CP1 / CP2 / CP3
ere has never been a line of digital pianos so inspiring,
so powerful, so easy-to-use and so fun to play as the new
Kawai Concert Performer Series. ese new performing
instruments have it all. eyre powerful enough to handle
the challenges of any musical situation, yet accessible
enough to inspire musicians at every level of ability – even
those who have never played before.
In creating the Concert Performer Series, we relied upon nearly nine
decades of experience in building the world’s nest acoustic pianos.
e foundational element is our proprietary Harmonic Imaging
Sound Technology, acclaimed as one of the nest “sound engines
ever designed for a digital piano. en we added our renowned
“Grand Feel” and “Responsive Hammer” actions, both possessing
a feel more similar to that of a traditional acoustic piano than any
others. ese exclusive core technologies oer the player unparalleled
tone and touch to provide the ultimate piano experience.
In addition to great acoustic piano sounds, weve included hundreds
of outstanding instrumental and vocal sounds to suit any style
of playing – from orchestral music to pop to jazz and everything
in between. A powerful built-in recording feature lets you record
music on up to 16 tracks with the touch of a button. Plus, these
instruments feature cutting-edge digital audio options, including
MP3 recording and playback.
Yes, they’re powerful – but they’re also fun. Concert Performer
pianos include hundreds of built-in drum rhythms that add
excitement to your playing and recording. If youre a beginner, the
Auto Accompaniment Styles can follow you as you play and help
you sound like an accomplished professional. Even if youve never
played an instrument before, the exclusive Concert Magic feature
will give you the thrill of playing real music – all by yourself. And
if you simply want to sit back and relax, the Piano Music feature
provides nearly seven hours of pre-recorded piano music in a wide
range of styles for you to enjoy.
Awe-inspiring sound and touch. Powerful features. Easy operation.
And so many dierent options for musical fun. eyre all here in the
new Kawai Concert Performers—the world’s nest digital pianos.
G F K A
Embracing many of the long-established principles of piano building, the
new Grand Feel keyboard action in the CP1 and CP2 combines realistic
materials, motion and mechanism to recreate the exceptional touch of the
nest grand pianos.
All 88 keys are made from long pieces of wood, with nely-textured
ivory-like surfaces that absorb moisture for greater control. Each wooden
key pivots smoothly on a balance pin, with the ends rising and falling to
replicate the familiar “seesaw” motion of an acoustic piano action. When
pressed, the back of the key lifts upward, triggering a grade-weighted
hammer to strike a pressure switch. e amount of force applied to this
switch is measured, and the corresponding note is played with authentic
tonal character and volume.
Counterweights placed at the front of keys in the bass region help to
lighten their heavier touch for pianissimo playing. A let-o simulation
reproduces the delicate “notch” sensation felt when playing the keys of
a grand piano very softly. ese subtle characteristics allow discerning
pianists to practice their repertoire with condence of a seamless transition
when called upon to perform on an acoustic grand piano.
T T   G P
e keyboard action of an acoustic grand piano is composed of keys (sharps and
naturals), graded hammers and numerous other components working in harmony
when each note is pressed. is meticulously designed mechanism allows pianists
to express a wealth of feeling and emotion as it responds to the tactile nuances
transmitted through the keyboard.
Translating such intricate movements into the language of a digital instrument
while retaining all the acoustic-like subtleties is a stunning achievement – one
which has drawn upon nearly nine decades of experience in crafting pianos that
are among the world’s nest.
L K, E P L
T-S K D
e Concert Performer piano actions feature a new triple-sensor key
detection system for enhanced playing realism. e added third sensor
improves responsiveness when playing the same key repeatedly and also
allows the sound of a single note to be “layered” to avoid losing the
previous tone when playing legato.
In addition, improvements to the Concert Performer sound hardware
permit the speed at which keys are lifted to inuence the release character
of the piano sound, providing a greater range of expressive nuance
between staccato and legato playing.
Grand Feel Action
Grand Piano Action
Pivot length
Weighted Hammer
Let-o Mechanism
Triple Sensor
Wooden Key
Balance Pins
Ivory Touch Key Surface
In addition to having the longest keys of any digital piano, the new Grand Feel
keyboard action also boasts the longest key pivot length – matching that of a
Kawai grand piano.
is improvement ensures a more evenly balanced key touch weight from front to
rear, and is particularly benecial when playing complicated chords with ngers
positioned towards the back of the keyboard.
R H II (RHII) K A
Incorporating many of the attributes of the Grand Feel (GF) action – including
triple-sensor key detection, let-o and Ivory Touch key surfaces – the CP3’s class-
leading Responsive Hammer II keyboard action recreates the exceptional touch of
an acoustic grand piano, providing a smooth and natural piano playing experience.
In addition, the weight of the keyboard is appropriately graded to mirror the
heavier bass hammers and lighter treble hammers of an acoustic piano. With its
outstanding touch response, the RHII action is sure to satisfy the needs of even the
most demanding player.
Let-o Mechanism
Ivory Touch Key Surface
Key Pivot Point Hammer Pivot Point
Weighted Hammer
Triple Sensor
IT K S
e Concert Performer pianos feature
our highly-regarded Ivory Touch key
surfaces. is nely-textured material
possesses a natural matte nish that
gently absorbs ngertip perspiration
and oils to avoid slipping and provide
greater playing control.
Moisture is absorbed without dirt or
grease permeating the key surfaces,
allowing them to be easily wiped clean
with a damp cloth.
Let-o is the subtle “notch” sensation felt at
the bottom of the keystroke when playing the
keys of a grand piano very gently. Experienced
pianists use this slight resistance to gain greater
control when playing pianissimo passages.
Both the GF and RHII actions employ a let-o
mechanism that further enhances the authentic
feel of the Concert Performers.
Pivot length
H I™ T
When playing a ne piano, the amount of
pressure applied to the keyboard aects not
only the volume of the sound produced
but also the unique tonal character of each
note. erefore, to construct a realistic
acoustic portrait of the EX Concert Grand
Piano, each key was not only recorded
individually but also at various volume
levels ranging from gentle pianissimos to
thunderous fortissimos.
It is this award-winning Harmonic Imaging
process that allows the Concert Performers
to oer an exceedingly detailed acoustic
sound portrait that ensures smooth
tonal transitions across the keyboard and
throughout the entire dynamic range.
E V T
e Concert Performer’s Virtual Technician
functions invite discerning musicians to
shape aspects of the piano tone to suit their
unique preferences.
Players can adjust touch weight and
voicing, regulate hammer and key release
noises, and ne-tune string, lid and
damper resonances. It is even possible to
adjust the precise tuning and volume of
individual notes – all in real-time. When
the desired renements are completed, the
player can save the modied settings to
an onboard registration memory or USB
device, and even exchange favorite settings
with other Concert Performer owners.
S S S
Concert Performer instruments feature high-delity speaker systems that
have been specially designed to deliver deep bass and crisp treble – perfect
for reproducing the myriad of instrument sounds available to Concert
Performer users.
e agship CP1 grand piano also incorporates speakers mounted to
the soundboard for added warmth and volume, plus a large subwoofer
enclosure for superb bass response.
A P V
Concert Performer instruments showcase a variety of Concert, Studio,
Jazz, Modern and Pop grand piano sounds suitable for a wide range of
musical periods and styles. In addition, a traditional Kawai upright piano
sound is included for music that calls for a more intimate tonal character.
T S   G P
e Kawai EX Concert Grand Piano is widely regarded by professional
pianists and piano technicians as one of the nest instruments in the
world. Hand-built over many months by Master Piano Artisans at the
Shigeru Kawai Piano Research Laboratory in Ryuyo, Japan, each EX
Concert Grand undergoes a thorough regulation and renement process
in a specially-designed anechoic chamber.
Following this lengthy crafting process, the completed EX Piano receives a
nal series of rigorous quality inspections before eventually taking center
stage in the world’s most prestigious musical institutions and concert halls.
-K P S
e beautiful sound of the Kawai EX Concert Grand Piano is at the heart
of the new Concert Performer Series, with all 88 keys of this world-class
instrument painstakingly recorded, carefully analyzed and accurately
reproduced as high-delity digital audio.
Recording each key individually in this way (rather than stretching the same
tone over several dierent notes) preserves the rich harmonic character of the
EX Concert Grand Piano and guarantees that the sound heard when playing
any of the Concert Performer’s keys is a faithful representation of the original
acoustic source.
R E  R
Powerful new digital eects in the CP Series further enhance its
outstanding core sounds, oering additional layers of detail and realism
that bring performances to life.
Studio quality chorus, tremolo, delay and auto-pan eects can be used
to tailor a sound’s character and feeling. Modeled amplier/speaker
simulations add vintage warmth to electric pianos and trademark growl
to drawbar organs. e depth of a performance can also be transformed
using the Concert Performer’s updated reverbs, allowing pianists to hear
themselves in six dierent acoustic environments from a small practice
room to an inspirational grand cathedral.
E-L S (-)
With expanded piano sound memory, the new CP1 and CP2 boast the
largest sample size of any Kawai digital piano. is “eXtra Long” sampling
process, called Harmonic Imaging XL, extends the “attack” segment of the
piano sound by up to 120% allowing the natural detail, resonance and
organic tonal quality of each note to be more clearly articulated.
M M F
e CP Series is packed with features designed to help you get more
fun out of your music. e Song Stylist feature can provide the perfect
combination of style and sounds for hundreds of the most popular songs
of all time. Just select a song and the Concert Performer does the rest. Song
Stylist is compatible with many of the most popular song books from Hal
Leonard Corporation.
Whether you want to relax or entertain, the Piano Music feature contains
nearly 7 hours of pre-recorded piano music. Choose from Classical,
Contemporary, Evening Out and Holiday categories – or load your own
selections into the “My Piano Music” category.
Our exclusive Concert Magic
feature allows anyone, even a
non-player, to enjoy the thrill
of playing real music. Choose
from 176 songs in a variety of
popular categories. Tap any
key and Concert Magic lets
you control the song as if you were
conducting an orchestra. It’s easy!
e Note Navigator provides a
roadmap to the song’s rhythm –
and many songs will provide the
lyrics with a bouncing ball guide!
I O
oughtful design, a streamlined
panel and a large color touch
screen with icon-based operation
are combined to make the Concert
Performer simple and intuitive.
You’ll spend less time reading the
owners manual and more time
enjoying your new instrument.
Hundreds of studio quality instrumental and vocal sounds, plus dozens
of sound eects, oer the player a vast selection of sound choices from
virtually every instrument family in the world. In addition to exquisite
acoustic pianos, you’ll discover amazing electric pianos, authentic
pipe and drawbar organs, lush strings, thrilling woodwinds and brass,
contemporary guitars and basses, drums and percussion and much more.
USB C
Powerful USB functionality lets
you connect to a computer for
MIDI use, save and load recorded
songs, save User Settings and
Registrations and much more.
Standard MIDI Files (SMFs)
downloaded from the Internet can
be loaded onto a USB device and
played on the Concert Performer.
An easy-to-use internal song
recorder can capture your playing
or sudden inspiration at any
moment. Just touch the Record
button and the Easy Recorder is
ready to go. For more adventurous
projects, the Advanced Recorder
oers a fully-equipped 16-track
Hundreds of professionally arranged
and recorded accompaniment styles
are ready to become your personal
backup band or orchestra. You’ll
discover styles from virtually every
genre of popular music – from
Swing to Big Band to Rock, Pop,
Show Tunes, Oldies, Latin, Jazz,
and Orchestral styles. Plus, the
intuitive Style Conductor lets you rearrange the musical parts to create
your own custom version of any style. Whether youre a seasoned player
or novice, Concert Performer styles will help your music sound more
complete and professional.
M I
e CP1 and CP2 models feature
a microphone input jack with
volume control. Just plug in a mic
and sing along with a live player
or a recording, with your voice
amplied through the CP’s sound
system. Press the Mic Harmony
button to turn your solo voice
into a duo, trio or 4-part vocal
group. You can even take the place of your favorite singer by using the
Vocal Reduce function when playing an audio le!
P  P
Concert Performers contain many powerful features that help you create and
perform at your highest musical level. Dozens of customizable Reverbs and
Audio Eects add realism and depth to the sound. e exclusive Virtual
Technician allows you to adjust the pianos touch and tonal characteristics
in ways similar to the work of a real piano technician. e Registration
function allows you to save up to 160 unique setups for instant recall with
the touch of a button. System EQ, Mixer, and Transpose highlight the
list of other key features that can
add power and exibility to your
music. Plus, the CP1 and CP2 are
the only digital pianos that let you
play up to 3 dierent sounds with
your right hand and a separate
sound with your left – all at the
same time!
e world’s nest digital pianos
also come with the world’s best
digital piano warranty. Purchase
your Concert Performer with
condence, knowing that the
instrument is covered by a 5-year
parts and labor warranty
L*  F E
Kawai digital pianos exclusively
feature built-in lesson songs from
Alfred Music, the world’s largest
publisher of piano method books.
Get started with the rst year of
lesson songs from Alfred’s most
popular courses for Children and
Additionally, CP models oer
lesson songs and etudes from
Czerny, Burgmüller and Beyer – ideal for aspiring pianists working to
get to the next level. Plus, Concert Performers feature time-honored nger
exercises (including scales and arpeggios) in all 12 major and minor keys –
essential practice tools for pianists at every level. All songs and exercises can
be set at slower tempos which can be increased gradually as skill improves.
Right and left-hand parts can be muted independently to allow the parts
to be practiced separately
*books sold separately
D A F
USB memory devices can be
used to record and play digital
audio les in MP3 and WAV
formats. You can record multi-
sound keyboard performances,
internal recordings, incoming
audio (through the line inputs)
and vocal performances (via the
microphone input)* or listen to
your favorite artist’s latest recording and play along!
*CP1 & CP2 only
C O
In addition to USB to Host and USB to Device connections, all Concert
Performer instruments feature stereo audio line inputs and outputs, MIDI
jacks, two headphone jacks for private practice and Wi-Fi capability for
communication with an iPad. e CP1 and CP2 models add an auxiliary
audio input jack conveniently located on the front panel – plus XLR stereo
outputs, a high-end audio feature that allows the instrument to connect
directly to professional recording consoles or sound reinforcement systems
for performances in public venues and houses of worship.
Specications are subject to change without notice.
User Song Memory
Internal User Song Memory: 4MB Internal User Song Memory: 1MB
USB Functions
Playback &
Play : MP3 (Bit Rate: 8k-320 kbps, Sampling: 44.1 kHz / 48 kHz / 32 kHz)
WAV(44.1 kHz,16 bit)
Record : MP3 (Bit Rate: 192 kbps, Sampling: 44.1 kHz)
WAV(44.1 kHz,16 bit)
Others: Load Internal Song, Load Registration, Load User Memory, Save Internal Song, Save SMF Song, Save Registration,
Save User Memory, Rename File, Delete File, Format USB, Convert Song to Audio, Overdub Audio
Internal Songs
37 Songs 34 Songs
Over 7 Hours N/A
Finger Exercises + Alfred or Burgmüller, Czerny, Beyer, and Bach lessons
176 Songs (88 x 2 Banks)
Registrations 160 Registrations (20 Groups x 8) 80 Registrations (10 Groups x 8)
Menu Settings
Tuning, System EQ (CP1 and CP2 only), Concert Magic Sound, Pedal Assign, Fill-in Mode, RIGHT3 Settings (CP1 and CP2 only), Video Out (CP1 and
CP2 only), Eect for Sound, Sound Select Mode, Style Select Mode, MIDI Menu (MIDI Settings, Transmit MIDI Data, Channel Receive On/O, MIDI
Accordion, MIDI Sound Settings), Power Up Settings, Registration Filter, Soft Reset. Software Version, Display Control
Large Color Touch Display
“Grand Feel Pedal System” – Damper (half-damper), Sostenuto, Soft (17 Functions can be assigned.)
Microphone Input
1/4” Input with Volume Control N/A
Headphones x 2, XLR L/R Out, Line In (L/Mono, R), Line In Level Adjust, Line Out (L/Mono, R),
Fixed (L, R), GND Lift Switch, MIDI (In, Out, ru), USB to Device, USB to Host, Video Out
Headphones x 2, Line In (L/Mono, R), Line Out
(L/Mono, R), MIDI (In, Out), USB to Device,
USB to Host
Speaker System
10” Woofer w/Enclosure x 1, 5” Mid x 2,
3” Tweeter x 2, ¾” Dome Tweeter x 4
6.3 inch Full Range x 2,
0.8 inch Dome Tweeter x 2
6.3 inch Full Range x 2
200 Watts 100 Watts 100 Watts
57” x 63” x 39” 56.1” x 22.8” x 38.1” 56.1” x 22.8” x 38.1”
430 lbs. 190 lbs. 146 lbs.
Grand Feel (GF) Graded-Hammer Action with Counterbalancing RM3II Graded-Hammer Action
Keyboard Features
Let-o, Ivory Touch Key Surfaces, Triple Sensor Key Detection
Sound Source
Harmonic Imaging™ XL, 88-Key Piano Sampling Progressive Harmonic Imaging™, 88-Key Sampling
Maximum 256 Notes
Preset Sounds
Over 1000 0ver 700
425 Styles (4 Variations per Style), Maximum 20 User Styles 215 Styles
Style Controls
Start/Stop, Intro/Ending (4 per Style), Fill-in (4 per Style), Fade Out, Sync Start, Tap Tempo
Start/Stop, Intro/Ending (2 per Style), Fill-in
(4 per Style), Fade Out, Sync Start, Tap Tempo
1-2 Play
4 Settings per Style
Fingered, One Finger, Full Keyboard, Bass Inversion, Harmony (10 Types)
Song Stylist
Over 1000 Registrations (from 15 Hal Leonard Books*) Over 700 Registrations (from 5 Hal Leonard Books*)
Tempo = 10–300, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, 12/8
Type: Room, Lounge, Small Hall, Concert Hall, Live Hall, Cathedral
Type: Stereo Delay, Ping Delay, Triple Delay, Chorus, Classic Chorus, Tremolo, Classic Tremolo, Auto Pan, Classic Auto Pan, Phaser, Rotary,
Combination Eects x 4, Amplied Eects x 3
Virtual Technician
Light+, Light, Normal, Heavy, Heavy+, O (Constant), User 1, User 2
Voicing: Normal, Mellow 1, Mellow 2 , Dynamic, Bright 1, Bright 2
Noise &
Damper Resonance, Damper Noise, String Resonance, Key-O Eect (incl. Key-O Release), Fall-Back Noise, Hammer Delay, Topboard,
Decay Time, Soft Pedal Depth
Equal (Piano), Meantone, Pure Major, Pure Minor, Pythagorean, Werckmeister, Kirnberger, Arabic 1-2, User, Key of Temperament
Others: Stretch Tuning, User Tuning, User Key Volume, Half-Pedal Adjust, Minimum Touch
Other Features
CP1/2 – 4 Parts (RIGHT1/2/3, LEFT) 3-Part Layer plus Split (Selectable Split Point), CP3 – 3 Parts (RIGHT 1/2, LEFT) 2-Part Layer plus Split
(Selectable Split Point), Mixer, Master Volume, Accompaniment Volume, Transpose, Octave Shift, Tune, Portamento (CP1 and CP2 Only), MIDI (16 Part
Multi-Timbral Capability), Lesson Function (723 Lesson Songs), WLAN connectivity (CP1 and CP2 Only)
Internal Recorder
16 Tracks and separate Style, Chord and Tempo tracks, Punch-In Recording, Step Recording, Editing Capability, Play MIDI Song
(Reads/Writes Standard MIDI File Format, Lyrics), Total Memory Capacity: approximately 50,000 Notes.
e impressive new Concert Performer Series comes in three
models – one grand piano and two uprights. Whether you are a
performer, hobbyist, church or school, youre certain to nd the
perfect instrument to delight and inspire for many years to come.
CP3 Digital Piano
e CP3 comes in a traditional digital piano cabinet
and is oered in a Premium Rosewood or Premium
Satin Black nish with a matching bench.
CP2 Digital Piano
e CP2 features a beautiful upright piano style
cabinet with leg and toe-block design – and comes in
a variety of premium nishes with a matching bench.
Premium Satin Black
Premium Rosewood
Premium Mahogany
CP1 Digital Grand Piano
e CP1 is an elegant 5’3” grand piano in an
exquisite Ebony Polish nish with a matching bench.
*Books sold separately
Copyright © 2014 Kawai America Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
CP123-91714-Version 1
Printed in the USA