Long-term effects of routine morphine infusion in mechanically
ventilated neonates on children’s functioning: Five-year follow-up
of a randomized controlled trial
Joke de Graaf
, Richard A. van Lingen
, Sinno H.P. Simons
, Kanwaljeet J.S. Anand
Hugo J. Duivenvoorden
, Nynke Weisglas-Kuperus
, Daniella W.E. Roofthooft
Liesbeth J.M. Groot Jebbink
, Ravian R. Veenstra
, Dick Tibboel
, Monique van Dijk
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Princess Amalia Department of Pediatrics, Department of Neonatology, Isala Clinics, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Department of Pediatrics, VUMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA
Departments of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Neonatology, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Medical Psychology, Isala Clinics, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at the end of this article.
article info
Article history:
Received 4 December 2009
Received in revised form 7 February 2011
Accepted 7 February 2011
Follow-up randomized controlled trial
Drug therapy
Child development
Neonatology and infant care
Newborns on ventilatory support often receive morphine to induce analgesia. Animal experiments sug-
gest that this may impair subsequent cognitive and behavioral development. There are sparse human
data on long-term effects of neonatal morphine. We aimed to investigate the effects of continuous mor-
phine administered in the neonatal period on the child’s functioning. We conducted a follow-up study
among 5-year-olds who, as mechanically ventilated neonates, had participated in a placebo-controlled
trial on effects of morphine administration on pain and neurologic outcome. They were now tested on
intelligence, visual motor integration, behavior, chronic pain, and health-related quality of life. Univariate
analyses showed significantly lower overall intelligence quotient (IQ) scores for children who earlier had
received morphine, that is, mean 94 (SD 14.5) versus 100 (SD 12.9) for those who received placebo
(P = 0.049). Other between-group differences in outcomes were not found. The statistical difference dis-
appeared after correction for treatment condition, open-label morphine consumption over the first
28 days, and a propensity score for clinically relevant co-variables in multiple regression analyses. How-
ever, scores on one IQ subtest, ‘‘visual analysis,’’ were significantly negatively related to having received
morphine and to open-label morphine consumption the first 28 days. The finding of a significant effect of
morphine on the ‘‘visual analysis’’ IQ subtest calls for follow-up at a later age focusing on the higher-order
neurocognitive functions.
Ó 2011 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
As recently as 2 decades ago, anesthetists, for fear of respiratory
depression, were reluctant to prescribe pain-relieving periopera-
tive opioids to neonates [35]. Then in 1987, Anand et al. [3] pub-
lished a landmark article showing dramatically worse outcomes
after patent ductus arteriosus surgery for preterm neonates who
did not receive perioperative opioids compared to those who did.
In further research on human neonatal pain, it proved to be associ-
ated with changes in pain responses [18,27,47–49], behavior
[17,22], somatosensory perception [43,51], modulation of pain
[16], and stress responses [19]. Later studies brought evidence that
morphine analgesia has positive short-term effects, for example,
diminished stress response [34,37,54].
We studied the administration of continuous morphine in a
randomized, placebo-controlled trial (RCT) in 150 mechanically
ventilated preterm neonates. These neonates showed no differ-
ences in pain intensities and no beneficial effect on neurologic out-
comes following continuous morphine infusions [44–46]. The
incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) was significantly
reduced in the morphine-treated neonates. A larger RCT, using
higher doses of morphine, showed that morphine decreased
clinical signs of pain, but no differences occurred in the rates of
0304-3959/$36.00 Ó 2011 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Pediatric Surgery, Erasmus MC-
Sophia, Room SK 1276, Postbus 2060, 3000 CB Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.:
+31 10 7037 091; fax: +31 10 4636 288.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. van Dijk).
152 (2011) 1391–1397
neonatal mortality, severe IVH, and periventricular leukomalacia
[2]. Both RCTs as well as a meta-analysis [6] concluded that routine
morphine use is not recommended for ventilated neonates.
Studies in animals suggest potential adverse long-term effects
of morphine. Morphine administration to neonatal rats produces
long-term changes in behavior and brain function [23] and impairs
the adult cognitive functioning [30], in particular, spatial recogni-
tion memory [28]. Basic science has shown that the opioid system
modulates neural proliferation in vivo [42]. Extrapolating from
these data suggests a harmful role of morphine treatment in dis-
turbing neurogenesis of newborn babies. Mechanistically, mor-
phine increases apoptosis of human microglial cells [26] and
increases red neuron degeneration in the rat brain, which may lead
to cerebral dysfunction [4].
Boasen et al. [9] recently showed in rodents that both neonatal
pain and morphine treatment produced long-lasting behavioral ef-
fects to a degree sufficient to alter learning, while the combined
impact of the treatments did not.
In just one published human study, neonates were randomized
to receive morphine or placebo [29]. The researchers evaluated
intelligence, motor abilities, and behavior at 5–6 years. The fol-
low-up tests showed no beneficial effect of morphine administra-
tion. In a cohort follow-up study, Grunau et al. [21] found that
poorer cognition and motor function were associated with higher
number of skin-breaking procedures, but independent of early ill-
ness severity, total morphine dose, or treatment with postnatal
steroids. To resolve the discrepancy between findings of animal
studies and the sparse human data of the long-term effect of mor-
phine administration, we undertook a 5-year follow-up study of
patients previously enrolled in the RCT of Simons et al. [46]. Our
aim was to investigate the effects of morphine received in the neo-
natal period on the child’s functioning at the age of 5 years in terms
of intelligence, visual motor integration, behavior, chronic pain,
and health-related quality of life.
2. Methods
2.1. The original study
The original study was performed in 2 level III neonatal inten-
sive care units (NICUs) in the Netherlands in 2000–2002 [44–46].
Neonates younger than 3 days on ventilatory support were ran-
domly allocated to receive a loading dose (100
g/kg) followed
by a continuous infusion of 10
g/kg/h of either morphine
(n = 73) or placebo (n = 77). Children judged to be in pain or
distress received open-label morphine of 50
g/kg followed by
2.2. Overview of the follow-up-study
Eighteen of the 150 participants in the original study had died
at the time we started the present study. Seven of the 132 survi-
vors were being followed elsewhere and were not invited. Two of
them had severe physical limitations; one had severe developmen-
tal delay, and 4 had both. Three of these 7 children were diagnosed
with mild IVH in the neonatal period and one with periventricular
leukomalacia. Three had been randomized to receive continuous
morphine, and 4 to receive placebo.
Parents of the 125 eligible children were invited to participate
between December 2005 and January 2008. Written informed con-
sents were obtained before follow-up testing. Parents also pro-
vided consent for the child’s teacher’s contribution to testing.
The medical ethical review boards at Erasmus MC-Sophia Chil-
dren’s Hospital (Rotterdam) and Isala Clinics (Zwolle) approved
this study.
The follow-up assessment started with measurements of height
and weight and medical evaluation by pediatricians (R.vL. and
N.W.). Subsequently, child psychologists (J.dG. and R.V.), blinded
to the neonatal treatment condition, administered an intelligence
test and a visual motor integration test. These assessments re-
quired approximately 2 hours. Two children were seen at home.
The parents and the child’s teacher completed different question-
naires about the child’s behavior, chronic pain, and quality of life.
2.3. Assessments and variables
2.3.1. Background characteristics
Baseline characteristics were available from the original study
[44–46]. Data on total open-label morphine intravenous infusion
in the first 7 and 28 days, and other cumulative analgesic/seda-
tives/antiepileptics given in the first 28 days were retrieved from
the medical charts of all participants and nonparticipants of the
follow-up study. Total hospitalization, including the NICU stay or
admission to other hospitals, was obtained from the referral
The Growth Analyzer, version 3.5 (Dutch Growth Foundation,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands) served to evaluate height to age
and weight to height, expressed in z scores, on the basis of Dutch
and Turkish reference values.
Parents completed a questionnaire asking about profession and
education, predominantly spoken language at home, and details
about the child’s surgeries in the past 5 years, including opioids
use before, during, or after surgery. Surgeries were classified as
minor or major based on opioids use or clinical indications.
Family socioeconomic status (SES) was derived from the highest
occupational or educational level of either one of the parents, using
a computer program, Occupation Classification [10]. The score
could range from 1 to 9 and was reduced to 3 levels: scores 1 to
3 corresponding with low SES, 4 and 5 with middle SES, and 6 to
9 with high SES.
2.3.2. Intelligence
Intelligence was measured with the short version of the Revi-
sion Amsterdam Child Intelligence Test (RAKIT) [8]. This test pro-
duces a mean intelligence quotient (IQ) score of 100 and
standard deviation (SD) of 15, based on a Dutch norm group. This
short version consists of 6 subtests, to measure reasoning, passive
verbal learning, spatial orientation, active learning, visual analysis,
and verbal fluency [40]. The full version of the RAKIT correlates
well with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised
(r = 0.86) [7].
2.3.3. Visual motor integration
Visual motor integration was assessed with the Beery-
Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (Beery
VMI) [5]. This test helps to identify difficulties that children may
have with integrating, or coordinating, their visual-perceptual
and motor (finger and hand movement) abilities. Children are
asked to copy geometric figures in order of increased difficulty.
The Beery VMI produces a mean score of 100 and SD of 15.
2.3.4. Behavior
Parents completed the Dutch-language version of the Child
Behavior Checklist 1½-5 years (CBCL) [1]. Three scales are pro-
duced: the Total Problem Scale (100 items) and subscales Internal-
izing and Externalizing problems. For the 3 scales, alike T scores of
60 or higher are considered to be consistent with a problem in the
subclinical or clinical range [1]. Teachers completed the Dutch-
language version of the Teacher Report Form for ages 1½-5 years.
This tool evaluates the child’s behavior in the school setting.
Structure and scoring system are similar to those of the CBCL [1].
1392 J. de Graaf et al. / PAIN
152 (2011) 1391–1397
2.3.5. Chronic pain
Prevalence of chronic pain was assessed from the Dutch Chronic
Pain Questionnaire [33], completed by the parents. The question-
naire defines chronic pain as pain with duration longer than
3 months.
2.3.6. Health-related quality of life
Parents completed the Dutch-language version of the 15-item
Health Utility Index (HUI-15) [13] to evaluate their child’s
health-related quality of life. HUI-15 scores were transformed to
the Health Utility Index 3 (HUI3), which consists of 8 attributes
of health status: vision, hearing, speech, ambulation, dexterity,
emotion, cognition, and pain. Each attribute comprises 5 or 6 lev-
els, varying from highly impaired to normal [11,15]. Using the gi-
ven formula of the HUI3, the theoretically possible score ranges
from 0.0 (dead) to 1.0 (perfect health). Scores between 0.89 and
0.99 reflect mild disability, scores between 0.70 and 0.88 reflect
moderate disability, and scores <0.70 reflect severe disability [14].
2.4. Statistical analyses
Background characteristics and continuous outcome variables
were compared with Student t test for continuous and normally
distributed data, displayed as means and standard deviation. The
Mann-Whitney test was used in case of skewed continuous data
distribution; the medians and interquartile range (IQR) were given.
The Pearson
test or Fisher’s exact test were used to evaluate cat-
egorical data.
To take relevant neonatal and other background characteristics
into account, multiple linear regression analyses were performed
for the normally distributed outcome variables. A large number
of neonatal and background characteristics described in the
literature were combined into a propensity score to correct for
baseline imbalance [55]. This score was derived from logistic
regression analysis using a forced-entry model. In this analysis,
the treatment condition (morphine or placebo) was the criterion
variable; the co-variables were: center, sex, gestational age (days),
Clinical Risk Index for Babies [12], medium SES and high SES, with
low SES as the reference variable.
Birth weight was compared to national standards and expre-
ssed in z scores, depending on sex and age and corrected for
We performed multiple regression analyses, with and without
the propensity score to adjust for the relevant background vari-
ables and with the amount of open-label morphine in the first
28 days after birth and treatment condition as explanatory vari-
ables. Because primary ventilation is known to be associated with
morphine treatment, we will perform analyses with and without
this explanatory variable. To determine if outliers influenced the
regression model, the Cook’s distances were calculated. Multicol-
linearity was tested with the Variance Inflation Factor, which
should not exceed 10 for any of the variables.
The critical level of significance was set at 0.05 (2-sided) for all
analyses. Data were analyzed using the statistical software package
SPSS 15.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).
3. Results
3.1. Background characteristics
Parents of 90 of the 125 eligible children (72%) consented to
participate. Forty-nine children had earlier received continuous
morphine and 41 children received placebo (Fig. 1). Parents of 16
children (13%) could not be traced and parents of 19 children
Fig. 1. Flowchart of participation.
J. de Graaf et al. / PAIN
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(15%) refused participation. Neonatal characteristics of the nonpar-
ticipants did not differ from those of the participating children
(Table 1).
Neonatal characteristics of the children participating in the fol-
low-up evaluation did not differ between the morphine and pla-
cebo groups (Table 2). At the age of 5 years, children who had
received morphine were significantly shorter (height for age) than
those who had received placebo (P = 0.02). One part of the explana-
tion could be that the correlation of z-score height with small for
gestational age (SGA) at birth was 0.49, and the incidence of SGA
was 26.5% in the morphine group and 12.2% in the placebo group.
When the SGA children were excluded, the difference between the
morphine and placebo group was no longer significant.
Six children in each group had undergone minor surgery after
the neonatal period (Table 3). One child in the morphine group
had undergone major surgery, that is, bowel resection, resulting
in short bowel syndrome.
3.2. Intelligence
IQ scores were evaluated for 89 children, as one test result
was unreliable. Ten of the 48 children (20.8%) in the morphine
group had an IQ score of 1 SD below average (IQ score <85), ver-
sus 5 of 41 (12.2%) in the placebo group (odds ratio 1.90, 95%
confidence interval [CI] .59–6.08). Univariate analyses showed
that IQ significantly differed between groups, that is, mean 94.0
(SD 14.5) for the morphine group versus mean 99.8 (SD 12.9)
for the placebo group (P = 0.049) (Table 4). Table 5 gives 3 multi-
ple regression analyses with IQ as outcome variable. Model 1 in-
cludes treatment group and open-label morphine consumption in
the first 28 days of life as predictor variables with a statistically
significant worse outcome for the morphine group (P = 0.046),
along with a trend towards significance for the open label
morphine (P = 0.058). When the analysis was adjusted for the
propensity score, treatment group and open label morphine
consumption in the first 28 days were no longer significant. The
further addition of primary ventilation as explanatory variable
in model 3 reversed the sign of the regression coefficient of open
label morphine and showed a trend for longer primary ventilation
predicting IQ (P = 0.073). The 95% CI Variance Inflation Factors
remained below 2.5.
Evaluation of Cook’s distances revealed no outliers among the
cases. Entering all co-variables in the model separately gave the
same results as the analyses corrected for the propensity score.
Only SES contributed significantly to the prediction of IQ.
Regression analysis on separate subtests of the intelligence test,
again adjusted for the propensity score, revealed a significant neg-
ative effect of the morphine condition (P = 0.021) and a significant
negative effect of open-label morphine consumption (P = 0.029) on
the ‘‘visual analysis’’ RAKIT subtest performance.
3.3. Visual motor integration
Fifteen of the 49 children (30.6%) in the morphine group had a
Beery VMI score of <1 SD below average (VMI score <85) versus 5
of the 41 children (12.2%) in the placebo group (odds ratio 3.18,
95% CI 1.04–9.70). The mean VMI score for the morphine group
tended to be lower than that for the placebo group, that is, 93.7
(SD 12.3) versus 98.0 (SD 12.7) (P = 0.104) (Table 4).
3.4. Behavior
As 6 of the 90 parents did not complete the Child Behavior
Checklist, analysis included 84 children. Proportions of children
in the (sub)clinical range varied from 10.3% (for externalizing prob-
lems in the placebo group) to 15.6% (for internalizing problems in
the morphine group). These proportions are comparable to those
found for normal American children. The CBCL total score and
Table 1
Demographic and clinical characteristics in neonatal period from participating children versus nonparticipating children (n = 125).
Participating children (n = 90) Nonparticipating children (n = 35) P value
Center, n (%) Rotterdam 54 (60.0) 23 (65.7) 0.56
Zwolle 36 (40.0) 12 (34.3)
Sex, n (%) Male 51 (56.7) 19 (54.3) 0.81
Female 39 (43.3) 16 (45.7)
Gestational age (weeks) Median (IQR) 30.0 (27.5–31.6) 29.1 (28.1–31.2) 0.62
Birth weight (grams) Median (IQR) 1313 (975–1765) 1300 (1050–1560) 0.84
Duration primary mechanical ventilation (hours) Median (IQR) 71 (29–159) 62 (25–89) 0.23
Duration total first hospital admission (days) Median (IQR) 58 (34-79) 61 (36–84) 0.37
CRIB Median (IQR) 3.0 (1.0-5.0) 2.0 (1.0–5.0) 0.83
IVH, n (%) No 62 (68.9) 25 (71.4)
Mild 25 (27.8) 9 (25.7) 0.96
Severe 3 (3.3) 1 (2.9)
PVL, n (%) All grades 2 (2.2)
Number of painful procedures first 14 days Median (IQR) 124 (73–219) [n = 82] 117 (69–196) [n = 30] 0.26
Cumulative dose of open-label morphine (
administration first 28 days
Median (IQR) 106 (15–446) 109 (0-324) 0.84
Cumulative dose other analgesics/ sedatives/ antiepileptic (
administration first 28 days
n (%) 5 (5.6) 4 (11.4)
Median (IQR) 6 (5–34) 16 (11-261)
n (%) 3 (3.3) 3 (8.6)
Median (IQR) 130 (–) 47 (–)
n (%) 3 (3.3) 3 (8.6)
Median (IQR) 28347 (20,179–40,404) 28846 (20,790–45,145)
n (%) 7 (7.8)
Median (IQR) 14 (10–20)
IQR, interquartile range; CRIB, Clinical Risk Index for Babies; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; PVL, periventricular leukomalacia.
Data are expressed for sample size: participant, n = 90; participants, n = 35, unless otherwise indicated between brackets.
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subscale scores did not differ between the morphine and placebo
groups (Table 4).
Teachers completed the Teacher Report Form for 81 of the 90
children. Proportions of children in the (sub)clinical range varied
from 10.8% for externalizing problems in the placebo group to
22.7% for internalizing problems in the morphine group (Table 4).
There were no significant differences between the 2 groups.
3.5. Chronic pain
Parents reported chronic pain for 6/41 (14.6%) and 5/36 (13.9%)
children in the morphine and placebo groups, respectively (Ta-
ble 4). These 11 children with chronic pain had 1–4 different pain
locations, including the abdomen (n = 5), limbs (n = 5), head
(n = 2), throat (n = 2), back (n = 1), neck (n = 1), ear (n = 2), and
chest (n = 1). Pain frequency varied between daily and once a
month. Information on number of painful procedures in the first
14 days of life was available for 72 children. This number did not
significantly (P = 0.57) differ between children with chronic pain
now (n = 10) and those without (n = 62), with medians (IQR) of
91 (69–181) versus 168 (79–227), respectively.
3.6. Health-related quality of life
Parents’ scores on the Health Utility Index, completed for 73
children, did not differ between the 2 groups (median 1.0, IQR
0.9-1.0 for each group) (Table 4). The 3 children for whom the
HUI score reflected severe disability (2 in the morphine group
and 1 in the placebo group) showed mild pain restricting daily
activities and were reported to feel irritated/angry/agitated, or un-
happy, not well understood by others, and to have difficulty with
problem-solving, eyesight, and memory.
4. Discussion
Follow-up at 5 years showed no significant differences in
intelligence, visual-motor integration, behavior, chronic pain, or
Table 4
Outcome variables for the morphine group and placebo group (n = 90).
Morphine group n = 49 Placebo group n = 41 P value
IQ Mean (SD) 94.0 (14.5) [n = 48] 99.8 (12.9) [n = 41] 0.049
Visual-motor integration Mean (SD) 93.7 (12.3) 98.0 (12.7) 0.104
Chronic pain, n (%) Yes 6 (14.6) [n = 41] 5 (13.9) [n = 36] 0.93
Daily to once a week 2 (4.9) 1 (2.8)
2 to 3 times per months 3 (7.3) 2 (5.6)
Once a month or less often 1 (2.4) 2 (5.6)
Heath utility index [n = 38] [n = 35]
Median (IQR) 1.0 (.9–1.0) 1.0 (.9–1.0) 0.66
No disability 24 (63.2) 23 (65.7) 0.95
Mild disability 7 (18.4) 7 (20.0)
Moderate disability 5 (13.2) 4 (11.4)
Severe disability 2 (5.3) 1 (2.9)
Child behavior checklist [n = 45] [n = 39]
Internalizing problems
T-score Mean (SD) 47.1 (11.9) 46.5 (11.0) 0.81
(Sub)clinical range n (%) 7 (15.6) 5 (12.8) 0.72
Externalizing problems
T-score Mean (SD) 46.7 (10.2) 46.9 (9.6) 0.93
(Sub)clinical range n (%) 5 (11.1) 4 (10.3) 0.90
Total problems
T-score Mean (SD) 46.6 (11.1) 45.8 (9.9) 0.72
(Sub)clinical range n (%) 5 (11.1) 5 (12.8) 0.81
Teacher Report Form [n = 44] [n = 37]
Internalizing problems
T-score Mean (SD) 50.1 (10.3) 48.8 (10.7) 0.59
(Sub)clinical range n (%) 10 (22.7) 6 (16.2) 0.46
Externalizing problems
T-score Mean (SD) 52.6 (7.9) 49.0 (9.7) 0.07
(Sub)clinical range n (%) 7 (15.9) 4 (10.8) 0.51
Total problems
T-score Mean (SD) 52.1 (8.8) 48.7 (11.7) 0.15
(Sub)clinical range n (%) 9 (20.5) 7 (18.9) 0.86
IQ, intelligence quotient; IQR, interquartile range.
Table 5
Results of multiple regression analyses of IQ at 5 years (n = 89).
Model 1 Model 2 Adjusted for the propensity score
Model 3 Adjusted for the propensity score
B 95% CI P Value B 95% CI P Value B 95% CI P Value
Constant 101.2 96.8–105.7 <0.001 101.6 97.4–105.8 <0.001 103.2 98.2–105.7 <0.001
Treatment group 5.8 11.6–0.1 0.046 3.95 9.4–1.5. 0.155 3.73 9.1–1.7 0.174
Open-label morphine 0.003 0.01–0.001 0.058 0.002 0.006–0.001 0.141 0.001 0.004–0.005 0.77
Primary ventilation 0.028 0.058–0.003 0.073
0.083 0.039 0.069
IQ, intelligence quotient; CI, confidence interval. B values are unstandardized regression coefficients. R
excluding the variance explained by the propensity score in model 2
and 3.
Propensity score including: center, sex, gestational age (days), birth weight (SDS), Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB), socioeconomic status.
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health-related quality of life between children who as neonates
had received either morphine or placebo. However, there was a
trend towards a more negative outcome in subjects who received
more morphine during the neonatal period. We cannot rule out
that neonatal morphine consumption does clinically significant
harm, as the 95% CI for treatment condition included a lower
boundary of 9.4 IQ points.
Also, worse performance on ‘‘visual analysis,’’ a subtest of the IQ
test, was statistically significantly related to neonatal morphine
consumption even after adjustment for baseline characteristics
with the propensity score. The one comparable previous study
did not find adverse effects of neonatal morphine on the intelli-
gence, motor function, and behavior of 5- to 6-year-old children
[29]. This study differed from the present study with regard to
the 5- to 10-fold higher morphine dosage, the induction of neuro-
muscular paralysis, and lack of an observational and validated pain
assessment instrument [36,37]. A limitation of the MacGregor [29]
study was that only overall IQ, overall motor ability, and overall
behavior were analyzed. The results of the present study show that
it is extremely important to investigate effects of morphine on spe-
cific sub-domains of neurodevelopment. Children born preterm
show relative vulnerability of visual processing and visual memory
[39] that, in turn, contributes to their academic difficulties in
mathematics [20,50]. Even when overall performance is good,
adults born very preterm activate different neural networks to pro-
cess visuospatial material [32]. If, based on the results of the pres-
ent study, morphine adversely, selectively, further adds to effects
on visual processing, this may have important long-term sequelae.
For instance, children in the morphine group of our study obtained
lower scores on ‘‘visual analysis,’’ a subtest of the intelligence test,
than the children in the placebo group. This test requires inhibitory
skills, which is one of the domains of higher-order neurocognitive
functions, the so-called executive functions. As skills like these are
still developing at the age of 5 years, follow-up at later age is called
for and may show more robust differences.
The multivariate regression analyses showed that only socio-
economic status was a significant predictor of IQ, consistent with
our earlier findings [52]. Surprisingly, gestational age did not pre-
dict IQ at age 5 years, even though the study population consisted
of children born at gestational ages from 25 to 40 weeks. A possible
explanation could be that also, the term-born children were criti-
cally ill and needed mechanical ventilation, which may have mod-
erated the effects of preterm birth on cognitive outcomes.
We found that duration of primary ventilation was a relevant
contributing factor, although the subjects were randomized and
duration of ventilation did not differ significantly between the 2
groups. We evaluated morphine consumption during the first
28 days of life, while the original RCT took place in the first 7 days
of life.
Apart from the psychological assessments, chronic pain and
health-related quality of life were other focal points of this study.
We found an incidence of chronic pain comparable to the 19.3%
incidence in healthy 4- to 7-year-old children in the Netherlands
[33]. Also, the number of painful procedures in the neonatal period
in this study did not seem to influence the development of chronic
pain later in life, consistent with previous studies [41,51]. In addi-
tion, continuous morphine therapy in the NICU did not appear to
mitigate or accentuate the risk of developing chronic pain in pre-
school-age children.
A surprising result was the difference in height between the 2
groups. One part of the explanation could be that the correlation
of z-score height with SGA at birth was 0.49, and the incidence
of SGA was 26.5% in the morphine group and 12.2% in the placebo
group. When the SGA children are excluded, the difference be-
tween the morphine and placebo group is no longer significant.
A limitation of this study is the relatively small sample size,
which, however, inevitably resulted from death of the children in
the original sample, loss to follow-up, and parental refusal to par-
ticipate. Another limitation is the potential for selection bias due to
the exclusion of 7 children with severe mental or physical disabil-
ities. Although they were equally divided over the 2 treatment
groups, their exclusion may have influenced the outcomes. Third,
considering that pain during the neonatal period has been associ-
ated with decreased thermal sensitivity later in life [24,43,51],it
would have been interesting to investigate the relation between
pain sensitivity and chronic pain conditions. Assessment of pain
sensitivity was not feasible, however, because participants were
too young. QST is feasible from the age of 6–7 years [25,31]. Fol-
low-up at older ages should include QST as an objective method
to determine pain sensitivity. Fourth, another limitation was that
we did not assess gross motor development with, for instance,
the Movement Assessment Battery for Children. Children born pre-
term are at increased risk of motor impairment [53]
. In addition, it
would have been interesting because a short-term follow-up at
36 weeks postconceptional age of the NEOPAIN study revealed a
significant association between morphine and poplietal angle (a
subtest of the Neurobehavioral Assessment of the Preterm Infant)
[38]. Furthermore, Grunau et al. [21] found that larger total mor-
phine dose correlated with poorer motor development at
8 months, but not at 18 months. However, because our tests took
the larger part of a day, we had to make a selection of tests because
otherwise, the 5-year-old subjects would not have been able to
complete all tests in a reliable manner.
The results of the present study suggest that morphine does not
have major long-term effects at the low doses used. However, the
differences on visual analysis of the intelligence test warrant
follow-up at later age. The long-term consequences of larger
morphine doses during the neonatal period would be highly
relevant to study as well.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the Erasmus MC Rotterdam and
Isala Clinics Zwolle. The authors thank the parents and children
who participated in this study. Ko Hagoort is thanked for his help
in preparing the manuscript.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.pain.2011.02.017.
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