Guidance for Industry
Comments may be submitted at any time for Agency consideration. Electronic comments
may be submitted to https://www.regulations.gov. Alternatively, submit written comments
to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630
Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville, MD, 20852. All comments should be identified
with FDA-2017- D-2834.
For questions regarding this guidance, contact the Center for Tobacco Products at (Tel) 1-
877- CTP-1373 (1-877-287-1373) Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. EDT.
Additional copies are available online at
You may send an e-mail request to SmallBiz.Tobacco@fda.hhs.gov to receive an
electronic copy of this guidance. You may send a request for hard copies to U.S. Food and
Drug Administration, Center for Tobacco Products, Attn: Office of Small Business
Assistance, Document Control Center, Bldg. 71, Rm. G335, 10903 New Hampshire Ave.,
Silver Spring, MD 20993-2000.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Tobacco Products
March 2019
* This is the seventh revision to the first edition of this guidance, which issued in May 2017.
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
II. BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................. 2
III. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................. 3
A. FDA’s Extension of Certain Future Compliance Deadlines Related to the Final Deeming
Rule ................................................................................................................................................ 3
B. Compliance Policy for Certain Labeling and Health Warning Statement Requirements for
Cigars and Pipe Tobacco. ............................................................................................................ 3
C. Compliance Dates ......................................................................................................................... 4
IV. DOCUMENT HISTORY .............................................................................................. 15
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Guidance for Industry
This guidance document is intended to assist any person who manufactures, packages,
sells, offers to sell, distributes, or imports for sale and distribution within the United States
newly regulated tobacco products, roll-your-own tobacco, and cigarette tobacco. This
guidance document discusses:1
· FDA’s extension of future compliance deadlines for certain provisions
under the May 2016 final Deeming rule
· Compliance Policy for Certain Labeling and Health Warning Statement
Requirements for Cigars and Pipe Tobacco
FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable
responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and
This guidance was prepared by the Office of Regulations and the Office of Compliance and Enforcement in the Center for Tobacco Products at
Deeming Tobacco Products To Be Subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as Amended by the Family Smoking Prevention and
Tobacco Control Act; Restrictions on the Sale and Distribution of Tobacco Products and Required Warning Statements for Tobacco Products, 81
FR 28974 (May 10, 2016).
This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or
Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or
the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable
statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for
this guidance as listed on the title page.
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory
requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that
something is suggested or recommended, but not required.
The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Tobacco Control Act) (Public
Law 111-31) granted FDA the authority to regulate the manufacture, marketing, and
distribution of cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco, and smokeless
tobacco products to protect the public health and to reduce tobacco use by minors. The
Tobacco Control Act also gave FDA the authority to issue regulations deeming other
products that meet the statutory definition of a tobacco product to be subject to chapter IX of
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (section 901(b) of the FD&C Act).
In accordance with that authority, on May 10, 2016, FDA issued a final rule deeming all
products that meet the statutory definition of a tobacco product, except accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products, to be subject to FDA’s tobacco product authority. This included
electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), cigars, waterpipe (hookah), pipe tobacco,
nicotine gels, dissolvables that were not already subject to the FD&C Act, and other tobacco
products that may be developed in the future (81 FR 28976).
Chapter IX of the FD&C Act now applies to newly regulated products, including sections
904(a)(1) and (4) (ingredient listing and health document submissions), 903(a)(4) and
(h) (establishment registration), 905(i)(1) (product listing), 907(a)(1)(B) (additional special
rules), 911 (modified risk claims), 904(a)(3) and 915 (harmful and potentially harmful
constituent reporting), 920 (labeling, recordkeeping, and records inspection), and 905 and
910 (premarket review requirements). The final rule also included several requirements that
apply to a subgroup of products referred to “covered tobacco products.”
903(a)(8) (labeling requirements), 904(c)(1) (timing of submissions), 905(b), (c), (d), and
In May 2017, FDA published the first edition of this guidance document, under which it
provided a three-month extension of all future compliance deadlines for requirements under
the final deeming rule. The May 2017 guidance applied to all categories of newly regulated
products, including ENDS (e.g., e-cigarettes and e-cigars), waterpipe (hookah), pipe tobacco,
and cigars, as well as the addictiveness warning requirement for RYO tobacco
and cigarette tobacco. The guidance noted that the three-month extension did not apply to
requirements under the final deeming rule where compliance deadlines already had passed,
such as mandatory age and photo-ID checks to prevent illegal sales to minors. It explained
that FDA would continue to enforce such requirements.
The final deeming rule defines covered tobacco product to include any tobacco product deemed to be subject to chapter IX of the FD&C Act
under 21 CFR 1100.2, but “excludes any component or part that is not made or derived from tobacco” (21 CFR 1140.3).
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
A. FDA’s Extension of Certain Future Compliance Deadlines Related to the Final
Deeming Rule
FDA is providing a further extension of certain future compliance deadlines for requirements
under the final deeming rule. This further extension applies to compliance deadlines relating
to premarket review requirements, specifically for substantial equivalence exemption requests
(SE EX requests), substantial equivalence reports (SE reports), and premarket tobacco product
applications (PMTAs).
The further extension of premarket review compliance deadlines covered by this guidance
applies to all categories of newly regulated products that were on the market on August 8,
2016, including ENDS (e.g. e-cigarettes and e-cigars), hookah, pipe tobacco, and cigars. The
compliance dates are being extended from November 8, 2017 (SE EX requests), May 8, 2018
(SE reports), and November 8, 2018 (PMTAs) to August 8, 2021 (SE EX requests, SE
reports, and PMTAs for newly regulated combustible tobacco products, such as most cigars,
pipe tobacco and hookah tobacco) and August 8, 2022 (SE EX requests, SE reports, and
PMTAs for newly regulated noncombustible tobacco products, such as most ENDS or e-
The preamble to the May 10, 2016, final deeming rule explained that FDA was providing two
compliance periods: One for submission and FDA receipt of applications and one for
obtaining premarket authorization. It explained that under the latter compliance period:
Unless FDA has issued an order denying or refusing to accept the submission,
products for which timely premarket submissions have been submitted will be subject
to a continued compliance period for 12 months after the initial compliance period
described previously. For such products, FDA does not intend to initiate enforcement
for failure to have premarket authorization during this continued compliance period.
81 FR 29011 (May 10, 2016). The preamble further explained that this compliance policy did
not apply to any new tobacco product that was not on the market on August 8, 2016. Id.
FDA is revising the compliance policy relating to the period after FDA receipt of SE EX
requests, SE reports, and PMTAs for newly regulated products that were on the market on
August 8, 2016. Under this new compliance policy, there will be a continued compliance
period pending review of those applications (SE EX requests, SE reports, and PMTAs). This
compliance period will continue until the agency renders a decision on an application (i.e.,
issuance of: a Marketing Order; a No Marketing Order; a Refuse to File; or Refuse to Accept)
or the application is withdrawn.
B. Compliance Policy for Certain Labeling and Health Warning Statement
Requirements for Cigars and Pipe Tobacco.
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
On July 5, 2018, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia enjoined FDA from
enforcing the warning requirements for cigars and pipe tobacco (21 §§ CFR 1143.3 and
1143.5) until 60 days after the final disposition of the plaintiffs’ appeal in the case: Cigar
Ass’n of America v. FDA, No. 1:16-cv-01460 (D.D.C.) (order granting injunction pending
appeal); see also Cigar Ass’n of America v. FDA, No. 18-5195 (D.C.Cir.). FDA will not seek
to enforce the warning requirements for cigars and pipe tobacco until that order is lifted.
Additionally, FDA does not intend to enforce the section 903(a)(2) and 920(a) requirements
for cigars and pipe tobacco while the injunction remains in effect.
C. Compliance Dates
The new compliance dates for premarket applications are reflected in the chart in section
III.B., along with the compliance dates from the May 2017 guidance and the stay of
enforcement for cigar and pipe tobacco health warning statements described in section II.
The chart in section III.B has been revised from the first edition of this guidance, issued in
May 2017, to reflect this revised compliance policy.
For purposes of this guidance, FDA is using “future compliance deadlines” to refer to dates in
the future on which it intends to begin enforcement of certain requirements under the deeming
rule. Such dates include both (1) the effective date a particular requirement will become
effective as a matter of law (e.g., the effective date for the health warning requirements in 21
CFR part 1143) or (2) a compliance date that FDA has set as a matter of enforcement discretion,
stating that it does not intend to enforce a particular requirement that is already in effect for a
period of time in order to give industry more time to comply (e.g., compliance dates for various
provisions of the FD&C Act set forth in the preamble to the final deeming rule, see 81 FR
This guidance revises and updates the sixth edition of this guidance. As with the previous
editions, the compliance dates announced in this guidance supersede the compliance dates
included in any other guidance issued prior to this guidance.
The compliance dates for requirements under the final deeming rule are detailed in the
following chart. Requirements under the final deeming rule where compliance deadlines have
already passed are not affected by this guidance and are not listed on the chart.
See guidance, Compliance Policy for Certain Labeling and Warning Statement Requirements for Cigars and Pipe Tobacco (August 2018).
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Table 1. Required Warning Statements
Products Affected
Requirement and Compliance Date
Under This Guidance
Product packages and ads must
contain the addictiveness
warning statement (21 CFR
1143.3(a) and (b)
“WARNING: This product
contains nicotine. Nicotine is
an addictive chemical.”
The warning must follow size
and format requirements.
Cigarette tobacco, roll-your-
own tobacco, and covered
tobacco products (other than
cigars and those covered
tobacco products that do not
contain nicotine)
FDA will not seek to enforce any of
the requirements relating to pipe
tobacco health warnings below until 60
days after the final disposition of the
plaintiffs’ appeal in the case: Cigar
Ass’n of America v. FDA, No. 1:16-cv-
01460 (D.D.C.) (order granting
injunction pending appeal); see also
Cigar Ass’n of America v. FDA, No.
18-5195 (D.C.Cir.).
Manufacturers, importers, distributors,
and retailers who direct their own
Advertisements must bear the
addictiveness warning
August 10, 2018
Manufacturers cannot manufacture
products with noncompliant packages
August 10, 2018
Manufacturers cannot distribute such
products irrespective of the date of
September 11, 2018
Retailers cannot offer for sale, sell,
distribute, or import products with
noncompliant packages manufactured
on or after August 10
, 2018 unless the
retailer falls with the retailer safe
August 10, 2018
Product packages and ads of
covered tobacco products that
do not contain nicotine may
Covered tobacco products that
do not contain nicotine
Manufacturers, importers, distributors,
and retailers who direct their own
A retailer of any cigarette tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, or covered tobacco products (other than cigars) will not be in violation of this section for packaging
that (i) Contains a health warning; (ii) I supplied to the retailer by the tobacco product manufacturer, importer, or distributor who has the required state, local, or
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)-issued license or permit, if applicable; and (iii) Is not altered by the retailer in a way that is material to the
requirements of this section. 21 CFR 1143.3(a)(3)(ii).
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Products Affected
Requirement and Compliance Date
Under This Guidance
bear an alternative warning
“This product is made from
Manufacturers must submit to
FDA a self-certification
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
“extending authorities”
Advertisements must bear the
alternative warning
August 10, 2018
Manufacturers cannot manufacture
products with noncompliant packages
August 10, 2018
Manufacturers cannot distribute such
products irrespective of the date of
September 11, 2018
Retailers cannot offer for sale, sell,
distribute, or import products with
noncompliant packages manufactured
on or after August 10
, 2018 unless the
retailer falls with the safe harbor
August 10, 2018
Rotational cigar warning
statements on product
packages and ads (21 CFR
· Cigar product packages and
ads must contain warnings
that follow size format,
rotational, and distribution
· For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
“extending authorities”
FDA will not seek to enforce any of
the requirements relating to cigar
health warnings below until 60 days
after the final disposition of the
plaintiffs’ appeal in the case: Cigar
Ass’n of America v. FDA, No. 1:16-cv-
01460 (D.D.C.) (order granting
injunction pending appeal); see also
Cigar Ass’n of America v. FDA, No.
18-5195 (D.C.Cir.).
Manufacturers, importers, distributors,
and retailers who direct their own
Advertisements must bear one of the
required warnings
August 10, 2018
A retailer of any covered tobacco products that do not contain nicotine and may bear the alternative warning statement will not be in
violation of this section for packaging that: (i) Contains a health warning; (ii) Is supplied to the retailer by the tobacco product
manufacturer, importer, or distributor who has the required state, local, or Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)-issued
license or permit, if applicable; and (iii) Is not altered by the retailer in a way that is material to the requirements of this section.
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Products Affected
Requirement and Compliance Date
Under This Guidance
Manufacturers cannot manufacture
products with noncompliant packages
August 10, 2018
Manufacturers cannot distribute such
products irrespective of the date of
September 11, 2018
Retailers cannot offer for sale, sell,
distribute, or import products with
noncompliant packages manufactured
on or after August 10
, 2018 unless the
retailer falls with the safe harbor
August 10, 2018
Point-of-sale warning
statement requirement for
cigars sold individually without
packaging (21 CFR
· Specific placement and
formatting requirements
· Sign must bear all six required
· For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
“extending authorities”
Cigars sold individually
without packaging
FDA will not seek to enforce any of
the requirements relating to cigar
health warnings below until 60 days
after the final disposition of the
plaintiffs’ appeal in the case: Cigar
Ass’n of America v. FDA, No. 1:16-cv-
01460 (D.D.C.) (order granting
injunction pending appeal); see also
Cigar Ass’n of America v. FDA, No.
18-5195 (D.C.Cir.).
August 10, 2018
Cigar warning plans on how
warnings will be randomly
displayed and distributed on
packages and rotated on
advertisements must be
submitted to and approved by
FDA (21 CFR 1143.5(c)(1))
August 10, 2017
A cigar retailer will not be in violation of this section for packaging that: (i) Contains a health warning; (ii) Is supplied to the retailer by
the tobacco product manufacturer, importer, or distributor who has the required state, local, or Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
(TTB)-issued license or permit, if applicable; and (iii) Is not altered by the retailer in a way that is material to the requirements of this
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Products Affected
Requirement and Compliance Date
Under This Guidance
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
“extending authorities”
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Table 2. Premarket Review Requirements
Compliance Period
Products Affected
Compliance Date Under This
Compliance period for
manufacturers to submit a
substantial equivalence
exemption request (section 910
of the FD&C Act)
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
substantial equivalence
newly deemed finished
tobacco products
9, 10
that were
on the market as of August 8,
August 8, 2021 (combustible tobacco
August 8, 2022 (noncombustible
tobacco products)
Compliance period for
manufacturers to submit a
substantial equivalence
exemption report (section 910
of the FD&C Act)
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
substantial equivalence
New, newly deemed finished
tobacco products
that were on
the market as of August 8, 2016
August 8, 2021 (combustible tobacco
August 8, 2022 (noncombustible
tobacco products)
Compliance period for
manufacturers to submit a
premarket tobacco product
application (PMTA) (section
905 of the FD&C Act)
New, newly deemed finished
tobacco products
that were on
the market as of August 8, 2016
August 8, 2021 (combustible tobacco
August 8, 2022 (noncombustible
tobacco products)
A “new tobacco product” is any tobacco product (including those products in test markets) that was not commercially marketed in the
United States as of February 15, 2007, or any modification (including a change in design, any component, any part, or any constituent,
including a smoke constituent, or in the content, delivery or form of nicotine, or any other additive or ingredient) of a tobacco product
where the modified product was commercially marketed in the United States after February 15, 2007. Section 910(a)(1) of the FD&C
FDA has defined “finished tobacco product” as a tobacco product, including all components and parts, sealed in final packaging intended for consumer
use (e.g., filters or filter tubes sold separately to consumers or as part of kits).
Note that while the deeming rule extends FDA’s tobacco product authority to all tobacco products (except for accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products), FDA intends to limit enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements to newly regulated finished
tobacco products at this time.
Note that while the deeming rule extends FDA’s tobacco product authority to all tobacco products (except for accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products), FDA intends to limit enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements to newly regulated finished
tobacco products at this time.
Note that while the deeming rule extends FDA’s tobacco product authority to all tobacco products (except for accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products), FDA intends to limit enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements to newly regulated finished
tobacco products at this time.
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Compliance Period
Products Affected
Compliance Date Under This
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
premarket tobacco product
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Table 3. Other Provisions
Products Affected
Compliance Date Under This
Registration of establishments
engaged in the manufacture,
preparation, compounding, or
processing of tobacco product
and product listings (section
905(b), (c), (d), (h), and (i)(1) of
the FD&C Act
Newly deemed finished
tobacco products
For entities engaged in the
manufacture, preparation,
compounding, or processing of
tobacco products in the United States
prior to August 8, 2016, and
continuing operations after August 8,
October 30, 2017
For entities first engaging in the
manufacture, preparation,
compounding, or processing of
tobacco products in the United States
on or after August 8, 2016:
Immediately upon first engaging in the
manufacturing of a tobacco product
Ingredient listing (section
904(a)(1) of the FD&C Act
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for “tobacco
Newly deemed finished
tobacco products
For products on the market on August
8, 2016:
May 8, 2018,
November 8, 2018, for small-scale
tobacco product manufacturers
May 8, 2019, for small-scale tobacco
product manufacturers impacted by
recent natural disasters
Note that while the deeming rule extends FDA’s tobacco product authority to all tobacco products (except for accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products), FDA intends to limit enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements to newly regulated finished
tobacco products at this time.
Note that while the deeming rule extends FDA’s tobacco product authority to all tobacco products (except for accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products), FDA intends to limit enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements to newly regulated finished
tobacco products at this time.
FDA considers “small-scale tobacco product manufacturersto be a manufacturer of any regulated tobacco product with 150
employees or fewer and annual total revenues of $5,000,000 or less.
For a complete list of the areas that have been impacted by recent natural disasters, please visit
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Products Affected
Compliance Date Under This
For products entering the market after
August 8, 2016:
90 days prior to marketing
Harmful and potentially
harmful constituents (HPHCs)
(section 904 and 915 of the
FD&C Act)
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for “HPHC
Newly deemed finished
tobacco products
6 months from the publication date of
a final guidance regarding HPHC
reporting under section 904(a)(3)
9 months from the publication date of a
final guidance regarding HPHC reporting
under section 904(a)(3), for small tobacco
product manufacturers.
For products entering the market after the
publication date of a final guidance
regarding HPHC reporting under section
90 days prior to marketing
Tobacco health documents
(section 904(a) (4) of the FD&C
Newly deemed finished
tobacco products
November 8, 2017, for small-scale
Note that while the deeming rule extends FDA’s tobacco product authority to all tobacco products (except for accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products), FDA intends to limit enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements to newly regulated finished
tobacco products at this time.
In the preamble of the final deeming regulation, FDA indicated that it intends to issue guidance regarding HPHC reporting (and later a
testing and reporting regulation under section 915) with enough time for manufacturers to report given the 3-year compliance period. At this time, FDA
has not published a final HPHC reporting guidance, and as a result, we are providing a revised compliance date based on when a final HPHC reporting
guidance is issued.
For this compliance policy, the term “small tobacco product manufacturerhas the meaning given that term under the statute, i.e., a tobacco product
manufacturer that employs fewer than 350 employees. For purposes of determining the number of employees of a manufacturer under the preceding
sentence, the employees of a manufacturer are deemed to include the employees of each entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control
with such manufacturer.
Note that while the deeming rule extends FDA’s tobacco product authority to all tobacco products (except for accessories of newly
deemed tobacco products), FDA intends to limit enforcement of the premarket authorization requirements to newly regulated finished
tobacco products at this time.
FDA considers “small-scale tobacco product manufacturersto be a manufacturer of any regulated tobacco product with 150
employees or fewer and annual total revenues of $5,000,000 or less. The compliance deadline for submission of tobacco health documents for entities other
than small-scale tobacco products manufacturers has already passed (February 8, 2017) and is not affected by the extension announced in this guidance.
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Products Affected
Compliance Date Under This
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for “tobacco
health documents
May 8, 2018, for small-scale tobacco
product manufacturers in areas
impacted by recent natural disasters
Prohibition on the introduction
into interstate commerce of
products that contain “light,”
“low,” “mild,” or other similar
descriptors in the label,
labeling, or advertising of such
products without a modified
risk tobacco product order in
effect (section 911 of the FD&C
For more information, visit
FDA.gov and search for
modified risk
All newly deemed finished
tobacco products
Stop manufacturing: November 8,
Stop distribution into interstate
commerce: December 8, 2017
Tobacco products will be
considered misbranded unless
they bear a label containing the
following information (section
903(a)(2) of the FD&C Act):
· The name and place of
· Quantity of the contents
· Percentage of domestic and
foreign-grown tobacco
· The statement: “Sale only
allowed in the United States”
All newly deemed finished
tobacco products in package
For cigars and pipe tobacco, FDA does
not intend to enforce this requirement
while the injunction issued in Cigar
Ass’n of America v. FDA, No. 1:16-cv-
01460 (D.D.C.) (order granting
injunction pending appeal) remains in
effect. See Guidance Compliance
Policy for Certain Labeling and
Warning Statement Requirements for
Cigars and Pipe Tobacco (August
For RYO, cigarette tobacco and
deemed products other than cigars and
pipe tobacco
August 10, 2018
For a complete list of the areas that have been impacted by recent natural disasters, please visit
FDA issued a Draft Guidance titled “Interpretation of and Compliance Policy for Certain Label Requirement; Applicability of Certain Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act Requirements to Vape Shops,” for public comment, which, among other things, included a compliance policy relating to section
903(a)(2)(C). When finalized, the guidance will reflect the agency’s current thinking on the topics contained therein.
FDA similarly does not intend to enforce the requirements under section 920(a) for cigars and pipe tobacco while the injunction remains in effect.
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
Products Affected
Compliance Date Under This
All required label and labeling
statements must be prominent
and in such terms that render
it likely to be read and
understood (section 903(a)(3) of
the FD&C Act)
All newly deemed finished
tobacco products
November 8, 2017
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
May 2017 – First edition of guidance issued.
August 2017 – Three-Month Extension of Certain Compliance Deadlines Related to the Final
Deeming Rule is revised to reflect changes to premarket review compliance policy related to
“deemed” tobacco products. Specific revisions include the following:
· Title Removal of “Three-Month” to reflect the inclusion of extended compliance deadlines
for premarket review policy.
· Section II – Added explanation of extension of compliance policies included in May 2017
first edition of guidance.
· Section III.A – Added explanation of previous premarket review compliance policy and
summary of revised premarket review compliance policy for deemed tobacco products.
· Section III.B Updated chart to include revised premarket review compliance policy, and
third column revised from “new compliance date” to “compliance date under this guidance”
to provide additional clarity.
October 2017 (1) Revised compliance date for “Registration of establishments engaged in the
manufacture, preparation, compounding, or processing of a tobacco product and product listings” to
reflect the date extension found in the “Registration and Product Listing for Owners and Operators of
Domestic Tobacco Product Establishments” guidance issued in September 2017; (2) Revised
compliance date for “Ingredient listing” to provide a six-month extension for tobacco product
manufacturers and importers impacted by recent natural disasters; and (3) Revised compliance date
for “Tobacco health documents” to provide a six-month extension for tobacco product manufacturers
and importers in areas impacted by recent natural disasters.
November 2017 Revised compliance date for “Ingredient listing” to provide a six-month extension
for all tobacco product manufacturers and importers, regardless of whether the manufacturer or
importer is in an area impacted by recent natural disasters, as described in the October 2017 edition of
this guidance.
August 2018Section II and compliance dates in section III in this guidance are revised to
reflect a stay of enforcement of the warning requirements for cigars and pipe tobacco (21 CFR 1143.3
and 1143.5) after the United States District Court for the District of Columbia granted plaintiffs’
motion for an injunction pending appeal. Cigar Ass’n of America v. FDA, No. 1:16-cv-01460
(D.D.C.) (order granting injunction pending appeal) as well as FDA’s intention to not enforce the
requirements under sections 903(a)(2) and 920(a) of the FD&C Act for cigars and pipe tobacco while
the injunction remains in effect.
Clarifying and corrective edits made throughout the guidance.
November 2018 Revised compliance date for “Ingredient listing” to provide a six-month
extension for small-scale tobacco product manufacturers and importers impacted by recent
Contains Nonbinding Recom m endations
natural disasters.
March 2019 Revised the HPHC reporting compliance date to six-months, and nine-months for
small tobacco product manufacturers, from the publication date of a final guidance regarding HPHC
reporting under section 904(a)(3).