How to Certify an Integrated Device
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Table of Contents
General .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 What is PTCRB Certification? ..................................................................................... 3
1.3 Certification Requirements Documents ....................................................................... 3
Requesting Access to the PTCRB Certification Database .............................................. 4
Navigating the PTCRB Certification Database ................................................................ 6
Entering a Request in the Database ............................................................................... 7
4.1 Submitting a New Request ......................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Device Name and Basic Details .............................................................................10
4.1.2 Selecting the Correct Module Configuration ...........................................................11
4.1.3 Device Detailed information ...................................................................................12
4.1.4 Device Features Supported: ..................................................................................15
4.1.5 Selecting the Test Lab ...........................................................................................17
4.1.6 Specifying the IMEI Information .............................................................................17
4.1.7 Submitting the Request ..........................................................................................21
4.2 Next Steps .................................................................................................................22
4.2.1 Uploading Required Documents ............................................................................22
4.2.2 Payment ................................................................................................................24
Questions ......................................................................................................................24
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1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the process to obtain PTCRB certification for an
integrated device. This process is often used by vendors of IoT devices to get their products
The PTCRB certification program provides a streamlined process for certifying devices that
incorporate fully certified wireless modules (“integrated devices”), providing an efficient and low-
cost pathway for certification of IoT devices.
1.2 What is PTCRB Certification?
PTCRB certification demonstrates a device’s compliance to international wireless standards for
4G and 5G network interoperability. Many wireless operators in North America require devices
accessing their network to obtain this certification. Without PTCRB certification, vendors run the
risk that their devices will perform poorly on these networks.
CTIA Certification is the administrator for the PTCRB certification process and for the allocation
1.3 Certification Requirements Documents
There are two documents detailing the procedures and requirements for PTCRB certification,
which can both be accessed on the PTCRB website at
The PTCRB Program Management Document (PPMD) defines the process to
obtain certification
The PTCRB NAPRD03 Document defines the technical requirements for
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Requesting Access to the PTCRB Certification Database
To get access to the PTCRB certification database go to, click on
“Login,” select “New User Registration,” and complete the form. You will receive your username
and password by email, usually within the same day.
The email address used to register must be from a valid company domain. User registration
requests from web-based email services will not be accepted.
Once your new user registration request has been accepted, please send an email to
to request access to the certification database. Make sure your
username is included in the request to CTIA Certification.
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Navigating the PTCRB Certification Database
Once you have gained access to the PTCRB certification database and logged in with your
username and password, you will see the “Certification Database” tab in the menu header.
Within this menu there are options for the following items:
Submitting a new certification request
Checking the status of requests already submitted (Check/Update Request)
Viewing all previous approved devices for your company
Viewing IMEI TACs issued
Viewing withdrawn certification requests
Viewing a list of all PTCRB Authorized Test Labs and the authorized testing capabilities
of each
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Entering a Request in the Database
Before submitting a new PTCRB certification request, make sure you have collected some key
pieces of information ahead of time:
Talk to your module manufacturer to confirm the module configuration you should select
for certification:
Module model name/number
Module HW
Module SW
Module SVN
Establish which PTCRB Authorized Test Lab will be performing the certification testing
Use the Authorized Test Labs link to find labs that are approved to be able to
perform testing
Make sure you are aware of the lab costs and certification timelines before
assigning a certification request to the lab
Make sure you have the model name/number available for the integrated device
Generate a PO number if your organization requires CTIA Certification to put that on the
certification fee invoice
The PTCRB certification fee for an Integrated Device is $1,500 for an Initial
certification request.
Every effort should be made to enter correct and accurate information into the database when
submitting a request. Once a lab accepts the certification request you will be unable to modify
the information provided. If you find later that there are mistakes, first contact your PTCRB test
lab, as they are able to update much of this information as they process the certification request.
For any additional updates to your certification request information, please contact CTIA
Certification at
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4.1 Submitting a New Request
From the Certification Database tab, select “Submit New Request”
Select Initial Certification Requestfrom the drop-down menu
Select Continue
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Select “No” in response to whether a PTCRB TAC Request has been submitted for this
Select “Integrated Device” under the Device Type option
Select “Continue”
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4.1.1 Device Name and Basic Details
Enter the model name/number for your integrated device. This is the reference by which
the device will be certified.
Note: this model name/number shall identify a single device; wild-card digits are not
permitted for naming a device.
Optional: Additional marketing name(s) under which your device shall be placed on the
market may be listed in the optional marketing name field. Please enter each additional
marketing name as a separate entry and click “Add” to list each marketing name. Note
that multiple marketing names shall all reference back to the same model name/number.
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4.1.2 Selecting the Correct Module Configuration
If your device contains more than one cellular radio module, indicate “Yes” for the
question, “Does this device contain multiple modules?” If there is only one cellular radio
module, “No” should be selected.
Search for or select the module which is integrated in the device. Select “Add” to link the
module to the request.
Note: It is only possible to link one module to an integrated device certification
request. If your device contains multiple cellular radio modules, there will be a
document upload section in the request where it will be required to upload a
declaration indicating the number of modules in the integrated device and identifying
each of them.
Then, select the radio button next to the HW version, SW version, and SVN of the
module being integrated in your device.
Select Continue”.
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4.1.3 Device Detailed information
Specify whether your device is considered an IoT device by selecting “Yes” or “No”. If
“Yes,” fill in the additional related questions. Multiple market segments may be selected
by holding down the “Ctrl” key and selecting multiple options.
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Review the technologies/bands information, which the database will have inherited from
the embedded module you selected. You may uncheck any bands not supported by your
integrated device. However, it is not possible to enable any frequency band that was not
originally approved on the embedded module.
Enter the regulatory ID associated with this device and select “Add”. If your device meets
the condition of the module’s FCC grant and you will be using the module’s FCC ID, you
may also select “This device is using the module’s Regulatory Approval IDs”.
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Enter the HW and SW versions of your integrated device (end product)
Note that the SW and HW version of the integrated device seeking certification
should not be the same as the module versions
If your integrated device does not have integration level SW, indicate a SW
version of “0”.
The POC will auto populate based on the user entering the request. Add the billing
contact information for the certification fee.
If a PO number is required in order to process the certification fee invoice and payment,
enter a PO number and this will be listed in the invoice. If the PO number is not available
yet, this can be added later after the request is submitted.
Once the invoice is generated, CTIA Certification will send a notification email to the
request POC and the listed billing contact.
Select Continue”.
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4.1.4 Device Features Supported:
Features supported by the module selected shall already be checked when you reach
this screen
Many features cannot be changed by the integrated device; those are shown with
shaded text.
Select from the remaining any additional features supported by the device.
Select “Continue
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4.1.5 Selecting the Test Lab
From the drop-down list, select the test lab who will be performing the certification
testing. Contact should have been made with lab prior to entering the certification
request in the database.
Select the point of contact at the lab if known, otherwise select “All”
If your target operator(s) require LTE / LTE CA Interoperability testing, you may select
this optional test at this time.
Select Continue
4.1.6 Specifying the IMEI Information IMEI Issuer
The PTCRB certification requirements allow an integrated device to use the module’s
IMEI TAC allocation if the integrator is shipping less than 100,000 devices
If this condition is true, you may select the option for using the modules TAC
and select the appropriate module TACs from the list.
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If the device will be shipping more than 100,000 units, a unique TAC is required.
If your integrated device has already been assigned a unique IMEI TAC, or if
you require a unique TAC assignment for your integrated device, select the
option “We are requesting a new TAC”, then identify the TAC issuing body.
Select Continue”.
PTCRB Certification of Integrated Devices Page 19 of 25 Requesting a PTCRB-issued IMEI TAC (If Applicable)
If requesting CTIA Certification to issue a PTCRB IMEI TAC, additional information will
be required to complete your IMEI TAC assignment.
Note: There are GSMA fees for TAC allocation. Please see
for details.
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4.1.7 Submitting the Request
Before submitting your certification request, you may choose how your device is listed
on the public portion of the PTCRB website after it is certified.
You may choose to publish the device when it is certified, or choose to publish
up to 365 days after certification by entering the number of days in the box.
Basic includes the Manufacturer and Model Name/Number
Detailedincludes the Manufacturer, Model Name/Number, Supported
Technologies and Frequency Bands, HW Version, SW Version
On the next screen, you will be able to check the box next to any operator(s) you would
like to grant access to view your certification request (and any subsequent ECOs of this
device model) while the submission is in pending status (prior to being certified).
Select “Submit”.
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4.2 Next Steps
At this stage the certification request has been submitted and will be in the lab queue for
them to process.
After your device is submitted to the certification database, you can view the pending
request by navigating to the Check/Update Request page under the Certification
Databases tab. Click on the request # to go to the request page and view the submitted
device information.
Once a lab accepts the request for testing, you will be unable to modify the certification
request information. If you find that there are mistakes, first contact your PTCRB test lab,
as they are able to update much of this information as they process the certification
request. For any additional updates to your certification request information, please
contact CTIA Certification at s[email protected]
4.2.1 Uploading Required Documents
The only thing left to complete in the database is to upload the user manual. Under the
“Required Documents” section on the second page of the request, there is a field to
upload the user manual. Use the “Choose File” button to locate the user manual on your
local drive and upload it to the database. Then select “Upload Docs”.
The user manual must reference the manufacturer name and model
name/number of the device
Draft documents are acceptable as well as any document describing the device
such as a product brochure
The file name may not contain any spaces or special characters
If you indicated that your device contains multiple radio modules, you will also see an
additional section to upload a “Description of Multiple Modules Implementation”. This
document is required to include the following elements:
Identify how many modules are in the device
Identify the module makes, model names/numbers, and SW versions
Indicate whether the modules have a dedicated antenna or share an antenna
Indicate whether the modules can transmit simultaneously
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4.2.2 Payment
The invoice for the PTCRB certification fee will be automatically generated as soon as the
lab accepts the request for testing. Once the invoice is available, you will receive a
notification via email. The invoice can be downloaded from the Payment section on the
second page of the request as shown. Please contact CTIA Certification at
with any questions.
If you have any questions, please contact CTIA Certification at
and one of the certification team members will be happy to assist. If your question is about a
specific certification request, please provide the request number in your email to locate it
more quickly.
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Change History
September 2015
Initial release
December 2018
Updated PTCRB logo/images and process steps
May 2020
Updated CTIA Certification contact email
Updated database screenshots throughout document
Updated process steps to include marketing name field, IoT
device categories and market segments, requirements for
devices with multiple modules, and requirements for use of
module’s TAC
August 2020
Updated database screenshots throughout the document