Rev. 11/18/2021
Google Chrome Extension for Silverlight Issues
Follow the below directions to install a Google Chrome Extension to address Silverlight browser incompatibility
issues related to viewing, uploading or downloading documents in DOB NOW: Inspections.
Step 1. Latest Version of Google Chrome
The latest version of Google Chrome is required to use DOB NOW: Inspections with the IE Tab Extension.
Step 2. Microsoft Silverlight
Although Silverlight is no longer supported by Microsoft, Silverlight is still required to be installed on your PC.
To confirm if Silverlight is installed, use the desktop search function (the image below is on a Windows 10
computer) and search for Silverlight. If the application is available this means Silverlight is installed on your PC
and you can move on to Step 3.
Microsoft no longer has Silverlight available for download. If Silverlight is not installed on your PC, you can
search the internet for Silverlight and follow the instructions to download the version compatible with your
computer and OS.
Step 3. Install IE Tab Extension for Chrome
Open the below link in Google Chrome to install the IE Tab Extension:
Click on Add to Chrome.
Step 3B. Configuring IE Tab Extension
Once downloaded and added, click on the Extensions symbol next to the URL. Click the three dots next
to IE tab and then select Manage extensions. 2 of 2 11/18/2021
GUIDE: Google Chrome Extension
Select Extension options.
Scroll down to the Auto URLs section and Add the URL for DOB NOW: Inspections:
Once the above steps are completed, the DOB NOW: Inspections portal will automatically open in
Chrome with the IE Tab.