6.857: Pebble Smartwatch Security Assassment
Thomas Boning
Ceres Lee
Steven Valdez
May 12, 2014
The Pebble Watch is a popular device in a new breed of technology. It is one
of the first consumer smartwatches able to run arbitrary code and pair with an
Android or iPhone mobile phone in order to get text alerts, weather data, and
other application data. The Pebble Watch provides an interface for the Watch
applications to have access to persistant storage and phone application communi-
cation; however, these features also make it a potential attack vector for attackers
to acquire sensitive data such as position information, text messages, and other
private data from the phone. For our 6.857 Final Project, we performed a security
analysis on the device to attempt to find any vulnerabilities or exploitable attack
vectors to access this private data or to break the implicit security assumptions of
the Pebble Watch.
1 Introduction
The goal of our project was to perform a security analysis on the Pebble Watch,
released by Pebble Technology. The Pebble Watch is one of the first consumer
smartwatches that can run arbitrary applications. The Watch also pairs with an
Android or iPhone device in order send and receive data with phone applications.
This information, such as text alerts or weatherdata, can be displayed to the user or
used by an application running on the Pebble Watch. As the number of accessories
and “smart” gadgets increases each year, the number of devices running custom
software and containing potentially private data increases, which widens the attack
surface to a users confidential data. Devices like the Pebble and Google Glass
provide new attack vectors that have not been thoroughly analyzed for security
vulnerabilities. Such devices have the potential to leak any sensitive information
stored on a paired phone, be it personal contact information, text messages, or
other data. As these accessories get smarter and become networked as part of the
“Internet of Things”, users should take into account the potential for attacks to
use the accessories as carriers for malicious code or potential Trojan horses that
can invade the secure sandbox that keeps your phone and data safe from prying
eyes and hijacking, just to name a few potential dangers.
2 Attack Vectors
In our survey of the Pebble Watch, we found a number of potential attack
vectors that we examined and attempted to exploit in order to access the private
and sensitive data that is on the paired device. The primary attack vectors we
looked into were:
The Bluetooth stack on the Pebble. If it were possible to hijack the
connection between the pebble and the device, we would have full access to
both the pebble and the phone.
The capabilities of Pebble Watch applications (Watchapps). We
wanted to explore the possiblities of using apps to access restricted memory
on the watch or the phone.
Applications on the phone that connect to the Pebble Watch. Pebble
Watchapps can bundle javascript that runs inside the main Pebble phone
application. Seperate phone applications can also interface with the Pebble
phone app to communicate with the Pebble Watchapps.
Hardware exploits. We considered the possiblity of physical hardware ex-
ploits on the watch, but in order to do so, we would have to physically break
open our Pebble watch. Since we only had one watch and we did not want
to pay for a second one, we decided not to explore these possibilities for our
Malicious apps on the phone. It may have been possible to access re-
sources of Pebble connected applications through malicious apps on the phone
or device itself. However, we decided that since this involved hacking the mo-
bile device applications without involving the Pebble, malicious applications
fell outside the scope of our project. These were thus not explored.
3 Bluetooth
One of the attack vectors we initially looked into was the Bluetooth connection
between the Pebble and a paired Android or iPhone mobile device. The Pebble
uses a Bluetooth stack that primarily supports Bluetooth 2.1 with Simple Secure
Pairing as the default and secondarily supports Bluetooth 4.0 with EDR for iOS7
iPhone devices. This connection is used by the Pebble to communicate with the
phone to upload new applications and also to transmit data such as text messages
and weather alerts.
Since there are no permission requirements or even confirmations on the side
of the Pebble Watch to upload new Watchapps and because the Pebble receives
most of the private information over the Bluetooth channel, this was one of the
first attack vectors that we looked into. We found little transparency on the code
running on the Pebble and likewise could not find the details about the Bluetooth
stack that was being used. Coupled with the fact that the Pebble uses a non-
standard OS, we though that it would be a viable target for exploitation. The
main areas of the Bluetooth stack that we hoped to exploit were either causing the
watch to communicate using an older and more insecure version of the Bluetooth
protocol or finding issues with the way the Bluetooth 2.1 protocol was implemented.
Due to the nature of Bluetooth 4.0 and lack of many 4.0 capable Bluetooth devices,
we did not focus on that protocol as part of our security analysis.
Unfortunately, even after running most of the common exploits against the
watch, we were unable to get any positive results that did not require the user
to approve a Bluetooth connection from the attacker. We found that, by default,
the watch uses Bluetooth 2.1 with numeric comparison. In this mode, a number
appears on both the watch and the device the watch pairing with. The user
must make sure that the numbers that appear on both screens are the same and
then approve the connection. The bluetooth connection cannot be formed without
the user’s approval. This mode was proven secure in 2008, so we found it was
not possible to middle-man the connection between the watch and the device.[2]
Though, as a result of the experimentation, we discovered that once a connection
is established, the Pebble Watch completely trusts the device, and arbitrary code
can be pushed onto the Pebble Watch from the approved device. While the lack of
any hardware or software exploits on the Bluetooth stack prevent an attacker from
uploading arbitrary executables to the device without the user, it does provide a
smaller attack vector. The user of the Pebble smartwatch may accidently accept
the malicious connection, given that the UI design of the accept screen on the
Pebble is small and rather unremarkable. At that point, an attacker can exploit
potential vulnerabilities using malicious Pebble Watchapps.
4 Pebble Watchapps
The meat of the Pebble that sets it apart from other watches on the market
is its ability to run arbitrary programs on the hardware. These programs tend to
be called Watchapps or Watchfaces, since a majority of them tend to be different
visualizations for the current time. These Watchfaces have access to a limited
API that Pebble provides, seemingly preventing people from running any sort of
harmful code on the device. Fortunately, the code that is being run on the Pebble
is compiled C code, which allows a programmer to access some parts of memory
that the API doesn’t provide access to by using “invalid” pointers that allow the
user to dump various parts of memory.
The Pebble only allows one Watchapp at a time to run, though up to eight
Watchapps can be loaded onto the Pebble. The Pebble uses the UUID to distin-
guish between Watchapps. Additionally, the watch has a limited amount persistant
storage, accessed per Watchapp as a key-value store. Both the loaded Watchapps
and the persistant memory are stored in the Flash Memory of the Pebble Watch.
One attack that we discovered is to fake the UUID of a Watchapp to be the
UUID of another Watchapp that uses persistant storage (Figure 1). This is fairly
easy, since Watchapps have a json manifest that lists the UUID in string form.
Then, when the malicious app is installed, it causes the previous app to be unloaded
from the Pebble Watch. However, the persistant storage is not cleared by this,
unlike normal Watchapp unloading. Thus, the new app has access to the older
app’s storage data. However, there is no authentication that the apps have the
same author or are even similar in nature. In practice, the user would notice
one of their watchapps being deleted for no apparent reason, especially since this
requires the user to install the malicious app. This would allow malicious access to
a targetted watchapp’s storage based on the UUID. Although the key value store
is based on a 32 bit key, this could also be extracted from the targetted Watchapp.
Figure 1: An example of how to read another application’s memory. a) Alice loads an app onto the watch
with UUID = 0xDEADBEEF. The watch creates persistent storage for the application and only allows an
application with UUID = 0xDEADBEEF to read from this persistent storage. b) Eve deletes Alice’s app on
the watch, and Eve uploads her own app also with UUID = 0xDEADBEEF. c) Eve’s app reads from persistent
storage. Since Eve’s app shares a UUID with Alice’s now-deleted app, the watch allows Eve’s app to read
from the persistent storage from Alice’s app. The persistent storage only checks the UUID, so Eve is able to
read the memory, as well as anything written to memory by Alice’s app.
(Note: The actual UUID structure is longer and takes the form of “6aaaaaaa-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”.
In this example, we used a shorter UUID, but the same example still holds.)
4.1 Arbitrary Memory Access
The ability to dump memory using “invalid” pointers allowed us to loop through
the flash memory and dump about half of it. Unfortunately, we discovered that
what we had originally believed was arbitrary memory access was only arbitrary
up until halfway through the Flash Memory. We believe that beyond that memory
address holds the application specific code and data that is protected from read or
write access.
The reason for this is that the Pebble Watch uses the STM32F205RE Cortex
M3 CPU[1]. This comes with a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) that allows the
Watch to manage memory access and writes. According to the data sheet for the
CPU the “memory area is organized into up to 8 protected areas that can in turn
be divided up into 8 subareas. The protection area sizes are between 32 bytes and
the whole 4 gigabytes of addressable memory.” [4]. This MPU is interfaced into
the real-time operating system of the Pebble Watch, allowing it to override the
protections for the legitimate interface into the persistent storage.
The memory dump consisted of a number of memory segments, including a
segment that with firmware of the Pebble smartwatch that was uploaded to it
by the Pebble Android app or through a connected development computer. The
segment appears to be offset from the beginning of the flash memory (Figure 2),
indicating that the first segment is likely a custom bootloader that is meant to
load the firmware and then handle control over to the Pebble OS. One potential
avenue to look into if we had more experience with disassembling code would be to
Figure 2: A memory map for the Pebble Watch. The Pebble has a STM32F205RE Cortex M3 CPU
microprocessor. There are 1024KB of flash memory, which exists from 0x08000000 to 0x080FFFFF.[4]
attempt to write data to critical parts of the flash memory to change the behavior
of the Pebble. Unfortunately, without a clear understanding of how the firmware
is structured, attempts to overwrite parts of memory could completely brick the
Pebble, making it completely unusable for any further security analysis.
One idea that we had initially considered when starting this security analysis
was to could create a malicious program that could propogate itself to other Pebble
devices given an insecure Bluetooth stack, and the ability to make arbitrary system
calls to the firmware. Unfortunately, with the results of the Bluetooth analysis and
the difficulty in reversing the firmware, we were unable to further explore these
avenues of attack.
5 Pebble Operating System
Pebble’s firmware opeerating system, Pebble OS, is based on FreeRTOS, a real
time operating system. While Pebble OS is closed source, FreeRTOS is not. We
looked at FreeRTOS as a possible attack vector. Unfortunately, we were unable
to find any existing attacks on or exploits for FreeRTOS. Through our reserach,
we discovered a FreeRTOS is under GPL with an optional exception which allows
closed source commercial products to used FreeRTOS. The website claims that
FreeRTOS receives over 100,000 downloads a year and that a number of commercial
products use FreeRTOS.[3]
Of interesting note is that some other smart watches also used FreeRTOS.
Among these are inPulse Watch and MetaWatch. We concluded that FreeRTOS
likely provides reasonable security, since it has been used in a number of commer-
cial products. However, since these products are closed source, there are likely a
number of security vulnerabilities that are currently undiscovered, either in the
propreitary code, or in the FreeRTOS basis. Due to the difficulty of finding these,
we decided to devote our time researching other attack vectors.
6 Phone Applications
The Pebble Watch is designed communicate with a phone over Bluetooth, and
has two types for phone applications that can be connected to it. The first is a
separately created phone application that uses the Pebble Framework and inter-
faces with the main Pebble app to send data. The second option is a javascript
application that is bundled with the Watchapp. This javascript is run inside the
official Pebble phone application with a limited interface for messaging the Pebble
Watchapps as well as a persistant storage on the phone.
Both of these options offer Internet access via the phone and for Pebble Watchapp
communication. In particular, the separate Phone App option lets the writer of
the app subscribe to any Watchapps UUID without authentication. This means
that a phone app could passively eavesdrop on the watch to phone messages of
the messaging interface provided by Pebble. Additionally, this means that any
phone app using the Pebble interface can send messages to any Watchapp it knows
the UUID for without the Watchapp being able to authenticate this data. This is
somewhat worrying, as Watchapps could use the messages they receive to execute
code or reply with sensative data.
The javascript application interface also provides a way to get an “account
token” that uniquely identifies a user across phone and Pebble devices. This is
based on the user’s Pebble account and Watchapp’s UUID. The token is created
using a static ‘salt’ and the MD5 hashing function. However, phone applications
cannot manually construct the “account token” for other apps without spoofing
their UUID, as the user identifing information is not provided to the javascript
7 Future Work
In addition to the attack vectors we explored, there are several more that we
believe could be analyzed in the future. These include:
Internal hardware. As mentioned above, we chose not to open the Pebble
to analyze the hardware, as this would certainly break the device; however,
we conceived several useful points to analyze. For instance, by analyzing the
flash controller unit, we could check the protection level of the flash memory.
This protection is linked to 8 bits written in the flash, and it determines what
sort of protection the flash memory has. Such information would help craft
future attacks on the device.
Overriding the Memory Processor Unit (MPU). The MPU allows the watch
to manage memory access and writes. By the unit, it could be possible to
gain arbitrary read and write access on the Pebble.
Firmware analysis. By analyzing and attaining a better understanding of the
firmware of the device, we could attempt to overwrite the flash memory of the
device to change the behavior of the Pebble device. Additionally, knowledge of
the firmware would generally be useful for analyzing the software components
of the Pebble.
8 Conclusion
While we were unable to find any major exploitable issues with the Pebble
smartwatch, we were able to analyze a number of attack vectors on the watch and
identify some potential avenues that could use further research and analysis. The
primary takeaway is that users of the Pebble Watch should exercise caution when
installing applications they have not written themselves to their watch.
[1] Wikimedia Foundation. Pebble (watch), May 2014. URL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pebble_(watch).
[2] Ulrike Meyer Johannes Barnickel, Jian Wang. Implementing an attack on bluetooth 2.1+ secure simple pairing
in passkey entry mode, 2012. URL https://itsec.rwth-aachen.de/publications/draft.pdf.
[3] Real Time Engineers Ltd. Freertos. URL http://www.freertos.org/RTOS-contact-and-support.html.
[4] STMicroelectronics. Stm32f205xx —— stm32f207xx, 2013. URL http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/