Casualties of War:
The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb
Attacks on Japan
Felicia McCrary
Department of History
The Galloway School
Atlanta, Georgia
Mona Baumgarten
Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
University of Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
The Young Epidemiology Scholars Program (YES) is supported by
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and administered by the College Board.
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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Lesson Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Teacher’s Notes on World War II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Part I: The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Part II: Casualties of War, Document Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A Timeline of WWII (1939–1945) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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Lesson Plan
TITLE: Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb
Attacks on Japan
SUBJECT AREA: Social studies, mathematics, biology
OBJECTIVES: At the end of Part I of this module, the students should be able to:
Describe the atomic bombs (A-bombs) that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
1945 and the extent of damage that they caused
Understand the different ways in which exposure to a nuclear weapon can cause immediate
and delayed health effects
Understand the issues related to the measurement of radiation exposure in studies of
A-bomb survivors
Understand how confounding might complicate the interpretation of results regarding the
association between A-bomb exposure and health outcomes
Understand the issues related to the measurement of cancer outcomes in studies of A-bomb
Understand the different study designs available to epidemiologists and other scientists
when studying the relation between a potentially harmful agent and a particular health
Define a natural experiment and understand why the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
constitute a natural experiment
Think critically about the ethical implications of using data from a man-made disaster like
the A-bomb attack on Japan
At the end of Part II of this module, the students should have a broader understanding of the
impacts of war, one that goes beyond immediate battlefield deaths and injuries. These impacts
may include:
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TIME FRAME: Two to three 50-minute lessons
Part I: Tables and charts (included as part of the module)
Part II: Documentary resources (included at the end of this module):
1. Maps
2. Personal accounts
3. Diaries
4. Media reports
5. Works of art
6. Photographs
7. Other archival material
PROCEDURE: Follow the enclosed lesson plan.
ASSESSMENT: Assign an essay to the students, as follows:
Write a short essay about some of the epidemiologic studies that have been set up to examine
the effect of the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, on the health of
New Yorkers. Discuss the ways the information gained in this “natural experiment” will be help-
ful in understanding the causes of certain health problems.
National Social Studies Standards (
2. Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of the ways
human beings view themselves in and over time.
3. Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of people,
places, and environments.
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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5. Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of interactions
among individuals, groups, and institutions.
8. Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of relation-
ships among science, technology, and society.
9. Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of global con-
nections and interdependence.
Atomic Archive Web site. Available at:
Jimmie Yorioka Web page. Available at:
Last JM. A Dictionary of Epidemiology. (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2001.
Shigematsu I, Kagan A. Cancer in Atomic Bomb Survivors. GANN Monographs on Cancer Research, No. 32. Tokyo:
Japan Scientific Societies Press; 1986.
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Teachers Notes on World War II
The years 1939–1945 were marked by a global conflict that involved the world’s leading coun-
tries. Although numerous countries were involved in World War I, the nature of World War II
expanded involvement of nations around the world and consequently devastated many of them.
The fighting of World War I was contained mostly on European soil, but World War II saw battles
not only in Europe but also in Africa and large parts of Asia. The global effort of World War II
caused an aftermath of financial and social damage for many of the countries that were involved
in the conflict.
A general overview of events and countries involved is contained in the following timeline:
Please see timeline included in the instructional unit (pp. 34–45) or reference the following
Web site:
Activity 1
Have students review the timeline. Ask them to identify, on an individual basis, the key events
in the war in their opinion. As a class, discuss the choices and create a class list of 10–15 key
events. Ask students to explain their choices.
Key events will vary based on student choice.
Activity 2
Ask students to revisit the timeline and discuss the key events and battles that brought World
War II to an end.
Key events will vary based on student choice. If no student lists the dropping of the
atomic bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, add this to the list for purposes of discussion.
Assessing the Aftermath of World War II
Question 1. Briefly brainstorm the aftermath or legacies of any war. Are there any positive
legacies that you can think of? What are the economic costs felt after a war for any
country involved?
Military, weapons, support for allies, unemployment, reconstruction, technological
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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Question 2. What are the potential human costs of any war? In other words, what price
does the average citizen have to pay in the face of war?
Fear of loss of family members, change in security, change in job market, loved ones
leaving for military service, fear for safety of children, change in education, loss of
income during military service.
Inform students that they will now examine the human costs of a specific act of World War II,
the dropping of the atomic bombs.
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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Part I: The Bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Bombs
In August 1945 the United States dropped atomic bombs (A-bombs) on the Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bomb used on the city of Hiroshima, which had an estimated pop-
ulation of 330,000, was dropped on August 6, 1945. The bomb (code name Little Boy) contained
140 pounds of uranium 235 and released energy equivalent to 12.5 kilotons of trinitrotoluene
(TNT). The maximum temperature at the moment of explosion was several million degrees cen-
tigrade. The fireball that formed in the first millisecond after the explosion reached a tempera-
ture of 300,000 degrees centigrade. The top of the atomic cloud reached an altitude of 17,000
The bomb exploded over the center of the city, completely leveling two square miles. The
intense heat generated by the explosion caused fires as far as two miles from ground zero. The
map below shows the distribution of damage to the city, and Table 1 presents the proportion of
Hiroshima’s population killed or injured as a direct result of the blast.
Source: Map from
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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Table 1. Population of Hiroshima Killed or Injured by the Atomic
Bomb, by Distance from Ground Zero
Distance from Ground
Zero (km) Killed Injured Population
0–0.99 86% 10% 31,200
1.0–2.49 27% 37% 144,800
2.5–5.0 2% 25% 80,300
Total 27% 30% 256,300
The bomb on Nagasaki (code name Fat Man) was dropped on August 9, 1945. It contained plu-
tonium with energy equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT. Although the bomb dropped on Nagasaki
was more powerful than that dropped on Hiroshima, damage to the city was less extensive. This
is because the bomb was dropped about two miles off target and because of the geography of
the Nagasaki area. The map below shows the distribution of damage to the city, and Table 2
presents the proportion of Nagasaki’s population killed or injured as a direct result of the blast.
Source: Map from
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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Table 2. Population of Nagasaki Killed or Injured by the Atomic
Bomb, by Distance from Ground Zero
Distance from Ground
Zero (km) Killed Injured Population
0–0.99 88% 6% 30,900
1.0–2.49 34% 29% 27,700
2.5–5.0 11% 10% 115,200
Total 22% 12% 173,800
Most damage caused by a nuclear weapon comes from the explosive blast. The blast causes a
shock wave of air to radiate outward, producing changes in air pressure that can crush objects
and high winds that can knock objects down. Direct radiation occurs at the time of the explo-
sion. Although it can be very intense, its range is limited. Approximately 35% of the energy
from a nuclear explosion is in the form of an intense burst of heat. Skin burns caused by the
intense heat can occur as far as five miles from the blast. When an A-bomb is detonated, the
blast creates a large crater. Some of the material that was in the crater is carried up into the air.
This material is made radioactive by the explosion and returns to the earth as radioactive fall-
out. Particles may be carried by the wind for long distances, depending on weather conditions,
before falling to the ground. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, death and injury were caused by both
the immediate (blast, heat, direct radiation) and delayed (fallout) effects of the A-bomb attacks.
Studying the Immediate and Delayed Health
Effects of the Bombs
Tables 1 and 2 show the deaths that occurred in the two cities immediately after the blasts.
Deaths caused by the blasts continued to occur in the months following the bombings. These
deaths were mainly due to radiation, burns and mechanical injuries such as fractures. It has
been estimated that between 150,000 and 200,000 people died before the end of 1945 in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a direct result of the bombings. These deaths are referred to as acute
Question 3. Among people who survived the bomb, many had serious injuries and impair-
ments, such as blindness. Do you think the survivors might have suffered other negative
health effects from their exposure to the bombing? What kind of health effects do you
think there might have been?
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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Try to get the students to think about long-term physical health effects, such as
cancer in the survivors and birth defects in survivors’ offspring, as well as psychologic
reactions to trauma.
Soon after the end of the war, the U.S. government and the Japanese National Institute of
Health established the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission to conduct follow-up studies on
the survivors of the atomic bombs. In 1975 responsibility for these studies was taken over by
the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, an independent institution funded by the U.S. and
Japanese governments.
In 1950 a national census was conducted in Japan, and 284,000 survivors of the A-bombs were
identified. A survivor was defined as someone who was in Hiroshima or Nagasaki at the time of
the bombs. A sample of the survivors was selected, and this group has been followed for studies
of life span, pathology, adult health and in utero exposure. About 20,000 of the survivors have
undergone a detailed medical examination every two years since 1958. In addition, the offspring
of some of the survivors are being followed for studies of mortality, biochemical genetics and
Question 4. The studies described above included only survivors identified in the 1950
census, five years after the bombings. Can you name one advantage and one disadvantage
of using the 1950 census as a way to identify survivors?
Advantage: The census allowed a complete enumeration of the population so that all
survivors living in Japan at the time of the census could be identified. Disadvantage:
Because the census was done five years after the bombings, people who survived the
bombs but who died or left Japan during the five-year interval would not have been
included. The group of people who survived and were included in the census may not
be representative of all survivors with respect to their health outcomes. It is possible,
for example, that those who survived until 1950 were healthier than those who sur-
vived the bomb but died before 1950.
In many types of epidemiologic studies, the relationship between a possibly harmful exposure
and a particular disease or health outcome is studied. In these studies, the epidemiologist
observes whether disease occurs more commonly among individuals who have the exposure or
factor than among those who do not. One example of an exposure–disease association that has
been studied extensively by epidemiologists is the relationship between cigarette smoking and
lung cancer. Epidemiologic studies have consistently found that lung cancer and many other
health conditions are much more common among cigarette smokers than among those who do
not smoke cigarettes.
Question 5. Can you think of some other exposure–disease associations that have been
studied by epidemiologists?
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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There are countless examples. Here are just a few:
High-cholesterol diet and heart disease
Lack of exercise and heart disease
Cigarette smoking and heart disease
High blood pressure and heart disease
Being African American and sickle cell anemia
Overcrowded living conditions and tuberculosis
Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodefi-
ciency syndrome (AIDS)
Obesity and diabetes
Question 6. In the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the exposure was radiation from the
A-bombs. Do you think it is possible to measure exactly how much radiation each survivor
had been exposed to?
It is impossible to measure, retrospectively, the precise amount of radiation each sur-
vivor had experienced.
Earlier we said that epidemiologists often conduct studies to observe whether disease occurs
more commonly among individuals who have been exposed to a possibly harmful agent than
among individuals who have not been exposed. In some of the early studies of the effects of
exposure to the A-bombs, researchers defined the unexposed group as people who normally
resided in Hiroshima or Nagasaki but were not in the city at the time of the bomb.
Question 7. Can you name one advantage and one disadvantage of this way of defining the
unexposed group?
Advantage: It was fairly easy to identify people who correspond to this definition of
“unexposed.” Disadvantage: The characteristics of people who were not in the city at
the time of the bomb may be different from the characteristics of people who were in
the city. This may result in a biased comparison of exposed and unexposed persons.
Question 8. Suppose that persons who were in the city were, on average, older than people
who were out of the city at the time of the blast. If this were the case, what might you
observe if you compared the cancer rates of those who were and were not in the city at the
time of the bomb?
The cancer rate in the exposed would be inflated because of their relatively higher age
and because older people have a higher risk of most cancers. Thus the observed differ-
ence in cancer rates between the exposed and unexposed groups would be larger than
if the two groups were equivalent in terms of age.
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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The epidemiologic term for this phenomenon is confounding. In this example, the
association between exposure and cancer is confounded by age. The exposed people
are older, and their higher age exaggerates the magnitude of the association between
exposure and cancer.
For some other follow-up studies on the health of survivors, persons were classified according to
their distance from ground zero at the time of the blast, using the following categories:
0–1,999 meters
2,000–2,499 meters
2,500–9,999 meters
10,000 meters or more
An advantage of this approach to measuring exposure was that it was fairly easy to establish the
distance of the survivor from ground zero, based on the survivor’s reported location at the time
of the blast and using detailed maps of the cities.
Question 9. What are some disadvantages of this approach to measuring exposure?
There are factors other than distance that would affect the degree of exposure. All
other things being equal, persons who were outdoors would have greater exposure
than those who were indoors. Among those who were outdoors, those who were not
shielded by buildings or other structures would have more exposure. Among those who
were indoors, those who were in buildings whose materials and structural elements
provided less shielding would have greater exposure.
A more sophisticated method for estimating the amount of radiation to which A-bomb survivors
were exposed was based on (1) mathematical models that take into account the amount and
energy of radiation released from the bombs and (2) information about location and shielding
obtained by interview from survivors five or more years after the bombing. An advantage of this
approach is that information was available about the amount and energy of radiation released
from the bombs and about location and shielding of the survivors, whereas precise information
about the actual degree of radiation exposure was not available.
Question 10. What are some disadvantages of measuring exposure in this way?
Mathematical models are based on assumptions that may not be well founded.
Estimates of the radiation released from bombs may not be accurate. Information
obtained by interview from survivors five or more years after the bombing may not be
Cancer was one of the long-term health effects that scientists were interested in studying in
relation to radiation exposure. There are two major ways of quantifying cancer risk. The first is
cancer mortality, that is, the proportion of the population who die of cancer over a given period
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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of time. The second is cancer incidence, that is, the frequency with which new cases of cancer
appear in a population over a given period of time.
Question 11. What are some advantages and disadvantages of cancer mortality and cancer
incidence as measures of cancer risk?
Information about cancer mortality is likely to be accurate and complete. There may
be errors in attributing cause of death, but this is less likely for cancer than for
some other diseases. Mortality information is often available through routinely gath-
ered vital statistics. However, cancer mortality is an indirect measure of disease risk
because it is dependent both on getting cancer and on dying of cancer. For example,
if many people get a particular type of cancer but few people die of it, mortality for
that type of cancer will be low. Cancer incidence is a direct measure of disease risk
and does not depend on how many people die of the disease. However, it is usually
much more difficult to get accurate and complete information on incidence than on
Cancer is a disease with a long latent period. (Latent period refers to the interval between
exposure to an agent that causes the disease and the appearance of manifestations of the dis-
ease.) Thus scientists who wished to study the effects of exposure to the A-bomb blasts on
cancer risk needed to follow survivors for many years. During the follow-up period it was neces-
sary to identify all new cases of cancer that arose in the survivor group. This type of ongoing
epidemiologic activity is referred to as surveillance. Surveillance of cancer incidence among sur-
vivors of the A-bombs was accomplished by setting up cancer registries in Hiroshima (in 1957)
and in Nagasaki (in 1958).
Question 12. What is the most important factor to consider when deciding whether a
cancer registry is an effective method of surveillance?
The most important factor is the completeness of case ascertainment. If only a frac-
tion of the cancer cases is identified through the cancer registry, effective surveil-
lance cannot be accomplished.
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki cancer registries are based on information from various sources:
physicians, hospitals, radiology clinics, pathology laboratories, surgical records and death
Question 13. Why is it important for a cancer registry to obtain information from a variety
of sources?
Different cancer types in different patients are diagnosed in different ways. Some
cancers are diagnosed by X-ray or other radiologic imaging technique. Some are
diagnosed by pathologic examination of biopsy material, which may be obtained
by a surgical procedure. Using a wide variety of sources ensures the most complete
ascertainment of cases.
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Table 3 shows the cancer incidence in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1977–1979.
Table 3. Average Annual Age-Adjusted Cancer Incidence Rate
(per 100,000), by Location and Gender, 1977–1979
Location Incidence Rate per 100,000
Hiroshima 239.6
Nagasaki 257.6
All of Japan 209.4
Hiroshima 162.3
Nagasaki 175.9
All of Japan 138.5
Question 14. Look closely at Table 3. What do you observe about the incidence of cancer?
Compared with the entire population of Japan, the incidence of cancer was higher
both in Hiroshima and in Nagasaki. This was true for both men and women. The rate
of cancer was higher for Nagasaki than Hiroshima, for both men and women. The rate
of cancer was higher for men than for women in all locations.
The results in Table 3 are adjusted for age. Age adjustment is a mathematical technique that
makes the disease incidence of two populations comparable to each other. The technique takes
the observed disease incidence in two or more groups and adjusts them to reflect the disease
incidence that would exist if the populations being compared had the same age distribution.
Question 15. Why do you think the cancer incidence rates shown in Table 3 were adjusted
for age?
Age adjustment was used so that the cancer incidence rates would be comparable. If
unadjusted rates had been used, differences in cancer incidence might have been the
result of differences in the age structures of the populations being compared.
Question 16. The epidemiologists who did this study were interested in the impact of the
A-bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on cancer rates. Why do you think they included the
incidence rates for all of Japan in Table 3?
To estimate the impact of the A-bombs on cancer rates, it is necessary to compare the
rates in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the rates that would be expected if there had
Casualties of War: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the 1945 Atomic Bomb Attacks on Japan
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been no A-bomb. The rates for all of Japan served as the reference standard, indicat-
ing what rates would be expected if there had been no A-bomb. A better reference
standard might have been the Japanese population other than those in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, as it would exclude those exposed to the A-bombs.
Question 17. It appears that the age-adjusted cancer rates in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
were higher than those for all of Japan. Can you think of at least two reasons why this
might be so?
One reason is that cancer rates were in fact higher in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because
of the bomb. Other possible reasons are related to methodologic factors. For example,
it may be that there was more intensive surveillance of cancers in the cities that had
been affected by the A-bombs. Doctors in those cities may have been more diligent
about reporting cancers than in other parts of Japan. They may have been more likely
than doctors in other parts of Japan to give a diagnosis of cancer in cases that were
Comparing cancer rates in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with those in all of Japan is a fairly crude
way to assess the impact of the A-bomb on cancer. A more refined way is to examine cancer fre-
quency as a function of the degree of radiation exposure. The following table shows the number
of cancer cases in Nagasaki, according to the estimated dose of radiation (in rads) experienced
by the survivor during the bombing.
Table 4. Number of Cancer Cases, by Radiation Dose, Nagasaki,
Radiation Dose (rads) Number of Cancer Cases
0 274
1–9 455
10–49 262
50–99 107
100 or more 314
Not in city 404
Unknown 54
Question 18. Examine Table 4. What does this table tell you about the relation between
radiation dose and the risk of cancer?
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There is no information in this table about the risk of cancer. All that is given is the
number of cases. To be informative, the table would also need to show the total num-
ber of people (not just the ones who got cancer) in each radiation dose category.
Table 5 shows the incidence (per 100,000) of lung cancer by radiation dose. Look carefully at
the table.
Table 5. Incidence of Lung Cancer (per 100,000), Adjusted for City,
Sex and Age, 1950–1980
Radiation Dose (rads) Incidence of Lung Cancer
(per 100,000)
0 34.3
1–49 36.9
50–99 41.1
100–199 70.7
200 or more 72.1
Question 19. Why is the incidence in Table 5 presented per 100,000? How do you think
these incidence estimates were obtained? How does this presentation differ from that in
Table 4?
Presenting the incidence per 100,000 (or per any other unit, for that matter) is a way
of taking into account the total number of people in the categories of radiation expo-
sure. It is a way of making the numbers comparable to each other. The incidence esti-
mates in Table 5 were obtained by dividing the number of lung cancer cases in each
radiation dose category (numerator) by the total number of people in that category
(denominator). Table 4, on the other hand, shows only the numerators, that is, the
number of cancer cases. When only numerators are available, it is impossible to judge
which category has the highest risk because we do not what proportion of people got
Question 20. Look carefully at the results in Table 5. Explain what you observe about the
relationship between radiation exposure and lung cancer.
It appears that there is a fairly strong association between radiation exposure and
lung cancer because the incidence of lung cancer is higher among the exposed than
the unexposed, and there is a gradient of increasing lung cancer incidence with
increasing radiation dose.
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Question 21. What other information would you like to have before concluding from Table 5
that radiation exposure causes lung cancer?
It is possible that people in the different exposure categories had different character-
istics and it was these characteristics, not the radiation, that resulted in an apparent
association between radiation and lung cancer. For example, suppose that people with
high levels of exposure were also more likely to be smokers. It is known (although
it was not known at the time of World War II) that smokers have higher lung cancer
rates than nonsmokers. Thus, it may be that the apparently higher lung cancer rates in
the higher exposure categories are due to the overrepresentation of smokers in these
Atomic Bombing of Japanese Cities:
A Natural Experiment
Epidemiologists often participate in the investigation of possibly harmful substances and expo-
sures. The goal of such investigations is to determine whether a particular exposure is associated
with some negative health outcome. Epidemiologists have studied the link between cigarette
smoking and lung cancer, oral contraceptives and stroke, electromagnetic energy and childhood
cancer, air pollution and asthma, and countless other such associations.
Scientists who study a potentially harmful substance in the laboratory are able to conduct
experiments in which cell samples, tissue samples or animals are exposed to the substance of
interest while identical cell samples, tissue samples or animals are not exposed. The experimen-
tal subjects are maintained under identical laboratory conditions and observed. The frequency of
the outcome is compared in the exposed and unexposed cells, tissues or animals. Although such
experiments, if properly conducted, yield valid results, the results may have only limited applica-
bility to humans.
In the idealized experiment among humans, one would select people who do not have the dis-
ease or health condition of interest and then randomly allocate each of them to one of two
groups. In one group, all study subjects are exposed to the agent of interest while, in the other
group, no study subjects are exposed. In such a study, chance is the only factor that determines
whether a person is exposed or not, and so it can be assumed that the two groups are compara-
ble in all ways except exposure. One would then follow the two groups, record all disease events
and compare the rate of disease in the two groups. Studies such as this are called randomized
controlled trials.
Question 22. Is it possible to conduct a randomized controlled trial of a potentially harm-
ful substance in humans? Why or why not?
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It would not be ethical or feasible to randomize people to one of two groups and
force them either to be exposed or to be unexposed. Ethical considerations would pre-
vent investigators from subjecting people in the exposed group to potential harm.
When epidemiologists study the effect of potentially harmful substances, they have neither
controlled laboratory experiments nor randomized controlled trials at their disposal. Instead,
epidemiologists often use cohort studies or case-control studies as ways of assessing whether
a particular agent is associated with a disease. In cohort studies a group of people who are
exposed and a group of people who are unexposed to the agent are followed over time, and the
rate of disease occurrence in the two groups is compared. In case-control studies a group of
people with the disease of interest and a group of people without the disease are compared with
respect to the frequency of previous exposure to the agent. Interpretation of the results of such
studies is limited by the fact that the groups may not be comparable. People who are exposed
may differ from people who are not exposed in other factors that affect the risk of getting the
disease. For example, when comparing asbestos miners with people who are not asbestos miners
with respect to lung cancer occurrence, it is important to consider whether asbestos miners are
more likely to be smokers, as smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer.
When natural disasters or man-made catastrophes occur, epidemiologists are provided with
the opportunity to study situations that would be impossible to study under normal condi-
tions. When there is such a disaster, people can be observed and followed over time after
being exposed to potentially harmful substances. Such studies are often referred to as natural
experiments. In a natural experiment people are not randomized to exposure or nonexposure as
they would be in a randomized controlled trial. Nevertheless, in a natural experiment the usual
selection factors that complicate many studies of the association of exposure and illness may be
reduced or absent. Also, it is often possible to study the effect of the exposure on a wide range
of people under a wide range of exposure conditions.
The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki constitutes a natural experiment, result-
ing in the largest and longest prospective human epidemiologic study ever undertaken. Because
the entire population of the two cities was exposed, it was possible to study men, women and
children of all ages, as well as unborn children. Because different survivors experienced different
amounts of exposure (depending on where they were at the time of the blast), it was possible to
study the extent to which health effects were dependent on radiation dose. Although there was a
wide range of exposure among the survivors, the immediate mortality rate among those with the
highest exposures was high, so that it turned out that most survivors had been exposed to low
doses of radiation. Therefore, epidemiologic studies of the A-bomb survivors have been crucial to
understanding the effect of low doses of ionizing radiation such as may be encountered in occupa-
tional settings. Because exposure occurred at a single fixed point in time, it was possible to quan-
tify the latent period for various cancers. Also, most survivors’ radiation exposure was quite evenly
distributed throughout the body, so the effects of whole-body irradiation could be studied. This is
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in contrast to studies of persons receiving therapeutic in irradiation, in which exposure is usually
to a single organ. Because a large number of people were exposed, epidemiologists were able to
evaluate whether certain subgroups were more susceptible than others to the effects of radiation
exposure. For example, it was found that people who were younger at the time of exposure were
more susceptible to certain kinds of cancer than those who were older.
The long-term epidemiologic studies of the A-bomb survivors have helped to establish the
role of ionizing radiation in causing cancer and to elucidate the biological mechanisms of
cancer causation. These studies have helped government regulatory agencies (such as the
Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Agency) set limits
for safe exposure. These safety regulations help to protect the many people who are potentially
exposed to ionizing radiation through medical uses, radiation-emitting products, employment in
certain industries, accidents, nuclear weapons and natural sources.
Question 23. Can you think of any other natural experiments? What epidemiologic knowl-
edge do you think could be gained by studying the health of people involved in these
natural experiments?
There are countless examples. Here are just a few:
Different distribution of water source (some contaminated by sewage) and its
effect on cholera in London in the nineteenth century
Use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War and its possible effect on cancer and
reproductive health
Nuclear power plant accidents (e.g., Chernobyl, Three Mile Island) and their pos-
sible effect on cancer and other diseases
Bhopal industrial accident and its possible effect on lungs, eyes and nervous system
Stress caused by major earthquakes and its effect on cardiovascular disease
Destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and its possible
effects on the psychologic and physical health of New Yorkers
The A-bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused unimaginable suffering. There may be
ethical implications to conducting epidemiologic studies on the survivors of the blasts. It could
be argued that the data from these studies are soaked with the blood of the victims and that
using the data makes us accomplices in the victims’ suffering. Others would argue that it would
be unethical not to use the data if such use could prevent death and suffering in the future.
Question 24. What do you think about the ethical arguments for and against using data
obtained on survivors of disasters such as the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do you
think you would feel the same if you or your family members were victims or survivors of
the bombings?
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Part II: Casualties of War,
Document Investigation
We will begin by reviewing the ideas from the previous day’s discussions.
Question 25. Let’s review the possible costs of war again. What are the economic costs of
war for any country involved?
Military, weapons, support for allies, unemployment.
Question 26. Let’s review again the potential human costs for any war. In other words,
what price does the average citizen have to pay in the face of war?
Fear of loss of family members, change in security, change in job market, loved ones
leaving for military service, fear for safety of children, change in education.
Question 27. Can you think of other categories that should be considered in assessing the
costs of war?
Spiritual, environmental (changes in land), cultural (arts that are produced in
response to war), social, psychologic, moral, foreign policy, etc.; economic advance-
ment due to technological innovations spurred by the war.
We will now use the knowledge gained in investigating the long- and short-term health effects
of the A-bomb on the population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for today’s class activity. Building
on what you learned in your investigation of these health effects, you will use information
about Japan to expand the definition of casualties of war.
Review the following general information about World War II casualties.
Costs, Casualties and Other Data
World War II spread death and devastation throughout most of the world to an extent never
before experienced. It is beyond the scope of this lesson to attempt to express in terms of money
the value of property and livelihoods destroyed. The resulting sums reach astronomical figures.
Military Casualties
Probably the best documented and most meaningful figures are the battle casualties. Those for
the United States, Great Britain and the Commonwealth nations are accurate. Those for other
nations, Allied or Axis, vary in reliability. Chinese figures are largely estimates because of the
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lack of documentation, information on Soviet losses has been given only grudgingly and in very
general terms, and many records of the Axis nations were lost when those countries were
Civilian Casualties
Casualties among civilians were much less accurately recorded than military losses. In part this
was unavoidable because of the population shifts that took place as civilians fled before invad-
ing armies, because of the continual air attacks on major industrial centers, or because civilians
were sent to Germany or the Soviet Union for forced labor.
Question 28. What factors are missing from this overview of casualties of World War II?
Casualties in countries other than Europe, Soviet Union, China, and Japan. Long-term
health effects, particularly from the atomic bomb.
Question 29. What factors do you think of when you hear the word casualty?
Answers will vary. Students will probably say death or injuries.
Ask students to imagine that they are consultants who are members of an international,
interdisciplinary committee set up by the Foundation for World Peace to advise the
Foundation director on a possible revision of its definition of casualties of war. Assume
that the Foundation’s current method of assessing the impact of war is based on the method
used during World War I, in which only the numbers of battlefield deaths and injuries are
considered in the calculation.
Break students into several groups of three to five students. Distribute a copy of the
documentary resource material to each group.
Tell students that they should analyze the material contained in the documents with the
goal of preparing a definition of the casualties of war. Start the exercise with students by
looking at Document 1 on the handout sheet. Review and compare with the students the
two definitions of casualties.
Allow the students time to review the rest of the documents.
Question 30. What similarities do you see in these two definitions of casualties?
Both deal with military members being killed or injured.
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Question 31. What differences do you see between the two definitions?
Although the military definition includes categories beyond death and injury, it does
not include the population outside of military personnel. The general definition by
Encarta® allows civilians and others affected by war to be included in the count.
Question 32. What groups of people does the Center for Army Lessons Learned definition
Civilians. It is unclear whether military personnel of the opponent are included.
Question 33. Based on your understanding of people who were affected by the A-bomb,
what additions to the definition of casualties can you think of?
Long-term effects of war should be included, as well as effects on all persons, civilian
and military.
Allow the students time to review the other documents and answer the questions. Have the
groups share their revised definitions of war.
Documentary Resource Material
We will not participate in an exercise that will use Japan as a means of expanding the definition
of casualties of war.
Imagine that you and your group members are members of an international, interdisciplinary
committee set up by the Foundation for World Peace to advice the Foundation director on a
possible revision of its definition of casualties of war. Assume that the Foundation’s current
method of assessing the impact of war is based on the method used during World War I, in
which only the numbers of battlefield deaths and injuries are considered in the calculation.
Your job today is to assess the various impacts of war based on the following documents
dealing with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Answer each of the questions
following the documents. Use your conclusions from these answers in redefining or expanding
the definition of casualties of war. As a group, come up with a final revised definition of casual-
ties of war. Your final definition should include references to documents that can support your
ideas. The documents are contained in the documentary resource material handout.
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Document 1
Definition of Casualties
1. Any person who is lost to the organization by having been declared dead, wounded,
injured, diseased, interned, captured, retained, missing, missing in action, besieged, or
Source: Center for Army Lessons Learned. Available at:
2. a) accident victim: somebody who is seriously injured or killed in an accident
b) military injured or dead soldier: a member of the armed forces who is killed or injured
during combat
c) victim: something or somebody destroyed or suffering as an indirect result of a particular
event or circumstances
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Document 2
In both Hiroshima and Nagasaki the tremendous scale of the disaster largely destroyed
the cities as entities. Even the worst of all other previous bombing attacks on Germany
and Japan . . . were not comparable to the paralyzing effect of the atomic bombs. In
addition to the huge number of persons who were killed or injured so that their services
in rehabilitation were not available, a panic flight of the population took place from
both cities immediately following the atomic explosions. No significant reconstruction or
repair work was accomplished because of the slow return of the population; at the end of
November 1945 each of the cities had only about 140,000 people. Although the ending
of the war almost immediately after the atomic bombings removed much of the incentive
of the Japanese people toward immediate reconstruction of their losses, their paralysis
was still remarkable. Even the clearance of wreckage and the burning of the many bod-
ies trapped in it were not well organized some weeks after the bombings. As the British
Mission has stated, “the impression which both cities make is of having sunk, in an
instant and without a struggle, to the most primitive level.”
Source: The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Available at:
Question 34. How did the bombing affect the progression toward reconstruction? What
can the major destruction of people and infrastructure do to a city in economic and other
The immense effect of the atomic bomb slowed work that might otherwise have
helped the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to rebuild their cities.
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Document 3
The Atomic Bomb Dome
This is the “preserved” building that was destroyed by the A-bomb. The building was
located directly beneath the center of explosion. Today it is the symbol of the A-bomb
and of Hiroshima.
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Document 4
A bright light filled the plane, wrote Lt. Col. Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the Enola Gay, the B-29
that dropped the first atomic bomb. We turned back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by
that awful cloud . . . boiling up, mushrooming. For a moment, no one spoke. Then everyone was
talking. Look at that! Look at that! Look at that! exclaimed the co-pilot, Robert Lewis, pounding
on Tibbetss shoulder. Lewis said he could taste atomic fission; it tasted like lead. Then he turned
away to write in his journal. My God, he asked himself, what have we done? (Special report,
Hiroshima: August 6, 1945.)
Note: Paul Tibbets was Colonel, not Lt. Colonel, when he was the pilot of the Enola Gay.
Source: Hiroshima: August 6, 1945. Newsweek. July 24, 1995.
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Document 5
Nagasaki Nightmare
“The mother has died, sheltering her two babies, whose clutching fingers have cut into their
mothers flesh.”—Anonymous
Source: Nagasaki Nightmare. Available at:
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Document 6
A hundred thousand people were killed by the atomic bomb, and these six were among the sur-
vivors. They still wonder why they lived when so many others died. Each of them counts many
small items of chance or volition—a step taken in time, a decision to go indoors, catching one
streetcar instead of the next—that spared him . . .
Source: John Hersey, Hiroshima, New York, Vintage Books, 1989, page 2.
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Document 7
The blast of pressure from the atomic bombs differed from that of ordinary high explosive bombs
in three main ways:
A. Downward thrust. Because the explosions were well up in the air, much of the damage result-
ed from a downward pressure. This pressure of course most largely affected flat roofs. Some tele-
graph and other poles immediately below the explosion remained upright while those at greater
distances from the center of damage, being more largely exposed to a horizontal thrust from the
blast pressure waves, were overturned or tilted. Trees underneath the explosion remained upright
but had their branches broken downward.
B. Mass distortion of buildings. An ordinary bomb can damage only a part of a large building,
which may then collapse further under the action of gravity. But the blast wave from an atomic
bomb is so large that it can engulf whole buildings, no matter how great their size, pushing
them over as though a giant hand had given them a shove.
C. Long duration of the positive pressure pulse and consequent small effect of the nega-
tive pressure, or suction, phase. In any explosion, the positive pressure exerted by the blast
lasts for a definite period of time (usually a small fraction of a second) and is then followed
by a somewhat longer period of negative pressure, or suction. The negative pressure is always
much weaker than the positive, but in ordinary explosions the short duration of the positive
pulse results in many structures not having time to fail in that phase, while they are able to fail
under the more extended, though weaker, negative pressure. But the duration of the positive
pulse is approximately proportional to the 1/3 power of the size of the explosive charge. Thus,
if the relation held true throughout the range in question, a 10-ton T.N.T. explosion would have
a positive pulse only about 1/14th as long as that of a 20,000-ton explosion. Consequently, the
atomic explosions had positive pulses so much longer than those of ordinary explosives that
nearly all failures probably occurred during this phase, and very little damage could be attributed
to the suction which followed.
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Document 8
There has been great difficulty in estimating the total casualties in the Japanese cities as a result
of the atomic bombing. The extensive destruction of civil installations (hospitals, fire and police
departments, and government agencies), the state of utter confusion immediately following the
explosion, as well as the uncertainty regarding the actual population before the bombing, con-
tribute to the difficulty of making estimates of casualties. The Japanese periodic censuses are not
complete. Finally, the great fires that raged in each city totally consumed many bodies.
The number of total casualties has been estimated at various times since the bombings with
wide discrepancies. The Manhattan Engineer District’s best available figures are:
Table D. Cause of Immediate Deaths
City Cause of Death Percent of Total
Hiroshima Burns 60%
Falling debris 30
Other 10
Nagasaki Burns 95%
Falling debris .9
Flying glass .7
Other 3.4
Source: The Avalon Project at Yale Law School, Chapter 10. Available at:
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Document 9
Have students read the note entitled, “Observations of a Sixth Grader” by Tadataka Kuribayashi.
This writing is about a young boy’s A-Bomb experience which exemplifies the bomb’s effect on
family life. It can be downloaded at
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Document 10
Hiroshimas Hypocenter Seen from the Sky
With Aioi Bridge between them, the Hiroshima Chamber of Commerce and Industry (A-bomb
Dome) and Honkawa Elementary School remain standing in ruin. (Photo by U.S. Army)
The Center of the City After the Bombing
Nothing is left standing except ferroconcrete buildings. Only rows of streets show that this
once was the busiest section. (Photo by U.S. Army)
Source: Hiroshima A-Bomb Photo Museum. Available at:
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Questions for Discussion
1. What are the moral implications of the atomic bomb?
2. What were the advantages and disadvantages that the atomic bomb presented to modern
3. Why did the fire bombing of Tokyo just weeks earlier that killed over 120,000 civilians not
receive the same moral criticism that the atomic bomb received?
4. One newspaper critic stated after the dropping of the bomb, “Yesterday we clinched victory
in the Pacific, but we sowed the whirlwind.” What did he mean by this?
5. What are the effects of the atomic bomb on family life and structure? On the economy? On
culture? On foreign policy?
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A Timeline of WWII (19391945)
April 10
Having annexed Austria in March, Germany’s Adolph Hitler calls a plebiscite which shows
that more than 99 percent of Austrians favor union with Germany’s Third Reich.
June 15
The U.S. Congress passes the Fair Labor Standards Act, the first national effort to legis-
late a minimum hourly wage (25 cents) and a ceiling on the number of working hours (44
per week).
September 30
The Munich Pact is signed. The British and French allow Hitler to annex the Sudetenland,
a 16,000-square-mile area of Czechoslovakia with a largely German-speaking population.
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (1869–1940) says this will satisfy Germany and
bring “peace for our time . . . peace with honor.”
November 9
The largest pogrom in German history takes place, as Jewish shop windows are smashed,
and the shops, as well as homes and synagogues, are looted, destroyed and burned.
Between 20,000 and 30,000 Jews are taken to concentration camps.
January 16
Physicists Lise Meitner and Otto R. Frisch describe the process by which a neutron causes
the disintegration of the uranium nucleus into “two nuclei of roughly equal size.” They
call this process “nuclear fission.”
March 14
After annexing the Sudetenland, Germany invades the rest of Czechoslovakia, while Italy
launches an invasion of Albania (see map).
March 28
The Spanish Civil War ends, as Madrid falls to the forces of Francisco Franco.
August 23
Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia sign a mutual non-aggression pact. The agreement is
signed by German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Josef Stalin’s commissar
of foreign affairs, V. M. Molotov.
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September 1
German troops and aircraft attack Poland. Soviet troops will invade Poland from the east
on September 17, and Poland will surrender to the Germans on September 27.
September 3
After Hitler ignores their demand for German withdrawal from Poland, and as the British
ship Athenia is sunk by German U-boats off the coast of Ireland, Great Britain and France
formally declare war on Germany.
September 17
American aviation hero Charles A. Lindbergh makes his first anti-intervention radio
speech. The U.S. non-intervention movement is supported not just by Lindbergh, but by
former president Herbert Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Henry Ford, Lindbergh and a
number of senators and congressmen as well.
September 28
Poland is partitioned between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
November 4
Although President Roosevelt has declared American neutrality in the war in Europe, a
Neutrality Act is signed that allows the U.S. to send arms and other aid to Britain and
November 30
Soviet troops invade Finland.
December 16
In Washington, the National Women’s Party meets and urges the Congress to act on an
Equal Rights Amendment.
January 30
The U.S. government issues its first Social Security checks, totaling just over $75,000.
March 18
Mussolini and Hitler announce Italy’s formal alliance with Germany against England and
May 7
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigns in disgrace. He will be replaced by
Winston Churchill on May 10.
May 10
The German Blitzkrieg (“lightning war”) begins, as Rotterdam and other Dutch cities are
attacked from the air. By the end of the month, the Dutch armies will have surrendered,
Belgium will have surrendered, and the evacuation of British and French troops from
Dunkirk will be underway.
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June 10
Italy declares war on Britain and France, and U.S. President Roosevelt announces a shift
from neutrality to “non-belligerency,” meaning more active support for the Allies against
the Axis.
June 14
German troops enter Paris and, as a French appeal for U.S. aid is declined, the French for-
tress at Verdun falls to the Germans.
June 28
In the U.S., the Alien Registration Act (the Smith Act) passed by Congress requires aliens
to register and be fingerprinted; the Act makes it illegal to advocate the overthrow of the
U.S. government.
July 9
As German air attacks over Britain intensify, the British Royal Air Force begins night
bombing of German targets.
August 17
Germany declares a blockade of British waters, and begins a bombing campaign which, by
September, will be killing hundreds each day. In November, German air raids will kill more
than 4,500 Britons.
September 27
Germany, Italy and Japan enter into a 10-year military and economic alliance that comes
to be known as the “Axis.” Hungary and Romania will join the Axis in November.
October 29
Conscription begins in the U.S. It is the first military draft to occur during peacetime in
American history.
November 5
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented third term as president, with 54 percent
of the popular vote. He defeats Republican Wendell L. Willke.
January 6
Contrary to widespread isolationist sentiment, President Roosevelt recommends a “Land-
Lease” program that will provide U.S. aid to the Allies.
April 6
Greece and Yugoslavia are invaded by German troops.
April 16
Britain receives its first American “Lend-Lease” aid shipments of food. By December,
millions of tons of food will have arrived from the U.S.
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May 31
British troops arrive in Iraq and will prevent Axis sympathizers from taking over the
government there. In early June, British and Free French troops will invade Syria and
Lebanon to prevent those countries from being taken over by the Germany.
June 22
German troops invade Soviet Russia, breaking the “nonaggression” pact signed in 1939.
Two days later, President Roosevelt promises U.S. aid to Russia.
June 25
President Roosevelt creates a U.S. Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC), after a
march by 50,000 black Americans is threatened by A. Philip Randolph to protest unfair
labor practices in the government and the war industry.
June 28
Vannevar Bush is named director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development
(OSRD), which has just been created by President Roosevelt.
August 9
Secret meetings between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill begin off the
coast of Newfoundland. They will result in the Atlantic Charter, which contains eight
points of agreement on the aims of the war.
September 11
President Roosevelt issues an order that German or Italian ships sighted in U.S. waters
will be attacked immediately.
September 29
German troops invading the Ukraine machine-gun to death between 50,000 and 96,000
Ukranians (of which at least 60 percent are Jews), in Babi Yar, a ravine about 30 miles
outside of Kiev.
October 17
The Kearny, a U.S. destroyer, is torpedoed off the coast of Iceland by a German U-boat. On
the 31st, the American destroyer Reuben James is sunk by a German U-boat, killing 100.
December 7
Just before 8 a.m., Honolulu time, 360 Japanese planes attack Pearl Harbor, the U.S. mili-
tary base on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. The attack cripples the U.S. Pacific fleet, and
kills more than 2,300 American soldiers, sailors, and civilians. The attack precedes Japan’s
formal declaration of war, which is delivered by the Japanese foreign minister to the U.S.
embassy in Tokyo more than seven hours later.
The Providence Journal “War Edition” cover
Americans remembering Pearl Harbor
Roosevelt’s fireside chat with the nation following the bombing
December 8
President Roosevelt addresses the U.S. Congress, saying that December 7 is “a date that
will live in infamy.” After a vote of 82-0 in the U.S. Senate, and 388-1 in the House, in
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favor of declaring war on Japan, Roosevelt signs the declaration of war. (See Roosevelt’s
famous address to Congress requesting that war be declared.)
December 11
Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S. President Roosevelt calls an end to official U.S.
neutrality in the war in Europe, declaring war on Germany and Italy. View The Providence
Journal cover, December 12th.
January 2
Japanese troops capture Manila.
January 10
Japanese troops invade the Dutch East Indies.
January 14
An order from President Roosevelt requires all aliens to register with the government. This
is the beginning of a plan to move Japanese-Americans into internment camps in the
belief that these people might aid the enemy.
February 2
Congress appropriates 26.5 billion dollars for the U.S. Navy, bringing total U.S. war costs
since June of 1940 to more than 115 billion dollars.
February 15
Japanese troops capture Singapore.
February 19
Executive Order 9066 is signed by President Roosevelt, authorizing the transfer of more
than 100,000 Japanese-Americans living in coastal Pacific areas to concentration camps
in various inland states (and including inland areas of California). The interned Japanese-
Americans lose an estimated 400 million dollars in property, as their homes and
possessions are taken from them.
The Japanese-American internment experience.
April 9
The Philippines fall to Japanese troops.
April 28
Coastal “dimouts” go into effect along a fifteen-mile strip on the Eastern Seaboard, in
response to German U-boat activity off the U.S. Atlantic coast.
May 14
The U.S. Congress establishes The Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC), under the direc-
tion of Oveta Culp Hobby, editor of the Houston Post.
May 15
Gasoline rationing goes into effect in the Eastern United States. Nationwide rationing will
begin in September.
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May 30
The first 1,000-bomber attack on German industrial targets is carried out by Britain’s
Royal Air Force, as the German city of Cologne is raided.
June 6
In reprisal for the May 29 assassination of German Deputy Gestapo chief and “Protector
of Czechoslovakia, Reinhard Heydrich, German troops attempt to execute every male in
the Czech village of Lidice (Bohemia), and they then set fire to the village.
June 13
President Roosevelt authorizes the creation of the U.S. Office on War Information (OWI).
The first director is Elmer Holmes Davis, a CBS commentator and novelist.
June 21
German field marshal Erwin Rommel and his troops capture Tobruk, in Libya.
June 28
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) captures eight German agents that have landed
by U-boat on Long Island.
July 16
French police round up 30,000 Parisian Jews, and German troops bus them out of the city
to concentration camps. Approximately 30 will survive.
July 30
The Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Services (WAVES) is authorized by the U.S.
August 19
Canadian commando troops attack the coastal French city of Dieppe, but German defend-
ers abort the raid and 3,500 Canadians are lost.
August 22
The Battle of Stalingrad begins. The battle will claim the lives of 750,000 Russian soldiers,
400,000 German soldiers, nearly 200,000 Romanian soldiers, 130,000 Italian soldiers, and
120,000 Hungarian soldiers.
September 16
The Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASPS) are established in the U.S. The armed forces
will be supplied with more than 1000 auxiliary pilots through this organization.
November 7
A joint U.S.-British force of 400,000 troops, under the direction of General Eisenhower,
begins landing at Casablanca, Oran and Algiers. They will successfully overtake the French
garrisons there.
November 10
In response to Mahatma Gandhi’s demand that India be granted independence from
Britain immediately, Prime Minister Churchill, in a speech at Mansion House, says “I have
not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British
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December 1
In the U.S., coffee joins the list of rationed items.
December 2
At the University of Chicago’s Staff Field, the first controlled, self-sustaining nucle-
ar chain reaction is realized by a team of scientists working under the name of the
“Manhattan Engineering District.”
December 24
In Germany, the first surface-to-surface guided missile is launched in Peenemunde. The
rocket has been designed by 30-year-old rocket engineer Wernher von Braun.
January 11
President Roosevelt submits his budget to the U.S. Congress. 100 billion of the 109-billion-
dollar budget is identified with the war effort.
January 22
Forces representing Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States capture the
southeastern tip of New Guinea from Japanese troops, in an attempt to protect Australia
from a Japanese invasion.
January 23
British forces capture Tripoli.
February 7
In the U.S., shoe rationing begins, limiting civilians to three pairs of leather shoes per
year. The ration in Britain is one pair per year.
February 8
Allied forces capture Guadalcanal, in the Solomon Islands, in heavy fighting.
February 16
Dr. Mildred Harnack-Fish, a German resistance fighter born in the U.S., and sentenced to
death by the German government for her work in the Resistance, is beheaded at Berlin’s
Plotzensee Prison.
February 28
A group of wives of Jewish men gather in Berlin to stop the deportation of their hus-
bands to concentration camps. The group of women will grow to 1,000 by March 8 and
will succeed in forcing Joseph Goebbels to order the release of 1,500 men.
March 29
Meat rationing begins in the U.S., but the ration is 28 ounces per week, and meat pro-
duction rises by approximately 50 percent.
April 1
In the U.S., meat, fats, canned goods, and cheese are now all rationed. Attempting to
stem inflation, President Roosevelt freezes wages, salaries, and prices.
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May 27
In the U.S., President Roosevelt issues an executive order forbidding racial discrimination
by government contractors.
May 29
In the U.S., an issue of The Saturday Evening Post is published with a cover illustration
by Norman Rockwell that introduces an American icon known as “Rosie the Riveter.”
June 14
The U.S. Supreme Court rules, in West Virginia Board of Education v. Bernette, that a West
Virginia state law that requires school children to salute the flag, on penalty of expul-
sion, is unconstitutional.
June 22
Anti-black race riots in Detroit, involving thousands, leave thirty-four people dead. A race
riot in Harlem, New York City, will erupt on August 1.
July 5
The Battle of Kursk begins. Soviet troops will eventually defeat the Germans, after a week
of heavy fighting and tens of thousands of casualties on both sides.
July 9
An invasion of Sicily begins by British paratroopers and American airborne troops.
September 9
Although the Allies have announced the unconditional surrender of Italy, German forces
in Italy continue to oppose Allied troops. When the U.S. Fifth Army lands at Salerno, they
sustain heavy losses.
November 6
Soviet troops retake Kiev.
December 17
President Roosevelt repeals the U.S. Chinese Exclusion Acts of 1882 and 1902, thus allow-
ing Chinese residents of the United States to be eligible for citizenship. The new Chinese
Act also allows for the immigration of up to 105 Chinese annually.
January 20
Russian troops recapture Novgorod, and will retake Leningrad a week later. By early May,
they will have recaptured Odessa and Sevastopol as well. Meanwhile the British Royal Air
Force bombs Berlin with more than 2,300 tons of bombs.
March 24
335 Italians, at least 255 of whom are civilians, are shot by German troops in the Fosse
Ardeantine caves outside of Rome. The massacre is ordered by S.S. Colonel Herbert
Kappler, in response to the killing of 35 German soldiers.
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April 3
In the case of Smith v. Allwright, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that an American cannot
be denied the right to vote because of color.
May 3
In the U.S., meat rationing ends, except for certain select cuts.
June 6
“D-Day”: The Allied invasion of Europe commences just after midnight, as more than
175,000 troops land at Normandy. The largest invasion force in history, it includes 4,000
invasion ships, 600 warships, and 10,000 planes.
June 10
More than 600 people are massacred by German troops in the French town of Oradour-
sur-Glane. While the men are shot immediately, the women and children are locked in a
church, the altar of which is set on fire; those who try to escape the flames are shot.
June 12
German V1 remote-controlled rockets begin to hit London. By September, the “improved
V2 rockets will target London as well as Antwerp, killing and maiming thousands.
June 22
In the U.S., President Roosevelt signs the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act that will provide
funds for housing and education after the war. It is better known as the GI Bill of Rights.
July 3
The Russian city of Minsk is retaken by Russian troops, and 100,000 Germans are cap-
July 8
As a U.S. taking of Saipan becomes certain, hundreds of Japanese civilians commit sui-
cide rather than surrender. Allied B-29 bombers can reach Tokyo from Saipan, thus the
capture of the island will be a turning point in the Pacific war. The Tokyo government
collapses within 2 weeks.
July 20
An assassination attempt on Adolph Hitler, planned by some of Hitler’s generals, is unsuc-
August 4
In Amsterdam, Otto Frank and his family (including his daughter Anne, then 15) are cap-
tured by the Gestapo. Jewish, they have been in hiding for more than two years, kept by
Miep and Jan Gies, but have been betrayed by someone familiar with their hiding place
and are put on the last convoy of trucks to Auschwitz.
August 25
Paris is liberated by Allied French troops, after four years of German occupation.
October 20
Allied forces invade the Philippines. Belgrade is captured by Soviet Russian and Yugoslav
partisan troops.
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November 7
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to a fourth term as U.S. President, and Harry S. Truman
becomes the Vice-President.
November 29
In passing the Federal Highway Act, the U.S. Congress establishes the U.S. National
System of Interstate Highways that is planned to reach 182 of the 199 U.S. cities with
populations above 50,000.
December 16
The Battle of the Bulge begins. It the last major German counteroffensive, as allied troops
are pushed back in Belgium’s Ardennes Forest. As Allied lines fall back, a “bulge” is cre-
ated in the center of the line, giving the battle its familiar name (see map). Two weeks of
intense fighting in brutal winter weather follow before the German offensive is stopped.
January 26
Russian troops find fewer than 3,000 survivors when they liberate Auschwitz, the Nazi
death camp in Poland. The German S.S. has moved many of the remaining prisoners to
camps inside Germany. From 1939 to 1945, one third of the Jews living in the world will
have died in German concentration and extermination camps.
February 4
U.S. troops invading the Philippines have received reenforcements, and a force led by
General MacArthur enters Manila. The city will be completely retaken in less than three
February 13
British planes attack the German city of Dresden, bombing with phosphorus and high
explosives; the firestorm created by the bombing kills an estimated 135,000.
March 9
U.S. B-24 bombers attack Tokyo, starting fires that will kill more than 120,000.
March 16
On Iwo Jima, a month-long struggle comes to an end, as U.S. forces capture the
8-square-mile island. Possessing Japan’s last line of radar defense to warn against
American air attacks, Iwo Jima is a strategically significant prelude to the invasion of
April 11
U.S. troops reach the Elbe River (in Germany). They halt there and meet advancing
Russian troops on April 25.
April 12
After suffering a massive cerebral hemorrhage, President Roosevelt dies. He is 63. Vice-
President Harry S. Truman (1884–1972) is sworn in as President. Providence Journal cover.
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April 21
U.S forces capture Nuremberg, and Russian forces reach the suburbs of Berlin.
April 28
At Lake Como, in Italy, Benito Mussolini and 12 of his former Cabinet officers are executed.
German forces in Italy will surrender unconditionally on the 29th.
April 30
With Russian shells falling on Berlin, Hitler marries his mistress Eva Braun in his bomb-
proof Berlin bunker. He then poisons her and kills himself. His remains are never recov-
Cartoon from the Providence Journal
May 7
Germany surrenders unconditionally to General Eisenhower at Rheims, France, and to the
Soviets in Berlin. President Truman pronounces the following day, May 8, V-E Day. The
U.S., Russia, England, and France agree to split occupied Germany into eastern and west-
ern halves.
June 21
The Pacific island of Okinawa is captured by the Allies. Japan has lost 160,000 men in
fighting on the island; more than 12,500 Americans have died on Okinawa as well.
July 17
U.S. air attacks on Tokyo continue, after planes have dropped leaflets threatening
destruction from the air if the Japanese do not agree to unconditional surrender.
July 30
Torpedoes sink the U.S.S. Indianapolis in the Indian Ocean.
August 2
The Potsdam conference ends after more than two weeks of deliberations. Allied leaders
have been discussing what should become of Germany.
August 6
The U.S. B-29 Superfortress, Enola Gay, drops an atomic bomb on the Japanese industrial
city of Hiroshima. The city is leveled, and an estimated 100,000 people are killed imme-
diately (another 100,000 will die later from radiation sickness and burns). On August 9, a
second bomb will be dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki.
(Read Eyewitness accounts of exposure to the A-bomb—translated from the Japanese
Documentary: Hiroshima Witness, produced by Hiroshima Peace Cultural Center and NHK,
and located at: (
August 10
The Japanese sue for peace after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and U.S.
President Truman declares that August 14th will be V-J (Victory over Japan) Day. To date,
nearly 55 million people have died in the Second World War, including 25 million in the
Soviet Union, nearly 8 million in China, and more than 6 million in Poland.
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August 19
In the U.S., rationing of gasoline and fuel oil comes to an end.
September 2
General MacArthur accepts the formal, unconditional surrender of Japan in a ceremony
aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
November 23
Butter rationing comes to an end, and sugar is the only item that continues to be
rationed in the U.S.
December 15
A new election law is passed in Japan, at the urgence of the occupying Allied forces,
which gives Japanese women voting rights.
December 27
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is created. Of the more than
7 billion dollars contributed by 21 countries, the U.S. has subscribed more than 3 billion
dollars to the World Bank.
Source: Brown University Scholarly Technical Group Web site. Available at: