Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
This Master Clinical Study Agreement (“Agreement”), effective as of the date of full execution hereof
(“Effective Date”) sets forth the terms and conditions by and between AbbVie Inc. (“AbbVie”) and The
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; The University of Texas Health Science Center at
San Antonio, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler; The University of Texas Medical
Branch at Galveston; The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; The University of Texas Rio
Grande Valley, and The University of Texas at Austin (“Institution” or collectively, “Institutions”), each a
member institution of The University of Texas System (“System”). In consideration of the mutual promises
set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Scope of Agreement.
(a) For purposes of the Agreement,“Affiliate” means an entity that, directly or indirectly, through one
or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the party being
referenced, excluding, with respect to AbbVie, Pharmacyclics LLC. For purposes of this definition,
“control” means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to cause the direction of the
management and policies of the applicable entity, whether through ownership of fifty percent
(50%) or more of the voting securities of such entity, by contract or otherwise, The parties agree
that AbbVie’s Affiliates are hereby authorized to issue and execute Statements of Work pursuant
to the terms of this Agreement in their own name, and shall accrue and be bound by the same
rights and obligations AbbVie would under such an executed Statement of Work.
(b) This Agreement allows the parties to specify distinct clinical studies to be performed by Institution
through the issuance of multiple individual written agreements between AbbVie or an AbbVie
Affiliate (an “AbbVie Party”) and Institution related to the specific clinical study, forms of which are
attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A-1 (Standard Statement of Work Template),
and Exhibit A-2 (ABT- 199 Statement of Work Template) (each a “Statement of Work”). This
Agreement covers the provision of certain AbbVie-sponsored or AbbVie Affiliate-sponsored
clinical studies (each, the “Study”) in relation to certain AbbVie Party products identified in the
Statement of Work (each, the “Study Product”). The AbbVie Party executing a Statement of Work
shall be considered the “Sponsor,” as that term is defined in 21 C.F.R. § 312.3(b), for the Study
relating to such Statement of Work. AbbVie shall, in its sole discretion, determine when and
whether to offer a Study under this Agreement to Institution including, without limitation, the
decision whether or not to enter into a specific Statement of Work.
2. Statement of Work. The specific details and tasks of each Study shall be specified in writing in the
Statement of Work. The Statement of Work shall be executed by an authorized representative of
Institution and the applicable AbbVie Party and shall be acknowledged by the relevant qualified lead
Institution employee responsible for the conduct of the Study at Institution (each a “Principal
Investigator”). Each Statement of Work shall include, without limitation, identification of the Study
Product, identification of the Principal Investigator, the title of the Study protocol, which may be
amended from time to time (the “Protocol”), the detailed Study budget and payment schedule (the
“Budget”); and term of Statement of Work (the “Study Term”). The Protocol shall be provided
separately for each individual Study and shall be referred to and incorporated by reference into the
Statement of Work. The Statement of Work shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, in addition to the specific details set forth in the Statement of Work.
3. Conduct of Study.
(a) Institution shall conduct and shall require Principal Investigator, subinvestigator(s), and
Institution’s other employees, subcontractors and agents performing work in connection with the
Study (collectively, “Institution Personnel”) to conduct the Study in accordance with: (i) this
Agreement and the relevant Statement of Work; (ii) the IRB-approved Protocol; (iii) all reasonable
written instruction provided by AbbVie; (iv) Institution’s ethical standards and/or policies; and (v)
all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations and guidelines (collectively, “Law(s)”),
including without limitation (and each to the extent applicable to a Study), anti-bribery and anti-
corruption laws, International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use E6 Good Clinical Practice as adopted by the
FDA (“ICH-GCP”), regulations of the United States Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”), the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, the Medicare/Medicaid Anti-kickback statute,
the Social Security Act of 1935, the Controlled Substances Act, data protection and privacy laws,
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), the Health Information
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (“HITECH”), and the Federal Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, as each may be amended, from time to time. In furtherance of
the foregoing obligations, Institution shall ensure that an Institution Review Board (“IRB”)
established and constituted in accordance with applicable Laws approves and oversees the
conduct of the Study prior to the commencement of the Study. Institution will comply with the
instructions of the IRB respecting the conduct of the Study, and will notify AbbVie to the extent
any such instructions vary from the Protocol.
(b) Prior to each Study subject’s participation in the Study, Institution shall obtain a signed informed
consent and/or authorization document (collectively, “ICF”), as reviewed by AbbVie and approved
by the IRB. If Institution or Principal Investigator proposes to publish any Study subject
recruitment advertisements, such advertisements require AbbVie’s prior review in advance of
submission to the applicable IRB. Institution and Principal Investigator shall report all serious
adverse events or other safety concerns arising from the conduct of the Study that Principal
Investigator becomes aware of as further specified in the Protocol and in accordance with
applicable Laws.
(c) Institution represents and certifies that Principal Investigator identified in a Statement of Work is
an employee of Institution. Institution agrees that no other investigator may be substituted for the
Principal Investigator without the prior written consent of AbbVie. If the Principal Investigator is no
longer employed by Institution or becomes unwilling or unable to perform the duties required by
this Agreement and relevant Statement of Work, Institution shall promptly notify AbbVie and
reasonably cooperate with AbbVie to promptly find a mutually acceptable replacement Principal
Investigator. If the parties cannot agree to a replacement Principal Investigator, either party may
immediately terminate the relevant Statement of Work upon written notice to the other party.
(d) Institution shall ensure that Principal Investigator and subinvestigator(s): (i) complete and return
to AbbVie the FDA Form 1572 provided by AbbVie to ensure compliance with 21 C.F.R. Part
312.53 prior to the initiation of the Study and promptly notify AbbVie of any change in its accuracy
during the Study Term of the applicable Statement of Work; and (ii) complete and return to
AbbVie the Financial Disclosure Certification provided by AbbVie to ensure compliance with
21C.F.R. Part 54 prior to the initiation of the Study and promptly notify AbbVie of any change in
the accuracy of the Financial Disclosure Certification during the Study Term of the applicable
Statement of Work and for one (1) year following completion of the Study. Institution understands
and agrees that Principal Investigator and subinvestigator(s), and their immediate families, may
not, in violation of any applicable Law, have a direct ownership interest (including, without
limitation, intellectual property rights or royalty rights) in the Study Product and may not be
compensated with AbbVie securities in exchange for being a Principal Investigator or
subinvestigator(s) in the Study.
(e) Institution shall require Principal Investigator to comply with all applicable disclosure Laws relating
to his/her relationship with AbbVie including, without limitation, full disclosure of the existence and
nature of this relationship that (i) may be externally imposed on Principal Investigator based on
his/her affiliation with any formulary, pharmacy and therapeutics (P&T) committee, or committee
associated with the development of treatment protocols or standards (including clinical
guidelines); or (ii) are required by any health care institution, medical committee or other medical
or scientific organization with which Principal Investigator is affiliated. Institution shall require
Principal Investigator to abide by such committee’s or medical or scientific organization’s
procedures, which may include recusing himself/herself from decisions relating to any Study
Product for which Principal Investigator is conducting the Study under the relevant Statement of
Work. This disclosure requirement shall extend for one (1) year beyond the termination or
expiration of the relevant Statement of Work.
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
(f) Institution and Institution Personnel shall not bill or seek reimbursement from any third party for
any Study Materials (as defined below) or other items or services that are paid for or provided
without charge by or on behalf of AbbVie under this Agreement. Institution shall follow all
applicable Law requiring disclosure that such Study Materials and/or other items, or services
were paid for or provided without charge by or on behalf of AbbVie under this Agreement.
4. Sponsor Obligations.
(a) AbbVie shall comply with applicable Laws in the performance of its activities relating to the Study
and shall obtain all approvals required in connection with such activities.
(b) AbbVie shall be responsible for data and safety monitoring as specified in the Protocol. During
the performance of the Study at Institution and for two (2) years thereafter, AbbVie agrees to
report promptly to the Institution any information (including without limitation any aspect of the
Protocol, information discovered during site monitoring visits, or the Study Records/results) that
AbbVie reasonably expects to affect, as applicable, (i) the well-being, medical care, health or
safety of past or current Study subjects, (ii) Study subjects’ willingness to continue participation in
the Study, (iii) the conduct of the Study, or (iv) the IRB’s approval to continue the Study.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Institution and Principal Investigator
are free to communicate such information to each Study subject and the IRB.
(c) AbbVie shall promptly register the Study on in accordance with the
requirements described in Section 801 of the Food and Drug Administration Amendment Act.
5. Study Materials; Licenses; Equipment.
(a) AbbVie will provide sufficient quantities of Study Product, investigator brochures, and if
applicable, access to an electronic data capture system for completing Case Report Forms
(“CRFs”), any other compounds, materials, and access to or copies of certain patient reported
outcomes (electronic or paper) surveys, questionnaires, and/or scales (collectively, “PROs”) that
the Protocol specifies or that AbbVie deems necessary to conduct the Study at no cost to
Institution (together, the “Study Materials”). All Study Materials and other information provided by
AbbVie in connection with this Agreement and Statement of Work are and shall remain the sole
property of AbbVie. AbbVie represents that the Study Product will have been manufactured in
accordance with current Good Manufacturing Practices.
(b) Institution shall maintain adequate records to account for the Study Materials including, without
limitation and if applicable, dates, quantity, and use by Study subjects. Institution or Principal
Investigator shall, if applicable, inspect the Study Materials upon receipt and notify AbbVie upon
becoming aware that any Study Materials are damaged or that the supply of Study Materials is
(c) Study Materials shall (i) be stored and handled in accordance with the labeling, investigator
brochure, or material data safety sheet, as applicable, of the applicable Study Materials, and in
accordance with applicable Law, and AbbVie’s reasonable written instructions, (ii) not be used
past their respective labeled expiration dates, if any.
(d) Neither Institution, Principal Investigator, nor any other Institution Personnel shall (i) publish any
part of the PROs in any manuscript, poster, oral presentations, or otherwise, except to the extent
information contained in the PROs constitutes Study data or results, in which case such
information may be published in accordance with Section 12 (Publications and Presentations)
below; (ii) remove or alter any notice contained in the PROs; or (iii) modify, transfer, distribute, or
release the PROs to any third party, except in connection with performing the Study, in
accordance with the Protocol or except as set forth in this Agreement.
(e) Upon conclusion of the Study, termination of this Agreement or a Statement of Work, or at
AbbVie’s request, any remaining or expired Study Materials, as applicable, shall be returned to
AbbVie at AbbVie’s reasonable expense in accordance with the Protocol and AbbVie’s
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
reasonable written instructions and in compliance with applicable Law governing the shipment of
such Study Materials. If the parties agree that the return of such Study Materials is not practicable
or is prohibited under applicable Laws, any remaining or expired Study Materials, as applicable,
will be destroyed in full compliance with applicable Laws. Upon any such destruction, Institution
will promptly provide AbbVie with a certificate of destruction or similar document verifying the final
disposition of the Study Materials.
(f) If necessary for purposes of conducting the Study, AbbVie may provide Institution with certain
equipment. Any equipment provided by AbbVie hereunder is described in Exhibit B of the
Statement of Work (Equipment to be provided by AbbVie) (“Equipment”). For any Equipment
provided by AbbVie, Institution shall (i) promptly inspect the Equipment following receipt and
notify AbbVie upon becoming aware that any Equipment is damaged or malfunctioning; (ii) use
the Equipment in accordance with the user manual and/or other reasonable instructions provided
with the Equipment; (iii) maintain the Equipment in a secure manner designed to protect such
Equipment from unauthorized use, theft, or damage and exercise the same degree of care with
respect to the Equipment that Institution exercises with respect to its own equipment of similar
type and value. If, due to the gross negligence of Institution or any Institution Personnel, any of
the Equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged, then Institution shall pay the reasonable cost of
replacement or repair, as applicable, which shall not exceed the estimated value of such
Equipment set forth in Exhibit B of the Statement of Work. At AbbVie’s direction and expense,
the Equipment shall be returned to a location specified by AbbVie at the end of the Study or
earlier termination of the Statement of Work.
(g) In the event the Protocol requires Institution to provide Equipment to Study subjects for their use
during the Study, Institution shall instruct the Study subjects as to the proper use of the
Equipment. If any of the Equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged by a Study subject or while under
the control of a Study subject, then AbbVie shall pay the reasonable cost of replacement or
repair, as applicable.
(h) Institution shall use the Study Materials and the Equipment solely for the conduct of the Study
and not for any other study nor for any other use.
6. Monitoring of Study; Records; Reporting.
(a) Upon the reasonable request of AbbVie, Institution shall submit oral or written reports on the
progress of the Study at reasonable intervals during the Study Term. Within ninety (90) days
following completion or termination of a Study at Institution, Institution shall furnish AbbVie with (i)
a final report on the Study, which may be the final IRB Study report prepared by the Principal
Investigator for the IRB; and (ii) all data, records CRFs, reports, and other information generated
(excluding source documents, medical records, and Institution Records) in the conduct of the
Study (collectively, “Records”), which shall be the exclusive property of AbbVie. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, source documents, medical records, laboratory notebooks, Protected Health
Information (as such term is defined by HIPAA), Institution’s business records, regulatory and
compliance documents, research notebooks, or any other information that is required by Law or
regulation to be retained by Institution, (collectively referred to as “Institution Records”) shall be
considered the exclusive property of Institution. Institution agrees that, subject to Section 9
(Subject Confidentiality; Data Protection) of this Agreement, AbbVie shall have the right to use
the information described in such source documents and medical records (i) to the extent
permitted by the IRB approved ICF signed by the Study subject (“Subject ICF”), (ii) in accordance
with any reasonable instructions from Institution’s IRB that are consistent with the Protocol and
such Subject ICF, and (iii) only in accordance with applicable Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing
and subject to Section 8 (Confidentiality), Institution retains the right to use any Records for its
internal and non-commercial research, teaching, patient care purposes and for publication
purposes in accordance with Section 12 (Publications and Presentations).
(b) During normal business hours, Institution shall permit AbbVie and AbbVie’s designees access to
any facilities at which the Study is conducted to monitor the conduct of the Study and to audit the
Records, source documents generated in the conduct of the Study, and other Study data
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
(collectively, “Study Documents”) to verify compliance with this Agreement, provided that
Institution may redact such Study Documents as legally required to protect subject confidentiality.
Except in cases where AbbVie requires immediate access to Study site in connection with audits
and responses to requests made by regulatory authorities (in which case Institution shall permit
access upon reasonable advance notice), monitoring visits shall be scheduled at mutually
agreeable times.
(c) If, as a result of Study monitoring, AbbVie identifies a significant audit finding that is not timely
cured or is incapable of timely cure, AbbVie may immediately terminate any Statement of Work.
AbbVie’s rights in this Section shall be subject to Institution’s reasonable measures for purposes
of confidentiality, safety, and security, and will be further subject to AbbVie’s compliance with
Institution’s premises rules that are generally applicable to all persons at Institution’s facilities;
provided, however, that all such policies and procedures are reasonable, and consistent with
applicable Laws and regulations. Should AbbVie utilize one or more third party(s) in exercising its
rights in this paragraph, AbbVie certifies that such party(s) shall be subject to an obligation of
confidentiality consistent with the obligations of confidentiality required of AbbVie hereunder and
such third party(s) shall be subject to any and all conditions upon AbbVie’s rights that are set forth
in this Section 6.
(d) Institution shall, to the extent permitted by applicable Laws, promptly (i) notify AbbVie upon
receiving any requests to inspect and have access to Study Documents by any regulatory
authority having jurisdiction over the Study, and (ii) provide AbbVie with a copy of any relevant
documents received from such regulatory authority that relate to the Study. In the event a
regulatory citation or notice (including, without limitation, a FDA Form 483 or FDA warning letter)
is issued relating to the Study, Institution agrees, to the extent permitted by applicable Laws, to
furnish to AbbVie within thirty (30) days of receipt of such regulatory citation or notice (A)
notification of such citation or notice, and (B) a summary of such citation or notice. AbbVie shall
hold all such documents, citations, notice, and correspondence in confidence.
(e) Institution shall retain the Study Documents in accordance with applicable Laws (the “Retention
Period”). If AbbVie requests that Institution retain the Study Documents beyond the Retention
Period, the parties shall cooperate in good faith in an effort to mutually agree upon the costs to be
paid by AbbVie and the duration for such extended Retention Period.
(f) If AbbVie obtains, learns of, comes in contact with, or otherwise has access to any protected
health information, as defined in HIPAA (“PHI”), AbbVie shall, and shall ensure that AbbVie
representatives or designees will keep such information confidential, and will collect, use, store,
access PHI only in accordance with applicable Laws and to the extent permitted by the applicable
IRB approved ICFs and any reasonable instructions from Institution’s IRB.
7. Compensation.
(a) In support of the conduct of each Study, AbbVie shall pay Institution in accordance with the
Budget. Institution understands and agrees that none of Principal Investigator or
subinvestigator(s) will receive any funds from AbbVie in connection with the performance of the
Study other than the funds paid to Institution in accordance with the Budget. The parties agree
that the amount for payments set forth in the Budget represents the fair market value for the
services to be rendered and has not been determined in any manner that takes into account the
volume or value of any referrals or business otherwise generated between Institution and AbbVie.
Institution agrees that the overhead charged to AbbVie under a Statement of Work shall not
exceed Institution’s overhead rate applicable to that Statement of Work that is in effect as of the
effective date of such Statement of Work.
(b) In the event that the Agreement or Statement of Work is terminated, AbbVie shall pay Institution
for work performed, expenses incurred and non-cancelable obligations made up to the effective
date of termination. AbbVie shall not be obligated to reimburse Institution for expenses that are
invoiced to AbbVie more than two hundred forty (240) days after the termination date of the
relevant Statement of Work.
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
(c) AbbVie shall not be responsible for: (i) data contained in a CRF which is intentionally misleading
or inaccurate; or (ii) work performed in violation of the Protocol (provided, however, that actions
(including deviations from the Protocol) taken by Institution or Institution Personnel that are based
on generally accepted standards of clinical research and medical practice, necessary to treat a
condition that poses an immediate risk to the safety, life or well-being of a Study subject shall not,
in and of themselves, constitute a violation of the Protocol or this Agreement). If AbbVie has
previously paid for such work, the payment shall be deducted from the final payment due under
the Statement of Work (the “Final Payment”).
(d) In the event of any payment dispute under a Statement of Work, (i) AbbVie shall pay undisputed
amounts upon receipt of an invoice therefor, and (ii) the parties shall cooperate in good faith to
resolve such dispute in a timely manner. Following resolution of such dispute, Institution shall re-
invoice AbbVie and AbbVie shall pay for the amounts the parties mutually agree are due. In no
event may Institution or Institution Personnel withhold Study data or Records that are otherwise
required to be submitted to AbbVie hereunder, pending resolution of a payment dispute.
(e) AbbVie will make the Final Payment due under a Statement of Work and send a financial
reconciliation to Institution after completion of the performance of all work contemplated
thereunder and the delivery to AbbVie of all CRFs and all other items described in Section 6(a). If
AbbVie has paid Institution less than Institution is entitled at the time of financial reconciliation,
AbbVie shall pay the remaining amount due as part of the Final Payment. Any overpayment due
AbbVie at the time of final reconciliation, shall be made payable to AbbVie Inc. within ninety (90)
days of discovery of such overpayment along with an explanation of such overpayment, to the
AbbVie Study Contact (as defined below) set forth in the Statement of Work.
(f) Upon written notice to Institution, AbbVie may delegate certain payment obligations under a
Statement of Work to a contract research organization (“CRO”). In such event, Institution agrees
that as to any payments delegated by AbbVie to such CRO, Institution shall first seek redress
from the CRO for compensation. If after seeking redress from the CRO for such payments
Institution is not paid the amounts due under this Section 7, then AbbVie shall pay undisputed
amounts. Additionally, for any Study in which AbbVie has delegated certain Study obligations to a
CRO, AbbVie shall endeavor to require that its CROs either (a) use this Agreement or (b)
conform its clinical study template to the substantive provisions from this Agreement.
8. Confidentiality.
(a) The parties may wish, from time to time, in connection with work contemplated under this
Agreement and a Study, to disclose confidential information to each other. During the Term of this
Agreement, including any extensions thereof, and for a period of seven (7) years after expiration
or termination of this Agreement, (i) Institution and Institution Personnel (collectively “Receiving
Party”) shall not disclose to any third party or use AbbVie Confidential Information (as defined
below) for any purpose other than that indicated in this Agreement without AbbVie’s prior written
consent and (ii) AbbVie shall not use or disclose Institution’s Confidential Information (as defined
below) without Institution’s prior written consent unless permitted hereunder. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Confidential Information identified as a trade secret will not be disclosed by AbbVie to
Institution unless AbbVie first notifies Institution in writing that AbbVie wishes to disclose a trade
secret and the nature of the trade secret, and Institution has then specifically agreed in writing in
advance to receive such trade secret. In such event, Institution’s obligations of confidentiality and
non-use with respect to such disclosed trade secret shall survive for the period required by law.
(b) “AbbVie Confidential Information” shall include any information provided to Receiving Party by or
on behalf of AbbVie, including but not limited to the Protocol, Investigator Brochures, Study
Materials, and Records. “Institution Confidential Information” shall include the information and
materials provided to AbbVie by or on behalf of Institution, including any information concerning
Institution and its business related to the Study. AbbVie Confidential Information and Institution
Confidential Information shall be referred to herein collectively as “Confidential Information”.
(c) AbbVie Confidential Information shall not include information or any portion thereof which:
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
(i) is known to the Receiving Party prior to receipt thereof under this Agreement, as evidenced
by its written records;
(ii) is disclosed to the Receiving Party after acceptance of this Agreement by a third party who,
to the knowledge of Receiving Party, has a right to make such disclosure in a nonconfidential
(iii) is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party; or
(iv) is independently developed by the Receiving Party without use of, or reference to AbbVie
Confidential Information.
(d) Institution Confidential Information shall not include information or any portion thereof which:
(i) is known to AbbVie prior to receipt thereof under this Agreement, as evidenced by its written
(ii) is disclosed to AbbVie after acceptance of this Agreement by a third party who, to the
knowledge of AbbVie, has a right to make such disclosure in a non-confidential manner;
(iii) is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of AbbVie; or
(iv) is independently developed by or for AbbVie without use of or reference to the Institution
Confidential Information, as evidenced by its written records.
(e) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Institution may disclose AbbVie Confidential Information to the
extent it is required to be disclosed (i) in order to obtain informed consent from subjects who may
wish to enroll in the Study, provided, however, that the AbbVie Confidential Information will be
disclosed only to the extent necessary and will not be provided in answer to unsolicited inquiries
by telephone or to individuals who are not eligible Study candidates; (ii) to a Study subject for the
safety or well-being of the Study subject; or (iii) is communicated to Institution’s scientific and/or
institutional review committees provided, however, that such persons are obligated to maintain
the confidentiality of such information consistent with the terms of this Agreement.
(f) Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to restrict either party from disclosing Confidential
Information as required by Law or court order or other governmental order or request, provided in
each case such party shall, to the extent practicable, give the other party written notice as soon
as reasonably possible in order to allow the affected party to take whatever action it deems
necessary to protect its Confidential Information. In the event that no protective order or other
remedy is obtained, or either party waives compliance with the terms of this Section 8, a
disclosing party shall furnish only that portion of the Confidential Information which it is legally
required to disclose. In addition, each party will permit the affected party to attempt to limit such
disclosure by appropriate legal means.
(g) Neither party will disclose to the other party any information which is confidential or proprietary to
a third party unless such party has first obtained the prior written approval of both such third party
and the other party.
(h) Within forty-five (45) days following completion or termination of the applicable Statement of
Work, each party will return or destroy all tangible materials that contain the other party’s
Confidential Information, provided, however, that each party will be permitted to retain one (1)
archival copy of the other’s party’s Confidential Information solely as required for regulatory, legal,
or insurance purposes or as permitted by this Agreement.
9. Subject Confidentiality; Data Protection. Institution shall comply with all applicable Laws regarding
Study subject confidentiality and data protection, including without limitation, HIPAA, HITECH, and
applicable state privacy Laws, in the collection, use, storage and disclosure of PHI. Institution does
not intend to provide any PHI to AbbVie, provided, however, that to the extent any Records, Study
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Documents, results or data of the Study or information provided to AbbVie or accessed by AbbVie
may include any PHI, AbbVie shall and shall ensure that AbbVie’s representatives shall hold such
information in confidence, and collect, use, store, access and disclose such PHI only in accordance
with applicable Law and to the extent permitted by the applicable Subject ICF and in accordance with
any reasonable instructions from Institution’s IRB that are consistent with the Protocol and such
Subject ICF.
10. Publicity.
(a) Except as required by Law or regulation or as permitted hereunder, including, but not limited to
requirements set forth in Section 12 (Publications and Presentations), neither party shall disclose
the terms of this Agreement or make any public announcements regarding the existence of this
Agreement without the other party’s written consent.
(b) Neither party shall use the trademark, servicemark, or logo of the other party or the other party’s
affiliates in any publicity, advertising, or other information intended to be disseminated to any third
person or to the general public without the other party’s prior written consent. Neither party shall
use the name of the other party or the other party’s affiliates in any publicity, advertising, or other
information intended to be used for commercial or promotional purposes without the other party’s
prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Institution and Principal Investigator may
without prior written approval, disclose their participation in the Study (including the names of
AbbVie or AbbVie’s affiliates, name of the Study, funding source, and total funding amount) as
required by applicable Laws, court order or state regulation, as required by Section 12
(Publications and Presentations), or in (i) curriculum vitae, (ii) internal reports, (iii) grant
applications to government funding sources, (iv) required government reports and filings, (v)
Institution’s clinical trials website exactly as such information appears on, and (vi)
conflict of interest disclosures. Institution understands and agrees that the terms and conditions of
this Agreement and any Statement of Work and the amount of any payment made thereunder
may be disclosed and made public by AbbVie to the extent required by AbbVie to comply with
applicable Laws. As AbbVie reasonably requests, Institution shall cooperate in good faith with
AbbVie to promptly provide accurate and complete information that is not already in AbbVie’s
possession in connection with such disclosures related to the Study. The parties understand that
the terms and conditions of this Agreement may be disclosed and made public by AbbVie and/or
Institution to the extent required by Law.
11. Intellectual Property.
(a) Each party hereto retains all right, title and interest in any patent, patent application, trade secret,
know-how and other intellectual property that was owned by such party prior to the Effective
Date. No license grant or assignment, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is intended
by, or shall be inferred from this Agreement, except as specifically set forth herein.
(b) Any invention, or discovery (whether patentable or not), conceived, reduced to practice, made,
generated or developed by Institution or Institution Personnel that is made from use of the Study
Materials provided hereunder or made in the conduct of the Study (collectively, “Intellectual
Property”) shall be promptly disclosed to AbbVie, and Institution hereby assigns to AbbVie all of
Institution’s rights, title, and interest in and to such Intellectual Property. Upon AbbVie’s request
and at AbbVie’s expense, Institution shall require Institution Personnel to execute, or cause to
have executed such documents and to take such other reasonable actions to obtain, record or
enforce patents, assignments or other proprietary protection in AbbVie’s name covering any such
Intellectual Property. Subject to Section 8 (Confidentiality) and Section 12 (Publications and
Presentations), AbbVie grants to Institution a free, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-
exclusive license to use any Intellectual Property solely for its internal and non-commercial
research, teaching, patient care purposes and for publication purposes.
12. Publications and Presentations. For purposes of this Agreement, “Scientific Publication” means any
scientific publication or medical communication regarding Study results in any form that is intended
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Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
for disclosure to third parties, including, without limitation, manuscripts, abstracts, posters, slides or
other materials used for presentations.
(a) AbbVie is committed to fostering the highest standard of conduct related to Scientific Publications
and transparency, while at the same time, protecting its Confidential Information provided
hereunder. Authorship related to Scientific Publications shall be determined in accordance with
and governed by the criteria defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
(ICMJE) “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly
Work in Medical Journals”, and Institution shall require that AbbVie’s role in support of the Study
be appropriately disclosed in any Institution Publications (as defined below).
(b) Institution acknowledges that, as the Study sponsor, AbbVie retains the right to disclose the
Study data and results first in a Scientific Publication based on the Study data and results from all
appropriate sites (“Summary Publication”).
(c) Following the earliest of: (i) AbbVie’s Summary Publication; or (ii) twelve (12) months after
completion, abandonment or termination of the Study at all Study sites, Institution and Institution
Personnel shall have the right to prepare and submit for public disclosure Institution’s Study data
through a Scientific Publication or other public disclosure (an “Institution Publication”). Institution
shall provide AbbVie with a draft of any proposed Institution Publication at least thirty (30) days
prior to submission of such publication for AbbVie to ascertain whether any patentable Intellectual
Property or AbbVie Confidential Information (other than the data and/or results of the Study
generated hereunder) are disclosed therein. AbbVie shall return comments to Institution within
thirty (30) days after receipt of the draft Institution Publication (“Review Period”). Institution shall
delay any proposed Institution Publication an additional sixty (60) days in addition to the Review
Period in the event AbbVie so requests to enable AbbVie to secure patent or other proprietary
protection for any Intellectual Property contained within such Institution Publication (“Delay
Period”). Institution agrees to (A) keep the proposed Institution Publication confidential until
expiration of the Review Period and, if elected by AbbVie, any Delay Period, and (B) delete
AbbVie Confidential Information (other than data and/or results of the Study generated
hereunder) from any Institution Publication. In the event that Institution or Institution Personnel
and AbbVie differ in their conclusions or interpretation of Study data in the Institution Publication,
the parties shall, during the Review Period, use good faith efforts to attempt to resolve such
differences through appropriate scientific debate. Subject to Institution’s and Institution
Personnel’s removal of AbbVie Confidential Information (other than data and/or results of the
Study generated hereunder), Institution or Institution Personnel, as applicable, shall retain control
over the final version of the Institution Publication.
13. Representations and Certifications.
(a) Institution represents and certifies that during the Term of this Agreement, to the best of
Institution’s knowledge:
(i) the terms of this Agreement and Statement of Work are valid and binding obligations of
Institution, and are not inconsistent with (A) any other contractual or legal obligation it may
have; or B) policies and procedures of Institution;
(ii) Institution’s and Institution Personnel’s performance of the activities hereunder is in
compliance with all policies and procedures of Institution, and Principal Investigator’s
performance of such activities does not present a conflict of interest with Principal
Investigator’s official duties;
(iii) Institution and Principal Investigator have, as applicable, adequate facilities, resources,
training and expertise to conduct the Study in accordance with the Protocol and applicable
Laws; and
(iv) Principal Investigator has a current and valid medical license in the jurisdiction in which the
Study is being performed.
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Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Institution shall notify AbbVie promptly if at any time during the Term, Institution learns that
Institution would no longer be able to truthfully make any of the representations and certifications
in this Section 13(a) and AbbVie shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement.
(b) Institution represents and certifies that neither Institution nor Institution Personnel are Debarred
or, to the best of Institution’s knowledge, have been Debarred or are the subject of a proceeding
that could lead to Institution or any Institution Personnel becoming Debarred. For purposes of this
Agreement, “Debarred” means (A) debarred by the FDA under 21 U.S.C. § 335a; (B) excluded,
debarred, suspended, or otherwise ineligible to participate in the Federal health care programs or
in Federal procurement or nonprocurement programs; (C) listed on the FDA’s Disqualified and
Restricted Lists for clinical investigators; or (D) convicted of a criminal offense that falls within the
scope of 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7(a), but has not yet been excluded, debarred, suspended, or
otherwise declared ineligible. In the event Institution receives notice of, or otherwise becomes
aware of, the Debarment, proposed Debarment of itself or any Institution Personnel, Institution
shall notify AbbVie immediately and AbbVie shall have the right to immediately terminate this
Agreement. The obligations of this Section 13(b) shall survive termination or expiration of the
Agreement for a period of one (1) year.
(c) AbbVie represents and warrants that the Study Product that is delivered to Institution will be
manufactured in accordance with current Good Manufacturing Practices and will meet the product
specification identified in the product label at the time of delivery to Institution.
14. Term and Termination.
(a) Unless terminated earlier as provided in Section 14(b) below, this Agreement shall be effective
on the Effective Date and shall continue for five (5) years following the Effective Date (“Term”).
(b) This Agreement may be terminated:
(i) by either AbbVie or Institution upon written notice to the other party if the other party has
breached a material term of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within fifteen (15)
days of receiving notice of such breach; or
(ii) by either party without cause upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party; or
(B) as otherwise permitted in this Agreement.
(c) A Statement of Work may be terminated:
(i) by either AbbVie or Institution upon written notice to the other party if: (A) the other party has
breached a material term of this Agreement or Statement of Work and fails to cure such
breach within fifteen (15) days of receiving notice of such breach; (B) the Study is terminated
or suspended by the IRB, FDA or any other governmental or regulatory authority; (C) if the
Principal Investigator leaves Institution or is otherwise unable to continue to participate in the
Study, and the parties are unable to find a mutually acceptable replacement principal
investigator within thirty (30) days; or (D) if either AbbVie or an Institution, in its sole
judgment, believes an adverse safety concern with respect to Study Product makes
continued testing unadvisable, provided that if Institution terminates for this reason, it shall be
after the Suspension Period (defined below) in accordance with Section 14(d).
(ii) by AbbVie (A) without cause upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Institution; or (B) as
otherwise permitted in the Statement of Work.
(d) In the event Institution or Principal Investigator have concerns about the health, safety and
welfare of the Study subject(s), Institution shall give prompt notice to AbbVie of such concerns,
and may suspend enrollment of Study subjects for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar
days (“Suspension Period”). During such Suspension Period, the parties shall evaluate the
concerns raised by Institution or Principal Investigator to determine whether the Statement of
Work should be terminated. In any event, Institution and Principal Investigator shall continue
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Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
monitoring and follow-up in strict adherence to the Protocol for currently enrolled Study subjects
during the Suspension Period. After the Suspension Period and following written notice including
a detailed written explanation, to AbbVie, Institution may terminate a Statement of Work if Study
subject health, safety, and welfare remain a concern to Institution of such magnitude to support
such termination.
(e) Termination or expiration of this Agreement or Statement of Work shall not affect any rights or
obligations which have accrued prior thereto or any other rights or remedies provided at law or
equity which either party may otherwise have. If the Study Term of a Statement of Work extends
beyond the termination or expiration date of this Agreement, the applicable terms and conditions
of this Agreement shall extend automatically for such Statement of Work until such Statement of
Work’s termination or expiration date. In the event of premature termination of a Statement of
Work, Institution shall (i) appropriately withdraw and discontinue all then-enrolled subjects if
medically permissible (ii) complete the Study for then-enrolled Study subjects where required by
accepted medical practice, or (iii) reasonably cooperate with AbbVie to arrange for then-enrolled
Study subjects to enroll at an alternative Study site.
15. Subject Injury; Indemnification.
(a) If under a Study any injury or illness occurs to a Study subject as a result of (i) the administration
of the Study Materials or (ii) the performance of Protocol- mandated procedures on Study
subjects that such Study subjects would not have received but for their participation in the Study
(“Procedures”) in each case in accordance with the Protocol (“Study Injury”), AbbVie agrees to
pay all reasonable medical expenses necessary to treat such Study Injury, provided that such
Study Injury is not due to the natural progression of any pre-existing disease or any underlying
illness. Institution shall not submit claims for such medical expenses for a Study Injury paid by
AbbVie to a third party payor.
(b) AbbVie shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Institution, System, their Regents, officers,
agents employees, Institution Personnel and Institution’s officers, trustees, and IRB members
(“Indemnitees”) in the conduct of a Study, for any liability, loss, and expense resulting from
judgments or claims against them (collectively, “Losses”) as a result of any claim or lawsuit made
by a third party as a result of (i) a Study Injury; (ii) AbbVie’s or its representatives negligent acts
or omissions, recklessness, or intentional misconduct during and/or in connection with the Study;
(iii) AbbVie’s use of the Study data and results (including Records); or (iv) AbbVie’s breach of any
provision of this Agreement. AbbVie’s indemnification obligation applies only if (A) Study
Materials are administered by Institution Personnel and Procedures are performed during the
Study in accordance with the Protocol (provided, however, that actions (including deviations from
the Protocol) taken by Institution or Institution Personnel that are based on generally accepted
standards of clinical research and medical practice, necessary to treat a condition that poses an
immediate risk to the safety, life or well-being of a Study subject shall not, in and of themselves,
constitute a violation of the Protocol), with accepted medical practice, and with any other
reasonable written instructions furnished by AbbVie, and (B) Study data and results
communicated to AbbVie by Institution Personnel are not intentionally misleading or, inaccurate.
(c) The foregoing agreement to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Indemnitees is conditioned
upon the following obligations of Indemnitees to:
(i) advise AbbVie of any claim or lawsuit, in writing addressed to AbbVie Inc., Attention: Risk
Management, Dept. 317, Bldg. AP34, 1 N. Waukegan Road, North Chicago, Illinois 60064-
3500, with a copy to Attention: Legal R&D, Alliance Management and Transactions, Dept.
V323, Bldg. AP34, 1 N. Waukegan Road, North Chicago, Illinois 60064, promptly after
Indemnitees has received notice of said claim or lawsuit within such time frame so that
AbbVie’s ability and rights to defend or settle such claim or lawsuit are not materially
prejudiced, provided, however, the failure to promptly notify AbbVie shall not relieve AbbVie
of its indemnification obligations unless the AbbVie is materially adversely affected by such
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Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
(ii) reasonably assist AbbVie and its representatives in the investigation and defense of any
lawsuit or claim for which indemnification is provided; and
(iii) not compromise or otherwise settle any such claim or lawsuit without AbbVie's prior written
(d) AbbVie’s obligations to pay reasonable medical expenses in connection with a Study Injury or to
indemnify, defend, or hold harmless shall not apply in the event any Losses or Study Injury,
respectively, are attributable to (i) the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of, or failure
to follow the Protocol (provided, however, that actions (including deviations from the Protocol)
taken by Institution or Institution Personnel that are based on generally accepted standards of
clinical research and medical practice, necessary to treat a condition that poses an immediate
risk to the safety, life or well-being of a Study subject shall not, in and of themselves, constitute a
violation of the Protocol), by, any of the Indemnitees or (ii) Institution’s or Institution Personnel’s
breach of any obligations under this Agreement or Statement of Work.
(e) Section 15 is subject to the statutory duties of the Texas Attorney General.
16. Insurance. Each party shall maintain a policy or program of insurance or self-insurance with policy
limits sufficient to support its obligations under this Agreement. Upon request by a party, the other
party shall furnish evidence of such party’s applicable insurance. Each party’s insurance coverage
shall comply with applicable Laws and insurance guidelines. Each member of The University of Texas
System is self-insured pursuant to The University of Texas Professional Medical Liability Benefit Plan
under the authority of Chapter 59, Texas Education Code.
17. Independent Contractor. Each party’s relationship to the other party is that of an independent
contractor, and neither party has authority to bind or act on behalf of the other party.
18. Assignment. Neither party may assign this Agreement to any other party without the other party’s
prior written consent; provided, however, that upon prior written notice to the other party, either party
may assign this Agreement without consent to any successor by merger, de-merger or sale of
substantially all of the assets to which this Agreement relates; provided further that any successor of
Institution is a hospital or other health care facility or patient treatment center. Any attempted
assignment except in accordance with this Section 18 shall be null and void and shall constitute a
material breach of this Agreement.
19. Subcontracting. In the event Institution subcontracts any aspect of Study performance to a
subcontractor, Institution shall (a) ensure each subcontractor’s compliance with the requirements of
this Agreement and Statement of Work, and (b) be responsible for any subcontractor’s non-
compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Statement of Work to the same
extent that Institution would be responsible if Institution were performing the subcontracted services
directly. If a subcontractor does not strictly adhere to the provisions of this Agreement and Statement
of Work, Institution shall promptly notify AbbVie and AbbVie may immediately terminate this
Agreement or relevant Statement of Work.
20. Notices.
(a) Routine communications regarding the conduct of the Study shall be sent to the AbbVie individual
identified to Institution by AbbVie as the primary contact for the Study (“AbbVie Study Contact”)
set forth in the Statement of Work.
(b) Communications related to the assignment of this Agreement shall be made by email, mail or
recognized national or international courier and shall be sent to the AbbVie notice address set
forth below.
(c) All legal notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, refer to this Agreement, and be sent by
recognized national or international overnight courier or registered or certified mail, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered by hand to the legal notice address set forth below.
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Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
If to Institution:
See Appendix A for the name and address of an
administrative contact for each Institution
With a copy to:
The University of Texas System
Office of General Counsel
201 West 7
Austin, TX 78701
ATTN: OGC Intellectual Property Assistant
General Counsel and IP Legal Expert
If to AbbVie:
If to AbbVie (legal notices)
Director, Contract Management
Dept. R479, Bldg. AP04-2
AbbVie Inc.
1 N Waukegan Road
North Chicago, IL 60064
Divisional Vice President and
Associate General Counsel, Legal R&D, Alliance
Management and Transactions
AbbVie Inc.
Dept. V323, Bldg. AP34
1 North Waukegan Road
North Chicago, IL 60064-6011
Legal notices under this Agreement shall be deemed to be duly given: (i) when delivered by hand; (ii)
two (2) days after deposit with a recognized national or international courier; or (iii) on the delivery
date indicated in the return receipt for registered or certified mail. A party may change its legal notice
address immediately by sending written notice to the other party’s legal notice address as set forth in
this Section 20.
21. Survival. Any other terms which by their intent or meaning are intended to survive termination or
expiration of this Agreement shall so survive, including, without limitation, the parties’ obligations with
respect to financial disclosure reporting and conflict of interest disclosure and management, record
retention and audit rights, confidentiality, publicity, intellectual property, publications, notification
requirements with respect to such party’s representations and certifications as set forth in Section
13(b), indemnification, and Study Injuries.
22. Severability. If any provision, right or remedy provided for herein or any Statement of Work is held to
be unenforceable or inoperative by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity and enforceability of
the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby.
23. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall
be deemed to be an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement.
Each party acknowledges that an original signature or a copy thereof transmitted by facsimile or by
PDF shall constitute an original signature for purposes of this Agreement.
24. Entire Agreement. This Agreement including, without limitation, all Exhibits hereto, contains the entire
understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all previous
agreements and undertakings with respect thereto. In the event of a purchase order is issued to
provide for payment of the services under a Statement of Work, the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and relevant Statement of Work shall control over any conflict between terms and
conditions of the purchase order and this Agreement or Statement of Work. In the event of a conflict
between provisions of the Protocol and this Agreement or any Exhibits hereto, the Protocol shall
control with respect to matters of science, medical practice, and Study subject safety. In all other
matters, the provisions of this Agreement shall control. In the event of any conflict between the terms
and provisions of this Agreement and those in the Exhibits hereto or any Statement of Work, the
provisions of this Agreement shall control, unless a particular Statement of Work specifically
acknowledges the conflict and expressly states that the conflicting term or provision found in the
Statement of Work controls for that Statement of Work only (but then only with respect to that
particular Statement of Work and with respect only to such matter). Neither this Agreement nor any of
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Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
its terms, including any attachment or Exhibit hereto, may be amended, restated or otherwise altered
except by written agreement signed by the parties.
25. State Agency. Institution is an agency of the State of Texas and under the Constitution and the laws
of the State of Texas possesses certain rights and privileges, is subject to certain limitations and
restrictions, and only has such authority as is granted to it under the Constitution and laws of the
State of Texas. Notwithstanding any provision hereof, nothing in this Agreement is intended to be, nor
will it be construed to be, a waiver of the sovereign immunity of the State of Texas or a prospective
waiver or restriction of any of the rights, remedies, claims, and privileges of the State of Texas.
Moreover, notwithstanding the generality or specificity of any provision hereof, the provisions of this
Agreement as they pertain to Institution are enforceable only to the extent authorized by the
Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; accordingly, to the extent any provision hereof conflicts
with the Constitution or laws of the State of Texas or exceeds the right, power or authority of
Institution to agree to such provision, then that provision will not be enforceable against Institution or
the State of Texas.
26. Clinical Trials Xpress (“CTX”) [], a wholly-owned initiative of the System,
is the central coordinating office and team established to promote efficient and streamlined study
start-up processes of multi-institutional clinical trials. More specifically, the CTX network operating
model accelerates study implementation by negotiating a single, common clinical trial study budget;
using pre-approved master clinical trial agreements; and by adopting the System IRB Reciprocity
model or central IRBs for regulatory oversight. AbbVie may engage the services of the CTX central
coordinating office when the applicable Study contemplated by this Agreement will be considered for
participation by more than one Institution.
This space intentionally left blank
Agreement to
their duly
Pamela Schroeder
Assistant Director
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Year Teon
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Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Administrative contact person and address for each Institution named in Agreement between AbbVie Inc.
and the System.
David Hawkins
Associate Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
The University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Box 7726
Austin, Texas 78713-7726
Phone: 512-471-6424
Fax: 512-471-6564
Tax ID: 74-600023
Angela R. Charboneau Wishon, J.D.
Vice President for Research Administration
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-9105
Phone: 214-648-6449
Fax: 214-648-4474
Tax ID: 75-6002868
Chris G. Green, CPA
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
The University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Dr, Mail Code 7828
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900
Phone: 210-567-2340
Fax: 210-567-8107
Tax ID: 74-1586031
Christopher Denman
Assistant Director, Contracts
The University of Texas Health Science Center at
P.O. Box 20036
Houston, TX 77225
Phone: 713-500-3166
Fax: 713-383-3746
Tax ID: 74-1761309
Overnight address is:
7000 Fannin Street, Suite UCT 1007-2
Houston, TX 77030
David Anderson
Director, Office of Pre-Award Services
The University of Texas Health Science
Center at Tyler
11937 U.S. Hwy. 271
Tyler, TX 75708-3154
Phone: 903-877-7585
Fax: 903-877-7558
Tax ID: 75-6001354
Toni D’Agostino
Associate VP for Research, Office of Sponsored
The University of Texas Medical Branch at
301 University Boulevard
4.40 Rebecca Sealy Hospital
Galveston, TX 77555-0156
Phone: 409-266-9413
Fax: 409-266-9469
Tax ID: 74-6000949
Glorimar Colon
Research Liaison Officer
Office of the Senior VP for Research,
Innovation, and Economic Development
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
1201 West University Drive
Edinburg, TX 78539
Phone: 965-665-3008
Fax: 956-665-2940
Tax ID: 46-5292740
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Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
This Statement of Work (“Statement of Work”), effective as of the full execution hereof (“Effective Date”) is
entered into by and between Insert Name of UT Campus(es) (“Institution”) and Insert Name of AbbVie
Legal Entity (“Sponsor”), and is issued under that certain Master Clinical Study Agreement (AbbVie
Contract Number C103262) effective Insert Date MCSA was fully executed (the “Agreement”) by and
between AbbVie Inc. (“AbbVie”) and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; The
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, The University of Texas Health Science
Center at Tyler; The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; The University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center; The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and The University of Texas at
Austin. This Statement of Work includes the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which are hereby
incorporated herein by reference.
WHEREAS, for purposes of this Statement of Work, the defined term “AbbVie” in the Agreement shall
refer to and mean “Sponsor,” as defined in this Statement of Work.
1. Protocol. The Study is to be conducted in relation to the Sponsor product Insert Sponsor Study
Product (individually and collectively, the “Study Product”) pursuant to Protocol No. Insert Protocol
No. entitled “Insert Protocol Title,” which may be amended from time to time (the “Protocol”), the
terms of the Agreement and this Statement of Work.
2. Principal Investigator. Sponsor is entering into this Statement of Work with the understanding that
Insert Investigator's Name (“Principal Investigator”), an employee of the Insert Campus, shall be
responsible on Institution's behalf for the conduct of the Study.
3. Equipment. Sponsor will provide Institution with the equipment described in Exhibit B (Equipment to
be provided by Sponsor) (“Equipment”) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
4. Compensation. Sponsor shall pay Institution in accordance with the Budget attached hereto and
incorporated herein as Exhibit A (Budget Summary and Payment Schedule) and with the terms of
the Agreement.
5. Study Term. This Statement of Work shall be effective upon the Effective Date and shall terminate on
the earlier of: (i) one (1) year from the Effective Date, if there is no subject enrollment at Institution
under this Statement of Work; or (ii) upon completion of the Study at Institution (the “Study Term”),
unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
6. Notices.
(a) Routine communications regarding the conduct of the Study shall be sent to the Sponsor
individual identified by Institution to Sponsor as the primary contact for the Study (“Sponsor Study
(b) Communications related to the replacement of the individuals identified on FDA Form 1572 shall
be made by email, mail, or recognized national or international courier and shall be sent to the
Sponsor Study Contact [If AbbVie is the party, please include the following; otherwise
please delete or include the appropriate name] with a copy to Assistant Director, Outsourcing,
AbbVie Research and Development, Dept. R479, Bldg. AP04, 1 N. Waukegan Road, North
Chicago, Illinois 60064, email: pamela.[email protected].]
(c) All legal notices under this Statement of Work shall be in writing, refer to this Statement of Work,
and be sent by recognized national or international overnight courier or registered or certified
mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered by hand to the legal notice address
set forth below.
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
If to Institution: If to Principal Investigator:
See Appendix A for the name and address of an
administrative contact for each Institution.
With a copy to:
The University of Texas System
Office of General Counsel
201 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701
ATTN: OGC Intellectual Property Assistant
General Counsel and IP Legal Expert
Insert Name
Insert Title
Insert Address
Insert City, State Zip
If to Sponsor:
If to Sponsor (legal notices):
[If AbbVie is the Sponsor, include the
following. Otherwise, insert applicable
notices recipient.]
Assistant Director, Outsourcing
Dept. R479, Bldg. AP04
AbbVie Inc.
1 N Waukegan Road
North Chicago, IL 60064
[If AbbVie is the Sponsor, include the
following. Otherwise, insert applicable
notices recipient.]
Divisional Vice President and
Associate General Counsel, Legal R&D, Alliance
Management and Transactions
AbbVie Inc.
Dept. V323, Bldg. AP34
1 North Waukegan Road
North Chicago, IL 60064-6011
Legal notices under this Statement of Work shall be deemed to be duly given: (i) when delivered
by hand; (ii) two (2) days after deposit with a recognized national or international courier; or (ii) on
the delivery date indicated in the return receipt for registered or certified mail. A party may change
its legal notice address immediately by sending written notice to the other party’s legal notice
address as set forth in this Section 6 of this Statement of Work.
7. Counterparts. This Statement of Work may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same
agreement. Each party acknowledges that an original signature or a copy thereof transmitted by
facsimile or by PDF shall constitute an original signature for purposes of this Statement of Work.
8. Entire Agreement. This Statement of Work including, without limitation, all Exhibits hereto and the
Agreement contain the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter herein
and supersedes all previous agreements and undertakings with respect thereto. In the event of a
conflict between the provisions of the Protocol and the terms and provisions of this Statement of Work
or any Exhibits hereto, the Protocol shall control with respect to matters of science, medical practice
and Study subject safety. In all other matters, the terms and provisions of this Statement of Work
shall control. In the event of any conflict between the terms and provision of this Statement of Work
and those of the Agreement, the terms and provisions of the Agreement shall control, unless this
Statement of Work specifically acknowledges the conflict and expressly states that the conflicting
term or provision found in this Statement of Work controls for this Statement of Work only. This
Statement of Work may be modified only by written agreement signed by the parties to this Statement
of Work.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Statement of Work to be executed by their duly
authorized representatives.
Name: Name:
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Title: Title:
Date: Date:
I have read the Agreement and this Statement o
Work and acknowledge the obligations under the
provisions of the Agreement and this Statement o
Insert Name of Principal Investigator
Title: Principal Investigator
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
(See accompanying PDF attachment)
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Manufacturer Model # Basic Description Replacement Value
Intentionally omitted – Sponsor will not be providing any equipment for this Study
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
This Statement of Work (“Statement of Work”), effective as of the full execution hereof (“Effective Date”) is
is entered into by and between Insert Name of UT Campus(es) (“Institution”) and AbbVie Inc. (“AbbVie”),
and is issued under that certain Master Clinical Study Agreement (AbbVie Contract Number C103262)
effective Insert Date MCSA was fully executed (the “Agreement”) by and between AbbVie and The
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; The University of Texas Health Science Center at
San Antonio, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler; The University of Texas Medical
Branch at Galveston; The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; The University of Texas Rio
Grande Valley and The University of Texas at Austin. This Statement of Work includes the terms and
conditions of the Agreement, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.
WHEREAS, Institution acknowledges that AbbVie has advised Institution that AbbVie has a collaboration
agreement with Genentech Inc. (“Genentech”) relating to the AbbVie product ABT-199 (the “Study
Product”) and the Study will involve use of the Study Product. This AbbVie-Genentech collaboration
agreement imposes certain non-negotiable conditions on conduct of the Study and use of the Study
Product as set forth below. Retention by AbbVie of Institution to conduct the Study described below is
conditioned on Institution's agreement to these conditions. Genentech is an intended third party
beneficiary of this Statement of Work and, for purposes of this Statement of Work, the Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Protocol. The Study is to be conducted in relation to the Study Product pursuant to Protocol No. Insert
Protocol No. entitled “Insert Protocol Title,” which may be amended from time to time (the “Protocol”),
the terms of the Agreement and this Statement of Work.
2. Principal Investigator. AbbVie is entering into this Statement of Work with the understanding that
Insert Investigator's Name (“Principal Investigator”), an employee of the Insert Campus, shall be
responsible on Institution's behalf for the conduct of the Study.
3. Equipment. AbbVie will provide Institution with the equipment described in Exhibit B (Equipment to
be provided by AbbVie) (“Equipment”) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
4. Compensation. AbbVie shall pay Institution in accordance with the Budget attached hereto and
incorporated herein as Exhibit A (Budget Summary and Payment Schedule) and with the terms of
the Agreement.
5. Pursuant to Section 24 of the Agreement and only with respect to this Statement of Work, the first
two sentences of Section 10(b) (Publicity) of the Agreement shall be replaced in its entirety and
superseded by the following language:
“Neither party shall use the trademark, servicemark, or logo of the other party or the other party’s
affiliates or of Genentech in any publicity, advertising, or other information intended to be
disseminated to any third person or to the general public without the prior written consent of such
other party or of Genentech, as applicable. Neither party shall use the name of the other party or
the other party’s affiliates or of Genentech in any publicity, advertising, or other information
intended to be used for commercial or promotional purposes without the prior written consent of
such other party or of Genentech, as applicable.”
6. Pursuant to Section 24 of the Agreement and only with respect to this Statement of Work, Section
11(b) (Intellectual Property) shall be superseded and replaced in its entirety by the following
“Any invention, discovery (whether patentable or not), conceived or first reduced to practice,
made, generated or developed by Institution or Institution Personnel that is made in the conduct
of the Study or made from use of any of the Study Materials provided hereunder, or from using
biological samples obtained from the Study subjects as part of the Study (collectively, “Intellectual
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Property”) shall be promptly disclosed to AbbVie, and Institution hereby assigns to AbbVie all of
Institution’s rights, title, and interest in and to such Intellectual Property. Inventorship of
Intellectual Property constituting inventions shall be determined according to U.S. patent laws.
Upon AbbVie’s request and at AbbVie’s expense, Institution shall require Institution Personnel to
execute, or cause to have executed such documents and to take such other reasonable actions
to obtain, record or enforce patents, assignments or other proprietary protection in AbbVie’s and
Genentech’s name covering such Intellectual Property. Subject to Section 8 (Confidentiality) and
Section 12 (Publications and Presentations), AbbVie grants to Institution a free, non-transferable,
non-sublicensable, non-exclusive license to use any Intellectual Property solely for its internal and
non-commercial research, teaching, patient care purposes and for publication purposes.”
7. Pursuant to Section 24 of the Agreement and only with respect to this Statement of Work, the first
sentence of Section 12(c) (Publications and Presentations) of the Agreement shall be superseded
and replaced in its entirety by the following sentence:
“Following the earliest of: (i) AbbVie’s Summary Publication; or (ii) eighteen (18) months after
completion, abandonment or termination of the Study at all Study sites, Institution and Institution
Personnel shall have the right to prepare and submit for public disclosure Institution’s Study data
through a Scientific Publication or other public disclosure (an “Institution Publication”).”
8. Study Term. This Statement of Work shall be effective upon the Effective Date and shall terminate on
the earlier of: (i) one (1) year from the Effective Date, if there is no subject enrollment at Institution
under this Statement of Work; or (ii) upon completion of the Study at Institution (the “Study Term”),
unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
9. Notices.
(a) Routine communications regarding the conduct of the Study shall be sent to the AbbVie individual
identified by Institution to AbbVie as the primary contact for the Study (“AbbVie Study Contact”).
(b) Communications related to the replacement of the individuals identified on FDA Form 1572 shall
be made by email, mail, or recognized national or international courier and shall be sent to the
AbbVie Study Contact with a copy to Assistant Director, Outsourcing, AbbVie Research and
Development, Dept. R479, Bldg. AP04, 1 N. Waukegan Road, North Chicago, Illinois 60064,
(c) All legal notices under this Statement of Work shall be in writing, refer to this Statement of Work,
and be sent by recognized national or international overnight courier or registered or certified
mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered by hand to the legal notice address
set forth below.
If to Institution: If to Principal Investigator:
See Appendix A for the name and address of an
administrative contact for each Institution.
With a copy to:
The University of Texas System
Office of General Counsel
201 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701
ATTN: OGC Intellectual Property Assistant
General Counsel and IP Legal Expert
Insert Name
Insert Title
Insert Address
Insert City, State Zip
If to AbbVie:
If to AbbVie (legal notices):
Assistant Director, Outsourcing
Dept. R479, Bldg. AP04
AbbVie Inc.
1 N Waukegan Road
North Chicago, IL 60064
Divisional Vice President and
Associate General Counsel, Legal R&D, Alliance
Management and Transactions
AbbVie Inc.
Dept. V323, Bldg. AP34
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
1 North Waukegan Road
North Chicago, IL 60064-6011
Legal notices under this Statement of Work shall be deemed to be duly given: (i) when delivered by
hand; (ii) two (2) days after deposit with a recognized national or international courier; or (ii) on the
delivery date indicated in the return receipt for registered or certified mail. A party may change its
legal notice address immediately by sending written notice to the other party’s legal notice address as
set forth in this Section 9 of this Statement of Work.
10. Counterparts. This Statement of Work may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same
agreement. Each party acknowledges that an original signature or a copy thereof transmitted by
facsimile or by PDF shall constitute an original signature for purposes of this Statement of Work.
11. Entire Agreement. This Statement of Work including, without limitation, all Exhibits hereto and the
Agreement contain the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter herein
and supersedes all previous agreements and undertakings with respect thereto. In the event of a
conflict between the provisions of the Protocol and the terms and provisions of this Statement of Work
or any Exhibits hereto, the Protocol shall control with respect to matters of science, medical practice
and Study subject safety. In all other matters, the terms and provisions of this Statement of Work
shall control. In the event of any conflict between the terms and provision of this Statement of Work
and those of the Agreement, the terms and provisions of the Agreement shall control, unless this
Statement of Work specifically acknowledges the conflict and expressly states that the conflicting
term or provision found in this Statement of Work controls for this Statement of Work only. This
Statement of Work may be modified only by written agreement signed by the parties to this Statement
of Work.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Statement of Work to be executed by their duly
authorized representatives.
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Date: Date:
I have read the Agreement and this Statement o
Work and acknowledge the obligations under the
provisions of the Agreement and this Statement o
Insert Name of Principal Investigator
Title: Principal Investigator
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
(See accompanying PDF attachment)
The University of Texas System
September 27, 2016
Template: Master Clinical Study Agreement – 04MAR2015
Document Title: C103262 - Final
Version: 9/27/2016 8:56 AM, 66,985
Five Year Term
Includes StemCentrx as Affiliate
Manufacturer Model # Basic Description Replacement Value
Intentionally omitted – AbbVie will not be providing any equipment for this Study