EMpower The Emerging Markets Foundation
The simplest evaluation design is pre- and post-test, defined as a before & after assessment to measure
whether the expected changes took place in the participants in a program. A standard test, survey, or
questionnaire is applied before participation begins (pre-test or baseline), and re-applied after a set
period, or at the end of the program (post-test or endline). Pre- and post-tests can be given in writing or
The goal of this guidance is to help programs avoid some of the most common errors in use of pre- and
post-evaluation. More detailed guidance is available in “Useful Resources listed below.
The main weakness of pre- and post-test
design is that it cannot detect other
possible causes of positive or negative
results among the participants. For this
reason, if a new program is under
consideration for expansion, other
explanations for the results should be
ruled out by collecting more information
on each possible explanation, and then
singling out the results due to the
Design Review
In cases where a new pre- and post-test is being written, or an existing test adapted, pilot testing is
strongly recommended. A good method of piloting would be to convene a group of youth advisors --
from the same communities as youth who will be in the program -- to take the test, discuss it among
themselves using this checklist, and suggest modifications. This is a perfect opportunity for youth
participation and leadership.
Tips for developing and reviewing pre and post questions
1. RELEVANCE OF CONTENT TO OBJECTIVES: Does the content clearly address the objectives of
the program?
If your program focuses on knowledge, then match content as nearly as possibly to the
learning objectives.
If your program aims to change attitudes or norms, do the questions cover the range of
attitudes that your program addresses?
For example, if the launch of an after-school program
teaching business skills coincides with the addition of
these skills to the local school math curriculum, it would
be hard to know which results are due to the program
and which to the school. The program could respond by
analyzing where the program overlaps with the school
curriculum, and focusing on program results in those
areas that the school curriculum does not address.
EMpower The Emerging Markets Foundation
2. LENGTH The shorter the better, especially if there are open-ended questions.
redundant questions. Pilot test to ensure taking the test would take no more than ½ hour.
3. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL Ensure that the reading or
vocabulary level is at the right level for the youth
participants. Determine whether literacy levels
demand oral interviews. Feedback from youth on
unfamiliar or ambiguous words or phrases is helpful.
4. CULTURAL OR LANGUAGE ADAPTATION When pilot test-takers cannot agree on the meaning
of a question, adaptation is needed. Questions on sensitive issues such as reproductive and
sexual health often must be adapted to the local youth culture. On the other hand, the same
test/questionnaire applied to adults should not use the terms from youth culture, which adults
may find offensive.
5. AVOID OVERLY GENERAL OR AMBIGUOUS QUESTIONS: Questions that are too general are
subject to a variety of interpretations, giving inconsistent results.
For example, “Do you think girls and boys should be treated equally?” is not as clear as
a specific question about the goals of the program such as “Do you think girls should be
able to play [local sport] in public places?
A leading question may lead the respondent into a pre-determined answer that may not
accurately reflect their opinion. For example: “How has your life changed as a result of
the program?” should be changed into “Has your life changed in any way as a result of
the program?” (yes, no), followed by multiple choices or open-ended response.
A biased question will lead the participant to give a socially acceptable response. For
example, “Do you drink too much alcohol at parties?” should be changed to “Do you
drink alcohol?” and then if yes, give a range of choices on frequency, amount, and
7. AVOID ASKING TWO QUESTIONS IN ONE: For example, "How would you rate your financial
knowledge and skills?" should be changed into two separate questions.
8. MIX POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE STATEMENTS when measuring attitudes or behavior through
statements asking respondents to agreeor “disagree”. Randomly mix statements that reflect
the attitudes promoted by the program versus those that are discouraged. For example, if a
gender program’s post-test only has statements favoring gender equality, respondents will
detect easily the desired response.
9. SAMPLING: When programs serve large numbers of youth, often there are not enough staff or
funds to apply the pre- and post-test to all of them. In that case, the evaluators generally decide
on their sample size,
and use two methods to achieve a non-biased representative sample, that
is, a smaller set of youth who are likely to reflect the characteristics of the larger group:
Open-ended questions do not define a set of responses, so that participants come up with their own answers. An
example would be: “What is your favorite activity?”
See suggestions for eliminating questions on page 32 of Barkman under Useful Resources” below.
In English, the reading level can be checked in MS
Word. Run “Spelling/Grammar”; and the last
item under “Readability” that shows up is the
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level analysis. Other tests
might be more reliable in other languages.
EMpower The Emerging Markets Foundation
“Random selection” ensures that each youth in the program has an equal chance of
being chosen. Computerized methods are commonly used.
One non-computerized
method is like a lottery. For example, in a program involving 500 11th grade students,
put their names on slips of paper into a bowl, and draw names one by one until the
desired sample of 50 for the pre- and post-test is reached.
“Systematic selection” is another way to avoid bias. Divide the total population of youth
in the program by the sample size you have decided, then use the resulting number n to
choose every nth student. Using the same example, from the complete list of the 500
students in grade 11, pick every 10th student on the list to be tested, and end up with
the sample of 50.
Tips for Analysis & Reporting of Results
A sample pre- and post-analysis template in Excel is available from your EMpower program officer, if
that would be helpful. The calculations for each student as well as for the whole group are in formulas
both for the numerical change in score and for the percent change.
1. Use analysis of the pilot test to identify questions that need to be improved. Analysis of the
pre- and post-tests might catch other needs for improvement. Common signals of needs for
improvement are:
Many blank answers to specific questions
Inconsistent answers to related questions
Responses to open-ended questions that reflect lack of understanding
Failures to respond to the questions towards the end of the test (respondent fatigue
due to length).
2. Use analysis of pre-test scores as a guide to curriculum: If more than 60% of students answer
certain questions correctly for knowledge (or in the desired direction for attitudes), your
program is unlikely to have a major effect on these items. Use the results to adjust your
curriculum to focus more on the areas where most students scored low, and consider removing
the questions where they scored high from the post-test.
3. Analysis of quantitative data: Most instruments yield quantitative data from close-ended
questions or ratings. The template EMpower has developed is designed for quantitative data
These data are generally analyzed to compare pre- and post-tests for frequencies, such
as per cents and averages.
Statistical analyses are needed to look at changes over time, and the significance of
differences between pre- and post-tests.
If you don’t have access to statistical expertise, especially when the numbers of
participants are greater than 50, it would be helpful to enlist a local researcher to
analyze significance.
https://www.randomizer.org/tutorial/ and https://www.surveymonkey.com/blog/2012/06/08/random-sample-in-excel/
“Close-ended” ended questions provide set choices; types include multiple choice, true-false questions, and
questions using rating scales. See pages 20-25 of the Barkman guide on these options, referenced below.
To identify which changes from baseline to endline are probably due to the program, and not to chance. Most
significance tests aim for the probability of results due to chance being 5% or less.
EMpower The Emerging Markets Foundation
4. Reporting quantitative data: In a final report, always present results in numbers as well as
percentages in a table, with a final column comparing the increases or decreases between the
pre- and post-test. Never report only per cents, without a reference to the number of
respondents. See example below.
In the discussion of results, for specific items in your survey, point out: 1) findings that
represent significant results, and what these strengths mean for your program; 2) any
differences (if applicable) between male and female participants or other sub-groups
among your participants, and how you plan to address any disparities in results by
group; and 3) where results were not as good as expected, discuss how your program
plans to address these areas.
5. Reporting qualitative data: Open-ended questions yield qualitative data, which may be
analyzed by theme, or through applying scores that can reported on quantitatively.
Identify common themes: Report the themes from a significant number of youth in
their answers. For example, in a sample of 50 students, any themes or ideas put
forward by more than 10 are worth reporting. An illustrative quote or two is useful to
illustrate these common themes or ideas (without identification of the persons who
provided the quotes).
6. Pulling it all together: Compare the qualitative and quantitative data findings: Does one set of
data support or raise questions about the analysis of the other set? Taken together, what do
these two sets of data mean for your program?
Susan J. Barkman, “A Field Guide to Designing Quantitative Instruments to Measure Program Impact.”
An excellent basic publication from Purdue University.
E. Jane Davidson’s work is an excellent guide to evaluation in general, and is known for explaining how
to use rubrics to analyze qualitative information in evaluating outcomes.
a. Davidson, E. Jane, Evaluative Reasoning http://www.unicef-
b. Davidson, E. Jane mini-books: http://realevaluation.com/read/minibooks/
Making the Important Measurable, Not the Measurable Important
See E. Jane Davidson in Useful Resources below.
Female Average (N=15)
Male Average (N=15)
EMpower The Emerging Markets Foundation
Actionable Evaluation Basics
I-Tech, Guidelines for Pre- and Post-Testing, has a short and useful discussion of both design and analysis
of pre- and post-tests, focused in their examples on knowledge questions. Available on request from
program officers.
a. I-Tech has a toolkit with many other resources for evaluation of training programs. See
http://www.go2itech.org/HTML/TT06/toolkit/evaluation/index.html The forms tab has many
tools which could be used pre- and post-test, including written as well as observation checklists.