Oregon Real Estate Agency’s
Reactivation Exam
Who Needs to Take the
Reactivation Exam?
You need to take and pass the reactivation to activate
your license if your license has been inactive for two
or more consecutive years.
PSI Examination Services (PSI) is contracted to
provide real estate exams at testing centers in
Applicants must register, schedule, pay and take
the exam with PSI. Detailed exam procedures
are provided in the Candidate Information
How to Register for the Exam
Register for the reactivation exam by sending an
email to orea.info@rea.oregon.gov . Include your
full licensed name, license number, type of license,
email address, and date of birth. PSI will notify you
by email when you are eligible to schedule and pay
for the re-activation exam.
Reactivation exam fee is $75.
Online Scheduling
1. Find your account with PSI at https://test-
takers.psiexams.com/orre. Enter your email
address and first and last name as it is listed
with the Agency. Be sure to check the box that
says, “Check here to attempt to locate existing
records for you in the system.”
2. Next, select the exam you need (Broker Reactiva-
tion or Property Manager Reactivation) and enter
your ID number (your license number).
3. When your record is found, you can pay for and
schedule your exam. Enter your zip code for a list
of the closest exam sites. Once you chose the exam
site, available dates will appear.
If you have problems, contact PSI at (833) 892-5441.
Phone Registration
Call (833) 892-5441 to register by phone. The auto-
mated phone system is available 24 hours a day.
Customer service representatives are available the
following Pacic Time hours:
4:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Saturday - Sunday
Canceling and Rescheduling an Exam
You may cancel and reschedule an exam appoint-
ment without forfeiting the exam fee if your cancella-
tion notice is received 2 full business days before the
scheduled examination date.
Rev. 1/2023
To cancel and reschedule an exam appointment, you
Go online at https://test-takers.psiexams.com/
orre; or
Call PSI at (833) 892-5441, Monday through Fri-
day, 4:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Saturday and
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Pacific Time.
Please note: A voice mail message is NOT an accept-
able form of cancelation.
Missed Appointment or Late Cancellation
You will forfeit the examination fee and must sched-
ule and pay for another exam if you:
Do not cancel an exam appointment 2 full busi-
ness days before the scheduled examination date;
Do not appear for your scheduled exam appoint-
Arrive after the scheduled examination start time;
Do not present proper identication upon arrival
at the Test Center.
All PSI Test Centers are equipped to provide
access in accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and exam accom-
modations will be made in meeting a candidate’s
A candidate wishing to request test accomoda-
tions must submit a request to PSI.
The emphasis of the examination is on basic concepts
of real estate and on current laws, including admin-
istrative rules and regulations. Prior to examination,
applicants should thoroughly review their knowledge
of real estate practice, Oregon real estate laws and
rules, and real estate nance.
Study of the following material before taking the exam
will be helpful:
Oregon Real Estate License Law (ORS chapter 696)
and Oregon Administrative Rules chapter 863.
Real estate textbooks in Law, Finance, Practices
and Property Management. It is advisable to re-
view the textbooks or other material you studied
to obtain your license, paying special attention to
basic concepts.
Textbooks and materials on real estate are available
from libraries, private real estate schools, community
college and university bookstores, and directly from
publishing companies.
Reactivation examinations are administered at PSI
Test Centers in:
Baker City
Specic locations and driving directions will be pro-
vided by PSI.
PSI also has an option for remote online
test proctoring. Please visit https://test-
takers.psiexams.com/orre for more information on
the registration and report-ing process.
Reporting to the Test Center
On the day of the exam, you must arrive at
least 30 minutes before your scheduled exam-
ination appointment time. This extra time is for
, identication, and becoming familiar with
the examination process.
If you do not arrive at your scheduled exam appoint-
ment time, you may not be admitted to the Test Cen-
ter and will forfeit your examination fee. You would
then need to register and pay for another exam.
Required Identication at Test Center
You must provide valid photo identication a t the
Test Center. The identication must include:
A photograph,
The name under which you registered for the
exam, and
Your signature.
Examples of acceptable photo identication are a
driver’s license, a passport, a military ID, or an em-
ployee identication card.
If you do not possess photo identication you may
apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles for a
“non-driver identication card.”
Please note: If you recently changed your name (e.g.
married, divorced), or if your last name includes a
generation indicator (e.g. Jr., III), be sure that the
name that appears on your photo identication is the
same name you registered for the exam.
If you cannot provide the required identication, you
must call PSI at (800) 733-9267 at least 3 weeks pri-
or to your scheduled exam appointment to arrange
a way to meet this security requirement. Failure to
provide the required identication at the time of the
examination without notifying PSI is considered a
missed appointment, and you will not be able to take
the examination. You would need to register and pay
for another exam.
Test Center Closing for an Emergency
In the event that severe weather or another emergen-
cy forces the closure of a Test Center on a scheduled
examination date, your examination will be resched-
uled. PSI personnel will attempt to contact you in this
situation. However, you may check the status of your
examination appointment by calling PSI at (833)
892-5441 or checking online at https://test-
PSI will make every effort to reschedule your
exam-ination at a convenient time as soon as
Test Center Locations Calculator
Applicants can only bring a calculator that has all of
the following features:
Does not have paper tape printing capabilities.
Does not have a keyboard containing the alpha-
Security Procedures
The examinations are closed book. You will not be
allowed to bring any reference materials to the Test
The following security procedures will apply during
the examination:
All examinations are CLOSED book.
PSI test sites do not provide drinking water. You
can bring a bottle of water to the site; however, it
must be left with the proctor during testing. The
examination time does not stop for any breaks
Only non-programmable calculators that are si-
lent, battery-operated, do not have paper tape
printing capabilities, and do not have a keyboard
containing the alphabet will be allowed in the ex-
amination site.
Candidates may take only approved items into the
examination room.
All personal belongings of candidates, with the
exception of close-tting jackets or sweatshirts,
should be placed in the secure storage provided at
each site prior to entering the examination room.
Personal belongings include, but are not limited
to, the following items:
Electronic devices of any type, including cel-
lular / mobile phones, recording devices, elec-
tronic watches, cameras, pagers, laptop com-
puters, tablet computers (e.g., iPads), music
players (e.g., iPods), smart watches, radios, or
electronic games.
Bulky or loose clothing or coats that could be
used to conceal recording devices or notes, in-
cluding coats, shawls, hooded clothing, heavy
jackets, or overcoats.
Hats or headgear not worn for religious rea-
sons or as religious apparel, including hats,
baseball caps, or visors.
Other personal items, including purses, note-
books, reference or reading material, brief-
cases, backpacks, wallets, pens, pencils, other
writing devices, food, drinks, and good luck
Person(s) accompanying an examination can-
didate may not wait in the examination center,
inside the building or on the building’s proper-
ty. This applies to guests of any nature, including
drivers, children, friends, family, colleagues or in-
No smoking, eating, or drinking is allowed in the
examination center.
During the check-in process, all candidates will be
asked if they possess any prohibited items. Candi-
dates may also be asked to empty their pockets and
turn them out for the proctor to ensure they are
empty. The proctor may also ask candidates to lift
up the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their
pant legs to ensure that notes or recording devices
are not being hidden there.
Proctors will also carefully inspect eyeglass frames,
tie tacks, or any other apparel that could be used
to harbor a recording device. Proctors will ask to
inspect any such items in candidates’ pockets.
If prohibited items are found during check-in, can-
didates shall put them in the provided secure stor-
age or return these items to their vehicle. PSI will
not be responsible for the security of any personal
belongings or prohibited items.
Any candidate possessing prohibited items in the
examination room shall immediately have his or
her test results invalidated, and PSI shall notify the
examination sponsor of the occurrence.
Any candidate seen giving or receiving assistance
on an examination, found with unauthorized ma-
terials, or who violates any security regulations will
be asked to surrender all examination materials
and to leave the examination center. All such in-
stances will be reported to the examination spon-
Copying or communicating examination content
is violation of a candidate’s contract with PSI, and
federal and state law. Either may result in the dis-
qualication of examination results and may lead
to legal action.
Once candidates have been seated and the exam-
ination begins, they may leave the examination
room only to use the restroom, and only after ob-
taining permission from the proctor. Candidate will
not receive extra time to complete the examination.
Exam Time Limit
You have 120 minutes to take the reactivation exam.
Number of Questions
Each reactivation exam consists of 48 multiple-choice
questions. A score of 75% (36 questions correct) is re-
quired to pass.
In addition to the number of examination items spec-
ied, a small number of “experimental” questions
may be administered to candidates during the exams.
These questions will not be scored, and the time taken
to answer them will not count against exam time. The
administration of such non-scored experimental ques-
tions is an essential step in developing future exams.
Exam Content
The following are the major content areas and the
number questions that will be in each area.
Broker Reactivation
General Real Estate Law (11 questions)
Questions include: Agency duties; Contract provisions;
Easements; Listing agreements; Oers to purchase;
Options; and Property rights and ownership.
Oregon Real Estate License Law (15 questions)
Questions include: Broker/principal broker relation-
ships; Principal broker responsibilities; Clients’ trust
accounts; Earnest money rules; Required disclosures;
License law violations; and Unlicensed assistants.
Real Estate Finance (9 questions)
Questions include: Acceleration clauses; Area calcula-
tions; Federal lending laws; FHA; Foreclosure; Mort-
gage and price calculations; and Types of mortgages.
Special Fields (3 questions)
Questions include: Fair housing; Property manage-
ment; and Landlord responsibilities.
Control Laws (10 questions)
Questions include: Condominium Act (ORS 100); Con-
struction liens; Oregon Trust Deed Act (ORS 86); Or-
egon water rights; Oregon Residential Landlord and
Tenant Act (ORS 90); Statute of Frauds; Subdivisions
and partitions (ORS 92); and Tax assessments and liens.
Detailed exam procedures are provided in the Candi-
date Information Bulletin available from PSI’s
website at https://test-takers.psiexams.com/orre.
Property Manager Reactivation
Basic Real Estate Law (5 questions)
Questions include: Real property vs. personal proper-
ty; and Types of estates and tenancies.
Oregon License Law and Rules (6 questions)
Questions include: Property manager needs a license;
Deliver copies of documents; Finders’ fees; Required
receipts; Statute of Frauds, and Unlicensed resident
Oregon Residenential Landlord and Tenant Act (5
Questions include: Disclosures to tenants; Distraint;
Essential services; Fair housing; Forcible entry and de-
tainer; Lockouts; Rent due date; Retaining security de-
positi Scope of Landlord and Tenant Act; and Tenant
Clients’ Trust Funds (9 questions)
Questions include: Reports and reconciliations; Tenant
ledger; Tenant secuirty deposit; Time to deposit trust
monies; Transferring trust funds; and Trust account
Real Estate Contracts and Agency (12 questions)
Questions include: Agency duties; Denition of con-
tract terms; Dual agency; Property management agree-
ment requirements; Requirements for valid lease;
Termination of property management agreement; Dis-
closure of monetary interests; and Voidable contracts.
Transfer of Title (2 questions)
Questions include: Deed validity; Easements; and Pro-
visions of dierent lease types.
Score Reporting
A score of 75% or better is required to pass the reacti-
vation examinations.
Passing scores are only good one year from the date
of the exam. You must complete all your reactivation
requirements by that time or you will be required to
retake the examination.
Your score will be given to you immediately following
completion of the examination. Your score results are
sent electronically to the Real Estate Agency within
3 business days.
If you do not pass, you can retake the exam by con-
tacting PSI to schedule an appointment and paying the
appropriate fee.
If you pass:
Complete your required continuing education.
Log in to eLicense and select “Reactivate My Li-
cense.” Be sure to pay the required reactivation fee.
Have your new principal broker or property man-
ager associate you with their Registered Business
Name within 30 days. If you fail to get associated
with a business in 30 days, than you will have to log
in to eLicense and pay the reactivation fee again.
Comments about Exams
PSI, in cooperation with the Oregon Real Estate Agen-
cy, evaluates the examinations administered to ensure
that the exam accurately measures competency in the
required knowledge areas.
While taking the examination, examinees will have the
opportunity to provide comments on any questions by
clicking on the comments button.
These comments will be analyzed by PSI examination
development sta. While PSI does not respond to in-
dividuals regarding these comments, all substantive
comments are reviewed.
This is the only review of examination ques-
tions available to candidates.
Contact the Agency at (503) 378-4170 or
orea.info@rea.oregon.gov for more information
on reactivating your license.
Contact PSI at (833) 892-5441 for more infor-
about registering and taking the reactiva-
tion exam.
View Oregon Real Estate License Laws and
associated laws and rules at www.oregon.gov/