Government Analytics
Using Data on Task and
Project Completion
Imran Rasul, Daniel Rogger, Martin Williams, and
Eleanor Florence Woodhouse
Much government work consists of the completion of tasks, from creating major reports to under-
taking training programs and procuring and building infrastructure. is chapter surveys a range of
methods for measuring and analyzing task completion as a measure of the performance of government
organizations, giving examples of where these methods have been implemented in practice. We discuss
the strengths and limitations of each approach from the perspectives both of practice and research.
While no single measure of task completion provides a holistic performance metric, when used appro-
priately, such measures can provide a powerful set of insights for analysts and managers alike.
Much government activity can be conceived as discrete tasks: bounded pieces of work with denite
outputs. Public sector planning is oen organized around the achievement of specic thresholds; the
completion of planning, strategy, or budgetary documents; or the delivery of infrastructure projects.
Task completion is a useful conception of government activity because it allows analysts to assess public
performance in a standardized way across organizations and types of activity.
Assessing government performance based solely on the passing of legislation or the delivery of frontline
services misses a substantial component of government work. Using a task completion approach pushes
analysts to better encapsulate the breadth of work undertaken by public administration across govern-
ment. It thus pushes analysts to engage with the full set of government tasks.
Imran Rasul is a professor in the Department of Economics, University College London. Daniel Rogger is a senior economist in the
World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) Department. Martin Williams is an associate professor in the Blavatnik School
of Government, University of Oxford. Eleanor Florence Woodhouse is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and
School of Public Policy, University College London.
A task completion approach also allows for the investigation of which units and organizations are
most likely to initiate, make progress on, and complete tasks. ough not a full picture of government
work—it is complementary to the analysis of process quality or sector-specic measures of quality, for
example—it allows for a rigorous approach to comparisons frequently made implicitly in budgetary and
management decisions.
Collecting data across projects on determinants of progress, such as overruns, and matching them to
input data, such as budget disbursements, allows for a coherent investigation of the mechanisms driving
task progress across government or within specic settings.
Attempting to assess task completion in a consistent way across government is complicated by the fact
that tasks vary in nature, size, and complexity. By collecting data on these features of a task, analysts can
go some way toward alleviating concerns over the variability of the tasks being considered. For example,
analysis can be undertaken within particular types of task or size, and complexity can be conditioned on
in any analysis. An important distinction in the existing literature is how to integrate the analysis of tasks
related to the creation of physical infrastructure and tasks related to administration.
A fundamental question for government scholars and practitioners alike is whether governments are per-
forming their functions well. What these functions are and what performing “well” means in practice are
complex issues in the public sector, given the diverse tasks undertaken and their oen indeterminate nature.
Despite the importance of these questions, there is little consensus as to how to dene government eec-
tiveness in a coherent way across the public service or how to measure it within a unied approach across
governments’ diverse task environments (Rainey 2009; Talbot 2010). Such considerations have practical
importance because government entities, such as political oversight or central budget authorities, frequently
have to make implicit comparisons between the relative functioning of public agencies. For example, when
drawing up a budget, public sector managers must make some comparison of the likely use of funds across
units and whether these funds will eventually result in the intended outputs of those units, however varied
the tasks are in scope. From an analytical perspective, the more comprehensive a measure of government
functioning, the greater the capacity of analytical methods to draw insights from the best-performing parts
of government.
Much government activity can be conceived as discrete tasks: bounded pieces of work with denite out-
puts. Public sector planning is oen organized around the achievement of specic thresholds; the comple-
tion of planning, strategy, or budgetary documents; or the delivery of projects. Government projects are also
oen conceived as bounded activities with denite outputs but frequently encompass multiple tasks within
a wider conception of completion. Task completion (or project completion) is thus a useful conception of
government activity—however that activity is conceived—because it allows analysts to assess public perfor-
mance in a standardized way across organizations and types of activity. is kind of assessment contrasts
with continuous regulatory monitoring, the assessment of the stability of citizens’ access to frontline services,
and the equity of activities related to redistribution, which are better understood as the evaluation of ongoing
processes. In this chapter, we propose a way to leverage data on task completion to assess the government’s
eectiveness across its diverse task environments and learn from related analysis. We argue that by utilizing
a unied framework for task completion, analysts can assess whether a government or government agency
does well what it is supposed to do, whether people. . . work hard and well, whether the actions and proce-
dures of the agency and its members help achieve its mission, and, in the end, whether it actually achieves its
mission” (Lee and Whitford 2009, 251; paraphrasing Rainey and Steinbauer 1999).
Task comparison is useful for three core reasons. First, task completion is a concept that can be applied
across much government work, thus allowing for a broad consideration of government functioning.
Webelieve that by working with a task completion framework, analysts can gain a fuller and more accu-
rate picture of the functions of government that reects the full range of government activities—from
human resource management to policy denition, infrastructure planning and implementation, service
delivery, and audit and evaluation. We know little about the full distribution of tasks that public admin-
istrators undertake. As shown in gure 17.1, the few studies that do apply a task completion framework
nd that administrators undertake a vast range of activities—from advocacy to auditing and monitoring to
planning—that go well beyond infrastructure and service delivery, the activities that are usually considered
in the academicliterature.
Figure 17.1 displays the frequency of the most prevalent tasks undertaken by Ghanaian public ocials
in their daily duties. Infrastructure provision for the public (rather than upgrading government facilities) is
the most common activity, partly motivating our particular attention to it in this chapter. However, the gure
indicates the broad diversity of tasks undertaken by the public service. e distinct colors in each bar of the
histogram indicate dierent organizations undertaking that type of task. us, it is clear that each type of
task is undertaken by many dierent organizations. Second, a task completion framework pushes analysts
to think carefully about the characteristics of each of the tasks assessed. We dene projects above as collec-
tions of tasks; an obvious question is how to apply boundaries to tasks or projects uniformly across govern-
ment. ere is very limited research on the characteristics of the tasks undertaken by public administrators
and how to assess whether they are being undertaken adequately. e task completion framework pushes
analysts to think in detail about the activities that administrators engage in and how successfully they do so.
at is to say, they must think not only about whether a bridge is completed but what the full conception of
the bridge project is, whether the bridge was of a complex design that was hard to implement, whether the
quality of the implementation of the bridge is adequate, whether it was completed within a reasonable time
frame given the complexity of the project, and so on.
URE 17.1 Task Types across Organizations
Number of tasks
Monitoring, review, and audit
Policy development
Personnel management
Permits and regulation
and budget management
ICT management
Source: Rasul, Rogger, and Williams 2021.
Note: The task type classification refers to the primary classification for each output. Each color in a column represents an organization
implementing tasks of that type, but the same color across columns may represent multiple organizations. Figures represent all
30organizations with coded task data. ICT = information and communication technology.
ird, by creating comparators from across government, an integrated measurement approach yields ana-
lytical benets that more than make up for the losses from abstraction for many types of analysis. Analysts can
investigate the determinants of successful task completion from a large sample, with varying management envi-
ronments, bueted by dierential shocks, and on which a greater range of statistical methods can be eectively
applied. e task completion framework has the advantage of capturing a wide range of activities and being
comparable across departments. us, the framework can pool task types to allow analysts to draw conclusions
about government eectiveness more broadly, rather than, for example, allowing only for inferences about a
specic type of task (for example, the delivery of a specic service, such as passport processing times, versus
a range of government tasks that are indicative of administrative eectiveness more broadly). By leveraging
these data—on the nature, size, and complexity of tasks—analyses can be undertaken within particular types
of tasks—for example, distinguishing between the completion of physical and nonphysical outputs. Taking the
analysis a step further, having measures of task completion that are comparable across teams or organizations
can enable researchers to identify the determinants of task completion—although this entails its own method-
ological challenges and is beyond the scope of this measurement-focused chapter.
Much of the existing literature that seeks to describe how well governments perform their functions
focuses on upstream steps in the public sector production process (such as budgetary inputs or processes),
which are useful for management (but not so relevant to the public) (Andrews et al. 2005; Lewis 2007;
Nistotskaya and Cingolani 2016; Rauch and Evans 2000). Or it focuses on nal outcomes (such as goods
provided or services delivered), which are relevant to the public (but not always so useful for management)
(Ammons 2014; Boyne 2003; Carter, Klein, and Day 1992; Hefetz and Warner 2012). e completion of tasks
and projects falls between these two approaches: it is useful for management and relevant to the public. e
task completion framework helps analysts address the gap between inputs and nal outcomes in terms of
how they measure government performance. It gives analysts a way to engage with the full distribution of
government tasks and to assess the characteristics of the tasks themselves. e task approach outlined in this
chapter is closely aligned with the discussion in chapter 15 of e Government Analytics Handbook. ere,
the relevant task is the processing of an administrative case. Clearly, there are other types of tasks in govern-
ment, and this chapter aims to present a framework that can encapsulate them all. Given the scale of case
processing in government, however, chapter 15 presents a discussion specic to that type of task. Related
arguments can be made for chapter 12 on procurement, chapter 14 on customs, and chapter 29 on indicators
of service delivery. Across these chapters, the Handbook provides discussions of the specic analytical oppor-
tunities aorded by dierent types of government activity. ese chapters contain some common elements,
such as discussions of some form of complexity in relation to the task under focus. is chapter showcases
the considerations required for an integrated approach across task types.
rough the task completion framework, we aim to encourage practitioners and scholars alike to con-
ceive of government activity more broadly and to leverage widely available data sources, such as government
progress reports or independent public expenditure reviews, to do so. As well as being widely available, these
kinds of objective data are highly valuable because they usually cover a wide range of dierent task types
performed by numerous dierent agencies and departments.
is chapter continues as follows. First, we conceptualize government work as task completion. Second, we
use tasks related to the creation of physical infrastructure to illustrate the task completion framework. ird, we
show how the framework applies to other types of tasks. Fourth, we explore how to measure task characteristics
(considering the complexity of tasks and their ex ante and ex post clarity). Fih, we discuss key challenges in
integrating these measures with each other and into management practice. Finally, we conclude.
Much of the literature in public administration has focused on how to measure government eectiveness
by relying on the tasks of single agencies (Brown and Coulter 1983; Ho and Cho 2017; Lu 2016), on a set of
agencies undertaking the same task (Fenizia 2022), or on a broad conception of the central government as
a single entity (Lee and Whitford 2009). ese approaches limit analysis to a single conception of govern-
ment eectiveness, which in the case of a single agency or sector, can be precisely dened. However, almost
by denition, this limits analysis to a subset of government work and thus raises concerns over what such
analysis tells us about government performance as a whole or how performance in one area of government
aects other areas.
In addition to measuring government eectiveness on the basis of a partial vision of government, many
studies that have sought to investigate government eectiveness have relied on perception-based measures of
eectiveness, based on the evaluations of either government employees or external stakeholders and experts
(Poister and Streib 1999; omas, Poister, and Ertas 2009; Walker et al. 2018). Such measures are frequently
available only at an aggregate or even country level because of how distant these individuals are from actual
government tasks, and they frequently assess not the outputs of those tasks directly but some perception of
general eectiveness.
Objective measures of government functioning have frequently been eschewed because of obstacles
related to data availability, their purported inability to capture the complexity of government work, or
conicting understandings of what eectiveness means. However, many government agencies produce their
own reports on the progress they have made across the full distribution of their work. Similarly, agencies
oen have administrative data on the totality of their activities that provide quantities related to the com-
plexity of task completion that can be repurposed for analytics. ese data are collected for management and
reporting purposes as part of the daily duties of agency sta. ese reports frequently contain characteristics
of the tasks undertaken and progress indicators outlining how far tasks have progressed. ese reports can
be the basis of an integrated analysis of government functioning.
For tasks related to physical infrastructure and administration, analysts can use quantities from these
reports, or similar primary data collection, to conceptualize government work in a unied task completion
framework. e following discussion of the strengths and limitations or challenges of such an approach
focuses on a small set of research papers that have applied a task completion framework to the assessment of
government functioning. It thus aims to illustrate the utility of the task completion framework rather than
being in any way comprehensive. Where relevant, we provide a number of examples of how public ocials
have taken a similar approach.
We rely on two simple denitions throughout the chapter. First, a task is the bounded activity for which
a given organization, team, or individual in the government is responsible. Second, an output is the nal
product a government organization, team, or individual delivers to society. An output is the result of a suc-
cessful task. In government performance assessment, outputs are dened as “the goods or services produced
by government agencies (e.g., teaching hours delivered, welfare benets assessed and paid).
An example of
a government task might be developing a dra competition policy or organizing a stakeholder meeting to
validate the dra competition policy (Rasul, Rogger, and Williams 2021, appendix). e corresponding out-
puts would be the dra competition policy itself and the holding of the stakeholder meeting. ese tasks are
usually repeated and are completed within varying time frames, depending on the complexity and urgency
of the activity at hand.
More granular guidance on how to dene a task is challenged by the fact that the appropriate conception
of a task will vary by the focus of the analysis. However, to illustrate common conceptions, some examples
from the analyses that will be discussed in this chapter include the design, drilling, and development of a
water well (including all taps linked to a single source of water); the design, construction, and nishing of a
school; the renovation of a neighborhood sewage system; a full maintenance review and associated activities,
such as resurfacing, to bring a road up to a functioning state as determined by local standards; the develop-
ment of a new public health curriculum for primary school students; and the updating of a human resources
management information system with current personnel characteristics for all health-related agencies.
By conceiving all government activity as consisting of tasks with intended outputs, analysts can con-
struct a standardized measure of government performance and can gather multiple tasks together to
assess government performance across teams within an organization, across organizations, and over time.
Government performance can be dened as the frequency with which particular government actors are able
to produce outputs from corresponding tasks. We now turn to considerations in the denition of a task or
project and an output in the case of physical and nonphysical outputs.
Physical Outputs
We rst consider a task completion framework as it pertains to the accomplishment of physical
infrastructure, or, more precisely, tasks relating to the production of physical outputs. In lower-middle-
income countries in particular, the noncompletion of infrastructure projects is a widespread and costly
phenomenon, with recent estimates suggesting that over one-third of the infrastructure projects started in
these countries are not completed (Rasul and Rogger 2018; Williams 2017).
We focus on task completion measures developed from coding administrative data that are at least some-
what comparable across organizations and can be implemented at scale, rather than on performance audits
of specic programs (for example, by national audit oces or international nancial institutions’ internal
performance reports) or on the evaluation of performance against key performance indicators (for example,
in leadership performance contracts or through central target-setting mechanisms). Many governments or
government agencies have infrastructure-project-tracking databases (either electronic or in paper-based les).
ese records may be for implementation management, for budgeting and duciary reasons, or for audit and
evaluation. ese databases keep records of how far physical projects have been implemented relative to their
planned scope.
For example, in Nigeria, Rasul and Rogger (2018) use independent engineering assessments of thou-
sands of projects from across the government implemented by the Nigerian public service to assess the
functioning of government agencies. ey complement this with a management survey in the agencies
responsible for the projects and examine how management practices matter for the completion rates of
projects. e analysis exploits a specic period in the Nigerian public service when “the activities of public
bureaucracies were subject to detailed and independent scrutiny” (2) and a special oce was set up to track
the quality of the project implementation of a broad subset of government activities. is was due to an eort
by the presidency to independently verify the status of many of the public infrastructure projects funded by
the proceeds of debt relief and implemented by agencies across the federal government. e records of this
tracking initiative allowed the authors to quantify both the extent of project implementation and the assess-
ment of the quality of the public goods provided.
A second application of the task completion framework to an empirical setting examining physical
outputs is provided by Williams (2017), who collects, digitizes, and codes district annual progress reports in
Ghana. ese reports, which are written annually by each district’s bureaucracy and submitted to the central
government, include a table listing basic information about projects that were ongoing or active during the
calendar year. Such reports are widely produced but not frequently available in a digital format or used for
government analytics. e potential of these data for useful insights into government performance is great.
Williams uses the reports on physical projects to examine the determinants of noncompletion, presenting
evidence that corruption and clientelism are not to blame but rather a dynamic collective action process
among political actors facing commitment problems in contexts of limited resources.
Similarly, Bancalari (2022) uses district administrative data on sewerage projects in Peru to explore the
social costs of unnished projects. She uses a combination of mortality statistics, viability studies, annual
budget reports on sewerage projects (which allow her to identify unnished and completed projects), spatial
topography data, and population data in order to provide evidence that infant mortality and under-ve
mortality increase with increases in unnished sewerage projects. She also nds that mayors who are better
connected to the national parliament are able to complete more projects.
Beyond using administrative data, analysts have also undertaken primary eldwork to explore the com-
pletion of physical projects. For example, Olken (2007) uses various surveys on villages, households, individ-
uals, and the assessments of engineering experts to investigate the level of corruption involved in building
roads in Indonesia. Olken is able to produce a measure of corruption in terms of missing expenditures by
calculating discrepancies between ocial project costs and an independent engineers estimate of costs
dened by the survey responses. Primary eld activity also allows analysts to undertake randomized con-
trolled trials of potential policies to improve government functioning. In the case of Olken (2007), random-
ized audits of villages are used to estimate the eect of top-down monitoring on the quality of government
outputs: in this case, the building of roads. Such a research design and measure are highly valuable and
capture a very important feature of government activity, although they come at a high cost in terms of the
resources needed to capture these government tasks.
Other papers have studied the maintenance rather than the construction of physical outputs. In these cases,
task completion is the eective continuation of physical outputs. Once again using primary eldwork to collect
required data, Khwaja (2009) uses survey team site visits and household surveys to measure the maintenance
of infrastructure projects in rural communities in northern Pakistan (Baltistan) as a form of task completion.
Maintenance here is measured through surveys of expert engineers who assess the maintenance of infrastruc-
ture projects in terms of their physical state (that is, how they compare to their initial condition), their func-
tional state (that is, the percentage of the initial project purpose satised), and their maintenance-work state
(that is, the percentage of required maintenance that needs to be carried out). Khwaja (2009) uses these data to
examine whether project design can improve collective success in maintaining local infrastructure. e paper
presents within-community evidence that project design makes a dierence to maintenance levels: “designing
projects that face fewer appropriation risks through better leadership and lower complexity, eliciting greater
local information through the involvement of community members in project decisions, investing in simpler
and existing projects, ensuring a more equitable distribution of project returns, and emulating NGOs can
substantially improve project performance even in communities with low social capital” (Khwaja 2009, 913).
We have seen several examples of “government analytics” that seek to measure the completion rate of
tasks related to the provision (or maintenance) of physical outputs. From Nigerian federally approved social
sector projects, such as providing dams, boreholes, and roads, to Indonesian road building, analysts have
dened measures of task completion based on physical outputs. e analysis has used administrative data,
existing household surveys, and primary eldwork (sometimes in combination with one another) to gener-
ate insights into the determinants of government functioning.
ese papers measure task completion in a series of dierent ways that all aim to capture the underlying
phenomenon of what share of the intended outputs are completed. But there are important commonalities to
their approaches. First, the denition of a task or project is determined by a common, or consensus, engi-
neering judgment that crosses institutional boundaries. us, though a ministry of urban development may
bundle the creation of multiple water distribution points, the building of a health center, and road repaving
into a single “slum upgrading” project, the analysts discussed above split these groupings into individual
components that would be recognizable across settings, and thus across government. A water distribution
point will be conceived as a discrete task whether it is a component of a project in an agriculture, education,
health, or water infrastructure project. e wider point is that an external conception of what makes up a
discrete activity, such as the common engineering conception of a water distribution point, provides disci-
pline on the boundaries of what is conceived as a single task for any analytical exercise.
Second, within these conceptions of projects, an externally valid notion of completion and progress can be
applied. For example, the threshold for a water distribution point is that it produces a sucient ow of water
over a sustained period for it to be considered “completed.” Williams (2017) uses the engineering assessments
included in administrative data to categorize projects into bins of “complete” (for values such as “complete” or
“installed and in use”) or “incomplete” (for values such as “ongoing” or “lintel level”). Rasul and Rogger (2018)
use engineering documents specic to each project to dene a percentage scale of completion for each project
allowing for a more granular measure of task progress, mapping them along a 0–1 continuum. us, highly
varied project designs are mapped into a common scale of progress by consideration of the underlying produc-
tion function for that class of infrastructure. What constitutes a halfway point in the development of a water
distribution point and a dam will dier, but both can be feasibly assessed as having a halfway point.
ird, notions of scale or complexity can be determined from project documentation, providing a basis
for improving the credibility of comparisons across tasks. As will be discussed in section three, there is
little consensus about how to proxy such complexity across tasks. e literature on complexity in project
management and engineering emphasizes the multiple dimensions of complexity (Remington and Pollack
2007). is can be seen as a strength, in that a common framework for coding complexity can be exibly
adapted to the particular environment or analytical question. In the above examples, planned (rather than
expended) budget is frequently used as one way to proxy scale and complexity. e challenge is that the
planned budget may already be determined by features related to task completion. For example, the history
of task completion at an agency may inuence contemporary budget allocations.
For this reason, physical infrastructure tasks can be conceptualized and judged by external conceptions
and scales that discipline the analysis. A strength of these measurement options is that they oer a relatively
clear, unambiguous measure of task completion. Fundamentally, generating a sensible binary completion
value requires understanding how progress maps onto public benet (for example, an 80 percent nished
water distribution point is of zero public value). With this basic knowledge across project types, task comple-
tion indicators can be computed for the full range of physical outputs produced by government.
However, this type of task completion framework measurement also comes with limitations. It is easier
to measure completion than quality with these types of measures. Quality is typically multifaceted, such that
it is more demanding to collect and harmonize into an indicator that can be applied across project types. In
Rasul and Rogger (2018), assessors evaluate the quality of infrastructure projects on a coarse scale related to
broad indicators that implementation is of “satisfactory” quality relative to professional engineering norms.
Analysis can then be dened by whether tasks are, rst, completed, and second, completed to a satisfactory
level of quality. Administrative progress reports vary in their information content but tend to assume quality
and focus on the technical fulllment of dierent stages in the completion process.
One way to gain information on quality is to undertake independent audits or checks, though these tend
to be highly resource intensive relative to the use of administrative data. For example, Olken (2007, 203)
relies on a team of engineers and surveyors to assess the quality of road infrastructure, who “aer the proj-
ects were completed, dug core samples in each road to estimate the quantity of materials used, surveyed local
suppliers to estimate prices, and interviewed villagers to determine the wages paid on the project.” From
these data, Olken constructs an independent estimate of the quality of each road project.
Some conceptions of quality go as far as the citizen experience of the good or service or how durable or
well managed it is. Rasul and Rogger (2018) also include assessments of citizen satisfaction with the project
overall as determined by civil society assessors, but such data are almost never available in administrative
records and have to be collected independently.
ere are also issues pertaining to the reliability and interpretation of task completion that are worth
highlighting. First, doubts may be raised when the progress reports that act as the foundation for task com-
pletion assessments are provided by the same public organizations that undertake the projects themselves
(see the discussion in chapter 4). For this reason, they may not constitute reliable measures of progress, or
at least may be perceived as unreliable. e problem is whether organizations can be considered reliable in
their assessments of their own work. Measures of task progress sourced from administrative data must thus
be used with care and, ideally, validated against a separate (independent) measure of progress. A good exam-
ple of this comes from Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021), who match a subsample of tasks from govern-
ment-produced progress reports to task audits conducted by external auditors in a separate process.
validation exercises can be very helpful in providing evidence that the measures produced by government
organizations on their own performance are credible, thus salvaging an important source of data that might
otherwise be deemed unusable.
Additionally, noncompletion can mean dierent things depending on how the timeline of infrastruc-
ture procurement, construction, and operation is organized. is is especially clear in the case described by
Bancalari (2022), where it is hard to establish whether the eect uncovered is an eect of noncompletion
or delays and cost overruns in delivery.
It can be hard to distinguish noncompletion (a project will remain
unnished) from delays (a project will be completed but is running over schedule). Here, the point in time
when one decides to measure completion and the initial time frame set for a given task become important
and can aect how one interprets task noncompletion.
Finally, a separate issue pertains to whether tasks are completed as planned, not simply whether they are
completed. e existing literature from management studies has mostly focused on overruns, delays, and
over-estimated benets rather than on noncompletion per se (Bertelli, Mele, and Whitford 2020; Post 2014).
is body of literature tends to focus on the service and goods delivery side of government rather than on the
full range of government activities. However, it is an important complement to the task completion framework
precisely because it focuses on whether the tasks governments undertake are being completed and are being
completed in the time frame and up to the standard that they were planned for. For example, a vast body of lit-
erature emphasizes the value-for-money or cost calculations of infrastructure projects rather than the eciency
or eectiveness of the processes via which they are delivered (for example, Engel, Fischer, and Galetovic 2013).
Scholars such as Flyvbjerg (2009, 344) have argued that the “worst” infrastructure gets built because “ex ante esti-
mates of costs and benets are oen very dierent from actual ex post costs and benets. For large infrastructure
projects the consequences are cost overruns, benet shortfalls, and the systematic underestimation of risks.
Nonphysical Outputs
Now we turn to the task completion framework as it applies to the production of nonphysical outputs. Exam-
ples of nonphysical outputs are auditing activities, identifying localities where infrastructure is required,
raising awareness about a given social benet scheme, or planning for management meetings. ese types of
task, in short, involve government activities that pertain to the less visible side of government: not delivery
in the form of physical goods or services but the planning, monitoring, information sharing, reviewing, and
organizational tasks of government.
Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021) use administrative data on the roughly 3,600 tasks that civil ser-
vants undertook in the Ghanaian civil service in 2015. e data on these tasks are extracted from quarterly
progress reports and represent the full spectrum of government activities. As can be seen from gure 17.1,
a large proportion of these tasks are related to nonphysical outputs. For each type of task, in relation to both
physical and nonphysical outputs, the researchers identify a scheme by which to judge task completion by
allocating a threshold of progress to represent completion for each task type.
Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021) also collect data on the management practices under which these tasks
are undertaken via in-person surveys with managers covering six dimensions of management: roles, exibility,
incentives, monitoring, stang, and targets. Together, the task and management data allow for an assessment of
how public sector management impacts task completion, allowing for the comparison of the eect of man-
agement practices on the same tasks across dierent organizations. eir data demonstrate, rst, that there
is substantial variation in task completion across types of task and across civil service organizations. Second,
there is also substantial variation in the types of management practice that public servants are subject to across
organizations, and the nature of management correlates signicantly with task completion rates.
Integrating the analysis of tasks related to both physical and nonphysical outputs allows for a broad
assessment of government functioning, encompassing the many interactions between tasks of dierent
natures. Such a holistic approach also enables the assessment of tasks with dierent underlying characteris-
tics, which has long been identied as a core determinant of government performance.
Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021) are interested in exploring whether dierent management tech-
niques are dierentially eective, depending on the clarity of the task in project documents. ey build on
the literature arguing that where settings involve intensive multitasking, coordination, or instability, man-
agement techniques using monitoring and incentive systems are likely to backre. e question, as they put
it, harking back to the Friedrich vs. Finer debate (Finer 1941; Friedrich 1940), is “to what extent should [civil
servants] be managed with the carrot and the stick, and to what extent should they be empowered with the
discretion associated with other professions?” (Rasul, Rogger, and Williams 2021, 262). eir central nding
is that there are “positive conditional associations between task completion and organizational practices
related to autonomy and discretion, but negative conditional associations with management practices related
to incentives and monitoring” (Rasul, Rogger, and Williams 2021, 274).
e authors distinguish between
government tasks with high and low ex ante and ex post clarity. Incentives and monitoring-intensive man-
agement approaches are hypothesized (and found) to be more eective when ex ante task clarity is high
(andex posttask clarity is low), whereas autonomy and discretion-intensive management approaches are
relatively more eective when ex ante task clarity is low (and ex post task clarity is high).
e main contribution of Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021) to the discussion of this chapter is provid-
ing a holistic, output-based organizational performance metric. However, their approach also takes a holistic
account of the multifarious nature of management practices in government and showcases the value of com-
bining such data. e authors “conceptualize management in public organizations as a portfolio of practices
that correspond to dierent aspects of management, each of which may be implemented more or less well.
Bureaucracies may dier in their intended management styles, that is, what bundle of management practices
they are aiming to implement, and may also dier in how well they are executing these practices” (262). at
is, there is a combination of both intent and implementation when it comes to management practices that
may aect the eectiveness of an organization. e task completion framework, with its focus on both the
breadth of activities that government bodies undertake and on the detail of the characteristics of government
tasks, represents an important stepping stone toward a more holistic and realistic understanding of govern-
ment work and eectiveness.
A separate body of literature that brings together tasks and projects of distinct types into a single analyt-
ical framework is the literature on donor projects. For example, using data on the development projects of
international development organizations (IDOs)—specically, eight agencies—including project outcome
ratings of holistic project performance, Honig (2019) investigates the success of IDO projects according to
internal administrative evaluations. e success ratings are undertaken by IDO administrators, who employ
a consistent underlying construct across dierent IDOs, with an OECD-wide standard in place. ese rat-
ings are combined with a host of other variables capturing various features of the projects (for example, their
start and end dates, whether there was an IDO oce presence in situ, what the sector of the project is, etc.).
Honig (2019, 172, 196) uses “variation in recipient-country environments as a source of exogenous
variation in the net eects of tight principal control” to nd that “less politically constrained IDOs see
systematically lower performance declines in more unpredictable contexts than do their more-constrained
peers.” at is to say that monitoring comes with costs in terms of reducing the ability of agents to adapt,
particularly in less predictable environments.
Similarly, Denizer, Kaufmann, and Kraay (2013, 288) leverage a data set of over 6,000 World Bank proj-
ects (over 130 developing countries) to “simultaneously investigate the relative importance of country-level
macro’ factors and project-level ‘micro’ factors in driving project level outcomes.” e authors leverage
Implementation Status Results Reports completed by task team leaders at the World Bank, which report on
the status of the projects, as well as Implementation Completion Reports, which include a “subjective assess-
ment of the degree to which the project was successful in meeting its development objective” (290), plus
more detailed ex post evaluations of about 25 percent of projects, in order to assess project outcomes. ey
nd that roughly 80 percent of the variation in project outputs occurs across projects within countries, rather
than between countries, and that a large set of project-level variables inuence aid project outputs.
A related but separate body of literature considers nonphysical task completion by frontline delivery
agents. For example, using the case of the Department of Health in Pakistan, Khan (2021) undertakes an
experiment in which he randomly emphasizes the departments public health mission to community health
workers, provides performance-linked nancial incentives, or does both. He measures task completion
through a combination of internal administrative data on service delivery and outputs, gathered as part
of routine monitoring processes, and household surveys of beneciaries. Mansoor, Genicot, and Mansuri
(2021), instead, use the case of the agriculture extension department in Punjab, Pakistan, to measure both
objective task completion and supervisors’ subjective perception of performance. ey measure this through
a combination of household surveys and data from a mobile phone tracking app that frontline providers use
to guide and record their work.
Analogous to the physical outputs case, then, to apply a task completion framework to tasks related to
nonphysical outputs, we require common denitions of tasks that cross institutional boundaries, exter-
nally valid notions of completion and progress, and notions of scale or complexity. Such external stan-
dards for what completion and quality look like across institutions are rare, but they do exist in some
elds, such as health care (see the example of the joint health inspection checklist in Bedoya, Das, and
Dolinger[forthcoming]). Creating an analogous approach to these issues for tasks related to nonphysical
outputs ensures comparability with tasks related to physical outputs. However, they are also valid pillars for
analysis even within the set of tasks related to nonphysical outputs only.
For many tasks related to nonphysical outputs, there are, in fact, natural conceptions of task and output.
For example, a curriculum development project is only complete once the curriculum is signed o on by
all stakeholders, and an infrastructure monitoring program is only complete when a census of the relevant
infrastructure has been completed. Similarly, such an approach can be developed for measures of progress.
e curriculum development will typically be broken down into substantive stages in planning documents,
and each of these stages can be assigned a proportion of progress. In the infrastructure monitoring case, a
simple proportion of infrastructure projects assessed, perhaps weighted by scale or distance measures, seems
tting. Not all cases will be so clear-cut. To identify a consensus denition of task by task type that could
apply across institutional boundaries, Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021) employ public servants at a central
analytics oce (in the Ghanaian case, this was the Management Services Department) to agree on relevant
denitions using data from across government. As will be seen below, this team also denes measures of
complexity relevant across the full set of tasks, including (as mentioned above) clarity of design. Decisions
as to how to dene task completion will be inuenced by, but then very much inuence, the approach to
data collection. Table 17.1 summarizes the approaches analysts have taken to measuring task completion for
physical and nonphysical outputs.
While we have focused our discussion mainly on research-oriented examples of measuring task comple-
tion, there are also examples of government organizations’ use of task completion measures for tasks related
to physical and nonphysical outputs—with varying degrees of formality. For example, the United Kingdom
Infrastructure and Projects Authority conducts in-depth annual monitoring of all large-scale projects across
UK government departments—235 as of 2022—and publishes an annual report with a red/amber/green
project outlook rating (IPA 2022). At the other end of the formality and resource-intensiveness spectrum, in
their engagement with the government of Ghana in 2015–16 in the course of conducting eldwork, Rasul,
Rogger, and Williams (2021) found that Ghanas Environmental Protection Agency tallied the percentage of
outputs completed by each unit in their quarterly and annual reports for internal monitoring purposes. In
between these two examples, the Uganda Ministry of Finance and the International Growth Centre (IGC)
have partnered to apply Rasul, Rogger, and Williamss (2021) coding methodology (supplemented with
qualitative interviews) to monitor the implementation progress of 153 priority policy actions across govern-
ment and examine the determinants of their completion (Kaddu, Aguilera, and Carson n.d.). And of course,
as argued above, many if not most government organizations do some form of task or output completion
measurement in the course of their own routine reporting—despite most not taking the next step of using
these data for formal analytical purposes.
TABLE 17.1 Selected Measures of Task Completion
Task type Potential data sources and measurement methods Selected examples
Physical tasks
Site visits by expert teams
Site visits by survey teams
Compilation from other secondary sources
(for example, media or project reports)
Administrative data from periodic reports
Olken (2007); Rasul and Rogger (2018)
Khwaja (2009)
Flyvbjerg, Skamris Holm, and Buhl (2002);
Williams (2017)
Bancalari (2022)
Nonphysical tasks
Surveys of beneficiaries or citizens
Tracking app used by frontline personnel
Administrative data from periodic reports
Administrative data from internal management
monitoring sources
International donor project evaluation reports
Khan (2021)
Mansoor, Genicot, and Mansuri (2021)
Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021)
Mansoor, Genicot, and Mansuri (2021),
Khan (2021)
Denizer, Kaufmann, and Kraay (2013),
Honig (2019)
Source: Original table for this publication.
Applying the task completion framework to nonphysical outputs comes with its challenges and lim-
itations, building on those noted above for physical outputs. e issues pertaining to assessing the quality
of the implementation of tasks related to nonphysical outputs are twofold. First, establishing how to assess
quality is not straightforward, and second, the nature of a task can render the diculty of assessing quality
dierentially complex. For instance, if the task one is measuring is the completion of a bridge, one rst has to
establish the criteria that dictate whether it can be considered a high- or low-quality bridge, whereas if one
is also considering nonphysical outputs, such as the development of an education strategy, then one faces a
potentially even greater challenge in dening what “high-quality” means for such a project (see Bertelli et al.
[2021] for a discussion of this).
ere are certain types of task, in short, for which establishing objective benchmarks is more dicult
than for others. It does not seem like too much of a leap, for example, to hypothesize that the nonphysical
tasks we have considered in this section might frequently be more complex to benchmark in terms of quality
than the physical outputs we described earlier.
is diculty creates discontinuity in measurement quality across physical and nonphysical goods,
which, in turn, raises the issue of the potential endogeneity of task and output selection. at is to say, out of
the universe of possible government tasks, the types of tasks we are best able to measure may be correlated
with particular outputs. is could provide us with a distorted image of the types of tasks that are conducive
to producing certain outputs.
As we outline in the introduction to this chapter, a task completion framework is helpful to analysts in two
main senses. First, it pushes analysts to better encapsulate the breadth of work undertaken by public admin-
istration across government. Second, it encourages them to think carefully about the characteristics of the
tasks themselves. In this section, we will focus on the latter feature of a task completion framework: how to
measure task characteristics.
ere are, naturally, a plethora of government task characteristics on which one could focus. Here, we
will focus on several of the most relevant characteristics from the perspective of implementation. We con-
centrate on implementation because it has been the focus of the literature on task completion and because it
is of direct relevance to the work of practitioners, the intended audience of this chapter.
We start by considering task complexity. When examining government outputs and their relationship to
phenomena such as management practices, government turnover, or risk environment, it is oen import-
ant to understand their relationship with project or task complexity (Prendergast 2002). is is because the
complexity of the task will frequently be strongly correlated with variables such as time to completion, total
cost, the likelihood of delays, and customer satisfaction, which might be of interest to scholars or practi-
tioners interested in task completion. Table 17.2 summarizes how the analysts described in this paper have
attempted to implement measurement of complexity, as well as how authors have measured two further
important features of government tasks to which we will turn next, visibility and clarity.
Rasul and Rogger (2018, 12), in their study of public services in the Nigerian civil service, create
complexity indicators that capture “the number of inputs and methods needed for the project, the ease
with which the relevant labour and capital inputs can be obtained, ambiguities in design and project
implementation, and the overall diculty in managing the project.” ey are thus able to condition on the
complexity of projects along these margins when exploring the relationship between managerial practices
and project completion rates. However, such an approach does not account for the fact that worse-per-
forming agencies may be assigned easier (less complex) tasks in a dynamic process over time. So in
background work for the study, Rasul and Rogger assess the extent to which there was sorting of projects
across agencies by their level of complexity, a task only feasible with appropriate measures. ey do not
nd any evidence of such sorting.
Khwaja (2009, 915), instead, captures project complexity by creating an index that measures whether
the project has greater cash (for outside labor and materials) versus noncash (local labor and materials)
maintenance requirements, . . . the community has had little experience with such a project, and . . . the proj-
ect requires greater skilled labor or spare parts relative to unskilled labor for project maintenance.” In this
way, he is able to distinguish group-specic features—such as social capital—from features of task design—
such as degree of complexity—in order to better understand their relative importance to one another.
Denizer, Kaufmann, and Kraay (2013) also consider complexity in their study of how micro (project-
level) or macro (country-level) factors are correlated with aid project performance, albeit as a secondary
focus. Using three proxies for project complexity (the extent to which a project spans multiple sectors, a
project’s novelty, and the size of the project), they nd “only some evidence that larger—and so possibly more
complex—projects are less likely to be successful. On the other hand, greater dispersion of a project across
sectors is in fact signicantly associated with better project outcomes, and whether a project is a ‘repeater’
project or not does not seem to matter much for outcomes” (Denizer, Kaufmann, and Kraay 2013, 302).
Given, then, that the issue of accounting for complexity is widespread and oen relies upon assessments
that are not anchored to an external concept or measure of what complexity is, what are some of the ways
that analysts can validate their measures of complexity? Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021), in their con-
struction of a measure of the complexity of the tasks being undertaken by Ghanaian civil servants, ensure
that coding is undertaken by two independent coders because the variables they measure require coders to
make judgment calls about the information reported by government agencies. ey also implement rec-
onciliation by managers in cases where there are dierences between coders. Discussion between coders
and managers about how they see dierent categories or levels of complexity can be a good way to iron out
dierences in the measurement of complexity.
Another way to ensure consistency in measuring complexity can be to randomly reinsert particular tasks
into the set of tasks being assessed by the coders to check whether they award the same complexity score to
identical tasks. is is something that Rasul and Rogger (2018) do in their construction of a measure of task
complexity completed by the Nigerian civil service. Rasul and Rogger (2018) also assess the similarity of
scores between their two coders and leverage the passing of time to get one of the coders to recode a subsam-
ple of projects from scratch (without prompting) to assess the consistency of coding in an additional way.
In a similar spirit, audits of coding can be an eective way to validate a measure of complexity, albeit
a costly one. For example, Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021, 265) use an auditing technique to check the
validity of their measure of task completion; they “matched a subsample of 14% of tasks from progress
reports to task audits conducted by external auditors through a separate exercise.” Although this technique
was applied to task completion, a similar method could easily be used to validate a complexity measure in
many contexts; if there are data available on the technical complexity of a task (for example, from engineers
or other eld specialists), such assessments could be used to check a subsample of the analysts own evalu-
ations of complexity. Rasul and Rogger (2018), for example, work with a pair of Nigerian engineers to get
them to assess the complexity of government tasks according to ve dimensions.
TABLE 17.2 Selected Measures of Task Characteristics
Task or project
characteristic Potential data sources and measurement methods Selected examples
Expert data coding from site visits
Semi-expert data coding from administrative
International donor project evaluation reports
Khwaja (2009); Rasul and Rogger (2018);
Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021);
Denizer, Kaufmann, and Kraay (2013)
Project-level data from infrastructure database
assembled from governmental and financial sources
Woodhouse (2022)
(ex ante and ex post)
Semi-expert data coding from administrative
Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021)
Source: Original table for this publication.
Another salient feature of government tasks is how easy it is to dene a given task and to evaluate
whether and when it has been completed. is feature is related to, but conceptually separate from, the
complexity of the task. Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021) call this feature ex ante and expost task clarity.
According to their denition, bureaucratic tasks are “ex ante clear when the task can be dened in such a way
as to create little uncertainty about what is required to complete the task, and are ex post clear when a report
of the actual action undertaken leaves little uncertainty about whether the task was eectively completed”
(Rasul, Rogger, and Williams 2021, 260).
Task clarity is an important characteristic to consider, especially in relation to management practices,
because the types of management strategy that one wishes to implement may be heavily inuenced by
the types of task that they govern. Indeed, Rasul, Rogger, and Williams (2021, 260) hypothesize, and nd
evidence, that “top-down control strategies of incentives and monitoring should be relatively more eec-
tive when tasks are easy to dene ex ante because it is easier to specify what should be done and construct
an appropriate monitoring scheme.” On the other hand, they also theorize (and, again, nd evidence) that
empowering sta with autonomy and discretion should be relatively more eective when tasks are unclear
ex ante, as well as when the actual achievement of the task is clear ex post” (260).
e clarity of task denition is thus also important to take into consideration when exploring questions
pertaining to the management of public administration. e degree to which a task is easy to describe and
evaluate has a signicant bearing on the types of management strategy that make sense to employ when
undertaking that task. Task clarity can also impact a number of other features of government work, such as
the level of political and citizen support it enjoys—with simpler, more visible projects tending to garner more
interest from politicians and support from citizens (Mani and Mukand 2007; Woodhouse 2022)—or the
degree to which a task is subject to measurement or performance-pay mechanisms.
Task clarity is important to measure for its potential interactions with the concepts of eort substitution
and gaming (Kelman and Friedman 2009). If performance measures are applied only to those tasks that are
ex ante and ex post clear, such tasks may be prioritized to the detriment of others because they are subject to
measurement or because bureaucrats seek to “game” the system by focusing their attention on improving sta-
tistics relating to their performance but not their actual performance. As we have seen in the work of Honig
(2019) and Khan (2021), it is especially in complex, multidimensional task environments where granting
autonomy or discretion to bureaucrats can have benecial results. In short, thinking about the nature of the
task at hand and its interaction with features such as the management practices being adopted and individual
behavioral responses on the part of public servants and politicians is highly important if one wants to get to
the bottom of “what works” in government.
e previous sections have reviewed the scattered and relatively young literature on the systematic mea-
surement of task and project completion in government organizations. e measurement methods and data
sources identied hold great promise for practitioners and researchers but also present a number of concep-
tual and practical challenges. While we have discussed some of these above in relation to specic papers or
measurement methods, in this section, we briey highlight some cross-cutting issues for measurement and
analysis as well as for integration into management practice and decision-making.
e rst challenge is determining what a task is. At the beginning of this chapter, we dened outputs as
the nal products delivered by government organizations to society and tasks as the intermediate steps taken
by individuals or teams within government to produce those outputs. We characterized both as discrete,
bounded, and clearly linked to each other. While this is conceptually useful and can serve as a guide for mea-
surement, it is also a profound simplication of the messy, interlinked, and uncertain reality of work inside
most government organizations. Indeed, the research insights produced by several of the studies we have
discussed emphasize that the ambiguity, complexity, and interconnection of tasks and bureaucratic actions
oen mean that simplistic management eorts do not produce their anticipated eects. Analysts interested
in measuring task completion must thus strike a dicult balance between identifying distinct tasks, projects,
and outputs in order to measure their completion and simultaneously calibrating their analysis and inference
to capture the nuances of the eective performance of these tasks.
A second and related challenge is drawing appropriate inferences from measures of task completion,
which, in itself, is just a descriptive fact of the level of task performance. On its own, measuring task com-
pletion does not diagnose the causes of task (in)completion, predict future levels of performance, pinpoint
needs for improvement, or measure the performance of the individual personnel responsible for a task
(since factors outside their control may also matter). It does, however, provide a foundation upon which to
conduct further analysis along these lines. Indeed, for most of the studies cited above, the measurement of
task completion simply provides a dependent variable for analysis of a diverse range of potential factors and
mechanisms. is chapter has focused mainly on the measurement of this dependent variable; linking it to
causes and consequences requires additional analysis, which will dier in its aims and methods depending
on an analysts purposes.
A third challenge relates to integrating the measurement of task completion into practice and man-
agement—that is, taking action based on it. One main challenge relates to the well-known potential for
gaming and distorting eort across multiple tasks (Dixit 2002; Propper and Wilson 2003), exemplied by
Goodharts Law”: “any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for
control purposes” (Goodhart 1984). In other words, it may well be possible to accurately measure task com-
pletion in government organizations, but using these measures for the purpose of management—particularly
if it involves benets or consequences for the actors involved—risks undermining the validity of the mea-
sures and their linkage to bureaucratic performance. See the discussion in chapter 4. While some strategies
can be put in place to mitigate such eects (for example, data quality audits or measuring multiple dimen-
sions of bureaucratic performance), these are nearly always imperfect. Analysts should thus seek to innovate
in measuring task completion as a means of improving understanding while being cautious and selective in
how they use it to guide management actions.
A nal consideration in deciding what tasks to measure and how is the trade-o between prioritizing
breadth and comparability, on the one hand, and specicity and depth, on the other. Figure 17.2 illustrates
this trade-o. In general, task completion measures that are widely applicable across the whole of govern-
ment will naturally tend to be less specic to (and hence less informative of) the performance of any given
unit or task. An example of this might be the type of data contained in a government’s annual report, budget
execution report, or multiyear plan, which usually cover the whole of government activity but do so at a rel-
atively shallow level. At the other extreme, researchers or practitioners can gather a great deal of information
about the completion of a specic task, as a performance audit might do. is gives a very informative pic-
ture of the completion of that particular task but permits little comparison across tasks or units. In between,
one can locate the various measurement options we have discussed in this chapter. For example, Rasul and
Rogger’s (2018) project completion data set focuses on physical infrastructure projects, which are likely to
be more comparable to each other and across organizations than Rasul, Rogger, and Williamss (2021) data
set of both physical and nonphysical outputs—but at the cost of less comprehensive coverage of government
activity. e optimal place on this spectrum for any given measure of task completion naturally depends on
URE 17.2 A Spectrum of Task Completion Measures, with Selected Examples
budget report,
nonphysical task
completion coding
(e.g., Rasul et al.
project completion
(e.g., Rasul and
Rogger 2018)
UK Annual
Report on
Major Projects
Source: Original figure for this publication.
the analytical purpose for which it is being created. From the standpoint of advancing measurement, the aim
is to nd ways to surmount this trade-o by increasing both the comparability and the rigor of task comple-
tion measures.
We conclude by returning to the question with which we opened: how do we know if governments are
performing their functions well? In this chapter, we have sought to describe and demonstrate how to apply
the task completion framework in order to answer precisely this question. e framework conceives govern-
ment activity in such a way as to allow analysts to assess public performance in a standardized manner across
organizations and types of activity. As such, it gives us a fuller and more accurate picture of government
work, forces us to think more carefully about the characteristics of the tasks that dierent agencies perform,
and facilitates comparison of performance on a large sample that spans many types of organizations.
We have applied the framework to dierent categories of tasks in order to illustrate both its strengths and
its limitations. In the case of tasks related to physical outputs, we have shown how data such as engineering
assessments, annual progress reports, and budget reports can be merged with other data, such as manage-
ment or user surveys, to provide a hitherto-inaccessible vision of the extent of project implementation and
the quality of the work undertaken.
Much of this work relies, at least partly, on data that already exist but have to be digitized or rendered
usable in some other way. e existence of objective, external benchmarks—produced, for example, by
experts such as infrastructure engineers—means that the development of projects of many dierent types
can be mapped onto a comparable continuum. e strength of the evaluation of physical outputs is that
analysts can produce a meaningful measure of completion that gives the user some sense of how task com-
pletion maps onto public benet. However, the weakness of the approach, as applied to physical outputs,
is that the quality of task completion is oen overlooked because it rests upon more complex, multifaceted
assessments that are dicult to harmonize into a single indicator. Moreover, the reliability of such measures
may be called into question where completion rates are reported by the same organizations that undertake
the tasks themselves (although this can be counteracted to some degree if external audits of task reports are
available to validate the measure).
In the case of nonphysical outputs (such as auditing, planning, or awareness-raising activities), we have
demonstrated how data may come from existing sources, such as progress reports, that need to be digitized
or processed to be used for analysis. e strength of extending task completion assessments to nonphysical
outputs is that this provides a much richer and fuller picture of the activities that governments engage in and
allows for meaningful comparisons across departments. However, the task completion framework as applied
to nonphysical outputs also suers from the same potential misreporting concern associated with physical
outputs and comes with additional challenges in terms of how to measure the quality of the tasks being
completed. e challenges of measuring quality are distinct from those for physical outputs, in that quality
is not necessarily overlooked but is more dicult to dene. For example, how do you assess the quality of a
health strategy objectively and in such a way that it is comparable with, for example, education strategies or
scal strategies?
e task completion framework, in short, moves us in the right direction when it comes to measur-
ing the performance of governments in a way that takes into account the full breadth of government
activity. However, there is much room for improvement when it comes to the measurement of the qual-
ity of the provision of both physical and nonphysical outputs. For physical outputs, expert benchmarks
are oen taken at face value without critical engagement with what the index or evaluation actually
captures; whereas, for nonphysical outputs, benchmarks are oen nonexistent, with no way to anchor
quality assessments that makes them comparable across organizations. is is where we see the frontier
in terms of the measurement of government performance; we need to expand the application of the task
completion framework and complement this with greater attention to how technical benchmarks are used
in the measurement of physical outputs and the development of workable benchmarks for the measure-
ment of nonphysical outputs.
e authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the World Banks i2i initiative, Knowledge Change Program, and
Governance Global Practice. We are grateful to Galileu Kim and Robert Lipinski for helpful comments.
See, for instance, the World Bank’s World Governance Indicators, available at https://info.wordlbank.org/governance
/wgi, and the Millennium Challenge Corporation scorecardsfor example, on the website of the Millennium Challenge
Coordinating Unit for Sierra Leone, http://www.mccu-sl.gov.sl/scorecards.html.
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