Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Copyright © 2007 1
Data-Oriented Architecture:
A Loosely-Coupled Real-Time SOA
Rajive Joshi, Ph.D.
Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
385 Moffett Park Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
2007 August
“Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures and organized
things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data
structures, not algorithms, are central to programming. (See Brooks
- Rob Pike, Notes on Programming in C, 1989
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As more devices and systems get woven into the fabric of our networked
world, the scale and the complexity of integration is growing at a rapid
pace. Our existing methodologies and training for system software design,
rooted in principles of object-oriented design, that worked superbly for
small scale systems begin to break down as we discover operational limits
which requires frequent and unintended redesigns in programs year over
year. Fundamentally, object-oriented thinking leads us to think in terms of
tightly-coupled interactions that include strong state assumptions. Large
scale distributed systems are often a mix of subsystems created by
independent parties, often using different middleware technologies, with
misaligned interfaces. Integrating such sub-systems using object-oriented
thinking poses some fundamental challenges:
(1) it is brittle to incremental and independent development, where
interfaces can change without notice;
(2) there is often an "impedance mis-match" between sub-systems
in the quantity and the quality of information that must be
exchanged between the two sides;
(3) there is a real need to dynamically adapt in real-time to network
topology reconfigurations and failures;
(4) scalability, performance, and up-time cannot always be
compromised in this dynamic environment .
A different paradigm is needed in order to address these new challenges
in a systematic manner.
As the scale of the integration and complexity grows, the only unifying
common denominators between disparate sub-systems (generally
numbering more than two) are:
(1) the data they produce and consume;
(2) the services they use and offer.
In order to scale, system software architecture must be organized around
a common "shared information model" that spans multiple systems. This
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leads us to the principle of "data-oriented" design: expose the data and
hide the code.
In this paper, we will discuss the principles of data-oriented thinking, and
discuss why it offers an appropriate paradigm to address large scale
system integration.
We discuss the critical role played by the middleware infrastructure in
applying data-oriented design, and describe a generic data-oriented
integration architecture based on the data distribution service (DDS)
middleware standard. We analyze popular architectural styles including
data flow architecture, event driven architecture, and service oriented
architecture from this perspective and establish that they can be viewed
as specializations of the generic data-oriented architecture.
Finally we illustrate how the data-oriented integration architecture was
used to rapidly develop a working demonstration of a real-time package
tracking system-of-systems, in a short time frame. The information model
is described once. The tool-chain is used to transform and manipulate the
shared data model across disparate implementation technologies.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction....................................................................................................5
1.1 A REAL-TIME SYSTEM-OF-SYSTEMS SCENARIO ................................................................. 5
1.2 KEY CHALLENGES ............................................................................................................ 9
1.2.1 Incremental and Independent Development....................................9
1.2.2 Impedance Mismatch ....................................................................11
1.2.3 Dynamic Real-Time Adaptation.....................................................12
1.2.4 Scalability and Performance..........................................................13
1.3 SOLUTION DIMENSIONS................................................................................................... 14
2 The Data-Oriented Design Paradigm...........................................................15
2.1 THE PRACTICE OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................ 15
2.1.2 Loosely-coupled system design requires a paradigm shift ............16
2.1.3 Reality Check ................................................................................18
2.2 DATA-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING..................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Data-Oriented Programming Principles.........................................20
2.2.2 DOP and OOP...............................................................................22
2.2.3 DOP and Application Architecture.................................................24
2.3 AN EXAMPLE .................................................................................................................. 24
3 The Role of the Middleware Infrastructure...................................................25
3.1 MIDDLEWARE INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 26
3.2 MIDDLEWARE INFRASTRUCTURE CHOICES ....................................................................... 27
4 Application Architecture: Applying the Data-Oriented Paradigm..................33
4.1 APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE STYLES ............................................................................. 33
4.1.1 Data Flow Architecture (DFA)........................................................35
4.1.2 Event Driven Architecture (EDA)...................................................36
4.1.3 Client Server Architecture (CSA)...................................................38
4.2 DATA-ORIENTED INTEGRATION ARCHITECTURE................................................................ 40
4.3 REAL-TIME SYSTEM-OF-SYSTEMS SCENARIO REDUX ....................................................... 41
4.3.1 Real-Time Package Tracking Scenario .........................................42
4.3.2 Data-Oriented Edge to Enterprise Integration Architecture ...........43
5 Conclusions .................................................................................................50
6 References ..................................................................................................51
7 Acronyms.....................................................................................................53
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1 Introduction
The growing popularity of cheap and widespread data collection “edge” devices
and the easy access to communication networks (both wired and wireless) is
weaving in more devices and systems into the fabric of our daily lives. As
computation and storage costs continue to drop faster than network costs, the
trend is to move data and computation locally, using data distribution technology
to move data between the nodes as and when needed. As a result, the quantity
of data, the scale of its distribution and the complexity integration is growing at a
rapid pace.
The demands on the next generation of distributed systems and systems-of-
systems include being able to support dynamically changing environments and
configurations, being constantly available, and being instantly responsive, while
integrating data across many platforms and disparate systems.
How does one systematically approach the design of such systems and systems-
of-systems? What are the common unifying traits that can be exploited by
architects to build systems that can integrate with other independently systems,
and yet preserve the flexibility to evolve incrementally? How does one build
systems that can be self aware and self-healing, and dynamically adapt to
changes in their environment? Can this be done on the scale of the Internet, and
yet be optimized for the best performance that can be supported by the
underlying hardware and platform infrastructure? Can this be done without
magnifying the ongoing operational and administrative costs?
These and related topics are the subject of this paper.
1.1 A Real-Time System-of-Systems Scenario
Let us consider the air traffic control example of Figure 1. It involves a variety of
disparate systems that must seamless operate as a whole.
On the “edge” is a real-time avionics system inside the aircraft, which may
communicate with a control-tower. The data flowing in this system is typically at
high rates, and time-critical. Violating timing constraints could result in the failure
of the aircraft or jeopardize life or safety.
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The control tower is yet another independent real-time system, monitoring
various aircraft in the region, coordinating their traffic flow, and generating alarms
to highlight unusual conditions. The data flowing in this system is still time-
sensitive for proper local and wide-are system operation, albeit it may a bit more
tolerant of occasional delays.
In our simplified example, the control tower communicates with the airport
Enterprise Information System (EIS). The enterprise information system keeps
track of historical information, flight status, and so on and may communicate with
multiple control towers and other enterprise information systems. The enterprise
system is not in the time-critical path, and therefore can be much more tolerant of
delays on arrival of data; the data rates are also much lower compared to those
in a control-tower or an aircraft; however, the volume of data is far greater
because of the shear magnitude of the scaling factors involved (numbers of
airplanes, numbers of passengers, historical data, and so on). This enterprise
system is responsible for synthesizing a composite “dashboard” view, such as
passenger information, flight arrival and departure status, and overall operational
health of the airport, from the real-time data originating from the “edge” systems
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Figure 1 The next generation of distributed systems is dynamic in nature, and must meet
the demands of constant availability, instant responsiveness, reliability, safety, and
integrity. They require integration of many platforms, systems, and their data.
This “real-time edge-to-enterprise integration” scenario is representative of many
other application domains including the US Department of Defense’s (DoD)
vision of net-centric operations and the global-information-grid (GiG), new
initiatives on intelligent transportation systems (ITS), telematics, ground traffic
control, homeland security, medical systems, instrumentation, industrial
automation, supply chain, simulation, unmanned vehicles, robotics, and systems
engineering, to name a few. Indeed, parallels to this “multi-tiered” edge to
enterprise example can be easily seen around us---for example, instead of
“airplane, control tower, airport” it could be “cell phone, cell tower, cell base
station”, or “power generation systems, power grid centers, power distribution
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In business, many forces, including the rise of outsourcing, the need for business
agility, and the trend towards “on-demand” business, are leading to scenarios
where independently developed systems must be quickly adapted and re-
adapted to realize new business capabilities.
The new emerging class of distributed applications is an integrated “system-of-
systems” (SoS), that brings together multiple independent systems to provide
new capabilities. In general, the different classes of systems form a continuum;
however for the purposes of this paper we broadly classify systems into three
categories, below.
1. Edge systems. These are systems that touch the “real-world” to perform
various functions, including sensing, and actuation. Often, these systems
must operate under “real-time” constraints---i.e. their correct operation
depends on meeting critical design requirements and timing constraints for
various functions. The timescale is at machine-level, sometimes in the
order of microsecond resolution. Examples of edge systems include
instrumentation, robots, radars, communication equipment etc.
2. Enterprise systems. These are the “information technology” (IT) systems
that traditionally include functions such as high-level user interaction,
decision support, storage and retrieval of historical data. Often these
systems provide the executive-level operational “dashboards” that
integrate data from edge systems. Usually, these systems have “soft” real-
time constraints, and the timescale is at a “human” response level in the
order of seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. Examples of enterprise
systems include application servers, packaged applications, web-servers
3. Systems-of-Systems (SoS). These are distributed systems composed of
many Edge, and/or Enterprise systems, including other SoS. Successful
examples of SoS include the “World-Wide-Web (WWW)”, and “electronic
mail”, that run on the public Internet. The US DoD’s GiG is envisioned as a
SoS that integrates various DoD assets over the DoD’s private internet.
SoS are loosely coupled, with many independent entry points, under independent
control domains, that effectively inter-operate to realize multiple objectives.
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1.2 Key Challenges
SoS must effectively deal with various issues, including (1) crossing trust
boundaries, where each system is controlled and managed independently, and
involves social, political and business considerations; (2) managing quantitative
and qualitative differences in the data exchange and performance; for example
an “edge” system often carries time-critical data at high rates, some of which
must eventually trickle into an “enterprise” system; (3) operating across disparate
technology stacks, design paradigms, and life-cycles of the different systems.
Next, we examine some of the key technical challenges in building successful
SoS, and leave the non-technical aspects for discussion elsewhere.
1. Incremental and Independent Development arising from the fact that
systems are generally developed and evolved independently.
2. Impedance Mismatch arising from the non-functional differences in the
information exchange between systems – both in the quantity and the
quality of the data exchange.
3. Dynamic Real-Time Adaptation arising from the fact that the environments
can change dynamically, and it is not practical to have a centralized
administrator or coordinator.
4. Scalability and Performance, arising from the need to support larger SoS
as more resources are introduced, with minimal overhead.
1.2.1 Incremental and Independent Development
Each system can be under an independent domain of control---sometimes both
from an operational as well as management perspective. Different systems may
be developed independently. In the “systems engineering” world, it is common
development practice to switch a system or a sub-system transparently from a
“simulated” version to an independently developed “real” version and vice-versa.
Furthermore, deployed systems continuously undergo incremental evolution and
development as capabilities are added or extended.
By their very nature, the systems under consideration are loosely-coupled---
minimal assumptions can be made about the interface between two interacting
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sub-systems. The integration should be robust to independent changes in either
side of an interface. Ideally, changes in one side should not force changes on the
other side. This implies that the interface should contain only the invariants that
describe the interaction between the two-systems. Since, behavior is
implemented by each independent system; the interface between them must not
include any system specific state or behavior (Figure 2). The remaining invariant
is the information exchange between the two systems.
Figure 2 The interface between “loosely-coupled” independent systems should not
include any system-specific behavior or state. It can include the “data model” of the
information exchanged between the systems, and the role played by a system.
An information exchange can be described in terms of
1. the information exchange “data model”
2. the roles of “producer” and “consumer” participating in the information
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Thus, when dealing with loosely coupled systems, a system’s interface can be
described in terms of the “data model” and the “role” (producer or consumer) the
system plays in the information exchange. Additional assumptions can break the
loose coupling.
1.2.2 Impedance Mismatch
The systems on either side of an interface (Figure 2) may differ in the qualitative
aspects of their behavior, including differences in data volumes, rates, timing
constraints, and so on.
We use the term “impedance mismatch” to connote all the non-functional
differences in the information exchange between two systems. Figure 3
illustrates the impedance mismatch between edge and enterprise systems in the
current state of affairs.
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Figure 3 Impedance mismatch between today’s edge and enterprise systems arises from a
number of factors, including differences in data rates, timing constraints, life-cycle of data,
persistency, and the differing technology stacks.
The non-functional aspects of a system’s interface (data model and role, Figure
2) can be conceptually captured as a quality-of-service (QoS) aspect associated
with the system’s role. A producer may “offer” some QoS, while a consumer may
“request” some QoS for an interface. A producer and consumer can participate in
information exchange using that interface if-and-only-if their QoS are
compatible”. This approach allows us to conceptually model and deal with the
impedance mismatch between independent systems.
1.2.3 Dynamic Real-Time Adaptation
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The independently managed systems can appear and disappear
asynchronously, as they are started, shutdown, rebooted, or reconfigured. The
environment can change dynamically, causing systems to react differently.
Physical communication links between systems may go down or may be
unreliable---such failures may be indistinguishable from system failures at the
other end of the communication link [Waldo 1994].
In general, it is not possible or not practical to have a centralized administrator or
coordinator of the various systems, especially at the granularity of asynchronous
changes that may occur dynamically. Thus, each system must detect and react
to dynamic changes as they occur. The responsibility of detecting dynamic
changes in connectivity is best delegated to the information exchange
infrastructure provided by the computing environment
The information exchange infrastructure typically includes the network transport
hardware, the computing hardware, the operating system, and the
communications middleware, on top of which an application runs.
Ideally, the information exchange infrastructure would be “self-aware” in the
sense of being able to detect and inform the systems when changes occur in
their connectivity with other systems.
1.2.4 Scalability and Performance
Scalability refers to the ability to handle proportionally more load, as more
resources are added. Scalability of the “information-exchange” infrastructure thus
refers to the ability to take advantage of underlying hardware and networking
resources, and the ability to support larger SoS as more physical resources are
added. From an component developer’s perspective, this translates to the ability
of the information exchange infrastructure to naturally scale from systems
comprising of one-producer and one-consumer pair, to one-to-many, many-to-
one, and many-to-many producers and consumers.. A related notion is that of
“administrative scalability” of the infrastructure---how the infrastructure
administrative load increases as the number of components increases. Ideally,
this should be at a minimum.
Performance refers to the ability to support information exchange with minimal
overhead. Performance considerations typically include latency, jitter, throughput,
and processor loading.
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Scalability and performance are practical concerns that determine the suitability
and the justification of a SoS for business objectives in the first place. They
depend heavily on the implementation of the underlying information exchange
1.3 Solution Dimensions
The key technical challenges in building SoS can be tackled among the following
1. Design Paradigm. Traditional “object-oriented” design works well for “tightly-
coupled” systems where strong state assumptions about the interaction are
acceptable. Indeed it is possible to avoid state assumptions with object-
orientation as well; however that is not the general practice or guidance, and
state assumptions invariably do trickle into the interface specification. For
loosely-coupled systems, a new “data-oriented” design paradigm (see the
Section “The Data-Oriented Design Paradigm”) provides a more suitable
framework to address the challenges of (a) incremental and independent
development; (b) impedance mismatch.
2. Middleware Infrastructure. It refers to the information exchange infrastructure.
As noted during the discussion the technical challenges, the middleware
infrastructure that take on important responsibilities, and provide key
capabilities that can ease and facilitate the construction of SoS and
distributed systems in general. The middleware infrastructure is the place to
address the challenges of (a) dynamic real-time adaptation; and (b) scalability
and performance. It can also facilitate integration by directly supporting a
design paradigm for loosely-coupled systems, and thus aid in addressing (c)
incremental and independent development; (b) impedance mismatch. We
discuss this in the Section “The Role of the Middleware Infrastructure”.
3. Application Architecture. It refers to the overall architecture of a SoS to realize
business objectives. It encompasses the overall interaction patterns, common
data models, QoS, and application specific semantics. Several approaches
are prevalent for the application architecture, including client-server
architecture (CSA), event-driven architecture (EDA), and so on. The
application architecture is anchored to the design paradigm, and utilizes the
underlying middleware infrastructure. Application architecture is the place to
address the challenges of (a) impedance mismatch; (b) dynamic real-time
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adaptation at an integrated SoS level. We discuss this in the Section
”Application Architecture: Applying the Data-Oriented Paradigm”, and finally
illustrate a concrete SoS integration example that ties all the concepts
The rest of this paper discusses each of these solution dimensions in depth.
2 The Data-Oriented Design Paradigm
System design, in general, may be viewed as a collection of interconnected
components. Depending on the context and granularity of scale, a component
may be, for example, an entire system (in a SoS), or an application, or a process,
or a library module. Let us examine the underlying design principles that can
provide us the theoretical foundation for dealing with the challenges introduced in
Section “Key Challenges”.
2.1 The Practice of Distributed System Design
When we examine the practice of system design, we can identify two lines
primary schools of thought, distinguished along the lines of “tight-coupling” vs.
“loose-coupling” of components. These have been applied to the design of both
local and distributed processing systems. Tightly-coupled system design is promoted by a familiar paradigm
Tight-coupling refers to making strong assumptions about the interface of
interconnected components. Changes in one component’s interface typically
have a significant impact on the components that interact with it.
Our existing methodologies and training for system software design, rooted in
principles of object-oriented design, lead to tightly-coupled interactions. In the
object-oriented approach, it is common practice to make strong assumptions
about the interaction state in the interface; the paradigm encourages the notion
of “distributed state” across the interacting objects. This works superbly on the
small scale for “local processing” where the components live in a share a
common “logical” address space, the communication latency is negligible,
memory can be accessed by shared pointers or references, and there is no “real”
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indeterminism about how much of a computation completed when failures occur
or when operations are invoked---however these assumptions are not valid for
distributed system where components do not share a single logical address
space [Waldo 1994].
Since the object-oriented programming paradigm is so widely popular and
successful for local processing, it is only natural that we apply it for distributed
processing as well. The idea is to wash away the differences between local and
distributed processing, and treat the system as a logical whole around a logical
distributed shared memory model. The defining mantra for this approach is
captured by Sun Microsystems tag line: “The network is the computer”.
This path has lead to various endeavors, including the work on distributed
operating systems, distributed shared memory, remote-procedure calls (or RPC),
common request-broker architecture (CORBA), enterprise java beans (EJB),
simple-object access protocol (SOAP), and approaches for clustering and load-
balancing to scale the performance of the “logically” centralized computing model
across distributed nodes. It is now well established in the literature that it is a
mistake to wash away the differences between remote and local objects [Waldo
1994], and at best this approach only works for small and tightly managed
Indeed, object-oriented design is an appropriate paradigm for components that
are intrinsically tightly coupled, and allows one to take advantage of the
performance optimizations afforded by direct memory access, lower latencies,
simple failure modes, and centrally managed concurrency and resources.
Object-oriented system design has been used with success in tightly controlled
and managed distributed environments. However, tightly-coupled solutions are
more difficult to modify since changes made in one place cause changes to be
made somewhere else. At the best they require a re-test of the entire system or
system-of-systems to make certain nothing was broken. They do not robustly
scale up when the assumptions of centralized control and management no longer
hold [Waldo 1994], as is the case with the new generation of distributed systems
(eg SoS).
2.1.2 Loosely-coupled system design requires a paradigm shift
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Our existing object-oriented methodologies and training for system software
design that worked superbly for local or centralized processing begin to break
down for distributed or decentralized systems.
When components live in different address spaces, the differences in
communication latency and memory access among components become
significant. Working with components in multiple address spaces also introduces
“true” indeterminism in failure modes [Waldo 1994], and in the invocation of
concurrent operations [Lamport 1978]. Such systems must deal with partial
failures, arising from failure of independent components and/or communication
links; in general the failure of a component is indistinguishable from the failure of
its connecting communication links. In such systems, there is no single point of
resource allocation, synchronization, or failure recovery. Unlike local process, a
distributed system may simply not be in a consistent state after a failure.
The “fallacies of distributed computing” [Van Den Hoogen 2004], summarized
below, capture the key assumptions that break down (but still are often made by
architects) when building distributed systems.
1. The network is reliable.
2. Latency is zero.
3. Bandwidth is infinite.
4. The network is secure.
5. Topology doesn't change.
6. There is one administrator.
7. Transport cost is zero.
8. The network is homogeneous.
A different paradigm is needed to build distributed systems, which by nature, are
“loosely-coupled”. This has been clearly noted in the literature [Waldo 1994].
“Programming a distributed application will require thinking about the
problem in a different way than before it was thought about when the
solution was a non-distributed application.
One consequence of the view espoused here is that it is a mistake to
attempt to construct a system that is “objects all the way down” if one
understands the goal as a distributed system constructed of the same kind
of objects all the way down.”
- Waldo, Wyant, Wollrath, Kendall, 1994
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An appropriate paradigm for building “loosely-coupled” systems can be found in
the principles of “data-oriented programming” [Kuznetsov], and discussed in the
following Section “
Data-Oriented Programming”. It is based on the observation that the “data
model” is the only invariant (if any) in a loosely coupled system (Figure 2), and
should be exposed as a first-class citizen----in other words “data” is primary, and
the operations on the data are secondary! Since a common “logical” address
space cannot be assumed, the information exchange between components is
based on a message passing interaction paradigm.
When applied to distributed systems, the defining mantra for a loosely-coupled
approach may be captured by: “The computer is the network”, which
acknowledges the fact that distributed computing must indeed be cognizant of
the network and the potential for communication failures. The world-wide-web
and electronic-mail are good examples. Other examples are seen in the
availability of various message-oriented middleware (MOMs), Java Message
Service (JMS), data-centric publish-subscribe middleware (DDS) to support the
implementation of loosely-coupled distributed systems.
Loosely-coupled system design approaches can be applied to the design of local
or centralized applications as well, to achieve a more scalable architecture,
modularize complexity, promote a more robust design, support outsourcing
activities, merger and acquisition activities, integrate third-party components, and
so on. For centralized systems, this requires extra effort and discipline, but can
be well worth the rewards. Examples of such usage are increasingly common in
the design of application servers (AS), enterprise service bus (ESB) [Richards
2006], Java Business Integration (JBI) [Richards 2006]; although these are not
necessarily examples of data-oriented programming.
Thus, loosely-coupled system design approaches work well for both localized
centralized processing, and distributed decentralized processing, including SoS.
Loosely-coupled design can lead to more robust systems that are amenable to
more complex scenarios and interactions.
2.1.3 Reality Check
Figure 4 shows a classification of popular technologies with respect to the
coupling assumptions they make about the components involved. Tightly-coupled
approaches for distributed systems and loosely-coupled approaches for building
more complex centralized applications are quite popular. Our focus is on building
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loosely-coupled distributed systems, an emerging area of research and
Data Distribution Service (DDS)
Messaging-Oriented Middleware (MOM)
Java Message Service (JMS)
World-Wide Web (WWW)
Electronic Mail (e-Mail)
Representational State Transfer (REST)
US DoD’s Global Information Grid (GIG)
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
Common-Object Request Broker
Architecture (CORBA)
Ent erprise Java Beans (EJB)
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Distributed Shared Memory (DSM)
Distributed Databases
Distributed Operating Systems
Load Balancing
Distributed or
Application Servers (AS)
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
Java Business Integration (JBI)
Application Programs
Local or
Figure 4 Classification of popular technologies for centralized and decentralized
processing with respect to coupling assumptions.
2.2 Data-Oriented Programming
The “data-oriented programming” (DOP) [Kuznetsov] paradigm refers to a
collection of existing design principles for building interoperable software and
integrating disparate systems. It is complementary to “object-oriented
programming” (OOP), often practiced using Java or C++. DOP is like OOP in the
sense of being a conceptual framework that is above any specific programming
language or implementation technologies.
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DOP provides a solid foundation for constructing loosely-coupled systems, and
can be seen as the theoretical basis for much of the recent work on service-
oriented architecture (SOA) and web-services.
2.2.1 Data-Oriented Programming Principles
DOP is based on the following principles, elucidated by Kuznetsov .
1. Expose the data and meta-data
2. Hide the code
3. Separate data and code, or data-handling and application-logic.
4. Generate data-handling code from interfaces
An updated version of Kuznetsov’s DOP principles is discussed below. We add
the notion of QoS (see Section “Impedance Mismatch”), not found in Kuznetsov’s
original version.
1. Expose the data and meta-data. Meta-data refers to the information about
the data structure itself, including the name, type, multiplicity, and
organization of the fields. DOP exposes the data and meta-data as first-class
citizens, and uses them as the primary means of interconnecting
heterogeneous systems.
a. The data is the primary means for hooking up components. This DOP
principle is the exact opposite of the “encapsulation” design principle in
OOP, which has practical outcome of all data fields being hidden
behind accessor methods of an object.
b. In addition to the data itself, DOP relies on exposing meta-data that
includes a formal machine readable format description (FMRFD), so
that the data is self-describing. For example, a FMRFD meta-data may
be embedded with the data as in XML's self-describing tags [W3C
XML], or may be in ASN.1 BER type fields [Kaliski 1993] specified
alongside the data. Examples of FMRFD include WSDL [W3C WSDL],
DTD [W3C XML], XML Schema [W3C XMLSchema], XML InfoSet
[W3C XMLInfoSet], IDL [OMG 2002], ASN.1 [Kaliski 1993], and other
schema languages.
c. Optionally, the exposed meta-data can include formal quality of service
(QoS) attributes that adorn the formal data format description, and
capture the non-structural aspects of the data exchange.
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d. We observed in Figure 2, the data model is the primary “invariant” in a
network of interconnected components. Changes in the exchanged
messages can be tolerated while preserving connectivity as long as
the associated meta-data (FMRFD and QoS) is updated. In addition,
the meta-data can be extended to support evolutionary changes to the
data model, without “breaking” existing interactions.
2. Hide the code. DOP hides the code, and relies on message passing to
model coarse-grain interactions between components, with minimal state
a. DOP hides any code and direct references to code. For example, the
meta-data should not contain programming language constructs. As
we observed in Figure 2, the interface cannot assume any system-
specific state or behavior; thus avoiding code in the interface is critical
for loosely coupled systems.
b. DOP models the interaction between two components as sending a
message from one to the other with an operation code. Unlike OOP,
DOP avoids tight coupling that results when one component invokes
an operation on another.
c. DOP encourages coarse-grained interactions between systems and
strives to minimize state assumptions. As noted in Figure 2, state
assumptions introduce coupling, which runs counter to the notion of
loosely-coupled systems.
d. A key difference from “remote-procedure call” (RPC) model is that
there is no context or implied state or coupling across messages. A
message is self contained, and includes the entire context. This makes
DOP well suited to the needs of loosely-coupled systems.
3. Separate data and code, or data-handling and application-logic. DOP
requires clean separation of the declarative meta-data and data
communication, from the implementation of operations on the data.
a. Sparation of data handling and application-logic code is necessary for
DOP to be effective for loosely-coupled systems. A great anti-pattern
for this principle is the traditional C++ header file, with its inline
methods, and data members; data structures can be mixed in with data
manipulation logic.
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b. The responsibility of data-handling can be delegated to the middleware
infrastructure, so that the application logic can focus on the processing
the data.
4. Generate data-handling code from interfaces. A DOP interface is defined
by the meta-data (FMRFD and QoS), and must be expressed formally. DOP
explicitly forbids the hand-coding of data parsers, translators or output
systems; instead it requires that the data-manipulation code be machine
generated from the meta-data in a form suitable for the implementation
platform.The meta-data must contain all of the information required to encode
and decode the data in a given format.
a. The meta-data must contain all the QoS needed to capture the deal
with the impedance mismatch and the implied “tuning” (see Section
“Impedance Mismatch”).
b. Systems using completely different implementation platforms must be
able to generate code for encoding and decoding the data format.
c. A middleware infrastructure can provide the tools for generating data-
handling code specific to the implementation programming language
and runtime environment, and mechanisms for tuning the impedance
2.2.2 DOP and OOP
Figure 5 summarizes the principles of DOP from an OOP perspective.
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Change Î read & change codeChange Î change declarative meta-data
Combined processing, no restrictionsStrict separation of parser, validator,
transformer, impedance tuner, and logic
Meta-data = Data Model/Schema + QoS
API / Object model is primaryMessages are primary
Must agree on code runtime systemMust agree on data encoding, mapping
system, QoS semantics
Mobile codeSend only messages
Intermix data & codeSeparate data & code
Expose methods – codeHide the code
Hide the data (encapsulation)Expose the data and meta-data
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)Data-Oriented Programming (DOP)
Figure 5 Comparison of data-oriented programming (DOP) and object-oriented
programming (OOP) principles.
DOP and OOP can be viewed as complementary approaches aimed at solving
different concerns. OOP promotes tight-coupling, while DOP promotes loose
Those familiar with the web-services community debate between Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP) vs. Representational State Transfer (REST) [Prescod]
will notice that fundamentally, the argument is really about choosing between an
OOP vs. DOP paradigm for constructing web-services.
In practice, for example on a SoS, OOP might be used for fine grained tightly-
coupled application components; whereas DOP may be used to interconnect the
loosely coupled components.
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2.2.3 DOP and Application Architecture
DOP can be seen as the foundation of several distributed application architecture
approaches including service-oriented architecture (SOA) [Wikipedia SOA],
event-driven architecture (EDA) [Wikipedia EDA], and contract-first design
[Skonnard 2005].
DOP principles 1 and 2 can be construed to provide the definition of a “service
contract” used in SOA community. The principles of SOA, namely (1) expose the
services; (2) hide the objects, are consistent with DOP. The Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) is an appropriate formalism for a DOP interface.
As can be seen from the above discussion, DOP provides the framework to
addresses two of the key issues in system design (a) incremental and
independent development (Section “Incremental and Independent
Development”); (b) impedance mismatch (Section “Impedance Mismatch”). Thus,
DOP is well suited to solving integration challenges, in a scalable and agile
We should note that it always possible to tighten up loosely-coupled software;
however it is not possible to loosen up tightly coupled software. Thus, loose-
coupling and messaging are more general idioms than tight-coupling and object
method invocation; the latter can be built on top of the former.
It is important to note that a design paradigm by itself does not result in well-
designed systems. Like OOP, DOP can also be mis-used and abused. DOP
provides the principles and guidance for building loosely-coupled systems.
However, design is fundamentally a human activity; paradigms and tools can
only facilitate the process.
2.3 An Example
For illustration purposes, let us consider a very simple example from both an
OOP and a DOP viewpoint.
Let us consider the simple task of “registering a sale”. The participants involved
in this task are: a customer, a store, and the item sold.
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From an OOP viewpoint, we would treat customer, store, and item objects as
opaque, and we might model the task as follows.
item.register_sale(store, customer)
store.register_sale(item, customer)
customer.register_sale(item, store)
A component would have to rely on the specific behavior of all the three object
implementations to complete the sale transaction. However, if the behavior of a
customer, store, or item changes---for example an operation used by the
implementation of register_sale method is removed or its pre/post conditions
or signature altered, the register_sale method would fail. Thus, this
approach is brittle to changes in the participants, as it relies on the fact that their
behavior will not change over time.
From a DOP viewpoint, we would define customer, store, and item, as
publicly exposed data, and formally describe their structure as public meta-data.
We might define a message called register_sale that operates on the
customer, store, and item data to accomplish the task.
register_sale(customer, store, item)
The consumer (or provider) of this message would have all the information
necessary to execute the producer’s (or requestor) request, and its
implementation is no longer tied to the behavior of the customer, store,
item objects. If the definition of customer, store, or item changes, the
associated meta-data is be updated to inform the consumer of those changes, so
that the data processing in the application logic can be adjusted accordingly.
Thus, this approach is robust to the changes in the data structure, as well as the
behavior of the participants.
3 The Role of the Middleware
Middleware refers to the software layer that sits between the application-logic
and the underlying operating-system (if any).
Network middleware is responsible interconnecting components in a distributed
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The network middleware infrastructure plays a critical role in the application of
the DOP paradigm. Let’s examine the role and the array of middleware choices
available to use, and determine the ones most suitable for building loosely-
coupled systems and SoS.
3.1 Middleware Infrastructure Requirements
As we noted in Figure 4, there are several middleware choices available for
building distributed systems. The key requirement is that the middleware
infrastructure be amenable to DOP principles; which means that the middleware
Provides a mechanism for formally specifying meta-data (data-models and
QoS) (principle 1);
Does not force a common context or state or coupling across messages,
and encourages state-less interactions (principle 2);
Provides a total separation of data-handling from application logic, and
does not impose any constraints on application logic (principle 3);
Provides an inter-operability protocol for message representation and
exchange “on-the-wire”, so that independent implementations can
meaningfully communicate (principle 3).
Provides an abstract programming model, so that application specific
data-handling code can be maintained separately from application logic in
any desired target programming language (principle 4);
Also, considering the additional needs of dynamic real-time adaptation,
scalability, and performance in loosely-coupled systems and SoS, the following
capabilities can go a long way in enabling a clean and effective application
Ability to dynamically specify and (re)configure the data flows;
Ability to describe delivery requirements per data flow;
Ability to specify and control middleware resources such as queues and
Resiliency to individual node or participant failures; and
Performance and scalability with respect to number of nodes,
components, and data flows.
In addition, it is always desirable that a middleware technology be an open
standard and not a proprietary technology, so that once can benefit from the
competitive market forces, without incurring the costs of vendor lock-in.
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3.2 Middleware Infrastructure Choices
One can quickly walk through the list of currently available middleware
infrastructure technologies (some are listed in Figure 4) and narrow down the list
of suitable technologies. It is not practical to undertake a detailed examination of
all the popular middleware technologies in the scope of this paper; that will
remain a subject to be tackled elsewhere. However, we briefly summarize the
key findings.
We observe that the middleware technologies that support the anonymous
publish-subscribe paradigm (see Section “Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe
Middleware Infrastructure”) have the best potential for meeting the requirements
in the previous section. Dominant publish-subscribe middleware standards
include: Data Distribution Service (DDS) [OMG 2006], Java Message Service
(JMS) [JMS], High Level Architecture (HLA) [HLA], CORBA Notification Service
[OMG 2004]. An overview of DDS is presented in [Joshi 2006b]. A detailed
comparison of DDS and JMS is presented in [Joshi 2006a]. A detailed
comparison of DDS and HLA is presented in [Joshi 2003].
Upon an in-depth examination of these middleware standards, DDS [Joshi
2006b] is the only middleware standard that meets and exceeds the
requirements of the previous section for loosely-coupled systems and SoS. The
key reasons include (1) DDS is the only publish-subscribe middleware standard
that specifies both an API specification and an interoperability wire-protocol; (2)
DDS supports a request/offered paradigm central to the design of loosely
coupled systems; (3) DDS provides mechanisms for applications to be self-aware
by informing them of network topology changes; (4) DDS does not make any
assumptions about the state at the other components; (5) DDS requires that the
data model be specified formally in a programming language neutral manner.
Specifically, JMS [Joshi 2006a] and message-oriented middleware (MOM) does
introduce coupling via the use of a message “destination”. Destinations are a
point of tight-coupling for the following reasons: (1) in most implementations,
destinations must be configured explicitly before they can be used; (2) a
destination is a shared resource, accessed by producers and consumers; (3) a
destination is specified when sending a message; (4) destinations can become
communication bottleneck and a single point of failure. Additional reasons why
JMS falls short of the requirements of DOP can be found in [Joshi 2006a].
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Lets us examine the suitability of DDS for the needs of loosely-coupled systems
and DOP.
3.3 Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe Middleware
DDS [OMG 2006, Joshi 2006b] is an abstract programming model specification
and an inter-operability wire-protocol, that defines a “data-centric” publish-
subscribe model for connecting anonymous information producers with
information consumers.
A standard language independent programming model (or abstract API
specification) ensures that application source code is portable across different
implementations, and can be precisely defined for current and future
programming languages. A standard wire-protocol ensures that applications
written to different vendor implementations of the standard API will inter-operate
because they all use the same low-level hand-shaking protocol on the network.
A distributed application is composed of “participants”, each potentially running in
a separate address space, possibly on different computers. A participant may
simultaneously publish and subscribe to typed data-flows identified by names
called “topics". The DDS APIs allows typed “data readers” and “data writers” to
present type-safe programming interfaces to the application. A typical DDS
application architecture can be represented as software “data-bus" shown in
Figure 6.
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Middleware Infrastructure “Data Bus”
ProducerProducer Consumer
Consumer Consumer
Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe Middleware
Producers and Consumers are Decoupled
Declare Intent
Register Interest
Figure 6 DDS data-centric publish-subscribe middleware decouples data producers from
data consumers in location, space, platform, and multiplicity.
A producer declares the intent to produce data on a topic by creating a data
writer for it; a consumer registers interest in a topic by creating a data reader for
it. The middleware infrastructure manages these declarations, and automatically
establishes direct (peer-to-peer) data-flows between data writers and data
readers matching a topic. Thus, an application programmer can essentially
ignore the complexity of the data flow; each node gets the data it needs from the
bus, or puts the data it updates on the bus. The bus logically represents a
shared data space” that any participant can read and write via data readers and
data writers.
As a result, the communications are decoupled in space (participants can be
anywhere), time (delivery may be immediately after publication or later), flow
(delivery QoS can be precisely controlled), platform (participants can be on
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different implementation platforms, and written in different languages), and
multiplicity (there can be multiple data writers and data readers of a topic).
DDS has several unique aspects that make it especially suited for loosely-
coupled systems and DOP. These include:
The ability to define a type system for topics on the data bus. A type
formally specifies the data-model or schema that describes the data on a
topic. This directly supports DOP (principle 1).
The ability to formally associate QoS with each data writer and data
reader. DDS formally defines semantics of QoS parameters along with a
partial-ordering on their values. A producer can “offer” a certain QoS,
while a consumer can “request” a certain QoS. The middleware
infrastructure establishes direct data flow if-and-only-if the requested QoS
is “compatible” (as defined by the partial ordering) with what is offered.
This gives us a mechanism to formally address the impedance mismatch
challenge (see Section “Impedance Mismatch”) and directly supports DOP
(principle 1).
Mechanisms for the application to detect and specify what should happen
when QoS assertions are violated. This is consistent with DOP (principle
Mechanism to “discover” when data readers and data writers for a topic
are created or deleted, when a direct data flow is established, and when a
direct data flow could not be established due to incompatible QoS. This
gives us a framework to address the challenge of dynamic real-time
adaptation (see Section “Dynamic Real-Time Adaptation”).
No assumptions about the reliability of the network transport. The
applications can deal with reliability, and connection management using
the relevant QoS policies.
Data is physically transmitted on the network if-and-only-if there are data
readers requesting a QoS compatible with a data writer’s offered QoS.
Thus, DDS uses the network conservatively. In general, the DDS APIs
and wire-protocol strives to deliver the highest possible performance
(Section “Scalability and Performance”) for the available resources and
requested capabilities.
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To increase scalability, topics may contain multiple independent data
channels identified by "keys". This allows a consumer to subscribe to
many, possibly thousands, of similar data channels with a single
subscription. When the data arrives, the middleware infrastructure can sort
it by the key and manage it on behalf of the application logic, to enable
efficient processing. This is one way in which DDS addresses the
challenge of scalability and performance (see Section “Scalability and
Keys are also a mechanism to specify a relational data model to the middleware
infrastructure; the middleware can manage the relational data model on behalf of
the application. This is consistent with DOP (principle 3).
In typical DDS usage, the data-model or FMRFD of types is expressed in a data
description language such as IDL [OMG 2002]. A middleware implementation
infrastructure specific code-generator (Figure 7) is used to generate the type
representation in the target programming language and type specific facades for
data readers and data writers, for use by the application in the target
programming language. The generated code completely encapsulates the data-
handling, while isolating the application logic as required by DOP (principles 3 &
4). QoS can be formally associated with the data readers and data writers by the
application logic, in a manner consistent with DOP (principle 1).
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Data Types &
Compile & Link
Source Code
Figure 7 Typical DDS application workflow.
Unlike other publish-subscribe middleware infrastructure, DDS has a very strong
emphasis on data modeling (as noted above). Besides supporting basic
messaging and events, there is support for formally defined types, relational data
modeling; data lifecycle management; content based filtering; and data
transformations directly in the middleware infrastructure. For these reasons, DDS
is often referred to as a “data-centric” publish-subscribe middleware.
The best DDS implementations [RTI DDS] do not impose any centralized
configuration requirements on the applications. In particular, the applications
don’t require information about the other participating applications, including their
existence or location. A DDS implementation can automatically handle all
aspects of data exchange, without requiring any intervention at the application
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The data-centric nature of DDS, and the fact that there is no intrinsic point of
coupling between DDS applications (for example a shared resource) is the
reason why DDS is especially well suited for implementing a very broad class of
applications, using DOP principles.
4 Application Architecture: Applying
the Data-Oriented Paradigm
“Application” refers to the domain specific portion of a system, to realize some
purpose. The application-layer sits above the middleware-layer, and contains
logic specific to the purpose of the system. “Architecture” refers to the
organization of a system’s components, their inter-connections, properties, and
relationships with one another.
Thus, “application architecture” refers to the organization of application-logic
components and their relationships, built on top of a middleware infrastructure. It
encompasses the overall interaction patterns, common data-models, QoS, and
application specific semantics.
In this section, we examine the implications of the DOP paradigm and the
supporting middleware infrastructure on the application architecture, and relate
them to currently popular application architectural styles. We describe some
emerging categories of “of-the-shelf” application components to address the
emerging needs of SoS, especially edge to enterprise integration (see Section “A
Real-Time System-of-Systems Scenario”).
Finally, we concretely illustrate the application architecture for a realistic edge to
enterprise integration scenario that was implemented using the DOP principles in
a relatively short amount of time, using commercially available “off-the-shelf”
middleware infrastructure and application components.
4.1 Application Architecture Styles
An application architecture style defines a pattern for organizing and developing
application components to achieve certain objectives. The successful use of an
architectural style anchors on the underlying design paradigm used for
component development, and supported by the middleware infrastructure. An
architectural style may be realized in software using a tightly-coupled design
approach or a loosely-coupled design approach.
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The DOP paradigm and the DDS middleware infrastructure are extremely
versatile in their ability to support multiple architectural styles, and realize
loosely-coupled software implementations. The generic application architecture
addressing enabled by DOP and DDS can be thought of as “wiring diagram”,
shown in Figure 8. A topic represents a “virtual wire” managed by the DDS
middleware infrastructure. A topic may be viewed as organized into “records” or
“data-objects” that are managed by the middleware. A component uses a data
reader to access a data-object on a topic, and a data writer to update a data-
object on a topic.
Data Bus (DDS Middleware Infrastructure)
Figure 8 Data-oriented integration architecture, for developing loosely coupled
applications. Components can be added and removed independently, without any
knowledge of other components. Data readers and data writers of topics (data-flows) can
be created, used, and deleted independently by a component, without requiring any
centralized configuration or changes. Direct data paths are automatically established
between data readers and data writers of a topic, and managed by the middleware
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This generic architecture meets the needs of a wide range of applications, which
may be characterized as follows.
1. Components are loosely-coupled;
2. Interactions between components are data-centric and not object-centric;
often these can be viewed as “dataflows” that may carry information
about identifiable data-objects;
3. Data is critical because of large volumes, or predictable delivery
requirements, or the dynamic nature of the entities;
4. Computation is time sensitive and may be critically dependent on the
predictable delivery of data;
5. Storage is local.
The predominant styles found in the Edge and Enterprise systems, and SoS
including data flow architecture, event driven architecture, service-oriented
architecture can be realized as specializations of this generic architecture. It is
important to note that the above architectural styles can also be realized as
tightly-coupled software---in fact that is typically the case in current practice. Our
aim here is to illustrate how these can be realized as loosely-coupled software,
utilizing the DOP design paradigm and the DDS middleware infrastructure.
4.1.1 Data Flow Architecture (DFA)
The data flow architectural (DFA) style is most common in sensor based edge
systems and control systems. Sensors are data producer components that feed
data into processing components. Controller components consume the data
inputs, and produce data outputs for actuators or other components. Thus, the
components naturally form an acyclic directed data flow graph. This architectural
style can be viewed as a special case of the generic data-oriented integration
architecture, as shown in Figure 9.
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Data Bus (DDS Middleware Infrastructure)
Data Flow Architecture
Figure 9 Data flow architectural style can be seen as a specialization of the generic data-
oriented application architecture enabled by using a DOP and DDS.
The QoS are chosen to achieve the desired flow characteristics. For the sensor
data topics, QoS are chosen to retain only the latest most up-to-date values.
In this architecture, components operate periodically and concurrently. A
controller component may have an operational loop as follows.
Latch all the inputs
Process data
Write output
4.1.2 Event Driven Architecture (EDA)
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The event driven architectural (EDA) style is most common in enterprise
systems. An “event” is defined as something “notable”, for example, a significant
change in state that happens inside or outside the system. An “event generation
component” produces events. An “event processing component” consumes
events. An event can be a trigger for initiating downstream action(s). It processes
the events against various rules and initiates actions. In addition, it may post new
events for other “downstream activity” components. This architectural style can
be viewed as a special case of the generic data-oriented integration architecture,
as shown in Figure 10.
Data Bus (DDS Middleware Infrastructure)
Event Driven Architecture
Figure 10 Event driven architectural style can be seen as a specialization of the generic
data-oriented application architecture enabled by using a DOP and DDS.
The QoS are chosen to achieve the desired flow characteristics. For event data
topics, QoS are chosen to retain all the last N events, in the order they
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Events are commonly used to drive the real-time flow of work, and take the lag
time and cost out of a business operations. Generally, an event processing
component is a rule-based engine. In a simple event processing engine, each
event occurrence is processed independently. In a complex event processing
engine (CEP), new event occurrences are processed in context of prior and
future events.
4.1.3 Client Server Architecture (CSA)
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The client-server architectural (CSA) style is most common in enterprise
systems, and is also applied for integrating edge and enterprise systems. A
“service” a discretely scoped business or technical functionality, and is offered by
a “service provider” or server to “service requestors” or clients. Operationally, a
service is defined by messages exchanged between clients and servers.
This architectural style can be viewed as a special case of the generic data-
oriented integration architecture, as shown in Figure 11.
Data Bus (DDS Middleware Infrastructure)
Client Server Architecture
Redundant Server “Cloud”
Figure 11 Client-Server architectural style can be seen as a specialization of the generic
data-oriented application architecture enabled by using a DOP and DDS.
The request and responses are correlated with a client specific
correlation_id” field in the data model. The QoS and are chosen to achieve
the desired flow characteristics. For request and reply topics, QoS are chosen to
deliver all the data samples in the order they happened. Content filtering is used
on the response topic to receive only the responses intended for the requestor.
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It is interesting and ironic to note that despite the hype, the vast majority of the
implementations of SOA relies on tightly-coupled technologies and design
principles, resulting in tightly-coupled SOA software. This runs counter to the
promise of SOA, and can prove detrimental to its success in the long run. We
have outlined an approach that results in “loosely-coupled SOA” software, and
can indeed unleash the full potential of SOA.
4.2 Data-Oriented Integration Architecture
Large scale distributed SoS are loosely often a mish-mash of systems with
different architectural styles, created by independent parties, often using different
middleware technologies, with misaligned interfaces. A naïve approach to
integrating such systems results in N*N point-to-point custom integrations, for
each pair of systems. This approach does not scale, yet, often it is the end
outcome in practice.
A better approach is to use the DOP paradigm, and explicitly formalize the data
and meta-data produced and consumed by a system. The DDS middleware
infrastructure can be used as the integration “glue” to connect the disparate
systems, as shown in Figure 8. This generic architecture can accommodate a
wide variety of architectural styles, and reduces the integration problem from an
O(N*N) problem to an O(N) problem.
Can we do better? We observe that a larger number of application components
are built using “off-the-shelf” application platform components. These include
databases for storing and retrieving data, event processing engines, application
servers providing web services, enterprise service bus for transformation and
routing of data, workflow engines using business process execution language,
and so on. Thus, an “out-of-the-box” integration of DDS and these popular
application platform technologies can indeed reduce the integration problem from
O(N) to that of exposing the data and meta-data of just the legacy “one-of”
application components, and integrating them into the DDS middleware
infrastructure bus. New integration projects can leverage the widely available and
tested integrations for the popular application platforms. This concept is
illustrated in Figure 12.
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Data Bus (DDS Middleware Infrastructure)
Event Processing
Service Bus (ESB)
Engine (BPEL)
Web Service
Figure 12 “Out-of-the-box” integrations for popular application platform components can
speed up the integration task, when used with the generic data-oriented integration
architecture enabled by DOP and DDS.
Leading DDS middleware infrastructure vendors have already begun providing
products that integrate popular application platform technologies into the DDS
software bus [RTI].
4.3 Real-Time System-of-Systems Scenario Redux
In this section we illustrate the concepts discussed in the previous sections with
the help of a real-time package tracking scenario. We illustrate how the data-
oriented integration architecture (Figure 14) based on the DOP design paradigm
and DDS middleware infrastructure can be used to rapidly develop a working
demonstration in a very short time frame. The rapid implementation was a direct
result of the ready availability of a DDS bridge for relational databases, and
supporting tools.
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4.3.1 Real-Time Package Tracking Scenario
Consider a real-time package tracking scenario, shown in Figure 13. Packages
shipped by various means need to be tracked, and a unified view presented in a
web browser based unified “dashboard” for in-time executive level decision-
Figure 13 A system-of-systems for real-time package tracking. Status of the packages
shipped by various means is displayed in an executive “dashboard” for real-time decision
making. Each means of shipment is a separate system, independent of the executive
dashboard system.
There are five independent systems involved: each mode of shipment is an
independent system, and the executive “dashboard” is yet another system that
interacts with all these systems.
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Each shipping system uses a different method for keeping track of its operations,
and makes its package status data available in its own format, at different
intervals, by different means. For example, the “railway” shipping system logs the
status of its packages into a persistent storage database, whenever a train
makes a stop. The roadways shipping system produces a comma separated
value file containing the current package status, and sends it over email every 4
hours. The trans-continental shipping system updates an XML file accessible
over FTP, with the package status whenever it crosses a border or changes
carriers. The special courier shipping system is decentralized: each courier uses
RFID sensors to publish its local snapshot of packages on a periodic basis, at
least once every hour. The courier updates are published over a DDS
middleware infrastructure bus.
The special courier shipping system might be classified as real-time “edge”
system; the rest might be considered “enterprise” systems.
4.3.2 Data-Oriented Edge to Enterprise Integration Architecture
The data-oriented edge to enterprise integration architecture is shown in Figure
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Figure 14 Data-oriented edge to enterprise integration architecture for the real-time
package tracking SoS.
The architecture includes several application components, summarized below.
The decentralized special courier shipping device, capable of publishing
package status over DDS. These may provide a user-interface for the
courier operator to augment additional information, not sensed by RFID
The enterprise dashboard system which includes
o A database for caching the “edge” data from the distributed special
courier devices. A readily available DDS-SQL bridge is used to
automatically store the data on the DDS topics.
o A workflow engine using business-process execution language
(BPEL, Figure 15) to orchestrate among the different systems, and
fuse the incoming data in different formats into a common fused
data schema.
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o The BPEL workflow engine has adapters for accessing data in a
Database, an XML files, a CSV file, and eMail, produced by the
railway, trans-continental, and roadway shipping systems. In our
implementation, these adapters were used to access the different
data sources from the BPEL engine. A downside of this approach is
that it introduces a very tight coupling between the BPEL processes
and the systems, and the data is not easily accessible from other
Ideally, to be completely loosely-coupled, we would publish
the data produced by the railway, trans-continental, and
roadway shipping systems on the DDS software bus.
However this was not practical in the available short time.
Had there been, off-the-shelf bridges available for these data
formats, the situation might be different. We opted to accept
the tight-coupling for our demonstration purposes.
o The BPEL workflow engine has concurrently running asynchronous
processes (for each shipping system) to load the incoming data;
transform it into a common fused data schema; and save it into a
local database table.
o The BPEL workflow engine has a synchronous process waiting to
serve up requests for the fused data.
A web-browser to access the executive “dashboard” which offers unified
view of package status across all modes of shipment, and supports
querying. A secure web-services gateway is used to guard against un-
authorized access to the data.
Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Copyright © 2007 46
Figure 15 Workflow engine uses Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process to
orchestrate services and manipulate data.
The data-path from the special courier “edge” system in the field, to the
“enterprise” executive dashboard in the boardroom, is shown in Figure 16.
Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Copyright © 2007 47
Figure 16 End to end data paths from the “edge” data collection system in the field to the
“enterprise” executive dashboard in the boardroom. The sequence A.1…A.4 shows the
data path from the edge system to the enterprise system. The sequence B1..B.5 shows the
secure access of the integrated view maintained by the enterprise system from the
executive dashboard.
The data from the special courier’s device is published on a DDS topic (A.1) and
received by a DDS-SQL bridge. The DDS-SQL Bridge logs it into a table
associated with the DDS topic (A.2). Note that the DDS-SQL bridge
(commercially available) is capable of automatically creating the table schema
from the meta-data associated with a DDS topic. The DDS-SQL bridge is also
the impedance matching device for filtering and sub-sampling the real-time data
being produced at much higher rates than the capacity of the BPEL workflow
engine. The impedance tuning is achieved by adjusting the DDS QoS for the
DDS consumers associated with the DDS-SQL bridge. An in-memory database
is used with the DDS-SQL bridge for real-time performance.
Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Copyright © 2007 48
An asynchronous BPEL process loads the changes in the data table (A.3) using
a BPEL-Database Adapter (commercially available). It transforms the data into a
common “fused” data format that unifies the data schema across all the different
shipping systems (Figure 17). The BPEL process stores the transformed data
into a different table (A.4), which is a cache of the fused data. Similar BPEL
processes are concurrently active for the other shipping systems, and updating
the fused data cache.
Figure 17 Data in one schema is mapped into a common fused data schema. Missing fields
in the source format are given default values. Arbitrary transformations can be inserted in
the mapping process.
A web browser is used to access the fused data. A request to access the fused
data (B.1) is first intercepted by a web-services gateway (commercially
available), that authenticates the request, An authenticated request is forwarded
(B.2) to BPEL process waiting to serve up such requests. It looks at the request
parameters, formulates an appropriate query and retrieves (B.3) the request
Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Copyright © 2007 49
fused data from the database table. The response is sent back (B.4 and B.5) to
the web-browser.
In this architecture, we see a confluence of many different design paradigms,
middleware infrastructure, and architectural styles. Albeit simple, this example
captures the flavor of the real-life integration issues we face today. In reality,
practical constraints and economic factors will dictate where to put (and not put)
points of tight coupling, as we did in this exercise.
It is important to note that DOP is a central tenet of this architecture. The meta-
data (the FMRFD) is specified only once, in an IDL file, as shown in Figure 18. All
the other technology specific data schemas were “derived” from this FMRFD in
Data Types &
Source Code
Figure 18 The meta-data is defined once by the developer in a FMRFD. The supporting
tool-chain converts it into various representations for use with different technologies.
Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Copyright © 2007 50
Thus, for the edge courier shipping devices, the meta-data was an IDL file
describing the structure of the package status data. The DDS code generator
produced the language specific types used by the application programs in the
courier shipping system’s edge devices. The DDS-SQL bridge automatically
created the table schema for storing the contents of a topic, by looking at the
runtime type-code information (meta-data) associated with the DDS topic. The
BPEL Developer Integrated Development Environment (IDE) was capable of
importing a database table schema and converting it into an XMLSchema, which
was needed by BPEL processes to transform and manipulate the data.
Note that while DOP is critical to this integration architecture, the ready
availability of a supporting tool-chain is what made this practical, and have a
quick turnaround.
5 Conclusions
We looked at the key challenges in building the next generation of distributed
systems. These will be loosely coupled systems that support incremental and
independent development, and are tolerant of interface changes; can
systematically deal with impedance mismatches; and work well in dynamically
changing real-time situations; and can scale in complexity while delivering the
required performance. We established that the existing design techniques that
are effective for tightly-coupled systems do not work well in these scenarios. We
established that a new design paradigm is needed.
We introduced the “data-oriented” design paradigm to address the design of
loosely-coupled systems. We presented the fundamental principles with an
example, and argued it as the basis of popular concepts of REST and SOA.
We examined the role of the middleware infrastructure when using data-oriented
design, and argued that the data distribution service (DDS) is the best suited
among the currently available standards, for data-oriented design.
We described a data-oriented application architecture based on data-oriented
design and DDS middleware infrastructure. We shows that popular architectural
styles, including data flow architecture, event driven architecture, service oriented
architecture can be regarded as special cases, by the appropriate assignment of
roles and choice of QoS.
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We argued that data-oriented application architecture can cut down the
complexity of the integration problem from O(N*N) to O(N), while preserving
loose-coupling and scalability.
We illustrated the data-oriented application architecture by describing a working
implementation of a real-time package tracking system-of-systems, built using
off-the-shelf application platform components. We concluded that having readily
available middleware infrastructure bridges for popular application platform
components can greatly boost productivity and the pace of integration.
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[W3C WSDL] W3C. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0.
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7 Acronyms
Acronym Description
API Application Programming Interface
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
DDS Data Distribution Service
DCPS Data Centric Publish Subscribe
DLRL Data Local Reconstruction Layer
EJB Enterprise Java Beans
HLA High Level Architecture
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JMS Java Message Service
JNDI Java Naming and Directory Service
Java EE Java Enterprise Edition (previously known as J2EE)
JTA Java Transaction API
MOM Message Oriented Middleware
OMG Object Management Group
P-S Publish Subscribe
PtP Point-to-Point
Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Copyright © 2007 54
Pub/Sub Publish Subscribe
RTI Real-Time Innovations
RTOS Real-Time Operating System
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UML Unified Modeling Language