Grammar Advanced 02 | Past Simple and
Present Perfect
1. Co mplet each s entence with a verb from the words below. Use the present perfect or past
simple, with a negative form where necessary.
have - go - oversleep - read - spend - wear
A: Shall I make us some dinner? It's already eight o'clock.
B: No, thanks. I
went to the dentist this afternoon and my mouth hurts
too much to eat anything.
have had three lectures today and I still have two more later this afternoon.
It was so hot today that I
wore shorts and a T-shirt at work.
have spent $200 on food this month and there's another week to go
before I get paid.
A: Do you want a lift home?
B: No, I
overslept this morning because my alarm clock didn't go off, so I need
to work late.
haven't read muchofthereportyet,butIhavetofinishitbytheweekend.
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 1
Grammar Advanced English Plus Podcast Premium Worksheets
2. Complete the sentences with the pairs of verbs you see below. Choose the most
appropriate tense - present perfect or past simple.
be able-feel | happen-speak | improve-be | not want-fall | rescue-be | work-not have
hasn't wanted to go swimming since she
fell in the river.
Since she
worked at the company she
hasn't had adayoff
through illness.
Since he
rescued the girl from a house fire, he
has been on TV
almost every day.
has happened since I last
spoke to you.
Since I
was able to drive I
have felt much more independent.
Stefan's reading
has improved enormously since he
has been at
Once s entence in each pair is wrong. Correct it by replacing the pa s t simple with the
present perfect of the italicised verb.
a- Remember that after you sign ed the contract you won't be able to change your mind.
b-Carlo'sinjuryonlybecameapparentafterhesi gned to play for Real Madrid.
a- As soon as I finished college I want to ravel around Australia.
b-Ididn'thavetimetochecktheessay.IhandeditinassoonasIfinished it.
a- By the time Sarah got to work the meeting had finished.
b- I'll probably have finished breakfast by the time the children got up.
a- I recognized her the moment I hear d her laugh.
b- I'll tell you what time we're coming the moment I hear d from Emil.
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 2
Grammar Advanced English Plus Podcast Premium Worksheets
4. Here are som e extracts from a television ne ws report. choos e the more appropriate tense
for the verbs in brackets.
When President Nelson
arrives (arrive) in Paris this evening, it will be the
first time she
has visited (visit) Europe since her election victory in May.
The Victoria Hospital in Milltown
has closed/has been closed (close) to new patients
after more cases of food poisoning. Three elderly patients
died (die) last
week in the outbreak.
has dropped (drop) to 4.8%. It's the first time in nearly two
years that the rate
has fallen (fall) below 5%.
Nearly 600 laptops
have been stolen (steal) from Ministry of Defense staff over the
past five years. However, a spokesperson
insisted (insist) that there had
been no security problems as none of the computers
held (hold) secret
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 3
Grammar Advanced 02 | Past Simple and
Present Perfect
1. A. B. C.
D. E. F.
2. A. B. C.
D. E. F.
G. H. I.
J. K. L.
3. A.
4. A. B.
C. D.
E. F.
G. H.
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 1
Grammar Advanced 02 | Past Simple and
Present Perfect
1. Co mplet each s entence with a verb from the words below. Use the present perfect or pas t
simple, with a negative form where necessary.
have - go - oversleep - read - spend - wear
A: Shall I make us some dinner? It's already eight o'clock.
B: No, thanks. I
went to the dentist this afternoon and my mouth hurts
too much to eat anything.
have had three lectures today and I still have two more later this afternoon.
It was so hot today that I
wore shorts and a T-shirt at work.
have spent $200 on food this month and there's another week to go
before I get paid.
A: Do you want a lift home?
B: No, I
overslept this morning because my alarm clock didn't go off, so I need
to work late.
haven't read muchofthereportyet,butIhavetofinishitbytheweekend.
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 1
Grammar Advanced English Plus Podcast Premium Worksheets
2. Complete the sentences with the pairs of verbs you see below. Choose the most
appropriate tense - present perfect or past simple.
be able-feel | happen-speak | improve-be | not want-fall | rescue-be | work-not have
hasn't wanted to go swimming since she
fell in the river.
Since she
worked at the company she
hasn't had adayoff
through illness.
Since he
rescued the girl from a house fire, he
has been on TV
almost every day.
has happened since I last
spoke to you.
Since I
was able to drive I
have felt much more independent.
Stefan's reading
has improved enormously since he
has been at
Once s entence in each pair is wrong. Correct it by replacing the past simple with the
present perfect of the italicised verb.
a- Remember that after you sign ed the contract you won't be able to change your mind.
b-Carlo'sinjuryonlybecameapparentafterhesi gned to play for Real Madrid.
a- Remember that after you have signed the contract you won't be able to change your
a- As soon as I finished college I want to ravel around Australia.
b-Ididn'thavetimetochecktheessay.IhandeditinassoonasIfinished it.
a- As soon as I have finished college I want to ravel around Australia.
a- By the time Sarah got to work the meeting had finished.
b- I'll probably have finished breakfast by the time the children got up.
b- I'll probably have finished breakfast by the time the children have gotten up.
a- I recognized her the moment I hear d her laugh.
b- I'll tell you what time we're coming the moment I hear d from Emil.
b- I'll tell you what time we're coming the moment I have heard from Emil.
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 2
Grammar Advanced English Plus Podcast Premium Worksheets
4. Here are som e extracts from a television ne ws report. choos e the more appropriate tense
for the verbs in brackets.
When President Nelson
arrives (arrive) in Paris this evening, it will be the
first time she
has visited (visit) Europe since her election victory in May.
The Victoria Hospital in Milltown
has closed/has been closed (close) to new patients
after more cases of food poisoning. Three elderly patients
died (die) last
week in the outbreak.
has dropped (drop) to 4.8%. It's the first time in nearly two
years that the rate
has fallen (fall) below 5%.
Nearly 600 laptops
have been stolen (steal) from Ministry of Defense staff over the
past five years. However, a spokesperson
insisted (insist) that there had
been no security problems as none of the computers
held (hold) secret
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 3
Grammar Advanced 02 | Past Simple and
Present Perfect
1. A.
went B.
have had C.
have spent E.
overslept F.
haven't read
2. A.
hasn't wanted B.
fell C.
hasn't had E.
rescued F.
has been
has happened H.
spoke I.
was able
have felt K.
has improved L.
has been
3. A.
a- Remember that after you have signed the contract you won't be able to change your
a- As soon as I have finished college I want to ravel around Australia.
b- I'll probably have finished breakfast by the time the children have gotten up.
b- I'll tell you what time we're coming the moment I have heard from Emil.
4. A.
has visited
has closed/has been closed
has dropped
has fallen
have been stolen
English Plus Podcast by Danny Ballan page 1