NW 7
NW 7
AVENUE CRA EMERGENCY SMALL BUSINESS GRANTS: In response to the economic crisis as a result of the
Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), the NW 7
Avenue Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has launched an
Emergency Small Business Grant Program to assist businesses within the CRA Redevelopment Area. The CRA is offering
up to $7,000 grants to help keep your business open.
ELIGIBLE USES/REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible for the grant, your business must meet the following conditions:
1. Employ 10 employees or less.
a. 1 to 5 employees eligible for up to $3,500
b. 6 to 10 employees eligible for up to $7,000
2. Be located within the NW 7
Avenue CRA Boundaries.
3. Can be any locally-owned business. Exceptions include: Religious institutions, residences, adult entertainment
businesses, tattoo shops, smoke shops, marijuana distilleries, bars and liquor stores are not eligible.
4. Applicable Miami-Dade County/state licenses must be up to date.
5. Businesses must not have received funding from the Federal Government through the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and
Economic Security (CARES) Act to include but not limited to the Paycheck Protection Program.
a. Business who have received funding from Miami-Dade County, and did not receive the maximum funding
may be eligible for funding from this program for a combined maximum of $25,000. (i.e. if business
received $20,000 from the County may be eligible for a maximum of $5,000 from this program).
6. Owner/Operator or Applicant shall have no outstanding liens, violations, pending litigation with Miami-Dade County
or the NW 7
Avenue CRA or any unpaid real and/or tangible personal property taxes.
7. Only one application, per business is allowed and must be signed by the majority owner of the business. Applicants
may not submit multiple applications using different partners, family members or other persons.
8. Applications must be completed in full, signed and submitted to be considered.
The grant can be used for the following business purposes: purchasing inventory, rent, mortgage payments, salaries and/or
emergency repairs. To apply, please complete the application on the following page. The time required to
complete the application is approximately 20 minutes. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis,
until the CRA spends its entire emergency fund budget. The CRA will notify you of approval or denial within 7-10
business days of receipt of your application. If approved, the CRA will require proof of all payments to vendors and
Please send or e-mail your completed application package to:
Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc. (NANA)
5120 NW 24
Miami, Florida 33150
Attention: Leroy Jones, Executive Director
or [email protected] with the subject “NW 7
Avenue Emergency Grant”
Interested parties may contact Alice Townsend, NANA, at (305) 756-0605 to receive instructions on how to complete
the application. Applicants must thoroughly review application guidelines and terms and conditions to ensure eligibility.
NW 7
Is this business located within the NW 7
Avenue CRA Boundary? Yes _______ No ______
1. LEGAL NAME OF BUSINESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. NAME OF OWNER, CEO, OR MANAGING PARTNER: _________________________________________________________________
3. BUSINESS ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. BUSINESS PHONE: ___________________________________ 4a. OWNER/CEO EMAIL: ___________________________________
5. DATE BUSINESS ESTABLISHED: _________________________ 5a. FEDERAL TAX ID#: _____________________________________
6. BUSINESS INDUSTRY: ___________________________ 6a. COUNTY BUSINESS TAX NUMBER: ___________________________
9. Please provide all of the following:
a. Certified Copy of the Business’s Articles of Organization or Incorporation
b. Copy of Current Lease (If requesting funding for rent)
c. Copy of County Business License
10. List all uses of the grant funding, including the amount, vendor (payee), and purpose of the payment.
Vendor/Payee Name
13. TOTAL FUNDING REQUESTED (1 to 5 Employees $3,500 MAXIMUM)
(6 to 10 Employees $7,000 MAXIMUM): _______________________
Additional information may be requested by the Agency to determine program eligibility. Certification and signature are required on the next
NW 7
Certification and Signature Page
This form must be signed by the CEO, Managing Principal, Majority Owner, or Corporate Officer with the power to bind
the company to contracts.
The undersigned, by submitting this proposal, certifies the following:
1. That the Legal name of the Applicant’s Company/Business submitting this application is:
2. That I am the Sole Proprietor, President, CEO, or other officer of the Company, and as such have full authority to
make this affidavit and execute all agreements on behalf of the Company;
3. That I am not an employee of Miami-Dade County;
4. That the information given herein and, in the documents, attached hereto are true and correct, and;
5. No federal funding from the CARES Act has been received.
6. In submitting this proposal, the Applicant/Company agrees with all the terms, conditions, and specifications required
by the NW 7th Avenue Corridor Community Redevelopment Agency in this grant application, and that
applicant/company has this document and fully understand its contents.
7. By executing this application that the funds provided herein will only be used for the purposes stated herein and
if not used for the purposes stated herein the CRA shall have the right to demand repayment of all or a portion
of the funds, in its sole discretion.
8. In the event that my request for funding is approved by the Agency, I understand and agree that no funds will be
disbursed to me until I execute an agreement with the CRA and comply with the terms therein.
9. You will be required to provide receipts/proof for all qualifying expenses claimed under this grant within 30 days
of receipt of grant funds. If applicant/company does not follow the above requirements, the grant will be due in
10. The grantee will be required to provide any reporting information (oral, written, in-person) to the CRA in future
The information submitted on this document is true to the best of my knowledge.
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________
Signature Date
The NW 7
Avenue CRA reserves the right at it sole and absolute discretion, to reject any and all grant applications, postpone or cancel the grant
program or waive any irregularities in applications submitted for funding.
NW 7
Terms and Conditions
This Grant Application is binding upon the Recipient Business/Grantee and Owner (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Grantee”).
Grantee shall be and is bound to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations ordinances, resolutions and the
N.W. 7th Avenue Corridor Community Redevelopment Agency’s requirements pertaining to this Application, including but not limited to
maintaining all required business and commercial licenses and insurance, conducting background checks, and complying with Section
119.0701 of the Florida Statutes as may be applicable. This document has no intended third party or unintended third-party beneficiaries.
Breach: A breach by Grantee shall have occurred under this document if: the Grantee fails to fulfill in a timely and/or proper manner
any and all of its obligations, covenants, agreement and stipulations in this document. If the Grantee breaches, the CRA may pursue any
or all of its legal remedies. The Executive Director or Executive Director’s designee is authorized to suspend, terminate and/or seek
repayment of grant funds on behalf of the CRA. The total grant awarded funded pursuant to this document may be due and payable to
the CRA at the sole discretion of the Executive Director or his designee.
Civil Rights: The Grantee agrees to abide by Chapter 11A of the Code of Miami-Dade County (“County Code”), as amended, which
prohibits discrimination in various areas, including employment, housing and public accommodations; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1968, as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodation; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as
amended which prohibits discrimination in employment because of age; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 § U.S.C. 794,
as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12103 et seq., which
prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodations because of disability; the Rehabilitation Act; the Federal Transit Act,
49 U.S.C. § 1612; the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et. seq; and the Domestic Violence Leave Ordinance, codified as § 11A -60 et.
seq. of the Miami-Dade County Code.
Payment Procedures: If Grantee is selected to receive grant funds, the CRA agrees to pay the Grantee for the purpose and services
described in this Application.
The Grantee shall keep on file all invoices and payment documentation associated with this Application
for a period of no less than three (3) years from the date Grantee received final award amount pursuant to this Application.
Prohibited Use of Funds: The Grantee shall not utilize CRA funds for religious purposes or to retain legal counsel for any action or
proceeding against the CRA or any other of its agents, instrumentalities, employees, or officials. The Grantee shall not utilize CRA funds
for any purpose other than as approved by the CRA in the CRA’s sole discretion.
Records, Reports, and Audits:
A. Supporting Documentation. The Grantee shall submit proof of active corporate status by providing, as part of this Application,
a completed W-9 form and certificate of Corporate Status from the State of Florida Division of Corporations.
B. Office of Miami-Dade Inspector General. Miami-Dade County has established the Office of Inspector General, which is
empowered to perform random audits on all CRA contracts throughout the duration of each agreement. Grant recipients are
exempt from paying the cost of the audit, which is normally ¼ of 1% of the total agreement amount.
C. Independent Private Sector Inspector General Review. Pursuant to Miami-Dade County Administrative Order 3-20, the Grantee
is aware that the CRA has the right to retain the services of an Independent Private Sector Inspector General (hereinafter “IPSIG”),
whenever the CRA deems it appropriate to do so and at the CRA’s expense. The Grantee shall make available to the IPSIG
retained by the CRA, all requested records and documentation pertaining to this Application for inspection and copying,
including documents held by sub-consultants’ assignees. The CRA may conduct other audits or investigations, as it deems
reasonable. The terms of this Section shall not impose any liability on the CRA by the Grantee or by any third party.
Grant Period: All purchases made with CRA funds shall be completed by the grant expiration date. The Grantee shall forfeit any grant
funds which have not been expended and/or requested in a form acceptable to the CRA (original invoice/receipt and proof of purchase),
at the CRA’s sole discretion, before or on the grant’s expiration date (September 30 of grant fiscal year). The Grantee must ensure all
documentation is submitted to the Program Administrator (an entity selected to administer the Emergency Grant Program, including but
not limited to NANA or another organization selected by the CRA) and is forwarded to the CRA within 30-day of the disbursement of
grant funds.
Transfer of Ownership: Any grant hereunder is awarded on the condition that the Grantee maintains ownership of and continues to
operate for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date Grantee signs this Application. If the Owner transfers ownership of the
Recipient Business or discontinues business operations before the expiration of the eighteen-month (18) period, the total amount
awarded and disbursed to the Grantee under this Application may be due and payable to the CRA at the sole discretion of the CRA.
Indemnification: The Grantee shall indemnify and hold harmless the CRA and its officers, employees, agents, and instrumentalities from
any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorneys’ fees and costs of defense, which the CRA or its officers, employees, agents,
or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of
relating to or resulting from this Application and/or in connection to Grantee or its employees, agents, servants, partners, principals, or
subcontractors. The Grantee shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or
actions of any kind or nature in the name of the CRA, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs,
judgments and attorney’s fees which may issue thereon. The Grantee expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection
required by this Application or otherwise provided by the Grantee shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save
harmless and defend the CRA or its officers, employees, agents, and instrumentalities as herein provided.
Jurisdiction and Venue: This Agreement shall only be enforced to the extent that it is consistent with the laws of the State of Florida
and the United States and any dispute arising hereunder shall be brought by the parties in a court of competent jurisdiction located in
Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Severability Clause: If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
Survival: The parties acknowledge that any of the obligations in this Agreement will survive the term, termination and cancellation
hereof. Accordingly, the respective obligations of the Parties under this Agreement, which by nature would continue beyond the
termination, cancellation or expiration thereof, shall survive termination, cancellation or expiration hereof.
Waiver: The waiver of any provision or term of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or te1m of this
Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements,
whether written or oral.
Amendments: This Agreement may not be altered, amended or modified, except by an instrument in writing signed by the each of
the Parties in existence at the time.
Further Assurances: Each Party covenants that it will take all reasonable actions with acknowledgment, any and all documents and
writings that may be reasonably necessary or proper to achieve the purposes and objectives of this Agreement and to provide and
secure to the other party's rights and privileges under this Agreement.
Assurance Regarding Preexisting Contracts: Each Party warrants that as of the date of execution of this Agreement, it has executed
no purchase agreement or any other agreements that would violate any provision of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the contract date
herein above set forth.
GRANTEE: ________________________________
Leroy Jones
Executive Director
Name: ____________________________
Page 1
Uptown 7
Emergency Small Business Grant Program
COVID-19 Affidavit
Business Name
Business Address
To be considered for funding under the Uptown 7
Ave Emergency Small Business Grant Program,
Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc requires that you answer the following question.
As of the date of this affidavit did your BUSINESS receive any funding in connection with the COVID-19
Did not
1. Economic Injury Disaster Loan? (Advance)
2. Paychex Protection Program?
3. Emergency funding though a County program?
Program Name:
4. Emergency funding though a City program?
Program Name:
5. Other funding through an agency not listed above?
Agency Name:
A materially false statement willfully or fraudulently made in connection with this affidavit may result in
rendering the submitting business ineligible with respect to the program, and in addition, may subject
the business to future denial of funding under the Uptown 7
Ave Emergency Small Business Grant
Program or any other Uptown 7th Ave Grant Program.
By signing this statement, I am certifying that I am authorized to complete and submit this affidavit on
behalf of the business. I verify that the statements contained herein are true and correct and the
Business has not misrepresented any information contained in this document.
Owner Name
NANA Staff Name