National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
2.1 Importance of Agriculture 1
2.2 Agricultural Sector Performance 2
2.3 Agricultural Policy Environment since 1997 2
2.4 Agricultural Sector Management 2
2.5 Agricultural Development Challenges 3
2.6 Potential for Agriculture 3
3.1 Guiding Principles 4
3.2 Policy Objectives and Strategies 6
3.2.1 Vision 6
3.2.2 Mission 6
3.2.3 Objectives and Strategies 6
4.1 Ministry Responsible for Energy and Minerals 12
4.2 Ministry Responsible for Transport Infrastructure 13
4.3 Ministry Responsible for Agricultural Finance 13
4.6 Ministry Responsible for Market Information 15
4.7 Ministry Responsible for Trade and Industry 15
4.8 Agricultural Training and Skills Development 16
4.9 Agricultural Labour 16
4.10 Agricultural Statistics 16
4.11 Agro-processing 17
4.12 Community Empowerment and Development 17
4.13 Health and Nutrition 17
4.14 Land for Agricultural Production 18
4.15 Population 18
4.18 Agencies Responsible for Early Warning, Disaster
Preparedness and Management 19
5.1 Implementation Issues 19
5.2 Institutional Roles and Responsibilities 20
5.2.1 Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry
and Fisheries (MAAIF) 20
5.2.2 Local Governments 23
5.2.3 Private Sector 24
5.2.4 Civil Society 24
5.2.5 Development Partners 25
5.3 Implementation Coordination 25
5.3.1 Intra-sectoral Coordination 25
5.3.2 Inter-sectoral Coordination 25
6.1 Purpose of the Monitoring and Evaluation System 26
6.2 Operationalising the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 26
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
ASRDS National Agriculture Sector and Rural Development Secretariat
CDO Cotton Development Authority
COCTU Coordinating Office for the Control of Trypanosomiasis in Uganda
DDA Dairy Development Authority
DSIP Development Strategy and Investment Plan
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies
MTIC Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
MWE Ministry of Water and Environment
NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services
NAGRC&DB National Agricultural Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank
NARO National Agricultural Research Organisation
NDP National Development Plan
PEAP Poverty Eradication Action Plan
PFA Prosperity for All
PMA Plan for Modernization of Agriculture
PNSD Plan for National Statistical Development
RDS Rural Development Strategy
SACCO Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation
TPM Top Policy Management
UCDA Uganda Coffee Development Authority
Agriculture (also called farming or husbandry): The growing of crops, livestock or
Agricultural sector: Includes crops, livestock, agroforestry and fishing activities.
Commercial agriculture: Production of crops, livestock or fish for sale.
Farmer: A person who grows crops, or rears livestock or fish.
Private sector: That part of the economy, which is run by private individuals or
groups, usually as an enterprise for profit, and is not operated by the state.
Subsistence agriculture: A type of farming in which most of the produce is con-
sumed by the farmer and his or her household, rather than being produced for sale.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
I am pleased to present this National Agriculture Policy to the people of Uganda
and our Development Partners. This Policy is important because it responds to the
demand by the agriculture sector stakeholders but also because it provides a shared
vision for the development of sustainable agricultures.
Agriculture has made significant contribution to Uganda’s socioeconomic
development through generation of household and national incomes; reduction of
hunger; and growth in trade, investments, industrialization, economic diversification
and job creation. As we look to the future, agriculture will continue to be essential
to Uganda’s development and to achieve the ambitious goals of Vision 2040, whose
strategic goals isA Transformed Uganda Society from a Peasant to a Modern and
Prosperous Country within 30 Years”. Vision 2040 recognizes the central role of
agriculture in this transformation process.
The vision of the National Agriculture Policy is “A Competitive, Profitable and
Sustainable Commercial and Agriculture Sector”. The overall objective is to
promote food and nutrition security and to improve household incomes through
coordinated interventions that will enhance sustainable agricultural productivity
and value addition; provide employment opportunities, and promote agribusinesses,
investments and trade.
For this objective to be achieved interventions under this Policy will cater for all
farmer categories and the private sector. It will also require that all stakeholders,
including farmers, government ministries, local governments, the private sector, civil
society and development partners work closely together.
This Policy is a result of close consultation and partnership between the Ministry of
Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and farmers’ organizations, the private
sector, civil society, development partners, local governments and other government
ministries, departments and agencies. I thank all of those who were engaged in the
process of formulating this policy. The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and
Fisheries is committed to maintaining this partnership during its implementation.
Together we shall realize an agricultural revolution in this country.
For God and My Country
Tress Bucyanayandi (MP)
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
1. This National Agriculture Policy (NAP) has been formulated in line with the Con-
stitution of the Republic of Uganda. Objective XI (ii) of the Constitution provides
that the state shall “stimulate agricultural, industrial, technological and scientif-
ic development by adopting appropriate policies and enactment of enabling leg-
islation.”Objective XXII (a) provides that the state shall “take appropriate steps
to encourage people to grow and store adequate food.”
2. The National Agriculture Policy is aimed at translating these high level national
obligations into policies and strategies to enable their achievement. The poli-
cy shall guide all agriculture and agriculture related sub-sector plans, policy
frameworks and strategies existing and those to be formulated in future.
3. In addition to its constitutional obligations, the Government has a national vision
aimed at achieving Prosperity For All (PFA). Agricultural development is a cen-
tral strategy for achieving this Prosperity For All vision.
4. The policy is derived from the need to achieve the national development objec-
tives of increasing household incomes, food and nutrition security and employ-
ment as stipulated by the National Development Plan (NDP) in which agriculture
is identified as one of the primary drivers of growth in the economy.
5. The detailed investments to operationalise this policy are laid out in periodic
Agriculture Sector Development Strategies and Investment Plans (DSIP).
2.1 Importance of Agriculture
6. Agriculture has been and continues to be the most important sector in
Uganda’s economy in terms of food and nutrition security, employment,
income, raw materials for industry and exports to regional and interna-
tional markets. Agriculture has the potential to sustain its historical rep-
utation as the primary driver of economic growth and poverty reduction.
Therefore, agriculture has to be given the highest degree of attention in
national development planning.
2.2 Agricultural Sector Performance
7. Despite the importance of agriculture in the economy, the sector’s per-
formance in recent years in terms of production, productivity, food and
nutrition security has been mixed. For the sector to have a sustained pos-
itive impact on economic growth, poverty reduction and food security, the
growth rate of the agricultural sector must be higher than the national
population growth, attaining the NDP average of 5.6 percent, and even
better at the DSIP target of 6 percent. The DSIP target is aligned to the
annual target of the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture De-
velopment Programme (CAADP).
2.3 Agricultural Policy Environment since 1997
8. The policy environment for agriculture in Uganda since 1997has been
shaped by several national level policy frameworks. These include the
Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) and its successor the National De-
velopment Plan (NDP); as well as the Prosperity for All (PFA). At agricul-
ture sector level, these frameworks were implemented through the Plan
for Modernisation of Agriculture (PMA) and the Rural Development Strat-
egy (RDS). For a while, the PMA and RDS existed in parallel, were dupli-
cative and recommended varied approaches. The Ministry of Agriculture,
Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) published the first DSIP in 2005 to
implement the MAAIF component of the PMA and the second DSIP in 2010
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
to implement the agriculture chapter of the NDP. This policy is intended to
harmonize the different thoughts and approaches to national agricultural
2.4 Agricultural Sector Management
9. MAAIF is responsible for managing and coordinating agricultural poli-
cies and interventions. It does so through the Ministry’s autonomous and
semi-autonomous agencies, local governments, farmers and farmers
organizations, other ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), the
private agribusiness and agro-processing sector, civil society, academia,
development partners and academia.
10. As a strategy to enhance efficiency in the delivery of agricultural goods
and services, seven statutory semi-autonomous institutions were formed
under MAAIF, these are the:
i. National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO);
ii. National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS);
iii. National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB);
iv. Cotton Development Organisation (CDO);
v. Coordinating Office for the Control of Trypanosomiasis in Uganda
vi. Dairy Development Authority (DDA); and
vii. Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA).
11. The Secretariat for the Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture (PMA) is an
administrative (management services) Unit for policy harmonisation and
inter-sectoral coordination. Actualisation of the agricultural development
targets is highly dependent on the interventions of other government sec-
12. The creation of these agencies has in turn resulted into the restructuring
of divisions and departments of the ministry headquarters to manage ag-
ricultural policy formulation, planning, regulation, disease and pest con-
trol, monitoring, and the supervision of the sector.
2.5 Agricultural Development Challenges
13. Agriculture in Uganda faces several challenges at the different stages of
the commodity value chain. These include:
i. low production and productivity;
ii. low value addition to agricultural produce;
iii. lack of sustainable or dependable access to markets;
iv. failure to maintain a consistent policy regime and functional
v. insufficient skilled agricultural labour force;
vi. high human disease burdens; and
vii. inadequate attention to natural resources sustainability.
2.6 Potential for Agriculture
14. There are many factors that favour agricultural development in Uganda.
These include:
i. adequate land and water resources for agricultural production;
ii. high potential to improve productivity;
iii. high export potential for agricultural products to regional and inter-
national markets; and
iv. support from the renewed regional and international focus on agri-
culture as a critical mechanism for sustainable social and economic
2.7 Emerging Opportunities and Threats to Agricultural
15. In addition to existing challenges and potentials within the agricultural sec-
tor, there are several emerging opportunities and threats affecting the
sector. These include:
i. Multiple and contradictory land tenure systems, often leading to land
fragmentation, land degradation, and insecurity of tenure;
ii. High population growth at 3.4% which is decreasing per capita land
availability for agricultural production;
iii. Climate change effects which are adversely impacting agricultural
productivity and sustainability of farmer livelihoods;
iv. The discovery of oil which may provide an opportunity for increased
investment in agriculture sector or alternatively, could turn attention
and investment away from the agriculture; and
v. Increasing medium and large scale private sector investment in ag-
ricultural value chains, which has the potential to increase private
sector agricultural financing and more efficient use of agricultural
16. The National Agriculture Policy will address the above challenges and po-
tential threats, exploit the existing potentials and optimize the opportuni-
ties for the future.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
3.1 Guiding Principles
17. Agricultural policy in Uganda shall be guided by six principles. These prin-
ciples are derived from the country’s experiences and lessons learned in
implementing the PEAP, the PMA, and from implementation of decentral-
ized governance through the Local Government Act of 1997.
i. The Government of Uganda is pursuing a private sector-led and mar-
ket-oriented economy. In doing this, the government shall work on
constraints that hinder the private sector from increasing investment
in agriculture. Government shall support existing partnerships and
form new partnerships with private sector actors. Government ac-
tions shall aim to strengthen the private sector through improved
public service delivery and by putting in place an enhanced regulatory
environment for the agricultural sector in Uganda.
ii. Agricultural development strategies will be developed and pursued
according to the agricultural production zones through a commodi-
ty-based approach. Commodities that are best suited for each zone
will receive public sector support for the purposes of food security
and for commercialization. Efforts will be made to support commod-
ity value-chain development of strategic commodities in the different
zones in order to develop viable agro-industrial centres.
iii. Agricultural development services will be provided to all farmer cat-
egories as individuals or in groups, ensuring gender equity. The focus
on strategic commodities in the different zones will be in addition to
the continued provision of agricultural services for general agricul-
tural production through central government agencies and local gov-
iv. Government shall continue to provide agricultural services through
the decentralized system of government and will work to strengthen
this system. In particular, MAAIF will increase its collaboration with
and support to district and sub-county local governments to improve
accessibility and quality of service delivery to farmers. MAAIF shall
also improve its supervisory, inspection and monitoring functions
through enhanced collaboration with local governments.
v. Government interventions will strive to achieve equity in agricultur-
al growth by ensuring that agricultural interventions are balanced
across the different regions, agricultural zones, and between gen-
ders. Where necessary, government shall give focused attention to
parts of the country with specific needs and to vulnerable or margin-
alized groups.
vi. Government shall ensure that key agricultural resources, including
soils and water for agricultural production, are sustainably used and
managed to support adequate production for the current and for fu-
ture generations.
3.2 Policy Objectives and Strategies
3.2.1 Vision
18. The vision of the policy is “A Competitive, Profitable and Sustainable
Agricultural Sector”.
3.2.2 Mission
19. The mission of the policy is to: “Transform subsistence farming to
sustainable commercial agriculture.”
3.2.3 Objectives and Strategies
20. The overall objective of the agriculture policy is to achieve food and nu-
trition security and improve household incomes through coordinated in-
terventions that focus on enhancing sustainable agricultural productivity
and value addition; providing employment opportunities, and promoting
domestic and international trade.
21. To achieve the broad objective, Government shall pursue six inter-relat-
ed specific objectives. For each of the objectives, Government shall em-
ploy specific strategies to achieve the objectives, working closely with all
stakeholders in agriculture, including central and local government minis-
tries, departments and agencies, private sector, civil society, farmers, and
development partners. These strategies were formulated with consider-
ation and reference to existing policies.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
Objective 1: Ensure household and national food and nutrition
security for all Ugandans
22. Increasing household food and nutrition security is dependent on expand-
ed production, increased incomes to support purchases of food and other
elements necessary for improved nutrition, enhanced storage capacity,
and improved access to key markets and market information. To realize
this objective, Government shall:
i. Promote agricultural enterprises that enable households to earn dai-
ly, periodic and long-term incomes to support food purchases;
ii. Promote and facilitate the construction of appropriate agro-process-
ing and storage infrastructure at appropriate levels to improve post
harvest management, add value and to enhance marketing;
iii. Develop and improve food handling, marketing and distribution sys-
tems and linkages to domestic, regional and international markets;
iv. Support the establishment of a national strategic food reserve
v. Support the development of a well coordinated system for collect-
ing, collating and disseminating information on agricultural produc-
tion, food and nutrition security across households, communities and
agricultural zones;
vi. Encourage and support local governments to enact and enforce by-
laws and ordinances that promote household food security through
appropriate food production or storage practices;
vii. Promote the production of nutritious foods, including indigenous
foods (enterprise mix) to meet household needs and for sale;
viii. Promote consumption of diversified nutritious foods including indige-
nous foods at household and community levels; and
ix. Promote appropriate technologies and practices for minimizing post
harvest losses along the entire commodity value chain.
Objective 2: Increase incomes of farming households from crops,
livestock, fisheries and all other agriculture related
23. To increase household incomes in an economy where the prices are deter-
mined by the market, farmers have to increase the volume of their output,
improve quality, undertake market discovery and organize for collective
marketing. Increased access to recommended technologies and inputs
and mechanization is critical for raising farm productivity. Therefore, Gov-
ernment shall implement the following strategies to boost production and
productivity as a means of raising household incomes:
i. Increase the access of the population to agricultural training and
skills development opportunities;
ii. Facilitate farmers to organize themselves into production and mar-
keting groups or cooperatives to increase their bargaining power in
commodity and input markets and to facilitate efficient service deliv-
iii. Generate, demonstrate and disseminate appropriate, safe, and
cost-effective agricultural technologies and research services to en-
hance production and increase quality of products through access to
high quality agricultural technology, agribusiness and advisory ser-
vices for all categories of farmers;
iv. Promote agricultural mechanization through the application of ap-
propriate machinery and expansion of animal traction;
v. Encourage and promote dry season livestock feeding through pas-
ture preservation and other feeding practices;
vi. Promote strategic partnerships between technology development
research and advisory services at all levels;
vii. Provide vaccination services for animal vector disease control. Stock
vaccines and essential drugs for all notifiable diseases;
viii. Strengthen capacity for pest, weed, disease, and vermin control at all
ix. Promote large scale farming enterprises, block farming, and out
grower schemes where appropriate;
x. Promote financial services to enable farmers to access agricultural
inputs, services, and equipment along the value-chain;
xi. Promote the growth of a vibrant private sector-led agricultural in-
put supply system that is responsive to farmer and sector needs.
Strengthen the certification and regulatory system to guarantee the
quality of agriculture inputs at all levels;
xii. Develop and implement a policy and regulatory framework for bio-
technology in agriculture; and
xiii. Support development and sustainable use, management, and main-
tenance of water and land resources for agriculture to boost pro-
duction, enhance value-addition, and reduce the effects of climactic
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
Objective 3: Promote specialization in strategic, profitable and
viable enterprises and value addition through agro-
24. Commodity specialization and agro-zoning strengthens agri-business, en-
hances profitability and market access and leads to creation of on-farm
and off-farm employment. Creating additional employment opportunities
will necessitate increased commercialization of agriculture and the estab-
lishment of industries for value addition to agricultural products. Adding
value to agricultural products is vital for the development of agriculture
in Uganda. The benefits include reducing losses by increasing the shelf life
of products, reducing transport costs associated with the movement of
unprocessed bulk produce; resulting into increased earnings. Government
i. Review, operationalise and deepen (sub-zone specific) agriculture
production zones in Uganda;
ii. Ensure the provision of basic infrastructure and reliable access to
utilities to encourage investment in agro-processing;
iii. Promote the development and dissemination of efficient, cost-effec-
tive and appropriate technologies for processing and preserving agri-
cultural commodities;
iv. Promote the establishment of large scale farming enterprises and
outgrower schemes as appropriate;
v. Support private and public sector initiatives aimed at establishing
agro-processing industries; and
vi. Establish and enforce safety standards and quality assurance to en-
sure that agricultural products from Uganda compete effectively in
domestic, regional and international markets.
Objective 4: Promote domestic, regional and international trade in
agricultural products.
25. In order to sustain improvements in agriculture, farmers need to be as-
sured of market outlets for their produce. They need sustainable and reli-
able market access. Market reliability and efficiency supports sustainable
agriculture production plans. To promote trade in agricultural products,
government shall:
i. Develop and expand a sustainable nationwide market information
system that is transparent and accessible to all agricultural sector
ii. Ensure the development, maintenance and improvement of physical
agricultural market infrastructure at strategic locations, including
crop and livestock markets, abattoirs, and fish landing sites;
iii. Ensure the development of infrastructure and utilities that are nec-
essary for agricultural trade, including transport infrastructure and
reliable access to fuel and electricity;
iv. Strengthen national capacity for quality assurance, regulation, and
safety standards to promote increased trade at all levels;
v. Promote Uganda’s agricultural products in local and international
markets and in trade fairs as a recognizable national brand; and
vi. Address supply and demand constraints to domestic, regional and
international markets, such as those related to inadequate informa-
tion, inappropriate production and value-addition technologies, or
poor handling, transportation and marketing infrastructure.
Objective 5: Ensure sustainable use and management of
agricultural resources
26. Achievement of the above four objectives largely hinges on the extent
to which the environment and natural resources that are necessary for
agricultural production are sustainably managed and utilized. Society as
a whole, needs to be guided on the proper use and maintenance of key
agricultural resources particularly soils and water for agricultural pro-
duction. To ensure sustainable use and management of these resources,
government shall:
i. Periodically map and document the state of agricultural resources
and their use patterns in the country;
ii. Regulate the exploitation of agricultural resources within ecologically
sustainable levels, including addressing the hazards of land fragmen-
iii. Ensure the collection, analysis and dissemination of information to
households and communities regarding proper use and conservation
of agricultural resources;
iv. Promote and support the dissemination
of appropriate technolo-
gies and practices for agricultural resources conservation and main-
tenance among all categories of farmers, including Sustainable Land
Management (SLM) and Conservation Agriculture (CA);
v. Work collaboratively with the sector responsible for environment to
strengthen the capacity for collection, analysis and dissemination of
agricultural meteorological data at all levels;
vi. Promote a sustainable network of community-level meteorological
stations across the country;
vii. Develop capacity to harvest and utilize rain water for agricultural
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
viii. Encourage and support local governments to enact and enforce
ordinances and by-laws regarding local utilization and management
of agriculture resources;
ix. Promote land use and farm planning services among farmers; and
x. Develop capacity at all levels for planning and implementation of
activities to address climate change and its impact on agriculture.
Objective 6: Develop human resources for agricultural development
27. Successful implementation of this policy will require a skilled labour force.
The sector requires well-trained professionals in a wide range of disci-
plines for both planning and programme design at central government
level and programme implementation at local government level in order
to provide effective delivery of services to farmers and agribusinesses. In
addition, farmers themselves need regular training and constant access
to new knowledge and agricultural practices and technologies. In order to
achieve this objective, government shall:
i. Support agricultural training institutions including their sustainable
funding and increase agricultural training at all levels of education;
ii. Promote professionalism in agriculture, strengthening the linkage
between formal and non-formal agriculture education including
practical skills;
iii. Promote positive attitudes towards agriculture, by integration of
agriculture in the national education and value systems;
iv. Develop capacity of farmers and farmer organizations to engage
more effectively in agribusiness. Provide education programmes to
engage farmers more effectively in the competitive market environ-
v. Provide information including other support to farmers to aid them
with their enterprise selection, production and marketing decisions;
vi. Undertake education programmes to engage farmers more effec-
tively in the liberalized market environment;
vii. Encourage continuous training and career development in order to
retain effective agricultural staff at MAAIF Headquarters; in local
government positions that support agriculture; as well as ensuring
a critical mass of agricultural technologists and service providers in
the private sector;
viii. Enhance research capacity to generate new knowledge and technol-
ogies for agricultural development;
ix. Reorient the curriculum at universities and agricultural training
institutions to focus on the needs of the agricultural sector. Encour-
age sustainable funding for the institutions that offer agricultural
x. Promote the preservation and utilization of appropriate indigenous
knowledge; and
xi. Encourage, promote and support the formation of strong self-regu-
lating professional associations, guilds and partnerships committed
to agricultural development.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
28. The achievement of the objectives laid out in this policy is dependent on
complementary policies and actions by other supporting sectors. These
sectors include energy, transport, agricultural finance, education and
training, and natural resource use and management. Government shall
set up a planning and coordination mechanism that will link MAAIF and the
relevant support sectors and services. The responsibilities of these other
sectors in supporting agricultural development are clearly specified in the
NDP. The Office of the Prime Minister is identified as the most robust coor-
dinating entity to establish a mechanism for the linkages between sectors.
4.1 Ministry Responsible for Energy and Minerals
29. The policy strategies on agricultural mechanization, transportation, stor-
age and value addition will require increased, affordable and reliable en-
ergy resources. Currently, energy sources for agricultural production,
processing, and agribusiness include hydroelectric power and petroleum
products, but the costs of these sources are high. Other forms of ener-
gy, including wind, biogas, and solar, are not well developed. The Energy
Policy for Uganda shall ensure that appropriate strategies are in place to
ensure that energy and associated services are available for agriculture
and agriculture-related services. The Ministry responsible for energy will
initiate new investments and scale up existing investments in energy for
30. The policy strategies to increase agricultural production and productivity
require access to quality and affordable fertilizers. The country’s known
mineral potential including oil, lime, vermiculite and phosphates provides
an opportunity to develop a local fertilizer industry. These opportunities
need to be fully exploited. The Ministry responsible for mineral develop-
ment will promote investment in the local manufacture of fertilizers.
4.2 Ministry Responsible for Transport Infrastructure
31. The strategies for agricultural production, marketing, and trade and pro-
cessing under this policy will require a well-developed and maintained ru-
ral feeder, national and international transport infrastructure. Transport
in Uganda includes roads, rail, water, and air transport. The roads, espe-
cially feeder and community roads are currently in a poor state, while the
other forms of transport are characterized by high cost, inefficiency and
insufficient capacity. The Government Transport Policy aims at developing
transport services that will support increased agricultural and industrial
production and promote trade. The Ministries and agencies responsible
for transport infrastructure and local governments will ensure that their
policies, strategies and investments address the transport needs of the
agricultural sector.
4.3 Ministry Responsible for Agricultural Finance
32. Commercialization of smallholder agriculture will require access to finan-
cial products and services – loans and savings. Further, along the com-
modity value chains, there is a similar demand for both short term work-
ing capital and medium to longer term finance for productivity and quality
enhancing investments in marketing and processing. From the point of
view of liberalised financial institutions, the agricultural sector, especially
at the production end, is unattractive due to the twin issues of risk and cost
of capital. The farming investments of borrowers are vulnerable to unreli-
able weather patterns and pest and disease attacks, while a scattered and
small-scale clientele means that a financial institution faces high costs of
information capture and client servicing. The Ministry responsible for fi-
nance, in collaboration with other financial sector players, will continue to
develop policies, financial products, and services that are appropriate for
use by the agriculture sector for short, medium, and long-term financing
along the value-chain. Complete information on the financial products and
services available will be appropriately packaged and disseminated to all
potential beneficiaries.
4.4 Ministry Responsible for Water, Environment and Natural
33. The strategy for water for agricultural production laid out in this policy
is based partly on the availability of bulk water supply, which is currently
under-developed. Therefore, the ministries responsible for agriculture and
water must continue planning jointly for provision of adequate water for
agricultural production to cover irrigation for improved crop production,
livestock production needs, and aquaculture. Accordingly, the Ministry
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
responsible for water shall increase investment in off-farm bulk water
development, including larger reservoir dam construction, bulk water
transfer systems, water diversion systems, and aquifer exploration, in
collaboration with MAAIF.
34. The increased frequency and intensity of weather events linked to climate
change including heavy rainfall, floods, and hailstorms, negatively affect
agricultural activities and food security. Currently, there are no reliable
predictions or early warning systems of the likely impacts of climate
change in Uganda. In addition, drought and other climatic extremes are
factors contributing to food insecurity in the famine prone areas of the
Karamoja region and the cattle corridor between south-western Uganda
and Karamoja. Most of these areas are semi-arid, with annual rainfall of
less than 700 mm, which is subject to a high degree of unreliability both
from year to year and in the distribution within each year.
35. The environment and natural resources sector shall mainstream appro-
priate policy measures on environmental management and natural re-
sources in their programmes and intervene, in collaboration with MAAIF
and other relevant ministries and agencies, to mitigate the impact of cli-
mate change and extreme weather events on agriculture in areas of high
risk. An Environment and Natural Resources Sector Investment Plan has
been developed and it addresses the points of concern relevant to the
agriculture sector. Implementation of this Sector Investment Plan will be
coordinated in collaboration with MAAIF, other relevant ministries, and lo-
cal governments.
4.5 Ministry Responsible for Market Infrastructure Development
36. The policy strategies on production, storage, marketing and quality as-
surance and control require a well developed and maintained agricultural
marketing infrastructure. The infrastructure includes, but is not limited
to physical crop and livestock markets, fish handling facilities, abattoirs,
warehouses, silos and cold chain storage. Though the quantity and quality
of market infrastructure has improved over time due to investments by
the national government, local governments, and the private sector; infra-
structure is still inadequate, generally in poor condition, and unevenly dis-
tributed. The Ministry responsible for Local Government, in collaboration
with other relevant ministries and local governments, will work with the
private sector to establish, rehabilitate, improve, and manage marketing
infrastructure and ensure that the facilities are located at strategic points
for optimal access by producers, processors, traders, and consumers.
4.6 Ministry Responsible for Market Information
37. Farmers and agribusinesses require market information to take advan-
tage of market opportunities in the domestic, regional and international
markets. While there are several market information products and ser-
vices in Uganda in both the public and private sectors, their scope, access,
quality and timeliness are generally insufficient. The Ministry responsi-
ble for Trade and Industry shall collaborate with MAAIF, other relevant
ministries and the private sector to implement policies, that will foster
efficient, sustainable and timely market information systems for farmers,
traders and processors. In addition, market information users shall be
educated on optimal utilization of the information provided.
4.7 Ministry Responsible for Trade and Industry
38. Trade services include financial services, market information, storage and
transport. As Uganda’s domestic and external trade in food and agricul-
tural products expands, there is need to ensure compliance with interna-
tionally recognized product safety regulations and standards. The Minis-
try responsible for Trade and Industry in collaboration with MAAIF and the
private sector will review or enact necessary laws and regulations and
enhance private and public sector capacities to enforce and implement
them. The curricula at agribusiness-related training institutions will be
upgraded in order to build the capacity of agribusinesses to comply with
these standards and regulations. It will also be responsible for deepening
and increasing coverage of the Warehouse Receipt System (WRS).
39. Agricultural trade related services include trade information, trade fi-
nance, standards and regulations. The Ministry responsible for Trade and
Industry shall, in collaboration with MAAIF, the private sector and other
related MDAs, develop and implement a national agricultural trade and
marketing information system; increase awareness of the private sector
on available financing options and standards; formulate and implement
agriculture and food safety standards and policies on sanitary and phy-
tosanitary measures and promote the effective positioning of Uganda’s
agricultural products and services in regional and international markets.
4.8 Agricultural Training and Skills Development
40. The strategies pursued by this policy on production, marketing and value
addition require skilled and creative human resources. The Ministries re-
sponsible for training and skills development will promote investments
in agricultural education, research and advisory services in collaboration
with MAAIF, the Ministries of Education and Local Government and the
local governments.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
4.9 Agricultural Labour
41. The number and diversity of large scale agricultural enterprises (e.g. plan-
tations and estates) in Uganda, while relatively low, is increasing. Effective
delivery of the strategies of this policy on production and farm employ-
ment will require the improvement of labour issues related to working
conditions (e.g. wages, hours of work and leave policies) and conditions of
life (e.g. medical benefits, education facilities, housing, occupational safe-
ty and health) for workers on these large-scale agricultural enterprises.
Labour laws are still inadequate to adequately govern all labour issues
arising for large-scale agricultural enterprises. The Ministry responsible
for Labour will ensure that the fundamental principles and rights for agri-
cultural workers and labour standards are understood and adhered to by
large-scale agricultural employers.
4.10 Agricultural Statistics
42. Planning of agricultural production, marketing, measuring performance
and agricultural forecasting requires timely and high quality agricultural
statistics. Government developed a Plan for National Statistical Develop-
ment (PNSD) which provides a base for collection of agriculture sector
statistics. Sources of agricultural data include censuses, surveys and ad-
ministrative records. The success of the statistical plan in the agriculture
sector will depend on the financial and technical input of other stakehold-
ers including Uganda Bureau of Statistics, other MDAs, Bank of Uganda, lo-
cal governments and farmers. The Uganda Bureau of Statistics and local
governments shall continue to integrate agricultural data needs into their
statistical systems. A functional national agricultural statistics system
will be strengthened to deepen a direct linkage between the Uganda Bu-
reau of Statistics, the statistics division in MAAIF and its semi-autonomous
agencies, and local governments.
4.11 Agro-processing
43. A principle focus of the National Industrial Policy is agro-processing, which
includes processing of food commodities, leather and leather products,
textiles and garments, sugar, dairy products, and value added products
for niche export markets. The Prosperity For All policy assigned oversight
of primary processing activities to MAAIF and tertiary processing to the
Ministry responsible for Trade and Industry (MTI). The Uganda Industrial
Research Institute has also provided research and development services
to agro-processing. MTI, in collaboration with MAAIF will foster the link
between primary and tertiary agro-processing levels and encourage de-
velopment and support of start-up agro processing enterprises in agricul-
tural zones.
4.12 Community Empowerment and Development
44. Community mobilization and empowerment is necessary for this policy
to achieve its objectives of engaging women, men, youth, and vulnerable
populations in agricultural programs and ensuring optimal utilization of
agricultural services. The ministries and agencies responsible for com-
munity mobilization and empowerment will work to build the demand for
agricultural programmes and services by mobilizing communities to rec-
ognize the value of these services and for communities to understand the
process for accessing them.
4.13 Health and Nutrition
45. The strategies covered by this policy for increasing labour productivity
and improving household food and nutrition security require an agricultur-
al workforce that is healthy and well-nourished. Therefore, partnerships
will be strengthened between MAAIF, the Ministry of Health, and other
partners to ensure that issues of nutrition and health are mainstreamed
so that farming households are empowered to adopt positive behaviours
that mitigate the effects of disease and poor nutrition.
4.14 Land for Agricultural Production
46. There are major challenges related to the different land tenure systems
existing in Uganda; as well as the major and emerging risks of land frag-
mentation occasioned by poor property inheritance practices. Sustainable
use and management of agricultural resources is an objective of this
policy that is fundamental to future development of the agriculture sec-
tor. This objective is also addressed in several policies and laws on land
management, including the land use policy and amendments to the Land
Act. MAAIF will collaborate with MWE, the Ministry of Lands, Housing and
Urban Development, and local governments to increase awareness for
achievement of this objective.
4.15 Population
47. With a 3.4 percent per annum growth rate in 2010, Uganda’s has one of
the fastest going populations in the world. The momentum of population
growth remains strong because of the age structure of the population and
high fertility rates. While the youthfulness of the population is an oppor-
tunity for the country’s labour intensive agriculture sector, the extremely
high growth rate also poses challenges to assuring adequate food securi-
ty and gainful employment. In the past, agricultural growth was sustained
mainly through area expansion. In many parts of Uganda, family-based
land sub-division practices and population pressure are contributing to
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
smaller farm sizes. The ministries and agencies responsible for popula-
tion affairs, in collaboration with MAAIF, shall take necessary policy mea-
sures both to address the challenges and to take advantage of population
4.16 Farmers Organizations
48. Facilitated farmers working together in groups are able to realize signifi-
cant increases in their productivity and incomes. Farmer institutions can
be powerful advocates for new policies to support agricultural develop-
ment. Over the years, the Uganda National Farmers Federation; the Na-
tional Farmers Forum, which is legally bound to the National Agricultural
Advisory Services; and the Uganda Co-operative Alliance have mobilized
small-scale farmers into groups or co-operatives, so that now there over
45,000 farmer groups nationwide. In addition to offering avenues for ex-
tension service delivery, some of these groups have engaged in collective
production and marketing. There are also commodity specific farmer or-
ganisations, for example in coffee, fisheries and dairy. The promotion of
the system of warehouse receipts and Savings and Credit Co-operative
Societies (SACCOs) shall further strengthen these organisations to un-
dertake joint activities, especially with respect to marketing. Government
will empower farmers and farmers’ organisations through building their
capacity in management, entrepreneurship, and group dynamics skills.
These efforts will contribute to mobilising farmers to increase production
and productivity, as well as to engage in higher-level value-chain activities,
including collective marketing.
4.17 Vulnerability
49. Vulnerable groups include households headed by women and children, the
elderly, the poor, and people living with disabilities and disease. In 2006,
about nine percent of rural households were headed by widows or widow-
ers – widowed largely due to HIV/AIDS – and seven percent had members
who were disabled. Vulnerable households are less productive and are
more likely to suffer from food insecurity. MAAIF shall mainstream active
responses to the needs of vulnerable groups in sector plans and interven-
4.18 Agencies Responsible for Early Warning, Disaster
Preparedness and Management
50. The strategies covered by this policy on national food and nutrition securi-
ty require the establishment of effective forecasting, early warning mech-
anisms, and strategic food reserves in order to respond to emergency
situations. The agencies responsible for early warning, disaster prepared-
ness and management, in collaboration with MAAIF, will prioritize and im-
plement these interventions at all levels. The office of the Prime Minister
shall continue to lead, coordinate and galvanise all responsible MDAs and
local governments to timely respond to disasters in the country.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
5.1 Implementation Issues
51. This policy shall be implemented by the Government of Uganda through
the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries, other related
MDAs, the private sector, farmers and farmers groups, civil society or-
ganisations, and development partners. For effective implementation of
the policy, Government shall ensure that the following implementation
actions are taken:
i. Establish and operationalise an agriculture service delivery system
with optimal structures and capacities at all levels;
ii. Improve coordination and supervision by the sector ministry (MAAIF)
of the semi-autonomous agencies, local governments, and other
actors in the agricultural sector;
iii. Ensure functional and well-coordinated inter-sectoral linkages and
alignment of strategies and implementation plans between MAAIF
and the other MDAs;
iv. Enhance private sector capacity to support Government in policy
implementation; and
v. Improve inspection and monitoring of policy implementation across
different agencies centrally and at the local government level.
5.2 Institutional Roles and Responsibilities
52. The institutional roles that are specified for MAAIF refer to the ministry
as well as all its semi-autonomous agencies. The roles of other MDAs
that are critical for effective implementation of this policy are elaborat-
ed above. MAAIF has overall responsibility of ensuring that this policy is
fully implemented and monitored. This will necessitate strengthening in-
tra-sectoral and inter-sectoral linkages with other MDAs as well as the
local governments, private sector, civil society, development partners and
the farmers.
5.2.1 Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF)
53. The mandate of MAAIF is tosupport, promote and guide production of
crops, livestock and fisheries, so as to improve quality and increased
quantity of agricultural produce and products for domestic consumption,
food security and export”.
54. MAAIF’s core functions shall be: Policy and Programme Coordination and Monitoring
i. Formulate and review national policies, plans and legislation, standards
and programmes supporting the agricultural sector;
ii. Design, develop and maintain a national information base on the agricul-
ture sector including agricultural statistics;
iii. Mobilise financial and technical assistance for the development of the ag-
ricultural sector;
iv. Promote the interests of local governments, private sector, farmers, and
other sector stakeholders in relation to the sector;
v. Coordinate, facilitate, monitor, supervise and evaluate (a) national agricul-
tural development projects and programmes; (b) the operations of the
Ministry’s semi-autonomous agencies; and (c) sector outputs;
vi. Regulate and monitor private providers of services in the agricultural sec-
tor to ensure compliance with national standards;
vii. Account to the President, Cabinet and Parliament on the performance of
the sector; and
viii. Maintain effective national platforms for engagement and active owner-
ship of programmes by all agriculture sector stakeholders. Regulation and Quality Assurance
i. Control and manage crop and animal epidemic diseases, pests and vec-
tors affecting production;
ii. Intensify regulatory services to ensure that all actors adhere to rules and
iii. Control the use of agricultural chemicals, and enforce animal health and
phytosanitary regulations, including seed quality standards;
iv. Promote and regulate livestock and fisheries activities including aquacul-
v. Support and regulate the agricultural input supply system; and
vi. Establish technical specifications and quality assurance standards for ag-
ricultural infrastructure.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy Advisory and Training Services
i. Provide technical advice, quality assurance, technical audits and support
supervision through agricultural and agribusiness advisory services for
crop, livestock, fisheries and entomology; and
ii. Provide training and capacity building in the fields of agricultural extension
and vector and vermin control, as required by the local governments. Research Services
i. Generate and disseminate appropriate, safe and cost effective agricultural
ii. Enhance the participation and coordination of the public and private ser-
vice providers in the delivery of high quality and efficient agricultural re-
search services; and
iii. Empower farmers by involving them in identifying and prioritizing their re-
search needs and in procuring agricultural research services, while tech-
nically and professionally guiding them to make informed production and
marketing decisions. Value-chain Development and Commercialisation
i. Promote and support commercialization of the agricultural sector
through value chain development;
ii. Review and fully operationalise agricultural production, processing and
marketing zones countrywide;
iii. Guide strategic enterprise selection at farm level to ensure competitive-
ness and profitability of the chosen commodities;
iv. Promote primary and secondary processing of agricultural commodities
v. Promote non-traditional high value agricultural production, including api-
culture, sericulture and spices;
vi. Operationalise water for value-chain development, especially for agricul-
tural production andprimary processing;
vii. Promote labour saving technologies, agricultural mechanization and engi-
neering; and
viii. Promote, coordinate, monitor and build capacity of farmer organisations. MAAIF Support to Local Government
i. Inspect, monitor and evaluate the agricultural activities of local govern-
ii. Co-coordinate Government’s agricultural policies, initiatives, projects and
programmes as they apply to local governments;
iii. Provide technical assistance, support supervision and training to agricul-
tural advisory services personnel within local governments;
iv. Facilitate development of local-level agricultural services infrastructure
in coordination with local governments;
v. Restock, multiply and ensure access to improved genetic resources by
vi. Strengthen human and financial capacity of local governments to plan
and implement agricultural projects and programmes; and
vii. Promote collaboration among districts in the same agricultural produc-
tion and marketing zone to achieve economies of scale.
5.2.2 Local Governments
55. The core functions of the districts and lower-level local governments
shall be to:
i. Implement all of the decentralized and devolved agricultural ser-
vices, including advisory and regulatory services;
ii. Develop and implement appropriate by-laws to regulate food secu-
rity, animal movement, local taxation and any other areas that sup-
port the effective local implementation of agricultural programmes;
iii. Monitor implementation of agricultural plans and policies at the
district and within the lower-level local governments;
iv. Mobilise and empower farmers and farmer groups to produce, pro-
cess and market their commodities;
v. Sensitize and guide communities and implementers on addressing
traditional and cultural issues affecting selection, promotion and
utilization of strategic agricultural enterprises; and
vi. Increase awareness of the farmers to protect agricultural produc-
tion natural resources, especially land and water.
5.2.3 Private Sector
56. The private sector shall complement public sector institutions and be
responsible for the following core activities:
i. Invest in agricultural production at small, medium and large scales;
ii. Invest in agricultural commodity processing and value addition;
iii. Participate actively in technology development, multiplication and
iv. Participate in marketing of both inputs and outputs domestically,
regionally and internationally;
v. Provide agricultural finance services to support investment in pro-
duction, processing and marketing of agricultural produce;
vi. Advocate for improved policy, regulatory and institutional frame-
works that effectively support private sector activities. Dialogue
with government and other stakeholders on strategic actions need-
ed for agricultural development;
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
vii. Improve farmer access to key agricultural support services; and
viii. Invest in rural infrastructure through public-private partnerships.
5.2.4 Civil Society
57. Civil society organisations, including the higher-level farmer organisa-
tions, and traditional, cultural and faith based institutions shall undertake
the following core functions:
i. Mobilise farmers to access financial products and services, farm
inputs, markets and other relevant agricultural goods and services;
ii. Advocate for improvement in agricultural services within the
prevailing policy and regulatory environment;
iii. Monitor implementation of government programmes;
iv. Develop and implement complementary agricultural programmes in
line with government policy and plans; and
v. Contribute to policy formulation and reviews at all levels.
5.2.5 Development Partners
58. The role of development partners shall be to:
i. Share good practices and alternative approaches to agricultural
ii. Provide financial support and technical support to the agriculture
sector; and
iii. Adhere to partnership principles between Government and donors.
5.3 Implementation Coordination
59. This policy shall be implemented through a sector wide approach that
involves both state and non-state actors at both central and local gov-
ernment levels. Effective implementation will necessitate two types of
coordination mechanisms to be established: intra-sectoral coordination to
deal with internal issues within the agriculture sector; and inter-sectoral
coordination to create functional linkages between MAAIF, other MDAs
and local governments.
5.3.1 Intra-sectoral Coordination
60. The Top Policy Management (TPM) of MAAIF will ensure that there is con-
sistency and coherence in policy formulation, implementation and moni-
toring by MAAIF and all its affiliated semi-autonomous agencies. The TPM
will ensure that the programmes that fall under the semi-autonomous
agencies are properly integrated to meet the overall vision, mission and
objectives of the agriculture sector. This will necessitate bringing togeth-
er the plans and budgets of the ministry headquarters and its agencies
within the sector wide approach to address common goals in line with this
agriculture policy. The decisions of TPM shall be guided by the Agriculture
Sector Working Group which is broader than the TPM of MAAIF and is
comprised of a wider section of stakeholders in the agriculture sector.
5.3.2 Inter-sectoral Coordination
61. The Cabinet and Parliament will ensure that implementation of this poli-
cy is well coordinated. An inter-ministerial coordination arrangement will
be established to advocate and lobby for cross-sectoral collaboration to
address the needs of this policy. In particular, this mechanism shall guide
and strengthen the vertical linkages between MAAIF and local govern-
ments to ensure effective implementation of the policy. For this purpose,
a National Agriculture Sector and Rural Development Secretariat (ASRDS)
shall be created. It is accordingly proposed to designate the existing PMA
Secretariat as the ASRDS. The Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture
will play an oversight role to ensure that the agricultural sector is allo-
cated adequate resources to enable implementation of the strategies that
are identified in this policy.
National Agriculture Policy
National Agriculture Policy
6.1 Purpose of the Monitoring and Evaluation System
62. MAAIF under its DSIP has developed a monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
system. The purpose of the system is to regularly and transparently as-
sess the implementation of this policy, sector investments, sector per-
formance and the welfare indicators of Ugandan households, including
incomes and food and nutrition security. MAAIF shall use the M&E results
to make necessary adjustments for better performance and improved
outcomes for the sector. MAAIF shall develop this system in collabora-
tion with other agricultural sector stakeholders and shall link it with other
relevant national policy monitoring and evaluation systems.
6.2 Operationalising the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
63. MAAIF shall collaborate with other agricultural sector stakeholders in the
operationalisation of the M&E system. The operational framework will
also define roles and responsibilities in the M&E system.
64. MAAIF shall collaborate with other stakeholders including local govern-
ments and set up effective agricultural statistics and management infor-
mation systems to collect, manage and analyse data and report informa-
tion that can be used in the M&E system. Mechanisms to review progress
to ensure that the policy, programmes and processes are on track to
meet sector objectives, are part of the M&E system. The review process-
es shall be transparent, broad and inclusive. MAAIF shall disseminate the
outcomes of the reviews to the public through agreed channels.
65. MAAIF shall develop and promote linkages and networking between all
its agencies, programmes and projects as well as with agricultural sec-
tor stakeholders in order to improve knowledge sharing, information ex-
change and learning from M&E results.
66. The communication strategy shall address agriculture and agriculture re-
lated information and knowledge from within and from outside the sector.
MAAIF has developed a communication strategy which sets out a frame-
work for communicating such information and knowledge both to agricul-
tural sector stakeholders and to those outside the sector. The framework
provides for refining and synthesizing the knowledge generated so that it
can be shared through accredited communication channels. The informa-
tion provided will improve awareness and understanding of agriculture in
Uganda and enhance dialogue, buy-in, collaboration and participation of all
agricultural stakeholders in policy implementation.
67. Two-way communication between government and other stakeholders
will be institutionalised through facilitating opportunities for public dia-
logue, knowledge sharing, and enabling information flows from grass-
roots levels. These communication activities will promote and inform
evidence-based planning at all levels. The Agriculture Sector Working
Group of MAAIF will use this information to debate and provide appro-
priate feedback on Government strategies for agricultural development.
Awareness of the potential for agricultural development in Uganda and
political commitment to development will be fostered through communi-
cation between and among different technical and non-technical audienc-
es, government and non-government audiences, development partners,
and the wider population at farming community level, sub-county, district,
regional and national levels.
National Agriculture Policy
68. The National Agriculture Policy (NAP) is specifically designed to actualize
an agricultural revolution in Uganda.
P.O. Box 102
Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 320 004