Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate
Graphic Design #4112
Self-Evaluation Guide
Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate
Self-Evaluation Guide
Graphic Design Certificate #4112
Prepared by the New Jersey Department of Education
Note: This document is made in accordance with the rules currently in effect. Requirements, passing test scores, and fees are subject to change without notice.
Section I: Introduction and Overview of the Application Process ................................................... 1
Section II: Authorization to Teach .................................................................................................... 2
Section III: General Requirements for all Applicants....................................................................... 2
Section IV: Specific Requirements for this Certificate..................................................................... 3
Part A: Required State-Issued Occupational License or Credential .............................................. 3
Part B: Requirements for Using a College Degree ........................................................................ 3
Option 1: Requirements for using a bachelor’s degree or higher ........................................... 3
Option 2: Requirements for using an associate’s degree ........................................................ 4
Part C: Requirements for Using Employment Experience ............................................................ 5
Part D: Requirements for Using Self-Employment Experience .................................................... 5
Part E: Other Credentials ............................................................................................................... 6
Section I: Introduction and Overview of the Application Process
The “Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate Self-Evaluation Guide” (Guide) was developed by
the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) to enable individuals to evaluate their education, training,
and/or employment experience toward acquiring a New Jersey Career and Technical Education Teaching
Certificate using the Certificate of Eligibility Educator Preparation Program (CE EPP). CE EPP is a program for
individuals who have not completed a traditional teaching preparation program and allows a candidate to obtain
a New Jersey Teaching Certificate based upon education, training, and/or employment experience.
This Guide is meant to be used for self-evaluation purposes only. It is not meant to determine actual eligibility
to apply. This Guide is made in accordance with the rules currently in effect. Requirements, passing test scores,
and fees are subject to change without notice. The final determination of an applicant’s qualifications will be
made by the NJDOE, Office of Certification and Induction.
Overview of the Application Process
Individuals can apply for an initial “Certificate of Eligibility” (CE), a credential issued by the NJDOE with
lifetime validity to individuals who have successfully completed the initial requirements of the teaching
certificate. In the case of career and technical education certificates, the CE is issued for a particular
“endorsement” for the subject area the holder of the teaching certificate with that endorsement is authorized to
Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate
Self-Evaluation Guide
Graphic Design Certificate #4112
Prepared by the New Jersey Department of Education
Note: This document is made in accordance with the rules currently in effect. Requirements, passing test scores, and fees are subject to change without notice.
teach. The endorsement name and endorsement number for the career and technical education certificate
described in this Guide are identified at the top of each page and on the cover page.
Individuals holding a CE are eligible to be hired to teach the subject area identified in their endorsement in
grades 9 to 12 in any New Jersey comprehensive school district, county vocational-technical school district,
special services school district, charter school, or NJDOE-approved private school for students with disabilities.
Once hired, the individual becomes a provisional teacher. The hiring school will provide the provisional teacher
with a school site mentor. The hiring school district must enroll the teacher in the CTE CE EPP Provisional
Teacher Process (PTP). A provisional certificate is then issued which is valid for two years. The PTP is a
school-based training and evaluation program provided during the initial years of teaching in New Jersey.
Applicants must make sure the school district completes this step in the process.
Based on the evaluation of a provisional teacher and successful completion of a district mentoring program, the
hiring school will recommend to the NJDOE that the provisional teacher be issued a Standard Certificate, a
permanent certificate issued to a person who has met all teacher certification requirements. Candidates must
apply online for their standard certification and submit transcripts and a Verification of Program Completion
(VOPC) form, if required.
Section II: Authorization to Teach
The holder of a career and technical education (CTE) teaching certificate with the Graphic Design Certificate
#4112 endorsement is authorized to teach courses, programs, and programs of study in the following subject
areas as identified on the National Center for Education Statistics’ Classification of Instructional Programs
(CIP) website.
Commercial and Advertising Art. CIP Code 50.0402.
Design and Visual Communications, General. CIP Code 50.0401.
Digital Arts. CIP Code 50.0102.
Fashion/Apparel Design Fashion/Apparel Design. CIP Code 50.0407.
Graphic Design. CIP Code 50.0409.
Industrial and Product Design. CIP Code 50.0404.
Interior Design. CIP Code 50.0408.
Section III: General Requirements for All Applicants
All applicants for career and technical education certificates using the Certificate of Eligibility Educator
Preparation Program must meet the following general requirements listed below prior to submitting an
application online at the NJDOE Certification and Induction website.
Physiology and Hygiene Requirement:
Pass an examination in physiology, hygiene and substance abuse. The examination is administered at the
County Office of Education in each county. In lieu of this examination, the applicant may present basic military
Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate
Self-Evaluation Guide
Graphic Design Certificate #4112
Prepared by the New Jersey Department of Education
Note: This document is made in accordance with the rules currently in effect. Requirements, passing test scores, and fees are subject to change without notice.
training or college-level study in areas such as biology, health, or nutrition. To obtain details regarding this test,
contact a County Office of Education near you.
Praxis™ Requirement
Complete the Praxis™ Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) tests. For more information, visit the ETS
Praxis website and select Career and Technical Education to view requirements. Note: Applicants required to
take the CORE tests have two options, as follows:
a) Individuals may take the CORE exams prior to applying for CE and submit the CORE test
scores as part of their initial application.
b) Individuals may delay taking the CORE tests until after a CE is issued. However, they must
submit passing scores for the CORE tests by the end of their provisional teaching period before
the NJDOE will issue a Standard Teaching Certificate.
Section IV: Specific Requirements for this Certificate
This section provides detailed information about eligible degrees, training, and/or employment experience that
may be used to apply for the endorsement identified at the top of this Guide. The Guide is to be used for self-
evaluation purposes only and is not meant to determine actual eligibility for a teaching credential.
Individuals whose credentials are not identified in this document may request the NJDOE, Office of
Certification and Induction, to evaluate those credentials. There is a fee for this service. For more information
on credential evaluations, see Part E.
The final determination of an applicant’s qualifications will be made by the Office of Certification and
Induction prior to issuance of any credentials. Complete application information is on the NJDOE Certification
and Induction website.
Part A: Required State-Issued Occupation License or Credential
No state-issued occupational license is required at this time.
Part B: Requirements for Using a College Degree
Individuals applying for this endorsement using a college degree must follow the requirements for Option 1 or
Option 2.
Option 1: Requirements for using a bachelor’s degree or higher
1.1 Degree Requirement: Applicants must submit an official sealed copy of their transcript(s) for a
bachelor’s degree or higher in an NJDOE-approved subject area for this endorsement. Listed below is
the eligible subject area(s). If an applicant holds a degree in a subject area not identified below, see
Part E.
Visual Arts
Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate
Self-Evaluation Guide
Graphic Design Certificate #4112
Prepared by the New Jersey Department of Education
Note: This document is made in accordance with the rules currently in effect. Requirements, passing test scores, and fees are subject to change without notice.
Graphics Communications
Graphic Design
Graphic Design & Advertising Art
1.2 Degree Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements:
a) Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 when a GPA of 4.00 equals an A grade if
the applicant graduated before September 1, 2016, in an eligible baccalaureate degree program or
higher degree program; or
b) Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 when a GPA of 4.00 equals an A grade for
students graduating on or after September 1, 2016, in an eligible baccalaureate degree program or
higher degree program.
1.3 Flexibility Rule: Applicants graduating on or after September 1, 2016, with a bachelor’s degree or
higher and a GPA that is below the required applicable GPA identified in Option 1 sub-section 1.2,
above, but have a GPA of at least 2.50 when a GPA of 4.00 equals an A grade, may meet the
requirements of Option 1 sub-section 1.1 above by submitting evidence of a minimum of at least 4,000
hours of full-time employment or equivalent part-time eligible employment. The 4,000 hours of
eligible employment or self-employment experience must be submitted in accordance with requirements
described in Part C or Part D, respectively.
Option 2: Requirements for using an associates degree
2.1 Degree Requirement: Applicants must submit an official sealed copy of their transcript(s) for an
associate’s degree in an NJDOE-approved subject area for this endorsement. Listed below is the eligible
subject area(s). If an applicant holds a degree in a subject area not identified below, see Part E.
Visual Arts
Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics/Desktop Publishing
Computer Graphics Art
2.2 Degree GPA Requirements:
a) Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 when a GPA of 4.00 equals an A grade, if
the applicant graduated before September 1, 2016, in an eligible associate’s degree program; or
b) Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 when a GPA of 4.00 equals an A grade for
students graduating on or after September 1, 2016, in an eligible associate’s degree program.
Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate
Self-Evaluation Guide
Graphic Design Certificate #4112
Prepared by the New Jersey Department of Education
Note: This document is made in accordance with the rules currently in effect. Requirements, passing test scores, and fees are subject to change without notice.
2.3 Employment Experience: Applicants must submit evidence of a minimum of 4,000 hours of
eligible employment or self-employment experience in accordance with requirements described in
Part C or Part D, respectively.
Part C: Requirements for Using Employment Experience
Individuals applying for this endorsement using eligible employment experience only must meet the
requirements listed below:
Applicants must submit evidence of at least 8,000 hours of eligible full-time and/or part-time employment
experience. The following job titles will be accepted as eligible employment experience as identified in the
federal Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job descriptions:
27-1024.00 Graphic Designers
27-1022.00 Fashion Designers
27.1011.00 Art Directors
1. The eligible employment experience must be within 10 years of the date of the CE application
submitted to the NJDOE. Employment experience that is older than 10 years will not be accepted.
2. The eligible employment experience must be documented by the applicant’s employer(s) using the
NJDOE Statement of Employment Experience Form. If eligible employment experience was obtained
from more than one employer during the period of time for which eligible hours will be calculated, a
separate Statement of Employment Experience Form must be completed by each employer.
Employment experience submitted in any other format will not be accepted. Applicants can download
the Statement of Employment Experience Form from the NJDOE website.
Employers completing a Statement of Employment Experience Form should comment on the applicant’s work
performance and safety practices using general occupational competencies for eligible employment experience
as detailed in the federal Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job descriptions. O*Net job descriptions
may be obtained by selecting the links provided in Part C sub-section 1, above. Print the Tasks list and the
Tools & Technology list from the selected O*Net job description and attach them to the Statement of
Employment Experience Form prior to submitting to an employer for completion.
If an applicant has employment experience not identified above, see Part E.
Part D: Requirements for Using Self-Employment Experience
Individuals applying for this endorsement using self-employment experience only must meet the requirements
listed below:
Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate
Self-Evaluation Guide
Graphic Design Certificate #4112
Prepared by the New Jersey Department of Education
Note: This document is made in accordance with the rules currently in effect. Requirements, passing test scores, and fees are subject to change without notice.
1. Applicants must submit evidence of at least 8,000 hours of eligible self-employment. The self-
employment experience must be within 10 years of the date of the application submitted to the NJDOE.
Self-employment experience older than 10 years will not be accepted.
2. Evidence of eligible self-employment experience must be submitted as a notarized letter from the
applicant’s accountant or attorney verifying the dates of self-employment and verifying that the
applicant has filed for state and/or federal taxes for the self-employment experience. The U.S. Census
North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) codes applicable to filing federal taxes for
eligible self-employment experience are as follows:
54143 Graphic Design Services
If an applicant has self-employment experience not identified above, see Part E.
Part E: Other Credentials
Individuals who possess a degree, employment experience or self-employment experience not listed on this
worksheet may submit their degree and/or experience along with an application for a CE to the NJDOE, which
will review the submission in order to determine eligibility. There is a fee associated with this service.
However, the NJDOE does not guarantee that credentials submitted will be accepted as satisfying the
requirements for this career and technical education certificate endorsement. Additional information is on the
NJDOE Certification and Induction website.