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Legislative Document
No. 95
H.P. 61
House of Representatives, January 13, 2021
RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of
Maine To Establish a Right to Food
Received by the Clerk of the House on January 11, 2021. Referred to the Committee on
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry pursuant to Joint Rule 308.2 and ordered printed
pursuant to Joint Rule 401.
Presented by Representative FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor.
Cosponsored by Senator MIRAMANT of Knox and
Representatives: CONNOR of Lewiston, DUNPHY of Old Town, FECTEAU of Augusta,
LANDRY of Farmington, LIBBY of Auburn, PLUECKER of Warren, POIRIER of
Skowhegan, SAMPSON of Alfred.
Page 1 - 130LR0217(01)
1 Constitutional amendment. Resolved: Two thirds of each branch of the
2 Legislature concurring, that the following amendment to the Constitution of Maine be
3 proposed:
4 Constitution, Art. I, ยง25 is enacted to read:
5 Section 25. Right to food. All individuals have a natural, inherent and unalienable
6 right to save and exchange seeds and the right to grow, raise, harvest, produce and consume
7 the food of their own choosing for their own nourishment, sustenance, bodily health and
8 well-being, as long as an individual does not commit trespassing, theft, poaching or other
9 abuses of private property rights, public lands or natural resources in the harvesting,
10 production or acquisition of food.
11 Constitutional referendum procedure; form of question; effective date.
12 Resolved: That the municipal officers of this State shall notify the inhabitants of their
13 respective cities, towns and plantations to meet, in the manner prescribed by law for holding
14 a statewide election, at a statewide election held in the month of November following the
15 passage of this resolution, to vote upon the ratification of the amendment proposed in this
16 resolution by voting upon the following question:
17 "Do you favor amending the Constitution of Maine to declare that all
18 individuals have a natural, inherent and unalienable right to grow, raise,
19 harvest, produce and consume the food of their own choosing for their own
20 nourishment, sustenance, bodily health and well-being?"
21 The legal voters of each city, town and plantation shall vote by ballot on this question
22 and designate their choice by a cross or check mark placed within the corresponding square
23 below the word "Yes" or "No." The ballots must be received, sorted, counted and declared
24 in open ward, town and plantation meetings and returns made to the Secretary of State in
25 the same manner as votes for members of the Legislature. The Governor shall review the
26 returns. If it appears that a majority of the legal votes are cast in favor of the amendment,
27 the Governor shall proclaim that fact without delay and the amendment becomes part of
28 the Constitution of Maine on the date of the proclamation.
29 Secretary of State shall prepare ballots. Resolved: That the Secretary of State
30 shall prepare and furnish to each city, town and plantation all ballots, returns and copies of
31 this resolution necessary to carry out the purposes of this referendum.
33 This constitutional resolution declares that all individuals have a natural, inherent and
34 unalienable right to grow, raise, harvest, produce and consume the food of their own
35 choosing for their own nourishment, sustenance, bodily health and well-being.