Patient and Family Advisory Council Bylaws
Article 1. Overview
The WMC Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) will provide a formal communication vehicle
for patients and families to take an active role in improving the patient experience at WMC. The council
will focus on discovering what programs and practices represent the most successful patient and family
experience within WMC and will help replicate and share those best practices across the community.
Article 2. Mission Statement
Guided by WMC’s vision, mission and values, the PFAC is dedicated to ensuring that our patients and
families have a safe, quality, compassionate and supported healthcare experience.
Article 3. Goals
Section 1.
Advise: Work in an advisory role to enhance patient-family centered care initiatives
at WMC.
Section 2.
Support: Support staff and WMC leadership in their patient-family centered activities
and initiatives. Act as a sounding board for implementation of new programs and existing
programs across WMC.
Section 3.
Participate: Provide patient and family member representation to committees and
work groups including, but not limited to patient safety, quality improvement, facility design,
service excellence, ethics and education.
Section 4.
Identify: Identify existing best practices in patient-family centered care and explore
ways to share and replicate those across the organization.
Section 5.
Represent: Represent patient and family perspectives about the healthcare experience
at WMC and make recommendations for improvement.
Section 6.
Educate: Collaborate with WMC staff to facilitate patient and family access to
information. Influence and participate in WMC staff orientation, patient and family education
and discharge/transition planning.
Section 7.
Evaluate: Evaluate the role of the PFAC in improving outcomes for patients and
Article 4. Structure and Membership
The PFAC will consist of approximately six members representing the diversity of the WMC community.
In addition, up to six WMC staff members may also serve on the PFAC. The structure of the council may
change over time.
Article 5. Nomination and Application Process
Recruitment of PFAC members is initiated by referral from all disciplines including WMC physicians,
nurses, other healthcare providers and professional staff.
Section 1. Membership Criteria:
Members are selected based upon the following criteria:
Recent experience as a patient or family member at WMC
Ability to represent patient care experience
Willingness to work collaboratively and in an advisory role
Good listening skills
Ability to interact well with differing groups of people and differing opinions
Respect of others’ perspectives
Positive, constructive attitude
Ability to maintain confidentiality
Ability to participate in a consistent and agreed-upon schedule of meetings and potential
subcommittee efforts
Commitment to serve for a two-year term with potential to renew or step down at the end
of the term
Section 2. Membership Selection:
Application forms are sent to prospective members, who are
interviewed. Once selected, the applicant receives an acknowledgement letter from staff of the
PFAC and a thank you letter is sent to the referring individual.
Section 3. Terms of Appointment:
Council members are granted two-year terms
Council members may request to be re-appointed
Resignation will be submitted in writing or via email to the WMC PFAC
Vacancies may be filled during the year as needed
Council members may be removed from their positions due to their inability to
participate as needed or comply with the membership criteria
Article 6. Roles and Responsibilities
Section 1. Roles and Responsibilities for Patient/Family Members:
Encourage greater understanding of the healthcare experience through the eyes of the
patient and family
Actively participate in establishing a strong partnership between WMC and staff, patients
and families
Honestly share perceptions and expectations concerning health care at inpatient and
outpatient areas
Evaluate practices, programs and services and provide recommendations that respond to
the unique needs of the patient and family based on patient-family centered care
Channel needs, concerns and recommendations to the WMC leadership team for review
and direction
Contribute to the education of present and future healthcare providers
Provide a vital link between WMC and the community
Maintain confidentiality at the council meetings and outside the meetings
Respect the collaborative process and the council as the forum to discuss issues
Give input based on your own experience but be able to step out of your individual
Collaboratively work on projects identified by the council that will improve patient-
family centered care at WMC
Participate on other WMC committees and work groups as appropriate
Attend all PFAC meeting or notify a staff member in advance if unable to attend
Section 2. Roles and Responsibilities for Staff/Employee Members:
Attend each PFAC meeting
Prepare meeting agendas
Identify, invite, vet and orient potential PFAC members
Facilitate discussions and engage all members
Provide a report back to the PFAC of progress on ongoing projects and any hospital
changes of interest to the group
Assist with operations behind the scenes to facilitate meetings and PFAC efforts
Minimize potential barriers to achieving established goals
Be an advocate for the utilization of PFAC efforts and members
Section 3. Roles and Responsibilities of Chair/Co-Chair:
Attend each PFAC meeting
Communicate activities of the PFAC to WMC leadership
Facilitate all meetings
Communicate with PFAC members outside of meetings
Co-chair will support duties of chair in his/her absence
Article 7. Orientation and Training
All selected patient and family applicants will receive volunteer orientation and training on applicable
hospital regulatory and privacy issues.
Article 8. Confidentiality
PFAC members must not discuss any personal or confidential information revealed during a council
meeting outside of those sessions. Council members must adhere to all applicable HIPAA standards and
guidelines. If a member violates these guidelines, a staff member will remind them of the guidelines.
Repeated violations may result in re-evaluation of membership status.
Article 9. PFAC Meetings
Meetings will be held monthly on a day and time that best meets the schedules of members. Each
meeting will be 1.5-2 hours in length.
Section 1. Agenda:
Meeting agenda will be set by the designated staff/employee member and
distributed to the membership prior to each session.
Section 2. Meeting Minutes:
The designated staff/employee will distribute the minutes in a
timely manner to all PFAC staff and patient/family members. Council minutes will be retained
for a minimum of five years.
Section 3. Attendance:
It is expected that the members of the council will make every attempt
to attend every session during their term. Participation will provide the most effective meeting
and make the most impact on the patient experience at WMC. Attempts can be made to
accommodate teleconference call arrangements if necessary. If a member is not able to make one
or more sessions, notification to a staff member as soon as possible is expected in order to make
any needed adjustments prior to the group meeting.
Section 4. Inclement Weather:
Business meetings will be canceled if traveling in Casper
becomes unsafe.
Article 10. Termination
The chair and co-chair of the PFAC reserve the right to dismiss any member who is not compliant with
the bylaws and guidelines of the PFAC.