Cat. No. 9810223
National Health and Medical Research Council
A guide to the
development, implementation
and evaluation of
clinical practice guidelines
A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
A guide to the
development, implementation
and evaluation of
clinical practice guidelines
Endorsed 16 November 1998
National Health and Medical Research Council
© Commonwealth of Australia 1999
ISBN 1864960485
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1.1 Clinical practice guidelines 9
1.2 The evolution of guidelines in Australia 11
1.3 Endorsing externally developed guidelines 12
2.1 Guideline development and evaluation 13
2.2 Using the best available evidence 14
2.2.1 The level and quality of evidence 15
2.2.2 The relevance of the evidence 16
2.2.3 The strength of the evidence 17
2.3 Using evidence in making recommendations
for treatment 17
2.4 A multidisciplinary approach that includes consumers 18
2.5 Flexibility and adaptability 19
2.6 Economic implications 19
2.7 Guideline dissemination and implementation 20
2.8 Evaluation 20
2.9 Revision 20
3.1 Determining the need for and scope of guidelines 21
3.2 Convene a multidisciplinary panel to oversee
the development of the guidelines 22
3.3 Define the purpose of and target audience for
the guidelines 23
3.4 Identify health outcomes 23
3.5 Review the scientific evidence 24
3.6 Formulate the guidelines 24
3.7 Formulate a dissemination and implementation strategy 25
3.8 Formulate an evaluation and revision strategy 25
3.9 The guidelines themselves 25
3.10 Reporting on the guideline-development process 27
3.11 Assessing the guideline document 28
3.12 Consultation 28
4.1 Dissemination 33
4.1.1 Making the guidelines accessible 33
4.1.2 Publishing the guidelines 33
4.1.3 Informing the target audience of the
guidelines’ availability 34
4.2 Implementation 35
4.2.1 The use of opinion leaders and ‘champions’ 36
4.2.2 Endorsement by clinical groups 37
4.2.3 Practice visits from influential experts 37
4.2.4 Education of patients and patient-mediated intervention 37
4.2.5 Educational materials 38
4.2.6 Seminars and conferences 38
4.2.7 Reminder systems incorporated in clinicians’
daily work 38
4.2.8 Quality assurance and quality improvement 39
4.2.9 Local adaptation and incorporation 40
4.2.10 Incentives 41
4.2.11 The use of information technology 41
4.3 A systems approach 43
5.1 Evaluation 45
5.1.1 Evaluation of dissemination 46
5.1.2 Evaluation of changes in clinical practice
and health outcomes 46
5.1.3 Evaluation of the guidelines’ contribution
to changes in clinical practice and health outcomes 48
5.1.4 Evaluation of consumer guidelines 48
5.1.5 Economic evaluation 49
5.1.6 Reporting on the evaluation 49
5.2 Revision 50
6.1 Liability of practitioners 51
6.2 Legal liability of guideline developers and
bodies supporting guideline development 52
6.3 Minimum legal requirements for guideline developers 52
Chapter 7 CONCLUSION 53
Appendix A Definitions 55
Appendix B Designation of levels of evidence 56
Appendix C Clinical practice guidelines flow chart 57
Appendix D Generic outcome measures 58
Appendix E Checklist for guideline development 59
Appendix F Process report 60
Appendix G Submissions received 62
Appendix H Economic appraisal information 64
Appendix I Implementation strategies that work 65
Appendix J National Health and Medical Research Council
standards for externally developed guidelines 66
Glossary 72
Bibliography 74
Why these guidelines are needed
There has been a widespread move towards developing clinical practice
guidelines, which are designed to improve the quality of health care, to reduce
the use of unnecessary, ineffective or harmful interventions, and to facilitate the
treatment of patients with maximum chance of benefit, with minimum risk of
harm, and at an acceptable cost. Recent research has shown that clinical practice
guidelines can be effective in bringing about change and improving health
outcomes. But they are just one element of good medical decision making, which
also takes account of patients’ preferences and values, clinicians’ values and
experience, and the availability of resources.
There have been few widely accessible guides for groups seeking to develop
clinical practice guidelines. This document puts forward a method for developing
such guidelines in Australia.
Traditionally, guidelines have been based on the development of consensus
among experts, although this process has limitations and can lead to flawed
conclusions. There is now growing recognition that guidelines should be based,
where possible, on the systematic identification and synthesis of the best available
scientific evidence.
Clinical practice guidelines will be effective only if they are perceived to be
helpful and are actually used in clinical decision making. Many individuals and
groups found the earlier version of this document, published by the National
Health and Medical Research Council in 1995, very helpful. This revised edition
reflects concern that greater emphasis should be placed on guideline
implementation and evaluation.
Key principles for developing guidelines
There are nine basic principles for developing guidelines.
1. Processes for developing and evaluating clinical practice guidelines should
focus on outcomes. Outcome measures can range from survival rates to
quality-of-life attributes.
2. Clinical practice guidelines should be based on the best available evidence
and should include a statement about the strength of their recommendations.
Evidence can be graded according to its level, quality, relevance and strength.
The ‘level’ of evidence refers to the study design used to minimise bias: the
highest level involves a systematic review of randomised controlled clinical
trials. ‘Quality’ refers to the methods used to minimise bias in the design and
conduct of a study. ‘Relevance’ refers to the extent to which research findings
can be applied in other settings. The ‘strength’ of evidence relates to the
2 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
magnitude and reliability of the treatment effect seen in clinical studies: strong
effects are more likely to be real and more likely to be clinically important.
Ideally, recommendations would be based on the highest level of evidence,
but this may be difficult to achieve in public health and social science
3. The method used to synthesise the available evidence should be the strongest
applicable. Taking the evidence—of whatever level, quality, relevance or
strength—and turning it into a clinically useful recommendation depends on
the judgment, experience and good sense of the group developing the
guidelines. The fact of having evidence from a high-level study does not
automatically result in a good clinical recommendation.
4. The process of guideline development should be multidisciplinary and should
include consumers. If guidelines are to be relevant, those who are expected to
use them or to benefit from their use should play a part in their conception
and development. Involving a range of generalist and specialist clinicians,
allied health professionals, experts in methodology, and consumers will
improve the quality and continuity of care and will make it more likely that
the guidelines will be adopted.
5. Guidelines should be flexible and adaptable to varying local conditions.
They should include evidence relevant to different target populations and
geographic and clinical settings, take into account costs and constraints, and
make provision for accommodating the different values and preferences of
6. Guidelines should be developed with resource constraints in mind. They
should incorporate an economic appraisal, which may be helpful for choosing
between treatment options.
7. Guidelines are developed to be disseminated and implemented taking into
account their target audiences. They should also be disseminated in such a
way that practitioners and consumers become aware of them and use them.
8. The implementation and impact of guidelines should be evaluated.
9. Guidelines should be revised regularly.
Guideline development
When selecting guideline topics, there must be a clear problem or concern that
would be redressed if guidelines were developed. A multidisciplinary panel
consisting of representatives of all relevant groups should be convened. It should
clarify the purpose of the guidelines—such as specifying what conditions and
clinical problems they will cover—and identify the desired health outcomes.
Rigorous and systematic review of the scientific evidence is essential.
In formulating the guidelines, the panel should do the following:
document the purpose for which the guidelines were developed;
describe the natural history of the disease or condition in question and the
various treatments that are possible;
identify situations where any recommendations might not apply;
detail the probable outcomes;
ensure that the guidelines are comprehensive and flexible;
describe the support services that may be required for each potential
include information, for consumers and clinicians, on any special clinical
training or equipment that is needed;
compare the costs associated with the various options;
provide a statement of the scientific basis on which the guidelines were
developed and clearly specify the level, quality, relevance and strength of the
evidence on which the recommendations are based;
document the uncertainty associated with any conclusions; and
document the economic appraisals used in formulating the guidelines.
If consensus-based recommendations are to be issued, they should acknowledge
the desirability of developing evidence-based recommendations. Where non–
consensus based statements are issued, there should be clear reference to each
of the schools of thought and consumers should be made aware of the lack of
Different versions of the guidelines should be developed for different audiences
—consumers, general practitioners, specialist nurses, and so on.
During the guideline development phase the panel should also develop a plan
for disseminating and implementing the guidelines and a plan to ensure that the
guidelines are evaluated properly and revised as necessary.
Once drafted, the guidelines document should be assessed to determine whether it
conforms to the principles outlined in this guide. The draft should be referred for
consultation to a wide range of interested parties—practising clinicians, clinical
colleges, allied health and professional organisations, consumer groups,
Commonwealth, State and Territory and local health authorities, industry groups,
and so on.
4 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Disseminating and implementing the guidelines
The multidisciplinary panel should identify any barriers to acceptance and
implementation of the guidelines and work with members of target groups to
develop ways of overcoming these barriers.
Guidelines should be presented in a format and style suitable for their target
audience. Their cost should not constitute a barrier to access.
Strategies for dissemination and implementation will probably depend on the
nature of the guidelines and the target audience. There are a number of possible
compiling short summaries for use in professional or general publications or
brochures, as posters, on the Internet, as audio or video tapes, or on disk;
involving potential users in developing the guidelines;
using the media, professional journals and the publications of other groups,
such as consumer organisations, divisions of general practice, hospitals, area
health services and universities;
using the communication links developed by clinical colleges and other
asking respected clinical leaders to promote the guidelines;
providing economic incentives;
using the education processes of appropriate colleges and other groups;
incorporating the guidelines in routine procedures, such as quality assurance,
within relevant organisations;
using information technology;
arranging for a credible health provider to visit practitioners in the clinical
piloting the draft guidelines in order to facilitate their assessment;
offering feedback on compliance with the guidelines;
discussing the guidelines at conferences, seminars and other professional
meetings; and
using the services of a communications professional.
Dissemination of the guidelines alone will not change practitioners’ behaviour.
Doctors and other clinicians are most likely to change their behaviour if they
themselves are involved in the change process and if that process involves
interventions that directly affect consultation between patient and practitioner.
A variety of approaches have been shown to change clinicians’ behaviour or
health outcomes, or both:
using opinion leaders and clinical ‘champions’ in the media and
for marketing;
endorsement by key clinical groups;
practice visits from influential experts;
educating patients;
provision of educational materials;
seminars and conferences;
reminder systems incorporated in clinicians’ daily work;
continuing quality assurance and data feedback;
local adaptation and incorporation;
local involvement in evaluation; and
There is emerging evidence that the new information technologies can help in
disseminating and implementing guidelines through improving databases, Internet
publication, computerised medical records, more interactive styles of learning,
and computerised prompting and decision-support systems. It is also easier to
update electronic guidelines.
Evaluation and revision
Evaluation of the guidelines should consider the following:
how well were they disseminated? For example, how many copies were
mailed out?;
is the general trend in clinical practice moving towards the guideline
have the guidelines contributed to any specific changes in clinical practice?
For example, compare clinical practice in areas where the guidelines have
been heavily promoted with practice in areas where they have not been
how have the guidelines affected consumers’ knowledge and understanding?;
have health outcomes changed?
6 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
The guideline process should also be subjected to an economic evaluation.
A cost-effectiveness analysis would assess all costs incurred in providing the
guidelines and their impact.
In addition, the various sets of guidelines that are produced (for general
practitioners, consumers, and so on) should be evaluated for their relevance,
ease of access, clarity, how much information they contain, and general user
A date should be set for revision of the guidelines. The National Health and
Medical Research Council recommends that this occur every three to five years
and more often where the subject matter or circumstances are prone to rapid
Legal considerations
Liability of practitioners
Many practitioners are concerned about their potential legal liability if a patient
does not receive treatment as specified in clinical practice guidelines. It is
certainly possible that guidelines could be produced as evidence of what
constitutes reasonable conduct by a medical practitioner. The National Health
and Medical Research Council’s Health Advisory Committee considers that
practitioners who use guidelines will be afforded a measure of protection.
The case of Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479 makes it clear that doctors
should give information about the risks of any treatment, especially risks that may
influence the patient’s decision. Patients should be provided with as much
information as they seek, and in a form that is appropriate to their culture and
level of education. They should be encouraged to make their own decisions.
Liability of guideline developers and bodies supporting guideline
If guidelines purport to be a definitive statement of the correct procedure, there
would be a greater risk of liability than if they were clearly stated to be a general
guide subject to the practitioner’s expert judgment in each case.
Minimum legal requirements for guideline developers
The potential for guidelines to be used as evidence in court depends on the
process used to develop them, the extent to which they are evidence-based, the
degree of consensus about them, and whether they are up to date.
Guideline developers are unlikely to be held liable for any negative consequences
of the implementation of guidelines. In general, guidelines should be summaries
of the evidence, should have an expiry date, should not be unduly prescriptive,
and should acknowledge areas where there is disagreement. An independent
review of the guideline development process is recommended.
The development, dissemination, implementation, evaluation and revision
processes described in this document are applicable to a wide range of clinical
interventions and disciplines and could also be applied to protocols relating to
the use of technology and pharmaceuticals.
Where possible, it is preferable, to use existing networks, facilities and
publications to disseminate, implement and evaluate guidelines, rather than
developing new processes. A systems approach is needed, which builds
guideline development, dissemination, implementation and evaluation into the
routine processes of care. Organisations such as hospitals, health care regions,
and divisions of general practice should establish an approach that integrates
guidelines into their local health care delivery processes. Such an approach
would involve sensible use of resources, developing sustainable infrastructure,
integrating available resources and strategies, and adapting to local needs.
The best approach to making sure guidelines work would appear to be a mix of
strategies that are suitable for local conditions and are developed in concert with
local clinicians, consumers and managers.
This document will be revised. For those seeking further information, a series of
specialised ‘tool kits’, currently being developed, will be available in mid-1999.
Users and reviewers of these guidelines are encouraged to contact the National
Health and Medical Research Council if they have comments—negative or
positive—to make. These comments will inform the revision process.
Users can contact the National Health and Medical Research Council by writing to:
Health Advisory Unit
Office of the National Health and Medical Research Council
Department of Health and Aged Care
GPO Box 9848 (MDP 50)
8 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Blank facing page to Chapter 1
The past decade has been marked by unprecedented interest in clinical
practice guidelines and the processes by which they can best be developed and
implemented. This worldwide interest has been prompted by concern about
unjustifiable variations in clinical practice for the same condition, the increasing
availability of new treatments and technologies, uncertainty about the
effectiveness of many interventions in improving people’s health, and a desire to
make the best use of available health resources.
Guidelines are being designed to improve the quality of health care and decrease
the use of unnecessary, ineffective or harmful interventions. In an era of
evidence-based medicine (Sackett et al. 1996), guidelines are becoming one of
the critical links between the best available evidence and good clinical practice.
Guidelines constitute one element of a systems approach to quality health care.
Despite the acknowledged need, there are few widely accessible, comprehensive
guides for groups seeking to develop clinical practice guidelines. This document
puts forward a method for developing clinical practice guidelines in Australia,
based on the best available models worldwide. The method has been trialed in
Australia in recent years and modified in the light of that experience; it is
applicable to a variety of conditions and procedures. In this document the term
‘clinical’ takes in all health care providers.
1.1 Clinical practice guidelines
Clinical practice guidelines are ‘systematically developed statements to assist
practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific
clinical circumstances’ (Field & Lohr 1990). There is a move towards developing
such statements to assist clinicians in the management of specific conditions.
The procedures used to develop the statements are increasingly based on a
thorough evaluation of the evidence, including, when appropriate, meta-analysis
of published research studies on the outcomes of various treatment options,
rather than the consensus of expert panels. The statements are intended to be
‘a distillation of current evidence and opinion on best practice’ (Clover et al. 1995;
Grimshaw & Russell 1993).
Clinical practice guidelines are often referred to as algorithms, clinical pathways,
protocols and practice policies, although these differ from clinical practice
guidelines in that they are often much more prescriptive and not always based
on evidence.
10 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Clinical practice guidelines are one component of good medical decision-making,
which takes into account patients’ preferences and values, clinicians’ values and
experience, and the available resources. The guidelines’ main purpose is to
achieve better health outcomes by improving the practice of health professionals
and providing consumers with better information about treatment options.
Guidelines can inform consumers about risk factors and how to avert them; they
can be used to broaden the education of practitioners and the community, thus
contributing to quality assurance processes; and they can assist in the resolution
of legal disputes and ethical dilemmas.
Research has shown that clinical practice guidelines can be an effective means of
changing the process of health care and improving health outcomes (Grimshaw &
Russell 1993, EHCB 1994). A systematic review of many studies of guidelines’
effectiveness revealed strong evidence that they can change clinical practice.
Moreover, of those studies that assessed changes in consumer health, a majority
reported an improvement in health outcomes (EHCB 1994).
Guidelines vary, however, in the extent to which they produce improved health
outcomes. There are two main reasons for this. First, acceptance of a guideline is
likely to depend on the quality of the evidence on which it is based. Second, the
extent to which the potential health gain is realised from adherence to a guideline
will depend on how effectively the guideline is implemented.
Traditionally, guidelines have been based on consensus among experts. But this
method has its limitations. Expert opinion does not always reflect the state of
current medical knowledge (Antman et al. 1992). And, even where guidelines are
supported by literature surveys, if the medical literature has been analysed in an
unsystematic way biased conclusions can result (Woolf 1992 Vol 152; Mulrow
1994; EHCB 1994). In the past this has led to unnecessary delays in the
recommendation of effective interventions and delays in the withdrawal of
ineffective or harmful treatments (Antman et al. 1992; Advisory Group on Health
Technology Assessment 1992).
It is now acknowledged that guideline recommendations should be based on
systematic identification and synthesis of the best available scientific evidence.
Given the extensive research activity in some health care areas, identifying and
synthesising the available evidence can be a major undertaking.
The formulation and drafting of guidelines is only one part of the guideline
development process. Guidelines will be effective only if they are perceived to be
useful and are actually used in clinical decision making. It is therefore important
to ensure that clinicians are aware of the guidelines and that the guidelines are
incorporated in clinical practice. At present little is known about the relative
effectiveness of different dissemination and implementation strategies (Grimshaw
& Russell 1994), but the available evidence does suggest that implementation
strategies are most likely to succeed if they are relevant to the people the
guidelines are targeting and if they are integrated into the health care delivery
process (EHCB 1994).
Clinical practice guidelines should be linked to effective evaluation plans. This
involves documenting the beneficial and adverse consequences of different
interventions when applied in normal clinical practice and how their application
is viewed by the consumer.
Rather than being treated as a stand-alone item, clinical practice guidelines will
be most effective when incorporated fully in the health care system and used
alongside existing quality assurance activities such as continuing medical
education, accreditation, audit and certification.
Guidelines will also be most effective when they are part of a system in which
good data collection on outcomes is the norm and where the data collected are
used to inform the continuing development of the guidelines and their
dissemination and implementation. The challenge is to develop a systems
approach that can support guideline development, implementation and evaluation
as part of mainstream health care delivery.
Finally, it must be remembered that there are no ‘magic bullets’ or simple answers
when it comes to developing and implementing guidelines (Oxman et al. 1995).
The cycle of development, implementation, evaluation, and revision in the light of
new scientific evidence and consumer feedback will be central to the success of
future clinical guidelines.
1.2 The evolution of guidelines in Australia
The National Health and Medical Research Council has been piloting and funding
the process of clinical guideline development in areas such as early breast cancer,
coronary heart disease, unstable angina, stroke prevention, preterm birth,
depression in young people, uncomplicated lower urinary tract symptoms in men,
and diabetic retinopathy.
Many individuals and groups found the earlier version of this document,
produced in 1995, very helpful in developing guidelines. Feedback collected by
the National Health and Medical Research Council, from guideline developers,
shows overwhelming support for the idea of evidence-based guidelines. It also
shows general agreement about the inclusion of ‘decision trees’ in guidelines, as
well as the need for some kind of systems approach to make the guidelines work
12 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
There is, however, a strong feeling that much more attention should be given to
implementation and evaluation once guidelines have been developed. Many of
those involved in producing guidelines have become frustrated by the lack of
Further, health care professionals’ acceptance of clinical practice guidelines has to
some degree been marred by lingering concern that the guidelines represent
‘cookbook’ medicine.
1.3 Endorsing externally developed guidelines
Many of the newly developed evidence-based guidelines have been produced
under the auspices of the National Health and Medical Research Council. It is
anticipated, however, that in the future many outside bodies will seek to produce
their own guidelines. Regulating the quality of such critically important processes
and endorsing externally developed guidelines pose challenges that are now
being tackled.
This chapter describes the nine guiding principles underlying the guideline
development process. They are as follows:
processes for guideline development and evaluation should be outcome
guidelines should be based on the best available evidence and should include
a statement about the strength of recommendations;
the method used to synthesise the available evidence should be the strongest
the process of guideline development should be multidisciplinary and should
include consumers;
guidelines should be flexible and capable of adapting to varying local
guidelines should be developed with resource constraints in mind;
guidelines should be developed, disseminated and implemented taking into
account their target audiences;
the validity and usefulness of the guidelines should be evaluated; and
guidelines should be revised regularly.
2.1 Guideline development and evaluation
The process for guideline development should be aimed at identifying
interventions that will ensure the best possible health outcomes.
A health outcome has been defined as ‘a change in the health of an individual, a
group of people or population which is attributable to an intervention or a series
of interventions’ (AHMAC 1993). Donabedian describes outcomes as ‘what is
accomplished for patients’ and points out that they reflect the ‘contribution of all
those who provide care’ as well as the ‘appropriateness of the choice of a strategy
of care’ (1992b).
Outcome measures can range from survival rates to quality-of-life attributes.
Outcomes can be positive or negative and may differ according to population
group—for example, socio-economic group, gender, or current health or risk
factor status.
To date much of the evaluation of health care has centred around the process of
health care (whether clinicians conform to recommended practices), rather than
the outcomes (whether the recommended practices produce a change in health).
Whilst the ultimate goal of the guideline-evaluation process should be to establish
the degree to which the guidelines are effective in producing the health outcomes
The guiding principles
14 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
sought, this may not be practical because of the difficulty of attributing outcomes
to the guidelines.
2.2 Using the best available evidence
The purpose of clinical practice guidelines is to encourage treatment that offers
individual patients maximum likelihood of benefit and minimum harm and is
acceptable in terms of cost. Recommendations contained in guidelines should be
based on the best possible evidence of the link between the intervention and the
clinical outcomes of interest.
The evidence on which a recommendation is based can be graded according to
level, quality, relevance and strength. Appendix A provides definitions of these
criteria, as used by the Health Advisory Committee of the National Health and
Medical Research Council.
Ideally, recommendations should be based on the highest level of evidence,
preferably a systematic review of high-quality randomised controlled clinical trials
that measure relevant outcomes and demonstrate a strong, clinically important,
beneficial effect of the intervention. It is important, though, to recognise that this
ideal may be difficult to attain in the case of public health and social science
interventions: these important areas of health care should not be disadvantaged
by the rigid application of a ‘hierarchy’ of evidence.
In many cases it may not be possible, or feasible, to evaluate a large-scale public
health intervention using a randomised controlled trial. Other forms of evidence
—such as well-designed controlled studies and time series analyses—may be the
most appropriate and feasible method. Although there is currently no agreed
separate grading for assessing the level of evidence in relation to public health
interventions, the primary objective is to strive for evidence derived from a study
design that is the most practical and feasible available in order to maximally
control for potential bias. In addition, evidence derived from a systematic review
of all the available studies that meet this criterion is obviously preferable to
evidence from a single study.
Until an agreed rating scale is developed to assess levels of evidence associated
with public health interventions, guideline developers are advised to use the
levels of evidence referred to in this document but to recognise that much of the
evidence currently available in relation to public health interventions will be
level III—see Appendix B. In this context it is important to note that the evidence
from public health interventions is often supported by strong biological data.
Where appropriate, guideline developers should include in the text a
statement on the level, quality, relevance and strength of the evidence and
recommendations made should reflect this statement.
2.2.1 The level and quality of evidence
The level of evidence and the quality of evidence need to be considered together.
‘Level of evidence’ refers to the study design used by investigators to minimise
bias (see Appendix B). Level I, the highest level, is generally accorded to
randomised clinical trials. A methodologically poor randomised trial (level II) may,
however, provide a weaker basis for a recommendation than a high-quality
observational study without randomisation, which can provide level III-2
‘Quality of evidence’ refers to the methods used by investigators to minimise bias
in study design and in the conduct of a study. The types of bias and their possible
effects depend on the study type. There are now fairly well established criteria for
assessing the quality of randomised trials; they concern the degree to which
allocation to treatment groups is concealed from investigator and subject, whether
the study is double blind, and the completeness of follow-up of subjects.
Methods of assessing the quality of non-randomised studies (levels III-2 and III-3)
are less well established and the factors will probably vary depending on the
study type. In general, factors that are likely to influence the estimate of the effect
size are the methods used to select subjects for the trial, the comparability of the
treatment and control (if there is one) groups, the methods of measuring
outcomes, and the completeness of the follow-up.
The quality of systematic reviews also needs to be considered if they are being
used as the basis of guideline development. Standard methods for conducting and
reporting systematic reviews have been published (see Greenhalgh 1997).
Lack of empirical evidence
No formal level of evidence is attached to expert opinion, the findings of expert
working parties, or anecdotal information. In the absence of empirical evidence,
however, or where there is only poor-quality evidence, guidelines may in some
instances contain recommendations based on findings outside the levels-of-
evidence hierarchy. Such recommendations should be derived using a consensus
The guiding principles
16 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
If a consensus approach is not possible non-consensus practice statements can be
issued, but there should be clear reference to all schools of thought and
consumers should be made aware of the lack of consensus (see Appendix C).
2.2.2 The relevance of the evidence
‘Relevance of the evidence’ refers to the study question’s similarity to the clinical
question and the extent to which the findings from the study can be applied in
other clinical settings to different patients. The types of outcomes that are
measured and reported in a clinical trial determine whether all of the possible
benefits and harms associated with a treatment can be assessed properly—among
the factors that are important are the nature of the outcomes that have been
measured in the trial and the period over which the measurements have been
It may be useful to consider outcomes as being of one type or a combination of
two or three types: ‘surrogate’ outcomes, ‘clinical’ outcomes, and ‘patient-relevant’
outcomes. In general, the types of outcomes that clinical trials measure and report
are either surrogate or clinical outcomes; these may or may not be of importance
to the patient.
A surrogate outcome is commonly a physiological variable; for example, serum
cholesterol concentration or blood pressure. There is a statistical association
between the surrogate outcome and the clinical outcome of interest; for example,
bone mineral density and fracture or measures of HIV viral load and progression
of AIDS. There is a biological and pathophysiological basis for believing that the
surrogate outcome is a primary determinant of the clinical outcome in the disease
being studied; for example, glycosylated haemoglobin measurements and diabetic
If the trials that form the basis of the recommendations are restricted to surrogate
outcomes it is important to determine that there is a relationship between these
surrogate outcomes and the clinical outcome of interest.
Clinical outcomes tend to be defined on the basis of the disease being studied.
In many cases the outcome that appears to the clinician to be of primary concern,
and that can be measured, is chosen; for example, survival in cancer, vertebral
fracture in osteoporosis, peptic ulcer healing and relapse, walking distance in
angina or claudication, or microbiological ‘cure’ of infection. But such an
approach does not necessarily capture all of the relevant outcomes from the
patient’s perspective: other factors that are often more difficult to measure may
be more relevant, in particular factors relating to improved quality of life.
One of the difficulties in measuring patient-relevant outcomes is that they may be
‘composite’ outcomes and include items that are not readily amenable to objective
measurement. They are likely to include a measure of a clinical effect, adverse
effects, and change in quality of life and may need to be individualised for each
treatment. In this situation the following types of outcomes should be considered:
all-cause mortality;
cause-specific mortality;
changes in morbidity, subdivided according to type—for example, hospital
admission or nursing home requirements;
side-effects of treatment—including adverse reactions to drug therapies
—and co-interventions that may be necessitated by the primary treatment; and
disease-specific outcomes—including disease-specific quality-of-life measures.
Emphasis should be given to studies that measure clinical or patient-relevant
outcomes. Guideline developers should seek the advice of experts and patient-
support groups in determining what the most appropriate outcomes are. Many
clinical trials and studies do not consider all the outcomes, beneficial and harmful,
that are relevant to patients with a particular condition and to those who care for
them. Clinical endpoints—such as a small change in blood cholesterol in a ‘low-
risk’ patient—may not be as relevant as the side-effects of a particular treatment.
Equally, a condition that impairs the social functioning of a person might be very
effectively alleviated by a new intervention. Formal quality-of-life measures such
as the SF-36 often do not capture the information that is of real importance in
assessing the potential impact or value of a new technology.
2.2.3 The strength of the evidence
The strength of the evidence depends on the magnitude of the treatment effect
seen in the clinical studies. It also depends on how confident we are of the
observed effect—in other words, the size of the confidence interval—and the
extent to which the findings have been reproduced across a series of studies.
Strength of evidence is important for two main reasons. Strong effects are less
likely than weak effects to be the result of bias in the studies: they are more likely
to be real. And strong effects are more likely to be clinically important.
2.3 Using evidence in making recommendations for treatment
Evidence is necessary, but not sufficient, when making recommendations for
treatment. Taking the evidence—of whatever level, quality, relevance or
strength—and turning it into a clinically useful recommendation depends on the
judgment, experience and good sense of the guideline developers.
The guiding principles
18 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Having evidence from a high-level study such as a randomised controlled trial
does not immediately mean that a good clinical recommendation will result.
Suppose we had one well-conducted randomised controlled trial on which to
base our recommendations: if the effects of the intervention were small and the
outcome measures were surrogates, rather than clinical outcomes, the evidence
would be relatively unhelpful.
In assessing the likely ratio of benefit to harm it is often helpful to produce a
simple ‘balance sheet’ in an attempt to estimate, for a ‘typical’ group of patients,
the number of subjects who will experience benefit or harm. All of the known
beneficial and harmful effects of the treatment should be included in the balance
sheet. In order to assess the applicability of the guideline advice to other groups
of patients, an attempt should be made to create a new balance sheet with revised
estimates of the number of beneficial and harmful effects.
For instance, if an effective preventive treatment (such as treatment to lower
cholesterol or the use of warfarin for non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation) is being
applied to a population at low risk of the outcome of interest, the estimated
number of benefits may not exceed the estimated number of harms by a
satisfactory margin. The guideline development group must make a judgment
about how wide this margin should be in order to justify a recommendation for
Other factors warranting consideration when making recommendations are the
cost-effectiveness of the interventions, the financial implications for the health
budget of full implementation of the recommendations, and any inequity that may
arise if only certain sections of the community can afford to pay for the
interventions recommended.
2.4 A multidisciplinary approach that includes consumers
If guidelines are to be relevant, those who are expected to use them or to benefit
from their use should play a part in their conception and development.
The involvement of a range of specialist and generalist clinicians, allied health
professionals, experts in methodology (such as epidemiologists and health
economists), and consumers will improve the quality and continuity of care and
increase the likelihood of the guidelines’ adoption. These groups can make
significant contributions to the identification of relevant outcomes, values, target
audiences and guideline formats for different users. They can also play a critical
role in identifying potential obstacles to guideline implementation and in the
formulation of implementation strategies.
2.5 Flexibility and adaptability
Guidelines should provide a clear statement of the evidence but allow for
flexibility and adaptability in implementation. Thus, they should:
provide evidence relevant to different target populations, which may vary in
terms of age, gender, ethnicity, diagnosis, disease severity, co-morbidity and
social support;
provide evidence relevant to different geographic and clinical settings;
take into account resource benefits, costs and constraints; and
offer a means of accommodating different consumer values and preferences.
2.6 Economic implications
Guideline developers should be mindful of the resources required for
development and implementation of guidelines. Further, in adapting guidelines to
accommodate local conditions account should be taken of the following:
limited treatment options;
variations in the available equipment;
variations in the training, experience and skills of existing and incoming
clinicians; and
variations in the availability of staff—in terms of numbers and professions.
It is important that an economic appraisal be incorporated in guidelines. In many
circumstances this may be useful in guiding clinical decisions about treatment
options. There are three types of economic appraisal comparing two
interventions, or one intervention against a placebo:
a cost-minimisation analysis, in which the direct costs of the proposed
intervention are compared, assuming equal efficacy but differences in
side-effects, or on the basis of the use of different patterns of care that
generate different costs;
a cost-effectiveness analysis, in which the relative effectiveness (measured,
for example, by a reduction in blood pressure or days of disability averted)
and the relative direct costs of two interventions are compared using a ratio of
marginal cost to marginal effectiveness (for example, cost per life-year gained
or cost per day or disability averted); and
a cost-utility analysis, in which the effectiveness measure derived in the cost-
effectiveness analysis is weighted by the recipient’s quality of life resulting
from each intervention (thus producing a measure such as marginal cost per
quality-adjusted year of life gained).
The guiding principles
20 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
2.7 Guideline dissemination and implementation
Guidelines are developed to be disseminated and implemented in such a way
that practitioners and consumers become aware of them and use them. This
will involve identifying potential obstacles to implementation and tailoring
implementation strategies to the particular contexts in which the guidelines are
to be introduced.
2.8 Evaluation
It is important to evaluate the implementation process to determine the extent to
which the guidelines affected practitioners’ knowledge and behaviour and what,
if any, factors contributed to non-compliance with the guidelines. These results
might inform the development of more effective implementation strategies.
It is also important to establish whether the introduction of the guidelines
produced the anticipated health outcomes. Thus, once the guidelines are
implemented, health outcomes should be routinely monitored wherever practical.
Outcomes associated with the introduction of evidence-based guidelines must be
evaluated since the efficacy of treatments delivered in strictly controlled trials may
not always be realised in day-to-day practice.
2.9 Revision
Because guidelines need to be based on the best available evidence, they should
be reviewed regularly and modified where necessary to take into account new
research, new technologies, and the results of evaluation of guideline outcomes.
This chapter describes the general steps involved in developing guidelines. The
steps are consistent with the principles discussed in Chapter 2. The process of
developing guidelines should run in tandem with formulating a strategy for their
dissemination and implementation and a plan for their evaluation and revision.
Chapter 4 deals with dissemination and implementation and Chapter 5 deals with
evaluation and revision.
It is important that guideline developers consider, at the beginning of the
guideline development process, what data will be needed. Data collection,
storage and retrieval must have due regard for principles of privacy and
confidentiality and should take into account matters associated with data
It should be noted that the sequence of steps detailed in this chapter is intended
as a guide rather than a prescription for developing guidelines. Context may
require that the steps be taken in an order that differs from what is described
here. In addition, some early steps may be revisited at later stages in the process.
Appendix C illustrates the process of developing, disseminating, implementing,
evaluating and revising clinical practice guidelines.
3.1 Determining the need for and scope of guidelines
The body responsible for developing the guidelines should specify the problem
or objective and define what is involved in general terms. When selecting topics
there must be a clear problem that may well be resolved by the establishment and
dissemination of guidelines on what is the most appropriate practice. The
problem could relate to the extent of the health burden, cost, variations in
practice, or the availability of evidence.
Clinical practice guidelines are appropriate only if the problem or objective is
related to clinical decision making or decisions about the organisation of health
services. Guidelines may be developed, for instance, in response to an identified
variation in treatment among practitioners for the same condition. If this variation
is caused by lack of knowledge or information, the development of evidence-
based guidelines is an appropriate response. But variations in clinical practice
may be based on patients’ needs and sound evidence: such ‘legitimate variation’
can result from variations in morbidity rates and variations in consumer
preferences for different outcomes (Anderson & Mooney 1990, McPherson 1990).
Guidelines may not be necessary in such situations. Nor are they an appropriate
response to variations caused by unreliable data sources and random variations in
data. Furthermore, guidelines may not be needed if practice variations are a
consequence solely of resources or supply constraints (beds, technology, facilities,
specialists, and so on) or if clinical decisions are based on sound evidence.
Guideline development
22 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Previously developed guidelines for redressing the same problem or a related one
should be assessed. If those guidelines are applicable to the current circumstance
or can be adapted, new guidelines may not be required. It is important, however,
to assess the previously developed guidelines according to the principles
discussed in this document, particularly in terms of the quality of the evidence on
which they are based. If the old guidelines have been implemented, establish
whether they were effective. Although they may be considered acceptable, it may
still be necessary to take steps to evaluate their effectiveness in clinical practice.
3.2 Convene a multidisciplinary panel to oversee the development
of the guidelines
The overseeing panel should consist of representatives of all relevant groups. The
panel’s precise composition will depend on the nature of the guidelines but
should be designed to encourage the expression of diverse interests. In general,
consideration should be given to involving the following groups, as appropriate:
clinicians from all disciplines with relevant specialist expertise;
clinicians with general expertise;
other relevant health professionals;
representatives of consumer groups;
experts in research methods relevant to guideline development;
health economists;
public policy analysts;
other relevant experts;
industry representatives;
bioethicists; and
representatives of regulatory agencies.
To ensure that decision making takes full account of the consumer perspective,
the panel may need to establish a separate consumer focus group to identify all
the relevant consumer concerns.
Workshops for members of guideline development working parties may be
beneficial in bringing together multidisciplinary groups as well as consumers to
consider the need for clinical practice guidelines and the methods to be used in
their preparation, dissemination, implementation, evaluation and revision.
All members of guideline development groups should make declarations of their
interests available to the National Health and Medical Research Council or other
appropriate bodies. Both personal and non-personal interests should be declared;
for example, personal shares in companies, consultancies to companies, corporate
support for specific research, or general departmental activity (SIGN 1995).
3.3 Define the purpose of and target audience for the guidelines
Before proceeding, the panel should clarify the purpose of and target audience
for the guidelines. This will involve a careful specification of the following:
the conditions and clinical problems that are at issue;
the type of care providers for whom the guidelines are intended;
the type of consumers for whom the guidelines are intended;
a description of consumers not covered by the guidelines (where it might
otherwise be assumed that the guidelines are relevant to these consumers);
the types of settings in which the guidelines will be employed; and
the interventions to be evaluated.
The panel should also determine how many versions of the guidelines are
required. As a minimum requirement, separate consumer and practitioner
documents should be produced, but the panel will also need to determine
whether different documents are required for different care providers in different
clinical settings and for different consumers.
3.4 Identify health outcomes
The purpose of clinical practice guidelines is to improve health outcomes and to
encourage the appropriate use of resources. The appropriate outcome measures
will differ depending on what is under consideration. There is, however, a clear
difference between the following categories of measures:
immediate or short-term measures such as mortality, morbidity, and treatment
rates of relapse, complication, late morbidity and re-admission;
return to work and physical and social functioning; and
other measures such as quality of life, general health status and patient
Guideline development
24 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Each of these measures should be taken into account. Some measures will be
clinically defined and some will be socially defined and, again, both types should
be included. Appendix D outlines generic outcome measures that can be applied
to specific conditions and interventions.
3.5 Review the scientific evidence
If possible, a systematic literature review should be undertaken to establish the
benefits and harms of the possible interventions.
Methods for reviewing and evaluating the literature range from highly formal,
quantitative information syntheses (such as meta-analysis of randomised
controlled trials) to subjective synopses of observational data. The more formal
the review, the more credible and valid the resulting guidelines. The panel should
select the most rigorous and systematic review methods practicable according to
the approach outlined in Chapter 2 and the methods described in The Cochrane
Collaboration Handbook (Sackett 1994).
The guidelines should clearly state the methods used to review the literature.
There should be rigorous discussion of and debate about the literature, and any
gaps in it should be identified.
3.6 Formulate the guidelines
The guidelines should be constructed on the basis of the best available scientific
evidence of the probable outcomes associated with different clinical interventions.
The panel should consider the following:
the natural history of the disease or condition in question, if appropriate;
the probable outcomes of each intervention, taking into account the strength
of evidence associated with each, with preference given to empirical evidence
over expert judgment;
the balance of benefits against risks;
a comparison between the outcomes for alternative interventions, including
conservative or expectant management where appropriate, for the disease or
condition in question; and
an economic appraisal of the best investment for the best health outcomes
(see Appendix E).
3.7 Formulate a dissemination and implementation strategy
During the guideline development phase the panel should also develop a plan for
disseminating and implementing the guidelines. Ideally, this plan will target all
potential users and define and recommend processes that will encourage them to
adopt and implement the guidelines. Such a plan may be developed in
consultation with the wider group of interested parties. Chapter 4 provides
detailed information about dissemination and implementation.
3.8 Formulate an evaluation and revision strategy
The panel should develop a strategy designed to ensure that the guidelines are
evaluated properly and revised when necessary.
This will involve specifying both short-term and long-term frameworks for
evaluation and identifying who will conduct the studies. The evaluation should
assess how effectively information has been disseminated to patients consenting
to the treatment in question as well as to practitioners providing the treatment.
It may also include a consideration of alternative evaluation procedures.
Most importantly, the evaluation will assess whether implementation of the
guidelines has led to improvements in health outcomes. Chapter 5 provides
detailed information about evaluation and revision.
3.9 The guidelines themselves
Once the dissemination and implementation and evaluation and revision strategies
have been developed, the panel should proceed to produce the guidelines.
The guidelines should be presented as clearly and concisely as possible, bearing
in mind that different formats may be appropriate for different types of guidelines
or different types of users. Guidelines may be presented as free text, as flow
charts or in any other format that facilitates comprehension. Abbreviations and
symbols should be consistent and easy to follow. Important terms and others that
might be misinterpreted should be defined.
The guideline document’s content will vary according to its specific purpose
—for example, whether it relates to diagnosis, choosing treatment options,
implementation of specific treatment, or managing an extended process of care.
In some cases an additional document with more explanation or in a different
format may be required for use by consumers. Consideration might also be given
to producing different guideline documents for specialist and non-specialist health
professionals and for different health care settings.
Guideline development
26 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
In general, the guidelines should do the following:
document the purpose for which they were developed;
describe each treatment option, including conservative or expectant
management, if appropriate;
describe the natural history of the disease(s) or condition(s) under discussion,
where appropriate;
detail the probable outcomes—the benefits and harmful side-effects specified
in terms of changes in physical, social or psychological function, changes in
pain and expected additional morbidity or mortality—associated with each
treatment option. The extent to which potentially harmful side-effects need to
be detailed in consumer documents should be determined in consultation
with consumers;
be comprehensive and flexible enough to allow adaptation to the diverse
settings and circumstances of day-to-day clinical practice;
identify the specifically known or generally expected exceptions—
circumstances in which the guidelines would not apply—or potential risks;
indicate the probability (risk) of different outcomes occurring;
identify the patient population to which they apply, bearing in mind possible
differences in expected outcomes for different populations;
contain a description of the support services that may be required for each
treatment option, to allow consumers to assess the social consequences of the
include information for consumers and clinicians on any special training
needs for clinicians or equipment necessary for the safe delivery of the
provide a comparison of the costs associated with treatment options;
provide a statement detailing the scientific basis on which the guidelines were
developed and explicitly note the strength of the evidence on which any
conclusions are based;
document the uncertainty associated with any conclusion—uncertainty exists
where the evidence on outcomes is not strong and/or clinical opinion may
differ as to what outcomes may be;
in the case of consensus-based guidelines, acknowledge the desirability of
developing evidence-based guidelines;
in the case of non-consensus practice statements, make clear reference to
each of the schools of thought and direct consumer attention to the lack of
consensus. Note that the National Health and Medical Research Council has
issued guidelines on human experimentation—these should apply to
interventions for which non-consensus practice statements are issued; and
document the economic appraisals used in formulating the guidelines.
3.10 Reporting on the guideline development process
The report should contain a description of the guideline development process,
the dissemination and implementation and evaluation and revision strategies,
and matters for future research.
The part of the report referring to guideline development should do the
identify the organisation under whose aegis the guidelines were developed
—who proposed, endorsed and funded the guidelines;
define the purpose of the guidelines—for what audience(s) are the guidelines
indicate if different formats were required for different users;
list the individuals and groups involved in developing the guidelines;
document the processes and nature of the scientific evaluation of the
evidence—for example, specify whether meta-analyses were used to analyse
the literature or if consensus formed part of the guideline development
provide a bibliography of materials used;
contain a clear description of the scientific assumptions—whether relating
to physiological assumptions, methods of actions of drugs or processes,
expectations of deaths or morbidity following treatment, side-effects, and
so on—that were incorporated in the evidence;
record the public policy and cost questions considered and the method by
which they were incorporated in the guidelines;
identify the need for special training, equipment or facilities;
describe the testing processes to which the guidelines were subjected;
document the consultations undertaken; and
record how consumer concerns were taken into account.
The part of the report dealing with dissemination, implementation, evaluation
and revision should contain the following details:
the target audience and other interested parties;
methods of consultation and dissemination;
specific plans for particular circumstances—such as remote or rural locations
and links to institutional activities;
the time frame for evaluation;
Guideline development
28 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
the plan for assessing guideline implementation and barriers to
the plan for assessing the validity of the guidelines; and
revision plans.
The part of the report dealing with matters for future research should contain the
suggestions for improving the guidelines and their capacity for enhancing
future care and optimising resource use;
gaps in scientific knowledge or other information gaps—for example, costing
data—for future investigation; and
organisational, funding or other ‘process’ factors that might enhance the
quality of outcomes expected from the guidelines’ implementation.
3.11 Assessing the guideline document
The adequacy of the guideline document itself should be evaluated by examining
whether it conforms to the principles outlined in this guide. Note that the Institute
of Medicine has developed a provisional instrument for prospectively assessing
the soundness of guidelines and the method by which they were developed
(Field & Lohr 1992). The Institute’s provisional assessment instrument is a formal
questionnaire that requires experts to rate the guidelines according to a range of
characteristics, such as their clinical applicability and flexibility, reliability and
reproducibility, validity and clarity.
The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network has also developed criteria for
appraising the guideline development process; it may be of value in the Australian
setting (SIGN 1995).
3.12 Consultation
The guidelines should be referred for examination to a wider group of interested
parties that may not have already been involved:
practising clinicians;
clinical colleges and allied health and professional organisations;
consumer groups;
Commonwealth, State and Territory and local health authorities; and
industry groups.
29Guideline development
It may be useful to convene a conference of interested parties, provided this
forms only one part of the overall approach to guideline development and
provided the principles outlined in this document are incorporated in the
decision-making process.
In some instances an agency or group such as a professional college may disagree
with one or two of the recommendations in an otherwise acceptable document.
These points of disagreement should be noted in the guidelines.
The final guidelines should take into account comments received during the
consultations and in response to pilot testing.
30 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Blank facing page to Chapter 4
Field and Lohr make the important point that ‘guidelines do not implement
themselves’ (1992). If guidelines are to be effective, their dissemination and
implementation must be vigorously pursued. If not, the time, energy and cost
devoted to the guidelines’ development will be wasted and potential
improvements in consumer health will be lost.
A multidisciplinary panel should oversee the various steps needed to disseminate
and implement the guidelines. The panel, which may be the same as the panel
responsible for developing the guidelines, should also identify any barriers to the
guidelines’ acceptance and implementation and work with members of target
groups to develop ways of overcoming these barriers. Identifying barriers to
change requires an understanding of sociological and psychological factors: it is
essential that the guideline development panel has expertise in these areas;
otherwise, inappropriate or ineffective methods of dissemination and
implementation may be advocated.
Although the guideline document may support a specific strategy for adapting
guidelines to local conditions, the guideline development panel may need to help
local groups with the adaptation process.
There is evidence that a range of dissemination and implementation strategies can
be effective (EHCB 1994). It is probable, however, that those strategies will
depend on the nature of the guidelines and which group is being targeted. There
are a number of possible strategies, such as the following:
producing short summaries for use in a range of forums, including on the
Internet and websites;
involving potential users in the development of the guidelines, directly or
through consultative mechanisms, or both, to promote ownership. The
consultation process on the draft guidelines can form part of the
dissemination strategy;
using the media—local, regional or national, or a combination—to publicise
both the development process and the availability of the guidelines;
using professional journals and magazines to inform people about guideline
development and promote the completed guidelines;
using the communication links developed by clinical colleges, allied health
organisations, specialty societies, State and regional medical societies,
consumers, consumer groups, medical libraries and health education facilities;
asking respected clinical leaders to promote the guidelines;
providing economic incentives;
using the educational processes of relevant colleges, professional
organisations and consumer groups, including conferences, workshops,
seminars and specialist journals;
Guideline dissemination and implementation
32 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
incorporating the guidelines in routine procedures—such as quality assurance
and review processes—of institutions and organisations that provide care;
using information technology, particularly systems focusing on consultations
with individual patients;
arranging for a credible health care provider to visit practitioners in the
clinical setting;
piloting the draft guidelines in practices, clinics or hospitals, to facilitate
assessment of their relevance, applicability, comprehensiveness and flexibility;
offering feedback on compliance with the guidelines.
Some of these strategies may be more effective when used in combination. There
is evidence that the more educational the dissemination strategy, the greater the
probability that the guidelines will be incorporated in clinical practice, provided
that dissemination is reinforced by an appropriate implementation strategy.
The initial dissemination strategy should define target audiences and design
accessible formats for the guidelines. Different versions of the guidelines should
be developed for different audiences—consumers, general practitioners, specialist
nurses, and so on. For example, the primary target audience for the National
Health and Medical Research Council’s guidelines on the management of early
breast cancer is consumers and specialists in breast surgery, medical oncology and
radiation oncology; the secondary target audience is general practitioners,
registered nurses involved in caring for women with breast cancer, funders,
managers, accreditors and others.
Implementation strategies should take into account the ways in which privacy and
confidentiality concerns might impede the implementation of guidelines.
Questions raised by the need to manage patient care across several locations
(hospitals, communities, nursing homes, and so on) or with the involvement of
several clinicians need to be considered.
In summary, the group producing the guidelines should inform the target
audience that the guidelines are being developed, let the audience know when
they are available, ensure that they are distributed, and work with the audience
on effective implementation.
4.1 Dissemination
4.1.1 Making the guidelines accessible
Guidelines should be presented in formats and styles suitable for their target
audience. Where the target audience is varied—as with, for example, the breast
cancer guidelines—the guidelines need to be presented in a range of formats and
styles suitable for each segment of the target audience. The cost of guidelines
should not present a barrier to access.
In their initial format, most guidelines will be large documents providing detailed
recommendations on diagnosis, investigation or treatment (or all of these things)
and providing evidence to support the recommendations.
Health professionals manage an array of conditions in a variety of circumstances,
so consideration should be given to the development of documents and formats
that are suitable for general practitioners, clinicians working in emergency
departments, ambulance officers, public health officials, quality assurance
managers, discharge planners, consumers and others.
4.1.2 Publishing the guidelines
Guidelines can be published as booklets, containing comprehensive information
and available from a central authority, or in summary form, providing information
about the main findings and recommendations and also available from a central
Summaries of the guidelines can also be published in other ways:
in professional journals;
in professional associations’ newsletters and magazines;
in trade publications and industry newspapers;
in institutional newsletters, such as those of divisions of general practice,
hospitals, consumer groups and area health services;
in the popular media;
as brochures—an example is the desk-top summary for General Practitioners
on the management of early breast cancer;
as posters;
in summary form or as full guidelines published on the Internet and linked to
websites appropriate for the target audience;
as audio or video tapes; and
on computer disks.
Guideline dissemination and implementation
34 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
In each case the language and style should be appropriate for both a general
audience and the target audience. Dissemination of guidelines will be improved if
more than one guideline format is used since, generally, multiple strategies yield
better results than individual strategies.
4.1.3 Informing the target audience of the guidelines’ availability
Ensuring that the target audience is aware of guideline development is a process
that should begin when consideration is being given to developing or revising
existing guidelines. The process is facilitated by advertising and wide publicity.
It is important to keep the target audience informed of progress, to alert them to
impending publication, to notify them when the guidelines are available, and to
distribute the guidelines to them.
A range of methods can be used to inform the target audience of the guidelines’
availability. These methods rely on informing clinicians directly; informing
consumers, who will request action based on the guidelines; and informing
managers, funders, accreditors and governments, who will all have their own
reasons for wanting the guidelines. Among strategies for informing the target
audience are the following:
using national, regional and local media;
publicity in trade publications and possibly writing articles for them;
publicity through professional associations and their publications and possibly
writing articles for them;
publicity in professional journals;
publicity through consumer groups and their publications;
contact with undergraduate and postgraduate educators;
contact with undergraduate and postgraduate students;
publicity through institutions such as colleges, hospitals, divisions of general
practice, area health services and universities;
discussion at conferences, seminars and professional meetings;
using ‘champions’ or local authorities to promote the guidelines or to be
interviewed about the guidelines in the media; and
identifying ‘human interest’ stories for the media to highlight the need for and
benefits to be gained from the guidelines.
Although dissemination is an essential feature of guideline development, it alone
is not enough to change physicians’ behaviour. Most evaluations of guidelines
have shown that relying solely on printed material does not influence clinicians’
behaviour or health outcomes (Oxman et al. 1995). There is also evidence that
unsolicited mailing of guidelines does not influence clinicians’ behaviour,
although it can increase awareness of the guidelines (Grimshaw et al. 1995).
It may be appropriate to consult a professional communicator or seek expert help
from government, professional or consumer bodies.
In summary, dissemination involves making guidelines accessible, advertising
their availability, and distributing them widely. Strategies will vary according to
the target audience, but multiple strategies will ensure greater coverage than a
single strategy.
4.2 Implementation
Many studies have examined strategies for continuing medical education (see,
for example, Davis et al. 1995) and there is a considerable body of evidence on
which to draw. The most striking finding is that the simple dissemination of
guidelines is likely to have no impact at all on implementation (Oxman et al.
1995; Wise & Billi 1995).
Change will occur only if specific interventions designed to encourage it are used.
The interventions most likely to induce change are those that require the
clinicians’ participation in the change process (Wise & Billi 1995).
There is also evidence that the most effective implementation strategies are those
that have a direct effect on consultation between patient and health care
professional. Examples are restructuring medical records and patient-specific
reminders to incorporate guideline recommendations in decision making. In this
way, the guidelines become part of the process of care.
No single implementation strategy is effective in all circumstances for all people.
Successful implementation of guidelines requires that they become embedded in
many different aspects of the health care system and are informed by many
different aspects of the system. For more information about what implementation
strategies work, see Appendix I.
There is insufficient evidence to allow firm statements to be made about which
strategies work in which circumstances, and it is difficult to differentiate which
elements of strategies are the effective ones. Nevertheless, the following strategies
have been shown to be effective in changing clinicians’ behaviour or health
outcomes, or both, at least some of the time:
Guideline dissemination and implementation
36 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
media marketing;
the use of opinion leaders and ‘champions’;
endorsement by clinical groups;
practice visits from influential experts;
education of patients;
educational materials;
seminars and conferences;
reminder systems incorporated in clinicians’ daily work;
continuing quality assurance and data feedback;
local adaptation and incorporation;
local involvement in evaluation; and
incentives (Lomas & Haynes 1988; Lomas 1993, 1994; Oxman et al. 1995).
Each of these strategies requires different levels of input because of variations in
the degree of difficulty and in the cost of implementation. The implementation
plan should be developed to ensure that the most expensive implementation
strategies are used only when current practice differs from the recommendations.
Information technology, including the Internet and decision-support software, is
playing an increasingly important role in the implementation of guidelines, in
both summary and extended forms. A large body of work has already been
generated in this area and more is emerging.
4.2.1 The use of opinion leaders and ‘champions’
Highly regarded individuals—whether local specialists, general practitioners or
national figures—influence the practice of their peers (Lomas et al. 1991; Oxman
et al. 1995). They can deal with misconceptions about guidelines and help
clinicians observe the outcome of a particular innovation (Davis et al. 1995).
Consumer-support groups and well-recognised individual consumers can also
champion guidelines and guideline processes. Opinion leaders can be enlisted to
promote clinical practice guidelines at every opportunity, both formally and
37Guideline dissemination and implementation
4.2.2 Endorsement by clinical groups
If guidelines are endorsed by professional groups such as colleges and the
National Health and Medical Research Council they are more likely to be taken up
by clinicians. Endorsement by local groups is also important because the process
of endorsement means the guidelines will be examined closely by clinicians. This
may lead to adaptation to suit local circumstances, thus contributing to a sense of
ownership of the guidelines.
4.2.3 Practice visits from influential experts
The pharmaceutical industry employs a large number of marketing representatives
who visit clinicians in the practice setting and provide advice. This has been
shown to influence prescribing patterns (Todd 1995): meeting a sales
representative from a pharmaceutical company increases the likelihood that a
doctor will prescribe that company’s product (Chren & Landefeld 1994).
This approach has been adapted as academic detailing—where influential but
independent peers visit clinicians in their usual practice setting. Although
expensive, it has been shown to be effective (Oxman et al. 1995). In a typical
program, a clinical pharmacist armed with scientific data and simple memory aids
visits a clinician in his or her own practice and provides advice about a particular
matter, such as the appropriate use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(May et al. 1993). As noted, such programs have been shown to affect prescribing
(Todd 1995).
4.2.4 Education of patients and patient-mediated intervention
Providing patients with information and education—about guidelines or about
the condition under discussion—has been shown to change clinicians’ behaviour.
Educating patients raises their expectations, which then increases the demand on
clinicians, which improves performance. Information and education lead to
improved health outcomes when combined with other interventions, such as
academic detailing and clinician education (EHCB 1994; Oxman et al. 1995).
In developing education material for patients, and in considering the material’s
dissemination, it should be remembered that different groups of patients and
consumers have different needs.
38 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
4.2.5 Educational materials
Educational materials include the guidelines themselves, adaptations or summaries
of the guidelines, and articles about them in the general media, professional and
trade publications. Most studies have found that educational materials used alone
have little impact on professional behaviour and health outcomes (Oxman et al.
1995). Incorporation of educational materials in problem-based learning styles
has, however, been shown to be effective (B. Booth, pers. comm., 1996).
4.2.6 Seminars and conferences
Seminars and conferences requiring only passive attendance have not shown benefit.
Conferences requiring active participation through workshops, and with follow-up,
have been shown to influence clinicians’ behaviour (Oxman et al. 1995).
Based on the principles of adult learning and research evidence on the
effectiveness of continuing medical education, seminars and conferences should
be planned with the following principles in mind.
the primary purpose of the activity is to improve the quality of patient care;
the content of the activity demonstrates high clinical and ethical standards;
clinicians participate in planning the activity;
a learning needs assessment is conducted;
the activity has clear learning objectives;
the learning environment promotes fulfilment of the learning objectives; and
the educational activity is evaluated (Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners 1995).
4.2.7 Reminder systems incorporated in clinicians’ daily work
Reminders—whether involving patient records or computerised prompting
—may influence clinicians’ behaviour (Grimshaw & Russell 1994; Oxman et al.
1995). These reminders provide a prompt that can be acted on immediately.
Their effectiveness probably comes partly from their immediacy.
Mailed reminder systems—such as those used for mammographic screening and
Pap smears—have also been shown to be effective (Lomas & Haynes 1988).
4.2.8 Quality assurance and quality improvement
Quality assurance and quality improvement activities have a complementary and
reciprocal relationship with clinical practice guidelines. Quality assurance activities
encourage the implementation of guidelines, and guidelines are a crucial
component of quality assurance activities.
Continuous clinical practice improvement claims to improve the quality of care by
bringing together research on variation of cost, access, quality and standardised
care. It requires a knowledge of processes and systems, human behaviour and an
approach to continuous learning.
Continuous clinical practice improvement generates valid statistical inferences
about the operational day-to-day elements in the process of clinical care. It
applies the scientific method to the day-to-day practice of health care. It also
analyses the content and timing of individual steps of the care process in order to
determine how to achieve superior health outcomes, for the least necessary cost,
over the continuum of a patient/client’s care.
There is evidence that the inclusion of evidence-based guidelines will strengthen
formal quality assurance activities such as clinical audit (Oxman et al. 1995). The
information in guidelines may also be used for developing utilisation reviews,
continuous quality improvement, total quality management and accreditation of
institutions or services, as well as providing a reference for interpreting data
feedback on clinical units’ practices and the health outcomes of their patients.
In effect, guidelines can become incorporated in routine processes of care. Using
guidelines as a basis, it is possible to develop hospital admission and discharge
policies, care pathways and referral protocols. These systems will also facilitate
evaluation of the uptake of guideline recommendations and their impact on
health outcomes.
Data collection systems measuring the impact of guidelines also allow comparison
between the evidence about outcomes gathered from clinical trials and the real
‘outcomes’ achieved in routine clinical practice. In this way both clinicians and
patients can become better informed about the risks and benefits of medical
Guideline dissemination and implementation
40 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
4.2.9 Local adaptation and incorporation
The effectiveness of nationally developed guidelines may be enhanced if local
groups—such as clinicians at a particular hospital, a division of general practice
or a State faculty of a specialist group—adapt the guidelines for local use, while
taking into account geographic, demographic, resource and other factors (Oxman
et al. 1995). In one case studied, this process improved the scientific integrity of
the guidelines (Brown et al. 1995). The process of local adaptation exposes
clinicians to the guidelines, makes the guidelines more relevant to local
conditions, and encourages a feeling of ownership (Wise & Billi 1995).
Local adaptation could be assisted if the guideline publisher were to make the
document available on disk or on the Internet.
In adapting guidelines for local use, the core content in most circumstances could
include the following:
identification of a specific patient population;
details of the likely outcomes of care—benefits, adverse effects, changes in
physical, social or psychological functioning, changes in pain, and expected
changes to overall morbidity and mortality;
indication of the probability of different outcomes occurring;
a description of each treatment option available;
identification of the specifically known or generally expected circumstances
where guidelines do not apply;
identification of relevant support services;
information on any special clinical training needs or equipment necessary for
safe treatment; and
comparative costs associated with different treatments.
Care should be taken not to impair the scientific integrity of the primary
guidelines while making local adaptations. If local groups alter the guidelines in
the light of evidence not previously considered, they should inform the guideline
developers of the availability of that evidence.
4.2.10 Incentives
Guidelines are more likely to be implemented if clinicians have incentives such as
the following to implement them:
financial incentives—for example, differential fees, prospective payment systems,
clinical budgeting, the removal of items not recommended by guidelines from
reimbursement schedules, and the provision of funds for retraining in specific
techniques recommended by the guidelines (Stocking 1993);
personal satisfaction, compounded by recognition from peers, experts or
professional incentives such as accreditation or continuing medical education
invitations to attend professional conferences (Orlowski & Wateska 1992);
the offer of increased protection against litigation (NHMRC 1995);
government regulation; and
the receipt of personalised, relevant data through the evaluation process.
It is important that there be no disincentives to implementing guidelines. For
clinicians, disincentives could be associated with workload, time, remuneration
and the need for resources and specialised skills and equipment. For consumers,
disincentives could be associated with costs directly related to the treatment itself
or costs associated with obtaining that treatment, such as the need to travel to
cities or specialised centres for treatment.
No single implementation strategy is effective enough to be recommended for use
on its own. Multiple implementation strategies are more likely to be effective
(Wensing & Grol 1994).
4.2.11 The use of information technology
Recent feedback from Australian guideline developers highlights the important
role of information technology in implementing clinical practice guidelines.
Advances in technology such as the Internet and improved systems of data
management and storage mean that information technology will occupy an
increasingly important place in future implementation strategies.
This technology is yet to be widely applied and evaluated. Associated with this is
the fact that information technology is not a ‘quick fix’. The infrastructure
necessary to make use of the technology takes time to establish and training and
education need to occur concurrently. Nevertheless, this should not be seen as an
insurmountable problem—rather, it should be seen a factor that warrants due
Guideline dissemination and implementation
42 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Data management is one aspect of information technology that should be
examined when assessing technology’s impact on the dissemination and
implementation of guidelines. Secure, reliable data and data-management
procedures are essential if the full potential of the opportunities offered by
information technology is to be realised.
Internationally, the use of information technology in relation to clinical practice
guidelines has advanced most rapidly in the United States. Guidelines have been
developed as part of computerised decision-support systems, largely as an
initiative of health insurance funds. Although guidelines incorporated in these
systems seek to improve health outcomes, a disproportionate emphasis, in the
health insurance fund context, is placed on the minimisation of costs.
The use of automated guidelines is receiving much attention. Few studies have
been done, but there is evidence to suggest that such guidelines are effective in
the implementation of clinical practice guidelines (Conroy & Shannon 1995).
Through this technology, the entire process of patient consultation can be
prompted step by step. It is also possible to progress through an appropriate
guideline module that not only guides decision making but also records and
saves the patient’s medical history. There is strong evidence that computer-based
clinical decision–support systems can enhance clinicians’ performance and
improve health outcomes (Johnston et al. 1994).
Clinicians are far more likely to make use of guidelines if the guidelines provide
information at the point of patient contact, not just on a bookshelf. It may be that
the immediacy is the attraction. Problems with revising guidelines are also more
readily solved when the guidelines are in electronic form.
Future directions in information technology seem set to include the Internet as a
major mechanism for the dissemination of clinical guidelines. People can gain
access to worldwide information and resources; they can locate guidelines that
pertain to their health and use this important source of information in joint
decision making with their health care professional. At present there are no
comprehensive guidelines spanning all the major areas of health, although some
corporations in the United States (such as Medaccess) are already providing
electronic copies of guidelines produced by the US Department of Health and
Human Services and the US Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. The
latter agency is planning to post all guidelines registered with it on the Internet.
Information technology is also very amenable to use as a tool for total quality
management. Evaluation and audit are important factors in developing and
maintaining quality guidelines, and information technology can provide ‘tagging’
of patients’ records in order to remind health care staff to deliver treatment in
keeping with appropriate guidelines (Forrest et al. 1996). The use of audit,
made more effective by computer records, also allows feedback to users such as
General Practitioners. This has been demonstrated to be an effective way of
inducing change in the clinical setting (Forrest et al. 1996).
In summary, developments in information technology make possible the
better database access to store, retrieve and interpret data;
use of the Internet as a tool for dissemination and implementation of
professional and consumer guidelines;
computerisation of medical records;
computerised prompting, either as part of clinical practice or linked only to
accounting records;
computerised decision-support systems; and
more interactive styles of learning.
Although it will be some time before the full potential of information technology
for guideline dissemination and implementation is realised, the opportunities
cannot be overlooked.
Whatever strategies are used to disseminate and implement guidelines,
interventions most likely to induce change are those that require clinicians’
participation in the change process.
4.3 A systems approach
If guidelines are to have maximum impact they need to form one element of
an integrated quality-planning and improvement strategy, rather than being
developed and implemented in isolation. Other elements of such a strategy are
systematic review and revision, evidence-based policies and clinical pathways.
For maximum effectiveness, guidelines should be integrated with broader
activities—such as peer review, continuing medical education and quality
assurance, performance monitoring and accreditation—to promote and improve
the quality of care at the local level.
Guideline dissemination and implementation
44 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Blank facing page to Chapter 5
5.1 Evaluation
Evaluation of clinical practice guidelines is essential. How will we know if
guidelines are worth developing, disseminating and implementing if we do not
know whether they make a difference to clinical practice and health outcomes?
The evaluation process is intended to assess the validity of the guidelines and the
effectiveness of their dissemination and implementation. Thus, it should yield
information about the extent to which the guidelines produce the health
outcomes identified in the guideline development stage. It should also produce
data on actual costs compared with the projected costs of producing the required
The dissemination and implementation strategies should be analysed in terms of
their effectiveness in reaching clinicians and consumers:
the target groups’ awareness and understanding of the content of the
the guidelines’ relevance to these groups;
the extent to which barriers to implementation were overcome;
the extent to which the guidelines affected or changed clinical practice; and
whether the guidelines were sufficiently flexible for use in different local and
regional circumstances and whether they were interpreted consistently by
different providers.
Most importantly, the evaluation plan should be designed to assess whether the
guidelines improve health outcomes—that is, the guidelines’ validity.
Evaluation requires data on processes, practices and outcomes and these
requirements should be taken into account when guidelines are being developed.
Areas of concern in terms of confidentiality should be identified. The evaluation
plan should also specify areas where more extensive data collection is needed to
fill gaps in research identified during the development process and to examine
any specific concerns, such as differences in outcomes for different population
groups. The plan should seek to establish a process for dealing with these
Guidelines should be evaluated at least once every three years, although in
subject areas that are prone to rapid change this may need to occur more
Guideline evaluation and revision
46 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
In short, the evaluation of clinical practice guidelines has six components:
an assessment of guideline dissemination;
an assessment of whether or not clinical practice is moving towards the
guidelines’ recommendations;
an assessment of whether or not health outcomes have changed;
an assessment of whether or not the guidelines have contributed to any
changes in clinical practice or health outcomes;
an assessment of the guidelines’ impact on consumers’ knowledge and
understanding; and
an economic evaluation of the guideline process.
Groups involved in guideline development and implementation will be required
to evaluate at least some of these components, but it is unlikely that an individual
group would evaluate all six. In the following sections the components are
examined in turn, with changes in clinical practice and health outcomes
considered together. Guideline developers will also be required to produce a
report on the evaluation process.
5.1.1 Evaluation of dissemination
Evaluation of guideline dissemination is very common and relatively
How many copies of the guidelines have been requested? How many copies of
the guidelines have been mailed out? Of those that were disseminated, how many
have been received? opened? read in part? read in full? understood?
How many posters were sent out? How many were displayed in appropriate and
prominent places? How many articles have been published, or interviews
broadcast, about the guidelines? How many consumer inquiries have there been?
These criteria can be used for assessing whether or not a dissemination strategy
has achieved its goals. An indication of the response rates that might be expected
can be obtained from the marketing literature.
5.1.2 Evaluation of changes in clinical practice and health outcomes
Ideally, guideline developers would have had access to a national data set that
provided evidence of the need for clinical practice guidelines and baseline
information for evaluation purposes. The guideline developers themselves may
also have collected relevant data, ideally concerned with both clinical practice and
health outcomes.
Repeated data analysis and collection should be carried out after the guidelines
are disseminated and implemented. Such analysis will allow for continual
assessment of changes in patterns of practice in relation to the guidelines and a
redefinition of target areas for further promotion. It will also permit an assessment
of whether or not health outcomes are improving.
Institutions should also collect data that can be usefully compared against national
data. These data can be used in clinical audit and other quality assurance activities
and will facilitate assessment of how the guidelines are affecting the routine care
being delivered by clinicians and the effects of that care on the health of their
Where possible, existing national, State and Territory and local data sources
should be used, for both pre-guideline and post-guideline applications. In other
circumstances customised surveys and other initiatives will be required. In many
cases the local data collected can be fed back directly into clinical practice.
In providing data for guideline-evaluation purposes, some clinicians may feel it is
necessary to seek protection from disclosure of this kind of information under
quality assurance legislation. Such legislation exists at Commonwealth and State
and Territory levels.
A wide variety of organisations monitor health care and health outcomes. For
example, the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards has developed clinical
indicators that may provide guidance. The clinical colleges are also collecting data
for this purpose.
In some cases it will not be possible to measure health outcomes or the desirable
outcomes will be such that immediate feedback is not possible. In these cases it is
reasonable to use more immediate proxy measures of outcomes.
For example, mammographic screening programs will be judged effective only
if they reduce mortality from breast cancer. Because of the lag time between
initiation of screening and the anticipated reduction in mortality, it is reasonable
to use a number of proxy measures in the first instance. Among the suitable
proxies are tumour size and the degree of lymph node involvement at the time of
diagnosis. Should these measures show the scale of improvement expected from
the results of the original field trials, it will be reasonable to assume that
mammographic screening is on track in terms of providing a benefit to those who
take part in the program.
Guideline evaluation and revision
48 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
5.1.3 Evaluation of the guidelines’ contribution to changes in clinical
practice and health outcomes
Section 5.1.2 discusses evaluation of the improvement in clinical practice and
health outcomes, which is the goal of clinical practice guidelines. Such
assessment, though, does not take account of the contribution guidelines may
have made to those improvements.
It is important that the impact of guidelines be assessed. These assessments
require complex study designs and will need to be carried out by researchers in
collaboration with clinicians, rather than by clinicians alone.
There is a strong recent history of guideline evaluation. A systematic review of
87 studies of the effectiveness of guidelines revealed evidence of changed
clinical practice in 81 studies (93 per cent). Of the 17 studies that examined
health outcomes, 12 studies (71 per cent) found a measurable improvement
(EHCB 1994).
Among possible methods for evaluation of guidelines are the following:
comparing changes in clinical practice or health outcomes, or both, in areas of
exceptionally high guideline promotion with changes in areas of exceptionally
low guideline promotion;
comparing health outcomes in areas of exceptionally high guideline uptake
with outcomes in areas of exceptionally low guideline uptake—focus group
testing can be useful to elucidate factors that have influenced this uptake.
When evaluating the guidelines it is important to focus on the guidelines
themselves, rather than on the clinicians or other service providers. If there is little
change in practice, or little adherence to the guidelines, this may be a
consequence of a wide range of factors, among them the guideline development,
dissemination and implementation process.
5.1.4 Evaluation of consumer guidelines
Consumer guidelines need to be evaluated in addition to the professionals’
A number of different approaches to the evaluation of consumer guidelines
should be considered:
the accessibility of the guidelines;
the clarity and lucidity of the guidelines;
the acceptability of the amount of information contained in the guidelines,
particularly compared with the amount of information contained in the
professionals’ guidelines;
the relevance of the guidelines to different groups of consumers; and
the overall level of consumer satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the
In all cases the evaluation needs to be carried out with extensive consumer input
and direction.
Examination of the relationship between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry
shows that clinicians who perform any research into, or evaluation of, a drug are
more likely as a consequence to use that drug (Chren & Landefield 1994).
Generalising from this experience, it would be expected that clinicians involved in
evaluating guidelines are more likely to use those guidelines.
5.1.5 Economic evaluation
A number of cost factors relating to guidelines need to be known:
process costs—the costs of development, dissemination and implementation;
pre-implementation costs—the costs associated with existing practice patterns,
including testing, pharmaceutical and surgical interventions; and
post-implementation costs—the costs and cost savings resulting from
observance of the guidelines. For example, the guidelines may result in the
elimination of unnecessary tests or procedures, which may result in lower
overall costs as well as better health outcomes.
Ideally, where a desired outcome is determined, a cost-effectiveness analysis
should be done. Such analyses require an assessment of all costs incurred in
providing the guidelines and the cost-related impact of the guidelines.
Such economic analyses can also assist by providing a comparison of guideline-
dissemination and -implementation strategies. In this way it will be possible to
assess which strategies are more cost-effective, in addition to improving clinical
practice and health outcomes.
5.1.6 Reporting on the evaluation
The results of the evaluation, including any flaws found in the guidelines and
their usefulness or otherwise for groups, should be included in a report on the
evaluation. Wherever possible, indicators of avoidable outcomes should be
provided. Among the avoidable outcomes might be the following:
Guideline evaluation and revision
50 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
unforeseen consequences of the guidelines;
outcomes that would suggest that the guidelines were not being followed and
that would be useful in monitoring the extent to which guidelines were being
implemented; and
outcomes that would suggest that the guidelines were not being implemented
correctly or that the quality of care was poor.
This information could be used in quality assurance processes.
5.2 Revision
When guidelines are developed a date and strategy should be set for their
revision. The National Health and Medical Research Council recommends that
revision take place at least every three to five years and more often where the
subject matter or circumstances are prone to rapid change (NHMRC 1995).
A number of steps are required for revision:
a multidisciplinary group, from disciplines similar to those of the guideline
development group, should assess the guidelines to see whether there is any
new evidence that should be incorporated;
the group should also assess what has been learnt from the evaluation of the
dissemination and implementation strategies and incorporate suggested
improvements in the further dissemination and implementation of guidelines;
the group should draw on current practice and experience and on national
data that have been informed by the guidelines. Revision should be a
coordinated activity, extending beyond the academic literature on clinical
practice and health outcomes to incorporate experience, local knowledge and
regional and national data; and
guidelines should state the date of their development and the anticipated
revision date.
6.1 Liability of practitioners
Many practitioners are concerned about their potential legal vulnerability if the
patient does not receive treatment specified in clinical practice guidelines. It is
certainly possible that guidelines could be produced as evidence of what
constitutes reasonable conduct by a medical practitioner for the purposes of
assessing whether the practitioner’s duty of care had been breached in a medical
negligence action.
It is the view of the Health Advisory Committee, which oversaw the preparation
of this document (see Appendix F) that the existence of clinical practice
guidelines will provide a measure of protection for practitioners who use the
In a recent Australian court decision it was held that the Bolam principle—usually
summarised as the idea that a doctor is not negligent if they act in accordance
with the behaviour of a reasonable body of their peers—is not the only principle
to be applied. In Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479 the High Court held that a
practitioner had a duty to inform a patient of the risk associated with medical
procedures and that the court would assess, on the facts of each case, whether
the conduct of the practitioner was reasonable. The High Court pointed out that
there is a distinction to be drawn between determining whether a medical
practitioner has been negligent in the particular form of the treatment (where
professional opinion will be influential) and determining whether a practitioner
has been negligent in the provision of all relevant information to a patient.
The Rogers v Whitaker case makes it clear that doctors should give information
about the risks of any treatment, especially those that may influence a patient’s
decision. The National Health and Medical Research Council advises all involved
in health care to take note of the spirit of the law as well as the letter of the law.
Patients should be provided with as much information as they seek, and in a form
that is appropriate to their culture and level of education. Doctors should give
advice but not coerce: patients should be encouraged to make their own
decisions. The use of guidelines should lead to better informed medical decision
making by both practitioners and patients.
Legal considerations
52 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
6.2 Legal liability of guideline developers and bodies supporting
guideline development
Normally, a general publication of information, even where negligently collated,
does not give rise to liability because the author does not owe a duty of care to
the general public at large, although the guideline issuer could be held liable if a
relevant close relationship can be established between them and the person who
suffers a loss.
If guidelines purport to be a definitive statement of the correct or appropriate
procedure there would be a greater risk of liability than if the guidelines are
expressly stated to be provided as a general guide subject to the medical
practitioner’s expert judgment in each case.
Guideline developers need to demonstrate that they have taken reasonable steps
to ensure that the guidelines were properly prepared and that they are based on
the best information available at the time of publication. The guidelines should
clearly state that they are not a definitive statement of the correct procedure;
rather, they constitute a general guide to be followed, subject to the medical
practitioner’s judgment in each case. They should also state the date the
guidelines have been issued and make it clear that the information is correct only
to that date.
If these procedures are followed it is unlikely that the guideline developers will
be exposing themselves to the risk of legal liability.
6.3 Minimum legal requirements for guideline developers
The potential for guidelines to be used as evidence in courts of law depends on
the process used to develop them, the extent to which they are evidence-based,
the degree of consensus about them, and whether they are up to date.
Guideline developers are unlikely to be held liable for any negative consequences
of implementation of the guidelines, particularly if the processes of preparation
and the limitations of the guidelines are clearly described. In general, the
following principles apply:
guidelines should be predominantly summaries of the evidence;
guidelines should have an expiry date;
an independent review of the guideline development process is
areas of disagreement in the guidelines should be acknowledged; and
guidelines should not be unduly prescriptive and must allow for cases that
call for management that differs from what is recommended.
The development, dissemination, implementation, evaluation and revision
processes described in this document are applicable to a wide range of clinical
interventions and disciplines and could also be applied to protocols relating to the
use of technology and pharmaceuticals. Users and reviewers of these guidelines
are encouraged to contact the National Health and Medical Research Council if
they have comments—positive or negative—to make.
The emerging guideline processes are highly complex and depend not only on
integration of the activities of all the people involved but also on individual and
organisational behaviour change. With the exception of one or two systematic
reviews of guideline implementation, the research literature is largely anecdotal,
being based on the experiences and impressions of participants and observers.
The research evidence that does exist, however, shows that properly developed
clinical practice guidelines can lead to improvements in both clinical practice and
health outcomes. But developing the guidelines alone is not enough: they must
be disseminated; there must be strategies for implementation; and resources must
be set aside for evaluation of the guidelines’ impact, which will highlight areas
requiring revision, improvement or further development.
In disseminating, implementing and evaluating guidelines, it is preferable, where
possible, to use existing networks, facilities and publications rather than to
develop new processes. Not only is this less costly: guidelines provided through
existing channels and capable of being incorporated in normal practice are more
likely to be accepted as part of the routine than anything that requires new
structures or changed modes of practice.
What is needed is a systems approach that builds guideline development,
implementation and evaluation into the routine processes of care. Organisations
such as hospitals, health care regions and divisions of general practice could
establish such an approach, integrating the guidelines into their local health care
delivery processes. It is important that these activities be coordinated between
different groups. A systems approach would be based on four main principles:
sensible use of resources;
sustainable infrastructure;
integration of available resources and strategies; and
adapting to local needs.
This document provides a range of strategies—from the personal to the general,
from those of low intensity to those of high intensity. As a general rule, one-to-
one approaches—that is, ‘champions’ or academic detailing—are most effective,
but they are also the most expensive.
54 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
The best approach to making sure guidelines work would appear to be a mix of
strategies suitable for local conditions and developed in concert with local
clinicians, consumers and managers. There is no single method for all conditions
but all the strategies discussed in this document, if used selectively and in
combination, can work. Although effort is required, evidence-based guidelines
can and will contribute to improved practice and health outcomes.
The guidelines process itself is a continuum and it is expected that this document
will be revised as new information becomes available. Since the objective of
implementing clinical practice guidelines is to ensure the provision of the best
possible patient care and the best possible outcomes from clinical interventions,
the incorporation of new knowledge is fundamental to the guidelines’
Best clinical practice ensures that the most appropriate resources are used in the
most effective way. This document is designed to contribute to that process and
to better health outcomes for all Australians.
The recommended process is endorsed by the National Health and Medical Research Council and is
based on the general approach to improving health outcomes agreed to by Australian Ministers
responsible for health. It is strongly influenced by the 1992 US Institute of Medicine report,
Guidelines for Clinical Practice: from development to use, and the work of the US Agency for Health
Care Policy and Research, the US Preventive Services Task Force, the UK Clearing House for
Information on the Assessment of Health Outcomes and the Cochrane Collaboration, plus the
Australian National Health Strategy document entitled Making It Better (Harvey 1991) and the wider
body of research conducted in the area.
Level of evidence Study design used as an indicator of the degree
to which bias has been eliminated by design
(see Appendix B).
Quality of evidence The quality of the methods used by investigators to
minimise bias in a study design.
Relevance of evidence A term encompassing the closeness of the study
question to the clinical question, which is determined
by the relevance of the outcome measures used and the
applicability of study results to other treatments, settings
and patients.
Strength of evidence The magnitude, precision and reproducibility of the
intervention effect; includes the effect size, confidence
interval, P value, and the exclusion of clinically
unimportant effects. In the case of non-randomised
studies, additional factors such as biological plausibility,
biological gradient and temporality of associations may
be considered.
56 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
I evidence obtained from a systematic review of all relevant
randomised controlled trials.
II evidence obtained from at least one properly designed randomised
controlled trial.
III-1 evidence obtained from well-designed pseudo-randomised
controlled trials (alternate allocation or some other method).
III-2 evidence obtained from comparative studies with concurrent
controls and allocation not randomised (cohort studies), case-
control studies, or interrupted time series with a control group.
III-3 evidence obtained from comparative studies with historical control,
two or more single-arm studies, or interrupted time series without a
parallel control group.
IV evidence obtained from case series, either post-test or pre-test and
These levels of evidence ratings have been adapted from US Preventive Services Task Force (1989),
Guide to clinical preventive services: an assessment of the effectiveness of 169 interventions, (ed M
Fisher), Williams and Williams, Baltimore, Appendix A, p388.
Is the topic related to clinical decision-making
Define topic
Are there suitable existing guidelines?
Convene a multidisciplinary panel
Identify health outcomes and barriers to change
Review scientific evidence of efficacy of
interventions in relation to outcomes
Is there Level I-IV evidence in
respect of each recommendation?
Develop evidence-based
recommendations or update
existing recommendations
Consultation and pilot testing
Disseminate and implement
Evaluate and revise
Is there consensus?
Develop consensus-
based recommendations
that indicate lack of
clear evidence but
acknowledge consensus
Make brief non-consensus
statement (state options and
acknowledge uncertainty)
58 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
Quantity outcome Satisfaction
of life measures Quality of life with care
Physical Social Mental
Mortality Re-admission Measures of Measures of Measures of Patient
rates impairment social support depression satisfaction
Avoidable Relapses Disease- Measures of Measures
premature specific disability of social
mortality measures adjustment
Pain scales
Measures of
Multi-dimensional health status profiles and
indexes cover many of these dimensions in
a single instrument
Source: UK Clearing House for Information on the Assessment of Health Outcomes (1993).
Health-related quality-of-life
dimensions of health
Measures of handicap
The following checklist is adapted from Woolf (1992):
selection of topic;
selection of panel members and chairperson;
clarification of objectives;
assessment of projected health outcomes (benefits and harms);
assessment of scientific evidence;
assessment, where appropriate, of cost-effectiveness;
assessment of expert opinion;
assessment of appropriateness;
drafting of document;
recommendations for dissemination, implementation, evaluation
and revision; and
recommendations for research.
60 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
The National Health and Medical Research Council published the first edition of
Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of Clinical Practice
Guidelines in 1995. This publication aimed to distil the best aspects of the
considerable guideline development work and research being done in Australia
and overseas. In September 1997 the National Health and Medical Research
Council’s Health Advisory Committee undertook to review the document to take
account of new research on guideline development and to include new emphases
on implementation and system strategies.
The Working Party
A Working Party consisting of Professor Chris Silagy, Professor George Rubin,
Professor David Henderson-Smart and Mr Paul Gross undertook to revise the
document with the assistance of Professors David Henry and Paul O’Brien and
technical writers Mr Ray Moynihan and Ms Melissa Sweet.
The Working Party that developed the first edition consisted of Ms Helen Lapsley
(Chair), Mr Roy Harvey, Ms Hilda Bastian, Emeritus Professor Tom Reeve,
Professor Chris Silagy, Dr Ian Steven and Associate Professor Peter Woodruff.
The process
Most of the Working Party’s work was done out of session, with meetings being
used primarily to plan and clarify the task and to analyse and respond to matters
raised in consultations.
The report was updated by synthesising the latest evidence on guideline
development and making revisions in accordance with feedback from interested
parties who had used the document to develop guidelines. A technical writer was
contracted to incorporate the revisions and finalise the editing.
The final draft was approved by members of the Health Advisory Committee and
endorsed for publication by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
Organisations and individuals were asked for their views about the usefulness of
the first edition of the Guidelines. A questionnaire was sent to about 120
individuals and organisations, including the following:
members of the Working Party who developed the initial document;
all chairs and members of former working parties developing other guidelines
issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council in the previous
three years;
peak consumer organisations; and
relevant branch heads and medical advisers within the Commonwealth
Department of Health and Aged Care.
Submissions were received from 25 organisations and individuals during this first
stage of public consultations (see Appendix G).
The second stage of public consultation took place during April 1998. The draft
revised document was circulated to the individuals and organisations just listed
and to the senders of submissions. In addition, the release of the draft revised
document was advertised in the national media and the Commonwealth Gazette.
Twenty-three submissions were received during the second stage of consultation
(see Appendix H).
All submissions were carefully analysed by the Working Party and the draft
document was amended accordingly.
These revised guidelines will be distributed to:
clinical colleges;
academic departments;
allied health organisations;
State and Territory health departments;
public policy makers;
consumer and patient groups;
health economists; and
professional journals.
They will also be published electronically.
Evaluation and revision
These guidelines reflect existing knowledge and practices at the time of their
publication. This is, however, a rapidly changing area, and as new evidence
becomes available the guidelines will require further revision in order to remain
62 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
October 1997
Professor Hugh Taylor Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Dr Lawrence Brunello Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and
Associate Professor Royal Melbourne Hospital
Stephen Davis
Mr L. Apolony Royal Australasian College of Radiologists
Professor Peter Phelan Royal Australian College of Paediatrics
Dr C. Aroney The Prince Charles Hospital
Professor R.C. Bennett Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Ms J. Noonan New South Wales
Associate Professor Queensland
Peter Woodruff
Dr Anthony Arklay University of Queensland
Dr Roger Goucke Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Professor Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre
Geoffrey Donnan
Ms Merle Fullerton Northern Rivers ME/CFS/FM Support Association Inc.
Dr Thelma Hunter Australian Capital Territory
Dr David Wong Australasian College of Dermatologists
Dr John Vinen Royal North Shore Hospital
Dr Craig Martin Health Department of Western Australia
Dr Michael Bollen Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Dr Laurence Lau Royal Australasian College of Radiologists
Mr Charles Curran Department of Health and Aged Care
Dr Robert Broadbent Royal Australia and New Zealand College of
Dr Caroline Crowther University of Adelaide
Dr Colinh McLeod Royal College of Pathologists
Dr Jermey Anderson Monash Medical Centre
Dr Andrew Wilson New South Wales Health Department
May 1998
Professor Hugh Taylor Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Professor Justin O’Day St Vincents Medical Centre
Dr John Vinen Royal North Shore Hospital
Dr Cathy McCarthy University of Melbourne
Dr Nicholas Clark Turning Point
Professor R. Bennett Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Dr Michael Stanford Royal Melbourne Hospital
Dr Peter van Asperen Australian College of Paediatrics
Ms Mary Draper Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Ms Sophie Hill
Professor University of New South Wales
Kevin McConkey
Dr Andrew Wilson New South Wales Health Department
Dr Jenny Doust Australasian Cochrane Centre
Ms Eileen Wilson Australian National University
Professor Paul Martin Australian Psychological Society
Dr Sally Redman National Breast Cancer Centre
Dr Julie Bines Royal Childrens Hospital, Melbourne
Dr Colin McLeod Royal College of Pathologists of Australia
Ms Merle Fullerton Northern Rivers ME/CFS/FM Support Association Inc.
Mr Alan Bansemer Health Department of Western Australia
Professor Tom Reeve Australian Cancer Network
Dr John Campbell Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and
Dr Ron Tomlins Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Professor Chris Del Mar University of Queensland
64 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
When comparing the cost-effectiveness of alternative interventions, it is essential
that an appropriate comparator be selected. Ideally, this would result in a ‘head to
head’ study comparing the relative benefits and the relative costs of the various
treatment options. In practice, though, a treatment ‘option’ may consist of a
combination of several types of treatment, as is the case in the treatment of cancer
patients. Furthermore, cost data may not be available for new treatments.
Economic appraisal must take such matters into account when examining
alternatives. Nonetheless, if the evidence indicates that alternative interventions
differ markedly in cost but produce similar health outcomes and have similar
levels of acceptability to consumers and practitioners, it is reasonable that
guidelines recommend the use of the least costly alternative.
There are many difficulties in incorporating economic appraisals in clinical
practice guidelines. One of the most obvious is the scarcity of accurate cost data
for many clinical interventions. But, because of the wider resource consequences
of clinical decisions, it is important that these and other potential problems be
dealt with rather than side-stepped and that economic data be collected when
guidelines are being developed and evaluated.
Strategies used to influence clinical behaviour
Target Individuals Populations
Patient-centred Patient participation Shopping centre screening
Patient education
Mailed reminders
Media campaigns
Public education
Educational Traditional continuing Evidence-based guidelines
medical education
Innovative continuing Journal publication of
medical education critical appraisal methods
—academic detailing,
individual instruction
Advanced academic Other forms of ‘official
training in effective and policy’
efficient care
Commercial detailing
Commercial advertising
Task force reports
Administrative Reminder systems
Government regulation
Computerised medical Feedback of practice
pattern data
Peer review Second opinion programs
Criteria setting Review committees
Peer assessment
Clinical audit
Economic Clinical budgeting
Differential fee charges
Decentralised management Prospective payment
Removal of items from
reimbursement schedules
Strategies that have been shown to be effective.
Source: Adapted from Lomas and Haynes (1988).
Target group and strategy
66 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
The National Health and Medical Research Council is keen to see the
development of clinical practice guidelines by expert bodies that have identified a
need for such guidelines. Where such guidelines are likely to have national
application, the Council encourages guideline developers to adhere to national
standards for development.
The Council is prepared to endorse guidelines that meet its standards for
guideline development. These standards are set out in this appendix.
Guideline developers should bear in mind that some clinical practice guidelines
already exist, both in Australia and overseas, so it may be possible to adapt
existing guidelines. Should this be done, developers still need to comply with the
standards set out in this appendix in order to obtain National Health and Medical
Research Council’s endorsement. If guidelines do not adhere to these standards or
principles they will not receive National Health and Medical Research Council’s
endorsement. It is expected that guidelines endorsed by the Council would be of
national significance and not simply relate to a local matter.
In the first instance, it would be expected that external guideline developers
would notify the Council of their intention to develop guidelines. Developers
would then be advised of the expected National Health and Medical Research
Council’s standards and a situation where two separate groups are developing
similar guidelines could be avoided (where this information is known to the
Council). If the guideline development process is expected to deviate significantly
from National Health and Medical Research Council’s standards, guideline
developers are encouraged to discuss their requirements with the Council.
Developers are asked to submit a final draft of the guidelines—not a final, printed
‘glossy’—for the Council’s consideration.
National significance
Developers should give some supporting rationale explaining their choice of
topic. The underlying premise is that a topic would be of national significance
and may relate to topics such as the following:
significant variations in clinical practice for the health care intervention;
high cost;
high health burden;
evidence to support recommendations for practice; and
an initial assessment of available literature or known guidelines.
Standards for externally produced guidelines
1. Multidisciplinary panel
It is essential that guideline development be overseen by a multidisciplinary
panel. Such a panel will consist of expert clinicians in the field, experts in
research and health economics, public policy analysts, allied health practitioners
and consumer representatives.
In keeping with the multidisciplinary approach, the guideline development
process should show evidence of wider consultation, which is also consistent with
the spirit of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s requirements for
public consultation.
2. Scope and coverage of guidelines
The purpose of the guidelines, including their scope and target audience, should
be clearly defined.
3. Identification of health outcomes
Outcome measures need to be clearly identified—these can be clinically or
socially defined (see Appendix D for a suggested typology).
4. Systematic review of evidence
A systematic review of evidence should include clear statements of the following:
the aim or aims of the review;
data sources used to identify evidence;
data-collection methods—with inclusion and exclusion criteria; and
characteristics of the primary studies—including methodological quality.
The review should also include:
a synthesis of the evidence, using meta-analytic techniques where applicable;
ratings of the level of quality, relevance and strength of the evidence (see
Appendixes A and B); and
a summary of the evidence, including its implications for future research and
clinical practice.
68 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
5. Consultation
There should be adequate consultation in the development of the guidelines.
Consultation can vary—for example, targeted consultations, public advertisements,
local workshops, and other face-to-face meetings—and developers can select the
most appropriate mechanisms.
In considering externally developed guidelines, the Health Advisory Committee of
the National Health and Medical Research Council will require developers to
provide a short report of the consultation process, showing who was consulted
and how comments were handled.
6. Guidelines
Quality of evidence
The actual guidelines should include supporting statements of the quality of
evidence for key decision points (see Appendix B).
Where scientific opinion or consensus is lacking this should be stated and
details of the differences in expert opinion should be provided.
Flexibility and adaptability
Guidelines should be flexible and adaptable and take account of differences
in target populations, geographical and clinical settings, resources, and
patients’ values and preferences.
Resource considerations
Cost information that would assist, where necessary or appropriate, in
choosing between interventions should be provided; this may involve cost-
effectiveness studies.
7. Revising
The guidelines should contain a statement to the effect that they are based on the
best available knowledge at a specific time.
There should be regular monitoring for health outcomes and new information.
The need for review should be stated explicitly, noting that a guideline should be
revised at least once every three years. Preferably, the guidelines should be
reviewed annually.
8. Implementation plan
An implementation plan should be developed. It should target all potential users
and take into account questions of privacy and confidentiality, different patient
care settings, and funding and organisational barriers.
9. Evaluation plan
A comprehensive evaluation plan should be developed, identifying how and
when the guidelines should be reviewed. The plan should include the
mechanisms for revising the guidelines set out in Section 7.
Consideration should be given to probable costs, the involvement of interested
parties, and the management of the evaluation.
Proposed measures for evaluating both the guideline development process and
the outcomes of guideline implementation should be included.
10. Endorsement
Externally developed documents would receive time-limited National Health and
Medical Research Council endorsement (similar to hospital accreditation
processes), the aim being to encourage external bodies to regularly review,
evaluate and revise their documents and recommendations. This principle can be
seen as a system of continuing quality assurance.
11. Legal considerations
In keeping with advice provided by the Attorney-General’s Department, a legal
disclaimer should be included in all guidelines. The following is a suggested form
of words:
This document is a general guide to appropriate practice, to be followed
only subject to the medical practitioner’s judgment in each individual case.
The guidelines are designed to provide information to assist decision making
and are based on the best information available at the date of publication.
12. Approvals process
The approvals process will involve the following steps:
notification by the guideline developer to the Secretariat of the Health
Advisory Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
This notification will include provision of information noted in the
introductory section and Section 1 of this appendix;
70 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
registration of ‘notice to develop’ by the Health Advisory Committee
regular progress reports from the developer to the Health Advisory Committee
draft guidelines submitted to the Health Advisory Committee, which will
review the guideline development process. The maximum time from the
notice of intent, to provision of the final draft, should not exceed 18 months;
establishment of a review panel to review the guideline development process
and the content of guidelines. The review panel will be established by the
Health Advisory Committee. The number of members will be limited to a
maximum of five people although, in exceptional circumstances, the Chair of
the Health Advisory Committee may approve a variation to this;
In particular, the review panel will consider submissions received in relation
to the second stage of the consultation process and provide advice to the
sponsoring organisation and the Health Advisory Committee about
amendments that should be made to the draft guidelines. The review panel
will be strictly time-limited in its activities. It will be multidisciplinary,
recognising the intended audience for the guidelines and will bring together
expertise in systematic review and the subject matter under consideration; in
addition, one member of the review panel will be a consumer representative;
provision of the review panel’s report to the Health Advisory Committee. Note
that, other than in exceptional circumstances, the review process should not
exceed two months; and
consideration by the Health Advisory Committee and a response provided to
the guideline developer. If positive, the Committee will recommend to the
National Health and Medical Research Council that the guidelines be
13. Assessment by the review panel
Draft guidelines submitted will be assessed against the criteria just specified. They
will have to meet all criteria to be recommended for endorsement by the National
Health and Medical Research Council.
Draft guidelines that do not meet one or more of the criteria will be returned to
the guideline developer along with written reasons for the return.
14. Appeals process
Should the guideline developer disagree with the review panel’s assessment, the
developer is encouraged to write to the Chair of the Health Advisory Committee,
setting out the reasons for disagreement.
It would be useful if the guideline developer included any additional evidence or
information that would help the Committee respond.
The Health Advisory Committee Secretariat will provide advice on this process.
15. Correspondence
All correspondence should be addressed to:
Health Advisory Unit
Office of the National Health and Medical Research Council
Department of Health and Aged Care
GPO Box 9848 (MDP 50)
Canberra ACT 2601
72 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
‘That strategy of action which maximises the potential
health benefits valued by informed individuals or
populations after considering the likely outcomes, their
probabilities and their costs’ (Harvey 1991, p. 19).
‘Systematically developed statements to assist practitioner
and patient decisions about appropriate health care for
specific clinical circumstances’ (Field & Lohr 1990, p. 8).
The intervention, drug or therapy most likely to be used as
a replacement or substitute by practitioners or prescribers.
Clinical practice guidelines based on a guidelines
consensus of expert opinion.
In this document, a broad term covering a variety of
consumer groups with general and specific health interests
and self-help and support groups.
A comparative analysis of alternative courses of action in
terms of both costs and consequences; includes cost
effectiveness, cost-benefit and cost utility analyses.
‘The extent to which an intervention does more good than
harm for the patient when used under “normal”
circumstances’ (Last 1987, p. 299).
‘The extent to which an intervention does more good than
harm for the patient when applied under “ideal”conditions’
(Last 1987, p. 299).
Clinical practice guidelines based on a systematic review
of scientific data.
‘A person who by reason of experience and knowledge is
entitled to give an opinion upon facts ascertained by
himself or herself’ (MacNalty 1978).
‘A change in the health of an individual, a group of people
or population which is attributable to an intervention or a
series of interventions’ (AHMAC 1993).
‘Systematically developed statements that can be used to
assess the appropriateness of specific health care
decisions, services and outcomes’ (Field & Lohr 1990,
p. 8).
Appropriate care
Clinical practice
Consumer groups
Economic appraisal
Health outcome
Medical review criteria
A systematic review that employs statistical methods to
combine and summarise the results of several studies’
(Cook & Guyatt 1994, p. 1327).
Statements formulated but in relation to which there is
disagreement between the parties concerned.
In this document, people using any clinical service.
In this document, a systematic approach to assessing the
care provided, identifying opportunities for improvement
and providing a mechanism for such improvement. Quality
assurance should consider medical records, consumer
interest and cooperation, administrative processes, staff
development, equipment selection and maintenance, and
clinical practice guideline development, dissemination,
implementation, evaluation and revision.
Research study where ‘participants are allocated at random
to receive one of two or more alternative forms of care’
with the aim of creating ‘unbiased treatment groups for
comparison’ (Advisory Group on Health Technology
Assessment 1992, p. 10).
‘Guidelines are reproducible and reliable:
1. if—given the same evidence and methods for guidelines
development—another set of experts produces
essentially the same statements; and
2. if—given the same circumstances—the guidelines are
interpreted and applied consistently by practitioners
(other parties)’ (Field & Lohr 1992, p. 30).
‘Authoritative statements of:
1. minimum levels of acceptable performance or results;
2. excellent levels of performance or results; or
3. the range of acceptable performance of results’ (Field &
Lohr 1990, p. 8).
Application of a rigorous scientific approach to the
preparation of a review article.
‘Practice guidelines are valid if, when followed, they lead
to the health and cost outcomes projected for them, other
things being equal’ (Field & Lohr 1990, p. 10).
based statements
Quality assurance
controlled trial
Standards of quality
Systematic review
Valid guidelines
74 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
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80 A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines
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