For most men
the fact of
results in
a wage
bonus; for
most women
results in a
wage penalty.
For the past forty years at least, progressive advocates have been
concerned about the status of working women in American society. At
the center of that issue has been the persistence of the “wage gap”—
the dierence between men’s and women’s earnings. Certainly progress
has been made. In 1979, as the rst large generation of feminists were
making their way into the work force, women made 63 cents for every
dollar men made. By the turn of the century, however, that gap had
closed to 81 cents on the dollar and for certain selected sub populations,
unmarried, childless women in urban areas, women were making more
money than men. Overall, never married women in 2012 had almost
closed the wage gap—earning 96% of what men earn. So why are we
still concerned about the wage gap? Is this issue over?
Michelle J. Budig, a professor at the University of Massachusetts-
Amherst, claries this debate by looking at the wage gap in terms of
the one thing that the majority of adults experience in their lifetime—
parenthood. In a new and provocative paper, Budig looks at fathers and
mothers. For most men the fact of fatherhood results in a wage bonus;
for most women motherhood results in a wage penalty. “While the
gender pay gap has been decreasing, the pay gap related to parenthood
is increasing,” says Budig.
e persistence of the wage gap occurs because the fatherhood
bonus and the motherhood penalty are not evenly distributed
across all income and social class levels. Using a sophisticated
statistical technique on a large sample of American workers, Budig
controls for a variety of variables that could produce a gap between
fathers and non-fathers. Her conclusion is that the fatherhood
“bonus” is not equal across the income distribution; in fact it is
much greater for men at the top. “Fatherhood,” she concludes, “is
a valued characteristic of employers, signaling perhaps greater work
commitment, stability, and deservingness.”
e opposite pattern emerges when Budig turns her attention to the
eects of motherhood on women’s wages. Each child costs women.
But as with the fatherhood bonus the motherhood penalty is not
evenly distributed across income levels. In fact, at the very top of the
income distribution for women, there is no motherhood penalty at
all. But at the bottom of the wage distribution, low income women
bear a signicant and costly motherhood penalty. In other words,
“the women who least can aord it, pay the largest proportionate
penalty for motherhood.”
Understanding the nuances of this report is critical to social policy. e
fact that low income women bear a substantial motherhood penalty
that is not oset by a fatherhood bonus among low income men
means that simple xes such as encouraging marriage are not likely to
solve the problem. And given that people tend to marry people who
are similar to them, these eects are likely to exacerbate inequality.
Budig’s paper, “e Fatherhood Bonus and the Motherhood Penalty:
Parenthood and the Gender Gap in Pay” is the latest in a series of
ahead-of-the-curve, groundbreaking pieces published through ird
Way’s NEXT initiative. NEXT is made up of in-depth, commissioned
academic research papers that look at trends that will shape policy over
the coming decades. In particular, we are aiming to unpack some of
the prevailing assumptions that routinely dene, and often constrain,
Democratic and progressive economic and social policy debates.
In this series we seek to answer the central domestic policy challenge
of the 21st century: how to ensure American middle class prosperity
and individual success in an era of ever-intensifying globalization and
technological upheaval. It’s the dening question of our time, and one
that as a country we’re far from answering.
Each paper dives into one aspect of middle class prosperity—such as
education, retirement, achievement, or the safety net. Our aim is to
challenge, and ultimately change, some of the prevailing assumptions
that routinely dene, and often constrain, Democratic and progressive
economic and social policy debates. And by doing that, we’ll be
able to help push the conversation towards a new, more modern
understanding of America’s middle class challenges—and spur fresh
ideas for a new era.
Jonathan Cowan
President, ird Way
Dr. Elaine C. Kamarck
Resident Scholar, ird Way
Our aim is to
and ultimately
some of the
that routinely
define, and
often constrain,
Democratic and
economic and
social policy
n September of 2010, ABC World News trumpeted a reversal of the gender
pay gap, stating that women were now out-earning men.
Analyzing Census
data, Reach Advisors, a market research rm, showed that women earn 8%
more than their male counterparts. However, this reversal applied only to a very
select group of women: unmarried, childless women under 30 years old who live
in urban areas. You’ve come a long way baby? Not really.
While women have made progress vis-a-vis men in terms of employment
and earnings, the recent Bureau of Labor Statistics Report
reveals that
an overall gender gap in pay persists, such that among full-time workers,
women earned 81 cents on a man’s dollar in 2012. Progress has stalled
in the 21st century in reducing this inequality. Consider that in 1979
women earned 63 cents to a man’s dollar, and that this gap declined
every year until 2003, when it reached the current 81 cents level and
has remained there ever since. In past decades, between 1979-89, or
1989-99, the gender pay gap declined by 8 to 10 percentage points. Yet
in the most recent decade 2003-2013, the gender pay gap has declined
by 1 point. Figure 1 from the BLS report reveals this stall in progress.
What could be behind the gender pay gap stall of the last decade?
Are women generally behind men in earnings, or are certain groups
experiencing larger gender gaps? e BLS report shows that smaller
gender gaps exist among young workers, consistent with the ABC
News report. Figure 2 shows that among full-time workers, women
aged 25 to 34 years earn 90.2 cents on a man’s dollar, but this gap
widens precipitously among those aged 35 to 44 to 78 cents and
never recovers for any older age group. One possibility is that this is a
“cohort eect” wherein younger generations experience smaller gender
pay gaps and will maintain these smaller gaps over time (due to the
higher educational attainment and greater employment opportunities
of younger generations of women). However, the data more robustly
While women
have made
progress vis-
a-vis men
in terms of
and earnings...
an overall
gender gap in
pay persists
Figure 1. Women’s Median Weekly Earnings as a Proportion of Men’s,
Full-time Wage and Salary Workers, 1979-2013
1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
Figure 2. Women’s Median Weekly Earnings as a Percentage of Men’s
by Selected Characteristics, 2012
50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Age 25 to 34
Age 35 to 44
Never Married
Married 
Formerly Married
Married Parent
Single Parent
support a second hypothesis—the “lifecycle eect” wherein the gender
pay gap widens within cohorts as they age and are exposed to processes
that aect earnings and thus increase the gender gap.
What life cycle events have happened by age 35 for modern Americans?
e answer is childbirth and marriage. While the period of age 35 to
44 is one when, in general, wages show the greatest lifetime gains, it is
also the same period when intensive family responsibilities, particularly
for mothers, are in full force. Especially for college educated women
in full-time jobs, who are more apt to delay motherhood, caring for
small children is intense in their mid-thirties. Among those in their
childbearing years (ages 15 to 44) in 2006-2010, 36% had their rst
birth after age 30, and an additional 41% had their rst birth between
the ages of 35 and 40.
Age at rst birth has risen for all educational
groups, and the time period of intensive childrearing is increasingly
concurrent with career-building years for American women. Gender
dierences in family responsibilities are linked to the gender pay gap.
Among full-time workers, marriage and children (under age 18) are
associated with higher earnings among men, but lower earnings among
women. e gure above shows the large dierences in earnings
between women and men of varying marital and parental statuses, as
reported by the BLS.
e comparisons of the gender pay gap by marital and parenthood
statuses are striking in the BLS data. e smallest gender pay gap
is found among unmarried men and women: Unmarried women
earn 96 cents to an unmarried man’s dollar, and childless women
(including married and unmarried) earn 93 cents on a childless man’s
dollar. In contrast, wives and mothers fare far less well. Even among
full-time workers, married mothers with at least one child under age
18 earn 76 cents on a married father’s dollar. Single mothers earn 83.1
cents to a single custodial father’s dollar (that single moms are much
less likely to be employed full-time relative to single dads is masked
by this estimate among full-time workers). ese gures show that
married mothers of minor children experience the largest wage gaps.
Marriage and motherhood are statuses that the majority of American
women experience at some point in the course of their lives. ough
age at rst marriage and age at rst birth are creeping upward, most
Americans eventually engage in parenthood. Despite men’s increased
participation in childcare, women, even full-time employed women,
still carry the lion’s share of domestic and child-related responsibilities.
Among full-
time workers,
marriage and
children are
associated with
higher earnings
among men,
but lower
among women.
Moreover, American workplaces have made few accommodations for
the needs of workers to balance family and work responsibilities.
e statistics reported thus far have shown only average dierences
between groups. But there are many reasons to expect that motherhood
should be associated with wage declines and that fatherhood should
be associated with wage gains. For example, mothers typically reduce
work hours, at least temporarily, following the birth of a child, while
men often increase hours after becoming fathers. If one can adjust for
these other factors, is there still an association between parenthood
status and earnings? Multivariate models and advanced statistical
methodologies are needed to answer this. I turn to ndings from
studies employing these methods next.
While causality is complex, there is a strong empirical association
between the gender gap (pay dierences between women and men)
and the family gap (pay dierences between individuals with and
without children).
Economist Jane Waldfogel’s research showed that
40 to 50 percent of the gender gap can be explained by the impact of
parental and marital status on men’s and women’s earnings. Moreover,
Waldfogel shows that while the gender pay gap has been decreasing,
the pay gap related to parenthood is increasing.
e eects of children on men’s and women’s earnings are referred to
as the fatherhood bonus and the motherhood penalty, respectively.
e fatherhood bonus is measured by comparing earnings of fathers
relative to childless men, taking into account dierences that might exist
between men with and without children. Similarly, the motherhood
penalty compares women with varying numbers of children (including
the childless) to see how children reduce earnings. My research into
the impact of parenthood on worker’s earnings suggests that gender
pay gaps widen with parenthood. e impact of parenthood plays
out dierently for men and women, and dierently by social class (as
marked by education, professional status, and earnings).
Generally, men nd that their earnings increase when they become
fathers, while each additional child is associated with earnings decline
for women. As I document below, in addition to generating gender
pay gaps between women and men, the eects of parenthood on
earnings vary in such a way as to exacerbate earnings inequalities
among low-income and high-income families. e fatherhood bonus
is highest for the most advantaged men—married white college
graduates with professional occupations involving cognitive skills.
Similarly, the motherhood penalty is the smallest among the most
The effects of
parenthood on
earnings vary in
such a way as
to exacerbate
among low-
income and
While the
gender pay
gap has been
decreasing, the
pay gap related
to parenthood
is increasing.
advantaged women—those earning above the 90th percentile among
women workers. Conversely, unmarried, African-American men in
non-professional occupations requiring few cognitive skills incur
the smallest fatherhood bonus, while women at the bottom of the
wage distribution incur the largest motherhood penalty. Since men
and women tend to marry those similar to themselves in terms of
education, race, and professional status, the combination of uneven
fatherhood bonuses and motherhood penalties implies increasing
inequality among heterosexual, two-parent households with children.
Below I present the detailed evidence of these phenomena.
How much more do men earn when they become fathers, relative to
being childless? is is the question central to the analysis presented
in Hodges and Budig.
Using the 1979-2006 waves of the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), we investigated whether
and how the transition from childlessness to fatherhood impacts men’s
wages. Our key ndings are that, all else equal, fatherhood increases
men’s earnings by over 6%. Moreover, this daddy bonus is larger for
white men and Latinos, professional workers, the highly educated,
and for those whose occupations involve higher levels of cognitive
complexity. We conclude that the daddy bonus increases the earnings
of men already privileged in the labor market.
We dened rst-time fatherhood as a man who became a father by
birth or adoption and who co-resides with the child (thus, single
fathers who co-reside with their child(ren) are included). We argue
that the earnings of unmarried fathers who do not co-reside with their
newborn are unlikely to be impacted by either the caring responsibilities
or the social status changes associated with participatory fatherhood.
We focus on the transition to fatherhood, rather than number of
children, because this transition will trigger any dierential treatment
of men in the workplace based on fatherhood status. On the family
front, fatherhood status, rather than number of children, also predicts
increased men’s time in childcare activities. Time-use evidence shows
that while fathers spend more time than childless men in childcare
(just under one hour daily), fathers’ childcare time declines as the
number of children in the home increases.
e opposite is true
for women (childcare time increases with more children born),
presumably because with larger numbers of children, fathers and
mothers experience greater gender divisions of paid and unpaid work.
of uneven
bonuses and
with children.
Why might men’s earnings rise when they become fathers? ere
are two possible explanations. A wage increase at fatherhood could
result from a “treatment” eect or a “selection” eect. e selection
argument states that the same factors that predict higher wages among
men also predict greater likelihoods of becoming a father. is is an
example of positive selection into fatherhood: Men who would have
earned more, on the basis of their characteristics, are also more likely
to be fathers, thus rendering the relationship between fatherhood and
earnings spurious. e selection eect suggests that what appears to
be a positive eect of fatherhood is really due to men who have higher
earnings potential being more likely to become fathers. By using xed-
eects techniques, our statistical models control for stable unmeasured
dierences among men, including innate intelligence, social class
background, and career-orientation. (See appendix for details on xed
eects regression and the modeling strategy.)
In Figure 3, the rst model using ordinary least squares (OLS),
regression shows an eect of fatherhood on men’s earnings of 8.3%.
is means, holding region and urban area constant, men’s wages
rise, on average, by 8% when they become fathers. e second model
incorporates xed-eects, which remove the impact of stable dierences
among men in shaping this eect (i.e., if smarter or stronger men are
more likely to become fathers and smartness and strength are related
to pay and thus generating the fatherhood bonus, xed-eects models
controls for this). Surprisingly, we nd that the fatherhood bonus is
Figure 3. Effect of Becoming a Father on Ln Annual Earnings: NLSY 1979-2006
11.63 11.63
OLS model FE model +Human Capital +Work Hours +Marital Status
% Change in Annual Earnings due to Fatherhood
What appears
to be a positive
effect of
fatherhood is
really due to
men who have
higher earnings
potential being
more likely
to become
larger in xed eects models, of almost 14%. is suggests negative
selection into fatherhood, consistent with past research.
selection means that the characteristics that predict lower wages are
associated with greater likelihoods of becoming a father, indicating
that men with less education or job experience, for example, are more
likely to become fathers at younger ages.
In the human capital model, we test whether men with greater human
capital are more likely to become fathers and earn higher wages. If
this is the case, the fatherhood bonus would be spurious, or approach
zero. Including these controls reveals that men receive a wage bonus
of 11.6% when they become fathers. is means that men’s wages
in their post-fatherhood years are, on average, 12% higher than in
their pre-fatherhood years, net of statistical controls. It also means
that there is some positive selectivity into fatherhood, thus the bonus
with human capital controls is slightly smaller than the bonus without
the controls. Finally, because fathers are disproportionately married
relative to childless men, we add a control for marital status. is
shrinks the fatherhood bonus to 6.2%, but it remains signicant.
One version of the treatment argument regarding the fatherhood
bonus suggests that men might change their work-related behaviors
when they become (or anticipate becoming) fathers in ways that
increase their pay. Indeed, previous studies nd that men’s work hours
and eort increase following a child’s birth, particularly when mothers
reduce their work hours.
Our fourth model controls for changes in
work eort, however the wage bonus for fatherhood is unchanged
compared to the human capital model that lacks these controls. In
both models the eect of fatherhood nets an 11.6% earnings bonus.
But perhaps it is not men’s work hours that matter, but their wives/
partners’ work hours. If fathers have female partners who do not work,
or work part-time, these partners may take on even greater shares of
family life responsibilities, freeing these fathers to focus on employment,
relative to fathers whose partners are employed full-time and unmarried
men. Yet, when we include measures of female partners’ work hours in
the model, the fatherhood bonus is unchanged. Past research conrms
this robust nding of fatherhood bonuses regardless of wives’ work
hours: Even when wives work continuously after a birth, husbands
earnings still rise.
is implies a dierent type of treatment eect.
An alternative treatment argument is that others—employers,
coworkers, hiring agents—treat male workers dierently based on their
fatherhood status. While the survey data we use does not allow us to
Among men
with equivalent
fathers are
more likely to
receive call-
backs and
higher wage
offers than are
childless men.
test for favorable treatment of fathers in the workplace, evidence from
experimental and audit studies suggest that fathers receive preferential
treatment over childless men from potential employers. Shelly Correll
and her colleagues found that among men with equivalent resumes,
fathers are more likely to receive call-backs and higher wage oers
than are childless men.
Fatherhood may serve as a signal to potential
employers for greater maturity, commitment, or stability. In the context
of higher employer expectations for the “family man,” they found
that fathers are given less scrutiny for poor performance and more
opportunities to demonstrate their abilities than are childless men.
If fatherhood confers a more favored status on male workers, how
does it link to other status hierarchies in the workplace? Our analyses
nd that while all men experience a wage bonus for fatherhood,
the size of the bonus varies by racial/ethnic group, educational
attainment, professional status, and skill demands of the occupation.
To demonstrate this, we re-estimated the fth “Marital Status”
model and included statistical interactions between fatherhood and
racial/ethnic group, between fatherhood and professional status, and
between fatherhood and occupational skill demands. Figure 4 shows
the signicant dierences for these comparisons. In regard to racial/
ethnic dierences, white men receive larger fatherhood bonuses than
do black men or Latinos. Among white men, this bonus is larger for
professionals and managers ($3,044; in 2006 dollars) than for non-
professionals and non-managers ($2,020), and it is larger for men
in occupations with high cognitive demands ($6,033) compared to
low cognitive demands ($2,104). College educated white and Latino
men receive signicantly larger fatherhood bonuses than less educated
men of the same race. White college educated men receive an average
fatherhood bonus of $5,258 while Latino college graduates receive
an average fatherhood bonus of $4,170. is is relative to bonuses of
roughly $2,200 among less educated white men, $1,400 among less
educated Latinos and $1,500 among all African-American men.
In summary, our ndings point to signicant wage bonuses for
fatherhood that cannot be explained by dierential selection into
fatherhood on factors that lead to higher wages. Moreover, this bonus
cannot be explained by fathers’ or their partners’ changed work hours
following the birth of a child. Our ndings show that fatherhood
bonuses are ever-larger for more privileged men. is, in combination
with past ndings of employer preferential treatment of fathers, suggests
that fatherhood is a valued characteristic of employers, signaling perhaps
is a valued
of employers,
greater work
stability, and
greater work commitment, stability, and deservingness. Men’s traits that
are valued in organizational settings combine with fatherhood to produce
larger earnings bonuses. White (and sometimes Latino) married college
graduates in professional occupations receive the largest fatherhood
bonuses. Notably, none of these factors serve to alter the fatherhood
bonus among African-Americans, which remains the lowest of all racial/
ethnic groups in every analysis. In summary, men who are either better
positioned or more valued due to their race/ethnicity, human capital,
and professional standing receive a larger earnings bonus for fatherhood.
In contrast to men, the impact of minor children in the home on
women’s earnings is negative. In a set of studies, we have established
two major ndings. First, there is a wage penalty for motherhood
of 4% per child that cannot be explained by human capital, family
structure, family-friendly job characteristics, or dierences among
women that are stable over time. Second, this motherhood penalty is
larger among low-wage workers while the top 10% of female workers
incur no motherhood wage penalty.
Figure 4. Fatherhood Bonus in Dollars, by Professional Status, Occupational Cognitive
Demands Education (OCD), and Race/Ethnicity, Adjusted for Human Capital
$500 
Baseline Non-
Professional Low OCD Medium OCD High OCD College
White Black Latino
In contrast
to men, the
impact of
minor children
in the home
on women’s
earnings is
It is widely documented that American women experience a wage penalty
for motherhood.
ere are at least ve explanations for the association
between motherhood and lower wages. First, many women spend time
at home caring for children, and thus interrupt their job experience, or at
least full-time job experience, and this can lead to lower wages. Second,
mothers may trade higher wages for “mother-friendly” jobs that are
easier to combine with parenting. ird, mothers may earn less because
the needs of their children leave them exhausted or distracted at work,
rendering them less productive. Fourth, employers may discriminate
against mothers by assuming lower work commitment or performance.
Finally, like the selection argument for the fatherhood bonus above,
women who are less likely to earn higher wages may be more likely to
become mothers, and the relationship between motherhood and wages
can be explained by these other factors.
In my 2001 publication with Paula England, we investigated these
arguments using NLSY79 data and xed-eects models (again, similar
to those presented in the fatherhood bonus section). e analysis
diers, however, in its measure of children and the inclusion of single
parents. We argue above that the status of becoming a father activates
changed behaviors among men (e.g., increased work hours) and
changed treatment of men by employers and co-workers (e.g., view a
father as a more committed worker than a childless man). However,
because women, on average, perform more of the care work of bearing
and raising children, each additional dependent child (under age 18)
that she has will impact her time allocations to home and work, as well
as her opportunity costs for remaining employed while childcare costs
increase. In addition, in contrast to the analysis above that did not
include non-coresidential single fathers, we include single mothers
who co-reside with their newborns (but not the baby’s father) in this
analysis. is is because while there is a signicant number of single
mothers in the data, there are virtually no co-residential single fathers.
e gure below mimics (in the opposite direction) the gure for the
fatherhood bonus in presenting tests of these competing explanations.
For the methods and models producing the gures below, please see
the appendix.
In the rst model using OLS regression we nd a wage penalty of
-7.8% per child, such that a mother of two children would be
expected to have a -15.6% penalty. When we control for stable
It is widely
that American
a wage
penalty for
dierences among women using xed-eects in the second model,
we again nd a motherhood wage penalty, but of a slightly smaller
-6.7% per child. is indicates some level of negative selection into
motherhood, meaning women whose stable characteristics predict
lower earnings also somewhat predict greater fertility. We next include
marital status and nd the penalty rises a bit to -7.04% per child. is
is because married women incur larger motherhood penalties than do
single women. When we introduce human capital measures for job
experience, seniority, education, and job turnover, the motherhood
penalty is reduced to -4.6%. Taken together, human capital dierences
between women with more or fewer children explain about one-third
of the motherhood penalty. But two-thirds of an unexplained penalty
remains. e nal model includes a large array of job characteristics
that might make work more compatible with caring for children. ese
include access to part-time work or a seasonal schedule, measures of
work eort required and amount of “down time” on the job, holding
authority over others, jobs that allow children to be on-location such
as child care employment or self-employment, and the extent to which
the occupation is female-dominated. e thirty-ve job characteristics
entered in this model collectively reduce the motherhood penalty to
-3.6% per child and much of this reduction is due to part-time work.
us, while reduced human capital is a signicant explanation for
one-third of the motherhood wage penalty, we nd little evidence that
Figure 5. Effect of Each Additional Child on Women’s Ln Hourly Wage: NLSY
OLS Fixed Effects + Marital Status + Human Capital + Family-friendly Job
% Change in Hourly Wage for Each Additional Child
Human capital
women with
more or fewer
children explain
about one-
third of the
penalty. But
two-thirds of
an unexplained
family-friendly job characteristics can account for why moms earn less
than childless women.
e import of this research shows that having children reduces women’s
earnings, even among workers with comparable qualications,
experience, work hours, and jobs. Research on the motherhood penalty
has used a variety of regression methods to estimate the average impact
of children on women’s average earnings. But the average eect doesn’t
tell us about dierences among women workers, or whether highly-
paid women incur smaller or larger penalties for children compared to
women with lower earnings.
Given the complex pressures and resources that women at varying
earnings levels encounter both at home and at work, it is reasonable
to expect dierences in the processes leading to motherhood wage
penalties among workers with at varying earnings levels. First, the
composition of workers on factors shaping the motherhood penalty
may systematically dier by earnings level. For example, relative to
low-wage workers, high-earning women are likely to live in households
with greater resources (e.g., a marital partner, higher family income),
possess greater human capital (education), and hold jobs with more
family-friendly characteristics (health benets, greater autonomy and
exibility). e greater assets possessed by higher earners may enable
mothers to more easily replace their child caregiving with high-quality
services, therein providing both a motivation to increase earnings and
the ability to reduce work-family conict. is may result in smaller
motherhood wage penalties relative to lower-wage women. On the
other hand, these same household resources might enable high-wage
mothers to reduce their labor force participation when children are
small, through employment interruptions and reduced working hours.
If so, motherhood penalties might be larger among high-wage workers.
In addition to having dierent amounts of resources among women
located at varying points in women’s earnings distribution, the degree to
which these resources matter may vary by earnings level. For example,
higher earning women are more likely to have maternity leave benets
than low-wage women. Moreover, employers may interpret taking leave
around a birth dierently for high earning versus low wage women.
Employers might see maternity leave as an investment in the retention
of highly-paid skilled women workers, but as a signal of lowered stability
and commitment among low-wage workers, thus low-paid workers
who take time o to give birth may face more employer discrimination
for doing so, relative to highly paid workers. To do this, we estimate
While reduced
human capital is
explanation for
one-third of
the motherhood
wage penalty,
we find little
evidence that
job characteristics
can account
for why moms
earn less than
childless women.
quantile regression models (see appendix for details) to calculate how
children impact earnings for workers at dierent percentiles of women’s
wage distribution. We specify the following percentiles: 5th, 10th, 25th,
50th (median), 75th, 90th, and 95th. ese quantiles correspond to
hourly wages (in 1996 constant dollars) of $4.35, $5.17, $6.48, $9.06,
$13.45, $20.36, and $34.70, respectively. We can then compare whether
the motherhood wage penalty diers between women with very low,
moderate, and very high wages.
While the average penalty for all women in the full model is about 4%
per child, the penalty ranges in size from 6% per child among low-
wage workers to no penalty among the earners at the 90th percentile
or above. e gure below shows the impact of children on women
located in dierent places in the distribution of all women workers’
earnings. e horizontal, or X, axis shows the quantile, or position,
in the distribution of women’s earnings. e vertical, or Y, axis shows
the percentage eect of a child on women’s earnings. e dashed line
shows the percentage change in earnings for each additional child,
controlling for marital status, region of residence, and xed eects.
us, at the 0.05 location, or 5th percentile of women earners, the per-
child wage penalty is 6.8%. e motherhood wage penalty declines
among higher-earning women, and among women in the top tenth
percentile, or at the 0.90 and 0.95 quantiles, we nd no or positive
eects of children on earnings.
e solid line in the gure above shows the impact of each additional
child on women’s earnings after we control for human capital
measures. e human capital model includes variables for marital
status, husbands’ annual earnings, husbands’ work hours, women
respondents’ work hours, annual weeks worked, education, years of
experience, years of seniority, enrollment status, and whether the
woman respondent changed employers in the past year. Once again
we see that lost work experience and seniority captured in the human
capital model partially explains the motherhood penalty: at mothers
work less and may accept lower earnings for more family-friendly
jobs partially explains the penalty among low-wage workers, and that
mothers have less experience, due to interruptions for childbearing,
explains some of the penalty among the highly paid. But a signicant
motherhood penalty persists even in estimates that account for these
dierences: the size of the median wage penalty after all factors are
The average
penalty for
all women in
the full model
is about 4%
per child, the
penalty ranges
in size from 6%
per child among
workers to no
penalty among
the earners.
A significant
persists even
in estimates
that account
for these
controlled is roughly 3% per child, which means the typical full-time
female worker earned $1,200 less per child (in 2010 dollars).
Results show the largest motherhood wage penalties at the bottom of
the unconditional earnings distribution, with percentage eects of -5.9
and -0.057 at the 5.5 and .25 quantiles, respectively. e .10 quantile
has a slight blip upward, though still with a signicant motherhood
penalty. Mothers at the top of the unconditional wage distribution are
not penalized. We observe that women at the .90 and .95 quantiles
indeed receive a wage bonus for children of 1.7% and 5.4% per child,
respectively. is striking nding of a motherhood bonus among the
top earners is observed by other scholars: Anderson and colleagues nd
a motherhood bonus of 10% for one child and 7% for two or more
children among college-educated women, and Amuedo-Dorantes
and Kimmel nd a 4% premium for motherhood among college-
educated women, and a 13% premium for delayed motherhood
among the college educated.
Among very high earners, mothers may
earn enough to make a diverse array of domestic services –nannies,
chefs, restaurants, cleaning services, etc.—aordable and allowing
them to specialize more at work. e cost of such arrangements might
motivate highly-paid mothers to earn ever higher wages, possibly
Figure 6. Effect of Each Additional Child on Ln Hourly Wage by Wage Quantile,
Controlling for Human Capital, Family Structure, and Demographic Variables
with Fixed Effects: NLSY 1979-2004
Mothers at
the top of the
distribution are
not penalized.
producing the child bonus we observe. It is also possible that high-
performing women receive favorable treatment from employers for
having children, similar to the way men receive favorable treatment
and a wage bonus for fatherhood.
We nd no evidence that these
rare motherhood premiums are attributable to having less-employed
spouses; if anything, it appears that high earning women with fully
employed husbands are the most likely to receive a motherhood
premium. Beyond these instances of motherhood premiums for very
high-earning married women, our analyses generally show motherhood
penalties for all women, but consistently smaller proportionate
motherhood penalties for the highest-paid workers. Taken together,
these ndings suggest that high-income women and all men are less
likely to experience the negative earnings impacts that children have
on comparatively lower wage female workers.
We considered whether larger penalties among the lowest-paid might
be due to their attempts to keep wages low enough to receive social
welfare. However, in supplemental analyses we found that receipt of
AFDC and TANF payments is not linked with variation in the size of
the motherhood penalty. It is well-documented that women located
on the lower end of the earnings distribution experience diculty
combining work and family obligations. ese jobs typically entail
the fewest benets (health, life, and sick time), the closest supervision,
and the least autonomy in setting the pace and intensity of work.
Indeed, when we analyze penalties by age of the child, we see that
the penalty per preschoolers is almost ve times as great at the lowest
quantile of earnings, compared to higher quantiles. Yet the same
pattern does not appear for older child penalties (children aged 6
and to 18 years). is again speaks to the diculty of combining
intensive family responsibilities with work responsibilities in low-paid
jobs: When physical care demands for children are greatest during the
preschool years, low-earning mothers incur the largest penalties. Also
supporting this argument is that we see that work eort accounts for
signicantly more of the motherhood penalty at the lowest quantile,
indicating women with low-wage jobs are more likely to reduce work
hours or experience job turnover to accommodate motherhood.
Employer changes induced by work-family conict may account for
some of the unexplained penalty at the lowest quintiles. One solution
to work-family conict for low-income mothers without access to
family leave or subsidized daycare may be simply quit their jobs with
the intent of starting over when family crises abate. e job-quit
Taken together,
these findings
suggest that
women and
all men are
less likely to
the negative
earnings impacts
that children have
on comparatively
lower wage
female workers.
The penalty per
preschoolers is
almost ve times
as great at the
lowest quantile
of earnings,
compared to
higher quantiles.
solution to resolve child care crises is likely more common among
low-wage workers due to the high costs of formal childcare and their
greater reliance on unpaid relatives and friends as caregivers. ese
friends and relatives of low-wage workers are likely to be facing their
own nancial and personal challenges, resulting in inconsistent care
availability. Moreover, childcare tends to be least available in poor
communities, where low-wage women more likely live. Whatever the
source, it is clear that, according to our results, the women who least
can aord it pay the largest proportionate penalty for motherhood.
Might employer discrimination lie behind the motherhood penalty
that is unexplained by measurable characteristics of workers and jobs?
It is dicult to obtain data on discrimination. However, evidence
from experimental and audit studies support arguments of employer
discrimination against mothers in callbacks for job applications, hiring
decisions, wage oers, and promotions. As previously mentioned,
Stanford sociologist Shelley Correll’s experimental research shows that,
after reviewing resumes that diered only in noting parental status
(simply by stating membership in a Parent-Teacher Association),
applicant evaluators in an experiment systematically rated childless
women and fathers signicantly higher than mothers on competency,
work commitment, promote-ability, and recommendations for hire.
Most telling, applicant raters gave mothers the lowest wage oers,
averaging $11,000 lower than wage oers for childless women and
$13,000 lower than wage oers for fathers. In their audit study,
Correll and colleagues found evidence that mothers may suer worse
job-site evaluations, being scored as less committed to their jobs, less
dependable, and less authoritative than non-mothers.
While Correll’s work focused on highly-paid professional employment,
it could also be that among low-wage workers employers view family
responsibilities among female employees as a source of instability and
fail to hire or promote them to a greater extent than employers of
higher-paid workers. What is important to note about Correll’s research
is that her experimental and audit studies showed disadvantage for
mothers and advantage for fathers relative to childless persons even in
the absence of evidence of dierential performance or commitment by
the job applicants. Why would potential employers review equivalent
resumes in such disparate ways? Stereotypical gender expectations for
fathers and mothers in relation to caring for others and focusing on
paid work oer a potential explanation. Ideas of what make a “good
mother,” a “good father,” and an “ideal worker” matter. If mothers
The women
who least can
afford it pay
the largest
penalty for
Evaluators in
an experiment
rated childless
and fathers
higher than
mothers on
competency, work
promote-ability, &
for hire.
are supposed to focus on caring for children over career ambitions,
they will be suspect on the job and even criticized if viewed as overly
focusing on work. Correll et al found that mothers face discrimination
even when they demonstrate competence and commitment. Evaluators
viewed highly successful (on the job) mothers as less likeable, less
warm, and more interpersonally hostile than non-mothers. Even
when mothers break the stereotype of prioritizing family over work,
they face discrimination in the workplace. e opposite is true for
fathers. Correll’s research nds that fathers are given more breaks
or opportunities despite poor performance compared with non-
fathers, as discussed above. Moreover, my research shows that these
discriminatory processes may be linked to wage inequalities.
In this report I have identied the persistent gender gap in pay that,
despite shrinking during the 1980s and 1990s, reached a woman’s 81
cents per man’s dollar in 2003 and has stalled there since. In considering
the factors that could contribute to this stubborn gap, I’ve targeted
the dierential impact of parenthood on women’s and men’s earnings.
Current data on full-time workers shows that the gender pay gap is
quite small among childless and unmarried workers (among whom
women earn 96 cents to a man’s dollar). e gender pay gap is largest
among married parents with a minor child in the home. Among full-
time workers married mothers earn only 76 cents to a married father’s
dollar. In reviewing the research on the motherhood wage penalty
and the fatherhood bonus, I demonstrate that some of the commonly
held explanations for these dierential eects hold some water. It is
true that women decrease work eort by reducing hours or taking
time away from work following the birth of a child, and that this lost
experience accounts for roughly one-third of the motherhood penalty.
Similarly, fathers do increase work eort following the birth of their
rst child and this accounts for at most 16% of the fatherhood bonus.
Importantly for both women and men, accounting for changes in
work behaviors, work eort, and human capital losses/gains associated
with parenthood still leaves the vast majority of motherhood penalties
and fatherhood bonuses unexplained. e argument that women trade
earnings for family-friendly jobs when they have children, and that this
accounts for their wage losses is not well supported by the statistical
analyses. While there may be some unmeasured changes in the relative
productivity of parents compared with childless workers, experimental
It is likely that
the highly
educated men
are paired with
high earning
women. This
indicates that
further benefits,
or at least
doesn’t harm,
the earnings of
and audit studies suggest that employers treat parents dierently than
childless workers, to men’s advantage and to women’s disadvantage.
e fact that having children exacerbates gender inequality is troubling
enough, but the analyses indicating that parenthood penalizes lower-
wage working women more and does not benet lower-wage working
men at all has profound implications for growing household or family
inequality. Sociological research demonstrates that people marry
similarly educated people and that education strongly predicts earnings.
us, it is likely that the highly educated men (who receive the largest
daddy bonus) are paired with high earning women (who receive no
motherhood penalty). is indicates that parenthood further benets,
or at least doesn’t harm, the earnings of high-income families. On the
other hand, the large penalties for motherhood experienced by low-
wage female workers and the absence of a fatherhood bonus for less
educated men suggests that parenthood is likely creating signicant
earnings losses for families least positioned to absorb them.
Simply framing parenthood as a “choice” and one for which parents
alone must accept the consequences is an inadequate dismissal of the
eects of gendered parenthood on earnings. Increasingly American
women are “opting out” of parenthood, but not of work. Twenty-four
percent of American women aged 40 to 44 in the 2006-2010 period
were childless, and this number is still higher if one looks at college
While American fertility remains high relative to other
developed nations, raising the next generation of productive worker-
citizens is key to any country or economy’s survival. Increasingly
this work is being done by families with fewer resources. us, this
research underscores the importance of supporting low-wage families
with children. While there are few transfers to low-income families in
the United States, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) currently
reduces the tax burden of qualifying families by roughly $3,000
for one child to just under $5,000 for two or more children. e
qualifying limits for these modest credits are quite low: Only families
falling within 145% of the poverty line can fully claim this credit (my
calculations from 2008 Census Bureau data). Expanding the EITC to
more families and increasing the tax credit would both reduce child
poverty and reduce the inequality among families generated by sizeable
motherhood penalties and absence of fatherhood bonuses among less
skilled and low-income workers.
e motherhood wage penalty and fatherhood bonus are not unique
to American workers, but are found among a number of westernized
Simply framing
parenthood as
a “choice”
an inadequate
dismissal of
the effects
of gendered
parenthood on
It is likely that
the highly
educated men
are paired with
high earning
women. This
indicates that
further benefits,
or at least
doesn’t harm,
the earnings of
Notably, these parenthood eects vary across countries
ranging from very large eects in gender conservative countries such
as Austria and Germany, to very small eects in social democratic
countries, such as Sweden. In considering the role of nationalized
work-family policies and the motherhood penalty, our research
indicates that publicly funded childcare, particularly for children
aged 0 to 2 years, is associated with smaller penalties, while extended
parental leaves (up to 3 years in Germany), are associated with larger
wage penalties for mothers.
Clearly, public policy related to work-
family issues can impact earnings disparities for parenthood. What
these policies may entail in the American context is an important
debate American policymakers must address.
Fatherhood Wage Bonus
To determine what factors can account for the impact of fatherhood on
men’s wages, we take a nested modeling approach. With this approach
we estimate a baseline model that shows the total eect of fatherhood
on earnings (with minimal controls) and then add sets of theoretically
relevant factors in successive models to investigate how the eect
of fatherhood on earnings changes with additional controls. In this
analysis we estimate a baseline model using Ordinary Least Squares
regression (OLS) and then higher-order models that use a technique
called xed eects regression, which examines change within a man’s
own wage trajectory over time (1979-2006), and estimates how much
of that change is due to the birth of a rst child, net of other factors.
Fixed eects models control for time invariant selection, while OLS
models do not. e importance of reducing selection bias is explained
in the next section.
Nested models are sequential and each higher-order model includes
the variables of the lower-order model, while adding additional control
variables. We rst t ve nested models to examine the mechanisms
thought to explain the fatherhood premium. e baseline model uses
OLS regression and includes controls for time (year of interview),
fatherhood status, age, and demographic controls (urban/rural status).
e second model re-estimates the baseline model with xed-eects
regression. e third model adds human capital measures (education,
current school enrollment, seniority (years of experience with current
employer), and years of total work experience. e fourth model
adds measures for work eort (respondent’s usual weekly hours, usual
Raising the
next generation
of productive
is key to any
country or
Increasingly this
work is being
done by families
with fewer
hours squared, annual weeks worked, and total number of jobs ever held). Model 5 controls
for marital status. After examining the additive eects of these explanatory mechanisms,
we investigate statistical interactions between fatherhood and a number of other factors,
including household division of labor, educational attainment, professional/managerial
status, and occupational cognitive demands. ese interactions show under what conditions
the fatherhood bonus is amplied or diminished.
Motherhood Wage Penalty
Models presented in gure 5: Parallel to the fatherhood bonus analysis, we run a series of
nested models to examine whether competing explanations can account for the motherhood
penalty. e OLS model utilizes robust standard errors and includes respondents’ age and
year of interview, each in linear, squared, and cubed form. e baseline xed eects model
includes person and year xed eects. e marital status model adds marital status to the FE
model. e human capital model additionally includes education, years of seniority, years
of experience, current school enrollment, and number of employment breaks. e family-
friendly job characteristics model adds part-time status; percent female of respondents’
occupation and industry; occupational characteristics including reported work-eort
required, percent of downtime (waiting or goong o), hazardous job conditions, strength
requirements, cognitive demands, specic vocational training requirements, and authority;
and dichotomous measures for unionization, public sector job, self-employed, child-care
occupation, and industrial sector.
Models presented in gure 6: In recent publications (Budig and Hodges 2010; Budig and
Hodges forthcoming) using NLSY79 data covering the 1979-2004 period, Melissa Hodges
and I show how the motherhood wage penalty varies across women with dierent levels of
earnings. To do this, we again estimate xed eects models at a baseline (with predictors
for number of children, age of respondent, region of country, and population density) and
a full model (with additional controls for current marital status, spouse’s annual earnings,
spouse’s work hours, usual weekly hours, annual weeks worked, highest grade completed,
years of experience, years of seniority, enrollment status, and a dummy variable for changing
employers). To understand how the impact of children is dierent among women with
dierent levels of earnings, we use a method called unconditional quantile regression. While
regression models typically estimate an “average” eect of children on hourly wage, quantile
regression allows for the estimation of eects of children for women at specic percentiles
in the distribution of women’s hourly wages.
Michelle J. Budig, PhD, is a Professor of Sociology at the University of
Massachusetts. Her research interests include labor market inequalities, wage
penalties for paid and unpaid caregiving, work-family policy, and nonstandard
employment. She is currently working on an NSF-funded project on the
predictors of women?s entrepreneurship in westernized countries. Her
research has appeared in the American Sociological Review, Social Forces,
Social Problems, Gender & Society, and numerous other professional journals.
She is a past recipient of the Reuben Hill Award from the National Council on Family Relations,
the World Bank/ Luxembourg Income Study Gender Research Award and a two-time recipient of
the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Research Excellence in Families and Work.
1 ABC World News. 2010. “Reverse Gender Gap: Study Says Young, Childless Women Earn More
than Men.” By Sharyn Alfonsi. September 1, 2010.
2 Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2013. “Highlights of Women’s Earnings in 2012.” U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics Report #1045. October 2013.
3 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013.
4 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013.
5 Martinez, Gladys, Kimberly Daniels, and Anjani Chandra. 2012. “Fertility of Men and Women
Aged 15-44 years in the United States: National Survey of Family Growth, 2006-2010.”: National Health
Statistics Reports: No. 51. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.
6 Bianchi, Suzanne, John Robinson, and Melissa Milkie. 2006. The Changing Rhythms of American
Family Life. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
7 Polachek, Solomon W. 2006. “How the Life-Cycle Human-Capital Model Explains Why the
Gender Wage Gap Narrowed.” Pp. 102-124 in The Declining Signicance of Gender? Edited by Francine
D. Blau, Mary C. Brinton, and David B. Grusky. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation; See also Harkness,
Sara and Jane Waldfogel. 2003. “The Family Gap in Pay: Evidence from Seven Industrialized Countries.”
Research in Labor Economics 1(22):369-413; See also Waldfogel, Jane. 1998a. “Understanding the
‘Family Gap’ in Pay for Women with Children.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 12(1):137-56; See
also Waldfogel, Jane. 1998b. “The Family Gap for Young Women in the United States and Britain: Can
Maternity Leave Make a Difference?” Journal of Labor Economics 16(3): 505-45.
8 Hodges, Melissa and Michelle J. Budig. 2010. “Who Gets the Daddy Bonus? Markers of Hegemonic
Masculinity and the Impact of First-time Fatherhood on Men’s Earnings.” Gender & Society, 24(6):717-745.
9 Sayer, Liana, Suzanne Bianchi, and John Robinson. 2004. “Are Parents Investing Less in Children?
Trends in Mothers’ and Fathers’ Time with Children.” American Journal of Sociology 110(1):1-43.
10 Lundberg, Shelley, and Elaina Rose. 2000. “Parenthood and the Earnings of Married Men and
Women.” Labour Economics 7:689-710.
11 Note: The OLS model uses robust standard errors to adjust for non-independence of the
observations and includes measures of fatherhood status, N-1 dummies for year of interview, respondent’s
age, and demographic indicators for urban, suburban and rural areas, The FE model uses person and
year xed effects, and the variables included are the same as the OLS model. The Human Capital Model
builds on the FE model by adding measures for educational attainment, current school enrollment, years
of job seniority, years of experience, and number of different jobs ever worked by the respondent. The
Work Hours model adds controls to the Human Capital model for usual weekly work hours and annual
weeks worked. Finally, the Marital Status model adds a control to the Work Hours model for whether the
respondent is married to the child’s mother.
12 Bianchi, Robinson, and Milkie 2006; See also Kaufman, G. and P. Uhlenberg. 2000. “The Inuence
of Parenthood on the Work Effort of Married Men and Women.” Social Forces 78:931-49; See also Knoester,
C. and D. Eggebeen. 2006. “The Effects of the Transition to Parenthood and Subsequent Children on Men’s
Well-being and Social Participation.” Journal of Family Issues 27:1532-60; See also Lundberg and Rose, 2002.
13 Lundberg and Rose 2002.
14 Correll, Shelly, Stephen Benard, and In Paik. 2007. “Getting a Job: Is there a Motherhood
Penalty?” American Journal of Sociology 112(5):1297-1339.
15 Note: All models presented in this graph are xed-effects models that include full controls from
the “Marital Status” model presented in above: fatherhood status, respondent’s age, urban/ suburban/
rural area, education, current school enrollment, years of job seniority, years of experience, number of
different jobs ever worked, usual weekly work hours, annual weeks worked, and marital status.
16 Anderson, D., M. Binder, and K. Krause. 2003. “The Motherhood Wage Penalty Revisited:
Experience, Heterogeneity, Work Effort, and Work-Schedule Flexibility.” Industrial and Labor Relations
Review 56:273-94; See also Avellar, S. and P. Smock. 2003. “Has the Price of Motherhood Declined
over Time? A Cross-Cohort Comparison of the Motherhood Wage Penalty.” Journal of Marriage and
the Family 65:597-607; See also Budig, Michelle J. and Paula England. 2001. “The Wage Penalty for
Motherhood.” American Sociological Review 66:204-225; See also Budig, Michelle J. and Melissa Hodges.
2010. “Differences in Disadvantage: How the Wage Penalty for Motherhood Varies Across Women’s
Earnings Distribution.” The American Sociological Review 75(5):705-28; See also Glauber, Rebecca.
2007a. “Marriage and the Motherhood Wage Penalty among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites.”
Journal of Marriage and the Family 69:951-61; See also Waldfogel, Jane. 1997. “The Effect of Children on
Women’s Wages.” American Sociological Review 62:209-17.
17 Notes: The OLS model utilize robust standard errors and include respondents’ age and year of
interview, each in linear, squared, and cubed form. The Fixed Effects model includes person and year xed
effects. The Marital Status model adds marital status to the FE model. The Human Capital model adds
education, years of seniority, years of experience, current school enrollment, and number of employment
breaks to the Marital Status model. The Family-Friendly Job Characteristics model includes part-time status;
percent female of respondents’ occupation and industry; occupational characteristics including reported
work-effort required, percent of downtime (waiting or goong off), hazardous job conditions, strength
requirements, cognitive demands, specic vocational training requirements, and authority; and dichotomous
measures for unionization, public sector job, self-employed, child-care occupation, and industrial sector.
18 Notes: The Baseline Model includes number of children, age of respondent, region of country,
and population density. The Human Capital Model adds controls for current marital status, spouse’s annual
earnings, spouse’s work hours, usual weekly hours, annual weeks worked, highest grade completed, years
of experience, years of seniority, enrollment status, and a dummy variable for changing employers.
19 Anderson, D., M. Binder, and K. Krause, 2003; See also Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina and Jean
Kimmel. 2005. “The Motherhood Wage Gap for Women in the United States: The Importance of College
and Fertility Delay.” Review of Economics of the Household 3:17-48.
20 Correll, Shelly, Stephen Benard, and In Paik, 2007; See also Hodges, Melissa and Michelle
J. Budig, 2010; See also Glauber, Rebecca. 2007b. “Race and Gender in Families and at Work: The
Fatherhood Wage Premium.” Gender and Society 22: 8-30.
21 Correll, Shelly, Stephen Benard, and In Paik, 2007.
22 Martinez, Gladys, Kimberly Daniels, and Anjani Chandra, 2012.
23 Budig, Michelle J., Joya Misra, and Irene Boeckmann, 2012; See also Budig, Michelle J. and Melissa
Hodges. Forthcoming. “Statistical Models and Empirical Evidence for Differences in the Motherhood Wage
Penalty Across the Earnings Distribution: A Reply to Killewald and Bearak.” American Sociological Review;
See also Boeckmann, Irene and Michelle J. Budig. 2013. “Fatherhood, Intra-Household Employment
Dynamics, and Men’s earnings in a Cross-National Perspective.” LIS Working Paper No. 529.
24 Budig, Michelle J., Joya Misra, and Irene Boeckmann. 2012.