CM9199 MA (2/23)
Request for Service Cut-Off
and Demo Sign-Off
The following information is necessary before National Grid can initiate a service cut-off or can provide a gas utility
signoff for a demolition request. Please provide the information listed below. The lead-time required for cut off of
gas services is typically 7 weeks (weather permitting) from the time we process it. All disconnects must be cut off at
the main per National Grid pipeline safety guidelines. This requires a street opening permit from town, city or state
and their permit turnaround time varies including winter moratoriums. The customer will assume the cost of service
reconnection, service installation, or any town requirements for restoration. Before service is cut off customer must
notify Customer Service at 1-800-732-3400 to have the meter removed. Please note meter removal does not
indicate that the service line was cut off. Requests can be emailed to [email protected].
Home or Business Name/Property Owner (if applicable)___________________________________________________
Name of Contact_____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number of Contact____________________Email of Contact__________________________________________
Meter Number______________________________Earliest Cut-Off Date (See Note)___________________________
(NOTE: Because National Grid must obtain a permit approval for any excavation work required, the requested cutoff
may require additional time for permitting or moratoriums.)
Address of demolition and/or service cut-off__________________________________________________________
Is the service cut-off request due to a demolition? r Yes r No
Is this the only building located at this address? r Yes r No
Have you contacted customer service to have your meter removed? r Yes r No
Are you requesting gas be reconnected in the future? r Yes r No
Please include a photo or google map of the property where gas will be removed.
Please circle the building on a map if there is more than one building.
By signing below, I certify that I am the owner of the property or that I have been authorized by the owner of the
property to act as the owner’s agent in requesting this cut-off. If it is determined that I was not, in fact, authorized to
request this cut-off, I shall defend, indemnify, and hold National Grid harmless against any costs and liabilities arising
out of or related to this cut-off request, including, without limitation, reimbursing National Grid for its costs related to
cutting off and reinstating service.
Homeowner Signature:_____________________________________________________________Date:________________
Builder Signature:_________________________________________________________________ Date:________________