[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
This Question Paper consists of 30 questions and 8 printed pages.
§â ÂýàÙ-Âæ ×ð´ 30 ÂýàÙ ÌÍæ 8 ×éçÎýÌ ÂëcÆU ãñ´Ð
Roll No.
Code No.
·¤æðÇU Ù´.
(ÃØæßâæçØ·¤ ¥ØØÙ)
Day and Date of Examination
ÂÚUèÿææ ·¤æ çÎÙ ß çÎÙæ´·¤
Signature of Invigilators 1.
çÙÚUèÿæ·¤æð´ ·ð¤ ãSÌæÿæÚU
General Instructions :
1. Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question Paper.
2. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and total number of questions
contained in the Question Paper are the same as those printed on the top of the first page.
Also check to see that the questions are in sequential order.
3. For the objective type of questions, you have to choose any one of the four alternatives given
in the question i.e. (A), (B), (C) or (D) and indicate your correct answer in the Answer-Book
given to you.
4. All the questions including objective type questions are to be answered within the allotted
time and no separate time limit is fixed for answering objective type questions.
5. Making any identification mark in the Answer-Book or writing Roll Number anywhere other
than the specified places will lead to disqualification of the candidate.
6. Write your Question Paper code No.
49/HIS/1-A on the Answer-Book.
7. (a) The Question Paper is in English/Hindi medium only. However, if you wish, you can
answer in any one of the languages listed below :
English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi,
Oriya, Gujarati, Konkani, Manipuri, Assamese, Nepali, Kashmiri, Sanskrit and Sindhi.
You are required to indicate the language you have chosen to answer in the box provided
in the Answer-Book.
(b) If you choose to write the answer in the language other than Hindi and English, the
responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the question will be yours only.
[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
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3. ßSÌéçÙcÆU ÂýàÙæð´ ×𴠥淤æð ¿æÚU çß·¤ËÂæð´ (A), (B), (C) ÌÍæ (D) ×ð´ âð ·¤æð§ü °·¤ ©æÚ ¿éÙÙæ ãñ ÌÍæ Îè »§ü
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6. ¥ÂÙè ©æÚU-ÂéçSUÌ·¤æ ÂÚU ÂýàÙÂæ ·¤è ·¤æðÇU â´Øæ 49/HIS/1-A çܹð´Ð
7. (·¤) ÂýàÙÂæ ·ð¤ßÜ çã´Îè/¥´»ýðÁè ×ð´ ãñÐ çȤÚU Öè, ØçÎ ¥æ ¿æãð´ Ìæð Ùè¿ð Îè »§ü ç·¤âè °·¤ Öæáæ ×ð´ ©æÚ Îð â·¤Ìð
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[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
(ÃØæßâæçØ·¤ ¥ØØÙ)
Time : 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100
â×Ø Ñ 3 æÅðU ] [ ÂêææZ·¤ Ñ 100
Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks allotted for each question are indicated against it.
çÙÎðüàæ Ñ (i) âÖè ÂýàÙ ¥çÙßæØü ãñ´Ð
(ii) ÂýØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ ¥´·¤ ©â·ð¤ âæ×Ùð ÎàææüØð »Øð ãñ´Ð
1. Karta is related to which form of organisation ? 1
(A) Sole proprietorship (B) Partnership
(C) Joint Hindu family business (D) Co-operative society
·¤ææü â´»ÆUÙ ·ð¤ ç·¤â SßM¤Â âð âÕçÏÌ ãæðÌæ ãñ?
(A) °·¤æ·¤è ÃØæÂæÚU (B) âæÛæðÎæÚUè
(C) â´ØéÌ çãÎê ÂçÚUßæÚU ÃØßâæØ (D) âã·¤æÚUè âç×çÌØæ¡
2. In which form of organisation its share can be transferred freely ? 1
(A) Sole proprietorship (B) Partnership firms
(C) Joint stock companies (D) Private company
â´»ÆUÙ ·ð¤ ·¤æñÙâð SßM¤Â ×ð´ §â·ð¤ ¥´àææð´ ·¤æ SßÌ´æÌæÂêßü·¤ ãSÌæÌÚUæ ç·¤Øæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñ?
(A) °·¤æ·¤è ÃØæÂæÚU (B) âæÛæðÎæÚUè Ȥ×ü
(C) â´ØéÌ Âê¡Áè ·¤ÂÙè (D) çÙÁè ·¤ÂÙè
3. What is the minimum number of members which are required to form a cooperative
society ?
(A) 2 (B) 7
(C) 10 (D) 20
°·¤ âã·¤æÚUè âç×çÌ ·ð¤ çÙ×æüæ ·ð¤ çÜ° ØêÙÌ× âÎSØæð´ ·¤è ç·¤â â´Øæ ·¤è ¥æßàØ·¤Ìæ ãæðÌè ãñ?
(A) 2 (B) 7
(C) 10 (D) 20
[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
14. Which of the following type of warehouses are used to store imported goods for which
import duty is yet to be paid ?
(A) Public warehouses (B) Government warehouses
(C) Bonded warehouses (D) Cooperative warehouses
ÖÇUæÚU »ëãæð´ ·ð¤ çÙÙçÜç¹Ì Âý·¤æÚUæð´ ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙâð Âý·¤æÚU ×ð´ ©Ù ¥æØçÌÌ ßSÌé¥æð´ ·¤æ Ö´ÇUæÚUæ ç·¤Øæ ÁæÌæ ãñ çÁÙ
ÂÚU ¥æØÌ ·¤ÚU Ùãè´ ¿é·¤æØæ »Øæ ãñ?
(A) âæßüÁçÙ·¤ ÖÇUæÚU »ëã (B) âÚU·¤æÚUè ÖÇUæÚU »ëã
(C) ÕÏ·¤ ÖÇUæÚU »ëã (D) âã·¤æÚUè ÖÇUæÚU »ëã
5. Ships plying over a fixed route and following a prescribed timetable are called : 1
(A) Cargo (B) Charterparty
(C) Liners (D) Tramp
Áãæ$Á Áæð çÙçà¿Ì ×æ»æðZ ÂÚU çÙÏæüçÚUÌ â×Ø âæçÚUæè ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚ ¿ÜÌð ãñ´ ÑU
(A) ·¤æ»æðü (B) ¿æÅüUÚUÂæÅUèü
(C) Üæ§ÙÚU (D) ÅþñUÂ
6. Which of the following is a tool of sales promotion ? 1
(A) Free samples (B) Advertisement
(C) Publicity (D) Personal selling
çÙÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙâæ çß·ý¤Ø â´ßÏüÙ ©Â·¤ÚUæ ãñ?
(A) çÙÑàæéË·¤ Ù×êÙð (B) çßææÂÙ
(C) Âý¿æÚU (D) ßñØçÌ·¤ çß·ý¤Ø
7. The ultimate objective of personal selling is : 1
(A) To raise standard of living (B) Provide better quality of products
(C) More satisfaction to customers (D) Increase sale of products
ßñØçÌ·¤ çß·ý¤Ø ·¤æ ×êÜÖêÌ ©gðàØ ãæðÌæ ãñ Ñ
(A) ÁèßÙ SÌÚU ª¡¤¿æ ©ÆUæÙæÐ (B) »éæßææ ·¤è ßSÌéØð´ ©ÂÜÏ ·¤ÚUæÙæÐ
(C) ©ÂÖæðÌæ¥æð´ ·¤æð ¥çÏ·¤ âÌéçcÅU ÎðÙæÐ (D) ©ÂæÎæð´ ·¤æ çß·ý¤Ø ÕɸæÙæÐ
[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
8. Consumers are unable to make use of their rights due to the lack of : 1
(A) Awareness and ignorance (B) Funds
(C) Education (D) Coverage
©ÂÖæðÌæ ¥ÂÙð ¥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ ·¤æ çÙÙ ×ð´ âð ç·¤â·ð¤ ¥Öæß ×ð´ âãè ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÙð ×ð´ ¥â×Íü ãæðÌð ãñ´?
(A) Áæ»L¤·¤Ìæ ÌÍæ ¥ææÙÌæ (B) çßæèØ Îàææ
(C) çàæÿææ (D) ·¤ßÚðUÁ
9. While selecting a line of business an entrepreneur must keep in his/her mind : 1
(A) Profitability (B) Risk involved
(C) Profits (D) All above
°·¤ ÃØßâæØ ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤ÚUÌð â×Ø °·¤ ©l×è ·¤æð ØæÙ ×ð´ ÚU¹Ùæ ¿æçã° Ñ
(A) ÜæÖÎæØ·¤Ìæ (B) Áæðç¹×
(C) ÜæÖ (D) ©ÂÚUæðÌ âÖè
10. Self employment means : 1
(A) A contract between the employer and employee
(B) Serving another person for salary or wages
(C) Engaging in some economic activity of his/her own
(D) None of the above
SßÚUæðÁ»æÚU ·¤æ ¥Íü ãæðÌæ ãñ Ñ
(A) çÙØæðÌæ ÌÍæ ·¤×ü¿æÚUè ·ð¤ ×Ø °·¤ ¥ÙéÕÏ
(B) ßðÌÙ Øæ ×ÁÎêÚUè ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥Ø ÃØçÌ ·¤è âðßæ ·¤ÚUÙæÐ
(C) ¥ÂÙð ¥æ ·¤æð ç·¤âè ¥æçÍü·¤ ç·ý¤Øæ ×ð´ â´ÜÙ ·¤ÚUÙæÐ
(D) ©ÂÚUæðÌ ×ð´ ·¤æð§ü Ùãè´Ð
11. Enumerate any three social objectives of business. 3
ÃØßâæØ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ÌèÙ âæ×æçÁ·¤ ©gðàØæð´ ·¤è âê¿è ÕÙæ§ØðÐ
12. What is meant by air pollution ? State any two causes of air pollution. 3
ßæØé ÂýÎêáæ ·¤æ Øæ ¥Íü ãæðÌæ ãñ? ßæØé ÂýÎêáæ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ Îæð ·¤æÚUææð´ ·¤æ ©ËÜð¹ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
13. Explain briefly the following characteristics of a partnership firm : 3
(i) Agreement (ii) Sharing profits (iii) Lawful business
°·¤ âæÛæðÎæÚUè Ȥ×ü ·¤è çÙÙçÜç¹Ì çßàæðáÌæ¥æð´ ·¤æð â´ÿæð ×ð´ â×Ûææ§Øð Ñ
(i) ¥ÙéÕÏ (ii) ÜæÖ çßÖæÁÙ (iii) ßñÏæçÙ·¤ ÃØßâæØ
14. Explain any three functions of a wholesaler. 3
Íæð·¤ çß·ýð¤Ìæ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ÌèÙ ·¤æØæðZ ·¤æð â×Ûææ§ØðÐ
15. Explain briefly the savings schemes offered by post office where the interest income in
such scheme is fully exempted from income-tax.
ÇUæ·¤æÚU mæÚUæ âéÜÖ ·¤ÚUæ§ü »§ü ©Ù Õ¿Ì ØæðÁÙæ¥æð´ ·¤æð â×Ûææ§Øð çÁÙ×ð´ ÂýæÌ ØæÁ ·¤è ¥æØ ÂÚU Âêæü M¤Â ×ð´
¥æØ·¤ÚU ·¤è ÀêUÅU ãñÐ
16. Explain the following characteristics of a Joint Stock Company : 4
(i) Artificial legal person (ii) Separate legal entity
(iii) Perpetual succession and (iv) Common seal
°·¤ â´ØéÌ Âê¡Áè ·¤ÂÙè ·¤è çÙÙçÜç¹Ì çßàæðáÌæ¥æð´ ·¤æð â´ÿæð ×ð´ â×Ûææ§Øð Ñ
(i) ·ë¤çæ× ßñÏæçÙ·¤ ÃØçÌ (ii) ÂëÍ·¤ ßñÏæçÙ·¤ §·¤æ§ü
(iii) àææàßÌ ÁèßÙ ÌÍæ (iv) âæßü ×éÎýæ
17. Differentiate between Life Insurance and Fire Insurance on any four basis. 4
ÁèßÙ Õè×æ ÌÍæ ¥çÙ Õè×æ ×ð´ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ¥æÏæÚUæð´ ÂÚU ¥ÌÖðüÎ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
18. State any four features of large scale retail trade. 4
ÕǸð Âñ×æÙð ÂÚU Èé¤ÅU·¤ÚU ÃØæÂæÚU ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU Üÿæææð´ ·¤æ ©ËÜð¹ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
19. Explain the following problems faced by the consumers : 4
(i) Sale of spurious products (ii) Hoarding and black marketing
©ÂÖæðÌæ¥æð´ mæÚUæ âæ×Ùæ ·¤è ÁæÙð ßæÜè çÙÙçÜç¹Ì â×SØæ¥æð´ ·¤æð â×Ûææ§Øð Ñ
(i) Ù·¤Üè ©ÂæÎæð´ ·¤è çß·ý¤è (ii) Á×æ¹æðÚUè ß ·¤æÜæÕæÁæÚUè
20. Give any four differences between self employment and wage employment. 4
SßÚUæðÁ»æÚU ÌÍæ âßðÌÙ ÚUæðÁ»æÚU ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ¥ÌÖðüÎæð´ ·¤æð ÕÌæ§ØðÐ
[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
521. An illiterate person wants to open a Saving Bank Account in a bank. He seeks your
help in filling the application form. What all informations will you seek from him to fill
up the form ?
°·¤ ¥çàæçÿæÌ ÃØçÌ Õñ´·¤ ×ð´ Õ¿Ì Õñ´·¤ ¹æÌæ ¹æðÜÙæ ¿æãÌæ ãñÐ ¥æßðÎ٠Ȥæ×ü ÖÚUÙð ×ð´ ß㠥淤è âãæØÌæ
×æ¡»Ìæ ãñÐ ©â Ȥæ×ü ·¤æð ÖÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥æ ©ââð Øæ ÁæÙ·¤æÚUè ÂýæÌ ·¤ÚUÙæ ¿æãð´»ð?
22. Explain briefly any five characteristics of sole proprietorship business. 5
°·¤æ·¤è ÃØæÂæÚU ·¤è ç·¤ãè´ Âæ¡¿ çßàæðáÌæ¥æð´ ·¤æð â´ÿæð ×ð´ â×Ûææ§ØðÐ
23. What is meant by Business Process Outsourcing ? State any four advantages of Business
Process Outsourcing.
ÃØßâæØ Âýç·ý¤Øæ Õæs dæðÌè·¤ÚUæ ·¤æ Øæ ¥Íü ãñ? ÃØßâæØ Âýç·ý¤Øæ Õæs dæðÌè·¤ÚUæ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ÜæÖæð´ ·¤æ
©ËÜð¹ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
24. What is meant by the term Purchase ? Explain in brief any two modes of purchase. 5
·ý¤Ø àæÎ âð Øæ ¥çÖÂýæØ ãñ? ·ý¤Ø ·¤è ç·¤ãè´ Îæð ÂhçÌØæð´ ·¤æ â´ÿæð ×ð´ ßæüÙ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
25. Explain in brief the following rights of consumers : 5
(i) Right to be heard (ii) Right to seek redressal
©ÂÖæðÌæ¥æð´U ·ð¤ çÙÙ ¥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ ·¤æð â´ÿæð ×ð´ â×Ûææ§ØðÐ
(i) âéÙßæ§ü ·¤æ ¥çÏ·¤æÚU (ii) çÙßæÚUæ ·¤æ ¥çÏ·¤æÚU
26. Your father who is running his business in a traditional way is against your suggestion
to start using internet i.e; switch over to E - commerce. Explain him any four advantages
of E - commerce.
¥æ·ð¤ çÂÌæ Áæð ÂæÚUÂçÚU·¤ ÌÚUè·ð¤ âð ÃØæÂæÚU ·¤ÚU ÚUãð ãñ´ ¥æ·𤠧â âéÛææß ·ð¤ çßL¤h ãñ´ ç·¤ §ÅUÚUÙðÅU ·¤æ ©ÂØæð»
¥æÚUÖ ·¤ÚU ÎðÙæ ¿æçã° ¥ÍæüÌ §ü-·¤æ×âü ¥ÂÙæ ÜðÙè ¿æçã°Ð ©ãð´ §ü-·¤æ×âü ·ð¤ ·¤æð§ü ¿æÚU ÜæÖ â×Ûæ槰Ð
27. Define communication and explain the elements of the process of communication. 6
âÂýðáæ ·¤æð ÂçÚUÖæçáÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ âÂýðáæ Âýç·ý¤Øæ ·ð¤ Ìßæð´ ·¤æð â×Ûææ§ØðÐ
28. Explain - (i) Hoardings (ii) Posters and (iii) Vehicular displays as the media of
çßææÂÙ ÂÎ - (i) ãæðçÇZU» (ii) ÂæðSÅUÚU ÌÍæ (iii) ßæãÙ ÂýÎçàæüÙè (ßðçã·ê¤ÜÚU çÇSÜð) ·¤æð ÕÌæñÚU çßææÂÙ ·ð¤
×æØ×æð´ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ â×Ûææ§ØðÐ
[ Contd...
49/HIS/1-215-A ]
29. Amogh purchased a Home Theatre System for Rs. 20,000 with one year warranty.
After some times it stopped functioning. Amogh approached the dealer for the
replacement of the system, but it was not done. He is advised to go to consumer court.
Which consumer court he should approach and why ? Name the other consumer
courts with their pecuniary jurisdiction. Also state which documents he must possess
as a proof of transaction.
¥×æðæ Ùð °·¤ ãæð× Íè°ÅUÚU çâSÅU× 20,000 L¤. ×ð´ ¹ÚUèÎæ çÁâ·¤è °·¤ ßáü ·¤è ßæÚñ´UÅUè (¥æàßæâÙ)Îè »§ü ÍèÐ
·é¤ÀU â×Ø ·ð¤ Âà¿æÌ çâSÅU× Ùð ·¤æØü ·¤ÚUÙæ Õ´Î ·¤ÚU çÎØæÐ ¥×æðæ ÇUèÜÚU ·ð¤ Âæâ »Øæ ¥æñÚU §â·ð¤ ÕÎÜð ÎêâÚUæ
çâSÅU× ÎðÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ·¤ãæ Üðç·¤Ù ÇUèÜÚU Ùð °ðâæ Ùãè´ ç·¤ØæÐ ©âð ©ÂÖæðÌæ ¥ÎæÜÌ ÁæÙð ·¤è âÜæã Îè »§üÐ
©âð ·¤æñÙâè ©ÂÖæðÌæ ¥ÎæÜÌ ×ð´ ÁæÙæ ¿æçã° ¥æñÚU Øæð´? ¥Ø ©ÂÖæðÌæ ¥ÎæÜÌæð´ ·ð¤ Ùæ× Öè ÎèçÁ° ÌÍæ
©Ù·ð¤ ¥æçÍü·¤ ¥çÏ·¤æÚU ÿæðææð´ ·¤æ ßæüÙ ·¤èçÁ°Ð Øã Öè ÕÌ槰 ç·¤ ©â·ð¤ Âæâ ÜðÙð ÎðÙð ·¤æ Âý×ææ SßM¤Â
·¤æñÙâð ÎSÌæßðÁ ãæðÙð ¿æçã°Ð
30. Define entrepreneurship and explain any three reasons why entrepreneurship is
important ?
©lç×Ìæ ·¤æð ÂçÚUÖæçáÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ ·¤æð§ü ÌèÙ ·¤æÚUæ â×Ûææ§Øð ç·¤ ©lç×Ìæ Øæð´ ×ãßÂêæü ãñ?
- o O o -