Women in the World
“Feed My Shepherds”:
Spiritual Healing and Renewal
for those in Christian Leadership
The Anna Howard Shaw Center Presents:
Anna Howard Shaw
Award Recipient Banquet
March 21, 2012
9:30am to 8:30pm
“Feed My Shepherds”:
Spiritual Healing and Renewal for those
in Christian Leadership
“Devotion to social justice, persistence in
difficult circumstances, service for the common
good, and a vision of a better world” are highly
valued characteristics of transformational lead-
ers and notably, were also characteristics of
Anna Howard Shaw and the recipients of the
award given in her name. Nurturing and sus-
taining transformational gifts and ministries
comes at a cost. Over the years, the Center has
engaged in analyses of personal collective ex-
periences of women in ministry. Research and
retention studies, time and time again, reveal an
unhealthy level of spiritual malaise, often ex-
pressed as “burn out,” desert seasons, and loss of
passion for a ministerial call. Both clergy and
laity are at risk of suffering spiritual crisis due to
the stressful environments of many church con-
Shepherds need tending as much as the
sheep. This year’s Women in the World confer-
ence will name the nature of today’s crisis in
personal spirituality and reflect on the causes of
and remedies for spiritual desolation in today’s
Boston University School of Theology
Anna Howard Shaw Center
745 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
The Rev. Dr. Aida
Irizarry Fernández
Rev. Dr. Fernandez was appointed to Hope
United Methodist Church in Belchertown, MA in
2010. She came from Mathewson Street UMC in
Providence, Rhode Island where she served for
two years.
From 2000 to 2003 she served as the District
Superintendent of the Metro Boston North Dis-
trict. In 2003 she was appointed to the new Metro
Boston Hope District in The New England Con-
ference where she served until 2008.
Fernandez was ordained a deacon in 1989 and
received her elder’s orders in the Southern New
England Conference in 1991. She received her
D.Min. from New York Theological Seminary in
1997, and her M.S.W. and M.Div. from Boston
University in 1989.
Her experiences include pastoral ministry,
interfaith counseling, advocacy, clinical social
work, leadership development, teaching, admini-
stration, and psychotherapy. In addition, Aida
served as a consultant to the National Hispanic
Plan for eight years.
Fernandez was reassigned for a second term
to the board of directors of the General Board of
Global Ministries. She currently serves as a board
member of the Anna Howard Shaw Center at the
BU School of Theology and as faculty for the
Curso de Estudio at Garrett-Evangelical Semi-
Parking (“P” on map):
Warren Towers at Hinsdale St. & Commonwealth Ave.
Public Transportation (“T” on map):
Green Line, BU Central stop
Conference (“C” on map):
Photonics Building, PHO 906,
775 Commonwealth Ave
Morning Worship (“W” on map):
Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Ave.
Anna Howard Shaw Center (“S” on map):
School of Theology, STH 321
745 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
BU Faculty Lounge
775 Commonwealth Avenue, 5th floor
9:30-11:00am…………….…………..1st Speaker
Christina Belogour
12:15-1:15pm…………...….……….....…. Lunch
1:30-3:00pm……………......……….. 2
Aida Izarry-Fernandez
3:00-3:15pm…………………………….... Break
3:15-4:45pm………………...….….... 3
Pamela Lightsey
4:45-5:00pm…………………….………... Break
5:00-6:00pm…………………………...….. Panel
Moderator: Mary Elizabeth Moore
6:00-6:30pm…………. Shaw Center Open House
6:30-8:30….Anna Howard Shaw Award Banquet
Anna Howard Shaw
Award Banquet
The Anna Howard Shaw Award is given
in recognition of women who embody those val-
ues expressed in the life of Anna Howard Shaw:
courage born out of Christian faith, dedication to
increased opportunities for women, devotion to
social justice, persistence in difficult circum-
stances, service for the common good, and a vi-
sion of a better world.
Past recipients have include C. Faith
Richardson, Susan M. Morrison, Jeanne Audrey
Powers, Margaret Suber Wiborg, Yolanda Pupo-
Oritz, and Katheryn Pfisterer Darr.
This year we honor the seventh recipient
of the Anna Howard Shaw Center, Aida Irizarry-
Fernandez. Anna Howard Shaw Award Banquet
will be held in conjunction with the Annual
Women in the World Conference.
Speakers and Bios
Christina Belogour
Christina Belogour received her
Masters in Divinity, with a spe-
cialty in pastoral counseling, in
1998 from Boston University. She
was ordained in 1999 and served as
associate pastor of the First Baptist
Church of Boston, an American
Baptist church. She earned a Ph.D.
in pastoral psychology from Boston University in 2007.
Her research interests include feminist and liberation
theologies as frames for understanding both appearance
discrimination and pastoral identity issues. Currently,
she works at Bay Path College as a professor of cultural
diversity, social psychology, counseling, introductory
psychology and psychology of women.
Pamela Lightsey
Pamela Lightsey is a scholar, social
justice activist, and military veteran
whose academic and research inter-
ests include: classical and contem-
porary just war theory, Womanist
theology, Queer theory and theol-
ogy, and African American reli-
gious history and theologies. Pam-
ela’s forthcoming publications include “Reconciliation,”
in Radical Evangelical, “If There Should Come a
Word” in Black United Methodists Preach! and one
work in progress, Inner Dictum: A Womanist Reflection
from the Queer Realm. She currently works at Boston
University School of Theology as Associate Dean for
Community Life and Lifelong Learning and Clinical
Assistant Professor of Contextual Theology
Mary Elizabeth Moore
Mary Elizabeth Mullino Moore sees
her primary work as working with
others and contributing her small
part toward repair of the world. Her
recent books include Teaching as a
Sacramental Act, Ministering with
the Earth, and Teaching from the
Heart, plus the co-edited volumes
Children, Youth, and Spirituality in a Troubling World
and Practical Theology and Hermeneutics. She has also
written many articles on education, process and feminist
theologies, and justice and reconciliation. She currently
works at Boston University School of Theology as the
Dean and Professor of Theology and Education.
Please detach and return by March 1st.
Alternatively, you may register online at:
Names of Those Attending:
Meals: Vegetarian _____ Chicken ______
Phone Number:__________________________
Email Address:: _________________________
Conference Registration
Event #
Adult $10.00
Current BU Student Free
Lunch Free
Banquet $40.00
Parking Pass $10.00
Donation in honor
of Rev. Aida
Total ($)
Please make checks payable
to the Anna Howard Shaw
Address is listed
under Directions.