Regional Office
3333 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85012-2436
June 14, 2006 Loan Guaranty Information Bulletin No. 26-06-09
Wood destroying insects and other organisms can cause serious problems in the wood
structural components of a house and may go undetected for a long period of time. In
order to achieve maximum assurance that a home is free of any infestation, the Phoenix
Regional Loan Center (RLC) is reissusing its policy on Subterranean Termite
Treatment. Our policy is based on a review of the Termite Infestation Probability
Zones (TIP Zones). The Phoenix RLC has determined that Arizona, California, and
Nevada are located within two Termite Infestation Probability Zones.
i California is located in the “very heavy Termite Infestation Probability Zone
#1 (TIP Zone 1).
i Arizona and Nevada are located in the “heavy” Termite Infestation
Probability Zone #2 (TIP Zone 2).
i TIP Zones 1 and 2 require EPA registered termite soil treatment
, wood
treatment, or termite baiting system.
A. New construction (proposed construction, under construction and existing less than
one year old, not previously occupied by owner) located in the jurisdiction of the
Phoenix RLC.
i Builders are required to warrant against termite infestation in new construction for
one year, a period of time compatible with the terms of other warranties the
builder provides. If a state has more stringent warranty requirements, the builder
must comply with the state requirements.
i Form NPCA-99b, New Construction Subterranean Termite Soil Treatment
Record, must be used in conjunction with form NPCA-99a, when the property is
treated with an approved termiticide. The licensed pest control company is
responsible for completing form NPCA-99b, as appropriate, and providing it to
the builder.
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i The builder is responsible for attaching the forms together and distributing the
completed forms to the lender. The lender provides one copy to the buyer at
closing and includes a copy in their loan file.
i If a state has more stringent record keeping requirements than form NPCA-99b,
the state form must be used.
i If no approved subterranean termite prevention method was installed or applied
before or during construction (e.g. preconstruction termite treatment), then the
builder must select a post construction termite treatment or application that is
approved by the USEPA. These treatments or applications must be applied
using the dilution rate or application techniques specified on the label for post
B. Existing construction (previously owner-occupied or fully complete for one year
or more), located in the jurisdiction of the Phoenix RLC.
i Form NPMA-33, Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report, or a state
mandated form, will be required and must be valid for 90 days from the date of
the inspection.
i A clear pest inspection is required for all homes previously owner-occupied or
fully complete for one year or more, especially if the appraiser notes past or
potential infestation problems.
i While VA does not require a cleared termite report on a VA Interest Rate
Reduction Refinancing Loan (IRRRL), the underwriter may impose the condition
at their discretion.
i Purchases and other refinances must have a COMPLETE report that is not over
90 days old at time of closing. (All structures within the legal boundaries of the
property must be inspected including garages. Exceptions are minor detached
structures such as a small shed, where no value was allowed by the appraiser).
i Form NPMA-33, Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report, will be valid for 90
days from the date of the inspection and is required to be completed, and
included, on all existing cases where termite inspections are required.
C. Condominium first floor units are subject to the same inspection requirements
as stated in the section titled "existing construction"; (the inspection is to include
ground floor attached and or detached garage, shed, and other structures that are a
part of the subject.) If the unit is on the second floor or above, then a wood
destroying pest inspection is not automatically required. However, if the appraiser
detects evidence of possible dry rot or infestation by some wood-destroying
organism, the appraiser must call for the inspection report. In order to waive the
repair requirements on a condominium, a letter from the homeowners association
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listing the date of scheduled repairs, name of the contractor awarded the work, and
acknowledgment that the funds necessary to pay for those repairs has already been
budgeted and/or collected should be attached to the home buyer summary with a
copy included with the request for VA guaranty.
D. Appraisers are to observe all areas of the house and other structures/areas
within the legal boundaries of the property that have potential for infestation by
termites and other wood destroying organisms, including the bottoms of exterior
doors and frames, wood siding in contact with the ground, and crawl spaces. Mud
tunnels running from the ground up the side of the house may indicate termite
infestation. Appraisers should observe the eave and gable vents and wood
windowsills for indication of the entrance of swarming termites and note excessive
dampness or large areas where the vegetation is dead. Evidence of active or past
corrected and/or inactive infestation must be noted.
E. Guidelines for clearance of termite report conditions in states where termite
reports are provided. On these reports each finding/recommendation will be noted
in either Section I or Section II, or the equivalent.
i Section III: The Phoenix RLC requires Section III recommendations to be
satisfied prior to issuing a guaranty. All infestation must be cleared and the
damage corrected.
i Section IV: Action on Section IV items should be at the underwriter's discretion.
When reviewing these items, keep in mind that VA's general criteria must be
followed and enforced, and all items must be considered to determine their
impact on value. Items such as peeling paint, health and safety issues, and
those leading to structural unsoundness (earth to wood contact, dry rot,
excessive moisture, etc.) are general criteria items and should not be waived.
i Waiver: If a condition is waived, the underwriter is to address the item and
document the effect of that action. In many cases, this will require contact with
the appraiser to determine the impact on the value assigned on the appraisal.
The buyer is to be made aware that these conditions are not being cleared.
F. Obtaining Forms: The NPCA-99a, NPCA-99b, and NPMA-33 forms can be
obtained from the National Pest Management Association, 9300 Lee Highway, Suite
301, Fairfax, Virginia 22031, telephone (703) 353-6762, or at their website, as well as other form suppliers. These are not VA forms and
therefore not available from VA or the U.S. Printing Office.
Acting Loan Guaranty Officer
RESCIND: Loan Guaranty Bulletin Nos 26-05-05 and 26-05-05 Addendum