I have received a copy of the Ozaukee High School Handbook for 2022-23
. I understand
that the handbook contains information that my child and I will need during the school
year. I also understand that all students will be held accountable for their behavior and will
be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in this handbook.
Grade: _______________Date: _________________
Name of Student:_____________________________
Signature of Student: _________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian: _____________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: __________________
Parent/Guardian e-mail address:_________________
Complete and return to the school office within 10 days.
Failure to return this page implies consent and acknowledges understanding of all
401 Highland Drive, Fredonia, WI 53021
Office Hours: 7:00 am – 3:30 pm
Student Handbook
Dear OHS Students and Families,
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! We strive to offer great opportunities for all students to continue to learn and
grow at Ozaukee High School. Whether it is through passionate discourse in the classroom or involvement in our
outstanding extra-curriculars, the opportunities to grow and thrive are in place for all here at Ozaukee High School. I
encourage you to take advantage of all of the opportunities we have to offer this school year and make it a successful
one in which you are challenged academically, grow personally, and develop memories for a lifetime. We have
written this handbook to help you understand our expectations and programs to help you be successful at Ozaukee
High School. Please read the following pages and associated Board Policies. I look forward to seeing you and
supporting your efforts to make the 2022-23 school year a great year for all of us.
Respectfully Yours.
Michael Leach
The Northern Ozaukee School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed,
religion, age, pregnancy, marital/parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability in its
programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.(per NOSD Policy)
** Policies and procedures in this handbook may change without notice due to adjustments to Board policies or State
Educate young men and women to develop strong character and prepare them for the future.
RESPECT-Treat others as you want to be treated.
RESPONSIBILITY-Take ownership of your actions.
INTEGRITY-Live up to your word.
CITIZENSHIP-Strive to improve our community and our schools.
HONESTY-Tell the truth.
TEAMWORK-Help each other be successful.
*Culture of integrity and high expectations.
*Efficient and effective use of resources.
*Academic excellence>
*Community and school pride.
To pursue excellence at all levels of our district.
Ozaukee High School will foster a culture of learning that builds an academic, personal, social and career foundation
for each student.
As partners in the educational journey; staff, students, parents, and the community will provide an environment that
facilitates the development of students who are:
Committed to academic excellence
Intrinsically motivated
Responsible learners
Sensitive to diversity
In order to achieve the vision of Ozaukee High School, the administration, faculty, and staff will:
Nurture the development of positive character traits such as respect, integrity, responsibility, strong work
ethic and empathy.
Empower students to recognize, strengthen, and use their talents.
Use research based instructional strategies to achieve success for all students.
Commit to the learning and achievement of all students, using technology and 21
century skills so that all
students become critical thinkers and life-long learners.
Ozaukee High School follows an A/B Block Schedule. Classes meet during the regular daily schedule from 7:30 am
to 2:45 pm. Every Wednesday is an early release day where students are excused at 1:55 pm. Co-curricular
activities do not begin until 3:30 pm on early release days, since faculty and staff will be utilizing this time for
professional development training. All students without supervision are required to exit the building and may return
when supervision begins.
Period Time Period Time
1 7:30 – 8:55 1 7:30 – 8:55
2 9:00 – 10:25 2 9:00 – 10:25
3 10:30 - 11:10 3 10:30 - 11:10
Lunch 11:10 – 11:40 Lunch 11:10 – 11:40
3 11:40 – 12:25 3 11:40 – 12:25
4 12:30 – 1:55 4 12:30 – 1:55
Resource 2:00 – 2:45
Students “In Good Standing” are afforded all of the privileges Ozaukee High School has to offer including, but not
limited to, attendance at and participation in co-curriculars, field trips, parking, and the work-study program.
“In Good Standing” is defined as a student who is meeting all school expectations without any outstanding obligations
including, but not limited to, missing work, meeting classroom expectations, detentions, fees, fines or other
obligations deemed by the school.
Academic Integrity at Ozaukee High School requires a student to
adhere to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all facets of the learning process.
Academic misconduct is considered a violation of academic integrity either while acting alone or assisting others.
Academic misconduct may result in academic consequences (lowered grade, a zero on the project, completing a new
assignment) as well as a Code of Conduct consequences (detention, suspension, or expulsion) and co-curricular
consequences impacting eligibility for after school activities, school leadership positions, and athletic teams.
Academic Misconduct is an act in which a student:
Commits plagiarism by failing to cite material that is not “common knowledge.”
Submits falsified work/information instead of completing the work, research, or task.
Uses unauthorized tools or materials in any academic work. Examples include, but are not limited to online
translators, programmable calculators, or other electronic devices.
Misuses or falsifies academic documents. Examples include, but are not limited to, using a paper for more
than one class, altering grades, and forging school documents.
Purposefully damages or hinders the work of others. Examples include, but are not limited to, altering an art
project, tampering with electronic files, or hiding necessary materials from other students.
Assists others in any of these acts by providing academic work to be copied, including homework.
ATTENDANCE (Per Board Policy)
Compulsory Attendance Laws - Students must be in school full time until the end of the semester they become 18,
or until they have graduated.
School Attendance Officer - The principal or the principal’s designee shall deal with all matters relating to school
attendance as defined by Board Policy. The building principal or designee shall determine daily which pupils enrolled
in the school are absent from school, and whether that absence is excused.
Reporting Absences - A parent/guardian must contact the high school office (692-2453) when their child(ren)
are absent from school. A parent/guardian may use Family Access to report an absence. The contact must be
made the day of the absence (a message can be left if calling outside of school hours). Contact beyond the
day of the absence may cause your child(ren) an unexcused absence. The reason for the absence should be
stated as well as the expected duration of the absence. For absences three (3) days or longer, a doctor’s
excuse is required. For your child’s safety, non-reported absences may be followed up by a phone call.
Excused Absences - Parents may excuse students for a maximum of five (5) absences each
“semester” for any reason. A student incurs an absence when he/she misses all or any part of a regularly
scheduled school day. A partial day is defined as one class period. Neither school sponsored activities nor
absences with professional documentation (note from doctor, dentist, etc.) are considered absences.
Additional absences may be excused at the discretion of the administration. The student and parent will
receive written notification that the student has reached three (3) and five (5) absences as a communication
tool; any additional absences may be considered unexcused and will be dealt with under the school discipline
policy and state truancy laws.
Unexcused Absence - A detention will be issued for each unexcused period and is expected to be
made up immediately upon the student’s return to school. Students must be allowed to complete all
major tests or projects missed during unexcused absences.
Senior Attendance - All seniors are required to maintain 90% attendance during their final semester in order
to participate in the commencement ceremony. This includes early graduates. Note – medical excuse slips
and/or college visits with documentation are the only exceptions to this rule.
Anticipated Absence - When students know they will be absent for more than part of a day, they must:
Pick up an Advanced Absence form from the high school office;
Have teachers sign the Advanced Absence form for each hour they will be missing;
Have the Advanced Absence form signed by a parent/guardian;
Turn in the completed Advanced Absence form to the office at least 48 hours prior to the absence;
Complete all make-up work as indicated by the teachers.
Habitual Truancy - It is defined as the student being absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part
of or all of five (5) or more days on which school is held during a school semester (two terms). Fredonia
Village Ordinance states: “No child enrolled in a school located within the Village shall be habitually truant”.
Students who are habitually truant are subject to citations with monetary fines as well as parent/guardians of
the student for contributing to truancy. In addition, truancy will also bring school discipline. The Northern
Ozaukee School District’s Truancy Plan requires parents or guardians to be notified of their child’s habitual
truancy. This notification must include the following:
A statement of the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to cause the child to attend school regularly.
A request that the parent or guardian meet with the appropriate school personnel to discuss the child’s
truancy. The date for this meeting must be within five (5) school days after the notice is sent. This date
may be extended for five (5) school days with the consent of the parent or guardian. If this meeting is
not held within ten (10) school days after the notice is sent, the parent or guardian may be prosecuted for
failing to cause the child to attend school regularly and municipal or juvenile court proceedings relating to
the child may be initiated without this meeting.
A statement of the penalties that may be imposed on the parent or guardian if they fail to cause the child
to attend school regularly.
Tardiness - Tardiness interferes with instruction and student learning. Students are expected to be on time for
classes. Attendance and tardy information becomes a part of a student’s permanent record. Students that
arrive late to school must report directly to the office to record attendance in school. Students arriving more
than fifteen (15) minutes after the designated start time of school will be considered unexcused absent from
their first period class. Students arriving more than five (5) minutes late to all other scheduled class periods
will be considered unexcused absent from those classes (please refer to Unexcused Absences policy).
Each teacher will develop a tardy policy for their classroom. Students will be issued a detention for each set of
three unexcused tardies in a term.
Leaving School During the School Day - No student shall leave the building while school is in session
without permission from the principal or designee. During periods of school hours, the principal or designee
shall release students only to parents, legal guardians, or person designated by the parent or legal guardian.
The office must have prior written or verbal permission to release the student.
Illness During the School Day - Students who become ill during the school day are to report to the high
school office. A health room is available in the office for use by students whose parents cannot be reached. A
student will be allowed 20 minutes in the health room. After 20 minutes the student will be required to return to
class or be sent home with parent/guardian permission.
Students must be aware of the perceptions created by inappropriate, distracting, or disruptive displays of affection
that are deemed reasonable in a more private environment. School is not the place for such actions to take place.
Any willful and persistent displays of inappropriate behavior as determined by the administration and/or staff may
result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension.
Driving a car or other vehicle to school is a privilege granted to students in good standing by the district. Students
who drive a car or other vehicle to school must fill out a vehicle registration form and purchase a parking permit. A
$90.00 parking fee per year (prorated by quarter) is required and students must park in their assigned parking spot.
Students who have outstanding school obligations (fees, detentions, etc.) will not be allowed to purchase a parking
permit until the obligations have been met. Any vehicle parked on school grounds without having paid the parking
fee is subject to being fined and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Students may not park on the south side of the
high school, the back of the school or the faculty parking areas. Any vehicle illegally parked in these areas is subject
to being fined and/or towed at the owner’s expense. The school is not responsible for losses from vehicles or
damages done to vehicles. Such incidents should be reported to the building principal and the police. Cars are not
to be driven by students during the school day unless they have off campus privileges approved by the
administration. At no time should students be in the parking lot during the school day without administrative
approval. Violation of school policies could result in the suspension of parking privileges as well as other school
consequences. No money will be returned in the event that parking privileges are revoked.
Car Search by School Personnel - Student vehicles parked on school premises are considered to be under the
jurisdiction of the Northern Ozaukee School District. Vehicle inspections may be conducted by school administrators
or their designees for any reason, anytime, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
The school environment is not the appropriate place to be concerned about the latest “fashion” statements. The
school environment is to be about focused learning. Therefore, some dress that is acceptable outside of school may
not be appropriate for the school setting. Clothing displaying messages that may be offensive or embarrassing
(pictures/words of profanity, sexual reference) to any student or staff member, is infringing on their right to a safe,
comfortable environment conducive to learning and are prohibited. Any clothing that advertises alcohol, tobacco, or
any other drugs or make reference to any of the aforementioned will not be allowed in school. Students must be fully
dressed at all times, including shoes. Additionally, undergarments must be covered. Any student dress that is
disruptive to the educational environment, as determined by the administration and/or staff, will require students to
remedy the clothing situation immediately. Failure to remedy the situation immediately will be considered
insubordination with appropriate consequences including out of school suspension. If necessary, the student will be
asked to go home to remedy the situation and the time away from school will count as an unexcused absence.
Students are allowed to wear appropriate caps and hats during the school day however, hoods are not
allowed to be worn covering a student’s head.
Electronic Device Policy - Acceptable Use Policy
*Lost, stolen, or damaged phones will not be a liability of the NOSD.
Background and purpose of this policy
1. Ozaukee High School recognizes that computers, smartphones, iPads, and other technology play a powerful role
in modern society. The use of an electronic device, the campus computer system, the wireless network and other
technology promote greater academic collaboration, efficiency and communication throughout the school
community. Use for other purposes such as personal business or entertainment is not acceptable during school
hours, except during passing time and at lunch. Understanding the importance of this medium, while being
aware of the potential for inappropriate use, OHS promotes and allows use of electronic devices with limits set
forth by the Acceptable Use Policy as follows:
The primary purpose of information technology at Ozaukee High School is to enhance and support the
school’s educational programs. Information technology, the use of systems (especially computers and
telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information at OHS must be used in a manner that
is consistent with the school’s mission, educational purposes, and environment as well as all local, state,
and federal laws, regulations, and policies. Per Wisconsin Statute 118.258, the possession and use of a
technological device is a privilege and can be revoked if the policy is not followed. This policy applies to the
operation of any information and communication device at OHS, regardless of who owns the device.
Everyone using an electronic device is expected to act in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation while
adhering to the regulations and guidelines set forth in this document.
An electronic device is defined as one that allows a student access to the Internet and/or one that allows for
communication or entertainment purposes of any kind.
2. Acceptable uses of personal electronic devices
a. Before/after school, between classes, &/or during lunch.
b. Parents who need to contact their children for emergency
purposes must do so by calling the OHS main office at 262-692-2453, x400.
3. Unacceptable uses of electronic devices
a. Per state statute 175.22 (2013 through Act 380), cell
phones are NOT allowed in restrooms and locker rooms at anytime.
b. Personal electronic devices are not allowed in class or
during class time including Resource time. Phones are not to
be seen or heard in the classroom.
c. This policy does not apply to non-students. Teachers are
expected to avoid use of their personal electronic device
while working with students.
d. School issued Chromebooks are to be used for academic
purposes only.
e. Student passwords are confidential and are not to be shared
with other students. Students will use only their assigned login and passwords.
4. Consequences
1st offense - The personal electronic device is taken and placed in the office and returned to the student at the
end of the school day. This will be documented in Skyward by the teacher involved.
2nd offense - The personal electronic device is taken and placed in the OHS office and will be returned to the
student at the end of the school day after parent contact is made. A lunch detention is then issued.
3rd offense - The personal electronic device is taken and placed in the OHS office until the student’s parent or
guardian picks up the device. An afterschool detention will be issued and the incident recorded in Skyward
by the teacher.
4th offense and subsequent offenses - will result in a meeting between parents, students and administration
and other consequences including the possible revocation of electronic device privileges and code of
conduct violations.
***Students who are uncooperative in relinquishing their phones will
immediately report to the office for an in-school suspension for the remainder of the day.
***Administration reserves the right to suspend electronic device
privileges indefinitely for repeat offenders at his/her discretion.
The Northern Ozaukee School District Board of Education values participation, suggestions, and feedback from the
district’s community members and district employees. The Board will give serious consideration to all verbal and
written opinions and feedback when the author of such communication provides identification (e.g., name and
address or phone number). However, if the communication is submitted anonymously, it will not be acknowledged or
considered by the Board.
It is the responsibility of the student(s) to listen carefully and follow any directions given by the adult in charge in an
emergency situation. The emergency procedures are reviewed with students at the beginning of each school year.
For a copy of the Northern Ozaukee School District – Crisis Response Handbook, contact the high school office.
Fire: Exit the building in the prescribed manner from your location. Tornado: Move to assigned safe prescribed
locations in the building from your location. Stay Put Response: Classroom doors are closed and locked.
Classroom activities may continue as scheduled. Lockdown: Classroom doors are locked, lights are off, and it is
QUIET in each classroom.
FEES (Per Board Policy)
Fee Waiver requests must be presented in writing to the Business Office. Extra-curricular (including athletics) Fee
Waiver requests in general will not be considered. Current students and graduates of Ozaukee High School will incur
a $3.00 charge per transcript request.
HAZING POLICY (Per Board Policy)
The Board of Education prohibits hazing or the threat of hazing activities by a student or a group of students against
other student personnel. The Board of Education considers hazing, among other things, as any willful act done by a
student, whether individually or in concert with others, to another student for the purpose of subjecting such student
to humiliation, intimidation, physical abuse or threats of physical abuse, social or other ostracism, shame, or
disgrace. Any student who violates this policy will, by such action, immediately forfeit the privilege of participating in
any extracurricular activities for a period of six weeks, the holding of any office, and may be suspended from school.
Illegal Substances - It is critical to the success of our students that they not engage in any activity linked to, or with
illegal drugs and substances. The administration, faculty, and staff are committed to make our school “drug free” to
insure a safe learning environment. As a result, Ozaukee High School expressly forbids the possession, use, or
evidence of being under the influence of illegal drugs or substances. This means that if a student is found to be in
possession of, under the influence of, using, selling, or distributing drugs or alcohol in school or on school property
he/she will be suspended from school and immediately recommended to the board of education for expulsion from
Tobacco - Also, any use and/or possession of tobacco products, tobacco substitutes, substances containing nicotine,
or tobacco look-alikes, in any form, includes, but is not limited to, nicotine gum, mint or other non-tobacco-based
chew, vaping devices, and snuff, in or on school property is prohibited by School Board Policy and Fredonia Village
Ordinance. In addition to school disciplinary consequences for violations of this school policy, violations of this
Village ordinance may result in citation and fines. This policy includes students, staff, and members of the public,
and includes all hours of the day, every day of the year, effective September 1, 1990.
Student Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse – In the interest of student safety, health, and wellness, the use or
possession of vaping materials, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, controlled substance analogs (as
defined by state law), drug paraphernalia, or having the appearance of being under the influence of alcoholic
beverages, controlled substances, or controlled substance analogs on school property, in a school vehicle, or while
participating in a school-sponsored activity, shall be expressly forbidden. Prescription medications are to be
construed as exceptions to this policy when used by the individual for whom they were prescribed and in the manner
and amount prescribed, and in accordance with district policies and procedure. In order to effectively administer this
policy, the school district authorizes the use of alcohol breath testing of students under the following conditions.
There is reasonable suspicion that a student is under the influence of alcohol in violation of this policy;
School district officials or law enforcement officers authorized to administer breath tests use a breath
screening device approved by the Department of Transportation; and
The person authorized to administer breath tests receives training on how to use the breath screen
device and evaluate the test results.
The sale, distribution, delivery, or manufacture of a controlled substance, controlled substance analogs, alcoholic
beverages, vaping materials or drug paraphernalia while at school or while under the supervision of a school
authority shall be expressly forbidden. Violations of this policy, or refusal to submit to required breath testing for the
presence of alcohol, shall be processed in accordance with established district policies and procedures. The results
of breath testing, or the fact that a student refused to submit to breath testing, may be used in any hearing or
proceeding regarding the discipline, suspension, or expulsion of a student due to alcohol use. The results of such
testing may also be used for student treatment decisions. Employees of the Northern Ozaukee School District shall
make every effort to prevent the use and possession of alcohol and other controlled substances by students. As
provided by state law, school personnel who engage in alcohol or drug abuse program activities shall keep
confidential information received from a pupil about that pupil or another pupil’s problems resulting from the use of
drugs and/or alcohol, unless;
The pupil using or experiencing problems resulting from the use of alcohol or other drugs consents in
writing to the disclosure of the information.
The school psychologist, counselor, social worker, nurse, or administrator has reason to believe that
there is serious and imminent danger to the health, safety, or life of any person, and that disclosure of
the information to another person will alleviate the serious and imminent danger. No more information
than is required to alleviate the serious and imminent danger may be disclosed.
The information is required to be reported in 48.981.
Student Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Policy Enforcement Procedures – Any student found to have violated
board policy regarding alcohol and other drug abuse shall be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
The student’s parent(s) or guardian will be contacted as soon as reasonably possible by the principal or
his/her designee.
The police will be notified.
The student will be:
a) suspended and may be referred to the board for an expulsion hearing;
b) if the student is expelled, the board shall determine the length of the expulsion period.
Consideration of possible early readmission may be based on participation in the ATODA program
and a conference with the admitting principal, or upon other conditions precedent which are
determined to be appropriate, in the discretion of the board and administration.
Our library is an excellent resource for students desiring to research through regular reference books, magazines,
current newspapers, and the Internet as well as receiving instruction regarding technological resource usage. It also
offers a variety of leisure reading materials. Students may come in from their study halls or classrooms to use our
facilities for the purposes listed below.
Research procedures and rules
Students needing to use the library for research, or book checkout, must get a pass from the related
teacher to assure priority sign out in their study halls.
Students come to the library after their teacher has called to check availability.
Students may ask for a 10-minute pass for brief library business, one student at a time.
Students are expected to work individually when in the library.
A table is set aside for a quiet group of up to four students, no more than one time per week.
Students should use the library no more than one time a day, unless their entire class comes in. This
allows other services to be met by the library staff, plus encourages efficient use of materials during the
study period. A 10-minute pass can be used to check materials out for any other period.
All students will be asked to sit two at a table.
No beverages or food are allowed.
Sign in on clipboard if students come on a pass or pass book.
Computers procedures and rules
Computer use must be for school use only. No social networking sites or private email accounts
should be checked. Computer privileges may be lost.
Use only areas that have icons on the first screen.
Do not alter computer set-up in any way.
Ask librarians for permission to print or reset.
Sign in on the sheet located on tower.
Downloading is prohibited in any capacity.
Lockers A locker is assigned to each student for storage of books and personal belongings. Locks are the
property of the school district and must stay on the lockers as well as being locked at all times. It is not wise to
store items of high value in these lockers. If valuable items must be brought to school, bring them to the office for
safe-keeping. Any item that can be considered dangerous or may constitute a threat to the health and safety of
students should not be brought into the school or put in any locker in the high school building. The high school
administration reserves the right to open and search any locker at any time for these items. Only one student is
allowed per locker. Students occupying unassigned lockers may have their property removed. Students using
personal locks will have the locks removed at any time according to the discretion of the administration. The cost of a
replacement lock is $7.00.
Locker Search by School Personnel - School lockers are the property of the Northern Ozaukee School
District and are provided for the convenience of students. Each student will be assigned a locker the first day
of school. Students should not share lockers with friends and should not let others know their combinations.
At no time does the Northern Ozaukee School District relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for
the convenience of students. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities
for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. If your
locker is damaged in any way during the school year, report this damage immediately to the office. If damage
is not reported, the student to whom the locker was assigned will be held accountable. Students should not
put anything in their locker or carry anything in their possession that they would not want the police to know
about. Discovery of illegal materials may result in suspension and/or referral to appropriate authorities.
Graffiti - It is a student’s responsibility to keep their locker clean. If your locker is found to need a cleaning a
second time, you will be disciplined for vandalism. Even if you are not responsible for writing on your locker, it
is your responsibility to clean it off. Please report any vandalism to the office as soon as possible.
Parental Complaint - All parental complaints or concerns should be directed to the person directly involved. If a
superior is called, the caller may be referred to the employee directly involved and advised of procedures in this
Public Complaint – The Northern Ozaukee School District is open to complaints expressed by individuals in the
school district. These complaints shall be taken seriously and dealt with in an orderly, professional manner. Oral
complaints shall be converted to written form and referred to the person who has authority over the matter in
question. Written complaints shall be referred to the appropriate person for response. All complaints shall be
responded to in writing and with proper documentation of the complaints. If the complaint causes a change in policy,
procedure, or programming, this also should be noted.
A parent must submit a written request for student opt-out to the principal or the school board. Per Wis. Stats.
118.30(2)(b)3., if the student is in grades 4, 8, and 9-11 the request must be granted. However, if the student is not in
the above mentioned grade levels, the decision to grant the request is at the discretion of the school board.
Students are not to be in hallways while classes are in session. If a situation should arise for a student to leave
class, all students are required to sign out of their classroom regardless of the reason. There should never be activity
in the hallways that interferes with classes.
Student Removal from Class - A teacher may remove a student from class for the following reasons and will
contact parents regarding the issue.
Dangerous, disruptive, or unruly behavior or behavior that interferes with the ability of the teacher to
teach effectively.
Other behavior as outlined. Remaining conduct guidelines, while still vitally important, do not hold the
same severity as those previously outlined.
Student Responsibilities
Work each day to the best of my ability
Respect myself, others, and property
Take responsibility for my learning, words, actions, and inactions
Teacher-Student Conference
Teacher-Student Conference and Parent Contact
Administration-Student Conference and Parent Contact
General Conduct of Students - Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly, courteous, dignified,
and respectful manner at all times. Students are expected to observe a standard of conduct and courtesy contributing
to the welfare of themselves as well as others. Respect for authority is a must including all adults within the school
environment. Voluntary or intentional conduct or behavior which creates an unsafe condition, or actual or probable
injury to self or others, consistently disrupts the learning process, or shows disrespect of authority, policy, or rules, will
result in the following actions:
Parental notification and probable suspension.
Second offense: Suspension and possible Board expulsion hearing.
Repeated offenses, indicating a lack of respect and/or concern for rules, may result in a Board
expulsion hearing.
Student Obligations - Students with detention time, in-school suspension, or school fees outstanding may not be
eligible to participate in or attend any or all extra- curricular activities including, but not limited to, athletic events,
social events or graduation ceremony until the obligations are met.
Discipline Procedures (Restorative Practices model) - Students, parents, and staff are expected to comply, at all
times, with guiding principles including, but not limited to, respect, integrity, responsibility, strong work ethic and
empathy. Any student failing to meet school or classroom expectations may receive disciplinary action from a teacher
or staff member. The teacher will assign and monitor the detention. The teacher will make parent/guardian contact. It
is the responsibility of the student to then be present for his/her detention. Detentions not served may result in the
detention being reissued, or further action being taken. Detentions are considered an obligation to be met and failure
to serve will result in loss of good standing and may lead to further loss of any and all privileges.
Suspensions - A student suspended from school may not be present on school grounds for any reason during
his/her suspension period. Failure to abide by this expectation may lead to a trespassing citation.
Unacceptable Behavior - Disciplinary action may be taken as a result of any behavior which disrupts the education
or violates the rights of others. The following acts are unacceptable and subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including suspension, expulsion, and arrest. State statutes permit the suspension of students. (120.13(1)(b)).
Physically attacking any adult involved in the operation of the school. (940.19)
Fighting – mutual combat in which both parties have contributed to the situation by verbal and/or
physical action. (940.19)
Assault and Battery – a student causing bodily harm to another by an act done with intent to cause
bodily harm to that person harmed is guilty of a misdemeanor. (940.19)
Abusive Language directed at any person involved in the school. (947.01)
Tobacco use or possession or nicotine containing substances on the premises.
Possession, use or under influence, or distribution of alcohol or other illegal drugs or look alike
drugs. This will be grounds for immediate recommendation for expulsion.
Selling alcohol, other illegal drugs, or look-alike drugs. This will be grounds for recommendation for
False fire alarms or bomb threats made to the school or to a school sponsored event.
Possessing, concealing, or storing a weapon on one’s person, in a locker, vehicle, or anywhere on
the premises. Permission from the principal must be obtained to use real or fake weapons for a speech
project or class demonstration. (941.20)
Selling, distribution, possession or use of firearms, weapons, firecrackers, smoke bombs, or any
form of fireworks in school, on the school grounds, or at school sponsored events. This will be grounds
for immediate recommendation for expulsion.
Theft or possession of stolen property.
Vandalism – intentionally causing damage to school premises or property or willful damage to property
of staff members and others. (943.01)
Driving recklessly or imprudently in any way on school property. (941.01)
Disorderly Conduct – Students who engage in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous,
unreasonably loud, or otherwise disorderly conduct in which such conduct tends to cause or provoke a
disturbance is guilty of disorderly conduct. (947.01)
Trespassing – Physically present on a school campus or at a school activity after being requested to
leave by school principal or other person lawfully responsible for the control of said premises. (943.14)
Ignorance of the rules does not excuse a violation - The administration retains the right to deal with any action not
covered by these rules. Administrators may vary from the discipline offense procedures whenever the act deems
All students are expected to observe the following while in attendance at both “home” and “away” athletic events:
Show respect for the opponent at all times. The players and spectators of the other team should be
treated as guests and should be shown tolerance, fairness, and generosity.
Show respect for the officials at all times. The officials are impartial judges who are trained to do their
job to the best of their ability. You should accept and abide by the decision of the officials.
Maintain self control at all times. The desire to win should not overcome proper behavior.
Always be respectful during the playing of the National Anthem.
Remember that you are a representative of our school and that your behavior reflects on the entire
student body.
Spectators are NOT to walk on the playing floor.
Demonstrate good sportsmanship.
Acknowledge the effort of all players.
Refrain from profanity, obscene gestures, or throwing objects.
General Guidelines - Harassment means behavior between pupils based in whole or in part on the person’s gender;
race; religion; national origin; ancestry; creed; pregnancy; marital or parental status; sexual orientation; or physical,
mental, emotional, or learning disability; or any other characteristic protected under state, federal, or local law which
substantially interferes with a pupil’s school performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school
environment. If a student feels that she/he experienced harassment based on any of these federal and state
categories, the student should immediately report the incident to the building principal.
Sexual Harassment - Sexual harassment deserves special mention. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and other physical, verbal, or visual conduct based on sex, whether or not such conduct is repeated,
can constitute sexual harassment. Sexual harassment may occur student-to-student, student-to-staff, staff-to-student,
male-to-female, female-to-male, and male-to-male or female-to-female. Referral to police, suspension, and possible
expulsion may result from this behavior.
Confidentiality - A report of harassment and the subsequent investigation will be handled confidentially to the
extent possible. The district will release no information regarding the initial report or the investigation unless
required by law or, if necessary, for the purpose of taking corrective action.
Reporting Procedures - The district will take all necessary and appropriate action to eliminate harassment of
any kind. If you feel you have experienced or witnessed harassment, you are to immediately notify the building
principal. If a student or parent/guardian is not comfortable making a complaint to the building principal, the
student or parent/guardian should file the complaint with the district administration. In the event a complaint is
made to a teacher, school counselor, or other staff member, the recipient of the complaint should immediately
report the complaint to the building principal or the superintendent, as appropriate. Every staff member of
NOSD is responsible for ensuring that no harassment occurs within his/her area of authority. NOSD forbids
retaliation against anyone who has reported harassment. However, the district requests that all complaints will
be made in good faith and based on a reasonable belief that a student has been harassed.
Policy Violations - NOSD also recognizes that false or fraudulent claims of harassment may be filed. The
district will treat all harassment claims as valid claims unless and until the district’s investigation reveals that
the complaint was filed falsely, fraudulently, or for an improper purpose. The district reserves the right to
discipline any person filing a false or fraudulent claim of harassment, with the discipline ranging from a warning
to expulsion from school, depending on the facts.
STUDENT SURVEYS (Per Board Policy)
The Board respects the privacy rights of parents and their children. No student shall be required to participate in any
survey associated with a school program or the district’s curriculum, or which is administered by a third party in the
schools, if the survey includes one or more of the following items:
Political affiliations or beliefs;
Mental and psychological problems;
Sexual behavior or attitudes;
Illegal, anti-social, or self-incriminating or demeaning behavior;
Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom students have close family relationships;
Legally-recognized privileged or analogous relationships;
Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs;
Income, other than that required by law, to determine eligibility for participation in a program or
for receiving financial assistance under such a program.
The building principal shall notify parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year of the specific or
approximate dates during the school year or notify parents/guardians as soon as survey activities dates are
scheduled involving their child. Parents/Guardians will have the right to inspect surveys upon request.
The Board of Education will not tolerate threats to or by students, whether verbal or written, or any action reasonably
perceived by students or the staff to be a threat. Each school will have written rules in its respective student
handbook to assure the protection of all students and staff members. Such rules shall authorize appropriate
disciplinary measures up to and including expulsion.
WEAPONS POLICY (Per Board Policy)
For purposes of Board policy, “dangerous weapon” is defined as a firearm (loaded or unloaded); BB or pellet gun;
explosive devices; nunchaku or other martial arts instruments; metal knuckles; razor; knife; chain; club; or similar
substance used to cause bodily discomfort; or look-alike/facsimile weapon used as a toy or other object which could
be reasonably mistaken for an actual dangerous weapon and which is intended to and/or is capable of intimidating,
alarming, threatening someone, or for use to inflict bodily harm. Therefore, except as otherwise provided:
No person shall possess, use, or threaten use of a weapon or a look-alike weapon on school premises,
in school-sponsored vehicles, or at any school-related events.
No person shall unlawfully possess, use, or threaten the use of a chemical irritant (e.g., pepper spray)
on school premises, in school-sponsored vehicles, or at any school-related events.
Academic Letters - Academic letters are awarded to students who achieve a 3.0 GPA for eight (8) consecutive
Honor Roll - Two levels of academic achievement are recognized at OHS, “High Honors” and “Honors.” The honor
roll is published at the end of each term and lists all students who have the following non-cumulative grade point
average: High Honors - 3.50 and above, Honors - 3.00 to 3.499.
Honor Graduates - Honor cords are awarded to seniors who have obtained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and
above at the conclusion of the 3
term of their senior year.
National Honor Society - The National Honor Society is a national organization that recognizes excellence in
academic achievement, service, leadership, and character. A faculty committee evaluates students who are
eligible scholastically and selects those who may be inducted in the fall of each year. All students with a
cumulative weighted grade point average of 3.50 at the end of their sophomore year are eligible for
Any student who considers graduating early must first meet with the school counselor and follow the steps outlined in
the early graduation policy. The student must submit to the principal a written request by October 15th, of his/her
senior year, to graduate early.
Block Program - In our A/B block program, the school year is divided into four, nine (9) week terms. You will receive
a grade and credit point value for each class at the end of each semester that accurately reflects student knowledge
as related to academic standards.
Parents and students shall be informed of the grading expectations and practices at the beginning of each school
year (or term) through such means as student handbooks, syllabi, etc.
Grading systems will be designed to report to parent(s)/guardian(s) the progress of their child(ren). The system shall
report the student’s achievement. Separate reporting of character traits will be provided.
The high school grading system shall be weighted and based on a modified 4.0 grade-point scale. The grades
earned in all subjects shall be used in determining a student’s grade point average (GPA). Exceptions shall be made
in accordance with the following guidelines:
Pass/fail grades shall not be included in determining a student’s GPA. Classes such as assistant
programs, work experience programs, and volunteer programs are graded with a pass/fail.
Youth Options courses will be taken for earned credit toward graduation and will not count
toward a student’s GPA.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction sets a minimum number of credits needed for
graduation, as well as a minimum number of credits in Math, Science, Social Studies, and
English. The NOSD Board requires additional credits as specified throughout this policy. While in
high school (grades 9-12), the student must take at least four credits of English, three credits of
Social Studies, three credits of Science, three credits of Mathematics, and 1.5 credits of Physical
A student successfully completing a high school course(s) prior to ninth grade will receive credit
for graduation in accordance with the following Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
a) If Algebra or Geometry is taken by a student prior to ninth grade, the district will
award high school credit when the course is a high school-level course taught by a
licensed mathematics teacher (a grade 1 through 9 with mathematics minor may be
used for Algebra, but not Geometry).
b) High school credits earned prior to ninth grade shall count toward the overall
district’s credit requirement, but not for credits specified by law, with the exception that,
according to Wisconsin state statutes, students can earn one-half credit of health
instruction in grades 7-12. (A math credit earned prior to ninth grade may not count as
one of the required credits.)
High school courses successfully completed prior to ninth grade will not be included in a
student’s high school GPA. The district will note on the student’s transcript that the course was
taken prior to entry into the ninth grade.
Grades earned by a Northern Ozaukee student through district-approved study abroad programs
may be used in determining the student’s GPA and toward graduation credits. The determination
if the grades will be included in the GPA will be the responsibility of the principal.
All grades earned through district-approved agreements with other public school districts will be
calculated in a student’s GPA, and awarded credit on the same basis as a course taken within
the district.
All students transferring into the district from another public or private school will have their
grades and credits calculated on the same basis as a student enrolled in the district.
Any and all decisions regarding the application of credit and calculation of GPA not specifically addressed
in this policy shall be at the discretion of the principal.
All grade placement, retention, and acceleration is the responsibility of the building principal.
A diploma is a significant stepping-stone in the life of most young people. To ensure the integrity of the diploma, a
minimum number of credits and regular attendance are requirements established by State Statutes and
School Board Policy. Students can and should learn as much as they can about as many things as is possible in
the high school program. Students are encouraged to do more than the minimum and to take advantage of
academic and extra-curricular opportunities whenever possible. The course of studies at Ozaukee High School is
designed to provide a wide variety of learning experiences for students during their years of enrollment.
Students are required to be in attendance as a full-time student for four years unless they fully qualify for early
graduation. If a student falls under the minimum number of blocks of credit classes per day during any term (4
blocks is a full-time student), they will have to repeat a term after their class graduates.
Selecting your program of studies Your program of studies should be organized into a tentative four-year
plan of required and elective courses. Make sure each course needed to meet technical school, college or
university requirements are included in the proper sequence. Courses may be chosen by students in each
year as they desire, subject to the following regulations and parent approval.
A student must be in regular attendance and enrolled in four blocks of classes.
Physical Education is required of all students at least 1 term per year through Grade 11 unless
extenuating circumstances exist that may require medical documentation and/or administrative
approval. Physical Education is an elective course in Grade 12.
There are some prerequisites for certain courses. Each is explained in the course description: i.e.,
Algebra is a prerequisite for Physics, Chemistry, and Geometry.
Required subjects that were not passed must be rescheduled before advancing to the next level
Be sure to select courses with care. Changes are difficult to make and will not be allowed after the
third day of the beginning of each term. If a student and his/her parent demand to drop a course after
the third day of the beginning of a term, the student will receive an “F” for the course grade.
All students in grades 9-12 must take four (4) classes each term. Students must be in school all four
periods each day, unless they are enrolled in programs approved by the building principal.
Course credit value: A student may earn a half-credit by:
Passing a course that meets for 85 minutes every other day for 18 weeks.
Graduation requirements for high school - Ozaukee High School is on a credit system and requires the
following credit requirements for graduation:
28 credits for class of 2016 and beyond
The minimum requirements for credits earned while in grades 9 through 12 shall include credits earned
from the following subjects:
Classes of 2016 and Beyond:
Subject Credits
English 4
Mathematics 3
Science 3
Social Studies 3
Physical Ed 1.5
Health 0.5
Personal Finance 0.5
Economics 0.5
Electives 12
Total Credits 28
ACT scores: Reading = 18, Mathematics = 18,
English = 14, Science = 20 or equivalent
*Note: The ACT requirement for graduation may be adjusted on an individual basis by the High School Administrator.
Cumulative GPA - Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) will be calculated at the conclusion of each term.
The final grade for each class will be used to calculate cumulative GPA. Grade Points: A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3,
B=3.0, B-=2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, C-=1.7, D=1 and a F=0. GPA = Total grade points divided by number of credits.
Class Rank - A student’s class rank is based on cumulative GPA. Class rank at the conclusion of the 3
term of
senior year will determine valedictorian and salutatorian. Class rank at the conclusion of the 2
term of senior year
will determine the recipient of Academic Excellence Scholarship.
Weighted Grades - Weighted grades are given for college-level advanced coursework. An additional 1.0 grade point
is given for each course: A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, F = 0.0. Courses with weighted grade include: AP Biology, AP
Calculus AB/BC, AP Chemistry, AP Language and Composition, AP English, Literature and Composition, AP U.S.
History (or other AP courses ) and Spanish
4 and Spanish 5.
Report cards will be posted at the end of each semester and available through Family Access. Reports will
not be printed and mailed unless a parent/guardian makes a written request to do so. Communication to the
parent(s)/guardian(s) is vital to maintaining a team approach to educating our students. As such, electronic
gradebooks are expected to be updated on a weekly basis. In addition, student and parent/guardian
communication through email and/or a phone call is expected when a student falls below a C.
Students who transfer into our high school must meet all of the graduation requirements established by this policy.
However, some accommodations may be made in the number of elective credits required for those students who
transfer from schools with lesser requirements. Transcripts of transfer students will be reviewed upon enrollment and
credit requirements will be pro-rated in accordance with the graduation requirements of the students’ previous school.
GED OPTION #2 - (http://dpi.wi.gov/alternativeed/doc/gedo2faq.doc)
The GED Option #2 (GEDO #2) Program allows authorized school districts to use the GED test battery to measure
proficiency in lieu of high school credit for students enrolled in an alternative education program. A student who
passes the GED tests and completes the other requirements for graduation is entitled to the traditional high school
diploma. Wisconsin received approval to offer this opportunity to local school districts as part of its waiver application
to GED Testing Service.
Our School Counselor is available for every student in the school. Guidance services include assistance with
educational planning, student appraisal, school record maintenance, individual counseling, group guidance, and
assistance with home, school and/or social concerns, or any questions the student feels he/she would like to discuss
with the counselor. In addition to individual and small group counseling done by the School Counselor, the Starting
Point of Ozaukee holds small group sessions at Ozaukee High School. Parents who do not want their child to
participate in these groups must contact the guidance office.
The career room is designed for accurate, up-to-date information on careers, post-secondary schools and financial
aid. Achievement and aptitude tests are given periodically throughout a student’s high school years and the results
are accessible to students and their parents for examination and evaluation. Parents are encouraged to visit the high
school office to review their child’s work and assist in providing guidance during their school career.
Reading is a fundamental part of the school curriculum. Materials can be checked out of the school library, for a
period of time set each year by the library media specialist, but can be returned or renewed at any time. Students are
expected to return previously checked out materials before new materials can be borrowed (especially overdue
The district provides instructional programs for children with learning disabilities, behavioral disabilities, cognitive
disabilities, physical handicaps or other health impairments, and speech and language disabilities. Children can be
referred for special education assessments by parents or school personnel.
RtI offers remedial support for students struggling with regular coursework and enrichment opportunities for students
who require additional challenges from the regular curriculum. Student intervention teams meet regularly to review
students who may be having difficulty academically, behaviorally, or have medical needs. The purpose of these
meetings is to identify ways the school can assist the student. Parents are notified of meetings and receive written
documentation after meetings.
Transportation Rules & Regulations for Bus Riders - Only students who are eligible for transportation at their
residence will be transported.
Students will be dropped off or picked up at a specific building address within the Northern Ozaukee School
District. If a child is not picked up and dropped off at his/her residence, a Special Transportation Request form
must be completed.
The morning pick-up point must remain the same for designated days of the week.
The evening drop-off point must remain the same for designated days of the week.
One week’s notice is needed for a change in transportation.
Approval of Special Transportation Requests is contingent upon availability of seating space on existing
bus routes.
The bus driver is the authority on the bus and has the right to assign seats at any time.
Bus drivers shall submit written reports of all cases of misconduct to the building principals. Principals
may suspend bus privileges. Repeated misconduct may result in year long bus privilege suspension
following a hearing with student and parent/guardian.
Bus Conduct Rules
Observe same conduct as in the classroom.
Follow all directions given by the bus driver promptly and politely.
No eating or drinking allowed on the bus.
Keep the bus clean; throw all garbage away.
Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus. Do not put anything outside the window.
No smoking, use of tobacco products, or lighters is permitted.
Do not be destructive. Damage to the bus will be paid by the individual causing the damage.
Stay in your seat at all times and remain seated.
Loud talking, laughing, or actions that divert a driver’s attention from the road are not permitted.
Profane or vulgar language is not permitted.
Late Bus Procedure - Students are encouraged to use the late bus as needed. A bus pass must be issued from the
high school office before 2:00 pm to ride the bus that day. Only one student name is allowed per pass.
HEALTH SERVICES (Per Board Policy)
Report all injuries to the office. The following procedure is to be followed in the event you become ill or injured during
the school day and are unable to attend your classes:
Report to the office. If you have left your classroom, you must have a pass from the teacher, or he/she
should call the office.
Your parents will be informed of a serious illness or injury and absence from class when it occurs.
Prescription Medications - Prescription medications will be administered in school after the following guidelines
have been met:
Parents will arrange for medication to be administered at home if possible.
Parents must hand-deliver prescribed medication to the school office. If personal delivery of medication
by a parent is not possible, the prescription may be delivered by an adult designated by the parent. The
medication will be counted by school staff in the presence of the delivering adult.
Written consent by the prescribing practitioner and the parent must be on file. No prescription
medication will be administered by school personnel unless the Authorization for Prescription Medication
form is completed with the following:
a) name of medication
b) dosage to be given
c) time to be given (not morning or a.m., must have specific time such as 8:00 a.m.)
d) signature of parent/guardian
e) signature of prescribing practitioner
Medication must be delivered in a pharmacy labeled container. Labels must have the following
information printed on the label:
a) child’s full name
b) name of drug and dosage
c) time to be given (not morning or a.m., must have specific time such as 8:00 a.m.)
d) prescribing practitioner’s name
Parent must arrange to pick up any remaining medication from school at the end of the year, or if a
medication changes.
Parents must inform the school nurse or building principal of any changes in the student’s condition,
diagnosis, or change in medication.
Herbal or alternative medications are generally not dispensed in school. However, they may be
dispensed following the prescription medication guidelines.
Over-the-Counter Medications - Over-the-counter (non-prescription) medication can be administered at school with
OTC permission consent form on file with the school. Over-the-counter medication must be brought to school in its
original manufacturer package and can only be administered in the recommended dosage. If dosing exceeds the
recommended dosing then a health care practitioner’s consent is required.
Self-Carry Medication (Inhalers/Epi-pens) - Students in grades K-12 may self carry independently if the Self Carry
Medication Form is received from the prescribing practitioner and parent/guardian. The medication consent form
must be completed indicating the student’s level of independence. When a student is not deemed independent, the
inhaler will be kept in a secure place by the classroom teacher/staff, taking into consideration the need for emergency
access to the medication.
Student Health Guidelines - Students should stay home when they have:
Fever – greater than 100.4° F. Return to school 24 hours after fever has resolved without the use of
fever reducing medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen)
Vomiting and/or diarrhea – Return 24 hours after the last occurrence.
Rash – with fever or that is open and draining.
Contagious Disease (“strep” throat, impetigo, bacterial pink eye) - Return 24 hours after antibiotic
treatment has started.
Nuisance Diseases (head lice, scabies, ringworm) – Return after treatment has started.
If a child has a communicable disease/condition, the parent/guardian must notify the school office
(nurse or secretary). After the child has been isolated or has receive treatment for the necessary period
of time (not less than 24 hours) they may return to school without any special permission from the
health practitioner. In certain circumstances, the principal or designee, in consultation with the school
nurse, may determine when a student who has been excused from school attendance may be
Immunization Requirements - WI stats s.252.04 requires students through grade 12 to be immunized according to
their age/grade requirements by the 30
day of the school year. Schools are required to keep student immunization
records and review annually the immunization law. When a student does not meet the requirements of the law
parents/guardian are notified by Legal Notice. If a student is unable to receive immunization for medical, religious or
personal conviction reasons a waiver must be signed and given to the school.
Injuries – All injuries, even of a minor nature, must be reported to the office by the injured person or an
adult supervisor as soon as possible, but not later than the end of the next regular school day.
Student Insurance Coverage – The school district does not provide student insurance coverage for
accidents or injuries that occur during the school day. You may purchase individual coverage through
the school for those injuries, or may use your family health insurance. No claims will be paid by the
school district.
The Board of Education has provided facilities for the preparation and sale of lunches for all of the schools. The
school lunch program shall be available to all students of NOSD. The program will include the organization and
facilities for students to bring a lunch or purchase a hot lunch through the state/federally supported lunch program.
All food will be prepared and distributed from the central kitchen located in the cafeteria by Taher Food Service. In
addition to serving as the main preparation kitchen for the district, it is the designated receiving station for all federal
foods. Applications for free or reduced-price meals are provided by the district through the Department of Public
Instruction rules and regulations at any time throughout the school year.
The Northern Ozaukee School District uses a family-based debit account system. Family lunch account
deposits are accepted and entered by the Food Service Department or may be made online on the
NOSD website under the Food Service tab. Students that participate in the hot lunch program should
follow these procedures:
Payments can be placed in the deposit box, which is available outside the cafeteria near the food
service director’s office. Be sure to have the student names and family name on the envelope that you
turn in. Checks should be made payable to Northern Ozaukee School District.
When a family account is depleted below a $0 balance, a weekly reminder will be emailed to the family
related to the negative balance.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will be offered to students whose balances are negative below an
acceptable level.
Any graduating seniors will have their food service balance transferred to another sibling if they attend a
lower grade level. If the senior is the last school aged child in the family, a refund will be sent to the
family if the food service balance is greater than $5.00. If the balance is less than $5.00, a refund will
not be provided unless requested and the funds will be deposited into an angel fund to help cover debts
balances of families in need.
If a student leaves the district, a request to refund the balance is required by the family to the district
Families who are free or reduced please note that if your child decides not to participate in the program
and brings cold lunch, a milk will cost $0.40 per carton. Please send money along on that day or
deposit money into the lunch account
Students are expected to show respect for the personal rights of others who may be using the Commons, Atrium or
Warrior Café area. Students are also expected to show good health and safety habits while in the commons.
Pushing, shoving, or roughhousing is prohibited. Soda may not be purchased from machines during the lunch
All food is to be eaten while sitting down in the Commons, Atrium or Warrior Café area. Cleaning up tables and the
immediate area after eating is the responsibility of each person at the table. Throwing food or other things in
the commons shows a complete disregard for the rights of others and will not be tolerated. Students that do not
make proper use of the commons may be suspended from the commons for a period of time and may also be
referred to the administration for further disciplinary action.
The Northern Ozaukee Schools communicate through our website
www.nosd.edu. The website contains a number of
links to other useful electronic communication. Included on the website are the email addresses for all NOSD staff
The Ozaukee High School communicates announcements, monthly newsletters, progress reports, grades and other
various communications as needed through our website and Family Access.
Family Access enables parents/guardians and students to view their schedules, grades, report cards, attendance and
family lunch account activity and balance. If more assistance is needed in the use of Family Access, contact the high
school secretary at 262-692-2453.
Conferences are a mutual responsibility of the student, parent/guardian and teacher. When students, parents and
teachers work together, the potential success of each individual student increases dramatically. Conferences are
scheduled by teachers throughout the school year. Parents and teachers are encouraged to have conferences as
needed. Many times this may be in the form of a telephone call or through email. Parents should not hesitate to call
or email the school (specifically the teacher) for information concerning student progress.
School secretaries answer the phone during the regular school day. Please inform the secretary if you would like to
talk directly to a staff member or leave a message on voicemail. Messages may be left at any time of the day or night
using voice mail. Phones in instructional areas do not ring when voice messages are being recorded.
Students are strongly encouraged to take part and get involved in school activities. Athletics are open to all students
who wish to participate in interscholastic competition. The Warriors are members of the Big East Conference. Our
athletics and activities include, but need not be limited to:
Activities Girls Athletics Boys Athletics
Band/Choir Basketball Baseball
Drama/Musical Bowling Basketball
FBLA Cross Country Bowling
Forensics Golf Cross Country
Leo Club Soccer Football
National Honor Society Track Golf
ROV Club Volleyball Soccer
Student Council Softball Track
Yearbook Trap Trap
Wrestling Wrestling
All school activity funds shall be handled through the school accountant. Receipts and disbursements shall be turned
in to the accountant’s office for processing with the proper forms attached. The student treasurers shall keep a
record of all transactions. All expenditures must be paid by check and the student treasurer, faculty advisor, and
principal must countersign all vouchers. All transactions with the district bookkeeper shall be taken care of before
school or after school, not during class time. Fund-raising activities must be approved by the faculty advisor and the
principal, and are subject to the adopted Board policy.
Our school dances are not considered public dances. They are private closed dances intended for our students.
They are considered a privilege we provide for our students who are in good standing. Tickets are sold in advance,
and the list of names is used by the dance supervisors to admit students to the dance. Students who choose to invite
another out-of-school student to be their date may do so, but they must complete the necessary paperwork. Before
any student will be allowed to attend co-curricular activities, including school dances, all obligations (fines, fees, and
discipline records) must be met. Prom and homecoming are formal dances and appropriate dress attire is required
for all students attending. Faculty advisors are responsible for all aspects of the dance.
Students elected to the homecoming and prom courts must meet the eligibility requirements (academic performance,
student conduct) outlined in the co-curricular code. The homecoming court will be selected from eligible seniors who
have demonstrated involvement in extracurricular activities. The prom court will be selected from all eligible junior
class members. Both courts will have a maximum of six (6) couples plus one (1) couple as master of ceremonies.
Any vacancies that may occur on the courts, due to the removal of one or several members for violation of school
policies, will remain unfilled. It is the responsibility of the court members to provide their own flowers and other
expenses (tuxedo rental, etc.). Student entrance to the grand march will be determined by the class hosting the
dance. Options for entrance may include: no entrance without the purchase of a full price ticket, or an entrance fee
for one hour, which may or may not be returned when the student leaves the dance. Parents/guardians will be
allowed in to see the grand march free of charge.
Eighteen-year-old students are subject to all rules and regulations published here. When a student reaches his/her
eighteenth birthday and wishes to assume adult status in school, the student and parent must complete the Adult
Student Request form, and may be required to meet with the high school principal.
Daily announcements will be shared with students at the beginning of 1st block and the weekly newsletter will be
posted on the school website. In addition, we utilize monitors placed at various locations throughout the facility.
Anyone who wishes to make school announcements regarding student activities must have the announcements
approved, in writing, by the faculty advisor and principal before the announcement is posted.
Student report cards, school newsletters, and other school information will be provided to non-custodial parents upon
request. Requests will be denied only if custodial parents provide legal documentation instructing the school to not
release information.
The school district does not provide any type of health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by students at
school. The school district does provide a student insurance program through an independent insurance carrier
which can be purchased by parents or students. Students are not allowed to start any athletic practice until a parent
signs the athletic insurance waiver form.
Any notices to be posted must have authorization from the principal or his designee and be marked with the date of
approval. Posters must be approved by the advisor responsible for the activity doing the advertising and the principal.
Posters are to be placed only on designated bulletin boards. Posters may not be placed on painted surfaces.
Organizations putting up the posters shall be responsible for removing posters and tape in a timely manner.
In the case of inclement weather, you should receive an Alert Now automated phone call. Also check one of the
following TV or radio stations for announcements of school closings:
WTMJ (620 AM) WTMJ-—Channel 4
WOKY (920 AM) WISN—Channel 12
WISN (1130 AM) WITI——Channel 6
WDJT-–Channel 58
Sometimes, severe weather requires that we close school before the normal time. In the case of inclement weather,
you should tune into one of the above stations for announcements of school closings. We will follow the instructions
given to us on the school closing form. Parents are asked to discuss these instructions with their children.
On a two-hour delayed start, students should arrive no earlier than fifteen minutes before classes begin. Staff also
report later so there is no supervision for students prior to that time.
The schedule of hours for a normal school day for Ozaukee High School is 7:30 am to 2:45 pm. Morning supervision
begins at 7:15 am. After school students should leave the premises unless they have a purpose in staying on school
grounds. School personnel supervise all after school activities.
It is our general policy not to allow children who are not enrolled in our schools to “visit” school with a friend or
relative. Exceptions to this policy will be rare and must be cleared with the principal well before the intended visit.
Forms must be completed and returned to the school office at least 48 hours prior to the visit. Forms are available in
the office.
No visitors will be permitted in the school building without a visitor pass obtained from an office. Any non-student
loitering in the corridor will be directed to the office. Parents visiting the school in order to see their children because
of an emergency should report directly to the office rather than to their child’s classroom.
Upon enrolling in the district, a parent or guardian must grant permission for their student to access the school’s
Internet and internal networks before assigning a user ID and password to the student. A parent may rescind and
reinstate permission for Internet access by the student by submitting such request in writing to the principal. The
district may rescind and reinstate permission for Internet access by the student without notice.
Academic Eligibility - A student must meet school and DPI requirements defining a full-time student and have
received no failing grades (including incompletes) in the most recent grade-reporting period (the End of each term).
A senior who has acquired all necessary credits towards graduation is not exempt from this rule.
A student who is not passing all of their courses at the 3
week check, is on academic probation for one
week. This means that they have one week to improve their performance in those classes. If they do
improve their performance so they are passing all their classes they will continue their academic eligibility for
athletics. If after the one week of probation they are not passing all of their classes, then they will be
academically ineligible for 5 scheduled school days. A student who becomes academically ineligible at this
time may regain eligibility by meeting the academic standard (no failing grades) following a period of 5
scheduled school days and nights of ineligibility or permission of the Administration. It is the student’s
responsibility to obtain his/her current grades from all of his/her teachers and present them to the
athletic/activities director, who will in turn inform the coach/advisor of the student’s eligibility. Another check
will occur after 5 additional school days to ensure that the student continues to meet the academic standard
of no failing grades. This check will occur for all athletes each week after the third week for the remainder of
the term.
A student regains eligibility immediately if incompletes are made up within two weeks after a grade-reporting
period. A student may erase ineligibility status following the last grade-reporting period of the school year
through summer school courses at the same or some other school, provided the course(s) made up are
equivalent to the one(s) that caused the ineligibility. Note: This section does not apply to summer baseball
A student may erase ineligibility status related to the last grade-reporting period through summer school
courses at the same or some other school, provided the student successfully completes not less than the
same number of courses, which caused ineligibility.
A student who is ineligible for a minimum of 15 scheduled school days, under the provisions of this Section,
may not return to competition until the school day following the 15-day ineligibility period.
A student who is enrolled in some courses in a university/college or technical college or some similar
a) Must be in physical attendance (in his/her school) at least one course each day.
b) Must receive high school credit which meets the academic standard or have a notation made on
his/her high school transcript that he/she successfully met the equivalent of the academic standard
between the two schools involved.
Note: A student who has been assigned to a technical college by the school district is exempt from
the provision requiring physical attendance at least one course each day, provided such a student
continues being carried on the attendance rolls for purposes of state aids.
A student who is enrolled in any state-approved EEN program and receives no usual grades for such
courses may be eligible if he/she is making satisfactory progress in his/her total school program as
indicated by his/her IEP.
The ineligibility status described in the introduction to this Section will be adjusted as follows for
students in fall sports in which the date of earliest allowed competition is before the first day students
are in class and for students in summer baseball:
a) Fall Sports – The minimum ineligibility period shall be the lesser of (1) 21 consecutive
calendar days beginning with the date of earliest allowed competition in a sport or (2)
one-third of the maximum number of games/meets allowed in a sport (rounded up if
one-third results in a fraction). A student may regain eligibility by the same procedure as
part 1 above.
b) Summer Sportsl - The ineligibility period shall be a minimum of three weeks (21
consecutive calendar days) as of the end of the school year. To regain eligibility, a student
must be making satisfactory progress in a summer school course(s) approved by the
Attendance - In order to participate in a game, event or practice, the student must be in school for the entire school
day, unless excused in advance by the principal.
Statement of Principle - The Northern Ozaukee School District believes co-curricular activities are an integral part of
the total educational process. Through participation in these opportunities, students can have experiences and
training in events not ordinarily obtainable in the general curriculum. The student who complies with this Code of
Conduct demonstrates a desire to dedicate himself/herself to self-improvement, and a commitment to high personal
standards, as well as to enhance the best interests of teammates, coaches/advisors and school. Co-curricular
participation is a valuable part of the total educational experience. Participation is a privilege, and not a right. As a
privilege, co-curricular participation carries with it responsibilities and expectations that promote growth toward
becoming a responsible member of society. We expect students to be a credit to themselves, their family, school and
community. As such, all participants must abide by all rules and responsibilities at all times (24 hours a day/365 days
per year) in order to continue participation in co-curricular activities.
Membership - The procedure for joining any of the Northern Ozaukee School District co-curricular activities is as
A parent/student must complete and submit a signed participation agreement form to the Athletic
Director/Activity Advisor prior to participation.
Athletes must have a physical by a licensed physician every other year. On the alternate year, an
alternate year card must be provided. All information must be submitted to the Athletic Director before
the athlete is allowed to participate.
All athletic/activity fees must be paid by the parent/student prior to the first competition.
Conduct Violations - Students are expected to follow all school rules and to display high standards of behavior,
including good sportsmanship, respect for others, and use of appropriate language and dress at all times. Students
must refrain from any conduct at any time that would reflect unsatisfactorily on him or her or the school. Conduct
which would reflect unsatisfactorily on a student or on the school includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Use and/or possession of tobacco, tobacco substitutes, or tobacco look-alikes, in any form, to include,
but not limited to, nicotine gum, mint or other non-tobacco-based chew, and snuff.
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages or other non-prescription controlled substances.
General conduct in and out of school shall be such as to bring no discredit to the athlete, his parents,
school, or team. Examples of such conduct include:
a) A criminal offense or violation of an ordinance having a statutory counterpart.
b) Discrimination, harassment, violence, aggression or threatening behavior to others.
Any situation or problem that may arise that is not specifically covered above may be reviewed by the
high school administration for possible action. Coaches/advisors may adopt appropriate rules and
disciplinary action for violations of team/activity rules; however, these rules must not be in conflict with
the Co-Curricular Code and must be approved by the building administration.
If a student is not participating in a current sport season, they may not join a team to fulfill the
requirements of an athletic code violation/suspension in another sport during that season.
Consequences for conduct violations of activities holding contests/performances: Athletics, Cheerleading,
Dance/Pom Poms, Forensics, Other Interscholastic Activities
Conduct Violations 1 & 2: First offense – Suspension for one-quarter of the season (number of
competitions/events will be rounded up to the nearest whole number). Subsequent Offenses – A
second offense will result in suspension for one-half of the season. Each and every subsequent
offense will result in a suspension from activities for one full calendar year. (Scrimmages are not
considered competitions)
Conduct Violation 3: Penalty for violation of rule 3 shall be determined by the head coach/advisor,
principal, and the athletic director and may include removal from the team/activity.
Additional Penalty Information - If an offense occurs when school or the activity is not in session, the suspension
begins with the date of the first scheduled contest or performance of the student. If the offense occurs at the end of a
season and the penalty cannot be completed in its entirety in that season, it will be completed in the student’s next
sport or activity. Additionally, during a period of suspension, the student may be required to attend all practices and
team functions to maintain his/her status as a team member, as determined by the coach/advisor. The
student/athlete must complete the full season and practice of an interscholastic team for the suspension to be
credited. A violation for activities with a limited schedule of events could result in exclusion from that activity. In
addition, the policies and provisions of the Ozaukee High School Handbook supersede all code penalties. A
participant suspended from school or expelled from school shall be barred from participation in co-curricular activities
during that period of time. However, if the suspension is a shorter period of time than the co-curricular code dictates,
the code penalty shall prevail.
Consequences for conduct violations of activities not holding contests/performances: Student Council,
Class Officer, Homecoming & Prom Courts.
First offense – Suspension from all activities for one full calendar year. If the student, at the time of the
violation, is also participating in an activity holding contests/performances, consequences for both/all
activities will apply. Subsequent Offenses – Each and every subsequent offense will result in a suspension
from activities for one additional calendar year.
Conduct Involving Drugs or Alcohol - Any student who has been determined to have committed a violation of the
Co-Curricular Code involving use, possession, buying or selling of any drug or alcohol shall be required to participate
in a district-approved AODA (Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse) education program. The student must enroll in the next
available course offered by the school district and attend all classes until completion. If a student is enrolled in the
program and has served the required penalty, he/she may regain eligibility by continuing regular attendance in the
program. However, the student is not excused from attending the program to participate in a co-curricular activity. If
a student does not attend class as scheduled, he/she becomes immediately ineligible to participate in co-curricular
activities until successful completion of the course. In addition, the student will be required to complete an AODA
drug and alcohol Assessment at the expense of the parents/guardians prior to being able to compete.
Honesty Clause - Voluntary report by the students: In the case of a first violation, if a student reports within three (3)
days after the occurrence to school personnel a violation that he/she committed, the penalty would be reduced by
one-half (rounded to the nearest whole number). In the case of subsequent violations, the penalty will not be
Appeal Process
The student and/or parent or legal guardian may file an appeal in writing within five (5) school days of the date of
receipt of the notice of the consequences from the District. The building principal shall schedule an appeal hearing to
be held as soon as practical. The appeal shall be heard by an appeals committee designated by the principal, which
shall consist of three faculty members who do not represent the program(s) in which the student participates.
A ruling by the appeals committee shall be announced orally at the conclusion of the hearing, and confirmed in
writing to the student and parent or legal guardian. The student and/or parent or legal guardian may file an appeal in
writing within five (5) school days of the appeals committee's decision to the District Administrator. The District
Administrator will render a final decision within five (5) school days.
Equipment - Each student is responsible for the school equipment issued to him/her. The student must pay for the
replacement of any equipment that is lost or damaged.
Travel - Students must travel to and from out-of-town events by transportation established by each coach or advisor.
A student who travels via other transportation will not participate in that event. Exceptions may be made in advance
with written permission of the parents, the coach/advisor, and the school.
Awards - Letters and other awards are earned according to criteria established by each coach or advisor. An award
may be forfeited if the student’s conduct warrants such action.
Reference: WIAA Senior High Handbook, Rules of Eligibility