The Board of Trustees and
staff of Silver State Fair
Housing Council (SSFHC)
are excited to announce
our 24th annual Fair
Housing Poster Contest.
We invite you to participate
in this opportunity to use art
as a learning experience
for your students. At a time
when our children are often
exposed to more polarized
public discourse, we
believe that a focus on the
inclusive aspects of fair
housing laws can help
create a better sense of
understanding, acceptance,
and appreciation for the
diversity in our
neighborhoods and
throughout our community.
Under federal and state fair
housing laws, all residents
of Nevada are entitled to
equal access to housing
regardless of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin,
family status, disability,
ancestry, sexual orientation,
and gender identity/
expression. The contest
incorporates themes of civil
rights and equal opportunity
particularly appropriate for
existing Martin Luther King,
Jr. Day and Black History
Month observations.
Whether you choose to
incorporate the poster
contest as an in-class
activity, or simply provide
students with the
opportunity to participate
outside of class, we hope
you will join with us to
promote awareness of fair
housing rights!
When our staff decided 24
years ago to launch a fair
housing poster contest, we
had no idea what we were
in for! Based on strong
participation by teachers
throughout Washoe
County, this one-time
effort has become an
annual event we all
anticipate with excitement.
We began the poster
contest to raise
consciousness about fair
housing. It has become so
much more.
Over the years Ive had
many people tell me how
cutethese posters are. I
cant disagree. But more
importantly, they represent
the hope that our children
have a better, more
inclusive vision of our
community and a
willingness relate to each
other as neighbors. Please
participate in 2020!
888.585.8634 toll-free
Relay Nevada 711
2020 Fair Housing Poster Contest
2020 Fair Housing
Poster Contest
Poster contest
benefits and
Coordinate contest
with Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day, Black
History Month, and
core curriculum
Incorporate art into
teaching moments
Work with students to
envision a community
relating to each other
as neighbors
recognition of student
What’s Inside?
Coordinate Poster
Contest Activities
with Common
Core Goals
Resources! 2
Poster Contest
Contest Guidelines 3
Poster Contest
History of the
federal Fair
Housing Act
About SSFHC 4
Wednesday, January 1
Friday, February 28
WHY PARTICIPATE? Kate Zook, Executive Director
Past contest winners
Poster Contest Recognitions and Prizes
The SSFHC fair housing
poster contest runs from
January 1, 2020, through
February 28, 2020. These
dates include the Martin
Luther King, Jr., holiday
and Black History Month.
Discussion of civil rights,
diversity, and fairness to
others supports core
curriculum standards for
multiple grades. Teachers
of grades 1 through 6 will
find numerous resources
for social studies lessons
incorporating those
standards from both the
state and Washoe County
School District.
Using the knowledge
gained in classroom
discussion, students can
use their imaginations to
create their visions of a
community where all are
welcome. For younger
students, this might also
be a lesson in color,
composition, and shapes.
Knowledge of fair housing
rights can also help to
empower students,
especially those whose
families may face housing
discrimination. The impact
of this knowledge extends
far beyond the classroom
to the community as a
receive a framed copy of
the poster created using
his/her artwork; a framed
copy will also be
presented to the winners
school. To encourage
classroom participation,
the school or organization
with the most contest
participants will receive a
recognition plaque.
Our Board of Trustees will
host an awards reception
in April, 2020. Contest
The SSFHC Board of
Trustees is pleased to
recognize each student
participating in the poster
contest with a certificate
of participation,
distributed through the
classroom. Qualifying
artwork will be on public
display at locations in
Reno and Sparks during
April, 2020, national Fair
Housing Month. Our
grand prize winner will
winners will receive their
prizes and will be
recognized by
representatives. Families,
teachers, and school
administrators are
encouraged to join us for a
celebration of the diversity
of our community.
Coordinate Poster Contest Activities with Common Core Goals
Use our Resources!
to come and speak to
your class with age-
appropriate information
about fair housing, civil
rights, and inclusion. We
have a historic photos of
Dr. Kings open housing
movement in Chicago,
posters promoting equal
housing opportunity, fair
housing stories that
include class
participation, and a new
library of childrens books
addressing diversity,
housing, and cultural
acceptance. We're happy
to lend materials or bring
them with us as part of a
presentation. Call our
office at 775.324.0990 to
schedule a presentation
or arrange for materials to
be dropped off.
Silver State Fair Housing
Council (SSFHC) believes
that education and
outreach about fair
housing rights and
responsibilities is an
integral component of any
fair housing advocacy
program. SSFHC offers a
variety of educational
opportunities for teachers
and students. We are
happy to schedule a time
Our staff is
available to talk
with teachers and
their classes about
the Fair Housing
Act and housing
issues in our
community. Please
contact SSFHC to
discuss the
Page 2 2020 Fair Housing Poster Contest
© Photographs by Bernard Kleina
Page 3 2020 Fair Housing Poster Contest
Thank you to our 2020 poster contest sponsors:
City of Sparks - City of Reno - Washoe County
Thank you to all supporters and participants!
Entries must contain the written theme:Fair Housing Creates Community
Entries must include interpretations of the contest theme, including representation of members of protected
classes (race, color, religion, sex, national origin, family status, disability, sexual orientation, and gender
identity/expression) interacting in a housing-related situation.
Entries must be on construction-type paper and range in size from 8 1/2 x 11” to no larger than 12 x 18.”
Please do not place wording closer than 3/4” to edge of paper.
Bold colors and a variety of artistic media (collages!/paintings!/wallpaper!/fabric!/etc.???) are encouraged.
3-Dimensional and computer-generated artwork will not be eligible for judging. PLEASE, no corporate logos or
brand names in the artwork.
Artwork will be judged on originality, visual impact, artistic merit, and overall adherence to the contest theme.
Open to all Washoe County students in 1st - 8th grades.
Each entry MUST be accompanied by a Contest Registration slip signed by a parent/guardian.
Registration forms are available in Spanish.
Registrations should be taped, not stapled, to the back of the entry.
Entries without signed registration forms will not be eligible for judging and prizes.
Per the registration form, artwork becomes property of SSFHC and cannot be returned.
Contest deadline is Friday, February 28, 2020, at 5:00pm.
All entries must be received at the office of Silver State Fair Housing Council: 110 West Arroyo Street, Suite A,
Reno, NV 89509, by the contest deadline. You may call our office at 775.324.0990 to schedule a drop-off OR
to make arrangements for poster entries to be picked up at your school or organization.
Contest Guidelines
Poster Contest Awards
Grand Prize Winner
Grand prize winner will receive a one year family membership to the Nevada Museum of Art
Artwork developed into SSFHCs 2020 Fair Housing Poster and 2021 Calendar
Two framed posters, one for the winner and a second for his/her school/organization
1st PLACE Winners (Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6, Grades 7-8)
Each winner will receive 4 guest passes for admission to the Nevada Museum of Art
Artwork included in SSFHCs 2021 Fair Housing Calendar
Nine Additional Winners
Each winner will receive 2 guest passes for admission to the Nevada Museum of Art
Artwork included in SSFHCs 2021 Fair Housing Calendar
Registration forms are
available @
referrals; and assesses
barriers to fair housing in
Nevada. SSFHC works to
guarantee the right of all
people to freely choose
where they want and can
afford to live.
meeting utilizing remote
technologies, and
community partnerships.
SSFHC strives to break
down barriers to equal
housing opportunity and
build opportunities for
community members to
relate to each other as
neighbors by addressing
the needs of all members
of the community. SSFHC
provides education and
outreach about fair
housing rights; processes
discrimination complaints,
investigations, and
Silver State Fair Housing
Council (SSFHC) is a non-
profit agency advocating
for equal access to
housing in Nevada since
1989. SSFHC has office
locations in Reno and Las
Vegas to better address
inquiries about housing
discrimination for
consumers, housing
providers, and local
jurisdictions. SSFHC also
provides services in rural
communities through
personal interactions,
Fair Housing Act of 1968
prohibited housing
discrimination based on
race, color, religion, and
national origin. It also
included provisions for
enforcement of the law.
Housing discrimination
cases can be pursued
through the U.S.
Department of Housing
and Urban Development
(HUD), a private court
action, a suit by the U.S.
Department of Justice, or
any combination of these.
Sex (gender) was added
as a fair housing protection
in 1974. On September 13,
1988, President Ronald
Reagan signed the Fair
Housing Amendments Act.
Additional protections now
include family status
(having children under the
age of 18) and protections
for persons with
disabilities, including
accessibility standards for
new multi-family housing.
Attorney and author
strident voices calling for
violent responses to those
On April 4, 1968, Martin
Luther King, Jr. was
assassinated. It was a time
of great upheaval and
Congress worked quickly
to pass legislation which
would help settle the
unrest following Kings
assassination. One week
after Kings assassination,
on April 11, 1968,
President Lyndon B.
Johnson signed the Civil
Rights Act into law. The
The Fair Housing Act, also
known as the Title VIII of
the Civil Rights Act of
1968, is the result of three
years of congressional
consideration of housing
discrimination and how
housing discrimination
should be addressed. This
debate occurred at the
time our country was
experiencing the rise of the
civil rights movement
under the leadership of Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.,
increasing public
awareness of social
injustices, and more
History of the federal Fair Housing Act
Robert G. Schwemm
likens the passage of the
Fair Housing Amendments
Act of 1988 to passage of
the original Fair Housing
Act in 1968, when societal
changes forced Congress
to address civil rights
issues for additional
groups in our society.
Nevada state law offers
additional protections
against discrimination
based on ancestry, sexual
orientation and gender
identity/expression. Silver
State Fair Housing Council
works with Nevada
residents to pursue their
fair housing rights under
both federal and state law.