but at least quarterly.
The Communications Policy is included in the Appendix.
1. Oversee the creation and maintain the church’s website to include online
video worship services.
2. Create and maintain a positive social media presence for the church.
3. In coordination with the Office Manager, maintain and publish a church events
calendar and church newsletters, both weekly and monthly, in multiple
4. Periodically develop and publish an updated pictorial church directory.
5. Update and maintain banners and signage on the church grounds, including
the corner of Shady Grove Road and Yates, with messaging reflective of the
mission of the church.
This team will foster religious education and faith formation for children, youth, and
adults of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (SGPC), i.e., from cradle to grave.
The membership of this team shall include at least one active Ruling Elder, other
members of the congregation at large, and Christian Education teachers. The Pastor
serves as an advisory member of this team.
This Team will ordinarily meet monthly and as necessary for discussion and decision-
Religious Education
1. Oversee the Sunday School programs, and other religious education and faith
formation needs, within the church.
2. Develop new programs when appropriate.
3. Recruit teachers.
4. Provide teachers with necessary materials and training.
5. Approve units of study, fellowship activities, and special events such as
retreats and mission events.
6. Promote camps and conferences for all ages.
7. Provide connection and communication between teachers, the Session, other
teams, and the Pastor.
8. Maintain a list of all teachers, and substitutes, by age level and curriculum.
This Team will preserve and enhance the beauty and dignity of the buildings and
grounds of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church. This Team will also be responsible for
all tools and equipment owned by the Church. Any repairs or other work required on
the buildings, grounds, or equipment will be scheduled by this Team in cooperation with
the Church Sexton and Office Manager.
Membership of this Team shall include at least one active Ruling Elder, the Church
Sexton, and other members from the congregation at large.
This Team will ordinarily meet monthly, and as necessary, for discussion and decision-
making. Urgent and nominal matters may be discussed and determined by email.
To provide management of the property and its buildings:
1. Create and maintain an inventory of all church property, including furniture,
fixtures, office equipment, electronic equipment, etc.
2. Inventory property every two years.
3. Provide for the disposal of obsolete and/or non-repairable equipment after
consulting with the teams and committees affected.
4. Authorize all facility use on the property and maintain proper records thereof.
5. Maintain and update shared space partner policies and recommend new
contracts for significant periods of time or space to the Session. (See the
Facilities Use Agreement in the Appendices.)
To provide maintenance of the property and its buildings:
1. With the Office Manager, oversee the work of the Sexton and report any
abnormalities to the Session for their consideration and/or action.
2. Arrange for general upkeep/repair (such as painting, roof repair, etc.) of
property and its grounds to maintain the beauty and appearance.
3. Arrange for and oversee lawn and tree care and recommend all contracts to
the Session for approval.
To consider and make recommendations about any requests for changes to the church
buildings and grounds, whether temporary or permanent. Recommendations will be
presented to the Session for final decision.
To plan and coordinate volunteer help on activities such as church work days.
To respond to congregational or staff suggestions regarding church property and its
This Committee will assist the Pastor in management and oversight of the church staff.
The membership of this Committee shall consist of at least one Ruling Elder currently
serving on the session and other interested members of the congregation.
This Committee will meet as necessary for discussion and decision-making.
1. Assist the Clerk of Session in the triannual review, publication, and
distribution of the Manual of Administrative Operations, including the
Personnel Policies.
2. Annually review every Staff Job Descriptions, with input from the staff
member, and recommend changes or updates to the Session.
3. Provide for the annual review of the work and compensation of all church
staff, including the gathering input from the staff member via an annual self-
evaluation, and providing feedback to the staff member at an annual
evaluation meeting and final annual rating.
4. Provide for the annual review of the work and compensation of the Pastor.
5. Ensure the maintenance, upkeep, and confidentiality of (a) personnel folders
for each staff employee, which shall include the annual staff evaluation
documentation and all other relevant personnel information, and (b) the
annual call documents of the pastor. Official copies shall be maintained in the
church files by the Office Manager.
6. Present personnel recommendations, including changes in compensation and
bonuses, to the Session; and track salaries, benefits, and bonuses of all staff
members going back at least three (3) years.
7. Ensure annual training for all employees, active Ruling Elders, and pastor
about the Policy and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct and the Child and
Youth Protection Policy; and ensure written acknowledgements from each of
all annual training received, which shall be maintained in the church files by
the Office Manager. (See both policies in the Appendices.)
8. Review and advise on all public postings for hiring new staff and terms of
9. Participate in interviews and provide for background search and reference
checks, if needed, for new staff positions.
10. Arbitrate all personnel problems with advice from the Presbytery’s liaison from
the Commission on Ministry.
This Committee will work with the Office Manager and the Pastor on the budget and
audits of the church’s finances. This Committee will also develop and administer
stewardship campaigns as needed.
This Committee will be composed of at least the Pastor, the Office Manager, and the
Church Treasurer. The Session shall elect a Church Treasurer for such term as the
Session shall decide and shall supervise their work.
This Committee will meet as necessary for discussion and decision-making.
2. To prepare and maintain a budget for the distribution of the congregation’s
3. To account for the proceeds of such offerings and their disbursement, and to
develop and administer a stewardship campaign as needed.
4. To provide asset/liability reports, profit/loss reports, and stewardship reports
to the Session at the monthly stated meetings.
5. To provide annual information to the congregation concerning its decisions in
such financial matters.
6. To ensure that all offerings made at worship services are counted and
recorded by at least two duly appointed persons (by the Budget & Finance
Committee) who are not related by family. Offerings may not be counted by
the Office Manager.
7. To keep financial books and records adequate to reflect all financial
transactions, which shall be open to inspection by authorized church officers
at reasonable times.
8. To provide general oversight of all benevolences, according to the policies
attached in the Appendix, including pledges and loose offerings, designated
gifts, and in-kind gifts.
9. To complete annual audits of the church’s financial operations. (See Internal
Accounting Controls and Internal Control Checklist in the Appendices.)
The Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting a slate of nominees for Ruling
Elders for vote by the congregation and other elected church positions, such as a
Pastoral Nominating Committee.
Annually, this Committee shall be comprised of the middle class of Ruling Elders from
the current Session, as opposed to the outgoing class or the class in their first year.
This Committee should have at least three (3) active members. The Pastor shall be a
member of this Committee, serving ex officio and without vote.
The church should strive for the Committee to be comprised of both women and men
and give fair representation to all members of the congregation and their diversity.
The Nominating Committee will convene as requested by the Session as a whole to fill
vacancies. To ensure training for new Ruling Elders in a timely and orderly fashion,
prior to their installation, the Nominating Committee should meet regularly once it has
been convened and should assemble a set of Ruling Elder nominees promptly. The
Nominating Committee will inform the Session that the slate of nominees has been
secured as soon as it has completed its work. The Session will then call a
congregational meeting for the purpose of acting on the report from the Nominating
Though the Nominating Committee is not directed as to how it must do its work,
nominations will be made based on the general constitutional requirements of the form
of government of the Presbyterian Church (USA) as well as the particular needs of the
Session of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church.
When elections are held, full opportunity shall always be given to the congregation for
nomination from the floor of the congregational meeting by any active member of the
congregation. A majority of all the active members present and voting shall be required
to elect.
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we
commit ourselves to:
A. Nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study.
1. In the late winter/early spring of each year, representatives from the Churchwide
Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women gather as a Bible study committee to
select a topic and an author for upcoming Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible
2. On the first Tuesday of each month the Presbyterian Women of Shady Grove
Presbyterian Church meet for this Bible study. There are morning and evening
B. Support the mission of the church worldwide.
1. Beginning in 1922 with the Woman’s Auxiliary and continuing through the
Women of the Church, United Presbyterian Women, and Presbyterian Women in
the PC(USA), Presbyterian women have a long tradition of caring for others and
helping those in need.
2. An annual Birthday Offering is collected to contribute to specific mission
C. Work for justice and peace.
D. Build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian
Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
A. Personnel Administration
1. This written statement of policies and procedures pertinent to current
personnel practices of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church is available at all
times to all staff members.
2. Staff will be informed of personnel policies, practices, and procedures
which the church is developing or reconsidering.
3. A personnel record for each employee is maintained and protected
against review or use by unauthorized persons. The record will contain
either a completed application form or a brief statement outlining the
employee’s previous employment experience and education; references;
contracts or agreements; job descriptions; evaluations; salary history
including pension, benefits, and bonuses; and leave accounting.
B. Job Descriptions
1. Job descriptions will be located in the Appendices of the Manual of
Administrative Operations.
2. Job descriptions will be reviewed annually by the Personnel Committee,
unless changes are required in the interim.
C. Salary Plan
The Personnel Committee is responsible for recommending all salaries and hourly pay
rates of staff employees to Session. Following action of the Session, the Personnel
Committee will notify each employee.
D. Staff Evaluations
1. Staff evaluations will be performed and completed, annually, by the
Personnel Committee and the Pastor, with input from the associated
Team Leader.
2. At least three people other than the staff member, including the Head of
Staff, will participate in the staff evaluation meeting. The staff member will
provide information requested in the Staff Evaluation Form prior to the
3. After the staff evaluation meeting, the Personnel Committee Chairman will
combine the Staff Evaluation Form with notes from the meeting. An
overall annual rating will be added to the form based on a consensus of
the Personnel Committee. The Form with the overall rating and meeting
notes will be provided to the employee, the Pastor, and the Session.
4. The employee may request reconsideration of the overall rating by the
Pastor and the Clerk of the Session. Decisions upon a reconsideration
request will be made and communicated to the employee.
5. Hourly employees will not receive annual staff evaluations and will be
evaluated as needed.
B. Leave
1. The Pastor’s leave will be specified in the call.
2. Leave should be requested to the Pastor with 30 days’ notice. If 30 days’
notice is not practicable, notice should be given as soon as possible after
learning of the need for leave. The requests must be made in writing, and
oral requests must be confirmed in writing.
3. All leave requests and leave approval will be kept in writing. At the end of
the calendar year, the leave requests and leave approval will be kept in
the employee’s personnel record.
4. Leave accrued must be taken annually and does not rollover to
subsequent years.
5. The following paid leave is available for those employees who have this
benefit listed in their Job Description.
a) Vacation Days
Vacation days are provided in the following proportion of work hours
to vacation days: 10 hours of work a week = 1 week of vacation. For
example, an employee who is engaged to work twenty hours per
week will receive two weeks of paid vacation after one year of
continuous employment. Vacation days may only be taken in
increments of whole days.
b) Sick Leave
1) Sick leave is provided in the following proportion of work
hours to sick leave: 10 hours of work a week = 20 hours of
sick leave. For example, an employee who is engaged to
work twenty hours per week will be eligible for up to forty
hours of sick leave. Sick leave may only be taken in
increments of whole hours.
2) Extended illness shall be referred to the Personnel
Committee. The Personnel Committee shall address all
such situations on an individual non-precedential basis that
reflects the love of Christ.
c) Holidays
1) If one of the following holidays falls on a normal workday of
the employee, the employee will be paid holiday leave for
that day. An employee who works less than eight hours a
day will be paid the number of hours normally worked by the
employee on that day.
1. New Year’s Day
2. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
3. Easter Monday
4. Memorial Day
5. Juneteenth
6. Independence Day
7. Labor Day
8. Thanksgiving Day
9. Day after Thanksgiving
10. Christmas Eve
11. Christmas Day
2) If the employee is unable to take one of the above holidays
due to work responsibilities, another day shall be substituted
within the same year.
d) Bereavement Leave
If an employee is absent from work because of a death of a spouse
or child, they will be allowed up to one calendar week off without loss
of pay. If the death of is another immediate family member, they will
be allowed up to three consecutive days off without loss of
pay. Other immediate family members include parents, spouse’s
parents, siblings or their spouse, spouse’s siblings or their
spouses. Any additional time off will be counted as vacation days.
e) Jury Duty
An employee performing jury duty will be paid at their regular rate for
the time lost from regular work while so serving.
C. Motor Vehicle Insurance
All church employees who drive personal vehicles on church business shall
provide the church a copy of their driver’s license and insurance card.
Reports To: Pastor, Church Treasurer, and the Session
Hours of Work: This is a 35-hour/week position. Posted office hours are 9 am to 3
pm. Hours may be flexed to meet the needs of the church, the staff, and the incumbent.
Annual Salary Range: $40,000-50,000
Benefits: Vacation Days, Sick Leave, Holiday Leave, Bereavement Leave, Jury Duty
Position Purpose: The primary duty of the church accountant position is to perform
accounting duties for the pastor, treasurer, Session, Session teams and ministries, and
create and compile financial reports to benefit the church and its allied activities, with
the oversight of the pastor, church treasurer, and the Business Team. The primary duty
of the office manager position is to perform administrative duties for the pastor, Session,
Session teams, ministries, and create and compile marketing, appeal, and graphic
design work to benefit the church and its allied activities. In the event two people are
necessary to fulfill these job descriptions in the future, they may be separated into two
part time positions.
Ideal Qualifications: Five years demonstrated experience with an associate’s degree
or advanced experience in equivalence. Proficiency in computer software tools including
basic and advanced applications, including accounting. Strong interpersonal skills,
proficiency in handling multiple and disparate tasks, flexibility in the acceptance of
multiple tasks is expected. Confidentiality is expected. Collaboration and cooperation is
expected. Works with minimum supervision and with a “can-do” approach and facilitates
the concept of a team-based approach. Applies advanced accounting principles and is
able to explain and defend alternative methods
Key Responsibilities for Church Accountant:
Handle and record accounts payable and receivable.
Prepare and send all invoices; inform the appropriate parties of any account
receivable more than thirty days delinquent.
With the confidential oversight of the Church Treasurer, monitor pledges and
distribute statements to congregants three times a year. Answer all inquiries from
congregants regarding discrepancies or other pertinent issues regarding
personal pledges/statements. Retain and protect confidentiality at all times.
Pay bills through on-line bill pay methodology.
Coordinate bank distribution of a payment by check system.
Prepare, calculate, file reports, and deliver the weekly deposit integrating the
Sunday offering/weekly deposit directly into a spreadsheet which lists each
separate giving unit to provide for an accurate and easy to use, end of year
pledge tally that includes special offerings. Submit a monthly report to the church
Convert pledges and result records to Realm format; backs-up this system.
Prepare regularly scheduled accurate accounting of Sunday contributions.
Prepare, calculate, compile, and maintain accurate budget, ledger, current
account, operations, maintenance, human resource, reconciliation, and outreach
financial statements and reports to illustrate current conditions.
Participate in annual budget discussions.
Project future impact of financial considerations.
Be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the church’s cash flow and
account relationships.
Coordinate the preparation of employee payroll, entering pay and benefit
changes and required IRS documentation including W-2s.
Integrate the information compiled from previously listed requirements into
coherence for the benefit of the pastor, staff, Session, and teams upon
reasonable request.
Coordinate annual (minimum) audits with unbiased third parties in coordination
with the Business Team.
Other duties assigned as deemed necessary by the pastor, Session, and/or
Posting receipts and disbursements of all accounts according to the church’s
Preparation of monthly bank reconciliation statements.
Preparation of monthly financial reports for team or Session or the church
treasurer’s use.
Preparation of annual statements.
Preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual government and denominational
Providing pledge cards and envelopes through the mail as required by church
members, otherwise, provide for pick-up at church.
Issuance of paychecks to salaried staff on the basis of the pay arrangement
accorded to the staff member.
Retention and updating of personnel files.
Work with the church teams and perform any other related and appropriate
duties assigned by the teams, pastor, or office manager.
Perform any other related duties reasonably and appropriately assigned.
Key Responsibilities for Office Manager:
Receive visitors, contractors, lessees, and deliveries.
Receive and route telephone calls, directing the calls and inquiries to the
appropriate persons or providing information regarding church activities as
Maintain files for the church regarding team and committee activities, contracts,
and repairs.
Manage the office, including compiling and coordinating the order and purchase
of all supplies.
Oversee the maintenance and repair of office equipment.
Maintain an activity calendar for church and lessee activities.
Collect and compile information to assemble and produce the church weekly
bulletin for use during services. This responsibility includes inserts, team
activities, illness reports, a listing of Sunday service responsibilities, an activity
calendar update, and the dissemination of other pertinent information.
Prepare the layout, copy, and folding of the Sunday bulletin.
Prepare the layout, copy, and folding of inserts for the Sunday bulletin.
Prepare and print special programs for special events, special activities, holidays,
Communicate program and coordinate set-up and other special requirements to
the church sexton.
Liaise with potential and actual lessees of church property.
Prepare the church communications.
Provide design services as requested by the pastor or the Session in support of
church business: inserts, graphics, website, program announcement, and/or
business function as reasonably requested.
Produce a monthly church newsletter to include writing, edit, design and layout.
Maintain mailing lists and name tags of members, church friends,
teams/committees, and the Session.
Send acknowledgements for memorials and donations.
Serve in special relationship to the Clerk of Session by proofing minutes and
Maintain a digital record of Session minutes on the church blog.
Reports to: Pastor and through the Building & Grounds Team
Hours of work: This is a part-time 30 hour/week position. Hours may be flexed to meet
the needs of the church.
Annual Salary Range: $20,000-30,000
Benefits: Vacation Days, Sick Leave, Holiday Leave, Bereavement Leave, Jury Duty,
Health Insurance (plus spouse), Pension, Death and Disability Benefits (Health,
Pension, Death/Disability - 100% paid by SGPC)
Position Purpose: The primary duty of this position is to maintain clean, water-tight,
and functional buildings, spaces, systems (including AV equipment), and grounds so
that they may be ready for use. The sexton will complete repairs as able using a general
knowledge of plumbing, electric, and HVAC. If a repair outside the ability of the sexton
is required, they will facilitate the repair and ensure completion, with the assistance of
the office manager and pastor. The sexton will also use their knowledge to plant and
care for the flowers, shrubs and community garden on the grounds.
Ideal Qualifications: A high school diploma or GED equivalent; driver’s license and
proof of insurance; ability to climb ladders; ability to lift more than 50 lbs.; gardening and
landscaping experience; prefer two years’ experience with building and grounds
maintenance, professional cleaning, and general maintenance for HVAC, plumbing, and
Key Responsibilities:
General housekeeping to include cleaning the floors and restrooms, dusting,
washing windows, emptying trash/recycling, placing bins at curb for city pick up,
replenishing supplies like soaps, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
Clean church entrance, sidewalks and parking areas on a regular basis.
Prepare facilities for regularly scheduled and special use (paid lessee, weddings,
receptions, funerals, etc.), including setting up tables and chairs, setting up AV
equipment, etc. as needed and requested by the pastor or paid lessee.
Maintain a supply inventory and restock as needed.
Assess maintenance needs and repairs; acquire and evaluate bids to complete
repairs over $300; communicate with pastor and Building & Grounds Team Lead
regarding hiring of skilled professionals and oversee the repairs.
Ensure that the HVAC system is maintained and functions well throughout the
Establish and maintain a list of potential substitutes and emergency contacts.
Participate in weekly staff meetings where there will be an opportunity to
communicate with the pastor and other staff any property issues, problems or other
ideas they may have for the building and grounds. Communicate with the Building
& Grounds Team Lead as needed.
Reports To: Pastor and the Worship Ministry Team
Hours of Work: Sunday morning: 2 hours, 10-12 am, plus preparation time for the
service music. Provide or arrange for accompaniment for special services (e.g., Maundy
Thursday) a few times per year as requested by pastor or worship team. Accompany
choir practice regularly as part of the preparation for Sunday worship.
Weekly Pay: $200/week
Benefits: None
Position Purpose: The primary duty of this position is to provide service music for
worship services on Sunday mornings, to accompany congregational singing, to
accompany the choir during rehearsals and anthem presentations, and as requested
and when possible, to provide or arrange for accompaniment on special occasions such
as weddings, funerals, and special services. See the policies on weddings and funerals
for details on how such occasions will be reimbursed.
Ideal Qualifications: Skill with piano is essential, and organist capabilities highly
desirable. The ability to collaborate with the pastor and with a worship team is
Key Responsibilities:
Provide worship music weekly including prelude, offertory, reflective music, hymn
accompaniment, and accompaniment for solos, etc.
Accompany choir.
Provide rehearsal accompaniment for choir during choir season.
Assist with hymn and music selection when requested.
Provide accompaniment for wedding, funerals, etc., or assist in obtaining such
accompanists if unavailable, and based on arrangements with the planning
Within reason perform other duties assigned by the Pastor.
Attend worship team meetings when needed for focused discussions.
Arrange for substitutes when absent; instruct the substitutes about the
expectations and how they will be paid; and provide the substitutes with copies of
the basic service music, as well as ensuring they receive information about the
hymns planned for the service.
Reports to: Pastor and Personnel Committee Chair
Hours of work: 10 per week
Annual Salary: $10,000
Benefits: none
Position Purpose: The primary duty of the Parish Associate is to work in cooperation
with the session across all ministries of the church.
Ideal Qualifications:
Has a personal, active, and growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ
Is committed to the ministry and mission of the church universal and particular
Strives to live a life of Christian discipleship, loving God and neighbor and being
guided by the prophet’s call to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly
Has knowledge and experience in church leadership
Understands Presbyterian theology and polity
Maintains confidentiality (where appropriate) and is accountable with the church’s
budget and resources
Seeks opportunities for professional growth
Participates in and supports the work of the Mid-South Presbytery
Bachelor’s degree in a related field
Masters of Divinity
Ordained of the Word and Sacrament
Key Responsibilities:
Participate in worship leadership as needed
Baptisms/Weddings/Funerals as needed
Faith Formation
Adult Christian Education on Sundays
Assisting in the planning and implementation of alternative Christian Education
(Sundays or other times during the week)
In the PC(USA), Parish Associates are ordained pastors and members of the local presbytery who are
nominated by an installed pastor and approved by the session to serve in specific ministries. A Parish
Associate contract is reviewed and renewed each year as determined by the installed pastor and the
session. While many Parish Associates serve as volunteers, the installed pastor and session may choose
to pay a Parish Associate.
Nurture/Pastoral Care
Reaching out to those who need contact on the prayer list
Arranging for and administering communion to members confined to home monthly
Other Duties
Attend weekly staff meetings
Attend Session meetings
Attend Worship, Formation and Nurture meetings as able. Otherwise, receive and
read the minutes from the meetings.
To ensure these expectations are met and that the parish associate’s time is
respected, check-ins will occur with the personnel chair as determined by the
session and the parish associate.
Reports To: Pastor
Hours of Work:
This is a 10-hour/week position. Hours may be flexed to meet the needs of the
church, the staff, and the church season
Approximately 7 hours weekly will be spent on planning and preparation and 3
hours per week will be spent implementing programs and curriculum
Annual Salary: $10,000
Benefits: None
Position Purpose: The primary duty of the Director of Children’s Ministry (DCM) is to
oversee all ministries for children at SGPC. At its heart, this ministry teaches and instills
in our children core values of love, justice, and peace. The DCM will support, guide,
encourage, and inspire the children and volunteer leaders from within the congregation.
The individual must work closely with the pastor and leadership to coordinate children’s
regularly scheduled weekly programming and special event programming throughout
the year. The DCM must be accepting and affirming of SGPC’s mission and purpose
and must clearly radiate that we are a welcoming congregation for all.
Ideal Qualifications:
Has a personal, active, and growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ
Is energetic, warm, and able to share God’s love with children, youth, and
Is comfortable with visiting and listening to those involved with this ministry
Is able to balance work and personal life
Is physically capable of sustained activity with young people
Has knowledge and experience in Biblical interpretation, child-development, faith
development, and religious educational theory and practice
Experience and ability with music and drama programs preferred
Maintains confidentiality (where appropriate) and is accountable with the church’s
budget and resources
Seeks opportunities for professional growth
Understands Presbyterian theology and polity
Bachelor’s degree in related field or appropriate background and experience
Experience working with children and/or youth (Christian education or children’s
Key Responsibilities:
Children’s Worship Experience
Collaborate with pastor to create worshipful time and space for young children
during the Sunday morning worship hour (i.e., prepare and enrich young
children’s worship with the whole church)
Collaborate with the Formation: Education Team to communicate Godly Play
Create special programs for children that align with church calendar (for
example, Christmas pageants, Easter activities)
Collaborate with pastor and worship team to prepare children to participate in
worship activities and to play an active role as acolytes and readers
Provide support for volunteers preparing children’s sermons
Communicate with parents and families about children’s ministry and
programming and collaborate with the nurture team and pastor to provide
outreach/care to families as needed
Children’s Programs
Develop regularly scheduled and special programs for children and families
throughout the year
Recruit and train volunteers to assist with children at all church events and
activities with planned children’s activities and ensure compliance with the
Child and Youth Protection Policy
Participate in the hiring of nursery workers in coordination with the Personnel
Committee and ensure compliance with the Child and Youth Protection Policy
Ensure that nursery workers are staffed on Sunday mornings during worship
Oversee and provide for a safe, clean, and well-equipped nursery.
Other Duties
Develop budget for submission to the session and responsibly steward
Attend staff meetings
Attend Formation: Education Team meetings and Session meetings where
Contribute to SGPC’s social media and other communications
Communicate details of upcoming events to parents and the congregation via
the church newsletter and emails and the Sunday bulletin.
Reports To: Pastor
Hours of Work:
This is a 10-hour/week position. Hours may be flexed to meet the needs of the
church, the staff, and the church season
Approximately 7 hours weekly will be spent on planning and preparation and 3
hours per week will be spent implementing programs and curriculum
Annual Salary: $10,000
Benefits: None
Position Purpose: The primary duty of the Director of Youth Ministry (DYM) is to
oversee all ministries for youth at SGPC. At its heart, this ministry teaches and instills in
our youth core values of love, justice, and peace. The DYM will support, guide,
encourage, and inspire the youth and volunteer leaders from within the congregation.
The individual must work closely with the pastor and leadership to coordinate youth’s
regularly scheduled weekly programming and special event programming throughout
the year. The DYM must be accepting and affirming of SGPC’s mission and purpose
and must clearly radiate that we are a welcoming congregation for all.
Ideal Qualifications:
Has a personal, active, and growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ
Is energetic, warm, and able to share God’s love with children, youth, and
Is comfortable with visiting and listening to those involved with this ministry
Is able to balance work and personal life
Is physically capable of sustained activity with young people
Has knowledge and experience in Biblical interpretation, child-development, faith-
development, and religious educational theory and practice
Experience and ability with music and drama programs preferred
Maintains confidentiality (where appropriate) and is accountable with the church’s
budget and resources
Seeks opportunities for professional growth
Understands Presbyterian theology and polity
Bachelor’s degree in related field or appropriate background and experience
Experience working with children and/or youth (Christian education or children’s
ministry preferred)
Key Responsibilities:
Youth Worship Experience
Create special programs for youth that align with church calendar (for example,
Christmas pageants, Easter activities)
Collaborate with pastor and worship team to prepare youth to participate in
worship activities and to play an active role as acolytes and readers
Communicate with parents and families about youth' ministry and programming
and collaborate with the nurture team and pastor to provide outreach/care to
families as needed
Youth Programs
Collaborate with the Formation: Education Team to determine appropriate
Create a vibrant and active youth group
Select and develop regularly scheduled and special programs for youth (Bible
studies, mission projects/trips, worship, fellowship)
Develop regularly scheduled and special programs for youth and families
throughout the year
Develop monthly social/fellowship events (Volunteering, Family, All Youth, High
School only).
Recruit and train volunteers to assist with youth at all church events and activities
with planned youth activities and ensure compliance with the Child and Youth
Protection Policy
Other Duties
Develop budget for submission to the session and responsibly steward resources
Attend staff meetings
Attend Formation: Education Team meetings and Session meetings where
Contribute to SGPC’s social media and other communications
Communicate details of upcoming events to parents, and youth. The primary
communication method for youth events is Groupme. There will be two
communication groups: (1) Parents and All Youth and (2) High School.
A. It is the Church’s policy that any location at which Church business is
conducted, whether at this or any other site, is declared to be a drug-free
workplace. This means all employees are absolutely prohibited from
unlawfully manufacturing, possessing, or using controlled substances in the
workplace. Any employee violating the above policy will be severely
disciplined, up to and including termination for the first offense.
B. The following is a partial list of controlled substances:
1. Narcotics (heroin, morphine, etc.)
2. Cannabis (marijuana, hashish)
3. Stimulants (cocaine, etc.)
4. Depressants (tranquilizers)
5. Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, “designer drugs”, etc.)
C. Employees have the right to know the dangers of drug abuse in the
workplace, the Church’s policy about them and what help is available to
combat drug problems. In case of a workplace injury, drug and alcohol
testing may be required.
A. Policy Statement
It is the policy of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church that all members, officers,
employees, and volunteers are to maintain the integrity of ministerial, employment,
professional, and volunteer worker relationships at all times. Sexual misconduct and
harassment/abuse is not only a violation of the principles set forth in scripture, but also
of these relationships, and will not be tolerated.
B. Purpose
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church adopts this policy on sexual misconduct for the
following purposes:
2. To set and enforce standards of ethical behavior consistent with Scripture,
the Book of Confessions and secular law;
3. To provide procedures for inquiry and effective response to allegations of
the breach of duty of emotional, spiritual, and physical care and protection
of other persons incumbent on all who represent the church in any way;
4. To serve as a guide for the application of the powers of the session under
the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Part Two, the Book
of Order, as specifically found in the Form of Government;
5. To serve as a guide for prevention of sexual misconduct;
6. To demonstrate pastoral concern for accusers, victims of alleged sexual
misconduct, survivors of such misconduct, as well as those accused or
guilty of sexual abuse; and
7. To serve the peace, purity, and unity of the Church.
C. Definitions
Sexual misconduct is an abuse of authority and power, breaching Christian ethical
principles by misusing a trust relationship to gain advantage over another for personal
gratification in an exploitative and unjust manner. It is the comprehensive term used in
this policy to include sexual abuse of children or adults, rape or sexual assault, and
sexual harassment.
Categories of sexual misconduct are described below:
Sexual abuse occurs whenever a person in a position of trust engages in a sexual act,
sexual contact, or sexual behaviors with another person to whom he or she owes a
professional responsibility. Such abuse shall include, but not be limited to, the
a. Sexual acts or sexual contact with a minor;
b. Sexual acts or sexual contact involving inducement, threat, coercion,
force, violence, or intimidation of another person;
c. Sexual acts or contact between Teaching Elders (Pastors) and persons
with whom they have a professional or pastoral relationship. This includes
consensual relationships. Sexual relationships even when consensual are
not acceptable regardless of whether pastoral care is involved. The
inherent imbalance of power between the Teaching Elder (Pastor) and a
congregant undermines the validity of such consent;
d. Sexual acts or sexual contact with another person who is incapable of
appraising the nature of the conduct or physically incapable of declining
participation in, or communicating unwillingness to engage in, that sexual
act or sexual contact;
e. Sexual acts or sexual contact arising from the administration to another
person of a drug or intoxicant which substantially impairs the ability of that
person to apprise or control the nature of the conduct; and,
f. Compelling another person to view child or adult pornographic media or
Child sexual abuse includes, but is not limited to, any contact or interaction between a
child under 18 years old and an adult when the child is being used for the sexual
stimulation of the adult person or of a third person. The behavior may or may not
involve touching. Child sexual abuse between an adult and a child is always considered
forced whether consented or not consented to by the child. Child sexual abuse is a
crime in all states and must be reported to civil authorities and the Stated Clerk of the
presbytery. Anyone who knows or has reason to suspect that child abuse has occurred
or is occurring is a mandated reporter under state law.
Rape or sexual assault is a crime in every state and will be reported to civil authorities
and to the Stated Clerk of the presbytery.
Sexual harassment includes any sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexually offensive nature when: a) submission to such
conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s
employment or their continued status in an institution in either a professional or
volunteer capacity; b) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is the
basis for employment decisions affecting that individual; or c) such conduct has the
purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or volunteer
performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working
environment. Sexual harassment can consist of a single intense or severe act or
multiple persistent or persuasive acts. Sexual harassment may include, but is not
limited to: sexually oriented jokes or humor; sexually demeaning comments; verbal
suggestions of sexual involvement or sexual activity; questions or comments about
sexual behavior, unwelcome or inappropriate physical contact; graphic or degrading
comments about an individual’s physical appearance; express or implied sexual
advances or propositions; display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; repeated
requests for social engagements after an individual refuses.
D. Reporting
Anyone receiving reports of alleged sexual misconduct should bring them to the
attention of the Pastor and/or Clerk of the Session. If one of those persons is the
alleged responsible official, the report will be brought to the other initially.
Because the Session cannot control to whom the accuser of sexual misconduct will
speak first, it is important that officers, employees, and persons highly visible to church
members and visitors understand how reports of incidents are channeled to the proper
person. This policy statement will be published to the congregation and visitors.
The first person to learn of an incident of possible sexual misconduct should not
undertake an inquiry and/or investigation alone. Rather, that person should report the
matter to the attention of the Pastor and/or Clerk of Session for further action.
Confidentiality of reports of sexual misconduct will be protected to the greatest extent
Retaliation against anyone who makes a report of sexual misconduct or who
participates in any investigation regarding such a report will not be tolerated.
E. Investigation and Prompt Appropriate Action
All reports of sexual misconduct will be investigated and receive prompt and appropriate
remedial action.
After receiving reports of alleged sexual misconduct, church officials will take necessary
and appropriate actions to stop misconduct if occurring, investigate promptly, and
implement steps to ensure that misconduct does not recur if necessary.
Investigations of allegations of sexual misconduct will be completed by an investigative
committee approved by the session. This committee will consist of at least two persons
and include a male and a female. At a minimum, the committee will schedule a private
meeting with the person making the complaint. The committee will listen objectively and
advise on confidentiality and the terms of this policy. The committee will obtain all
relevant information and interview persons with potentially relevant information. The
committee will evaluate such gathered information and recommend a plan of
action. The committee will create a brief summary report with its findings and
recommendations attaching all supporting documentation related to its investigation and
recommended actions. The committee will maintain confidentiality as per the terms of
this policy.
After receiving this information, the appropriate church officials will enforce this policy
and take appropriate remedial action which may include disciplinary charges under the
Rules of Discipline in the Book of Order.
F. Record Keeping
The church will maintain detailed records of reports, investigations, and responsive
actions. The Clerk of Session, or designee, will maintain the records while the inquiry is
in progress.
A copy of the summary report submitted by the investigative committee including all
supporting documentation and any actions taken will be kept in the appropriate files of
the church. A copy of the summary report will be kept in the accused personnel file, if
any, and given to the accuser and the accused.
G. Confidentiality
Reports of alleged sexual misconduct should never be allowed to circulate without
concern for the integrity and reputation of the accuser, the victim of alleged conduct, the
accused, those with relevant information, and the church. Confidentiality by the church
and those investigating will be maintained to the greatest extent possible; however, at
some point during the investigation it may be necessary to provide identifying
information to those involved or those who may have relevant information. Reports,
investigations, and appropriate remedial actions concerning sexual misconduct, and
records of such, shall be dealt with as matters of highest confidentiality both before and
after they have been submitted to appropriate authorities within the church.
H. Prevention and Training
Church officials and employees periodically will be provided with training regarding
sexual misconduct prevention. Records of such training will be kept by the church. All
church employees will receive appropriate pre-employment screening to avoid the
occurrence of sexual misconduct during employment.
Acknowledgment Of Receipt
I hereby acknowledge that I received on ______________(date) a copy of the “Policy
and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct” of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church and that I
have read the policy, understand its meaning, and agree to conduct myself in
accordance with the policy.
I. Policy Statement
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) and its employees and volunteers are
committed to the safety, welfare, and protection of all children and youth participating in
the programs and activities of the church. In an effort to minimize the possibility that
any child or youth (meaning all those under the age of 18) will be subjected to physical,
sexual, or emotional abuse, Shady Grove has established policies and procedures that
seek to balance the security and welfare of children and the legitimate expectations of
privacy of church staff and volunteers.
II. Scope of the Policy
This policy applies to all Pastors, Ruling Elders, Employees, Officers, members, and
volunteers of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church.
III. Policy Intent
A. To provide safe and secure environments for children and youth.
B. To protect children and youth from any incident or conduct that might
cause physical, emotional, spiritual or sexual harm while participating in
activities and events of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church. Such
prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to: sexual abuse or
exploitation of children or youth, rape or sexual assault, sexual
harassment, verbal, emotional and/or spiritual abuse, abuse of authority or
power, breaching Christian ethical principles by misusing a trust
relationship to gain advantage over another for personal gratification. The
forms of prohibited behavior may include physical contact, gestures,
spoken words, and/or written contact.
C. To guide Shady Grove Presbyterian Church in the required conduct of its
employees and volunteers in children’s and youth programs with the goal
of preventing incidents and allegations of abuse.
D. To protect adult employees and volunteers from unwarranted allegations
of child abuse.
E. To provide a mechanism to deal with reported concerns and take
appropriate subsequent actions.
IV. Purpose
For purposes of this policy, “child abuse” is any action (or lack of action) that endangers
or harms a child’s physical, psychological or emotional health and development. Child
abuse occurs in different ways and includes the following:
A. Physical abuse any physical injury to a child that is not accidental, such
as beating, shaking, burns, and biting.
B. Emotional abuse emotional injury when the child is not nurtured or
provided with love and security, such as an environment of constant
criticism, belittling and persistent teasing.
C. Sexual abuse any sexual activity between a child and an adult or any
non-consensual sexual activity between a child and another child,
including activities such as fondling, exhibitionism, intercourse, incest, and
D. Neglect depriving a child of his or her essential needs, such as adequate
food, water, shelter, and medical care.
V. Components of the Policy
A. Screening and selection of workers - All paid staff and all scheduled volunteers of
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church who work with children or youth shall be screened to
rule out any record of prior abusive behavior. Each paid position shall have a job
description that defines the responsibilities of the position and provides information on
supervision and evaluation. Scheduled volunteers are those who supervise or have
custody of minors on a scheduled or recurring basis.
a. Paid Employees: Before hiring any paid employees for a position which
includes supervision or the custody of minors, Shady Grove Presbyterian
Church shall:
a. Personally interview the applicant.
b. Contact the applicant’s references.
c. Explain this Child Protection Policy and have the applicant authorize a
background screening prior to employment.
d. Conduct a background screening that shall include the following:
i. Verification of Social Security Number.
ii. A criminal records screening in jurisdictions where the applicant
had previously lived.
iii. A driving records screening if the position duties involve driving
e. Obtain a negative (or negative dilute) result on a pre-employment drug
screen if a drug screen is thought to be advisable.
b. Volunteers: Before assigning volunteer duties which include the supervision
or custody of minors, Shady Grove Presbyterian Church shall:
a. Interview the volunteer.
b. Explain this Child Protection Policy and have the applicant authorize a
background screening prior to volunteering.
c. Conduct a background screening that shall include the following
i. Verification of Social Security Number;
ii. A criminal records screening in jurisdictions where the applicant
had previously lived;
iii. A driving records screening if the position duties involve driving
d. Obtain a negative (or negative dilute) result on a pre-employment drug
screen if a drug screen is thought to be advisable.
c. Emergency volunteers: Occasionally volunteers may be needed in an
emergency to temporarily fill in for a regularly scheduled volunteer or
employee who works with children and/or youth. In this case Shady Grove
Presbyterian Church will make every effort to select volunteers from among
those who have been previously screened.
All background screening authorizations and results shall be maintained and kept in
locked confidential file at the office of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church. Adverse
actions reported through the background screening shall be conveyed by the Office
Manager to the entity(s) responsible for the position.
It is the responsibility of each employee and volunteer covered by this policy to report to
the Clerk of the Session or Pastor as soon as possible any subsequent arrest,
conviction, treatment or proceeding that would have been disclosed in the background
screening process. An employee’s or volunteer’s failure to report any such subsequent
development will be considered to be in violation of this policy. Information disclosed or
which is discovered before or after employment or volunteer service begins does not
automatically require adverse action against an applicant, employee, or
volunteer. Rather, a variety of factors such as the nature of the position, the nature of
the information disclosed or learned, and the age of the applicant, employee or
volunteer when the incident or conduct occurred.
D. Training and Supervising Workers - These practices shall be followed in an effort to
prevent any physical, emotional, spiritual or sexual harm to children or youth.
1. Conduct training: Children and youth workers and volunteers shall
regularly review this policy and be encouraged to attend additional training
regarding children and youth safety.
2. Maintain the “two adult” rule: Ordinarily two adults shall be present during
all activities involving one or more minors. Every effort should be made
for both adults to remain present during all activities. Any meeting where
two adults cannot be present for the vast majority of time requires parental
and/or program supervisor notification. Private conversations between an
adult and a child or youth should take place within sight of
others. Counseling sessions with a minor should be held in a place where
they are in view of others. Parental consent or notification of the program
supervisor is advised in any situation where an adult worker will be alone
with a minor.
a. Schedule adequate supervision: In addition to following the two-
adult rule, adult supervision shall be maintained before and after
events until all children and youth are in the custody of their parents
or another person authorized by their parents. In instances where
youth may drive or carpool to the activity, adult leaders shall remain
at the program event until the last youth leaves.
b. Approve overnight chaperones: All chaperones for overnight
activities must be approved in advance by the responsible staff
person and be in compliance with this policy.
c. Report suspicious behavior: Any inappropriate conduct or
relationships between adult workers and children and/or youth shall
be reported immediately in accordance with the reporting
procedures outlined below.
E. Reporting Obligations
Pursuant to this policy, any staff member, worker (paid or volunteer), teacher, aid, or
other adult participant in a Shady Grove Presbyterian Church sponsored program or
event involving children or youth shall report any incident, activity, behavior or evidence
noticed that reasonably appears to indicate that child abuse has occurred or may
occur. Persons making reports shall not be identified, without their permission, except
as necessary, in connection with any potential or pending legal action or criminal
investigation. Reports should be made to the event coordinator, the program
supervisor, the Clerk of the Session or the Pastor.
As required by Tennessee State Law, if there is reasonable cause to believe a
child is being abused, the church will immediately make a report to the
Tennessee Department of Children’s Services and/or to local law enforcement.
F. Response to Allegations
1. All allegations shall be investigated and taken seriously.
2. All allegations shall be handled forthrightly with due respect for privacy
and confidentiality.
3. The victim will be cared for and not held responsible in any way.
4. Full cooperation will be given to church and civil authorities under the
guidance of legal counsel and in accordance with the Presbyterian Church
USA Book of Order.
5. Both the victim and the accused shall be treated fairly and with
dignity. The care and safety of minors is of foremost priority. The
accused should not be confronted until the child’s safety has been
ensured. As soon as a report is made, the accused should be temporarily
removed from his or her duties pending resolution of the matter. Paid
workers may be suspended with or without pay. This policy is intended to
assure families and those working with children and youth within the
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church programs and events that abuse shall
not be tolerated in any formphysical, emotional, spiritual, or
sexual. Effective prevention will reduce the risk of harm to our children
and youth, and the threat of legal liability for our church and its
leaders. The aim of these guidelines is to assure a safe, loving, and
welcoming experience for all children and youth, and will reflect the spirit
of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
As people called to convey God’s love to young people and develop trusting
nurturing relationships with them, Shady Grove Presbyterian Church recognizes the
great responsibility we have to be accountable before God, the church, and the
community for the safety and well-being of children and youth. Shady Grove
Presbyterian Church also recognizes that by establishing guidelines and maintaining
standards for interaction with young people will improve our ministry. Thus, failure to
adhere to these guidelines and standards by any employee or volunteer working with
young people may result in appropriate remedial action up to and including dismissal
from their position of employment or volunteer service.
Acknowledgment Of Receipt
I hereby acknowledge that I received on ____________________(date) a copy of the
“Child Protection Policy of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church and that I have read the
policy, understand its meaning, and agree to conduct myself in accordance with the
Internal accounting controls are measures utilized by our church to safeguard assets
from waste, fraud, and inefficient use. They are designed to promote and protect sound
financial practices.
The Pastor and the Session share the responsibility for setting a tone and standard of
accountability and conscientiousness regarding the church’s assets and responsibilities.
The Session fulfills that responsibility in part by approving the aspects of the internal
control accounting system.
The following areas need to be considered for control risks:
Cash receipts
Cash disbursements
Petty cash
Fixed assets
Internal Control Basics:
Segregation of duties is essential. Those who count money on Sunday mornings
should never include persons who handle disbursements or record financial
transactions. This means the Church Accountant should not be on the counting
committee or reconcile the bank statements.
Two unrelated counters always present. At least two unrelated individuals should
always be present when handling and counting church offerings until it has been locked
in the safe.
All disbursements made by check. All disbursements (except for limited petty cash)
should be made by check. No blank checks should be issued. Ideally the person
approving purchases should not be the person who prepares checks for payment.
No blank checks or checks made payable to “cash”. No check should be written
payable to cash. It is essential to always be able to identify what funds are used for.
Payments made from original invoices. Payments should be based on original invoices
and/or supporting documentation.
Limit authorized check signers. The number of authorized check signers should be
limited. Two signatures should be required on checks over $200.00. The Minister should
never be authorized to sign checks.
Bank statement reviewed by someone who does not handle cash. Ideally bank
statements should be reconciled by someone other than the Church Accountant who
writes checks. At a minimum someone else should at least receive and review the bank
statements before giving them to the Church Accountant for reconciliation.
Use church budget efficiently. Expenditures should be consistent with a planned budget.
All expenditures should be authorized by appropriate persons. Unanticipated expenses
should be approved by the Session as appropriate. Otherwise, it opens the way for the
Church Accountant to become the “gatekeeper” for church money.
Cash handling procedures should be in writing. Having written policies reduces the
chances of abuse and misunderstandings about church finances.
Fidelity bond for all persons handling church monies. Have a fidelity bond to cover staff
and volunteers who have responsibility for handling money. Such a bond is a form of
insurance that compensates a church if it loses money due to dishonesty of employees
or volunteers.
Conduct a regular audit. This may be an internal audit of church records each year by
an audit team of one or more church members with no other role in church financial
operations. (See attached internal control checklist.) Periodically the church might
want to engage services of a professional for a review or an audit.
Document. Adequate documentation makes it possible to see exactly what transpired,
who was responsible and when it occurred. You cannot over document.
Communicate. This is a basic principle of accountability and it helps keep a proper
focus on who the money belongs to. The two things that should be communicated are
the Financial Activity (Revenue and Expenses) and Financial Position (Balance
Sheet). Regularly account to church leaders and to the church. Make communication
fit the audience. Keep it simple but as detailed as needed.
Annually, this checklist should be completed by the end of March by members of the
church audit team. The results reported to the Session.
General Internal Controls
Performed Yes/No?
Explanation and Action Plan:
1. Do the Church Accountant’s activities involve only keeping the records of
cash collections and preparing the support for disbursements?
2. The separation of duties is the keystone of a church’s internal control system.
3. Keeping the record keeping function distinct from the cash handling function
will go a long way in reducing the church’s risk of misappropriation of funds.
4. Are facilities locked when not in use?
5. Are the accounting records safeguarded at all times? Are computer files
backed up and the backup copies properly stored? Are paper records stored
at home or in the church safeguarded from being destroyed, altered, or
tampered with?
6. Is the Treasurer reviewing the contribution records on a regular basis?
7. If this is being done by the Treasurer, that individual should not be a member
of the counting team.
8. Are the accounting records and the underlying internal controls audited
9. The auditor can identify and correct any deficiencies before they become
standard operating procedures.
10. A written policy of annual audits precludes the Church Accountant from
feeling paranoid about the members not trusting him or her.
11. Are new personnel screened?
12. Some screening must occur and may involve as little as a few telephone calls
to references, former supervisors, neighbors and so on.
13. are all employees who have access to cash bonded?
14. Blanket bonds are popular with churches because all employees may be
covered. The insurance policy should provide this coverage.
Performed Yes/No?
Explanation and Action Plan:
1. Is the handling of offerings always controlled by at least two people?
2. The counter schedule should be prepared by the Treasurer and reviewed with
each counting team member yearly.
3. The Treasurer should lead an annual review of the counter responsibilities.
4. Is the handling of other receipts of cash always controlled by at least two
5. Is cash counted in a secure area?
6. Are all checks received restrictively endorsed as soon as possible?
7. Is cash deposited as soon as possible after receipt?
8. Is all cash received deposited in the bank?
9. Cash receipts should be deposited intact, that is, without being reduced by
10. Is cash safeguarded in a safe, lock box, or similar protective container when
at the church?
11. Are Sunday morning collection reports given to the Church Accountant for
entry into the accounting records?
12. Are incoming-mail and in-office contributions handled by people who are not
responsible for the accounting records?
13. If acknowledgements and/or statements of giving are mailed on a regular
basis, this may mitigate the risk from not having these duties separated.
14. Are contribution records maintained for members as required by the IRS?
15. Do members receive quarterly contribution statements at least every three to
four months?
16. Are members instructed to report any irregularities or errors in their notices of
contributions to the Treasurer or Church Accountant?
Cash Disbursement Internal Controls
Performed Yes/No?
Explanation and Action Plan:
1. Are check requests prepared for anticipated disbursements that do not have
standing authorization?
2. Has the Church Accountant been provided the annual list of authorized
transactions for the year by the finance committee?
3. Are invoices for goods and services approved by a session member on a
check request before payment is made?
4. Are invoices checked for accuracy before being paid?
5. Are all disbursements of cash, except for minor items, made by serially
numbered checks?
6. Do all check signers inspect all supporting documents before signing?
7. Check requests should not be approved by the same person who is receiving
the payment.
8. Check requests for credit card payments should be signed by someone other
than the person who made the charges on the credit card.
9. All check requests should be accompanied by an invoice or other supporting
10. Are at least two signatures required for all checks over a set amount?
11. Prevents one person from being in charge of cash.
12. Blank checks should never be signed.
13. Are supporting documents canceled when checks are issued?
14. Stamp “Paid” on the paperwork. If a voucher check is used, attach the
paperwork to the voucher. Include date paid & check number used for
payment on the paperwork.
15. Are all voided checks marked and retained?
16. Is preparing a check to “cash” prohibited?
17. Are blank, unused checks safeguarded at all times?
18. Are expenses always recorded in the correct accounting period?
19. Are transfers among bank accounts properly authorized?
Reconciliation Practices
Performed Yes/No?
Explanation and Action Plan:
1. Are reconciliations of all bank accounts prepared monthly by a person not
involved in writing checks?
2. Monthly reconciliations should be retained for use during the yearly audit of
the books.
3. Are account balances in the general ledger and the bank statement
reconciled with the amounts presented in financial reports?
4. Has there been an annual review of the old outstanding checks and deposits?
Other Assets
Performed Yes/No?
Explanation and Action Plan:
1. Has there been an annual inventory of the items in the safe-deposit box?
2. Are two signers required for access to the safe-deposit box?
3. Is the balance sheet updated on a quarterly basis to reflect current market
4. Are scheduled reviews made to determine if insurance coverage is adequate?
Mustard Seed: A Fair Trade Store
Prizm Ensemble
Sister Supply
Music for Aardvarks
Twelve Step Groups
Bilingual Beginnings
Rotary Club
Memphis Archeology
Yoga, Tai Chi, and Meditation Groups
Acupuncture Clinic
Church Property: 5530 Shady Grove Rd. Memphis, TN 38120
Phone: 901-683-7329
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 2:30 pm
Worship Services: 10:30 am Sundays
Located on a quiet corner in east Memphis, Shady Grove hosts many community
groups. Our fee structure is based on the maintenance costs per square foot.
We have three rooms in our Educational Building that are available for community use:
Room 1 is a small square room overlooking the courtyard and is $10 per hour.
Room 4 is a larger rectangular room and is $15 per hour.
Our Fellowship Hall accommodates a large number of people and is $60 per
We require a signed contract and a certificate of additional insured. Some pro bono
space rentals are available to church members with Session approval.
When the Shady Grove Presbyterian Church sanctuary is rented for any
outside worship services, including weddings and funerals, the renter shall add to their
bulletin the following language: "The use of the Shady Grove Presbyterian Church
sanctuary does not necessarily represent the theology and practice of Shady Grove
Presbyterian Church."
5530 Shady Grove Road, Memphis, TN phone: 901-683-7329
(2 Executed Copies)
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (SGPC) and XXX (XXX) agree that XXX will
have use of the Sanctuary/Narthex, 1 Classroom (Room No. 4), and the nursery in
the Education Building at SGPC, located at 5530 Shady Grove Road, Memphis, TN
38120, on [days] from the hours of [XX] to [XX] pm for the purpose of worship
services and Bible study. This agreement is effective immediately and supersedes all
prior agreements. Either party may end the agreement on a month end, with at least
30 days written notice.
It is agreed that rent, including standard utilities and use of the church camera system,
for this use is $1300 per month, paid on the 1
of every month.
XXX has been issued keys to the Sanctuary/Narthex building and two (2) keys and the
door access code to the Fellowship Hall. It is agreed that no keys provided will be
duplicated and that all keys provided will be returned to SGPC at the end of this facility
use agreement.
XXX may store its sound equipment and other materials necessary for worship in the
back storage room located on the Northeast corner of the building. XXX agrees to
store such equipment and other materials when not in use between [XX] pm and [XX]
pm on Sunday evenings. XXX may post outdoor signage on Sundays between 2pm
and 8pm (before, during, and after Sunday services), but XXX agrees to remove the
outdoor signage at all other times.
XXX may use the nursery room (Room 2) in the Education Building for childcare
during their worship services and Bible study on Sunday evenings. XXX will provide
volunteers, or bear the cost of nursery workers, for any caretakers needed for these
purposes. XXX agrees to abide by either SGPC’s “Child and Youth Protection Policy”
or a policy that is compatible in scope.
SGPC reserves the right to use the Sanctuary on Sunday evenings between [XX] pm
and [XX] pm for occasional special or unforeseen events upon notice given to XXX.
SGPC will notify XXX at least two weeks prior to such a need absent unforeseen
circumstances. SGPC will provide an alternative space, such as the Fellowship Hall, if
available, should such a need occur.
If needed, and with as much advance notice as possible under the circumstances,
XXX will be allowed additional use of the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for funerals
with no additional cost. Any other use of the sanctuary must be approved by SGPC
and will be subject to an additional expense based on SGPC’s normal scheduled fees
for such use.
XXX agrees to assume all liability for damage to, or loss of, any property of SGPC
caused by or during the use of XXX under the terms of this agreement, including
harm done to the facilities, furniture, and fixtures in, or belonging to, the property
being used. XXX agrees to restore the facilities and premises used to the condition
in which they were presented, after each use, excluding reasonable wear and tear.
XXX also agrees that SGPC’s only responsibility under this agreement is to provide
use of the room or rooms stated herein. XXX has inspected the facility and premises
and acknowledges that they are free and clear of any defects. XXX understands that
SGPC accepts no responsibility for the actions of XXX and its members, associates,
employees or agents who use the facility. XXX understands that SGPC is not
responsible for any damage to, or loss of, any equipment or materials owned by
XXX while it is being stored at SGPC.
Prior to using the facility under the terms of this agreement, XXX shall provide SGPC
with a Certificate of Insurance naming SGPC as an Additional Insured during the
entire term of this agreement. Also, during the term of this agreement, XXX will be
responsible for leaving the leased premises in clean and orderly condition, for turning
off all lights, and for securing and locking all outside doors after every use.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church XXX Church
Signature Signature
Print name Print name
Title Title
Date Date
SGPC Administrative Staff Contact
A wedding in a church is a religious ceremony. The service focuses on God and the
Christian understanding of marriage. It emphasizes that love and marriage are gifts of
God. During this service of worship, participants give thanks to God for these gifts and
listen to God’s Word from the scriptures as led by the officiants. The marrying couple
responds to this Word by making vows which reflect a deep and lifelong commitment to
one another and to God. The community of participants responds through prayers for
God’s help and guidance in supporting the newly married couple in their life journey.
Sometimes a couple previously married in a civil ceremony will request a Christian
service to recognize, confirm and bless their marriage in the presence of the church,
family and friends may be appropriate. This service will be similar to the usual marriage
service, except that the opening statements by the officiants will acknowledge that the
couple is already married according to the laws of the identified jurisdiction.
With the approval of the pastor (and if needed, the session), the sanctuary and other
spaces may be used on occasion for weddings of non-members.
I. The Church
A. Weddings are a sacred rite for Presbyterians, they are not a sacrament.
Weddings are conducted within the context of worship with appropriate
joyfulness and dignity. The Christian marriage service is under the
direction of the minister and the supervision of the session. The church
joins the couple in seeking God's blessings on their marriage. Weddings
are conducted in accordance with the standards set forth in the Directory
of Worship in the Presbyterian Book of Order. This includes fitting
passages of Scripture, interpreted variously as is appropriate; prayers for
the couple, for the families and communities which support them. Music
shall be suitable for such a service. "Other actions common to the
community and its culture may appropriately be observed when these
actions do not diminish the Christian understanding of marriage."
Marriage service bulletins may be arranged at cost.
B. Floral arrangements and the use of additional candles and candelabra
should be consistent with the worship space and provided by the wedding
parties with arrangement assistance from the wedding planners. Some of
the flowers may be left for Sunday worship if the couple so desires and
notifies the church.
C. Questions concerning the provision of music, musicians, or guidance in
musical selections shall be directed to the Church Accompanist or the
pastor conducting the service.
D. The pastor of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church ordinarily conducts its
marriage services. When the couple wants to involve other clergy
persons, this is to be discussed with the pastor of Shady Grove
Presbyterian Church who will issue the invitation. Regardless of who
officiates the marriage service, it is expected to adhere to the standards
articulated above.
II. The Couple
The couple should contact the pastor and church office as early as possible to place
the wedding date on the church calendar to ensure no conflicts exist or arise. This
provides opportunity for consultation and preparation for the service. Frequently the
pastor leading the service provides for pre-marital discussion with the couple. These
discussions will consider: the nature of their Christian commitment; the legal
requirements of the state of Tennessee; the privileges and responsibilities of Christian
marriage; the nature and forms of the marriage service; the vows and commitments
they will be asked to make; and the resources of faith and of the Christian community
available to assist in fulfilling their covenant. These discussions are equally important in
a first marriage, a marriage following death of a spouse, and marriage following
III. Legal Requirements
The couple is responsible for fulfilling all legal requirements related to their marriage
and for obtaining the marriage license and any other required certificates. SGPC is
open and affirming to marrying any two individuals who desire to unite in Christian
marriage under the laws of the State of Tennessee.
IV. The Rehearsal
The wedding rehearsal provides opportunity to ensure through adequate preparation
that the marriage ceremony flows smoothly and provides a sacred moment and a
joyous time of worship and celebration in the life of the wedded pair, their friends and
families. These guidelines will facilitate an efficient and useful rehearsal:
A. Those planning the wedding must ensure the rehearsal venue, usually the
sanctuary, has been reserved.
B. All involved must be clear on the time and place of the rehearsal and
C. It will reduce stress for all involved and provide an orderly and satisfying
preparation if all activities related to the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner
begin promptly as scheduled.
D. Attire at the rehearsal may be casual but should be appropriate to the
church setting.
E. No one attending the rehearsal should be under the influence of alcohol or
unlawful drugs, and reasonable decorum is expected.
F. Shady Grove Presbyterian Church provides a totally smoke-free
G. Those coordinating the wedding are encouraged to meet with the pastor in
advance of the rehearsal consider possible configurations for the wedding
party. This will greatly improve the flow of the rehearsal.
H. Rehearsals generally take around an hour.
V. The Ceremony
A. The wedding ceremony has a general format which includes scriptural
sentences and a statement of purpose. The intentions of the wedded
couple to enter into Christian marriage and the exchange of vows of
fidelity and love are central to the ceremony. Appropriate scriptures are
read and interpreted for the occasion. Prayers are offered for the new
couple, the communities which support them, and for all who seek to live
in faithfulness. All participants may find occasion in the service to review
and renew their own vows of faithfulness and commitment as they seek
God's blessings on the new union. The pastor leads the couple to provide
a service which reflects the scriptures, the understanding of marriage, the
poetry and music that enrich the life of the new couple.
B. Many couples will choose to celebrate Holy Communion as part of their
marriage service. This requires approval of the Session. The invitation to
the table is extended to all believers present. Should a couple wish their
marriage to be part of the service for the Lord's Day, this must be
authorized by the session. It is then placed in the order of worship as a
response to the proclamation of the Word, after the sermon. It may then
be followed by the Lord's Supper.
C. Dressing Areas: The wedding party will be given access to certain areas
set apart from the sanctuary for preparation and dressing.
D. Photography: Wedding memories are very important. Good photography
provides a beautiful record for years to come. There are certain guidelines
to preserve the worship context of the wedding:
1. Pictures or photographic techniques requiring flash, strobe-light or
spotlight should be used only prior to and after the ceremony. We
request that there be no flash pictures during the ceremony.
2. Photography during the service should be as unobtrusive as
possible. Individuals moving about the sanctuary and even on the
platform during the service are disruptive and detract from the
worship experience of the couple, participants and attendees.
Photo shots that can be done without distraction are permissible
after consultation with the pastor.
3. As the couple leaves the sanctuary down the center aisle, flash
pictures may be resumed.
E. The wedding coordinators should leave the sanctuary clean and ready for
the next occasion of worship. Any damage occurring during the service or
reception will be appropriately billed.
VI. Sobriety
Under no circumstances will a person be permitted to participate in a marriage service if
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
VII. The Reception
A. The Narthex is available for a stand-up reception (maximum 125)
requiring minimal food preparation.
B. The Fellowship Hall will accommodate around 300 standing guests, about
the capacity of the sanctuary. For a seated dinner, the maximum is about
150 persons. The wedding planners must reserve and coordinate the use
of the Fellowship Hall and attached kitchen with the church office. When a
catering service is used, it is expected to provide the bulk of the
equipment needed for the reception and to leave the facility as they found
it. The Fellowship Hall has coffee urns, a dishwashers, sinks, and counter
and preparation space. Although there are a refrigerator and freezer in the
kitchen, they are used heavily by the congregation and other programs
and may have an unpredictable amount of temporary space available.
C. The Office Manager or the pastor will proceed access the church facilities,
take care of preliminary preparations, and be available for consultation
and to facilitate the use of church property. The wedding parties are
responsible for locking the facility after use. Shady Grove intends to do
everything possible to ensure each wedding is memorable, a holy and
joyful service, and pleasant.
VIII. Schedule of Fees
An advance deposit of $150 is required at the time space is reserved for non-members.
$100 is designated as a security deposit to assure that the church is left in order
following the service. This includes leaving all rooms and resources used by the
wedding party or guests clean, undamaged, and ready for use.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church will not assume responsibility for disbursing funds to
anyone involved with the rehearsal, wedding, or reception. The wedding couple will
ensure that those disbursements are completed and that all who provide these services
are aware of and abide by this policy.
The facility will be made available prior to the wedding for a one-hour rehearsal. The
following rates are based upon three hours of facility use for a wedding and may be
adjusted for large deviations from that time frame.
Following the wedding/reception, upon approval by the Office Manager or pastor, the
security deposit of $100 will be returned.
The balance of fees should be paid the week prior to the wedding.
Use of Facilities: Members Non-Members
Sanctuary Only No Charge $600 (includes custodian fee)
Sanctuary and No Charge $1,050 (includes custodian fee)
Fellowship Hall with Kitchen
Professional Fees:
Minister: Voluntary $200
Rehearsal, Ceremony
Premarital Counseling (4-6 sessions) Voluntary $100 per session
(*if outside counseling is used,
meet with pastor at least twice)
Musicians: These costs will be borne by the wedding parties and negotiated directly
with the musicians. The accompanist and church office can provide a list of potential
musicians, if requested.
Printed materials: These costs will be borne by the wedding parties. When the Shady
Grove Presbyterian Church sanctuary is rented for any outside worship services,
including weddings and funerals, the renter shall add to their bulletin the following
language: "The use of the Shady Grove Presbyterian Church sanctuary does not
necessarily represent the theology and practice of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church."
The people of God gather for a funeral or memorial service to provide a witness to the
resurrection of Jesus Christ, to comfort the bereaved, and to celebrate a life well-lived.
The pastor of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church ordinarily conducts all
funeral/memorial services. To invite an outside officiant, the family must seek approval
of and an invitation from the pastor of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church. An
honorarium may be given to the pastor(s). Typically, such an honorarium is $200. A
funeral bulletin will be provided by the church upon request.
Musicians may be provided by the family at the family’s expense. The accompanist and
church office can provide a list of potential musicians, if requested.
With the approval of the pastor (and if needed, the session), the sanctuary and other
spaces may be used on occasion by non-members. While there is no charge for use of
the sanctuary for funerals/memorial services, non-member use-of-space fees may
apply for use of rooms other than the sanctuary.
All funeral/memorial service should keep with the understanding that any
funeral/memorial service is a worship service that bears witness to the resurrection of
When the Shady Grove Presbyterian Church sanctuary is rented for any
outside worship services, including weddings and funerals, the renter shall add to their
bulletin the following language: "The use of the Shady Grove Presbyterian Church
sanctuary does not necessarily represent the theology and practice of Shady Grove
Presbyterian Church."
This policy sets forth the conditions under which Shady Grove Presbyterian Church
(herein referred to as “Church”) may accept designated gifts. Subject to this policy, the
Church may accept donations from its members and the community who want to donate
to the Church and have such donations used to support a ministry of the Church.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church is a 501(c)3 organization and subject to IRS rules on
tax deductible contributions. For this reason, the Session has set forth the following
rules under which the Church can accept and use designated gifts.
Designated funds are established and disestablished by the session to meet the
needs of the Church. All gifts or offerings must be given to an existing fund. If a
donor would like to start a new designated fund, they must request this of the
Session, and it must be approved before the designated funds are accepted.
The Church must, by IRS regulations, maintain discretion and control over all
contributions and the ultimate determination of how all donated funds are
allocated. Donors are welcome to suggest usage of the designated gift with the
understanding that the session has the discretion to determine how best to use
all contributions to carry out the Church’s mission and purpose.
Gifts designated for individuals, or a specific individual, are not tax deductible
Designated gifts cannot be given to forward to specific organizations unless a
specific organization is named for a special offering which will be for a specific
and limited time period. The Church encourages our members and the
community to give directly to the organization they would like to support.
Designated funds may be disestablished upon the completion of the designated
project or ministry. Any remaining money in the fund will be used at the
discretion of the session based on the needs of the Church.
Additionally, it is the recommendation of the Church that designated gifts should
be in addition to the member’s regular offerings. If a member designates gifts
that are not above and beyond their regular offerings, it should be noted that the
Church may have a difficult time covering its budgeted expenditures.
Any donations given to the Church will affirm the donor’s agreement with this policy.
This policy sets forth the conditions under which Shady Grove Presbyterian Church
(herein referred to as “Church”) may accept donations of furniture, fixtures, equipment
and real estate. Subject to this policy, the Church may accept donations from its
members and the community who want to donate to the Church and have such
donations used to support a ministry of the Church.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church is a 501(c)3 organization and subject to IRS rules on
tax deductible contributions. For this reason, the Session has set forth the following
rules under which the Church can accept and use donated items.
The Session will have oversight responsibility for handling the acceptance of donations
of furniture, fixtures, equipment and real estate. The Clerk of Session will act as
facilitator and work with an ad hoc committee of representatives from the appropriate
Church team or group affected by the decision of accepting a specific gift.
If someone asks about donating a sofa to the youth ministry, the contact should be
referred to the Clerk of Session who will create an informal ad hoc committee of youth
group representatives who have a direct interest in use of the gift. This group decides
whether or not the gift should be accepted. The Clerk of Session contacts the person
offering the gift, gives them the decision made by the group, and arranges for
appropriate follow through.
The Session provides oversight for the entire process.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church of Memphis, Tennessee, being a particular
congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A,), recognizes that the Constitution of
said Church is, in all its provisions, obligatory upon it and its members.
1. The congregation shall hold an annual meeting and may hold special meetings as
necessary, for any or all of the purposes appropriate for congregational
consideration. The business to be transacted at special meetings shall be limited to
items specifically listed in the call for the meeting.
2. Meetings of the congregation shall be called by the Session, by the Presbytery, or by
the Session when requested in writing by one fourth of the active members on the roll of
the congregation.
3. Public notice of the time, place, and purpose of all meetings of the congregation shall
be given on the preceding two Sundays. The meeting may be convened following the
notice given on the second Sunday.
4. All active members of the congregation present at either annual or special meetings
are entitled to vote.
5. A quorum in congregational meetings shall consist of 25 eligible voters or 10 percent
of the congregation, whichever is greater.
6. The installed pastor shall ordinarily moderate all meetings of the congregation. If it is
impractical for the pastor to preside, they shall invite another minister of the Word and
Sacrament who is a member of the Presbytery, or a person authorized by the
Presbytery to serve as moderator. If there is no installed pastor, or the installed pastor
is unable to moderate and/or name another moderator, the presbytery shall make
provision for a moderator.
7. The Clerk of Session shall serve as secretary for all meetings of the congregation. If
the Clerk of Session is unable to serve, the congregation shall elect a secretary for the
meeting. The secretary shall record the actions of the congregation in minutes of the
Many provisions herein are repeated in Shady Grove Presbyterian Church’s Manual of Administrative
8. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Book of Order, Chapter Three,
G-3.0105, when applicable, or according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
9. All congregational meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer.
1. There shall be from nine (9) to eleven (11) Ruling Elders who shall be elected to
serve terms of no more than three (3) years on the Session and may be eligible for
reelection according to congregational rule. However, no Ruling Elder shall be eligible
to serve more than six (6) consecutive years, and a Ruling Elder who has served six
consecutive years shall be ineligible for election for at least one year. Election shall be
to classes as nearly equal in number as possible, with the terms of only one class
ending each year.
2. At least one Elder shall be assigned to each of the standing church teams and
committees as a representative to the Session.
1. Ruling Elders shall be nominated by a committee selected by the congregation,
drawn from and representative of its membership. Congregations may provide by their
own rule for a congregational nominating committee provided that the committee shall
consist of at least three active members of the congregation and shall include at least
one ruling elder who is currently serving on the Session. The Pastor shall serve ex
officio and without vote.
The above Bylaws can be amended by a three-fourths vote of the Session.
Purpose & Goals
General Policies
Photography and Videography
Photographic Images
Hymn Licensing for Livestreaming
Digital and Social Media Communications
Purpose & Goals
To connect people with our church
Help people feel seen and heard by liking and engaging w/ their
To keep people informed of what’s going on in our church community
Note: this does not mean highlighting everything, but events that would
apply to the majority of the church (kids, youth, adults)
Highlight our partnerships (i.e. the relationship, rather than the partner)
To engage and be present with our community outside of our building
Ask questions, post engaging content
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church’s Communications Policies and Guidelines are
intended to present clear guidelines to staff, elders, and congregants to help them use
communications tools to build this sense of belonging and welcome.
The policies apply to printed materials, mass emails, ongoing publications, bulletin
boards, interior and exterior signs and to all electronic, social media groups and pages,
online scheduling tools and other electronic communications media or messages
identified with Shady Grove Presbyterian Church and any of the church’s ministries,
teams or groups, online or mobile-based communication tools, whether controlled by
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church or hosted on other social platforms.
Because technology and various platforms evolve over time, these policies are meant to
apply to all communications channels and tools now and in the future, whether or not
specified by name or in use at this time.
The Communications Team is responsible for implementing and maintaining these
policies and guidelines. This policy will be reviewed annually.
General Policies
The purpose of mass communication (via Keeping Community, Realm, and Just Around
the Corner, for example) is to support and serve the congregation in connecting to one
another and to the work and life of the church. Mass communication processes should
be used in such a way that individuals of all ages and levels of technological
sophistication are kept informed of news, events, and concerns of the church.
Out of respect for staff time and resources, all mass communications should be sent to
the church office on the Monday prior to publication. These communications should be
reviewed by a member of the staff before publication or release on behalf of the church.
Communications specifically concerned with church activities or events should be
submitted to staff for review after first being reviewed by the pertinent team leader.
Unauthorized mass communication using the church name and targeting all or selected
congregants and/or external audiences is not permitted.
Announcements to be made at the beginning of the worship hour are due to the office
on Thursdays. Announcements to be included in the worship bulletin are due to the
office on Wednesdays by noon.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church does not publish commercial messages promoting
for-profit businesses or professional practices, including offers of free products or
services intended to promote a for-profit concern. Individuals’ advertisements to buy or
sell goods and services or concerning employment opportunities are not appropriate for
the church publications, including social media pages and bulletin boards. This does not
apply to church events raising funds for ministries of the church.
All information maintained by Shady Grove Presbyterian Church in its member
database is kept private. Shady Grove Presbyterian Church does not release names,
contact information or other personally identifiable information, or provide information to
third parties, about individuals' health status, living conditions, or other private matters.
Should a request for information about an individual be received by the church, it will be
referred to the individual or their immediate family to respond to as they wish.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church obeys copyright laws and publishes only materials
for which the proper licensing fees have been paid and/or permissions secured.
Photography and Videography
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church records services, and sometimes records and
photographs other programs and events of the church. Photography and videography
are allowed so long as they do not disrupt or detract from worship or ministry.
Photographers and videographers are encouraged to share their photographs and
videos with the Office Manager for use in church publications.
Flash photography is not permitted during church services and should be used sparingly
during classes and events and only after gaining permission from the person leading the
class or event, to minimize distraction.
Photos of minor children will not generally be used unless permission has been
obtained from a parent/guardian using the Child-Youth Registration Form. Adults who
do not want any likeness of themselves to be used in church publications should notify
the church office. Every effort will be made to exclude them when shooting
photographs, although they may still appear in group shots.
Photographic Images
Photographs submitted for use in church publications are welcomed, provided the
contributor owns the image or has secured permission from the owner to supply it to the
church for publication and has secured the permission of all persons shown in the
image (unless the image is of a large group and/or individuals, especially children, are
not readily identifiable). In submitting photographic images for use by the church,
contributors grant Shady Grove Presbyterian Church non-exclusive rights to edit and
publish the images in various print and digital media as determined by the church office.
Hymn Licensing for Livestream
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church scribes to the Christian Copyright Licensing
International (CCLI) to legally use the hymn lyrics on our live streams for Sunday
worship services. The Office Manager pays annually for the Church Copyright License
and the CCLI Streaming License. The CCLI asks that Shady Grove Presbyterian
Church share with them all the hymns we use, which the Office Manager also reports to
Digital & Social Media Communications
All General Communications Policies apply to Internet and social media
With or without approval of the person(s) involved, Shady Grove Presbyterian Church
does not render pastoral care or publish private, confidential information about
individual congregants, staff members, or employees through any web site, public social
media channel, or other public forum. Prayer requests are handled according to
established policy, through the church office.
Congregants and clergy/staff should be aware that all communication sent digitally
(email, social media sites, notes, etc.) is NOT CONFIDENTIAL, and may be shared or
reposted to others, regardless of the intent of the original author or the staff. All digital
communications should be considered as potentially part of the permanent, public
domain. Interactions in the virtual world need to be transparent, just as a window in the
door provides transparency in the physical world.
The Shady Grove Presbyterian Church website contains hyperlinks only to approved
non-commercial web sites. Shady Grove Presbyterian Church’s website will not link to
other websites endorsing any politician or political party’s campaign.
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church disclaims any association with or responsibility for
uncontrollable content displayed on third-party web sites, such as Instagram, Facebook
and YouTube, especially when content shared/posted is in violation of these
communications policies. Care should especially be taken when reposting a third party’s
comments or posts, since reposting assumes agreement with and responsibility for its
Only the Office Manager or Social Media Coordinator may create new social media
sites, pages, or groups on behalf of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church. Only the Office
Manager and Social Media Coordinator may serve as administrators on any/all outward-
facing social media site. All posts must go through these administrators. Any existing
site, page or group set up on behalf of the church, using the church name, must include
the Office Manager or Social Media Coordinator as an administrator and must be set to
require administrator approval of posts.
Adapted in part from the policies of Fair Oaks Presbyterian in IL and Myers Park Presbyterian in NC