How to implement and manage
an effective respirator fit
testing programme
Do you know if your workers are wearing
tight-fitting respirators that actually fit them?
Tight-fitting respirators must seal to the
wearer’s face in order to provide the
expected protection. If there is a leak in the
face seal, they may be exposed to harmful
airborne contaminants. Fit testing is required
by law in many different countries around the
world and is being increasingly adopted by
companies as best practice even where there
is not a mandatory requirement to fit test.
What is fit testing?
A respirator fit test can be defined
“…a method for checking that a tight-fitting
facepiece matches the person’s facial
features and seals adequately to the wearer’s
face. It will also help to identify unsuitable
facepieces which should not be used.
Why fit testing?
A good fit means the tight-fitting respiratory
protective device (RPD) will seal to your
skin. A respirator can only provide adequate
respiratory protection to the wearer when
air passes through the filter and does not
enter the wearer’s breathing zone via any
other route. Air will take the path of least
resistance, so if there isn’t a good face seal,
some of the contaminated air will go through
this path rather than through the respirator
filter, and therefore reduce the protection.
Every wearer’s face is different in shape,
size and features. Tight-fitting respirators
are also available in a wide range of shapes,
styles, materials and sizes. Unfortunately,
there is no single tight-fitting respirator that
can be expected to fit every possible wearer.
Therefore, the fit of a respirator is personal,
individual and unique to each wearer. The
only way to know if a respirator can provide
an adequate seal to a wearer is to fit test each
respirator-wearer combination.
Fit testing as part of your
respiratory protection
Implementing an effective respiratory
protection programme should be a
methodical and documented process.
All programmes should start with an exposure
and risk assessment to determine the level
of adequate respiratory protection required.
After this, the focus is the selection and fit
testing of an RPD that is suitable for the
workplace, the task and the wearer. A suitable
tight-fitting RPD also needs to be compatible
with other items of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) such that the protection
provided by the PPE is not compromised,
be comfortable to wear and importantly fit
the wearer. In some countries, a mandatory
medical evaluation may be required prior
to fit testing. Finally, the entire programme
should be documented, particularly wearer
training in the limitations, fitting, use and
maintenance of the respirator.
Fit testing is a key part of a workplace
respiratory protection programme. A fit
test gives an assessment of how well the
respirator fits the wearer. A fit test also
helps with the assessment of the respirator’s
comfort, compatibility with other PPE and
overall suitability for the wearer, along with
being an ideal training opportunity for the
wearer on the correct fitting and use of
the product.
What type of RPD should
be fit tested?
Any tight-fitting facepiece should be fit
tested. These include filtering facepiece
respirators (disposable respirators, commonly
referred to as ‘dust masks’), half-masks with
filters and full-face masks with filters. Any
tight-fitting facepiece that is connected to
a powered or supplied air system should
also be fit tested; this includes tight-fitting
face masks used with turbos, breathable
compressed air or self-contained breathing
Filtering facepieces (disposable respirators)
Full-facepiece respirators
Half-mask respirators
Tight-fitting powered
or supplied air respirators (including SCBA)
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
Only respirators that rely upon positive air
flow through a loose-fitting headtop do not
require face fit testing. Such products may
be selected for a variety of reasons, which
may include the need for higher protection
levels available from some classes and
types, wearer facial hair that may affect the
seal of a tight-fitting respirator, long wear
durations, wearer comfort and the need for
a single item of PPE that offers combined
protection from other hazards.
Fit test methods and
Most respirator fit test methods rely upon
the wearer wearing the respirator in an
atmosphere containing a harmless aerosol,
with the amount of the aerosol entering
inside of the respirator due to face seal
leakage being assessed either qualitatively
or quantitatively.
Around the world there are several
interpretations of how fit testing
should be implemented.
All the fit test methods have significant
commonality, and in most cases, are
derived from the methods and regulations
first implemented in the USA.
Fit test methods
Fit test methods can be defined
asbeingeither qualitative (QLFT)
orquantitative (QNFT):
Qualitative (QLFT)
Qualitative fit testing is subjective, requiring
the wearer to provide input to the fit test.
The predominant methods use either a
Saccharine or Bitrex
test solution, sprayed
into an over hood, which the respirator
wearer decides if they can taste whilst
conducting a number of fit test exercises.
If the test solution is not tasted during the fit
test, then the test is deemed a pass (with an
assumed fit factor of 100 for the respirator).
Other methods are available and used in
some countries, for example isoamyl acetate
(banana oil) or stannic acid (irritant fumes).
Qualitative methods can be used to fit
test filtering facepieces and half-masks
(with particulate or combination filters)
only. Qualitative methods may be suitable
for full face masks according to some
fit test regulations and only in certain
Quantitative (QNFT)
A quantitative fit test is an objective method
that can be used to fit-test most tight-fitting
respirators. It involves using an instrument
to measure leakage around the face seal
and produces a numerical result called
Note: the fit factor should not be confused
with respirator protection factors such as
nominal protection factor (NPF) or assigned
protection factor (APF) that may be used
topredict reduction of inhalation exposure.
Figure 1 - 3M
Qualitative Fit Test Apparatus Kit and Bitrex
Fit Test kit being used to conduct a
Qualitative Fit Test (QLFT) upon a subject wearing a filtering facepiece respirator
Most respirator fit test
methods rely upon
the wearer wearing
the respirator in an
atmosphere containing
aharmless aerosol
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
PPE improving workplace productivity – case studies
There are two main QNFT methods in use:
Ambient aerosol condensation nuclei-
counter (CNC) quantitative fit test procedure
The most commonly used method is
condensation nuclei counter (CNC) using
Respirator Fit Tester.
This machine uses the principle of ‘ambient
particle counting’ – it measures the
concentration of both the ambient aerosol
and the particles inside of the respirator being
tested, the ratio of which is the Fit Factor. For
more information on the use and operations
of the TSI
Respirator Fit Tester,
please see the manufacturer’s website
national protocols such as OSHA 1910.134
or HSE INDG 479
Ambient Particle Counting:
Controlled negative pressure (CNP)
quantitative fit test procedure
An alternative method is controlled negative
pressure (CNP) method using a OHD
machine. This machine and method
uses the principle ofcontrolled negative
pressure’ – it creates a slight negative
pressure inside of the respirator being tested
(while the wearer holds their breath and
remains still), and monitors the pressure
in order to measure any face seal leakage.
A variant of the CNP fit testing protocol
developed by OHD for the Quantifit is the
REDON protocol. With the REDON protocol,
the fit factor is measured after three different
exercises, with the additional doffing and
re-donning undertaken twice, with fit factor
measurement after each re-donning. The
REDON protocol is permitted in OSHA
only. For more information on the
use and operations of the OHD Quantifit,
please see the manufacturer’s website
national protocols such as OSHA 1910.134
orHSE INDG 479
Controlled Negative Pressure:
Fit test regulations
There are many countries that currently
have fit testing guidance or regulations
for tight-fitting respirators (for simplicity,
wewill call these all ‘regulations’ in this
document). Across Europe, there is growing
interest in fit testing and the implementation
of fit testing regulations with some countries
now having published their own specific
regulations. Please refer to Table 1 for the
current position of fit testing regulations
across Europe and North America.
In 2017, ISO 16975-3
was published as
part of a larger body of work to standardise
international performance and test standards
for respiratory protective devices. A summary
of current fit testing regulations and the key
differences between them is given below:
OSHA 1910.134
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134
specifies all of the
elements for implementing a respiratory
protection programme, including both the fit
test regulations and methods (protocols).
Key elements include:
Mandatory annual refit testing
Wide range of permissible qualitative fit
testing methods, including Saccharine and
Bitrex taste methods
Quantitative fit testing:
8 different fit test exercises, includes
a 15 second ‘grimace
The ‘overall fit factor’ from a fit test
must exceed the required minimum
fit factor for the test to be deemed
to be a pass
Wearer medical examination
is a prerequisite to fit testing
Qualitative methods can be used for
full face mask if they are used in
positive pressure mode, OR if they are
used in negative pressure mode but
an APF of 10 is adequate. Note, that
if a full face mask with an APF of 50
is needed, then a quantitative fit test
must be used.
The most commonly used
method [of quantitative fit
testing] is condensation
nuclei counter (CNC)
using a TSI
Respirator Fit Tester
Table 1 - Fit testing regulations
Country Regulation
France ED 6273
Netherlands HSE 282/28
Italy UNI 11719:2018
Canada CSA Z94.4-2011
Figure 2 - Ambient Particle Counting - TSI
Respirator Fit Tester Model 8038
being used to conduct a Quantitative Fit Test (QNFT) upon a subject wearing a filtering
facepiece respirator
Figure 3 - Controlled Negative Pressure - OHD
CNP using the REDON method being used to conduct
a Quantitative Fit Test (QNFT) upon a subject wearing a
filtering facepiece respirator. Image: courtesy of OHD
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
PPE improving workplace productivity – case studies
HSE INDG 479 (in its original version
HSE 282/28)
was implemented by
the UK Health and Safety Executive
over a decade ago, making fit testing
of tight-fitting respirators mandatory.
This document provides best practice
fit test methods for demonstrating
compliance. There are a number of
key differences between HSE INDG 479
and OSHA 1910.134:
No mandatory refit test requirement
(unless required by other applicable
Permissible qualitative fit testing methods
are Saccharine and Bitrex taste methods
Quantitative fit testing:
7 different fit test exercises, excludes
a 15 second ‘grimace
Longer in mask sampling times for
the TSI
Respirator Fit
Tester method
The fit factor calculated from each fit
test exercise and the ‘overall fit factor’
must exceed the required minimum fit
factor for the test to be deemed to be
a pass
Fit test exercises, with the exception
of bending over, are conducted at
elevated work rates (walking, stepping,
static cycling)
No mandatory requirement to complete
a wearer medical examination prior to
fit testing
ED 6273
INRS published ED 6273 “Protection
respiratoire – Réaliser des essais
in December 2016, making fit
testing of tight-fitting respirators mandatory
for wearers in the French asbestos industry.
ED 6273 is based upon HSE INDG 479, but
contains a few differences:
Wide range of permissible qualitative fit
testing methods, including Saccharine,
Bitrex and Isoamyl Actate methods
Quantitative fit testing
(ambient particle counting)
The first 7 fit test exercises as
HSE INDG 479, conducted whilst
standing still
An additional 8th exercise, deep
breathing, is conducted whilst stepping
ISO 16975-3
ISO 16975-3
was published in 2017.
This ISO standard may be used voluntarily by
employers or countries in lieu of any other
national requirements. ISO 16975-3 has
many similarities with the other protocols
mentioned, particularly OSHA 1910.134 and
HSE INDG 479. It is very likely that if adopted
as national standards, then the implementing
nation may add a national foreword or
annex that provides additional performance
requirements, detail or instruction that shall
be complied with.
There are a number of key differences
between HSE INDG 479 and/or OSHA
1910.134 and ISO 16975-3:
No mandatory refit test requirement is
specified (unless required by other applicable
Permissible qualitative fit testing methods
are Saccharine, Bitrex
and Isoamyl
Acetate methods
Quantitative fit testing:
7 different fit test exercises, excludes
a 15 second ‘grimace
The fit factor is as an ‘overall fit factor’
Fit test exercises are not conducted at
elevated work rates (walking, stepping,
static cycling)
No mandatory requirement to complete
a wearer medical examination prior to fit
Minimum fit factors are not by product
type (as OSHA 1910.134 or HSE INDG 479
do), but by Protection Class as defined
in ISO 16973:2016
In countries where there is no mandatory
fit testing regulation, 3M recommend that
employers follow recognised regulations,
methods and guidance from other countries,
such as the UK’s HSE INDG 479
, the USAs
OSHA 1910.134
or ISO 16975-3:20167
See Table 2 for a comparison of fit test
method suitability by product type
and minimum fit factor requirements.
* FFP1 filtering facepiece can only be, and FFP2 filtering facepiece respirator should ideally be fit tested using the TSI
Respirator Fit Tester Model 8038 or 4038 Pro+ .
** Qualitative fit testing may be used for full facepieces used in positive or negative pressure mode. However, for negative
pressure full facepiece respirators, the assigned protection factor must be reduced to 10 instead of 50.
(Saccharine /
Bitrex taste)
Quantitative – Ambient
Particle Counting
Fit Tester)
Quantitative – Controlled
Negative Pressure
Suitability Suitability Minimum Fit
Suitability Minimum Fit
HSE: Yes
HSE: 100*
OSHA: 100
INRS: 100
Half mask HSE: Yes
HSE: 100*
OSHA: 100
INRS: 100
HSE: 100
OSHA: 100
INRS: 100
Full face
OSHA: Yes*
HSE: 2000
OSHA: 500
INRS: 2000
HSE: 2000
OSHA: 500
INRS: 500
Table 2 - Suitability of fit test method by product type and minimum fit factor requirements
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
PPE improving workplace productivity – case studies
Respirator stability
and fit test exercises
A key part of a fit test is to determine the
respirator’s ability to retain its seal when the
wearer is in motion. That’s why wearers are
instructed to perform several standardised
exercises that are meant to put the seal of the
tight-fitting respirator under stress, as part
oftesting. The most common exercises used
inprotocols are as follows:
a. Normal breathing
b. Deep breathing
c. Turning head from side to side
(inhaling at the extremes)
d. Moving head up and down
(inhaling when looking up)
e. Reading/talking aloud
f. Grimace
g. Bending over at the waist
h. Normal breathing
Grimace features in OSHA 1910.134, quantitative fit testing
methods only (excluded from HSE INDG 479) – duration is
15 seconds, sampling within the mask is discarded for final
fit factor calculation
May be substituted for jogging on the spot in OSHA 1910.134
if the fit test method setup does not permit bending over
atthe waist
When to conduct a fit test?
A fit test must be conducted whenever there
is a new wearer and tight-fitting facepiece
combination, for example a new wearer
orachange to a new type, brand or model
oftight-fitting respirator. A fit test must also
be conducted should some characteristic of
the wearer or the product change that may
affect the seal upon the face, for example
when any facial changes occur that could
affect fit, such as significant weight change,
skin scarring or dental work.
Some national fit testing regulations, industry
specific national regulations or employer’s
health and safety policies require that fit
testing be repeated on a regular basis, for
At least annually in the USA according
toOHSA 1910.134
At least annually in the UK asbestos
industry according to the Control of
Asbestos Regulations (CAR) 2012
If there is no national guidance, or maximum
period of time between fit tests, then it is good
practice for companies to determine their own
policies on repeating fit testing. If neither the
wearer nor respirator have changed in any
way that would affect the fit of the respirator,
then a set period of time should be determined,
for example every 2 years.
Importance of fit
Incorrectly fitted respirators may not achieve
a reliable seal to the wearer’s face and may be
uncomfortable, possibly leading to wearers
not wearing the respirator during all periods
of exposure.
There are many factors that affect the fit
oftight-fitting respirators:
Donning procedure: everything from
putting the respirator on the right way up
through to the correct position and tension
adjustment of the headbands or proper
formation of the noseclip (if fitted).
Facial hair: look out for hair under the
faceseal, beard growth/stubble, forward
hairlines (full face masks) and big sideburns.
Beards, moustaches, or even stubble
interfere with the seal of a tight-fitting
respirator. Wearers must be clean-shaven
in any area of the face and neck where the
respirator comes into contact with the face.
This rule applies not only for the day of fit
testing, but for any day when a tight-fitting
respirator is worn in the workplace.
Other contaminants: anything that can
interfere with the seal to the face, includes
hair, cosmetics, sweat, facial jewellery,
foreign bodies within the mask and
Face shape and size: extremes of face size
(length and width of face) and well as very
angular or very round faces can cause issue
with fit.
Facial features: prominent facial features
can also cause some issues such as
cleft chins, scars on the facesealing
area, depressions around the temple/
cheekbones, unusual chin profiles
(chiselled features), unusual nose shapes
(very large or very flat).
User (wearer) seal check:
an essential everyday test
Employees wearing tight-fitting respiratory
protection should perform a wearer seal
check each time they put on their respirator
(including before a fit test). A fit test ensures
that the respirator is able to fit and provide a
secure seal, but a wearer seal check ensures
that it’s being worn right each time – a quick
way of identifying errors in fitting and certain
faults with the respirator. Wearers can either
perform a positive-pressure or negative-
pressure seal check, as detailed in the
manufacturer’s user instructions:
A positive-pressure check means blocking
the exhalation valve on a half or full
facepiece respirator or covering the
respirator surface on a filtering facepiece,
usually by using your hands, and trying to
breathe out. If slight pressure builds up,
that means the seal is adequate. Note that
exhalation valves on filtering facepieces are
not designed to be blocked, so this method
is not viable for valved filtering facepieces.
A negative-pressure check involves
blocking the intake valves or filters on a half
or full facepiece respirator or covering the
respirator surface on a filtering facepiece,
typically using your hands and trying to
breathe in. If no air enters, the seal is
adequate. See the product user instructions
for more details.
Incorrectly fitted
respirators may
not achieve a reliable
seal to the wearer’s
face and may
possibly leading
to wearers not
wearing the
respirator during
all periods
of exposure.
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
Reducing the PPE burden
Compatibility with other PPE
Prescription and safety spectacles, goggles,
face shields, hearing protection, hard
hats and coveralls can all compete with a
respirator for space upon a wearer’s face,
head or body. For instance, if a half mask
respirator doesn’t fit well (especially if it’s
too large), it can overlap with spectacles.
The more that happens, the more fogging
can potentially occur on the spectacles.
Adjusting the position of a respirator upon
the face to better accommodate spectacles
and goggles, or a hard hat or coverall hood
affecting the correct positioning of respirator
headbands can all interfere with the
respirator’s seal.
To catch these problems before they happen
on the job, any item of PPE that could
potentially interfere with the respirator’s seal
should also be worn during the fit test.
Interpreting fit test passes and
fit factor values
A respirator fit test pass means that on that
day, in those circumstances, the respirator
was shown to be able to provide an adequate
seal to the wearer’s face. A fit test pass is not
a guarantee of adequate respirator fit when
the next respirator is worn. Therefore, a
tight-fitting respirator should be fitted
correctly and in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, and the wearer
must always perform a wearer seal check
(fit check) each time the respirator is fitted.
With quantitative fit tests, there may be
a temptation to interpret the fit factor values
from a fit test, particularly if comparing two
or more different models of respirator.
With all fit tests, there are a number of
product, wearer, fit testing device,
environmental and fit tester variables
that can affect the fit test and the
resulting fit factor measured. Therefore,
unless the effect of these variables is
reduced or eliminated, and the results
have been shown to be both scientifically
reproducible and repeatable, then caution
is advised when comparing fit factor values.
Furthermore, little to no correlation has been
shown between quantitative fit factors and
workplace performance.
It is important to note that provided that the
overall (and individual fit test exercise
if you are using the HSE INDG 479 regulation)
fit factor(s) exceed the minimum fit factor
requirement, then the fit test has been
passed. Then a record of the fit test must
be made and stored, and the respirator can
be worn by the wearer in the workplace.
According to HSE INDG 479, a fit test record
should contain the following:
1. the name of person fit tested;
2. the make, model, material and size
of the face-piece;
3. whether the subject’s own facepiece,
company shared facepiece or a test
facepiece was used;
4. the test exercises performed during
the fit test;
5. the fit test method employed, i.e. test
chamber, ambient particle counting
device, controlled negative pressure
or qualitative taste test agents;
6. the measured fit factor for each individual
test exercise and the overall fit factor;
7. the pass level used in the test;
8. the result of the fit test in terms of a pass
or fail;
9. the date of the test;
10. the details of who performed the test,
name of firm, address, etc; and also
where possible;
11. the condition of the wearer’s own
12. whether the wearer required assistance
donning and fit checking the facepiece
before the fit test;
13. how many repeat tests were needed to
obtain a pass and the reasons why; and
14. the serial number or other means
ofidentifying the equipment employed
in the fit test.
A respirator fit test
pass means that on
that day, in those
the respirator
was shown to be
able toprovide
anadequate seal
tothe wearer’s face.
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
Reducing the PPE burden
Facial hair and clean-shaven policies
Wearer facial hair is perhaps the most commonly cited issue
regarding both respirator selection, use and fit testing. It can be a
highly contentious issue, touching on wearer’s rights, employment
law, religious beliefs and employer responsibilities. The rights of the
wearer need to be balanced against the needs to protect the health
and safety of the wearer – a balance that can be tricky to achieve in
many circumstances.
Ultimately though, tight-fitting respirators rely upon a good seal to the
face to protect the wearer. Anything that can interfere with this seal
and create gaps, including the full range of facial hair from stubble
tobeards, can and will compromise protection.
Numerous different researchers have evaluated the effects of facial
hair upon the performance of tight-fitting respirators. None of the
studies showed that facial hair improves the seal of the respirator
tothe face, with the conclusion being that the effects of facial hair
are variable by length and person but generally facial hair reduces the
protection to the wearer.
HSE RR1052
The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by
Filtering Facepieces Class 3 (FFP3) and Half Masks, 2015
This study evaluated the effect of facial hair growth on the inward
leakage (fit) of seven different makes and models of filtering
facepiece (disposable) FFP3 respirators and two different makes
and model of half masks. Fifteen male subjects were tested with the
respirators over the course of one week, starting with clean-shaven
through to 7 days of facial hair growth. Each subject, respirator
combination was tested for leakage (fit) daily throughout the study.
The effects of facial hair varied by subject and respirator worn:
By day 7, all subjects with all respirators had unacceptable
degradation in protection due to facial hair growth
For some subject respirator combinations, protection degraded
significantly by the end of day 4
For other respirators and some subjects, protection degraded with
facial hair growth, yet for a minority little/no degradation occurred.
The effect of stubble upon protection is unpredictable as each person
has different facial and facial hair characteristics (coarseness, hair
density, growth rate, etc.) and each respirator can respond differently
to facial hair. However, the research clearly supported guidance
that workers should be clean-shaven – within 8 hours of the start
of the shift – in the area of the faceseal when wearing tight fitting
Soul Patch
Thin Moustache
Facial hair
Any facial hair that interferes with the seal of the respirator onto the face can compromise protection.
Even long hair can interfere with the seal of the respirator to the face, particularly on full-face masks. However, some facial hair
can be worn provided that it does not interfere with the respirator seal to the face – two examples of facial hair that may be acceptable are
provided below. As facial hair varies, evaluate facial hair on a case by case basis and if a fit test pass is achieved, record the condition and
length of any acceptable facial hair; this will then have to be managed in the workplace.
Personal Protective
Equipment influencing
productivity whitepaper
Clean-shaven policies
Implementing a mandatory clean-shaven policy for wearers who
wear tight-fitting respirators is the obvious solution and yet can
be challenging to implement effectively. Wearers can be reluctant
or refuse to be clean-shaven, with common reasons being linked
to behavior, religious or medical grounds:
Lack of understanding of the need to protect themselves
or be clean-shaven
Misunderstanding about how respirators work, for example
tight-fitting respirators require a good seal to the face,
whilst loose-fitting do not
Bravado around respiratory hazards: “it won’t happen to me”
– a natural optimism
Defiance of the rules - the need to be clean-shaven:
“why should I” or “I don’t want to and don’t care”
Laziness/absentmindedness – apathy to the need to shave
Personal religious and customs are protected by law and
employers must make reasonable allowances, for example
non-enforcement of clean-shaven policies, for example
devout followers of Sikhism, Islam, and some sects of Judaism;
selection of loose-fitting RPD
A wide variety of medical conditions can also exempt wearers
from needing to shave, for example dermatological conditions
aggravated by shaving.
Addressing behavioural issues can be difficult. The best approach
is to engage with the employees and seek to change their behaviour
by making them fully aware of the hazards and risks to their health,
explanation of the need to be clean-shaven, training on the correct
use and fitting of respirators in order to address the issues head on.
Policies around fit testing and being clean-shaven must be transparent,
well documented, and available and applied to all. Policies need to
be continuously monitored and enforced, not just a passing fad or
a one-off activity. The ideal would be to incorporate clean-shaven
policy into the terms of employment.
However, including this in employment contracts for new hires or
retrospectively for existing employees may be problematic or even
illegal in some countries.
For employees who have legitimate reasons for having facial hair
or when enforcement of a clean-shaven policy is impractical or has
failed, other options such as alternative respiratory protective devices
or alternative work tasks that do not require respiratory protection
should be considered.
NIOSH – acceptable facial hair styles for use with filtering facepiece or half-mask respirator
Not only are our faces unique (shape, size, skin textures/firmness, etc.), but men’s facial hair is also unique.
Variables that may affect the interaction with a tight-fitting respirator include
Density (hairs/cm
Distribution on face (density variations on different
parts of the face)
Curliness of the hair
Hair stiffness (how stiff is the hair itself)
Hair cross-sectional size/diameter and shape
Number of days of growth and facial hair length
(note: men have different facial hair growth rates)
In the US, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has created guidance for wearers around facial hair that may
ormay not be acceptable under a tight-fitting half-mask or filtering facepiece
. The intended purpose was to give guidance and support
tomen’s health awareness charity events in the month of November (for example ‘Movember’).
*May be suitable – case by case assessment of potential to interfere with face seal needs to be required
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
Reducing the PPE burden
Managing a fit testing programme
Tips and good practises
Managing wearer time/minimise
man hours lost
Fit testing takes time. The actual fit test
itself may take 7-8 minutes, but additional time
is required for the following:
Sensitivity test (if applicable)
Preparation of facepiece for the test
Instruction of the wearer in the fit test
Donning and performing the wearer
seal check of the facepiece fit
Comfort assessment period
The actual fit test
Removal of facepiece
Explanation of the results of the fit test
Training on selection, use, donning,
maintenance of the respirator or any
other questions from the subject.
A successful fit test will take 20-30 minutes
per subject – respirator combination
As a rule of thumb, allow 20-30 minutes
per wearer – respirator fit test; ‘experienced’
wearers who are familiar with the process
may require closer to 20 minutes, whilst
new wearers and/or respirators may
require closer to 30 minutes. Additional
fit tests – repeats due to initial failure
or for more than one respirator – will
need to be accommodated or rescheduled.
Preparing for fit testing
As discussed above, fit testing takes
time – time when the wearer is not
being productive. It is therefore
advisable to seek the cooperation
of the production colleagues when
fit testing is being conducted, so that
cover is in place for wearers being fit
tested. Scheduling fit testing appointments
will also help minimise time lost due to
waiting around, yet a level of flexibility
is required as you will have some failures
and a need to conduct additional repeat
fit tests.
Fit testing should not be conducted
in a hazardous environment, but should
be conducted in a safe and private room,
for example in an office. Some wearers
can be self-conscious, so the use of a
private office or meeting room is advisable.
Qualitative fit test methods are best
conducted in larger rooms with good
ventilation. Conversely, quantitative
ambient particle counting methods
Respirator Fit Tester) are
best conducted in smaller rooms, where
air conditioning can be turned off and the
ambient particle concentration can be more
easily controlled and maintained.
Hood Headtop/helmet
Powered or supplied air respirators require a relatively significant initial investment compared to many tight-fitting respirators. This upfront cost
is a potential barrier to implementation, however these systems can actually prove to be more cost-effective, in the long term, than some
tight-fitting respirators, in addition to having numerous other practical, comfort and wearer protection benefits.
Alternative RPD
If wearers will not or are unable to comply with a clean-shaven policy, there are alternative products that may be considered. Loose-fitting
facepieces or headtops have a close fit to the head and/or face, but do not rely on a tight seal to the wearer’s face. These types of product are
connected to a continuous flow of filtered or uncontaminated air. Examples of loose-fitting facepieces and headtops include:
What is clean-shaven?
Not only are men’s facial hair characteristics different, but people shave differently and at varying frequencies.
Unfortunately, there is little guidance or technical definition on what actually ‘clean-shaven’ actually is or how to measure growth.
Therefore, it is a personal interpretation for the respirator wearer, employer and if conducting a respirator fit test, the fit tester.
A general rule of thumb is that if stubble is seen to clearly protrude above the skin, then the subject is not clean-shaven. But this is not scientific
and is open to interpretation. Clean-shaven (or a close shave) can mean different things to different people. A sharp razor blade will shave closer
and more consistently than a blunt blade. Shaving with the grain can produce a ‘close shave, but shaving against the grain of the hair can result
ina ‘very close shave, but at the risk of razor bumps and skin irritation.
Different models and makes of electric razor, sharpness of the cutting elements, pressure and shaving duration will equally produce different results.
EN 529:2005
provides us with at least a time-based definition: “unshaven means hair which has not been shaved within the previous
8h period prior to the work shift”
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
Lean principles for PPE
Wearer responsibilities
Turn up for the fit test when scheduled
Be clean-shaven
Should not eat, drink (except water),
chew gum or smoke or vape in the 30
minutes (or 60 minutes in the case of
ambient particle counting method)
prior to conducting a fit test.
The results of fit testing are affected
by anything that changes the sense
of smell/taste (qualitative methods) or
results in wearer generated particles
(quantitative particle counting methods)
Bring their respirator (as required)
and any other item of PPE that they wear
that may affect the fit of the respirator
Don the respirator as trained and as per
the manufacturer’s user instructions
Be able to conduct the required fit
test exercises.
Employer responsibilities
Select suitable and adequate RPD,
and make this readily available to
those wearers who require it
Ensure all employees wearing tight fitting
RPD have been successfully fit tested
and ARE wearing the correct facepiece
Ensure that the RPD is used in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions
Ensure that the RPD is maintained properly
and is in good condition
Comply with all relevant fit testing
and health and safety regulations
and legislation, etc.
Importance of training
The short time each RPD wearer is taken
away from the production environment
for a fit test is not just an opportunity
to conduct the actual fit test, it is also
a unique opportunity for training
and assessing behavioural safety:
Fit the product correctly
Check on maintenance, storage,
end of service life
Feedback on all aspects of the respirator
and the RPD programme
Raise awareness of the hazards
and risks in the workplace
Reinforce the message of the
importance of correct fitting.
Respirator selection, realistic expectations
and managing fit test failures
Although modern tight-fitting respirators
can have excellent fitting characteristics,
no single tight-fitting respirator will likely fit
all workers in a large population.
Management of both wearer and employer
expectations is important in implementing
and managing a fit testing programme.
A failed fit test should not affect the
employment status of the wearer.
So, be prepared for some level of fit
test failure – whether that be a repeat
fit test to correct poor fit or an alternative
respirator size, model or even type.
If you do have a fit test failure,
then the following is recommended:
1. At the end of a failed fit test, and without
the wearer removing the respirator
– inspect for any obvious signs or poor
fit. It may be useful to ask the wearer
to repeat the exercise when the fit test
failed as this may help show any
poor fitting.
If poor fitting has been identified
– attempt to correct the fit,
conduct a wearer seal check
and if this passes, then repeat
the fit test
If poor fitting cannot be identified
– ask the wearer to remove
the respirator, and then refit.
Inspect for signs of poor fitting
– correct as required. If using
a quantitative fit test method,
check the function of the test
equipment and the probing of
the respirator. Conduct a wearer
seal check and if this passes,
then repeat the fit test.
2. If a second fit test failure has occurred
after attempting to correct poor fitting,
then an alternative respirator size, model
or type should be selected. Repeat the
fit testing procedure (as required) with
the new respirator.
Note: if conducting qualitative fit testing,
the wearer must repeat the sensitivity test
for each fit test having allowed sufficient
time for the taste from the previous test
to have dissipated.
“The short time
each RPD wearer
is taken away from
the production
environment for
afit test is not just
an opportunity to
conduct the actual
fit test, it is also a
unique opportunity
for training
and assessing
behavioural safety”
Although modern
tight-fitting respirators
can have excellent
fitting characteristics,
no single tight-fitting
respirator will likely
fit all workers in a
large population.
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
PPE improving workplace productivity – case studies
Whenever you conduct fit testing, there must be prior agreement between the employer and the fit tester on what the first-choice respirator
is and a range of alternatives. These respirators must be available for fit testing and for use in the workplace. This may mean that more products
will need to be purchased and managed as a result of fit testing.
In the example above, if a failure is experienced on the first-choice disposable respirator, then the next choice might be a different shape
of disposable respirator. If failures occur on this respirator, then it might be appropriate to use a half-mask and filters – particularly as these
are typically available in range of sizes.
It is important to note that a fit test is respirator-wearer specific. A change in the respirator, e.g. from one model of disposable to another
model of disposable, even though they may be of the same class, e.g. FFP3, does require another fit test.
Method selection
Table 2 (page 4) details what types of respirator can be fit tested by what method. For products where either method can be used,
the selection process often comes down to perceptions of the method, personal experience and the ability/desire to conduct
the fit testing in-house or use an external specialist (see below). A summary of the key points of each of the main methods are below:
In-house vs out-sourced fit testing
The choice as to whether to use an in-house fit tester (commonly a member of the company health and safety team or company nurse)
or employ an external fit testing company is complex. Factors to consider include:
Available resources and competencies: do you have personnel who are competent and have spare time to deliver in-house fit testing?
Number of wearers to be fit tested
Types of respirator to be fit tested
Are you initiating a programme (for example fit testing 500 wearers for the first time) or is there a continuous need
(several new hires/contractors each week)?
Is there funding available to invest in a QLFT kit, TSI
Respirator Fit Tester or OHD
, or pay for an external company
tofit test your wearers?
Is there a particular deadline that you must achieve?
Qualitative Bitrex
/ Saccharine taste Quantitative TSI
Respirator Fit Tester
Initial cost Low High
Fit tester Typically in-house (H&S officer or company nurse) Typically external specialist
Method Subjective Objective
Ease of use Relatively easy Relatively difficult
Products Filtering facepieces and half-masks All types
Perception Basic/old-fashioned Modern/scientific
Wearer seal check
No Yes (real-time mode)
Validity Valid method Valid method
1st choice:
FFP3 flat-fold disposable respirator
2nd choice:
FFP3 cup-shaped disposable respirator
3rd choice:
Half-mask (available in 3 sizes) with P3 filters
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
PPE improving workplace productivity – case studies
Who can conduct a fit test?
In theory, anybody can conduct a fit test - provided they are competent to do so.
Unfortunately, fit testing is often conducted by people with little or no training or practical experience. The result of a fit test can be greatly
influenced by competency of the fit tester and if a fit test is not conducted correctly, the health of the respirator wearer may be put at risk.
describes in detail the requirements for a fit tester to be deemed competent. Concerns about the competency of some
fit testers lead to the creation of the first fit tester competency assessment scheme. Created by the British Safety Industry Federation (BSiF),
the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and other UK industry stakeholders, the Fit2Fit scheme
involves both a multiple-choice exam
and a practical demonstration as part of the competency assessment in line with the requirements of HSE INDG 479. Being a Fit2Fit accredited
fit tester is not mandatory in the UK. But by being Fit2Fit accredited, fit testers are deemed to be sufficiently competent by demonstrating good
practice and compliance with the requirements of HSE INDG 479.
Fit test competency is gained from a mixture of training and practical experience. Fit testing under supervision and mentoring are invaluable
in gaining competence.
: To be competent the fit tester should have adequate knowledge, and have received adequate instruction and training
in the following areas:
1. selection of adequate and suitable RPD;
2. examination of RPD and the ability to identify poorly maintained facepieces;
3. ability to correctly fit a facepiece and perform pre-use fit checks;
4. ability to recognise a poor fitting facepiece;
5. the purpose and applicability of fit testing; the differences between, and the appropriate use of,
quantitative and qualitative fit testing methods;
6. the purpose of the fit test exercises;
7. preparation of facepieces for fit testing;
8. how to carry out diagnostic checks on the facepiece and the fit test equipment;
9. capabilities and limitations of the fit test equipment;
10. how to perform a correct fit test with the chosen method;
11. be aware of and know how to prevent and correct problems during fit testing;
12. interpretation of fit test results;
13. an understanding of the differences between fit factor, workplace protection factor,
assigned protection factor and nominal protection factors;
14. HSE Regulations
Some national
regulations specify
a time limit between
repeat fit tests, and
yet others do not
specify a time limit.
ISO 16975-3 could be said to be built upon HSE INDG 479 in terms of listing the requirements
of a competent fit tester. ISO 16975-3 states that fit testers should be properly trained
and demonstrate a proficiency in the fit-test method(s) being used. The standard goes
on to list in some detail the qualifications and required competencies of the fit tester
around general RPD knowledge used for the fit test, knowledge of the fit test method,
ability to set up and monitor the function of the equipment used, ability to conduct the
fit test and the ability of the fit tester to identify the likely cause of a fit test failure.
When to repeat fit test
As discussed previously, some national regulations specify a time limit between repeat fit
tests, and yet others do not specify a time limit. Of course, should the respirator or some
characteristics of the wearer change in some way that might affect fit, then a fit test should
be conducted.
People age, and typical consequences are changes in elasticity of the skin and fat content.
For these reasons, periodic repeat fit testing is best practice, even if it is not mandated.
Programme management
Fit testing is more than just a one-off fit test of your wearers with their current respirators.
Employees leave and are hired, respirator types, makes and models may change over time,
wearers themselves age and their faces change. Furthermore, implementing a fit testing
programme will likely affect the type, model and number of respirator purchased, impacting
both purchasing and stores within your organisation. The benefits of enhanced wearer
protection may likely need to be explained to other stakeholders in the organisation.
Fit testing should be an established part and a continuous consideration of your respiratory
protection and general health and safety policies. An effective programme should contain
elements similar to those detailed in OHSAS 18001
Plan – determine your policy, plan for implementation, communicate roles
and responsibilities for all involved
Do – implement the fit testing plan
Check – measure the performance of the programme and impact
on purchasing and production
Act – review performance of the programme (implementation and products used)
and act upon improvement actions
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
Reducing the PPE burden
It is important to stress that following a successful fit test, the wearer
should be instructed that they must wear the exact respirator model
as they wore during the fit test and that they fit it as instructed on
every occasion. Passing a fit test does not mean that the wearer
will obtain a good fit every time unless they follow the donning
and wearer seal checking procedures.
Benefits of fit testing
There are many benefits of implementing a fit testing programme.
In many countries, the obvious benefit is compliance with
the local laws. In countries where fit testing is not mandatory,
many employers are implementing fit testing programmes
as their own company policy.
Fit testing also provides a unique opportunity for one-to-one
training for wearers covering topics as diverse as respirator
use and limitations, workplace hazards, donning techniques
and compatibility with other items of PPE (which should be
part of the fit test).
Whether fit testing is implemented voluntarily or mandatorily,
it is recognised as best practice. Studies have demonstrated that
when fit testing is performed – poor fitting respirators are eliminated
– the work place protection provided to the respirator wearer is
increased. However, studies struggled to prove a direct correlation
between Fit Factors (FF) (resulting from a fit test) and Workplace
Protection Factors (WPFs).
The best correlations between WPFs and FFs have been found
where respirators are poor fitting. However, as it is unethical
to expose wearers that knowingly have failed a respiratory fit
test to concentrations exceeding Occupational Exposure Limits
(OELs), it is difficult to perform expansive studies
There are many differences between WPF studies and fit tests
which introduce variability that adversely affect correlation
Aerosol size distribution in the workplace is different
than in fit test protocols and this can introduce variability
WPF studies use gravimetric measurements, whilst the most
commonly used fit testing method used in such studies
Respirator Fit Tester) employs ambient
Fit tests are short duration tests using representative exercises that
do not significantly increase subject metabolic/breathing rates.
In contrast, WPF studies are conducted in the workplace, whilst
subjects conduct real work activities for extended
durations – the stresses and strains upon the respirator seal
to the face and the metabolic/breathing rates in the workplace
will be significantly more varied
Colton, CE., Filtering facepieces: Study supports need for
fit-testing, 3M Job Health Highlights, Vol 17, No 2, 1999
The chart below shows a probability plot of aggregated Workplace
Protection Factors for 16 different studies conducted between 1984
and 1996. The results are separated as to whether
or not the subjects undertook a fit test prior to the WPF study.
12 studies conducted fit testing upon the subjects: subjects
who failed the fit test were excluded from the WPF study
The remaining 4 studies did not conduct a fit test on the subjects
prior to the WPF study: therefore all subjects were included
Comparison of half-mask respirator performance values
with and without fit-testing
The 5th percentile is a commonly used statistical analysis term used
to model a sample population of results in order to predict a value that
95% of the total population would realistically be expected to achieve.
The 5th percentile WPF without prior fit-testing
is approximately 2
The 5th percentile WPF with prior fit-testing
is in the range of 20-30
How to implement and manage an effective respirator fit testing programme
Reducing the PPE burden
3M Personal Safety Division
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Respirator Fit Tester are registered trademarks of TSI incorporated. OHD and
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1. HSE INDG479 Guidance on respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fit testing. 2019 [Online]
2. Respirator Fit Testers. [Online]
3. 29 CFR 1910.134 - OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard.
4. Quantifit
| The Gold Standard in Respirator Fit Testing. [Online]
5. ISO 16975-3:2017 - Respiratory protective devices - Selection, use and maintenance - Part 3: Fit-testing procedures.
6. ED 6273 “Protection respiratoire – Réaliser des essais d’adjustment”.
7. ISO 16973:2016 Respiratory protective devices - classification for respiratory protective device (RPD), excluding RPD for underwater application.
8. Managing and working with asbestos. Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. 2012.
9. HSE RR1052 - The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by Filtering facepiece Class 3 (FFP2) and Half Masks. 2015.
10. To Beard or not to Beard? That’s a good Question! [Online]
11. Gillette – Face Shaving tips: against the grain. [Online]
12. Braun – How to get a close shave. [Online]
13. EN 529:2005 Respiratory protective devices — Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance — Guidance document.
14. Fit2Fit. [Online]
15. OHSAS 18001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHS).
16. Filtering facepieces: Study supports need for fit-testing. Colton, CE. 2, 1999, 3M Job Health Highlights, Vol. 17.