Fall 2018, version 2
Department of Crop and Soil Science
To ensure your continued success in your position with the Department of Crop &
Soil Science and the success of our department, your leadership team is providing
you the following department handbook. This information is intended to
strengthen our department’s high standards and success as a team and as
If you have questions about the contents of this information, please speak with
Administrative Manager or Department Head.
Accident Reporting………………………………………………………………………………….….6
Address Changes………………………………………………………………………………………...6
Affiliate/Courtesy/Adjunct Faculty Request Process………………………………………...7
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)………………………………………………………………..13
Building and Space Atlas……………………………………………………………………….......15
Calendar(s) Departmental Events/Polycom/Conference Phone and Line
Requests/Travel ........................................................................................................................29
Classified Bargaining Agreement (SEIU) ....................... …………………………………….....…….31
Committee Guidelines/Committee Rosters .................... …………………………………….......31
Common Space Use…………………………………………………………………………………...34
Curriculum-Course Management and Updates/Course Proposals, Process and
Support/University Review/Program Administration…………………………….………..34
Department Culture and Decorum-(CAS “salmon” sheet)………………………………...36
Department Endowments and Gift Funds……………………………………………………..36
Department Facilities and Equipment………………………………………………………….36
Department Organizational Chart……………………………………………………………….37
Department Succession Plan……………………………………………………………………....38
Department Vision, Mission, Values Statement………………………………………….…......38
Disability Access Services (DAS)………………………………………………………….………....38
Distressed Students…………………………………………………………………………….…..……39
Document Review Requests-Department Head…………………………………………..……..42
Docusign-Electronic Signatures…………………………………………………………….…….43
Email Distribution Lists……………………………………………………………………….….…….43
Email Requests to Department Head…………………………………………………………….….43
Emeritus Request Process…………………………………………………………………………..…..44
Employment-CSS Recruiting/Hiring Process for Tenure-Track, Fixed-Term, Classified,
Temporary, Student Positions………………………………………………………………………45
Equipment Availability-general use……………………………………………………………….…47
ESET Evaluation of Teaching Score Retrieval……………………………………………………47
Faculty Award Process……………………………………………………………………………….…..47
Faculty Campus Clubs……………………………………………………………………………………47
Faculty Campus Resources/Benefits………………………………………………………………….47
Faculty Handbook (OSU)…………………………………………………………………………………48
Finance-Index/Grants/Overload Payments/Stipends/Services & Supplies…………………48
Graduate Student Travel Awards…………………………………………………………….………...49
Graduate Faculty Request……………………………………………………………………….……….51
Graduate Student Application Process……………………………………………………….………51
Graduate Student GRA/GTA Appointment Request/Timeline…………………………………53
Grant Proposal Process……………………………………………………………………………………54
Key Requests………………………………………………………………………………………………..59
Leave Requests-Sick/Vacation/FMLA Request Process………………………………………...60
Letter of Recommendation-Writing Guidelines/Sample………………………………………..62
Meeting Request-Department Head…………………………………………………………………..63
Mentoring-New Faculty, Graduate Student………………………………………………………...63
Mid-Term Review Timeline/Process/Calendar…………………………………………………..…63
Motorpool and Project Vehicles………………………………………………………………………..65
OSU Faculty Handbook……………………………………………………………………………………80
OSU Event Calendar………………………………………………………………………………………..80
Parking-University/Department/Loading Docks…………………………………………………..80
Payday-Direct Deposit/Online Earnings Statements……………………………………………..82
Periodic Review of Faculty (PROF) Timeline/Process……………………………………….…..83
Philanthropy (University/Department/Project/Personal)………………………………….….100
Position Descriptions…………………………………………………………………………………….100
Promotion, Tenure and Conversion Timeline/Process/Calendar……………………………102
Property (OSU/CSS/Project/Personal/Inventory)…………………………………………….…..104
Purchasing Request/Timeline………………………………………………………………………….104
Reimbursement Timeline/Process…………………………………………………………………….104
Retirement Timeline/Planning Process……………………………………………………………..104
Room Assignments & Space Allocations…………………………………………………………….107
Sabbatical Timeline/Process……………………………………………………………………………107
Safety & Emergency Preparedness…………………………………………………………………..110
Scholarship Award Process…………………………………………………………………………….111
Service Animals…………………………………………………………………………………………….111
Signature Authority……………………………………………………………………………………....111
Signature Request-Department Head……………………………………………………………….112
Strategic Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………….112
Student Clubs……………………………………………………………………………………………….112
Student Positions………………………………………………………………………………………….114
Temporary Positions (see Employment)
Tenure-Track Faculty (see Employment)
Timesheet-Instructions for Completion and Submittal………………………………….….116
Travel-Authorization/International Travel/Reimbursement…………………………………117
Visa & Immigration………………………………………………………………………………...……..123
Visiting Scholar Request Policy/Process……………………………………………………..…….128
Accident Reporting
Accident/Injury reports should be submitted online using the Public Incident
Reporting Form https://oregonstate2-gme-
This is an all-purpose form provided by Human Resources and is needed for
workers’ compensation and other consequences.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
All citizens have a responsibility to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Oregon state law mandates that employees of Oregon State University must make
reports if they have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect. These people are
called mandatory reporters and are a crucial link in the system to protect Oregon’s
most vulnerable citizens.
You can report accidents or incidents by going to the following link
To update your Current Mailing Address with your health insurance
providers, go to Pebb Benefits.
Go to Employee Online Services
enu.P_MainMnu where you may select whether or not your address and phone
information are listed in the OSU online and printed directories using
the “Directory Profile” menu option in the Personal Information tab.
To update or insert other addresses on your record:
Billing Address: contact Student Accounts, B100 Kerr Administration
Building, or telephone (541) 737-3775.
Department (US Mail) Addresses: faculty/staff contact your departmental
personnel/payroll person. [email protected]
Employee Office (Directory) Addresses: faculty/staff contact your
departmental telephone coordinator. [email protected]
Vendor Payment Address: used when faculty/staff receive payments from
OSU, including reimbursement for travel or other expenses. Contact your
departmental (AMBC) accountant to make changes.
The department offers central advising to all undergraduate students. The CSS
undergraduate advisor is Andrew Hunt.
The advisor is in charge of meeting one-on-one with all CSS majors at least once each
term for about 30-45 min. This meeting requires advance preparation by reviewing
the student's MyDegrees and looking ahead to ensure students are fulfilling the
requirements toward graduation. During the meeting the advisor will review the
progress to date; guide students for course plans in the upcoming term; discuss
opportunities such as internships, jobs, graduate school, pertinent to their goals, and
advise students of resources available to them in order to succeed. The advisor is
responsible for helping students identify a faculty mentor for internships/research
and discussing general requirements to earn credit in CROP/SOIL 401 or 410.
Additionally, the advisor handles questions regarding specific courses offered by CSS
to any interested party by providing a brief description of the course; offering
times/terms, etc.; and/or forwarding inquiries to the instructor of record if more
detail is requested.
Faculty should consult or contact the advisor about changes in teaching courses for
which they are, or have been, responsible (e.g. dropping the offering of a course,
change in time or term offering, change in instructor of record); internship
opportunities (if faculty have a student working with them who they believe their
work merits internship/research credits they should reach out to the advisor) and
internship grades; and student late drop or add of courses within CSS. If faculty
have an issue with a CSS student (e.g. depression, threats, or in need of DAS) it is
helpful for the advisor to be made of aware of these situations.
Course overrides (and some waivers) are at the discretion of the individual instructor
and he/she should contact the scheduling coordinator (Caroline Charlton) to request
overrides for specific students. In most situations, only the instructor of record for the
course in which they are responsible is allowed to request an override for students.
However, upon meeting or speaking with advisees (or in some circumstances any
OSU student), the advisor can provide overrides/waivers for students if their
coursework meets or exceeds prerequisites for a specific course or degree
requirements. These are not typically offered upon suggestion or consultation with
other faculty as it is usually based on banner issues with transfer courses or
exceeding prerequisites. Otherwise, the advisor will refer students to the instructor
for the specific course.
The Department of Crop and Soil Science values collaborations with
colleagues appointed outside of our Department or OSU. To collaborate with us, one
does not need a formal appointment at OSU. In some cases, however, it is beneficial
to formalize relationships with OSU and our Department.
Benefits may include official recognition of a professional appointment; approved
opportunity to teach or co-teach a course in our Department; approval to serve as
a member of graduate student committees or as primary advisor of graduate
students; and acquisition of an OSU ID number, which provides access to OSU
recreational facilities, ability to purchase parking permits and to access certain
library privileges. Note that Courtesy Faculty may access inter-library loan
privileges but Affiliate Faculty may not.
A summary of the current OSU Office of Human Resources policy regarding
Courtesy Faculty and Affiliate Faculty appointments can be found here:
Policy on Adjunct Faculty appointments is present here:
Much of the language in this document is taken directly from resources of the
University and other units in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
Appointment Types
Courtesy Faculty are qualified individuals who typically provide substantive and
sustained contributions to achieve the mission of the Department and University.
Collaborations are usually expected to last more than one year, although visiting
scholars may be appointed as Courtesy for less than a year. Courtesy faculty are
typically appointed for up to five years, with a review of contributions after three
years. As long as contributions are substantive and sustained, the appointment
may be renewed at the discretion of the Department Head with input from the
Promotion, Tenure and Conversion Committee.
Affiliate Faculty are qualified individuals who contribute to and participate in
major functions that achieve the mission of the Department or University. Affiliate
Faculty are normally asked to identify a regular faculty member who will act as
mentor and collaborator. Appointments are typically for one year or less, but may be
renewed at the discretion of the Department Head with input from the Promotion,
Tenure and Conversion Committee.
Adjunct Faculty is an OSU faculty member whose academic home is in another
Department. Adjunct Faculty are professorial rank faculty associated with one or
more OSU departments but paid by other units of Oregon State University.
Adjunct Faculty appointments enhance functions by improved communication
with regular department faculty. Through cooperation and consultation, the
productivity of these individuals and the programs with which they are associated
may enhance resident instruction, continuing
education, and research by closer association with another department.
How do I request a courtesy, affiliate or adjunct appointment in the
Department of Crop and Soil Science?
Begin by discussing your interest with the Associate Department Head, including
whether you seek courtesy, affiliate or adjunct status. After consultation, write a
cover letter outlining your request and indicate which of the contributions listed
below you expect to make during your appointment. Be sure to explain the
specifics of your contributions in sufficient detail that readers can evaluate
effectively your plan for contributing to our Department. Send a pdf of the signed
cover letter and your current CV to the Associate Department Head (ADH), who
then routes those materials to all academic faculty in CSS for review and
comment. Comments are summarized by the ADH and directed to the Head with a
recommendation to approve, disapprove, or request additional information. If
approved, the ADH provides justification text to the Admin Assistant for
preparation of appointment letter to be signed by the Head. Appointments are
made at the discretion of the Head.
An exception may be Affiliate appointments where the appointed faculty is only
serving as an external committee member on a graduate student committee and
needs an Affiliate appointment in our Department to be approved for Graduate
Faculty status. This is a minimum requirement for all members of graduate
student committees.
Examples of expected contributions to the Department
Courtesy Faculty
Examples of substantive and sustained contributions that may warrant
appointment as a Courtesy Faculty include:
Teaching regularly scheduled classes (Courtesy Faculty may teach
undergraduate or graduate courses either as co-instructor or as
primary instructor. The courses may be on-campus and/or via e-
campus. Courses may include graduate seminars).
Directing thesis work of graduate students as the primary advisor.
Serving as a principal investigator on research grants submitted
through our Department.
Visiting scholar involved in a substantive collaboration with one or
more Department Faculty members.
Providing regularly occurring consultations involving an expertise
under- represented among our regular faculty, such as mentoring in
statistical, molecular genetic, mathematical modeling or other
specialized techniques.
Affiliate Faculty
Examples of contributions to major functions that achieve the
mission of the Department or University include:
Co-advising a graduate student with a regular faculty member.
Participating in joint programs with OSU faculty.
Providing regularly occurring guest lectures in classes or assisting in
outreach activities.
Advising a student organization with a regular faculty member.
Adjunct Faculty
Contributions may be quite diverse but are expected to be substantial
enough to warrant official recognition as a member of our Department.
Some examples include:
Instructor of a regularly taught course that is cross-listed in our
Co-principal investigator along with a regular faculty appointed in
our Department working on a substantial and sustained
collaborative research project.
Substantially contributes to the mentoring of graduate students and or
postdocs in the Department.
How do I know if I should request a faculty appointment?
In general, Courtesy and Adjunct Faculty members are more deeply involved in
their contributions to the Department than are Affiliate Faculty. For example,
Courtesy and Adjunct Faculty are often primary instructors for courses whereas
Affiliate Faculty are co-instructors or give regularly occurring guest lectures;
Courtesy and Adjunct faculty often serve as primary advisors to graduate
students whereas Affiliates serve as committee members; Courtesy faculty are
principal investigators on grants submitted through our Department whereas
Affiliates are co-investigators.
If you only wish to participate as a committee member or co-advisor of a
graduate student in our Department, the appropriate appointment is Affiliate.
Your appointment will be renewed until the student departs our graduate
How long is my appointment?
Courtesy and Adjunct Faculty appointments are usually five-year terms, with
a review by the Promotion, Tenure and Conversion Committee and
Department Head in year three.
Visiting Scholars may have Courtesy or Affiliate appointments that are shorter in
Affiliate Faculty are typically appointed for one-year terms. Those appointments can
be renewed after review by the Department Head. Affiliate Faculty who are only
serving as committee members for graduate students are automatically renewed
until the student departs our graduate program.
Do I have voting privileges in the Department?
The Department encourages active participation in our faculty meetings by
faculty with all types of appointments. Courtesy, Adjunct Faculty, and Affiliate
Faculty do not have voting privileges.
How does periodic review of my appointment work?
The Department Head will correspond with faculty whose appointments are due
for review. An email will be sent requesting an updated CV and a summary of
contributions to the Department or University since the last review or initial
appointment. The materials will be reviewed by the Head, who will then approve
or deny renewal, or request additional information.
Courtesy Faculty will be reviewed at year three of a five-year appointment and at
year 5 if another appointment is requested by the Courtesy Faculty member.
Affiliate Faculty will be reviewed annually unless appointed only to serve as an
outside committee member for a graduate student committee.
If Courtesy or Affiliate Faculty do not request review or extension of their
appointments, their affiliation will be terminated at the end of year 5 or year 1,
respectively (from the time of initial appointment or most recent renewal).
Do I need to be on the Graduate Faculty as well?
A Courtesy or Adjunct Faculty member may be appointed to the Graduate Faculty
when appropriately qualified for the purpose of teaching a graduate level course,
directing theses, and or serving on a graduate student’s committee. An Affiliate
Faculty member is eligible to be appointed to the Graduate Faculty when
appropriately qualified, typically for minor participation in graduate instructional
activities. Appointment to the Graduate Faculty is initiated through the
Department Head. It is not expected that every Courtesy, Adjunct and Affiliate
Faculty member will hold a Graduate Faculty appointment. Refer to the Graduate
School for information regarding the procedure for appointment and the period of
appointment: (http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/faculty).
What other contributions to the Department are expected?
Courtesy Faculty are asked to provide committee service to the Department. We
expect both Courtesy and Affiliate faculty to use the Department address in the
byline of their publications when relevant and appropriate.
What is the procedure?
The Procedure for Courtesy and Affiliate Faculty appointments are similar and
require College approval, whereas Adjunct Faculty appointments are at the
discretion of the Department Head. The flowchart below shows the steps involved
for these types of appointments to be considered, reviewed and approved.
For the non-OSU employee (candidate), the consideration of Courtesy or Affiliate
Faculty appointment usually begins with a conversation with the Department
Head. The candidate is encouraged to contact the Associate Department Head
(ADH) with a written request for appointment (step 1), including CV and desired
duties offered (teaching, advising, PI, etc.). The request is assembled by the ADH
and circulated to all CSS academic faculty with a deadline to respond (2). Faculty
individually decide (3). If majority faculty disapprove, the request is denied, or
faculty request more information. The ADH either notifies the candidate of
disapproval (4b) or prepares the justification text to go into the letter template by
the Administrative Manager (4a). The Admin Manager prepares the draft packet
and gives it to Head for approval (5). The packet is forwarded (6a) on to the Dean’s
office for approval (7b), and then on to the Grad School, if appropriate (7a).
9. Appointment Letter
Non‐OSU Employee
Administrative Manager
Department Head Approval
College Approval
CSS is notified via the Administrative Manager, who notifies the
faculty and the candidate.
For the non-CSS faculty member, the process follows the same steps 1-5 as
Courtesy and Affiliated Faculty appointments. In this case, however, final
approval rests with the Department Head. A memo from the Head is sent to the
faculty member and their unit’s leader notifying them of the appointment (6b).
To ensure that the adjunct appointment is acknowledged in the General
Catalog, the Head notifies the University of the faculty member’s adjunct
What Is the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law intended to stop
discrimination against people with disabilities. It applies to employers, state and
local government agencies, places of public accommodation, transportation facilities,
telephone companies, and the U.S. Congress. Under Title II of the ADA, public
colleges and universities are required to provide auxiliary aids and services to
qualified students with disabilities. Providing auxiliary aids and services is not
considered special treatment, but rather an equal opportunity to participate in the
services, programs, or activities offered by the institution.
What Are My Responsibilities as a Faculty Member?
Campus compliance with the ADA is a shared responsibility, and faculty members
play an important role in an institution's efforts. The ADA is a civil rights statute,
ensuring that students with disabilities will have the opportunity to participate in
postsecondary education without discrimination. For faculty members, providing
reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids and services is one way to prevent
What is the purpose of the academic accommodations?
Students with disabilities are capable individuals who experience some limitations
that may require adaptation of materials, methods, or environments to facilitate
learning. Accommodations may also ensure that when students are evaluated, they
are able to demonstrate what they learned rather than the effects of their disability.
How Do I Decide Which Accommodations Are Appropriate for a
Particular Student?
Because appropriate documentation is usually provided by the student to staff
within the disability services office, faculty members are not responsible for making
decisions about accommodations. Disability services professionals recommend the
accommodations which will be most effective in assuring the
student's access to academic programs. Students have the responsibility for
requesting accommodations and services, and must provide documentation of
conditions that may warrant academic accommodations. Before providing particular
accommodations for a specific course, the disability specialist carefully considers the
nature of the student's disability and how this disability may affect the student's
ability to learn, and to demonstrate achievement, in the course.
How Will I Know That a Student in My Class Is Supposed to Have an
It's fairly common practice for disability services offices to notify faculty members
of the type of accommodations that will be provided each semester. Some of these
accommodations, such as sign language interpreters, may be provided by the
disability services office itself, while other accommodations, such as extended time
for exams, may be provided by the faculty member. Accommodations may include
notetakers, sign language or oral interpreters, assistive listening devices,
alternative format course materials, open-captioned videos or films, and extended
time on exams. Not every student needs every accommodation, and the disability
services office is the best campus resource for working with each student to
determine the accommodations that are recommended.
Occasionally a student may ask you to provide accommodations, but you never
received official notification from the disability services office. To protect yourself,
the student, and your institution, you should recommend that the student channel
any accommodation requests through the disability services office.
Students have a right to privacy in disability matters, and their confidentiality must
be maintained. Please file notices of accommodation in a secure place and refrain
from discussing their disabilities and necessary accommodations in the presence of
fellow students or others who have no educational need to know.
Will Accommodations Compromise the Integrity of My Class or
Academic Program?
No. When providing accommodation for disabilities, institutions of higher education
are not required to lower academic standards or compromise the integrity of the
school or program. Essentially, accommodations and auxiliary aids and services are
provided to "level the playing field" for the student with a disability, enabling the
student to compete with his or her peers. Once you have provided accommodations,
you should grade the work of a student who has a disability as you would grade the
work of any other student. There is no need to give them a break by being unduly
lenient. To grade students more harshly because they have had the opportunity for
additional time for exams or other instructional modifications would nullify the
effect of the accommodations.
What Else Can I Do?
Don't be afraid to ask a student to describe how he or she learns best. You can also
make your course more disability-friendly by including information on your course
syllabus that encourages students with disabilities to contact the disabilities
services office for assistance in receiving accommodations. If you need additional
information or specific resources, please contact your campus disability services
To Nash
3035A 3035D
Center for Genome
Research & Biocomputing
3015 3017G 3017F
To Cordley
3113 3119
3046 3040A
3110B 3084
3036C 3036B
3022 3020
Revised: October 2018
3086 3086A
Cordley Hall-4
4034 4036 4038 4040
4044 4046
4048 4050B
031 031B
Crops-First Floor
108 120
131 131B
Crops-Second Floor
208 220
239 237
Crops-Third Floor
351C 355
337 335
320 308
Crops-Fourth Floor
OSU Campus Map (Includes Parking)
Follow this link to OSU campus maps https://map.oregonstate.edu/
Campus Facilities
Much of the equipment and some of the services offered by these facilities are
available at no charge or for a small fee to cover expendable supplies.
However, the majority of services are fee-based, at a discounted rate to the OSU
The campus facilities most commonly used by our students and program
include the following.
Agricultural and Life Sciences Building (ALS), Crop Science (CS), Cordley Hall,
and Seed Lab
The department’s main office is located in 109 Crop Science and a satellite office is
in ALS 3017. Several of our entomology faculty have offices and labs in Cordley
Hall. Our Seed Laboratory is a fee-based laboratory to support Oregon’s seed
industry. Offices, teaching and laboratory facilities are located in all three
Two major greenhouse complexes on campus offer 100,000 square feet total
growing space for teaching and research. They are the College of Ag Science East
(located immediately west of Cordley Hall) and West Greenhouses (about 1 block
west of 30th Street between Orchard Avenue and Campus Way).
All new users (graduate students, faculty, and staff) are required to complete an
initial orientation and safety training before starting work in the greenhouse.
Contact greenhouse staff to arrange this orientation and training:
Greenhouse space is allocated on a long-term basis to primary users through their
departments. Primary users may make short-term assignments to secondary users.
Users are responsible to the greenhouse manager to coordinate use or any
modification of the facilities.
Research Farms
http://agsci.oregonstate.edu/farmunit Department
faculty use three research farms:
Hyslop Field Lab,
Vegetable Farm, and
Lewis Brown Farm
Plantings and field laboratories at these locations are used in field plot research
work. To use these farms for research purposes contact Dan Curry:
Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing (CGRB) 3021
Agriculture and Life Sciences Building
CGRB provides services, technical expertise, collaborative functions and share-
use equipment for molecular bioscience research at Oregon State University. The
Core Labs are a fully staffed facility that serves as a focal point for acquisition
and development of new instrumentation and technologies. CGRB provides
service in four areas:
Functional Genomics
Biocomputing and Bioinformatics
Imaging and Image Analysis
CGRB provides shared instrumentation, including real-time PCR, scanners,
robotics and computational facilities for use by walk-in users.
CSS Central Analytical Laboratory; 3079 Agriculture and Life Sciences
The Central Analytical Laboratory (CAL) provides fee-based analytical services to
OSU scientists and cooperating investigators. The CAL also serves as an important
resource for Oregon students and Extension clientele seeking information and advice
about plant, soil, and water analysis.
Stable Isotope Research Unit; Agricultural and Life Sciences Building
The Stable Isotope Research Unit analyzes plant, soil, and other types of
biological and environmental samples for 15N and 13C abundance by CF- IRMS
and by GC-C-IRMS. Our systems include two PDZ-Europa 20/20 isotope ratio
mass spectrometers interfaced with Sercon and Europa gas- solid-liquid prep
modules and an Agilent Gas Chromatograph.
The OSU Seed Certification Service; 031 Crop Science Building
The OSU Seed Certification Service in the Department of Crop and Soil Science
certifies seed acreage across the state. Seed Certification faculty have a wealth of
information about local, regional, national, and international seed certification
policies and procedures.
The OSU Seed Lab; Seed Lab Building Campus Way
The OSU Seed Lab in the Department of Crop and Soil Science tests hundreds of
types of seeds. Seed Lab faculty and staff have a wealth of information about
seed testing procedures from around the world. Their extensive seed testing
facilities can be used for cooperative research work.
The OSU Herbarium; 2082 Cordley Hall
The herbarium is the world’s most comprehensive collection of Oregon plants and
fungi, with over 400,000 preserved specimens. Some identification services are
provided, and voucher specimens are accepted from OSU research projects.
The Oregon State Arthropod Collection; 3029 Cordley Hall
A research collection of nearly 3 million preserved insect specimens. The
collection is among the largest of university-owned insect collections in the
country. It is the largest insect collection in the Pacific Northwest.
Research Office; A312 Kerr Administration Building
Faculty can obtain information about grants, fellowships, etc., from the
Research Office. The Research Office regularly notifies via e-mail and provides
pertinent information to OSU research faculty about upcoming grant and
fellowship opportunities.
Statistics Consulting Services; 44 Kidder
The Statistical Consulting Laboratory in the Department of Statistics offers
consultation services to University researchers engaged in:
design of studies and experiments (including proposal preparation)
statistical and graphical analysis of data
appropriate choice, application and presentation of statistical methods
Researchers are encouraged to interact with a consultant during the planning stage.
OSU faculty may submit consulting requests to the Statistics Student
Consulting Service, or they may directly contact the manager of the Statistical
Consulting Lab at 541-737-1984. Fee-based consulting can be arranged.
Off-Campus Facilities
HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
The mission of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest is to support research on
forests, streams, and watersheds, and to foster strong collaboration among
ecosystem science, education, natural resource management, and the humanities.
Located in the western Cascade Mountains of Oregon, the Forest is administered
cooperatively by the USDA Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Research Station,
Oregon State University, and the Willamette National Forest. The site is a charter
member of the National Science Foundation’s Long-Term Ecological Research
Program. Through the 1970s, the site was part of the International Biological
Programme-Coniferous Forest Biome (IBP-CFB), and in 1976 it was designated a
Biosphere Reserve as part of the United Nations’ Man and the Biosphere Program.
In 1948, the site was established as an Experimental Forest by the US Forest
Service and
Branch Experiment Stations
As the state’s land grant institution, Oregon State University has a system of eleven
branch experiment stations serving the research needs of the state’s diverse
agricultural and marine enterprises. The OSU AES branch experiment station
faculty and staff work with CSS-related research, extension, and teaching programs.
For the location and focus of each of the branch experiment stations, visit:
Station directors, headquartered on the OSU campus, coordinate the efforts of
scientists based at branch stations and research and extension centers across the
state. These far-flung branch stations and centers are located in the different soil
and climate regimes around the state in order to provide producers with
information geared to different growing conditions
Hermiston Agricultural Research &
Extension Center
Columbia Basin Agricultural
Research Center
& Moro
Eastern Oregon University
Klamath Basin Research &
Extension Center
Central Oregon Agriculture Research
Madras &
Malheur Experiment Station
Southern Oregon Research &
Extension Center(Director-Rich
National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis
This US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
facility is part of the National Plant Germplasm System. It is adjacent to the Lewis
Brown research farm on Peoria Road, Corvallis, OR. This unit collects, maintains,
evaluates, and distributes clonally propagated pear, hazelnut, hardy kiwifruit,
berries and other minor specialty crops. The facility houses four scientists: a small
fruit curator, a plant pathologist in charge of in vitro culture and cryopreservation,
a pear curator, and a molecular geneticist in charge of DNA marker technology.
USDA- ARS-National Forage Seed Research Lab
Campus Way http://www.ars.usda.gov/main/site_main.htm?modecode=53-
The mission of the Forage Seed and Cereal Research Unit is to improve the
profitability of forage seed, cereal, hop, and shellfish production systems in the
Pacific Northwest in a manner that meets the environmental expectations of society.
Forage Seed Lab scientists cooperate extensively with CSS faculty and has
specialized facilities to support cooperative projects.
USDA- ARS-Plant Materials Center
Hyslop Field Station
http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/plantmaterials/pmc/west/orp mc/
The Corvallis Plant Materials Center provides plant solutions for northwestern
California, western Oregon, and western Washington. Heavily forested coastal
terraces, steep mountains, grasslands, foothills, valleys, flood plains, woodland
prairies, and savanna vegetation in the Willamette Valley and Puget lowlands typify
the topography and natural vegetation they study.
USEPA Western Ecology Division (Corvallis Environmental Research
This EPA research facility is a well-equipped facility studying air pollution effects,
terrestrial pesticides, and hazardous waste and water. Research areas of special
concern to plant scientists include air pollution effects on plants, uptake and effects
of pesticides on plants, and acid rain effects on crop plants. Of particular interest is a
unique system to study the uptake and translocation of chemicals by whole plants,
and transpiration and photosynthesis monitoring.
Oregon State University Academic Calendar 2018-2022
CSS Departmental Calendar
A CSS departmental annual calendar provides timelines and information
pertinent to our department members. All faculty have the ability to add
information to the calendar. You also have the ability to remove your items.
Administrative faculty have the ability to add/remove any calendar items.
Calendar Rules
Please do not add any personal dates/items such as familial fundraising
and the like.
Anything not abiding by the ‘salmon sheet’ principles (College of Ag
Sciences) will be removed.
Items you might want to add:
Field days
Community service events
Community events Departmental
events Networking events
OSU events
Deadlines for department-wide projects
Religious/spiritual events
We want to avoid scheduling an important meeting, event or such that is
coincident with the spiritual holiday of an employee or student who is expected to
contribute to said meeting, event, etc. This calendar is how we are going to collect
such data.
While we are not encouraging proselytization, we are creating space for CSS
employees to note the holidays they observe as a way to signal their absence. You
may indicate your observance dates, whatever tradition you follow as a marker for
your absence should you wish it known.
OSU policy does not prohibit us from doing this:
OSU policy for students does allow for making accommodation. In order to make
accommodation, we need to know what dates those are for those days other than
the major religions the University has catalogued to date.
To add the departmental calendar:
In Outlook go to the calendar section and select “open calendar” from the
address book.
Type in CAS_CSS_Calendar -you might have to change the address book on the
right to Exchange Address book.
When you see the object double click on it so it appears in the bottom field and
hit ok.
CSS Parking Space Calendar
Contact administrative staff to check availability or reserve the CSS reserved parking
CSS Teleconference Number
Contact administrative staff to check availability or reserve the CSS teleconference
number for use in meetings with more than two members calling in.
CSS Travel Calendar
In the event of an emergency, it is important for the department head to know where
faculty members are located around the world. Administrative staff keep a travel
calendar for departmental reference. You should always be making your requests for
vacation through Empcenter. When your supervisor has approved your vacation
request, we add your name and dates to the calendar. Additionally, when you request
approval for business travel, your travel location and dates are added to the calendar.
Our classified staff are a valued and integral part of department operations.
Classified staff are protected by the SEIU union contract which is bargained every
four years. The current contract linked below is through 2019.
Toward our commitment to shared governance, the Department engages faculty and
staff members to serve on department committees such as:
Committees on Teaching
Curriculum Committee Graduate
Committee Ecampus Committee
Peer Teaching Committee
Committees on Research
Seminar Committee Laboratory
Greenhouse and Farms Committee
Committees on Outreach
Non-campus Faculty Relations Committee
Extension Committee
Committees on Department
Esprit de Corps Committee Emergency
Preparedness Committees Scholarships
Awards Committee
Buildings Committee
Promotion, Tenure & Conversion Committee CSS
Executive Council
If you are interested in serving on any of the department committees, please contact
Department Head.
CSS Committee Assignments AY2019-20
(* = Chair to be elected by committee)
Committees on Teaching
Curriculum Committee (Representatives of CROP, ENT, PBG, SOIL, Ecampus programs,
Pett-Ridge, Julie (Chair)(SOIL); TBD (advisor)(CROP); Lindsley, Adam (Ecamp);
Townsend, Shaun (PBG); Hawks, Austin (EOU), Valtcho Jeliazkov (tenured
w/teaching duties), Laura Love Rathbun (UG), Kimberly Townsend (SUS)
Graduate Committee* (CROP, ENT, PBG, SOIL)
Kleber, Markus-chair| Sabry Elias-chair Rondon, Silvia (ENT); Townsend, Shaun
Gutierrez, Shauna; Rifai, Kristin,
TBD (Grad)
Ecampus Committee (Ecampus-involved faculty)
Lindsley, Adam (Chair); Japhet, Kimberly; Duval, Alyssa; Hunt, Andrew; Elias,
Peer Teaching Committee (Chair, mentoring committee members)
Parke, Jennifer (Chair); mentoring committee members
Committees on Research
Seminar Committee (Chair, 1 faculty seat, 2 grad students)
Rory Mc Donnell (chair), TBD; TBD-Soils Graduate Student ; Lucas Kopecky
Laboratory Committee (Chair, 3 faculty seats)
Myrold, David (Chair); Jeliazkhov, Valtcho; Stimpson, David (SEED LAB); Ambrowiak,
Gloria (CAL), Anne Taylor
Greenhouse Committee (one liaison) Hayes, Pat
Farms Committee (one liaison) Curry, Dan
Committees on Outreach
Non-Corvallis Faculty Relations Committee
Reitz, Stuart (Chair); Sathuvalli, Sagar; Department Head (ex officio); Jones,
Gordon; Charlton, Brian; Dan Sullivan
Extension Committee
Anderson, Nicole (Chair); Stephenson, Gary; Lutcher, Larry; Moore, Amber; Walenta,
Committees on Department
Esprit de Corps Committee*
Gwin, Lauren (Chair); TBD (Seed Lab); Rifai, Kristin
(Admin); Goodwin, Emmalie (Admin); Gutierrez, Shauna (Admin); Brown, Tami
(Seed Cert); Mobley, Meg (SUS/Soils); Trittinger, Susi (Crops Grad); Adam
Lindsley (Soils); TBD (Soils Grad)
Emergency Preparedness Committees
Gunn, Hilary (Chair)
Crop Science Building: Chris Wallace; Beuthin, Mary; Onstott, Curtis;
Gutierrez, Shauna; Kongraksawech, Teepakorn; Kammeyer, Hannah
(replacement); Hunt, Andrew; Curry, Dan; Yilma, Solomon
ALS Building: Kasschau, Kristin; Morales, Kelly; Scheerer, Ann
Seed Lab Building: Brown, Dale; Yea-Ching: Lickman, Allyson
Cordley Building: Missy Scherr
Scholarships Committee
Zemetra, Bob (Chair); Duval, Alyssa; Cassidy, James; Gutierrez, Shauna; TBD-
Advisor/Instructor; Qian, YanPing
Awards Committee
Faculty Member, Department Courtesy & Affiliate Faculty, TBD; Exec Council
Building Committee
Hayes, Pat (Chair); McMorran, Jeff; Yilma, Solomon; Berry, Pete; Zemetra, Bob;
Onstott, Curtis; Goodwin, Emmalie; ALS representative-David Myrold, Cordley
representative-David Myrold
CSS Promotion, Tenure and Conversion Committee (Current term ends 28
February, except leap years, of year shown)
Zemetra, Bob (Chair, 2021); Cassidy, James (2020); Hannaway, David (2020);
Lajtha, Kate (2022); Angima, Sam (2022); Hulting, Andrew (2022); Townsend,
Shaun (2022); Mobley, Meg (2022)
CSS Executive Council (representative of each polity in CSS)
Rondon, Silvia (Ent. & Research Stations); Anderson, Nicole (Non-campus
Extension); Townsend, Shaun (PBG); Curry, Dan (Seed Services); Myrold,
David (Soils); Chastain, Tom (Assoc. Head); Stephenson, Garry (Small
Farms) Rifai, Kristin (Admin), TBD (Dept. Head)
CAS Greenhouse Advisory Committee
Hayes, Pat; McMorran, Jeff
The Roots computing group located in Crops 152 provides the department with computer
infrastructure and IT support. http://support.roots.oregonstate.edu/
Overview of principles for designing a class:
Follow these required syllabus guidelines for on-campus classes:
Follow these required syllabus guidelines for e-campus classes:
Every term, place a copy of your syllabus on the shared drive S>CSS>Syllabi>2019
Fall/Winter/Spring and submit a copy to Department Head, TBD, Curriculum Committee
Chair, Julie Pett-Ridge and Kristin Rifai within 2 weeks of term start date using the
following naming convention:
CSS\Crop\Soil\ENTXXX_W16_LastName (e.g. CSS320_Sp16_Hawks;
Soil205_W16_Mobley; Crop310e_Sp16_Japhet)
Overrides/Course & Classroom Scheduling/Textbooks
Contact Elaine Clark to assist with the following:
Students who need specific overrides in order to register for classes (such as prereq
overrides, max capacity overrides, etc.)
All course scheduling for HORT, CROP, SOIL, CSS, PBG, ENT, and SUS for both
on-campus and Ecampus courses every term
Writing course fee (field trip) proposals.
Annual creation of the START manual.
Creation of the undergraduate dean’s list flyer each term.
Updating the undergraduate photo poster each term.
Classrooms & Scheduling Deadlines-course and classroom scheduling should happen at the
same time. Scheduling begins about 6 months in advance of term. Work with
Ordering Textbooks/clickers-about 4 months prior to start of term. Elaine Clark sends
out emails every term explaining the textbook ordering process.
Order clickers through the OSU Beaver Store as part of textbook orders. Effective June
2017, clicker information for ordering on your textbook order form: 978-0-9988191-1-
Vans and motor pool for field trip scheduling-no specific deadline, suggest as soon as
possible. Instructor is responsible for this process.
Library Course Reserves-this can take up to a week to process. Plan accordingly. Instructor
is responsible for this process.
Lab Fees-OSU is not accepting lab fee proposals for the indefinite future. Lab fees
approved and added to courses before the freeze will continue to be charged.
Grading-Elaine Clark forward’s emails from the registrar’s office about grading.
Troubleshooting and grading information can be found here:
http://registrar.oregonstate.edu/grading-web-services if you need more specific information
We encourage faculty to study the OSU online course catalog of CROP and SOIL classes to
identify time slots that won’t conflict with existing classes. Consult with Andrew Hunt who
can assist with reducing conflicts with common classes our majors take in other
departments. Faculty should keep the needs of potential CSS undergrad majors foremost
when planning classes.
For any new class or revised class,
Planning and schedule of grad-level classes should follow the above procedure in order to
not conflict with existing courses
Undergraduate Program
Students in crop and soil science explore important contemporary issues including water
quality and management, organic crop production, erosion and sedimentation, growing
crops for biofuel production, land-use and reclamation, genetic modification of crops, soil
quality, and sustainability.
Two study options are available:
Soil Resource Management
The study of soil as a science provides the basic understanding of the physical, chemical
and biological properties of this important natural resource.
Soil is the fundamental substrate for life on terrestrial landscapes. Soil plays a vital role in
sustaining human welfare and assuring future agricultural productivity and environmental
stability. An understanding of global and local ecology depends on an awareness of the soil
and its properties. Global information and mapping systems are essential tools for
characterizing the landscape and its constituent soils.
Crop Management
The discipline of crop science provides the knowledge and understanding for technologies
that contribute directly to improvements in production and quality of food, feed, fiber, seed,
and energy crops for the world. Plant improvement is a key element in the effort to feed
the world’s ever-growing population as crop plants play an important role in the future of
sustainable food and energy production.
Graduate Program
Crop Science
Areas of study leading to advanced degrees in Crop Science include biotechnology, cereal
breeding and genetics, cereal chemistry, crop production, potato breeding and genetics, seed
physiology, seed production, seed technology and quality, weed science, crop pest
malacology and entomology. Graduate students are required to participate in the on-going
research program with which their thesis is associated regardless of their funding source.
This research is considered an essential part of the training program and an excellent
opportunity for the student to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to field or
laboratory situations.
Plant Breeding and Genetics
The Plant Breeding and Genetics (PB&G) Program embodies the Land Grant mission of
integrated research, teaching and outreach in the context of cultivar development and
fundamental genetics.
Soil Science
Graduate programs in Soil Science lead to M.S., M.Agr., and Ph.D. degrees with
specialization in various fields of soil science. Supporting course work is chosen for each
student from the basic sciences and other related fields. Original research is an essential
part of M.S. and Ph.D. thesis programs. Each program is individually designed by the
student and his or her graduate committee. A non-thesis Environmental Soil Science M.S.
degree that involves completion of a problem-solving project with wide-ranging course work
also is available. The student chooses a major professor and representatives of the major
and minor fields of study.
Otherwise known as the “Salmon Sheet”, the College of Agricultural Sciences has included
the principles and practices that we should all embrace in order to work together respectfully.
(details coming in next document version)
Academic home ties
home ties
CSS Department Head
Director of Seed
Crops faculty w/
Crops Bldg
Soils faculty w/
ALS Bldg
Expt. Station Faculty
Seed lab
Central Anly Lab
County faculty
Manager/Asst. to Dept. Head
Department of Crop and Soil Science Organizational Chart – January 2019
Station Directors
Extension Regional
Classified staff
Computing services
- network support
- web support
Courtesy/Affiliate Faculty
- ARS Corvallis/CBARC
- other colleges on campus
- other agencies/companies
Faculty supervise
FRA(s), RA(s), GRA(s),
GTA(s), post docs,
classified program staff,
temporary workers, and
student workers. FRAs
may supervise classified,
temp and student
workers in some
faculty w/
Seed Services
(Details coming in next document version)
Our mission is to develop and deliver knowledge of plant-soil systems: learn, discover, grow.
The Department of Crop & Soil Science mission statement addresses the three-fold land-
grant university mission through a series of mandates.
Our research mandate is to discover and develop principles of plant and soil sciences
through scientific investigation and to apply these principles to the development of new
crops and varieties, and new crop, soil, and water management practices in agricultural,
urban, and natural environments.
Our teaching mandate is to teach principles and applications to undergraduate and
graduate students on- and off-campus, and to provide students with experiential training
and learning opportunities.
Our extension, outreach and engagement mandate is to convey research-based
knowledge in a way that permits people to improve their lives, and their communities.
Our diversity mandate is to promote diversity of ideas, people, and cultures; and to
disseminate accumulated knowledge through resident instruction, distance and continuing
education, extension, publications, and professional associations.
Our vision is to be recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally for scholarly work,
effective student training, innovative and relevant extension education and service
programs. The Department strives always to be aligned and programmatically integrated
within OSU and externally with partner resources to enhance and sustain the research,
production, and management activities that strengthen state and global economic and
environmental vitality.
Disability Access Services (DAS) provides accommodations, education, consultation and
advocacy for qualified students with disabilities at Oregon State University. DAS works
with students at OSU, OSU-Cascades, across Oregon and around the world through the
OSU E-campus program.
Accommodations for students with disabilities are determined and approved by Disability
Access Services (DAS). DAS notifies students and faculty members of approved academic
accommodations and coordinates implementation of those accommodations. While not
required, students and faculty members are encouraged to discuss details of the
implementation of individual accommodations.
Contact DAS at 541-737-4098 or http://ds.oregonstate.edu
As a result of growing safety issues and concerns on college campuses, Oregon State
University (OSU) developed a Student Care Team (SCT). The SCT addresses student
behaviors that are disruptive and may include safety and/or mental health issues. The goal
of the SCT is to promote the safety and health of students which, in turn, aids in the well-
being of our overall OSU community. The SCT consists of a group of qualified and
dedicated OSU professionals who collaborate together as they focus on:
Eliminating fragmented care and information
Providing a structured method for addressing student behaviors that impact the
university community
Balancing the individual needs of the student and those of the greater campus
Initiating appropriate intervention without resorting to punitive measures
The Student Care Team is comprised of representatives from the Academic Success Center,
Counseling and Psychological Services, Dean of Student Life Office, Department of Public
Safety, International Student and Advising Services, INTO OSU, Office of Equal
Opportunity & Access, Oregon State Police OSU Station, OSU Graduate School,
Residential Education, Student Conduct and Community Standards, and Student Health
As someone who works directly with students on a daily basis, OSU faculty and staff are in
a unique position to interact with students both inside and outside of the classroom. The
SCT addresses concerns about student behavior that may be disruptive to the integrity of
the learning environment and the greater campus community.
The Student Care Team meets regularly and would be glad to consult with you. You may
contact the SCT through the Office of Student Life at (541) 737-8748, option #3,
the Student Care Inquiry Form, or deanofstudents@oregonstate.edu
Launched in 2018, Innovate & Integrate: Plan for Inclusive Excellence, is Oregon State's
first comprehensive diversity strategic plan and a key step towards the realization of
Oregon State’s vision to become a national model for inclusive excellence. The plan was
developed through extensive engagement with stakeholders who contributed their expertise
and experience to the development process. The plan represents a roadmap to advance
inclusive excellence by leveraging existing successful initiatives and embracing new
innovative ideas.
DocuSign is an electronic signature system designed to improve the workflow of signing
and approving documents in a way that’s simple, secure, and fully digital. Documents
signed with DocuSign are legally enforceable, intended to re-envision conventional paper-
based processes. Currently in use by most departments on campus with the exception of the
registrar’s office. Registrar’s office requires wet signature on all document submissions.
CSS has created the following email distribution lists to assist in focusing your email to the
appropriate employment types:
CSSO Everyone Crop & Soil Science (all other distribution lists feed into this list
CSS Department CSS Research Faculty, CSS Teaching Faculty, CSS Extension
Faculty, CSS Non-Corvallis Faculty, CSS Corvallis Faculty, CSS
Tenured Tenure-Track Faculty, CSS Classified, CSS Professional
Faculty, CSS Crops Graduate Faculty, CSS Soils Graduate
Faculty,CSS Seed Certification, CSS Seed Lab
CSS ALS Building All CSS faculty in ALS building
CSS Crops Building All Crops building occupants
CSS Cordley All CSS faculty in Cordley
CSS Affiliated list of people we work with including AMBC HR, AMBC Finance,
Roots IT
CSS Tenured Tenure-Track Faculty Department tenured and tenure-track faculty
CSS Professional Faculty Department professional faculty
CSS Teaching Faculty Department teaching faculty
CSS Research Faculty Department research faculty
CSS Extension Faculty Department extension faculty
CSS Soils Graduate Faculty Soils graduate faculty
CSS Crops Graduate Faculty Crops graduate faculty
CSS Classified Staff Department classified staff
CSS Corvallis Faculty Department campus-based faculty
CSS Non-Corvallis Faculty Department non-campus faculty
CSS Emeritus Faculty Department Emeritus faculty
CSS Undergraduate Students Department undergraduate students
CSS Retirees Retired previous CSS Department employees
Process for Email Requests to Department Head (Email Triage)
Ensure that subject line clearly states intent of email
1. Urgent: Title and requested action (Copy Kristin Rifai-urgent requests are items that
need to be addressed immediately or within 48 hours)
2. Review and Comment: Title of Item (reply requested by dd/mm) (Copy Kristin
3. Signature Request: Name of Document (return by dd/mm) (send request directly to
Kristin Rifai)
4. Request for Meeting: Name of Event/Concern (send request directly to Kristin
5. For Review-no reply requested: Title of Item
6. FYI: Title of Item
7. Authorized or Approved (response, in subject line indicating approval with no
comment inside the body of the email)
8. EOM (stands for end of message, response, in subject line indicating no comment
inside the body of the email)
If CC is used, no reply should be expected, you should only CC people who have a need to
stay in the know.
The "Emeritus" title may be recommended for a faculty member who:
1. retires from Oregon State University, and
2. has held a position with indefinite tenure, generally on an active full-time basis, for
at least five years immediately prior to retirement, and
3. has demonstrated professional competence and provided effective service to the
programs of the institution.
Submit nomination to the Office of Academics Affairs at least two months prior to
retirement (refer to sample letter).
Dean/Director will solicit nominations from departments prior to the actual
retirement/ tenure relinquishment of faculty who may be eligible for Emeritus
Dean/Director will present each recommendation in the form of a letter, addressed to
the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, providing a brief description and evaluation of
the services the faculty member has rendered to the University, including dates of
employment and date of retirement or tenure relinquishment. This letter will
become part of the faculty member's permanent personnel records file in the Office of
Human Resources. It is important that the faculty member’s post-retirement
mailing address is included in the letter.
Each faculty member receiving the title "Emeritus" will be advised of the action by
the President and Vice Provost through a letter. A copy of the letter will be provided
to the faculty member’s department/unit.
Upon receipt of the department copy of the Emeritus letter from the President, if the
Emeritus form will be prepared by the department/unit representative, log into
OSCAR (https://oscar.oregonstate.edu), go to the Recruit/Appoint section, and
complete the online task to appoint the Emeritus faculty member. The resulting
form is attached to the following documents and sent to the Business Center human
resources staff in order to begin the appointment in Banner.
Copy of the recommendation letter from the Dean/Director
Copy of the President’s letter granting Emeritus status
Use of Emeritus Title
The title "Emeritus" will be added to the academic rank (held at the time of retirement) for
faculty members whose services have been principally in teaching and research (such as
Professor Emeritus of History, or Associate Professor Emeritus). Faculty members whose
principal duty is as an academic executive administrator may have the title "Emeritus"
added to the administrative title held at the time of retirement. The five approved
academic executive administrator titles are: President Emeritus, Provost Emeritus, Vice
President Emeritus, Vice Provost Emeritus and Dean Emeritus. In such cases, the title
may also be added to their academic rank (such as Dean Emeritus of the College of Science
and Professor Emeritus of Chemistry).
Emeritus status is to be effective for life of the faculty member. Emeriti faculty members
are granted use of the library, may take courses at staff rates, and are granted an Emeritus
faculty ID card. As with all other retired faculty and staff, they may also purchase athletic
season tickets at faculty/staff rates and participate in the Faculty/Staff Fitness program.
Emeriti faculty members are not eligible for employee health benefits, vacation leave, or
sick leave.
Continuation of Professional Activities
Emeriti faculty members who willingly engage in professional activities without
compensation or remuneration on behalf of the University are required to complete the
Conditions of Volunteer Service Form found
at http://risk.oregonstate.edu/insurance/volunteer
Unclassified Appointments (Research & Professional Faculty, Tenure-Track &
Academic Appointment Guidelines
All positions are considered represented (by the bargaining agreement) by default, unless
the criteria for exclusion are met according to PECBA guidelines.
Academic Wage
The purpose of an academic wage appointment is to complete a short-term, non-recurring,
non-teaching work assignment, typically lasting 90 calendar days or less. It is appropriate
to use this appointment method when:
The workload is intermittent/sporadic, but ongoing.
A person is being placed into an "acting" appointment (those positions filled on a
temporary basis to replace a regular, unclassified employee on leave). An acting
appointment is made using the academic wage appointment process, NOT the regular,
unclassified appointment process.
A returning retiree or other unclassified (C1) employee is returning to their same
position/duties at time of termination (these positions are NOT processed through the
Online Recruiting System).
A current, regular status employee is provided an unclassified developmental
opportunity (a temporary job assignment that allows an employee to gain new skills and
experience relevant to his/her career goals).
Effective with the 2015-2019 OUS/SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA),
temporary employees who have worked an average of four (4) or more hours per week
during the most recent calendar quarter, and have a reasonable expectation of continued
employment will be considered represented by the SEIU. Reasonable expectation of
ongoing employment is assumed until the temporary employee’s position is terminated.
Temporary staff appointments must only be used for the purposes of meeting emergency,
nonrecurring or short-term workload needs. Employment of a temporary worker, other
than to replace a regular employee on leave, cannot exceed the equivalent of six calendar
months (1,040 hours) in a twelve month period, beginning with the first day of employment.
Represented temporary employees have the same classification title and base rate of pay
for the appropriate classification as regular classified employees. Rates of pay for
represented temporary employees must be within the established ranges, minimum and
maximum, according to the salary appendices in the 2015-19 CBA. All represented
temporary appointments will continue to be paid on an hourly basis.
Temporary Agency Hiring
When contracting external temporary employees the university is required to utilize the
services of a Qualified Rehabilitation Facility (QRF) in accordance with the provisions of
ORS 279-835 to 279-855 and applicable Administrative Rules.
The Temporary Employment Agency Request form is available in the Recruit/Select section
of the OSCAR website at https://oscar.oregonstate.edu/public/recruit.aspx
Click on “Temporary Employment Agency Request,” complete the form and submit it to
Kristin Rifai.
Please do not submit a request to a temporary agency directly. All requests must go
through Kristin Rifai and your Business Center HR staff.
Student Hiring
When hiring a student worker, complete the student position request form
Shauna Gutierrez is our contact for all student hiring.
(Details coming in next document version)
Go to OSU Online Services
Go to the “Faculty & Advisors” tab
Go to Instructor Access to Student Evaluations
Go to Reports Tab/Report Browser
(Details coming in next document version)
If you are aware of additional faculty campus clubs not included on the list, please contact
Oregon State University Bird Nerds http://osubirdnerds.weebly.com/
Oregon State University Bass Fishing Club
OSU Folk Club http://osufolk.oregonstate.edu/about
OSU Religious Studies Club http://liberalarts.oregonstate.edu/school-history-philosophy-
Faculty are welcome
OSU Rifle Club http://www.osurifle.com/ faculty are welcome to go in and take a gun safety
OSU Women in Science https://www.facebook.com/WomenInScienceOSU/
Professional Faculty Leadership Association (PFLA) http://oregonstate.edu/pfla/
Triad http://triad.oregonstate.edu/
Faculty Resources
Use your ONID log in credentials to check out MYOSU at
Faculty Benefits
A pending index allows any costs incurred in the start-up phase of your project to be
correctly allocated, and eliminates the need for any cost transfers upon receipt of the actual
award. The dean and/or department head/chair are required to sign the organizational
prior approval system (OPAS) form, as is the principal investigator. The OPAS form
authorizes the setup of a pending index, whereby the department agrees to guarantee any
costs incurred prior to receipt of the award. In the event the award is not received, any
costs incurred on the pending index are charged back to the department.
A pending index can be requested for the following:
Awards which have passed the start date, but for which the award document has not
yet been received.
Pre-award costs, which are expenditure of funds up to 90 days prior to the expected
start date of a new award. Please contact your OPAA grant accountant to determine
if agency approval is required for pre-award spending.
Prior Approval Request Pending Index Form
This form has three functions: 1) to request no-cost extensions, 2) pre-award costs, and 3)
for pending award requests. No-cost extensions and pre-award costs are for awards from
agencies which have granted OSU expanded authorities. No-cost extensions must meet
established criteria to be approved and must reach the Office of Post Award Administration
(OPAA) 45 days prior to the end date of the award. Pre-award costs allow costs up to 90
days prior to the start date of the award. Pending indexes are set up for awards that have
been proposed, but not yet awarded. Departments requesting pending indexes are
responsible for charges on pending indexes if the awarding agency fails to fund the award.
To view your grant balances.
enter your last name then “view report”
click on your last name in “grant lookup by PI”
If you have questions about your grants or indexes, please contact AMBC finance,
Stephanie Dewey or Itsue Pfund
Grant Proposal Process
The College of Agricultural Sciences offers grant proposal support. Contact Liz Etherington
via email: [email protected] or phone: 541-737-3429.
Finding Funding
Help Preparing a Grant Budget
Proposal submission templates
Submit a proposal in Cayuse (grant proposal software) or to a sponsor
Overload Compensation
Full-time faculty at Oregon State University may be requested to perform service in excess
of full-time effort for institutional-funded activities. Such activities are considered overload
and may include instruction, education and outreach programming, and consulting. The
University, in delivering the work, has an interest in and obligation to insure fair
compensation across units for work of similar scope, complexity, and disciplinary content.
Follow this link for more information on overload compensation.
As members of the University’s community, unclassified employees (academic, research and
professional faculty) are expected to participate in a variety of Oregon State University’s
activities and services without additional compensation. The salary of full-time faculty
members is full compensation for job duties and activities performed for the University.
There are occasions, however, when a faculty member is asked to perform administrative
duties on a temporary basis that are substantially outside the scope or reasonable potential
scope of the faculty member’s position. In such instances, the faculty member may be
eligible to receive an administrative stipend.
Follow this link for more information on administrative stipends
Services & Supplies
(Details coming in next document version)
The goal of Department Graduate Travel Awards is to fund attendance by graduate
students at professional meetings in their chosen field of study. These meetings are an
important part of graduate student training. Further, this award pool is particularly set up
for students in need, be that because their faculty advisor has insufficient funds for support
of meeting attendance and travel or the meeting offers training the student seeks. The
spirit of awarding is to extend as much of the available funds to the most students. Hence,
full award of requested budget is a rare thing.
The award amount is the maximum reimbursable amount. Should a student receive
sufficient funds from the Graduate School, the Department will withhold the excess amount
in its award for use by another student.
Notification Department Awards Committee Grad School Grad School
Email Deadline Decision Deadline Decision
Travel from May 1-October 31
March 1 March 15 March 25 April 1 May 23
Travel from September 1-January 31
July 1 July 15 July 25 Aug 1 Aug 22
Travel from December 1-April 30
Sept 30 October 15 October 24 Nov 1 Nov 23
Student submits email of interest to Emmalie Goodwin, attached to email are
documents and checklist, documents to include:
o Completed signature page and percentages of cost coverage worksheet.
o Copy of submitted abstract or submitted product; include title and authors in
order they appear on submission/abstract
o Statement of the importance and value of the meeting. As relevant, details of the
workshops, job interviews, project development, journal article writing, field trips,
networking sessions, leadership in the sponsoring agency, and collaboration that
will occur (one page or less)
o Student’s filed program of study
o Notification of acceptance or presentation OR indicate the acceptance is pending
and when notification is expected. Indicate whether this will be an oral or poster
o Student CV
o Budget: Include an itemized list of ground and/or air transportation, meals,
lodging, meeting registration fee, abstract fee, other, a justification/explanation of
costs, and the total cost and amount requested from the Graduate
o Advisor or Major Professor’s statement on stature of the meeting or conference
relative to conferences in the field, and acceptance rate of submissions. (be sure to
explain the purpose of this letter to your advisor or major professor)
o Name this document using the following naming convention:
Smith_Feb2015_Physics_Grad Travel.pdf
Emmalie sends nomination packets to Tom Chastain for decision.
Tom submits nomination packet for Grad Travel award online by deadline.
Tom gives names of department award winners to Emmalie.
Email announcing winners on behalf of Tom.
Emmalie sends email to recipients on process to receive funds, and other required
Within a month of returning from the conference the student will (depending on award:
o send a one page report to the graduate school that includes students name, major,
degree sought, major professor’s name, conference attended, dates and location
conference, presentation title, and a description of the significant outcomes for the
student. Email to graduate.scholarships@oregonstate.edu
o Send a thank you note to departmental donor, with description of conference
attended and significant outcomes.
In order to serve on a graduate committee, members must be on the graduate faculty list.
Please check with Kristin Rifai, [email protected] to ensure your graduate
committee members have graduate faculty appointments. If they are not OSU faculty
members, they also need an official affiliation with Oregon State University in the form of
an Affiliate or Courtesy Faculty Appointment. See “AFFILIATE/COURTESY/ADJUNCT
Crop Science Graduate Program Application Steps
Steps for applying to the Crop Science Graduate Program are detailed below. Please follow
the sequence to ensure that you’re not unnecessarily expending application fees required by
the graduate school.
Step 1. Identify an Advisor
a. Review the matrix of disciplines and commodities to determine your interest
area. Faculty Matrix
b. Email a faculty member identified with that discipline and commodity focus to
determine if he or she is willing to serve as your mentor.
c. Copy your email to our Graduate Applications Coordinator, Shauna Gutierrez;
d. Provide a letter of interest, your CV, previous GPA, our Graduate Questionnaire and
indicate if you require financial assistance.
e. Await a reply from the identified faculty member and ensure their willingness to serve
as your mentor before applying to the Graduate School.
Soil Science Graduate Program Application Steps
Steps for applying to the Soil Science Graduate Program are detailed below. Please follow
the sequence to ensure that you’re not unnecessarily expending application fees required by
the graduate school.
Step 1. Identify an Advisor
a. Email a faculty member identified with that discipline and commodity focus to
determine if he or she is willing to serve as your mentor.
b. Copy your email to our Graduate Applications Coordinator, Shauna Gutierrez;
c. Provide a letter of interest, your CV, previous GPA, our Graduate Questionnaire and
indicate if you require financial assistance.
d. Await a reply from the identified faculty member and ensure their willingness to serve
as your mentor before applying to the Graduate School.
Crop Science & Soil Science
Step 2. Apply to the Graduate School (fee required)
a. After you have identified a suitable mentor within the Crop Science graduate faculty,
submit your application to the Graduate School
b. Taking the GRE is required, however there is no program-specified minimum score.
c. Provide 3 letters of reference.
d. If you are a non-native English speaker and have not completed another degree in the
US, you must provide evidence of English proficiency. OSU accepts several English
language test scores, the most common of which are TOEFL and IELTS. Proficiency
requirements are TOEFL: 550; TOEFL iBT: 80; IELTS: 6.5
Step 3. Submission Dates
We accept applications at any time of the year, and accepted students can enroll during any
academic term. To be considered for funding for Fall Term, we recommend that you submit
a complete application by January 10. For university deadlines visit Oregon State's
Graduate School.
For Fall - January 10
For Winter - June 1
For Spring - September 1
For Summer - December 1
Step 4. Apply for Financial Assistance
A limited number of graduate research assistantships (GRAs) are available to students
through various projects in the department. Graduate research assistants work on a part-
time basis 12 months per year; all students must contribute to the sponsoring research
project. GRAs are funded grants awarded to specific faculty members. Graduate research
assistants do not pay tuition but are responsible for fees and health insurance. General
information on eligibility rules for low-interest federal loans can be obtained from
the Graduate School.
There are university-wide scholarship and fellowship opportunities for highly qualified
applicants. https://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/finance/graduate-fellowships-and-scholarships
Non-U.S. citizen applicants may also seek fellowships from their home country, or from
international agencies and foundations. To obtain a student visa, international students
must show evidence of sufficient financial resources to support their entire educational
program at Oregon State.
Group health insurance is available through Oregon State University.
Graduate Student GRA/GTA Appointment Request
Newly admitted graduate students with promise of funding
Once a faculty member has accepted a student for admission to the CSS graduate program,
the faculty member should request a GRA/GTA offer letter from graduate coordinator. The
Coalition of Graduate Employee (CGE) contract requires a full-year commitment (unless by
exception and with justification).
Send an email to [email protected]
The request should include:
Start Date:
End Date: 9/16/xx-6/15/xx or 9/16/xx-9/15/xx
Index to use (be specific):
If less than a full-year, please provide a statement as to why the contract is less than a
For Current Graduate Students, following is the timeline:
Shauna sends an email request to all faculty member’s for appointment/re-
appointment letters for the upcoming academic year/term. CGE stipulates
that offer letters be sent to students by August 16, November 16, February 16,
May 16.
Shauna prepares appointment letters and sends to students requesting
signature and return within a week.
Shauna inputs information into HR system and scans offer letters to AMBC
During Winter Term
Yanli Zhang updates the AMBC spreadsheet with information about cost of
graduate students, including stipend, cost of insurance, tuition & fees, etc.
During Spring Term
The graduate school announces minimum stipend levels. Using this
information, Shauna updates CSS stipend levels for distribution during spring
faculty meeting.
Options for summer funding, credits and tax considerations
(Details coming in next document version)
The College of Agricultural Sciences offers grant proposal support. Contact Liz Etherington
via email: [email protected] or phone: 541-737-3429.
Finding Funding
Help Preparing a Grant Budget
Proposal submission templates
Submit a proposal in Cayuse (grant proposal software) or to a sponsor
In 1988, following a mandate to all State System institutions from the State Board of
Higher Education, the OSU Faculty Senate approved new grievance procedures. There
have been minor revisions since then. The procedures are published in their entirety below.
Numbers refer to the Oregon Administrative Rules.
1. The University encourages the resolution of grievances through informal means and
discussion in keeping with the collegial atmosphere of a university. The University is
also committed to a formal procedure for consideration of grievances that are not
resolved through informal processes.
2. The procedure set out in this rule is available to any unclassified employee with
faculty rank as defined in this rule and in the rules of the State Board of Higher
3. This grievance procedure may be used to hear any complaint by a faculty member
that he or she was wronged in connection with compensation, tenure, promotion or
other conditions of employment, or that his or her rights were denied as to
reappointment. "Other conditions of employment" shall include, but not be limited to,
violations of academic freedom, nondiscriminatory employment practices and
discriminatory employment practices including sexual harassment, and laws, rules,
policies and procedures under which the institution of higher education employing
the academic employee operates. Disciplinary sanctions are imposed in accordance
with OAR 5800210320 and shall not be subject to this grievance procedure.
4. The University may elect not to proceed with a grievance if the grievant also seeks
resolution in another forum.
5. If the grievance concerns a matter to which contested case procedures apply, the
grievant may elect to use the procedures in OAR 5760020020 to 5760020055.
Definitions and Mail Requirement
"Days" as used in this rule shall mean calendar days.
"Presentation of the Grievance" as used in OAR 5800210050 means receipt of the
grievance by the dean, director or unit executive officer as specified in OAR 576050
"Faculty Mediator" is an academic employee with faculty rank chosen by the Faculty
Senate Executive Committee. Emeritus faculty shall be eligible to serve as the
Faculty Mediator.
"Faculty Grievance Committee" is a committee of five academic employees with
faculty rank chosen by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and charged with
the responsibility for hearing faculty grievances in accordance with these procedures.
Any person with faculty rank may submit nominations to the Executive Committee
for consideration. The Executive Committee shall choose at least one female and one
minority member. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The Executive
Committee of the Senate shall select a chair.
"Faculty Rank" means faculty ranks as defined in the rules of the State Board of
Higher Education and includes faculty without rank but with professional title.
All appeals, decisions, or recommendations referred to in this rule shall be sent by
U.S. Mail or University campus mail.
Informal Procedures
Prior to filing a formal grievance, a faculty member is encouraged to discuss the
grievance with his or her supervisor (or dean, director, unit executive officer or
Affirmative Action director). The immediate supervisor shall respond to the grievant
within fifteen (15) days.
The Affirmative Action Office must be notified of any grievance alleging
discrimination, including sexual harassment. The Affirmative Action Director, if so
requested by the grievant, will investigate any grievance alleging discrimination and
attempt to help the parties resolve the issue.
The faculty member or the chair of the Grievance Committee, with the faculty
member’s concurrence, may request the Faculty Mediator to review and attempt to
resolve all other grievances, including those the Affirmative Action Director
determines not to be valid claims of discrimination.
The Mediator may meet with the grievant and take what action he or she considers
appropriate in attempting to resolve the grievance, including interviewing or
consulting other persons. The Mediator and all parties to the grievance shall keep
the mediation process confidential to the extent possible under law. Statements
made in mediation shall not be admissible in a grievance hearing.
Nothing in this rule shall require a faculty member to use informal grievance
procedures before filing a formal written grievance, provided that a faculty member
must notify the Affirmative Action Office of all claims of unlawful discrimination,
including sexual harassment, before filing a written complaint.
Initiation of Formal Procedures
If a grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant at the informal stage,
or if the grievant chooses to bypass the informal stage, the grievant may file a formal
written grievance. A grievance shall be filed with the dean, director, or executive
officer in charge of the administrative unit, except: a) where the grievant is a
department chair in which case the grievance shall be filed with the Provost and
Executive Vice President; or b) where the grievant alleges sexual harassment against
the person in charge of the administrative unit, in which case the grievance shall be
filed with the next higher administrator.
The grievant shall file a copy of the written grievance with the Legal Advisor in the
Office of the President. The formal grievance must be filed within sixty (60) days of
the time the faculty member knew or by reasonable diligence should have known of
the acts which gave rise to the grievance. Therefore, discussion or mediation at the
informal stage should be initiated as soon as possible. The University shall extend
the sixty (60) day filing requirement if the grievant is pursuing the complaint at the
informal level and it appears that additional time would be beneficial in resolving
the grievance. Extension by the University shall be in writing by the Legal Advisor.
The written grievance must contain the grievant’s name and address, the date and
nature of the act or omission which gave rise to the grievance, any rule, policy or
procedure alleged to have been violated or misapplied, and the remedy requested by
the grievant.
The dean, director, unit executive officer, or the respective designee shall send a
written decision to the grievant within twenty (20) days of receipt of the grievance.
Appeal to the Faculty Grievance Committee
If the decision of the dean, director, or unit executive officer is not satisfactory to the
grievant, the grievant may file a written appeal with the Faculty Grievance Committee
within ten (10) days of receipt of the written decision, stating why the response at the
previous level is deficient. This step is optional with the grievant. The grievant may bypass
the committee and file the appeal directly with the President.
1. The Committee shall send to the grievant a written notice of the time and place of
the hearing at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing.
2. At the committee hearing the faculty member shall present his or her case first,
followed by the person or persons who are the object of the grievance. Thereafter the
faculty member shall have an opportunity to respond.
3. Each party shall have a right to call and examine witnesses, to introduce exhibits or
other documents. The members of the committee may question any witness and may
call additional witnesses.
4. If the grievant so chooses he or she may be accompanied by or represented at the
hearing by any other person.
5. Either party may provide for and obtain a sound recording of the hearing.
6. The hearing shall be open to the public at the option of the grievant to the extent
allowed by law. However, deliberations of the Grievance Committee shall not be open
to the public or the parties.
Decision by the Committee and Appeal to the President
The committee’s decision shall be made in the form of a written recommendation to
the President. It shall be based only upon evidence presented at the hearing. The
recommendation shall include a description of the complaint, the evidence the
committee collected, and its conclusions and recommendations for disposition of the
case. The recommendations shall be sent to the grievant, to the President and to the
dean, director or executive officer in charge of the unit out of which the grievance
arose within sixty (60) days of receipt of the appeal to the committee.
The President or his or her designee shall review the decision of the committee and
the President shall deliver a written decision to the grievant, to the Grievance
Committee and to the dean, director or unit executive officer in charge of the unit out
of which the grievance arose within thirty (30) days of receipt of the committee’s
recommendation. Prior to issuing a decision the President, or designee, may
interview any person concerning the grievance to supplement the record whether or
not the person testified at the hearing, provided that the decision shall list each
person so interviewed. In addition the President or designee may review any
documents, provided that the decision shall identify any such documents that were
not introduced at the committee hearing. The grievant shall be informed of any
additional information obtained by the President and given seven (7) days to
respond. If the President rejects or modifies the recommendations of the committee,
the reasons shall be stated in the decision.
If the grievant chooses to appeal the decision of the dean, director, or unit executive
officer directly to the President, the President shall proceed to review the matter and
reach a decision as set out in 5760500035 (2), provided that all persons
interviewed and all documents reviewed must be identified in the decision. The
President shall issue a decision within thirty (30) days of receipt of the grievant’s
The decision of the President shall be final except as provided in OAR 576050
If the grievance is directed at the President as the immediate supervisor of the
grievant or at the President in his or her administrative capacity (as contrasted to
appellate capacity), the grievant may appeal to the Chancellor of the Oregon
University System as provided in OAR 5800210050(10).
Effect of Time Limits
If the University fails to respond within the time limits at any step in this grievance
process, the grievant may appeal to the next step.
An individual filing a grievance in good faith or otherwise participating in any of the
actions authorized under these grievance rules shall not be subject to retaliatory action of
any kind by any employee of the University, the Oregon University System, or the State
Board of Higher Education.
TwoYear Review
Not later than two years from the adoption of these rules, the Provost and Faculty Senate
Executive Committee shall jointly appoint a faculty committee to review the effectiveness of
this grievance procedure and to recommend any changes.
(From Faculty Handbook-Effective February 25, 2002)
The University Ombuds Office promotes a civil and inclusive campus community by
providing informal, impartial, and confidential* conflict management services to all
members of the university community.
The Ombuds assists with individual concerns through service and education, and serves as
a change agent to address group conflict and systemic concerns. It is the goal of the
Ombuds to foster a culture of healthy, safe and open dialogue, and facilitate cooperative
problem resolution.
If you contact this office to address a specific conflict, the Ombuds will listen to your
concerns, value diverse perspectives, help you explore options for resolution, provide
facilitation or mediation services when appropriate, and remain impartial to all parties
involved. The University Ombuds Office provides a safe place to share your concerns.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
If you’re struggling with a work or family issue, free confidential help is just a call away.
You and your eligible dependents can receive help on issues such as:
Marital or premarital problems
Alcohol or drug abuse
Interpersonal issues
Conflict at work
Depression or Anxiety
Stress management
Family relationships
Grieving a loss
Financial, legal or consumer concerns
Homeownership savings
Child & Elder Care Resources
Identity Theft Recovery
Personal decision making
OSU contracts with Cascade Centers through PEBB for three (3) confidential counseling
sessions per issue.
For more information, visit the PEBB website and the Cascade Centers website.
Master Key Policy
Master keys will be issued as follows:
Main office for Departmental check out
Department Head. Currently: Jay Noller
Associate Department Head. Currently: Tom Chastain
Administrative Staff. Currently: Kristin Rifai; Shauna Gutierrez; Emmalie Goodwin
Building Manager. Currently: Shauna Gutierrez
IT Staff. Currently: Erick Alvarez -- ITCII, Tina Stahlstedt ITCII, Aaron Moffett
ITCIII, Wayne Wood Roots Operations Manager, Curt Onstott – Roots
Infrastructure Manager, Assistant Building Manager, Farhad Shafa IT manager
seed certification.
One for check-out by student IT workers, managed by Curt Onstott
No more, no less
Keys for new Project Leaders:
o Spaces for which you have individual or shared responsibility (and building
You should designate what spaces your staff should access
Keys for current Project Leaders:
o No need to change, unless you have master keys. In which case, time to
turn in and follow example of new Project Leaders
Leave Requests-Vacation/Sick/FMLA
We ask that you make all of your vacation requests through EmpCenter. See process at the
end of this section.
At times, it is possible to pre-request sick leave such as when you pre-schedule a doctor or
dental visit. Request sick leave in the same way that you pre-request vacation leave
through EmpCenter. See process at the end of this section.
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) were
enacted to assist employees and employers in balancing the demands of the workplace with
the needs of employees and their families when leave is needed for a serious health
condition, pregnancy, parental, bereavement, and military family leave (exigency and
caregiver leaves).
FMLA/OFLA provide unpaid, job-protected leave when you need to take time off work
for your own serious health condition or because you need to care for an eligible family
member with a serious health condition or for another qualifying event. Leave may be
taken all at once or intermittently as the medical condition requires. The leave laws define
who is eligible, what absences qualify, and how much leave time you may take during the
leave year. Your health insurance benefits are protected and will be continued while you
are on FMLA/OFLA leave.
The State of Oregon also provides protected leave for survivors of Domestic Violence,
Sexual Assault or Stalking. This law provides job protected, paid leave for employees to
seek services for themselves or a minor child and/or to relocate. Services may include, but
are not limited to: legal and law enforcement assistance, counseling, and medical
Oregon State University (OSU) qualifies as a covered employer under both FMLA and
OFLA. As such, OSU must comply with and consistently provide the protections afforded
under the law(s) to all eligible employees.
Department Process
If the Department Head or Administrative Manager is notified of a department member’s
possible qualifying event, we will notify the FMLA group in central human resources by
sending an email to [email protected]
*please note, we value your privacy, we will not ask for nor give any information to
others related to your health or FMLA event.
Members of central HR/FMLA will send you an email with information on how to apply for
protected leave. If approved, you and your supervisor will be notified that you have been
granted protected leave. Your supervisor will not be provided with details related to your
application. You may also apply for FMLA through EmpCenter by following the process:
To check leave balances, click on the “Enter
My Hours” link as indicated by the red arrow.
Go to: mytime.oregonstate.edu (EmpCenter), log in using your ONID credentials
Contact [email protected] for CSS letterhead.
(From National Association of Colleges & Employers)
**you must have a signed FERPA release form for all student letters of recommendation
Dear [Name of Employer]:
This reference letter is provided at the written request of [name of student], who has asked
me to serve as a reference on [his/her] behalf. It is my understanding that [name of
student] is being considered by your organization for the position of [job title]. Please be
advised that the information contained in this letter is confidential and should be treated
as such. The information should not be disclosed to [name of student, if student has waived
access] or anyone in your organization who would not be involved in the hiring decision
regarding this individual. Additionally, the information should not be disclosed to anyone
outside of your organization without the consent of the student.
I have known [name of student] for the past [number of months, semesters,
years] as [he/she]has taken the following courses which I teach: [list courses, give brief
description of content of course]. As [his/her] professor, I have had an opportunity to
observe the student's participation and interaction in class and to evaluate the student's
knowledge of the subject matter. I would rate the student's overall performance in these
subjects as [below average, average, above average]. This is evidenced by [his/her] grades
[state the grades].
[One or two specific examples of the student's performance may be appropriate.] As part
of [his/her] grade in [name of course], the student was required to prepare a paper. The
paper was designed to measure the student's ability to research, to analyze the results of
the research, and to write. [Discuss how the paper submitted by the student indicated to
you the student's skills in these areas.] Based upon this, I rate the student's skills [indicate
[It may be appropriate to give specific examples about the student's area of expertise.]
Based upon the student's academic performance and my understanding of the position for
which the student is applying, I believe the student would perform [place overall evaluation
If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me.
Dr. Smart E. Pants
Contact [email protected] to schedule a meeting with the department head,
please provide amount of time requested (typical meeting is 45 minutes), subject of meeting
and timeframe/urgency within which you would like to meet.
Graduate Student Mentoring
New Faculty Mentoring
(Details coming in next document version)
Jan 1-5 Department Head’s email goes out to faculty with timeline.
(Department Head)
Prior to Feb 15 Discuss candidacy with supervisor and schedule appointment with
Department Head (by contacting [email protected]) to
discuss your forthcoming review. (Candidate)
Feb 20 Candidates with teaching and/or extension appointment-contact peer
review of teaching committee so peer review of (extension) instruction is
Need pre-promotion peer review of (extension) teaching every year.
Ensure peer review committee is copied on candidate email.
(Department Head/Jennifer/Kristin)
Faculty with teaching appointments should have at least one peer
review of one course taught each year. The candidate’s mentoring
committee and Department Head track these through their annual
meetings. The most recent peer review should be within one year of
submission of dossier to Department for promotion review; ideally, the
most recent time taught for all assigned regularly scheduled courses.
For extension faculty, written evaluations of extension instruction
events are to be solicited of peers at several times each year for annual
reviews. These written evaluations are presented to the Department
Head and Supervisor when they are recorded. These evaluations are
reviewed by the candidate’s peer review of extension teaching
committee for inclusion in dossier. (Candidate)
Feb 20 Send an email message to Department Head stating you intend to go
through the review process, copy Kristin Rifai. (Candidate)
April 1 Candidates with a teaching appointment will need to work with the
Department Head to develop a list of 30 students for the student
evaluation of teaching. Students are selected based on their enrollment
in the candidate’s course(s), and their history of active participation in
the Department, including sum of courses taken in CSS, event
attendance, and faculty nomination. Courses selected for review are the
assigned, regularly offered course(s). Extra-curricular courses and
workshops may be included should they provide illumination on the
candidate’s dossier**Submit as an excel spreadsheet, last name,
first name and email address. (Candidate)
April 15 Student surveys sent out and due back to the Department Head
by April 30. (Kristin Rifai)
May 1 Candidate Statement, Curriculum Vitae, and Position Descriptions due
to Kristin Rifai in near final form by 5pm. (Candidate)
May 5 CS, CV and PD forwarded to CSS PTC Committee for review. (Kristin
June 1 CS, CV and PD examined by CSS PTC Committee and written
evaluations forwarded to the Department Head by June 14. (PTC
October 31 Candidates with extension appointment will need to work with the
Department Head to develop a list of clientele to survey. For
appropriate consideration of stakeholders, we need approximately 15-20
completed clientele surveys. Candidates should work with their
immediate supervisor to arrive at a list of up to 20-25 clientele to send
survey requests to. Clientele include stakeholders who would have
sufficient experience with and knowledge of the candidate. These
clientele may include other OSU faculty, commissioners, industry
representatives, growers, producers and State and Federal agency
personnel. On-campus extension faculty must have county extension
faculty with whom they have worked on their survey list. **Submit as
an excel spreadsheet, last name, first name, email address, phone
number, affiliation, and relationship to candidate (grower, colleague,
industry rep., commission, etc.) (Candidate)
November 1 Clientele surveys sent out and due back to the Department Head
by November 15. (Kristin Rifai)
November 15 Clientele Surveys due back to Department Head. (Kristin Rifai)
Candidate compiles teaching dossier for mentoring committee (refer to
PTEC guidelines for non-credit or credit teaching) (Candidate)
December 15 PTEC letter due (PTEC Committee)
Prior to January 3 Candidates submit signed certification indicating dossier is ready to
review (candidate/Kristin Rifai), once signed, Candidate Statements,
CVs and PDs made available for all faculty and PTC Committee to
review. (Kristin Rifai)
January 3-5 Completed dossiers assembled [CS, CV, PDs, student committee letter
(if applicable), peer teaching committee letter(s) (if applicable), clientele
survey summary (if applicable)]. (Kristin Rifai)
January 10 Faculty will be asked to provide input to the CSS PTC Committee by
noon on January 10 (Kristin Rifai) (Kristin forward to committee)
January 31 Completed dossiers will be reviewed by the CSS PTC Committee and
the Committee will submit a letter for each candidate to their
immediate supervisor and the Department Head. (P&T Committee)
February 15 Immediate Supervisor will submit their letter to Department Head
March 1 Department Head submits letter for each candidate for inclusion in
dossier. (Department Head)
March 9 Final Dossier submitted to CAS (Kristin Rifai)
The University Motor Pool has over 230 vehicles in its fleet to meet the short term and
seasonal vehicle needs of faculty, staff and students. Two locations in Corvallis and Eugene
serve Oregon State University and the University of Oregon as well as outside agencies.
The fleet ranges from medium sedans to large flatbed trucks to provide you with many
options to suit your rental needs.
If you are new to the Motor Pool and have never rented vehicles before please complete
a Driver Authorization form.
Making a reservation is convenient through our Online Reservation form. The two step
process submits your reservation electronically and provides confirmation, reminder, and
summary of trip charges by email to help keep you informed. If you need a canopy or if
there are other special considerations including making multiple requests at once there is a
comment box for you to list additional information. Our customer service representatives
and detail specialists will work hard to fulfill your requests.
Sending your reservation requests in advance ensures better access to specialized vehicles
such as 12 passenger vans and trucks. Seasonal rentals for the summer research period
should be communicated as early as possible to improve matching vehicles to the right
If you have not previously submitted a reservation through our Online Reservation system,
please feel free to stop by the Motor Pool front office for a demonstration or call us at (541)
737-4141 in Corvallis or (541) 346-2000 in Eugene.
Picking Up a Vehicle
After you have submitted an Online Reservation, you will receive a Confirmation Email
with the reservation number and date/time of your scheduled pick up. The business day
before your pick up date the Motor Pool staff will send you a Reminder Email.
Motor Pool staff will ask to see a valid Driver’s License during the dispatch process to verify
identity and authorization status. UO drivers should bring their Driver Certification Card
the first time they come.
If you have not previously rented a vehicle through the Motor Pool, you will need to fill out
a Driver Authorization form. Any driver wanting to rent an 8-passenger, 12-passenger or
large cargo van will need to visit the Van Safety link for more information on the Van
Safety video and test. If you have any questions, please call (541) 737-4141 in Corvallis or
(541) 346-2000 in Eugene.
Returning a Vehicle
Vehicles may be returned 24 hours a day to the Motor Pool. When returning a vehicle,
please take the following steps:
1. On the dispatch card, record the:
o Odometer Reading
o Date & Time of Return
o Comments about vehicle performance/condition
2. Leave the dispatch card in the vehicle and lock all of the doors
3. Drop the keys into the Key Drop
Eugene: Access the return lines and secure customer parking after hours by using the
Voyager fuel card to open the security gate. It may take several card swipes at the card
reader and is sometimes easier if the driver gets out of the vehicle.
Changing or Cancelling a Motor Pool reservation
Changing a reservation
If you need to make changes to a reservation, please contact the Motor Pool. Every effort
will be made to accomodate your needs.
Cancelling a reservation
If your plans change and you need to cancel one or more reservations, please contact the
Motor Pool please contact us as early as possible.
Late cancellations make it difficult to provide timely information to other renters seeking
vehicles and may be charged the daily rental rate. 24 HR notice is appreciated.
Project Vehicles
Project Leader
Michael Flowers
Michael Flowers
Shaun Townsend
Mark Larson
Mark Larson
Mark Larson
Kyle Roerig
Kyle Roerig
Kyle Roerig
Kyle Roerig
Pat Hayes
Sujaya Rao
New Employee Onboarding
Supervisor / Department
A checklist to assist supervisors or department representatives when onboarding
new classified, unclassified, and academic/research faculty employees. Use of the
checklist is optional.
Employee Information
_________________________ _________________________ ______________
Last Name First Name Middle Name
To help new employees get off to an optimum start.
When planning the onboarding of a new employee, it is suggested the first few days or first
week be dedicated to onboarding and training activities.
Onboarding is most successful when a new employee is paired with a mentor. The mentor
can be a co-worker, manager, department contact, or other individual who can help the new
employee navigate their first few months at OSU. It is suggested the search committee
members reach out to the new employee, helping them feel welcome. It may also be
appropriate for committee members to check in with the new employee on a regular basis.
Check List Instructions
Review and discuss all applicable items on the list with the new employee. Questions may
be directed to your business center human resources staff.
Items to be Completed
* Indicates items which can be completed prior to a new employee’s first day of work.
Job Tools Setup
______ Phone/Telecom*
______ Long distance calling code*
______ Data port*
______ Order business cards*
______ Request email address, shared network/file access, and shared calendar access*
http://is.oregonstate.edu/accounts-support/cn OR
______ Computer and peripherals*
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______ Add email in scanning feature on departmental copier (if applicable)*
______ Budget authority set up (if applicable)
Request Systems Access and System Training Required for Position
______ Banner
______ EPAF
______ Data Warehouse
______ CORE (this is position assigned so set up is not required unless position requires
greater access than the standard for the job classification)
______ Appworx
______ OSCAR
______ PeopleAdmin
______ Nolij
General Reminders
______ Update unit directories*
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______ Add name and contact information to website*
______ Graduate faculty nomination (if applicable)
______ Create supervisory file*
______ Nameplate for work space*
______ Obtain and mail five day complimentary OSU parking pass to new employee*
Contact Parking Services at 541-737-2583 or visit 100 Adams Hall
______ Contact Business Center to set up initial meeting*
______ Add Employee to Departmental Mailing/Distribution Lists (as applicable)*
______ Notify Employee of required special attire prior to start date*
______ Check with Employee regarding ergonomics or other special needs*
______ Verify Employee is aware of Parking Policies at OSU prior to start date*
______ Establish training plan*
______ Other
Employee’s First Day
______ Instruction on phone, use, and number, provide departmental phone list, discuss
preferred method of answering the phone
Google phone make and model
______ Introduce to email address(es), Outlook, and shared calendar(s)
______ Obtain keys / tags; complete Key Request Form prior to start date*
______ Identify CN / College IT support group
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______ Other
Unit, Building, Work Space, and Resources Overview
______ Verify that employee obtained OSU ID Card
______ Confirm employee to has completed enrollment sign up for benefits (if applicable)
______ Identify delivery location for first paycheck
______ Confirm Employee met with BC HR or Unit HR Contact for onboarding
______ Set up meeting BC Finance & Accounting team if employee will purchase, travel,
have budget authority
______ Provide dates for OHR New Employee Orientation Sessions
______ Provide employee with link to Employee Online Services
______ Workers’ Comp / requirement for reporting incidents or injuries
______ Unit/office etiquette, dress code culture, and traditions
______ Co-worker and department/colleague introductions
______ Customers introductions
______ Review structure of unit, provide copy of organizational chart
______ Location of mailbox / mailroom
______ Campus & US Mail locations
______ Copiers and copier codes
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______ Location of recycling, composting & trash receptacles
______ Letter head and correspondence formats (if applicable)
______ Location of supplies and procedure for ordering supplies
______ Building orientation, including location of:
Fire alarm pulls and fire extinguishers
Exits and evacuation routes
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and first aid kits
Evacuation assembly point for department outside of building
______ Other
Employee Expectations
______ Review position description
Contact your unit contact or your Business Center HR contact if a copy has not been sent to you.
______ Discuss departmental expectations and courtesies, supervisor’s management style,
and performance evaluation form and timeline
______ Provide letter of expectations (if applicable)
______ Use of Out of Office assistant when absent, indicate who to contact when
unexpectedly absent
______ Trial Service (Classified Staff)
SEIU/Oregon Public Employees Union (SEIU) Collective Bargaining Agreement
______ Outline expectations and parameters for time reporting, overtime, and leave usage
______ Verify that employee holds required certifications (if applicable)
______ Other
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University Policies and Expectations for Review
______ OSU Policies and Standards
______ OSU Acceptable Use of University Information
______ OSU Acceptable Use of University Computing Resources
______ OSU Information Security Policies & Procedures
______ OSU Conflict of Interest
http://fa.oregonstate.edu/pacs-manual/100-purchasing-and-contract-ethics/104-conflict-interest, http://research.oregonstate.edu/coi-0
______ Ethics at OSU
______ Provost’s Council Ethos
______ OSU Office of Audit Services
______ OSU Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Reporting Policy
______ OSU No Smoking Policy
______ OSU Procurement and Contracting Ethics
______ OSU Bullying Policy
______ OSU Respectful Workplace Environment
______ Other
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Employee Trainings/Certifications
______ OSU Safety Program & Right to Know
______ New employee in charge of laboratory or field research? Contact OSU
Environmental Health & Safety.
541-737-2273 or [email protected]
______ FERPA
______ First Aid & Safety Instructions (if applicable)
______ Motor Pool (if applicable)
______ Other Trainings
If checklist is utilized, retain completed checklist in the supervisory file at the departmental
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Supervisor / Department Guide
Purpose: To assist supervisors/departments in utilizing the New Employee Onboarding
Supervisor/Department Checklist. The goal of using the checklist is to ensure new
employees receive consistent information regarding university resources, policies and
procedures. This guide provides additional/background information about certain items in
each section of the Supervisor/Department Checklist.
It currently takes Telecom up to 6 weeks to address a request for a phone installation and/or
make changes to an existing phone set up. It is suggested this process begin as early as
possible to ensure the new employee has an active phone and phone number on their start
date, or soon after their start date. Please visit the link on the checklist for information on how
to initiate this process.
Long Distance Calling Code
The request for a long distance calling code can be sent well in advance of the new employee
start date. The present turnaround time for requests is 1-2 working days. Please visit the link
on the checklist for information on how to initiate this process.
Data Port Setup
It can take up to a couple weeks to have a data port activated and significantly longer when
there is a need for a new port installation. It is suggested this process be started as early as
possible to ensure the new employee has an active data port for their computer on their first
day or soon after their start date. Please visit the link on the checklist for information on how
to initiate this process.
Business Cards
It takes approximately two weeks for the completion of a business card order. It is
recommended business cards be ordered well in advance so they are available on or before a
new employee's start date. Prior to submitting the business card order form, it is suggested
that the new employee is contacted regarding how they want their name to appear on the
business cards and if they have credentials to include.
Setup Email Address, Shared Network/File Access, and Shared Calendar Access
By arranging these items in advance, it enables a new employee to quickly and easily access
their email, shared files or calendars on their first day, empowering them to become familiar
with departmental computing and electronic resources.
Computer and Peripherals
The new employee's work station and compute
r should be set up and operational prior to their
start date. These preparations can help make them feel welcome and empowers them to
quickly get acquainted with their space and computing resources.
Setup Email Scanning Feature on Departmental Copier
Having this set up ahead of time, makes it possible to quickly and easily cover the topic and
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demonstration during the departmental onboarding/tour on or soon after the new employee's
first day.
Update Unit Directories
Unit directories include but are not limited to phone lists, building directories, and contact lists
for customers.
Create Supervisory File
To begin with, this file can include a copy of the signed letter of offer and the original signed
position description. Over time, supervisors can add information regarding performance,
professional development, and changes to the position. ***THIS FILE IS CONFIDENTIAL***
Name Plate for Workspace
This is the plate, sign or tag which is hung outside an office or a cubicle identifying the person
within. For some departments, an additional personal name badge or tag may be required.
Contact Business Center to Set Up Initial Meeting
An important part of the new employee onboarding process is meeting with the Business
Center’s Human Resources and Finance & Accounting groups. The two groups will provide
an in depth onboarding for new employees, introducing them to the operational structure of
OSU. They will also help the new employee complete the required new hire paperwork. To
find your BC HR contact, please visit: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/fa/bc/my-bc/unit
Add Employee to Departmental Mailing Lists
Adding a new employee to departmental and university distribution lists ensures they receive
important mail, OSU messages and emails sent.
Notify Employee of Any Required Special Attire Prior to Start Date
This will enable your new employee to arrive ready to work on their first day. Depending on
the type of duties, this can include steel toed boots, long sleeves and pants, closed toed
shoes, etc. This can also include specific guidance for a department’s dress code.
Check in With Employee Regarding Special Needs/Accommodations
This can include asking the new employee if they have any sensitivities or allergies to
fragrances, sensitivities to lights or sounds, needs to sit/stand/move around frequently. Make
sure to let them know they do not need to disclose anything they do not feel comfortable
disclosing, and that questions are to ensure the workplace is safe, comfortable, and
Check In With Employee Regarding Ergonomics
An ergonomic question can include a need a foot rest, desk adjustment, or offer the option to
speak with an ergonomist on or soon after their first day of work.
Establish Training Plan
Preparing the plan will help guide the first few days and weeks of the new employee's time at
work, helping them focus on training and learning so they can perform their job at OSU. This
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also helps the supervisor/department be prepared for the new employee's first day.
Verify that Employee Obtained OSU ID Card
This is an important (and exciting) item for a new employee. The ID card enables the new
employee access to deals around Corvallis, participation in the Orange Rewards program,
use the library, and provide verification they are allowed to be in a campus building after
hours if questioned by OSP or Campus Safety.
Location of First Check
The first paycheck is very important to new employees. It is necessary for you to identify
where they can pick up the first paycheck. There are three options for first paycheck delivery:
their business center, Central Payroll office in Kerr Admin Building, or to their department via
Campus Mail. Ask your business center, if you are not sure, which of these locations the
check will be sent. Always let the new employee know where they can pick up their first
paycheck or if it will be mailed to the department via Campus Mail.
OHR New Employee Orientation Sessions
Employees receive important information about conditions of employment, safety, mandatory
reporting, sexual harassment, and other resources available at OSU. It is important and
strongly recommended all new (and current, if they have not attended before) employees
attend one of the monthly all-day sessions.
Ensure that Employee Is Aware of MyOSU
Online Services is a powerful tool. Encourage the new employee to login to the portal and
explore the resources in Online Services.
Worker's Compensation/Reporting Incidents or Injuries
Discuss how an employee is to report incidents or injuries at OSU. Show the new employee
available resources on the Office of Human Resources website. Explain the importance of
reporting incidents and injuries in a timely fashion. For more information, visit the link on the
checklist and/or contact the HR Office unit which handles Worker's Comp for OSU.
Building Orientation
In order to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA requirements, each
new employee needs to be made aware of the items on the checklist under Building
Orientation. Please make sure to go over these items on their start date or within their first
couple days on the job.
Review Position Description
Reviewing the position description ensures the new employee understands the position duties
list is complete and accurate, and also ensures the employee is aware of the content of the
Discuss Expectations, Supervisor’s Management Style, and Performance Evaluation Format
Discussing expectations with a new employee outlines the supervisor or departmental
priorities and clarifies work objectives; establishes a basis for fairness and constructive
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feedback; helps to eliminate misunderstandings because expectations are agreed on and
discussed up front; encourages constructive communication, mutual understanding of what
needs doing and how it will be done; empowerment and self-assessment of work completed;
and establishes a starting point for coaching, appraisal, and discipline.
Discussing management style ensures the new employee is aware of how their new
supervisor manages employees.
Indicate method (electronic EvalS system, paper format) and how often a performance
evaluation is conducted. Outline which performance elements are managed by the employee
and which elements are handled by the supervisor.
Setting Out of Office when Absent, Who to Contact when Unexpectedly Absent
Identify the department’s expectations for preparing for a planned absence and whom to
contact when unexpectedly absent.
Trial Service (Classified Staff)
The six-month, “trial service” period is an extension of the selection process. The trial service
period gives an employee a chance to demonstrate their skills and abilities. If the trial service
performance is determined to be unsatisfactory, an employee may be dismissed at any time
during the six-month period.
If performance is satisfactory, a new employee will gain regular employee status at the end of
six months.
Time Reporting, Overtime, and Leave Usage
Address the department’s expectation for reporting time worked, working overtime and/or
requesting to work overtime, and planned and unplanned leave usage.
Certifications (if applicable)
If any certifications were a minimum qualification for the position during recruitment, ensure a
departmental representative or the supervisor sees the certification documentation on or
before the employee’s start date.
University Expectations
Ensure new employees review and understand all University Expectations applicable to their
position and to them as an employee.
OSU Safety Program and Right to Know
In order to meet OSHA requirements, each new employee needs to be made aware of the
items on the checklist under Building Orientation. Please make sure to go over these items on
their start date or within the first couple days of their start date.
New employee in charge of laboratory or field research?
An Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) representative will meet with the new employee for
about 20-30 minutes to discuss regulatory requirements, laws, policies, best practices,
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permits, and available resources that are necessary to properly set up a new research
program at OSU. All research is governed by OSHA, EPA, NIH, Office of Homeland Security,
and other regulatory bodies.
If the new employee will interact with students or student data, they are required to take the
FERPA training and submit their FERPA training completion certificate to the Office of the
The faculty and administration of Oregon State University jointly accept the responsibility
for maintaining an atmosphere in which scholars may freely teach, conduct research,
publish, and engage in other scholarly activities. This responsibility includes maintaining
the freedom for the examination of controversial issues throughout the University,
including classroom discussion when such issues are germane to the subject matter of the
The University does not attempt to control the personal opinion, nor the public expression
of that opinion, of any member of the faculty or staff of the institution. Indeed, the faculty
and administration of Oregon State University feel a responsibility to protect the right of
each employee to express his or her personal opinion, but in doing so, employees have an
obligation to avoid any action which purports to commit the institution to a position on any
issue without appropriate approval.
University Parking Information
Department-Reserved Space
CSS has a reserved space on the west side of the Crops Building. To reserve this space for an off-campus
faculty member or stakeholder, please contact administrative staff to reserve in the calendar.
Street (one way →)
Grassy area/Sheldon Ladd Memorial Garden
Use should be compliant with Oregon State University Standards 576-030-0020 (16).
Reserved parking spaces are for exclusive use by a College, School, Department, or other
approved organizations such as businesses or agencies required to park on the Corvallis
Campus to facilitate provision of services to be provided to OSU and must be renewed
(from the north
annually with payment of a fee set forth in OSU’s List of Fees and Charges, pursuant to
OSU Standard 576- 010-0000. Reserved parking permits may be assigned to individuals
based on their position with OSU. A valid reserved parking permit must be properly
displayed in Vehicles together with an OSU parking permit that is valid for the parking
zone in which the reserved space is located. Requests for reserved parking spaces are
reviewed by Parking Services and only granted in rare circumstances as capacity allows.
Loading Docks
(Details coming in next document version)
Direct Deposit Sign-Up
1. Log in at myosu.oregonstate.edu
2. On the "Welcome" tab under "Update Personal Profile" click on "Direct Deposit."
3. Complete the information and click "Next."
Routing number is first set of 9 numbers at the bottom of your check, account number is the
9 digit number in the middle of the check preceded by 000, the check number is the last set
of number (you will not be asked for the check number)
4. Review the information entered and click "Submit."
5. Agree to the "Direct Deposit Agreement."
Note: It will take 7 days after initial signup until the Direct Deposit will take effect.
Online Earning Statements
1. Go to Employee Online Services
2. Select "Employee" Tab, then "Pay Information"
3. Choose Online Earning Statements (for Direct Depositors only)
You can sign up for Direct Deposit, access your earning statement or your W-2 at any time
using Employee Online Services under the "Employee" menu.
A regular review of faculty can improve the quality of the teaching, research, and service
functions of the University. In addition, it will benefit individual faculty members by
assuring that they are regularly informed of their status. Such a review shall include input
from colleagues and students from the faculty member's own administrative unit as well as
from other appropriate units. The written summary of the review shall be provided to the
faculty member, and the faculty member shall have ample opportunity to add written
rebuttals or explanations. Best practice is to review all faculty every year.
The following guidelines are for the University as a whole. All faculty with an FTE of 0.5 or
more shall be reviewed as follows:
Faculty with annual tenure shall be reviewed annually.
Faculty with indefinite tenure shall be reviewed as follows:
Assistant and Associate Professors shall be reviewed annually during their second
through fifth years in rank at OSU and during any period in which they are reviewed
intensively for promotion in rank. Otherwise, they shall be reviewed at least once every three
Professors and tenured Senior Instructors I and Senior Instructors II shall be
reviewed at least once every three years.
Faculty with fixed-term Senior Research, Clinical or Practice professorial
appointments shall be reviewed as described for faculty with indefinite tenure.
Instructors, Faculty Research Assistants, Senior Faculty Research Assistants I,
Senior Faculty Research Assistants II, untenured Senior Instructors I, Senior
Instructors II, and Research Associates shall be reviewed annually during their first
five years of service; during any period in which they are being reviewed intensively for
promotion in rank; and at least once every three years thereafter.
Professional Faculty shall be reviewed annually.
Faculty on multi-year or extended fixed-term appointments shall be reviewed
Periodic review is NOT required for the following faculty members on fixed-term
emeritus appointments; temporary postdoctoral appointments; and
visiting appointments for two years or less.
Any faculty member eligible for review is entitled to a review at any time, upon the faculty
member's request.
CSS Department process considers the intense review during the year of mid-
term and promotion and/or tenure as completion of PROF review
Timeline and Process
Late December/Early January, Department Head sends out forms and instructions for
PROF reviews. You are asked to submit the completed form and your updated CV to the
Department Head, with a copy to Administrative Manager to store in your faculty profile
on the shared drive. If the PROF form and CV are not submitted by the due date (or a later
date agreed to by department head for extenuating circumstances), a fair rating is the
highest rating a faculty member will receive.
Administrative Manager will start scheduling face-to-face reviews in March. Face-to-face
reviews must be completed by the first Friday in June. If not, a fair rating is the most a
faculty member can receive. If neither a PROF form nor a face-to-face review are completed
the faculty member will receive an unsatisfactory rating.
CSS faculty have a history of doing good service. Remember, at least two service
committees (one CSS and one OES or CAS or University) are required of all tenured
Professors. Service has broad definitions in a faculty as diverse as CSS, though it should be
distinguished from responsibility. For example, active participation in a department
committee is considered service. Whereas, attending department seminars or department
meetings, while very important to CSS, are responsibilities.
CSS 2016 PROF Page 1 of 5
(20 Dec 2016)
aculty Member: Evaluation Period: CY2016
urrent Rank: Years in current rank:
tal FTE: FTE Split (%): UG AES CES Other
umber of years in current assignment (if different than current rank):
Position Description Reviewed? Yes No Position Description Current? Yes No
as a current full vita available at the time of the review? Yes No
as the faculty member’s personnel page on the departmental web site been updated (or is in the
queue with webmaster) with current publications, projects, grads and related professional information?
Yes No
Date of Review
Signature of evaluator Date
Signature of faculty member Date
Signature of department head Date
ignature of evaluator and/or department head indicates concurrence with the review. Signature of
faculty member being reviewed indicates they have read the review and discussed it with their
evaluator. Space on the last page of the PROF document furnishes the faculty member with an
opportunity for written comments, explanation or a rebuttal to written information provided in the
PROF. The final, fully signed evaluation form will be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file.
CSS 2016 PROF Page 2 of 5
Objective: Constructive feedback is essential to the development of faculty and team productivity and
performance. Given recent raise structure at OSU, faculty ratings are also required to demonstrate the
meritorious performance required for merit raises.
Faculty members you are to complete this form by the established due date for a given calendar year.
Complete all applicable sections. Cut and paste needed documentation into each section. This is to be a
stand alone document when it is completed. Rate yourself in each category. The CSS administrator
who does your performance evaluation will also rate you based on the information provided and other
information available to them. Ratings will be discussed during your evaluation with the intent of
reaching a consensus rating. If this is not possible, individual and evaluator ratings will both be shown
on the form submitted to the department head. Once a completed form is returned to you by your
evaluator, review the form and add any comments you wish then route to the department head.
Evaluator - Using this completed form as a guide, discuss each performance dimension, including the
performance indicators listed, the employee’s demonstrated skill and ability in that area, and any
suggestions for development. After the review, complete the form, sign and route to the faculty
member for comment and signature.
Performance IndicatorsThe performance indicators are presented as progressive levels of
achievement - (U= unsatisfactory, F = fair, S = satisfactory, S&P = strong and positive, E = exceptional).
Circle the performance indicator that has achieved in this evaluation period. It is acceptable to circle
two indicators indicating that performance is rated intermediate. Comments should relate to the
performance indicators, identifying specific strengths and areas for improvement. Comments are to be
based on the current job description and the faculty member’s length of service and rank. Depending
on the job description, “not applicable” may be appropriate for some performance dimensions or
indicators. As most CSS faculty have historically fallen within the S&P category, the CSS administrative
team will subdivide this category into low, medium and high ratings based on an overall assessment of
factor scores and a group discussion of comparative performance among faculty.
Performance indicator statements are not provided in the rating criteria for fair and unsatisfactory
ratings. A fair rating means that the satisfactory standard is met in some areas, but not in others.
Performance is not fully satisfactory. Improvement is needed to meet job responsibilities. An
unsatisfactory rating indicates that the performance requirements for a satisfactory rating are generally
not being met and that performance in a specific area, or overall, is unacceptable. An overall “U” rating
means that action must be taken to maintain employment.
CSS 2016 PROF Page 3 of 5
1. Classroom &/or Ecampus Teaching Program NA U F S S&P E
Report of Accomplishments for review year:
For each class, print the first page of the electronic SET scores for the class and attach to this
PROF. This should include the overall rating and scores for the 12 elements of your rating. Also
print and include representative student comments if you think these will be useful as part of
your evaluation. PDF files of your SET scores are provided by the University at
look in the window titled “Faculty Tool Kit.” If SET scores were
not available for your class due to low student numbers, so indicate here.
Include summaries of any peer assessments that were done in 2016.
Plan of work for coming year:
Reviewer comments:
2. Research Program NA U F S S&P E
Report of Accomplishments for review year:
Plan of work for coming year:
Reviewer comments:
3. Extension Program NA U F S S&P E
Report of Accomplishments for review year:
Plan of work for coming year:
Reviewer comments:
4. Student thesis advising NA U F S S&P E
Report of Accomplishments for review year:
Plan of work for coming year:
Reviewer comments:
CSS 2016 PROF Page 4 of 5
5. Scholarship NA U F S S&P E
Report of Accomplishments for review year. Please specifically identify scholarship that includes
student or post doc co-authors. We have to include this information in assessment reports for 2016.
Publications in print/on-line (those with 2016 date; see instructions for details on types):
Refereed journal and books
Reviewed journals and extension publications
Edited reports
Other publications
Publications in progress (those with future publication dates):
Refereed journal and books
Reviewed journals and extension publications
Edited reports
Other publications
Plan of work for coming year (list those that are in some state of progress):
Reviewer comments:
6. Service, Collegiality and Meeting Organizational Needs
Report of Accomplishments for review year:
Plan of work for coming year:
Reviewer comments:
7. Awards and Honors list any awards and honors received in 2016.
CSS 2016 PROF Page 5 of 5
Overall Evaluation: Considering the performance standards outlined in this form, the position
description, and length of service, rank, and experience in the current assignment, check the definition
that best describes this faculty member’s overall performance during the evaluation period.
lf Evaluation: U F S S&P E
upervisor’s Evaluation: U F S S&P E
Summary of evaluation by immediate supervisor:
aculty member’s comments: (optional)
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 1
Academic Affairs and International Programs
Performance Evaluation –Faculty
The performance evaluation process is designed to enable the employee and supervisor to
engage in frequent, positive and productive communication. The annual performance
evaluation is not a substitute for regular, on-going interactions between the employee and
supervisor; it is a step in this process.
primary role of the supervisor in this process is that of mentor. Although the definition of
performance management requires a joint effort between supervisor and employee, the
leadership role in achieving quality performance is the responsibility of the supervisor.
he supervisor will provide the employee an assessment of his/her performance for each major
job responsibility and associated expectations. The assessment will communicate if the
employee has met, exceeded, or failed to meet the stated responsibilities and expectations. The
supervisor will outline where or how the employee has exceeded expectations. If the employee
has not met assigned responsibilities and expectations, the supervisor will provide clear written
feedback regarding deficiencies and requirements for improved performance.
nherent in mentoring employees for quality performance is practicing and instilling appropriate
values. The following values should serve as guidelines in the evaluation process.
Values for Quality Performance:
uality is foremost in all that we do.
exibility, adaptability and continuous improvement are essential to success.
Integrity must be expressed in all that we do and say.
ersity in the University’s culture is critical to success.
mployee empowerment and recognition of contribution results in superior
Every employee has a significant role in the achievement of the University’s mission.
e promote a work environment that encourages life-long learni
ng and
hrough effective teamwork and/or partnerships, we can accomplish more than
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 2
Academic Affairs and International Programs
(541) 737-0732
Annual Performance Evaluation Faculty
Employee Name______________________________________________________________
Job Title __________________________ Department/Unit____________________________
Supervisor Name & Title _______________________________________________________
Review Period: From ____/____/____ To ____/____/____
(please attach last year’s goals)
The major job responsibilities (approximately 3-6) are identified primarily from the essential job
functions of the employee’s position description. Employee will fill out #1 & #2 of each section.
#3 is to be filled out by the employee’s supervisor.
A. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
B. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
C. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 3
Academic Affairs and International Programs
(541) 737-0732
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
D. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
E. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
1. JOB KNOWLEDGE/TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Possesses and demonstrates technical,
general or other specific knowledge and skills required to perform job duties and accomplish
stated objectives.
2. QUALITY: Demonstrates a commitment to providing quality services including assessment
and evaluation of services to improve performance. Work performed is of high standards.
3. WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Establishes and maintains cooperative working relationships
with co-workers, colleagues and supervisor. Responds actively and effectively to needs of
stakeholders. Speaks and acts ethically, fairly and consistently.
4. LEADERSHIP AND INITIATIVE: Displays enthusiasm, dedication and interest in duties and
responsibilities. Is a self-starter and proactive in approach to job. Demonstrates willingness
to work beyond the usual or ordinary requirements of job when needed. Shows initiative
and flexibility in meeting challenges. Capable of acting independently when circumstances
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 4
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(541) 737-0732
warrant. Enables success of others through supervision, mentoring, and other relevant
5. JUDGEMENT: Demonstrates ability to analyze available data or circumstances, consider
alternatives, and make well-reasoned, timely decisions that favorably affect performance
and organizational goals. Acts reliably and responsibly, keeping supervisor informed and
aware of potential issues or areas that need attention.
6. DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICE: Participates in development activities that result in
personal growth and improved performance. Participates in and provides leadership in
service activities at the unit, university, or professional level.
__ Extraordinary __ Strong and Positive __ Satisfactory __ Unsatisfactory
Include plans for improving performance in areas identified in Part 3 in which the
employee did not meet expectations.
a. Employee identified:
b. Supervisor identified/concurrence:
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 5
Academic Affairs and International Programs
(541) 737-0732
Yes No Position description has been reviewed with employee; and, if necessary
has or will be updated to reflect current job duties.
Supervisor Signature Date
Employee Signature Date
Employee’s signature indicates that employee
has read and reviewed this evaluation with the
supervisor. It does not necessarily mean the
employee agrees with the evaluation.
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 1
Academic Affairs and International Programs
Performance Evaluation Professional Faculty
The performance evaluation process is designed to enable the employee and supervisor to
engage in frequent, positive and productive communication. The annual performance
evaluation is not a substitute for regular, on-going interactions between the employee and
supervisor; it is a step in this process.
primary role of the supervisor in this process is that of mentor. Although the definition of
performance management requires a joint effort between supervisor and employee, the
leadership role in achieving quality performance is the responsibility of the supervisor.
he supervisor will provide the employee an assessment of his/her performance for each major
job responsibility and associated expectations. The assessment will communicate if the
employee has met, exceeded, or failed to meet the stated responsibilities and expectations. The
supervisor will outline where or how the employee has exceeded expectations. If the employee
has not met assigned responsibilities and expectations, the supervisor will provide clear written
feedback regarding deficiencies and requirements for improved performance.
nherent in mentoring employees for quality performance is practicing and instilling appropriate
values. The following values should serve as guidelines in the evaluation process.
Values for Quality Performance:
uality is foremost in all that we do.
exibility, adaptability and continuous improvement are essential to success.
Integrity must be expressed in all that we do and say.
ersity in the University’s culture is critical to success.
mployee empowerment and recognition of contribution results in superior
Every employee has a significant role in the achievement of the University’s mission.
e promote a work environment that encourages life-long learni
ng and
hrough effective teamwork and/or partnerships, we can accomplish more than
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 2
Academic Affairs and International Programs
(541) 737-0732
Annual Performance Evaluation Professional Faculty
Employee Name______________________________________________________________
Job Title __________________________ Department/Unit____________________________
Supervisor Name & Title _______________________________________________________
Review Period: From ____/____/____ To ____/____/____
(please attach last year’s goals)
The major job responsibilities (approximately 3-6) are identified primarily from the essential job
functions of the employee’s position description. Employee will fill out #1 & #2 of each section.
#3 is to be filled out by the employee’s supervisor.
A. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
B. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
C. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 3
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(541) 737-0732
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
D. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
E. 1. Responsibility and Expectations:
2. Outcomes:
3. Supervisor’s evaluation:
1. JOB KNOWLEDGE/TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Possesses and demonstrates technical,
general or other specific knowledge and skills required to perform job duties and accomplish
stated objectives.
2. QUALITY: Demonstrates a commitment to providing quality services including assessment
and evaluation of services to improve performance. Work performed is of high standards.
3. WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Establishes and maintains cooperative working relationships
with co-workers, colleagues and supervisor. Responds actively and effectively to needs of
stakeholders. Speaks and acts ethically, fairly and consistently.
4. LEADERSHIP AND INITIATIVE: Displays enthusiasm, dedication and interest in duties and
responsibilities. Is a self-starter and proactive in approach to job. Demonstrates willingness
to work beyond the usual or ordinary requirements of job when needed. Shows initiative
and flexibility in meeting challenges. Capable of acting independently when circumstances
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 4
Academic Affairs and International Programs
(541) 737-0732
warrant. Enables success of others through supervision, mentoring, and other relevant
5. JUDGEMENT: Demonstrates ability to analyze available data or circumstances, consider
alternatives, and make well-reasoned, timely decisions that favorably affect performance
and organizational goals. Acts reliably and responsibly, keeping supervisor informed and
aware of potential issues or areas that need attention.
6. DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICE: Participates in development activities that result in
personal growth and improved performance. Participates in and provides leadership in
service activities at the unit, university, or professional level.
__ Extraordinary __ Strong and Positive __ Satisfactory __ Unsatisfactory
Include plans for improving performance in areas identified in Part 3 in which the
employee did not meet expectations.
a. Employee identified:
b. Supervisor identified/concurrence:
Annual Performance Review, 5/3/2004 5
Academic Affairs and International Programs
(541) 737-0732
Yes No Position description has been reviewed with employee; and, if necessary
has or will be updated to reflect current job duties.
Supervisor Signature Date
Employee Signature Date
Employee’s signature indicates that employee
has read and reviewed this evaluation with the
supervisor. It does not necessarily mean the
employee agrees with the evaluation.
(Details coming in next document version)
A classified or unclassified employee can login to the Peopleadmin system using your ONID
credentials. Login to the yellow link that says, “Online Recruiting System login-Click Here”
and view/print your own position description. This will work if your user account is fully set
up and you have a position in the system. If you cannot log in, send an email to
[email protected] to let them know you are having trouble logging in so they
can troubleshoot your account. If you find that you do not have a position description in the
system, please notify Kristin Rifai.
Once in the system, go to the “employee” role, go to “my profile” and “position descriptions”
tab to view your PD
The department pays a flat lease cost that provides a limited amount of prints/photocopies
per month1500 B/W prints are included in the lease but NOT color prints. Any B/W
prints above the 1500 minimum allowed by the lease are charged at $0.0205/print; color
prints are charged at $0.123/print (priced as of August 2017).
ALS Building
Faculty have several options for printing in the ALS building. One option is to print their
documents directly to the “free” printerthis is the Laserjet 4200, located in ALS 3017.
This printer does black and white printing only. A second option is to print to the
photocopier (currently the Ricoh Model # MPC 4504); this machine does both B/W and color
printing. To be able to print or photocopy, each faculty member must choose a 4-digit
passcode to use in the machineplease inform Emmalie of the code you wish to use and to
which index you want to charge the photocopies (NOTE: If you teach a class, there might
Employee name
be a passcode already assigned to use for the classplease contact Emmalie for those
Crops Building
Faculty can print their documents using the photocopiers located on each floor. The 1st
floor copier is B&W or color. The 2nd-4th floor copiers only are B&W. To be able to print or
photocopy, each faculty member must choose a 4-digit passcode to use in the machine
please inform Emmalie of the code you wish to use and to which index you want to charge
the photocopies.
Large Print Jobs
Printing is also available through the Campus Printing Servicesplease contact them for
larger print jobs and/or special brochures, handouts, tests, etc. They can also provide you
with an estimate of your job cost but they basically do charge the same amount per copy
that the department’s photocopier/printer costs plus they will charge you a fee for any
Printing Department employee handling of the project.
ALS Faculty should place any outgoing US Postal Service (USPS) mail and
interdepartmental campus mail in the wooden box labeled “campus mail” in ALS 3015.
Crops Faculty should place any outgoing US Postal Service (USPS) mail and
interdepartmental campus mail in the silver bucket next to the mail slots in 107. The office
staff process this mail at least once daily. Mail should be placed in this box no later than
10:00 am every weekday for processing. The departmental index will cover postage costs on
letter-sized (#9 or #10) envelopes for official departmental business onlyno personal
letters/bills/etc. postage will be covered by the department; please provide your own
postage/stamps for those items. Any mailing larger than a standard envelope or needing
international postage must include an index for processing through Campus Mailing
For shipments that are in boxes, please allow extra time for processing by the office staff
(it’s best to get these packages to them by 9:00 am). You can ship these via the USPS or
you can also use other courier services (FedEx or UPS) through the processing center.
Special circumstancesincluding shipping hazardous items or dry ice packageswill cause
a delay in shipment and the processing center requires a 24-hour processing timePLAN
AHEAD! To ship from the department level, you will need to provide an index number,
how you want it shipped (Trackable? Insurance? Next day delivery? etc.), and what’s in the
package. The office staff can show you the form that we are required to fill out for shipping
these packages. If you miss the pick-up time from the ALS building for package shipment,
you will have to take your package directly to the Xpress Stop located in the MU or the
processing center at Research Way. There is a daily deadline for all shipments—please
contact the mailing services people directly to see if you’re too late in getting your package
picked up from the campus center for that day (541-737-4941).
Mail shuttle services to state offices and some county extension offices are available
please contact the office staff for help or the campus mailing services people directly.
The department fax machine is in the Crops Building (administration office, Room 109). If
you need to receive a fax, make sure your sender knows to put your name on the fax and
have them send it to 541-737-1589. The office staff in the Crops Building will notify you of
the received fax. We can send it to you via campus mail (that takes about 24 hours) or you
can go to Crops 109 and pick up your fax. If you wish to send a fax, there is no charge to do
sohowever, if you are sending to a long-distance number, you will need to use your long-
distance authorization code. The office staff in Crops 109 will be able to assist you with
sending the fax.
January 1-5 Department Head’s email goes out to faculty with timeline. (Department Head)
rior to Feb 15 Discuss candidacy with supervisor and schedule appointment with Department Head
(by contacting Kristin.rifai@oregonstate.edu) to discuss your forthcoming promotion
and/or tenure decision. (Candidate)
rior to February 20 Candidates with credit or non-credit (Extension) teaching appointments should
contact peer review of teaching committee (PTEC) chair. See complete guidelines for
Peer Evalulation of Teaching posted on the CSS website under Employee Resources, P
& T. (Candidate)
Feb 20 Send an email message to Department Head stating you intend to go through the
promotion process, copy Kristin Rifai. (Candidate)
April 1 Candidate compiles teaching dossier for mentoring committee (refer to PTEC
guidelines for non-credit/credit teaching) (Candidate)
Credit course teaching: Work with the Department Head to develop a list of students
for the student evaluation of teaching. Students are selected based on their
enrollment in the candidate’s course(s), and their history of active participation in the
Department, including sum of courses taken in CSS, event attendance, and faculty
nomination. Courses selected for review are the assigned, regularly offered course(s).
Extra-curricular courses and workshops may be included should they provide
illumination on the candidate’s dossier **Submit as an excel spreadsheet, last
name, first name and email address. (Candidate)
pril 15 Student surveys sent out and due back to the Department Head by April 30. (Kristin
pril 30 PTEC letter due (PTEC Committee).
Candidates with an extension appointment will need to work with the Department
Head to develop a list of clientele to survey. For appropriate consideration of
stakeholders, we need approximately 15-20 completed clientele surveys. Candidates
should work with their immediate supervisor to arrive at a list of up to 20-25
clientele to send survey requests to. Clientele include stakeholders who would have
sufficient experience with and knowledge of the candidate. These clientele may
include other OSU faculty, commissioners, industry representatives, growers,
producers and State and Federal agency personnel. On-campus extension faculty
must have county extension faculty with whom they have worked on their survey list.
**Submit as an excel spreadsheet, last name, first name, email address, phone
number, affiliation, and relationship to candidate (grower, colleague, industry
rep., commission, etc.) (Candidate)
May 1 Candidate Statement (CS), Curriculum Vitae (CV), and Position Descriptions (PD) and
peer-review of teaching committee letter due to Kristin Rifai in near final form by
5pm. (Candidate)
May 5 CS, CV, PD, and peer teaching letter forwarded to CSS PTC committee for review.
(Kristin Rifai)
May 15 Clientele surveys sent out and due back to the Department Head by June 30. (Kristin
June 1 CS, CV, PD, and peer teaching letter, examined by CSS PTC Committee and written
evaluations forwarded to the Department Head by June 30. (PTC Committee)
June-July Candidates must confer with the Department Head to establish a list of external peer
reviewers and discuss the external review process (contact Kristin Rifai to schedule a
meeting with Department Head). Peer reviewers are those professionals who hold a
similar position description as the candidate, though of higher rank. Faculty seeking
tenure must have peer reviewers who hold tenure who are employed outside of OSU
(hence the termexternal reviewers). All candidates may choose peer reviewers
without restriction to employer, though it is best to choose peers who have affiliation
with a like institution.
Faculty Research Assistants / Senior Faculty Research Assistants / Instructors /
Senior Instructors-Kristin Rifai will provide you with a list of possible campus
reviewers. You should choose reviewers from outside of CSS. Most appropriate
choices will likely be within the College of Ag (Candidate)
Candidates must confer with the Department Head to ensure that their dossier (CS,
CV, and PDs) is in order and ready to send to external reviewers. When so, the
candidate must sign a form (“certification”) indicating the dossier is ready to send.
(Provided by Kristin Rifai) (Candidate)
August 1 Candidates list of external peer reviewers due to the Department Head by 5:00, copy
Kristin Rifai **Submit as an excel spreadsheet, last name, first name, address,
email address, title/role. (Candidate)
Signed Dossier Review Statement Due to Kristin Rifai (Candidate) once received,
Candidate Statements, CVs and PDs made available for all faculty to review. Faculty
will be asked to provide input to the CSS PTC Committee by noon on September 30
(Kristin Rifai)
August 15 Dossiers sent to external reviewers by Aug 15. External letters will be due back to
the Department Head by Sept 30. (Kristin Rifai)
September 15 Form four-person student committee comprised of UG-Soils, UG-Crops, Grad-Soils,
Grad-Crops to complete student assessment letter with data from student surveys
and candidates Eset scores. Letter due by September 30 (Kristin Rifai)
October 12-14 Completed dossiers [CS, CV, PDs, student committee letter (if applicable), peer
teaching committee letter(s) (if applicable), clientele survey summary (if applicable),
and external reviewer letters] assembled. (Kristin Rifai)
November 5 Completed dossiers will be reviewed by the CSS PTC Committee and the Committee
will submit a letter for each candidate to the Department Head. (PTC Committee)
Department Head works with supervisor (if other than Department Head) to submit
supervisor letter by agreed upon date (Department Head)
ovember-last day Department Head submits letter for each candidate for inclusion in dossier.
(Department Head)
mber-First Friday Final Dossier submitted to CAS (Kristin Rifai)
Mid-December CAS PTC committee requests edits/updates to dossier.
(Details coming in next document version)
Submit your request for purchase of items less than $5000 to Emmalie Goodwin, please
provide the link to the item, requested by (day/date), index to charge, and if you would like
expedited shipping. Emmalie will order within three business days. Once complete,
Emmalie will send you a confirmation of your order.
(information on BennyHire coming in next document version)
Submit your request for reimbursement to Emmalie Goodwin using the form as provided by
Emmalie ensuring you have attached receipts and appropriate documentation. Emmalie
will send back to you for signature within 72 hours of submittal. Once you and your faculty
member sign, give to Emmalie who will scan your request to the business center and send
you a confirmation of submittal.
All reimbursements must be submitted for payment within 60 days of incurring the cost or
within 60 days after the conclusion of the travel/field-work during which the expenditure
was made and in the appropriate fiscal year.
Retiring from OSU (http://hr.oregonstate.edu/benefits/retiring-osu)
Time Frame
Review Retirement Eligibility Requirements
6 months to 1 year before
Complete an Online Pension Estimate
Attend PERS Retirement Workshops
6 months to 1 year before
Retirement Readiness for Tier 1 or 2 members
All About OPSRP Workshop for OPSRP members
Request a Written Benefit Estimate
6 months to 1 year before
PERS processes based on estimated retirement date
Read the PERS Pre-Retirement Guide
6 months to 1 year before
Will assist you in understanding the estimate and completing
the retirement application.
Working After Retirement
6 months to 1 year before
Read the PERS work after retirement limitations
Request Retirement Packet from PERS
4-6 months before
at 888.320.7377 or 503.598.7377; or download from PERS
website. Watch video on how to complete
https://vimeo.com/155886731 ).
Attend a PERS Retirement Application Assistance
Within 90-day window of
your retirement date
Not required. If you would like assistance completing the
application. Register on PERS website
Tier 1 & Tier 2 members Determine if it is beneficial to
purchase your 6-month “Wait Time” or “Other” purchases (e.g.,
Forfeited Time).
Within the 90-day window of
your retirement date
The Written Estimates will include information on
You may purchase your “Waiting” or “Other” time or both.
If purchasing time, sign and return the letter included in the
written estimate along with funds to PERS (send at
approximately the same time as your application)
Complete & Submit PERS retirement application
Within 90-day window of
your retirement date
PERS retirement date will always be the 1
of the month.
PERS will accept up to 90-days before your retirement date.
Must be received by the last working day of the month before
your retirement date. Postmarks are not accepted.
At least 2 weeks to 30 days
prior to your retirement date
Submit letter of Resignation/Retirement to your
OSU Retirement Date: Last day of work (Ex: 07/31/2016)
PERS Retirement Date: First of the month following your OSU
Vacation and Comp Time will be paid out, if applicable.
Final Paycheck
(12-mth Faculty Vacation = 180hrs max; Staff = 250 hours max)
PERS Pension Payments
Up to 92 days after you retire
First pension check Tier 1, Tier 2, and OPSRP
Up to 120 days after you
First Distribution from your IAP account
Voluntary Retirement Savings Distributions
Work directly with your provider Fidelity, TIAA, Oregon
Savings Growth
Stay Connected to OSU
URLS for Referenced Documents
PERS website: http://www.oregon.gov/pers
Retiring from OSU Website: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/benefits/current-
OSU Workshops & Events: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/benefits/current-
Retirement Eligibility (PERS, ORP, Disability), OSU website:
PERS Workshops:
PERS Request Written Benefit Estimate:
PERS Video on completing Tier 1/Tier 2 Application: https://vimeo.com/155886731
PERS Tier 1/Tier 2 Retirement Forms & Information:
Working After Retirement PERS & ORP (OSU Website) links to PERS information:
TDI (403b) & Oregon Savings Growth Plan (457b) contacts/distributions:
Emeritus Appointments: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/manual/emeritus-appointments
Tenure Relinquishment Agreement: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/manual/tenure-
Staying Connected to OSU: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/benefits/leaving-osu-
Contact Andrew Hulting to request a room assignment for the Crops Building.
Contact David Myrold to request a room assignment in the ALS Building.
Purpose of Sabbatical Leave
Research, writing, advanced study, travel for observation and study of conditions in our
own or in other countries affecting the applicant’s field or related scholarly or professional
Eligibility for Sabbatical Leave
0.50 FTE or greater; and
Tenured; and
Rank of Senior Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Research
Associate or Senior Research Associate. Prior service at the ranks of Instructor,
Lecturer or Research Assistant may be considered.
Length of Service Requirement:
1(a). 9-Month Employee: Continuously appointed without interruption by a sabbatical
leave for 18 academic quarters (excluding Summer Session); or
1(b). 12-Month Employee: 72 months; or
2. Combined Term of Service: An accumulated equivalent of 6.0 FTE years over an
indefinite period of 9-month or 12-month appointments uninterrupted by a sabbatical
FTE Less Than 0.50 or Leave Without Pay - A series of appointments shall be
considered continuous whether or not interrupted by one or more authorized leaves of
absence other than a sabbatical leave. A one-year period of appointment at less than
0.50 FTE will count as a period of accumulated service for purposes of the time
requirement for sabbatical eligibility.
Sabbatical Leave Delay
Sabbatical leave may be delayed up to two years at the discretion of the Provost. Refer to
OSU standards for details.
Military Leave From OSU
Military leave from OSU is considered as institutional service.
The academic faculty member’s annual rate is multiplied by the average FTE at which
the faculty member was appointed during the 6.0 FTE years immediately prior to the
sabbatical leave for an employee qualifying under 1(a) or 1(b) above; or
Salary shall be determined using the annual rate in effect at the time the leave begins
for an employee qualifying under item 2 above.
The academic faculty member remains eligible for university-wide salary increases
while on sabbatical leave.
Approval and Revisions of Sabbatical Leave
A sabbatical leave shall be granted only if approved by the Provost or the Provost’s
designee, acting on behalf of the President.
When signed by all parties, the Application for Contract and Sabbatical Leave becomes
a binding contract. Revision of the sabbatical leave program or other terms and
conditions of the agreement must be approved by all parties to the original agreement
(refer to Procedures below).
Sabbatical Leave Report
At the end of the sabbatical leave, the faculty member shall submit a report of the
accomplishments and benefits resulting from the leave, filing copies with the Department
Head, the Dean, and the Provost.
Obligation to Return
Each academic faculty member shall sign an agreement to return to the institution for a
period of at least one year's service on completion of the sabbatical leave. If an academic
faculty member fails to fulfill this obligation, the academic faculty member shall repay the
full salary paid during the sabbatical leave plus the health care and retirement
contribution paid by the institution on behalf of the academic faculty member during the
leave. This amount is due and payable within three months following the date designated
in the sabbatical agreement for the faculty member to return to the institution.
Length of Leave for Eligible Academic Year (9-Month) Faculty Member
One academic year (three terms) on 60 percent of salary; or
Two-thirds of an academic year (two terms) on 75 percent of salary; or
One-third of an academic year (one term) on 85 percent of salary.
Length of Leave for Fiscal Year (12-Month) Faculty Member
One year (12 months) on 60 percent of salary; or
Two-thirds of a year (eight months) on 75 percent of salary; or
One-third of a year (four months) on 85 percent of salary.
Cost of Sabbatical Leave
The cost for a sabbatical leave shall be funded by the unit paying the faculty member’s
Supplementing of Sabbatical Income
Faculty members may supplement their sabbatical salaries to a reasonable degree,
provided that such supplementation strictly conforms to the stated and approved purposes
of the sabbatical leave (see Other Information below for limitations).
Application Procedure
1. Obtain a set of Application and Contract for Sabbatical Leave forms. Applications may
be obtained through OSCAR at https://oscar.oregonstate.edu , go to the Employee Access
section and complete the Application for Contract for Sabbatical Leave.
2. Submit three original applications (two-sided contract) on pink paper to the Office of
Human Resources at least one month prior to leave begin date. Note: Please check to
see if your College has specific guidelines for submission dates.
3. The Office of Human Resources will verify eligibility, employment periods, salary, and
other necessary data prior to forwarding the application to Academic Affairs.
4. Academic Affairs will review/approve sabbatical application and return it to the Office of
Human Resources.
5. Human Resources:
Sends copies to the Dean’s Office, the employee and the Department;
Sends copy to the employee’s Business Center with a cover memorandum
authorizing submission of Leave Form;
Files a copy in the employee’s permanent personnel file.
Sabbatical Amendments
When signed by all parties, the Application for Contract and Sabbatical Leave becomes a
binding contract. Amendments must be initialed by all signatories. Procedures to amend
the contract are as follows:
1. Retrieve employee, deans and department copy of application.
2. Write in red in the upper right hand corner:
3. Send through original signatories for their initials.
4. Forward to Office of Human Resources.
Sabbatical Cancellations
Cancellation of leave should be made by letter and routed through original signatories for
their approval.
Other Information
Supplementation of sabbatical leave paid from grants and contracts must be set up as a
secondary job and approved by the sponsoring agency. Route the Job Form through the
Office of Post Award Administration for approval.
The application should state the purpose of the leave in detail. If necessary, attach a
more detailed description. Three copies of the detailed description should be attached to
each of the three application copies.
Attach one copy of an up-to-date vita for the faculty member.
All three copies of the application (two-sided on pink paper) are to have original
In January, a letter will be sent to those employees who were on sabbatical the previous
calendar year. This letter certifies the dates the employee was on leave and can be used
for tax deductions (check with your accountant).
Oregon State University Emergency Management: http://emergency.oregonstate.edu/
Fieldwork Safety
HJ Andrews research forest offers an annual Safety Day training for anyone who is new to
field work or would like a refresher on sound field safety procedures. Please contact Forest
Director, [email protected] for questions.
Farm Safety
Speak with your supervisor for additional training as required for your job description.
Farm safety training information: https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/corvallis-farm-
Greenhouse Safety
Speak with your supervisor for additional training as required for your job description. If
training is required for further information contact
Lab Safety
The department coordinates an annual lab safety training in conjunction with new
graduate orientation day every September. You may also take the online training and quiz
here: http://ehs.oregonstate.edu/training/lab_safety_training
This training is required if you will be working in a lab. Please notify the department lab
safety coordinator when you have completed the training and passed the quiz.
Departmental Safety
The department has purchased and installed AED (Automatic Electronic Defibrillators) in
the following locations:
1. 3
floor ALS-just outside the administrative office
2. Crops-basement copy room (030)
3. Crops-just outside of the Crops 138 classroom (behind the vending machine)
The Crops & ALS Building emergency preparedness committee members have been trained
in building emergency evacuation procedures. We anticipate and request full participation
by all building occupants in the annual fire drill in order to train new building occupants
and refresh/refine our procedures.
Please be aware that there might be those around you who are highly-sensitive and/or
allergic to certain fragrances that you might choose to wear. We ask that you be
considerate and refrain from wearing these fragrances, especially when working in close
quarters. Sensitivities can be triggered by fragrances not only in perfumes and aftershave
lotions but also in deodorants and shampoos.
A single scholarship application is used for both college and departmental scholarship using
the OSU ScholarDollars system ensuring that our students have been considered for both
groups. In the deliberations, the advisor and teaching faculty may provide essential
background information on the candidates for awards and scholarships beyond the written
material associated with the application. Students and faculty are urged to explore
scholarship applications in early fall. Note that College and Departmental applications are
due mid fall term, and deadlines may vary from other scholarship opportunities. Award
ceremony is mandatory for recipients.
In compliance with applicable law, OSU generally allows service animals in its buildings,
classrooms, residence halls, meetings, dining areas, recreational facilities, activities and
events when the animal is accompanied by an individual with a disability who indicates the
service animal is trained to provide, and does provide, a specific service to them that is
directly related to their disability. (For policies regarding assistance animals including
emotional support animals - that do not meet the definition of a "service animal,” please see
the OSU Policy on Assistance Animals.) OSU may not permit service animals when the
animal poses a substantial and direct threat to health or safety or when the presence of the
animal constitutes a fundamental alteration to the nature of the program or service. OSU
will make those determinations on a case-by-case basis.
HR Documents
Associate Department Head, Director-Seed Services and Administrative Manager have
signatory authority in the absence of Department Head for all routine documents
associated with department operations. Documents not considered routine would be grants
requiring departmental matching funds, purchases or other funding commitments over
$5,000 using departmental funds and personnel actions funded on departmental funds
other than those for undergraduate students, temporary employees, and short-term
employees such as instructors hired to teach specific classes or in specific terms. Personnel
actions funded by grants and contracts may also be authorized by these individuals.
Finance Documents
Associate Department Head and Director-Seed Services have signatory authority on all
routine finance and accounting documents associated with department operations.
Documents not considered routine would be grants requiring departmental matching funds,
purchases or funding commitments over $5,000 using departmental funds.
Please send your document and request for signature to Administrative Manager who will
obtain Department Head signature and send you an email when your document is ready for
pick up.
(Details coming in next document version)
(Details coming in next document version)
Creating or Joining a Club
Information regarding the process of creating or joining a club at Oregon State can be found
here: http://sli.oregonstate.edu/orgs/findanorg.
Duties of Faculty Advisors to Sponsored Student Organizations
Facilitator Model of Relationship
Oregon State University recognizes that sponsored student organizations are inherently
linked to the University because of their role in enhancing education, representing OSU
and/or presenting events that are considered an integral part of the institution. In order to
best support the learning of student leaders in our community, we have adopted a
philosophical approach of partnership and collaboration with individual students and
student organizations as “facilitators” in the involvement experience. As “facilitators,”
advisors work with administrators, faculty and staff to support student organization
members and leaders in making intelligent, fair and reasonable choices within the
boundaries established by state, federal and local laws, university rules/policy, and the
mission of the sponsoring unit. At Oregon State University, the Faulty Advisor serves as
the primary “facilitator” to Sponsored Student Organizations.
Faculty Advisor Model of Relationship
Role of the Faculty Advisor
The OSU Student Organization Recognition Policy (SOR) defines a Faculty Advisor as
“faculty, staff or personnel responsible for maintaining relationship with a sponsored
student organization that allows for education and development as well as administration
of data collection and University policies, procedures and guidelines.”
A Sponsoring Unit must provide a faculty advisor who shall be the primary liaison between
the Sponsoring Unit/University and the Sponsored Student Organization (SSO). Under the
tenets of the Facilitator University Model, the faculty advisor is much more than just a
signature at the bottom of a piece of paper. Rather, the faculty advisor works
collaboratively with students, sharing responsibility for the development, practices and
outcomes of Sponsored Student Organization and its events.
Responsibilities of Faculty Advisor
As constituents of a Facilitator University, the faculty advisor works collaboratively and
proactively with students, sharing responsibility for the organization and its events.
Faculty advisors support, guide and partner with student organization leaders to ensure,
fair, intelligent and reasonable decisions and actions. Specifically, it is expected that the
faculty advisor:
• Serve as the primary link between the sponsoring unit and student organization in
order to support the success of the sponsorship relationship as outlined in the
sponsorship agreement.
• Be a facilitator and a resource for student leaders in the interpretation of and
compliance with University policies & procedures.
• Be a role model, demonstrating professional, ethical and positive behavior.
• Annually review the student organization’s governing documents (constitution &
bylaws) and/or guiding policies to ensure accountability by the student organization.
• Annually review risk assessment of student organization and work with the Office
of Risk Management to identify and then mitigate any issues of concern.
• Partner with student leaders planning and executing organization events &
activities, including travel.
• Support student organization leaders with the timely reporting of organization
events & activities to allow for visibility, risk assessment & insurance
• Maintain awareness of student organization expenditures, ensuring that
University funds are expended appropriately.
• Engage with the student organizations solicitation for sponsorship or donation to
ensure all University, OSU Foundation, State, Federal and IRS policies and
regulations are complied with.
• Facilitate the advancement of contracts and purchases through appropriate unit
financial processes, business center and/or University Procurement & Contract
• Ensure appropriate use of the University name and trademarks in conjunction
with the student organization and its activities.
• Promote co-curricular learning through organizational development, events &
activities planning, and interpersonal relationships.
• Act as a resource to the campus for communication and issues related to the
student organization.
The Department Head, faculty advisor and student organization leaders should discuss any
additional roles or responsibilities of the advisor in supporting the student organization.
The key point is to work in partnership (advisors & student leaders to encourage
organization success and rewarding experiences.
If you have questions, comments or concerns, please contact the Student Events &
Activities Center.
Tools for Supervisors http://hr.oregonstate.edu/student-employment-program/tools-
Student payroll http://mytime.oregonstate.edu/empcenter-training/student-temps-hourly
EmpCenter-(Electronic Timesheet) User Guide
All OSU-owned property must go through Surplus Property to be disposed. Learn about the
sales fee and how much money will be returned to the department on the fees page.
Departments are credited their portion of the sales once a month. Any equipment on
inventory will remain on a department's inventory until sold or otherwise disposed of. If an
active inventory item is sold to another department, the Fixed Assets department will
transfer the active number to the buying department. If the active inventory item is sold to
the general public, the Fixed Assets department will remove it from OSU inventory.
All computers, monitors and TVs must be disposed of through Surplus Property, regardless
of condition. These items cannot be thrown away in the trash in accordance with Oregon
law. Read more about OSU electronics disposal here.
Each department must fill out a surplus pick-up request (SPR) form online. This form must
be filled out whether you need Surplus to pick up items OR if your department will be
dropping items off.
All OSU inventory stickers on items must be noted on the SPR form. The form is audited
against the inventory records to confirm ownership and eligibility for sale. Pick-ups are
made as soon as possible, based on the current workload and available storage space. This
process normally takes an average of 10 working days.
Please do NOT place surplus items in hallways, as it is a violation of the Oregon Fire
Code (Section 1030, 2010 Edition) to place material in an exit hallway or corridor. Civil
penalties may be issued for such offenses.
Campus Recycling offers the following services; click each to learn more.
Use their Service Request Form for:
o Emptying bins
o Requesting new bins
o Requesting large bins for clean-out projects
o Picking up special materials
Use their Event Recycling Form for requesting recycling/compost bins at your event
Read the 2017 OSU Compost Policy
Learn more about Department Composting
Learn more about Confidential Materials Destruction
Learn more about Trash Disposal
Learn more about the "All in the Hall" classroom building recycling program
Additional details about services can also be found on their FAQ page.
Refuse (Trash Disposal)
Much of the solid waste generated at OSU is recyclable and should be placed in proper
receptacles. This includes specific Containers and all Paper, Cardboard and Special
While we focus on waste reduction, particularly reuse and recycling, there will always be
some items that must be send to the landfill as trash.
Exterior dumpsters are serviced by Campus Recycling on a weekly basis. Pick-up times
vary; view the schedule to see when your building is serviced. Note that we do not service
trash containers inside of buildings, which are handled by Facilities Services.
Service fees may apply.
Not Accepted in the Trash
Along with recyclable items, there are other materials that cannot be placed in the trash.
This includes:
Any property owned by the university; departments must go through Surplus Property to
dispose any OSU owned property and equipment.
Material that is considered hazardous by Coffin Butte Landfill or Environmental Health
and Safety. Contact EHS for proper disposal. Examples include:
Fluorescent or HID tubes
Any Flammable, corrosive, or reactive wastes
Free liquid (more than 25 gallons per load)
Whole tires
Electrical switches containing arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury,
selenium, or silver
All medical, biological, pathological, and pharmaceutical wastes and sharps
Petroleum contaminated material including soil, asphalt, concrete, and wood waste
Toxic wastes (by TCLP test)
Used motor oil
Large metal-jacketed appliances
Electrical transformers, ballasts capacitors, or pumps containing PCB liquids
Enclosed containers that have not been triple-rinsed, crushed, or cut open
Asbestos (without prior approval and appointment)
Questions about odd or unusual items? Please contact campus recycling.
Department Telephone Coordinator is [email protected]
Department Teleconference Reservation
Please contact administrative staff to check availability and reserve the departmental
teleconference line. At the time of reservation, we will send you the instructions for starting
the phone call and the call-in number for your attendees.
Telecommunication Services, also known as Telecom, provides telephones, telephone
services, and network data connections to the OSU Corvallis campus, OSU-Cascades and
regional Extension service offices.
Request Phone/Network Service or Repair
Information about Telephone and Voice Services
Telecommuting Policy and Agreement Form (on Human Resources site)
Telecom works closely with Network Engineering to provide In-Building network
services and with the Residential Computer Network for the Residence Halls.
Telecom service and support hours are 8:00AM to 5:00PM Pacific Time, Monday through
The OSU electric timekeeping system, EmpCenter is accessible through this link
All employees must submit a timesheet on a monthly basis even if you have no hours or
leave to report. By submitting a blank timesheet, you are verifying that you have no
hours/leave to report. Hourly employees and student workers submit mid-month. All other
employees at the end of each month.
Look for training and guidance on timesheet submittal here:
Before you travel, send a request for approval to Department Head using the following
format (copy Emmalie Goodwin, Administrative Manager). Please note: international
travel requires the dean’s signature. Department Head will forward your request for
international travel to the dean’s office for approval. Due to varied schedules and
availability of approvers, please make this request well before your deadline to purchase
travel (suggest a minimum of 24 hours for each person who has to work on this transaction
e.g. Department Head, Dean, Emmalie, Travel Agent ~4 days)
Department Head will respond to your email request with “Approved” or “Authorized” in
the subject line, with no additional comment inside of the body of the email.
Subject line: Pre-Approval for Travel
Traveler’s name
Date of departure
Date of return
Index (be specific)
Activity code (if applicable)
Reason for travel
Estimated cost of trip, include:
Registration fees
International Travel
Oregon State University is committed to providing its faculty, staff and students with
access to global opportunities and experiences that promote expanded research
opportunities, student success, global understanding and engagement, and safe travel
associated with university activities.
International travel and exchanges serve the university’s land grant mission to teach,
pursue research, and engage in outreach and engagement to promote economic, social,
cultural and environmental progress for the people of Oregon, the nation and the world.
To ensure that all OSU units follow consistent procedures associated with university-
sponsored international travel, the university has enacted a new international travel policy
that is now in effect and will provide travelers with many benefits. This policy requires
faculty, staff, students and others traveling internationally on behalf of the university to
enter their itineraries in OSU’s International Travel Registry prior to departure.
The registry benefits OSU’s international travelers in many ways, including:
o Enrollment in international travel insurance, which includes medical care and
evacuation or security assistance, if needed;
o 24/7 support from OSU’s international health and safety coordinator;
o Optional pre-departure, travel location-specific orientations;
o Secure storage of passport copies and emergency contact information; and
o Ability for the university to provide incident assistance and support
communication with family members and others in the event of unforeseen
If you have questions about this process or registry, please contact Kendra Sharp, senior
advisor to the provost for international affairs, or Samuel Gras, university international
health and safety coordinator by e-mail or phone at 541-737-6433 or 541-737-6493,
To reduce redundancy of effort, we encourage the use of the travel reimbursement entry
system (TRES) for all interested faculty and graduate students; anybody who would submit
for travel reimbursements.
If you are a traveler entering travel for yourself, you can go through the training to learn
more about using TRES.
This training consists of an online course, guide, and test:
The online course gives hands on practice in entering a travel reimbursement as a
traveler, travel coordinator, or a travel administrator.
The guide contains step-by-step instructions for entering travel reimbursements in
TRES as well as links to relevant policies.
The test is designed to ensure proficiency in entering travel reimbursements as well
as finding and applying travel policy.
Banner FIS TRES Training
TRES User Guide
TRES Training Practice Instructions
**Please note, if you submit using TRES, you must send an email to
Emmalie.Goodwin@oregonstate.edu to notify her there is a request in the system.
You may also opt to send your travel reimbursement information to
[email protected], who will then input the information to TRES for you.
All reimbursements must be submitted for payment within 60 days of incurring the cost or
within 60 days after the conclusion of the travel/field-work during which the expenditure
was made and in the appropriate fiscal year.
Travel is from the time you leave Corvallis until the time you return to Corvallis. Please
list time that you left and time that you returned to Corvallis (this determines which meals
you are allowed). For each day, list the City and State in which you lodged. Per diem is
based on that city for each day.
Items below must be included (if applicable) before processing can begin:
ID Number
Detailed purpose of trip
Index number to charge travel to
Indicate how you traveled and with whom (if applicable)
Indicate if you had a meeting registration and how it was paid.
Authorization from department head to travel attached (if out of state or out of
Attach lodging receipts (if room charges are split please include name of person you
split the charges with).
Airfare receipts if paid personally. If you combined personal vacation with a work
trip you must provide a comparable quote for airfare from the travel agent for the
cost of flying only for the work trip.
Attach meeting agendas (for meetings that have agendas). If no agenda then state
that there was no formal agenda for that meeting.
Did you attend a conference?
o Attach conference agenda.
o If you left early or stayed late after a conference, meeting or workshop, please
indicate reason and/or if personal time was used. All time from the time you
leave Corvallis until the time you return to Corvallis needs to be documented.
o If conference provided meals those meals may not be claimed on
reimbursement. If meals were provided and you did not participate indicate
o Lodging receipts attached. If lodging is over per diem it will be covered if at
the conference hotel or one of the conference recommended hotels.
o Did you pay for the meeting registration? If so, attach receipt showing proof
that it was paid by you (i.e. with your last 4 digits of your card on it, etc.)
Attach any other receipts:
o Shuttle/Mass Transit/Taxi, etc. over $75.00 (tips are not reimbursable, only
o Parking receipts over $25.00
o Rental vehicle gas receipts
o Rental vehicle receipts
o Meals hosted (meals, tips and beverages are to be itemized separately on
receipt NO ALCOHOL tear tag showing only total charge is inadequate. If
itemized receipt not available, claimant must attach and sign a written
statement specifying expense details. A list of those attending, who they are,
and the reason for hosting must also be attached.)
o Miscellaneous expenses
o Baggage receipts
International Travel?
o Attach pre-approval to travel out of country.
o Receipts may be in US Dollars or foreign currency. OANDA website will be
used for currency conversions. If you have bank statements with actual amounts
paid those can also be used for conversions.
Name: University ID Number:
Index to Charge: Date Submitted:
Purpose of Trip:
(Please circle)
How did you travel? Project vehicle - Motor pool vehicle - Personal vehicle - Rental car - Airline
Alone - Carpool (with whom?)
Meeting Registration? Y - N Prepaid by dept. - Paid by traveler
Lodging? Y - N Alone - Shared Room (with whom?)
If no lodging claimed indicate why:
Date Time Lodging City, State Breakfast Lunch Dinner Lodging
Date Amount
Attach receipts as appropriate.
See back page for documentation needed and attach with worksheet.
Other Expenses
Dept. of Crop & Soil Science
Per diem rates are based on lodging city
Please fill out front page completely.
Travel is from the time you leave Corvallis until the time you return to Corvallis. Please list time that you
left and time that you returned to Corvallis (this determines which meals you are allowed). For each day
list the City and State you lodged in. Per diem is based on that city for each day.
Items below must be included (if applicable) before processing can begin:
ID Number
Detailed purpose of trip
Index number to charge travel to
Indicate how you traveled and with whom (if applicable)
Indicate if you had a meeting registration and how it was paid.
Authorization from department head to travel attached (if out of state or out of country)
Attach lodging receipts (if room charges are split please include name of person you split the
charges with).
Airfare receipts if paid personally. If you combined personal vacation with a work trip you must
provide a comparable quote for airfare from the travel agent for the cost of flying only for the work
Attach meeting agendas (for meetings that have agendas). If no agenda then state that there was no
formal agenda for that meeting.
Did you attend a conference?
o Attach conference agenda.
o If you left early or stayed late after a conference, meeting or workshop, please indicate
reason and/or if personal time was used. All time from the time you leave Corvallis until the
time you return to Corvallis needs to be documented.
o If conference provided meals those meals may not be claimed on reimbursement. If meals
were provided and you did not participate indicate reason.
o Lodging receipts attached. If lodging is over per diem it will be covered if at the conference
hotel or one of the conference recommended hotels.
o Did you pay for the meeting registration? If so, attach receipt showing proof that it was paid
by you (i.e. with your last 4 digits of your card on it, etc.)
Attach any other receipts:
o Shuttle/Mass Transit/Taxi, etc. over $75.00 (tips are not reimbursable, only fare)
o Parking receipts over $25.00
o Rental vehicle gas receipts
o Rental vehicle receipts
o Meals hosted (meals, tips and beverages are to be itemized separately on receipt NO
ALCOHOL – tear tag showing only total charge is inadequate. If itemized receipt not
available, claimant must attach and sign a written statement specifying expense details. A
list of those attending, who they are, and the reason for hosting must also be attached.)
o Miscellaneous expenses
o Baggage receipts
International Travel?
o Attach pre-approval to travel out of country.
o Receipts may be in US Dollars or foreign currency. OANDA website will be used for
currency conversions. If you have bank statements with actual amounts paid those can also
be used for conversions.
The Office of International Services (OIS) is the central campus resource for advising
international scholars & faculty on visa and immigration issues. This section contains
information for international scholars and faculty on immigration rules, regulations, and
Standard Visa Processing Cost Break down:
Greyed out items are not the responsibility of the department/employer to pay (per the
Dept. of Labor), but may be of interest.
Please note: USCIS fees are subject to change. Most up-to-date fees can be found here:
H-1B initial
or transfer
J-1 initial or
OIS Processing
129 filing fee
DHS Anti-Fraud
907 Premium
Processing fee
needed for quick
$1,225 (only
employee has
travel plans)
Form I-901
Form I-160 non-
immigrant Visa
Application Fee
$160 (does
not apply for
citizens, who
are exempt
from the visa
$160 (does
not apply for
citizens, who
are exempt
from the visa
$160 (does
not apply for
citizens, who
are exempt
from the visa
$160 (does
not apply for
citizens, who
are exempt
from the visa
of Status (within
the US)
Application (for
dependents of
employee or
Visa Categories
Below are the most common visitor or employment type visa categories that the Office of
International Services (OIS) at OSU supports.
Other visa categories may be supported by other departments on campus such as F-1 or J-1
student categories; please contact an International Student Advisor.
Determining a Scholar Visa Type
Non-Immigrant Visa Categories
B-1: tourists and business visitors (cannot be used for employment)
E-3: specialty occupation, Australian citizens only
F-1 OPT: optional practical training for students
H-1B: professional, specialty occupations
J-1: visiting professors, researchers, and student interns
O-1: individuals with extraordinary ability or achievement (contact OIS for O-1
TN: professional occupations; citizens of Mexico & Canada only
J-2 | H-4 | E-3D | TD: dependent type visas for scholar or faculty spouse/children
Third-Party Provider: scholars, such as Fulbright scholars inbound to the U.S., have
their visa documents produced and managed by a third-party
Other: F-1 and J-1 student visas are processed by International Student Advisors
Immigrant Visa and Permanent Residency
PR: OSU permanent residence information and policy
Immigration Regulations and Responsibilities
Non-immigrants are responsible for understanding and complying with U.S. regulations
governing their visa category and status. Below is a summary, but not all, of the important
regulations international scholars and faculty must follow in order to maintain their
immigration status.
Responsibilities of J-1 Exchange Visitors at Oregon State University
Exchange Visitors (EVs) in J-1 status are responsible for understanding and complying
with U.S. regulations governing the J visa status. The Exchange Visitor’s responsibilities
(22 C.F.R. Part 62) include but are not limited to the following:
1. Engage only in the Activities Permitted for the Exchange Visitor Category
Type: Each category has a definition and expectations for the activities of the
exchange visitor, which must be met. For example a Research Scholar or Professor is
here to perform research or teach; a Student Intern is expected to follow the
Training/Internship Placement Plan.
2. Report Address Changes to the Office of International Services (OIS): All J-1 EVs
must report changes of address within 10 days of the address change to OIS. OIS
needs to report the address for all J-1 EVs to the US Department of Homeland
Security through SEVIS.
3. Maintain Adequate Health Insurance: EVs must have health insurance for
themselves and all J-2 dependents throughout the entire program participation
period and stay in the US. EV’s health insurance policies must meet the health
insurance requirements of the Department of State. Failure to maintain appropriate
insurance coverage will result in termination of the EV’s J-1 program. Refer to
attached Health Insurance Information Form for details.
4. Report Any Changes in Program to OIS: J-1 programs are specific to the program
description, department, and sponsor approved at OSU on the initial J-1
application. EVs must notify OIS whenever there is a change in their program.
5. Receive Transfer Authorization Prior to Leaving OSU: In some cases J-1 EVs may be
eligible to transfer their J-1 program to another US SEVP program. EVs must
receive transfer authorization from OIS before leaving OSU; contact OIS one month
in advance for transfer procedures.
6. Apply for a Program Extension Prior to the DS-2019 Expiration: If the OSU sponsor
would like to extend the J-1 program beyond the end date listed on the DS-2019, they
must apply for an extension with OIS. The maximum program length depends on the
EVs category: Research Scholars or Professors have five years, Short-Term Scholars
have 6 months, Student Intern or Specialists have 12 months maximum.
7. Maintain a valid DS-2019, Passport, and I-94 card while in the US:Exchange visitors
and any dependents are at all times expected to maintain a valid DS-2019, valid
passport, and I-94. The passport must be valid for a minimum of six months from the
DS-2019 end date.
8. Employment ONLY with OIS Authorization: J-1 Exchange Visitors may only work
with authorization from OIS and the OSU sponsor. The employment must be directly
related to the objectives of the exchange visitor program, be incidental to the primary
program activities, and must not delay the completion date of the J-1 program.
Unauthorized employment is a violation of program status; an exchange visitor's
participation is subject to termination when he or she engages in unauthorized
9. Obtain Travel Signature Prior to Traveling Outside the US: If an EV will travel
outside the US and then return to the US to resume his/her J-1 program, an
International Scholar Advisor must sign the DS-2019 prior to travel. In addition, the
EV’s passport must be valid for a minimum of six months from the date the EV will
re-enter the US, and the scholar must have a valid J-1 US visa that is valid on the
date of re-entry. EVs should be aware that they must not leave their J-2 dependents
in the US for a period longer than 30 days.
10. Depart the U.S. within the 30-Day Grace Period and Report Departure to OIS: EVs
must inform OIS when they have concluded their program and will be leaving OSU.
EVs with Duration of Status (D/S) listed on the “Until” field of their I-94 must depart
the US within 30 days of the Program End Date listed on the DS-2019. If an EV
completes their J-1 program earlier than the Program End Date, the 30 day grace
period applies to the date that the J-1 program was completed and the EV needs to
report this early completion of program to OIS.
11. Two Year Home Residency Requirement: EVs subject to the Two Year Home
Residency Requirement (212(e)) will be required to return to their country of Legal
Permanent Residence for a total of 2 years OR receive a waiver of the 212(e) before
they will be eligible to obtain a work visa (H-1B, L-1) or Permanent Residency in the
US. After a waiver of the 212(e) is recommended by the U.S. Department of State
extensions and transfers are NOT permitted. Before applying for a waiver, discuss
your case with OIS.
12. Bars to Further Program Participation:
24 Month Bar: EVs in the J-1 Researcher or J-1 Professor categories cannot return to
the US in the category of J-1 Researcher or J-1 Professor until 24 months have
passed since the EV completed his/her J-1 program.
12 Month Bar: EVs who have been in any J status (J-1 student, J-2 dependents, etc.)
for at least 6 months cannot become a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor until they
have been outside the US for at least 12 months.
Student Interns: are limited to one internship per degree level.
Responsibilities of a TN Employee at Oregon State University
TN employees at Oregon State University must comply with U.S. federal laws and
regulations governing TN status. Please contact an International Faculty & Scholar
Advisor at International Scholar & Faculty Services if you have any questions.
1. Report Address Changes to the Office of International Services (OIS).
2. Report Employment Changes to the OIS: The terms of employment in TN status are
very specific. The US Department of State (DOS) approves the TN program for the
specific department, salary, duties, and dates listed on the initial TN letter of
offer. The TN recipient is NOT authorized to change employment without
authorization from OIS. This restriction includes changes in position duties, changes
in pay rates, and changes of sponsoring departments within OSU. If the TN
employee anticipates a change in the research or employment, the sponsoring
department should notify OIS immediately, prior to the change in employment.
3. Apply for an Extension Prior to Expiration of Current TN: The TN employee and
host department will be responsible for extensions of the TN employee’s status. TN
status can be extended either by returning to the home country and re-entering the
US or by applying for an extension of status in the US. Applications for extensions
should be filed 4 months before the end date of the original TN status. For more
information on extending TN status from within the US contact an International
Scholar Advisor.
4. Report TN Extension to OIS and OHR: The TN employee should send a copy of the
new I-94 card to OIS upon renewing TN status at the border. The TN employee and
host department must fill out an I-9 update form to update the employee’s work
authorization status, the I-9 should be sent to the Office of Human Resources (OHR).
5. Report Departure Date and Reason to the OIS: The TN employee and host
department are responsible to notify OIS of the TN employee’s departure when the
scholar leaves OSU. If the employee’s record is not properly closed with
Immigration, it could lead to complications for the scholar in future visits to the
United States.
6. Depart the U.S. Immediately at End of Employment: TN employees must depart the
U.S. by the date noted on the I-94.
Responsibilities of an H-1B Employee at Oregon State University
H-1B employees at Oregon State University are responsible for learning, understanding,
and complying with U.S. federal laws and regulations governing H-1B status. Please
contact an advisor at International Scholar & Faculty Services if you have any questions.
1. Obtain Travel Documents When Traveling Abroad: H-1B employees who will travel
abroad should contact OIS to receive copies of documents which will be necessary for
re-entering the US. OIS will retain the original I-797 Approval Notice in the
employee’s file.
2. Report Address Changes to US Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS): U.S.
federal regulations require all H-1B scholars to report a change of address to USCIS
within 10 days (of the address change) by filling out the AR-11 form
online. See www.uscis.gov; click on “FORMS” on green menu bar.
3. Report Employment Changes to the OIS: The terms of employment in H-1B status
are very specific. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) approves the H-1B
program for the specific department, salary, duties, and dates listed on the initial H-
1B petition. The H-1B employee is NOT authorized to change employment without
authorization from OIS. This restriction includes changes in position duties, pay
rates, and/or sponsoring departments within OSU. If the H-1B employee anticipates
a change in conditions of employment, notify OIS immediately.
4. Participate Only in Unpaid Consulting: H-1B employees are permitted to make
occasional speeches and lectures at other institutions or at conferences, as long as
the activities are not paid (either monetary or any other material gain), and are
incidental to the employee’s employment at OSU. H-1B employees can be
reimbursed for expenses incurred in connection with travel to other institutions for
conferences. This is not considered employment, as long as the payments are truly
reimbursements for expenses and not disguised compensation.
5. Apply for an Extension Prior to Expiration of Current H-1B: The H-1B employee and
host department will be responsible to file applications for extensions on behalf of the
H-1B employee. Applications for extensions should be submitted to OIS 5-6 months
before the end date of the original program. If OIS does not receive an extension
application 2 months before the end date of the original H-1B approval, there are
likely to be gaps in employment eligibility.
6. Report Departure Date and Reason to the OIS: The H-1B employee and host
department are responsible to notify OIS of the H-1B employee’s departure. This is
especially important if the employee leaves OSU prior to the end date of the H-1B
approval. If the employee’s record is not properly closed with Immigration, it could
lead to complications for the individual. If the department is unable to employ the H-
1B employee for the duration of the H-1B status, the department is responsible for
offering to cover the responsible cost of return transportation to the employee’s home
7. Depart the U.S. Immediately at End of Employment: H-1B employees must depart
the U.S. by the date noted on the I-94 record. Usually the employee must leave the
US the same day that the H-1B approval expires, though in some cases a 10 day
grace period is noted in the passport. The H-1B employee may ask for the “10 day
grace period” at the Port of Entry when re-entering the US from a trip abroad.
Guidelines provided by Office of International Services
Exchange Visitors in the Research Scholar/Professor/Short-Term Scholar
Category (J-1)
The purpose of the J-1 Exchange Program is to provide exchange visitors with opportunities
to participate in educational and cultural programs in the U.S. and return home to share
their experiences.
Exchange Visitors in the Student Intern Category (J-1)
Internship programs are designed to allow foreign college and university students to come
to the United States to gain exposure to U.S. culture and to receive hands-on experience in
U.S. higher education at OSU in their chosen occupational field.
Sponsoring Professor’s Role: The sponsoring professor has various responsibilities
during the visiting scholar’s program at OSU, mainly supervising and monitoring the
visiting scholar’s program activities, and ensuring access to campus privileges and
completion of the scholar invitation letter,
Office of International Services’ (OIS) Role: We at OIS issue the Certificate for
Eligibility for Exchange Visitor status, also called the DS-2019, needed for a visitor to apply
for a J-1 visa at a U.S. Consulate abroad. We also provide information on obtaining a U.S.
visa, campus and community resources, and a welcome orientation.
Department Contact’s Role: (Usually the office manager) helps complete the OSU J-1
application securing office space, and courtesy or employment appointments.
Step 1: The first step to bringing a visitor to OSU is to talk with the Chair/Dean/Head of
your department and your office manager to ensure that they aware and/or fully support
your intention to host an international visitor.
Step 2: The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program has several categories. In order to determine
the best category for the prospective visitor, we ask for your help in gathering a few details
by sending the following message and link to the prospective international visiting scholar:
Subject: J-1 International Visitor Intake Form
Dear Prospective Exchange Visitor,
Thank you for your interest in being an international visiting scholar at Oregon State
University (OSU). The OSU Office of International Services (OIS) looks forward to
facilitating the visa portion of this exchange.
The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program has several categories. In order to determine the
best category for your visit we ask that you, the scholar, submit the following details
about your visit to Oregon State University (OSU) using the following link:
After reviewing this information, OIS will respond with the appropriate application type
and instructions.
If you have any questions while completing this form, please contact OIS
at [email protected] or Adria Buncal (541-737-6418) or Cindy Nair (541-
Step 3: Once the scholar submits the survey, OIS will review the responses and send the
appropriate application type and instructions to the sponsoring professor and department
contact. OIS will initiate the application in IP Connect (the online application system) and
the scholar should expect to receive an email from [email protected] to access
and complete his/her portion of the application.
Health insurance requirements and information can be found here:
The department expects volunteering in any capacity for the department, this includes
active emeriti, complete a volunteer form on an annual basis. (link to form below)
Oregon State University is pleased to have the assistance of the many individuals who
volunteer their services to help the University accomplish its mission. Volunteer
participation benefits the University and can also be very rewarding to the individual
Departments/units are responsible for the oversight of all volunteer services and activities
and for assessing the risks associated with volunteer services. The following resources are
intended to assist University personnel in identifying, understanding, and complying with
the requirements of the volunteer program and effectively managing the risks and
Conditions of Volunteer Service Form
All Volunteers must complete the Conditions of Volunteer Service Form to be a registered
University volunteer.
Volunteer FAQ
The Volunteer FAQ is a collection of questions and answers that are regularly asked about
volunteer service.
Risk Assessment Tool
The Risk Assessment Tool can help identify risks associated with volunteer activities and
develop a plan to reduce/control the risks.
Background Checks
Volunteers working in a critical or security-sensitive position as defined by OSU Standard
576-055-0020 must have a Criminal History Check conducted prior to commencing in such
volunteer activities.