Net Worth Statement
This statement will give you a picture of your current nancial position on a given date and help you determine
your net worth — what you “own” (assets) versus what you “owe” (liabilities). In completing this form, round
gures are sufcient to give you a ballpark idea. This does not have to be an exhaustive review.
Short Term Assets
Cash on Hand $
Checking Account $
Savings Account $
Savings Bonds $
Money Market Funds $
Certicates of Deposit $
Cash Value (life insurance) $
Total Short Term Assets $
Long Term Assets
Home (market value) $
Mutual Funds $
Tax-Deferred Savings [403(b), IRA, 401(k)] $
Stocks/Bonds $
Certicates of Deposit $
Rental Property $
Equity in Businesses You Own $
Other $
Total Long Term Assets $
Personal Property
Automobiles/Trucks $
Boats/Recreational Vehicles $
Furnishings $
Antiques $
Collectibles (art, stamps, coins) $
Jewelry/Gold/Silver $
Other $
Total Personal Property $
Tot al Assets $
Short Term & Long Term Liabilities
Unpaid Bills $
Credit Cards (balance) $
Principal Residence Mortgage $
Other Mortgages $
Equity Line of Credit $
Education Loans $
Automobile Loans $
Alimony/Child Support $
Personal Loans $
Other $
Total Liabilities $
Net Worth Calculation*
Total Assets $
Total Liabilities – $
Net Worth = $
*N.B. (1) You may want to keep in mind anticipated family gifts or bequests.
(2) If applicable, in completing the questions in the form, you may wish to review marital vs. non-marital assets.
Please note that this document is for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment, tax, nancial, legal or other advice. Your personal decisions
should be based on the recommendations of your own professional advisors. 6/14