From: Alice Diarra Sangare
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:37 AM
To: Sariette Jippe; Pooshpa Muni Reddi
Cc: Hawa Maiga (Hmaiga@worldbank.org); Isabella Micali Drossos; Christophe Lemiere;
Acougnon Dolo (Ado[email protected]); Youssouf Bambara; Issac Kante
Subject: FW: REGIONAL: Mali (IDA Credit 5570) - Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic
Dividend Regional Project - SIGNING PACKAGE
Attachments: Disbursement.pdf; FA.pdf; Supplemental Letter.pdf
Dear Sariette,
Please kindly see attached that the original signed copies of the SWEDD project have been sent to Pooshpa since April
2015. The staff in charged of the pouch are not yet in the office. But once they arrive, we will provide you the status
of the pouch.
Best regards
From: Hawa Maiga
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 5:33 PM
To: Pooshpa Muni Reddi; Christophe Lemiere
Cc: Margareta Norris Harrit; Aissatou Diack; Isabella Micali Drossos; Paul Noumba Um; Aoua Toure Sow; Alice Diarra
Sangare; Boubacar Sidiki Walbani; Paola Ridolfi; A. Micheline H. M. Faucompre
Subject: RE: REGIONAL: Mali (IDA Credit 5570) - Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Regional
Dear Pooshpa,
As per your request please find attached signed documents as follow:
Supplemental Letter signed;
Disbursement letter signed;
FA signed.
Pls kindly note that original copy will be follow to your attention by DHL on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt.
Best regards,
Togola Hawa Maïga
Senior Executive Assistant
Country Direction for AFCW3
Chad, Mali and Niger
The World Bank Office in Bamako, Mali
Phone: (+223) 20 70 22 00 – DAMA: 5351+2217
Fax: (+223) 20 22 66 82 or 20 22 88 67
Email: hmaiga@worldbank.org
It is nice to be important, but more important to be nice.
From: Pooshpa Muni Reddi
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 3:19 PM
To: Christophe Lemiere
Cc: Margareta Norris Harrit; Aissatou Diack; Isabella Micali Drossos; Paul Noumba Um; Hawa Maiga; Aoua Toure Sow
Subject: REGIONAL: Mali (IDA Credit 5570) - Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Regional Project -
Dear Christophe,
Please find below the signing package for the above project. To prepare the signing package, kindly follow these steps:
1. Print three copies of each document: (i) Financing Agreement, (ii) Supplemental Letter, and (iii) Disbursement Letter.
Two originals of each document will be signed. (The third copy will be an extra copy just in case something goes
wrong then this extra copy can be used.)
2. Print one copy of the signed transmittal letters. (There are two signed copies of the transmittal letter; one without
"RECEIVED BY" and one with "RECEIVED BY"). You will need to specify the "effectiveness deadline" in each letter.
Note that pursuant to Sections 5.01 of the Financing Agreement, the Effectiveness Deadline is the date
falling 120 calendar days (including weekends and holidays) after the date on which the Financing
Agreement is signed. If the Effectiveness Deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday, then take the next
available working day to fill in the blank space of the transmittal letters.
Here, if the legal documents are signed on April 1, 2015,
the effectiveness deadline will be July 30,
2015. This date should be inserted in para 2 of the transmittal letter. If the date of signing is
changed then please recalculate accordingly.
Print one copy of: (i) General Conditions Applicable to Credits and Grants, (ii) Procurement Guidelines, (iii) Consultant
Guidelines, (iv) Disbursement Guidelines, and (v) Anti-Corruption Guidelines from the links below.
4. Prepare one envelope addressed to (i) the Minister of Finance and put a set of all guidelines in the envelopes before
the signing.
5. During the signing, two originals of the Financing Agreement will be signed by the Minister and the Country
Director. Date of signing needs to be inserted on the cover page and on the first line of the first page of the
Financing Agreement.
6. Two originals of the Supplemental Letter will be signed by the Minister of Finance and the Country Director. The
date needs to be inserted on the first page.
7. Two originals of the Disbursement Letter will be signed by the Country Director. The date of signing needs to be
inserted before the signing.
8. Transmittal letter, without "RECEIVED BY", addressed to the Minister of Finance should be added in the documents
already in the white envelope after inserting the effectiveness deadline date in para 2. The second copy with
"RECEIVED BY" should be signed by the Minister or his rep after handing over the complete signed package to
the Minister.
After the documents have been signed, the following documents should be remitted to:
(i) the Minister of Finance :
One signed original Financing Agreement
One signed original Supplemental Letter
One signed original Disbursement Letter
One Transmittal Letter (without the "RECEIVED BY" annotation)
Copies of all guidelines as per links attached
(ii) One signed set, comprising the following documents, should be sent to LEGAM (to my attention) immediately
after the signing.
Before sending the document via pouch please send us a signed scanned copies of all the documents
One signed original of the Financing Agreement
One signed original of the Supplemental Letter
One signed original of the Disbursement Letter
One signed original of the transmittal letter with "RECEIVED BY"
If you need further clarification, please don't hesitate to call me at ext. 31406.
Links to Guidelines:
Anti Corruption Guidelines dated Oct. 15, 2006 and revised in January 2011
General Conditions Applicable to Credits and Grants of Association dated July 31, 2010
Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works & Non-
consulting Services under IBRD Loans, IDA Credits and Grants
by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011
Guidelines: Selection & Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans, IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank
Borrowers dated Jan. 2011
World Bank Disbursement Guidelines