OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
It should be engaging to readers and demonstrate how you are unique and qualied for the program to which
you are applying. The graduate school personal statement allows you to give a more complete picture of
yourself than can be gleaned from your transcript and CV or resume. This document should also highlight
what interests you about the program, how you will utilize the training, and what you will contribute to their
program in terms of research, seminar discussions, conferences and other collaborative opportunities.
Follow instructions as far as page limits, word count, and writing to a specic prompt.
Write about yourself and your life experiences - it is a personal statement after all.
Make sure your experiences and stories have a purpose in being included into the statement.
Organize your statement. It could be organized chronologically or could use recurring themes from life
events, activities, or inuential people.
It is important that you can communicate clearly with people from a variety of backgrounds. The reader
shouldn’t have to use a dictionary to read your statement so use everyday words.
Utilize 1.5 or double space between lines with regular 1” or .5” margins.
Type in an easy to read font (Calibri, Times New Roman, etc.).
Submit a narrative of your resume.
Overuse the word “I. Vary your sentence structure, especially at the beginning of your sentences.
Use the exact same personal statement for every institution.
Personal Statement Tips:
Personal Introduction:
Personal Statements
Do This
Don Do This
Write an introduction that reects you and your personality. It should say why you are interested in the graduate
program or career eld and, if appropriate, your recent experience with the job type or course topics. Starting
a personal statement with sentences that show who you are can help encourage the recipient to read further.
For a job application, consider addressing what rst interested you in the positions listing. Use a single, strong
sentence to mention the most relevant aspects of your personality and interests in the role or company. For
a university application, discuss what parts of the program or school align with your passions. Your university
introduction should be a full paragraph.
Personal statements are often called “admission essays, letters of
intent, or statements of purpose. This is your rst opportunity to
introduce yourself to the admissions committee.
OSU Career Services | 360 Student Union | 405-744-5253 | HireOSUGrads.com | careers@okstate.edu
Demonstrate Interest/Experiences in Your Subject:
Work Experience
Shadowing Experiences
Academic Projects
Volunteer Experiences
Travel Experiences
*Instead of listing all your experiences, pick and choose which experience(s) to include. Include why this
experience matters and how it has impacted you.
Address Any Red Flag Areas:
Test scores
Lack of experience
Personal Traits
Characteristics or qualities that make you stand out from your peers
How these qualities will allow you to have success in the academic rigor of the program
Unique upbringing
Obstacles you have overcome
Accomplishments or Contributions to the eld
Explain Why This Particular School or Program
Reinforce how the school’s mission or coursework can prepare you for a career
Career Goals
How does this specic degree or specic program set you up for success in your career goals?
Does gaining this additional degree help with your career goals?
What skills or traits do you expect to gain from earning this degree or program?
Content to Include in your Statement:
Evaluate Your Statement:
The Content
Are you answering the actual writing question
or prompt, if there is one?
Is your essay within the word count or page
limit, if there is one?
Does your introduction paragraph grab the
reader’s attention?
Will your statement help you stand out from
other applicants?
The Structure
Do your paragraphs ow smoothly with an intro,
body, and conclusion?
Have you written insightful transitions between
Are your personal stories well integrated into
the statement?
Have you varied your sentence structure and
limited your use of the word “I”?
Most experts recommend that you list everything that you want the reader to know about you.
Personal qualities, impactful experiences, career goals, professional trainings, and accomplishments.
Once you have a list, organize them into groups that make sense and prioritize the most important things.
Use the following mind map to help you organize your initial list.
Brainstorming Activity:
You can now pick two or three main topics to address in your statement, depending on space. Your rst
paragraph is important, so spend time writing a strong and engaging introduction.
People, events, situations,
and education that have
inuenced my decision to work
in this eld or industry.