New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Dignity for All Students Act
Requirements for Schools
(Tool for training school employees)
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
The DASA Process
What is DASA…………………………………………….4 - 5
District and School Requirements…………….6 10
Components of DASA Requirements………….11
Definitions of Key Terms………………………….12 - 14
Reporting To The School………………………….15 - 16
The School Investigates……………………………..17
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The DASA Process (contd)
Material Incident Determination…..……….18 19
School Takes Action………………………………..20 21
School Reports to District……………………….22 23
District Reports to NYSED and Keeps Records..24
District Plans for Positive Change…………………..25
Resources and Contact Information……….26 28
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
The Dignity for All Students Act (The
Dignity Act) was established to protect all
students from harassment,
bullying and discrimination.
It became effective on July 1, 2012
and was amended to include cyberbullying
effective July 1, 2013.
What is DASA?
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
National origin
Ethnic group
Religious practice
Sexual orientation,
Gender (including gender
identity and expression)
Other (describe)
Prohibits bullying, harassment, discrimination, or cyberbullying
against students in school based on the following:
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New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
District and
School Response
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New York State Education Department
Requirements of Schools
Provide students, staff, and persons in parental
relation with information about DASA, including
the identity of the DASA Coordinator;
Information is provided in languages other than
English when necessary; and
Policies, procedures, and guidelines that require
a school environment free from harassment,
bullying, discrimination, and cyberbullying.
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New York State Education Department
School District Policies
These policies must serve the following
Identify administrative designee to receive reports;
Enable students and persons in parental relation to
make a report;
Require school personnel to notify an administrator
of report within one day and file a written report no
later than two days after original report;
Require a thorough investigation be completed
promptly after report;
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School District Policies
Require the school to take prompt action to end
harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination;
Prohibit retaliation against anyone making a report or
assisting with the investigation;
Develop a school strategy to prevent harassment,
bullying, and discrimination;
Require school leader to regularly report data trends to
Require school leaders to notify local law enforcement
when behavior is believed to constitute criminal
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New York State Education Department
School District Policies
Require that all school personnel receive a copy of
the district policies, including the reporting process,
at least annually; and
Ensure that the districts policies and procedures,
including an incident report
form, are posted on the
districts website.
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Dignity for All Students Act
Dignity Act Coordinator
Instruction for students
Civility, citizenship, and character education to address
prohibition of harassment, bullying, or intimidation,
including cyberbullying
School employee training
School employee reporting
Annual reporting
Dignity Act Components
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Bullying is described as an unwanted, aggressive
behavior that involves a real or perceived power
imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential
to be repeated, over time.
Bullying can occur before and after school hours, in a
school building, on a playground, on a school bus while a
student is traveling to or from school, or on the Internet.
Cyberbullying occurs when harassment or bullying
happens through any form of electronic communication.
Students who are bullied and those who bully others may
have serious and lasting problems
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New York State Education Department
According to the United States Department of
Education (USDOE),
bullying/definition/index.html, bullying generally
involves the following characteristics:
An Imbalance of Power
The Intent to Cause Harm
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New York State Education Department
Harassment is defined as the creation of a hostile environment
by conduct or verbal threats, intimidation, or abuse that has or
would have the following effect:
reasonably and substantially interfering with a students
educational performance, opportunities or benefits; or
would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear
for his or her physical safety.
Discrimination is the act of denying rights, benefits, justice,
equitable treatment or access to facilities available to all
others, to an individual or group of people because of the
group, class or category to which that person belongs.
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Required to orally report the
incident(s) within one (1)
school day to the principal,
superintendent or his/her
Report it in writing within two
(2) school days after making an
oral report.
DASA Reporting Requirements
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Develop School/District Form
Must include:
Name of student target
Name(s) of aggressor(s)
Name(s) of witnesses/bystanders
Description of incident
Name of reporter (can also be anonymous)
The form must be accessible on the school/district website
Following the completion of the incident report form, a
prompt and thorough investigation begins
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New York State Education Department
The Investigation
DASA Coordinator or Administrator typically leads the investigation:
Team approach is recommended to collect information
School resource officers and mental health professionals also advise and
Interview all involved (target, aggressor, witnesses):
Separately this is not mediation or conflict resolution
Use a calm, problem-solving, investigative approach to find out:
What exactly was said and done [save evidence, including recordings]
Motive/intent (anger, misguided joke, threat of harm to safety)
Relationship and past history (one time occurrence or repeated)
Impact or perceived impact on school functioning
Contact persons in parental relation of all students interviewed
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New York State Education Department
Material Incident
After investigating an incident, the Dignity Act Coordinator or school leader
must make a determination as to whether the incident is “material. A
material incident under DASA is:
An act or series of acts by a student and/or employee on school property,
or at a school function
Creates a hostile environment by conduct
with or without physical contact, and/or
verbal threats, intimidation or abuse
Conduct of such a severe or pervasive nature that it has the following
unreasonably and substantially interferes with a students educational
performance, opportunities or benefits; or
mental, emotional and/or physical well-being; or
reasonably causes, or would reasonably be expected to cause, a student
to fear for his or her physical safety
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Material Incident
Severe or pervasive enough to substantially interfere with
education, well-being, or fear for physical safety
Creates a hostile environment with or without physical
contact and/or by verbal threats, intimidation, or abuse
Student is subjected to discrimination and/or harassment
by student and/or employee
A single incident or series of related incidents
or benefits
and/or physical
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Take Prompt Action
Consequences are most effective when they
directly address the problem and the context
The most effective approach considers the following:
• Students age and developmentally-appropriate conduct
Specific offense and circumstances of incident
• Students prior disciplinary record
Input from persons in parental relation, teachers, mental
health professionals, as appropriate
Disability status (determine whether behavior is directly
related to disability)
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New York State Education Department
Plan for change
- Restorative practices; positive intervention supports
Provide support to students and persons in parental
relation involved
- Counseling, conflict resolution, mediation
Take actions to improve school climate
- Behavioral intervention contract; teach dignity and respect
Develop/refine school policy
- Review and revise regularly
Plan for Change
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Dignity Act Reporting Basics
The method through
which schools compile
and maintain Dignity
Act-related data
throughout the school
year is a local decision.
The annual Dignity Act
reporting is performed using
a standardized on-line
format provided by NYSED.
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New York State Education Department
School to District Reporting
Policies and procedures include:
Dignity Act Coordinator reviews incident report forms
regularly at least once per semester; and
Dignity Act Coordinator provides summary data for the
semester to the school leader, including the following:
Number of incidents reported that semester;
Number of cyberbullying incidents reported that semester;
Number of reported incidents found to be material; and
Type of bias involved in the incidents, if any
School leader reviews and collates summary data from
the Dignity Act Coordinator - includes in the principal’s annual
report to the Superintendent
District document retention includes report forms and
investigative materials
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District to NYSED Reporting
The Superintendent reviews each school principal’s
annual report and summary
The Superintendent provides a certified accurate
count of all material incidents for the school year
July 1
June 30
All DASA Incident Reports are filed or maintained
electronically in a central location for the period of
time required by the NYS Records Retention rules
DASA Incident Reports are not filed as a part of a
students school record
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New York State Education Department
Comprehensive, systematic efforts
Positive Behavioral Intervention and
Supports (PBIS)
Social-emotional development and
Progressive consequences [vs. zero
Collaborative efforts
Staff training and clear expectation
Involve persons in parental relation
Student involvement
Partnership with law enforcement
and community agencies
Positive Climate
Prevention… Starts Long Before
an Incident Occurs
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New York State Education Department
NYSED Resources
For Additional Information, please visit the following:
Dignity Act:
Guidance for Local Implementation:
Resource for Promising Practices Guide:
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Other Resources
Safe and Supportive Learning:
Stop Bullying:
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Education Department
Contact Information
NYSED Office of Student Support Services
New York State Center for School Safety