A streamlined workow for liquid biopsy sample extraction
and highplex Crystal Digital PCR™ analysis using the
RSC system and the 6-color naica
Liquid biopsies, such as blood samples, can harbor a wealth of
genetic information from both healthy and unhealthy cells to
inform disease diagnosis and treatment. Rigorously qualied
pre-analytical protocols are vital to ensure the performance of
downstream liquid biopsy workows and thus high-quality re-
sults. Circulating cell free DNA (cfDNA), extracted from liquid
biopsy samples, are an established sample type for character-
izing oncology targets. Nevertheless, cfDNA measurements
require a highly sensitive and reliable detection technology to
quantify, often low-level, genetic aberrations within a complex
background of wild-type sequences.
This technical note details a exible method for automated
plasma sample extraction that seamlessly integrates into a
straightforward and sensitive digital PCR genetic analysis
workow. Combining the Maxwell
RSC 48 instrument for au-
tomated cfDNA extraction with Crystal Digital PCR™ on the nai-
system allows ultrasensitive high-plex detection from liquid
biopsy samples. By bridging the two technologies, 32 common
and rare somatic EGFR mutations in exons 18, 19, 20, and 21,
representing more than 90% of EGFR mutations described in
non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) are sensitively and pre-
cisely detected. The combination of the two technologies also
allowed for the detection of a set of PIK3CA mutations from cfD-
NA samples.
The combined workow of automated plasma sample ex-
traction using the Maxwell
RSC 48 and the high-plex and sensi-
tive target detection with Crystal Digital PCR™ thus represents a
streamlined full solution from sample-to-answer that can bene-
t cancer researchers across the biomarker testing landscape.
Plasma-like samples (SensID reference material ref SID-
000002, SID-000016, SID-000089) and human K2EDTA plasma
samples, collected from healthy donors, were extracted with
the Promega Maxwell
RSC ccfDNA LV Plasma Kit (Promega,
ref AS1840). Before extraction, all samples were spiked with a
known quantity of an exogenous extraction control DNA (EC),
and after extraction, aliquots of the human plasma samples
were spiked with known amounts of synthetic mutant DNA. For
comparison to the automated sample extraction methodology,
plasma samples were also manually extracted with the QIAamp
circulating nucleic acid kit (QIAGEN, ref 55114) according to
supplier recommendations.
The extracted cfDNA samples were then analyzed by Crystal
Digital PCR™ on the 6-color naica
system with two indepen-
dent multiplexed cancer detection assays, a 6-plex and a 33-
Stilla Technologies denes plex as the number of targets de-
tected in a Crystal Digital PCR™ assay.
A custom 6-plex Rectal Cancer assay detecting six targets:
PIK3CA wild-type, four PIK3CA mutations (p.E542K, p. E545K,
p.H1047L, p. H1047R) and the EC.
The EGFR 6-color Crystal Digital PCR™ kit (Stilla Technologies
Ref R30006), an off-the-shelf 33-plex digital PCR kit detecting
EGFR wild-type and the 32 most common non-small cell lung
cancer EGFR mutations
The Maxwell
RSC 48 Instrument (Figure 1A) is a compact,
automated nucleic acid purication platform that processes
up to 48 samples simultaneously. Using Maxwell
prelled with purication reagents and paramagnetic particles
(Figure 1B), the Maxwell
RSC 48 Instrument enables consis-
tent high-throughput purication of DNA or RNA from a variety
of sample types. The Maxwell
RSC 48 Instrument’s intuitive
graphical interface makes the instrument easy to use. The
integrated vision system with its large LED indicator reduces
the potential for user error by detecting proper cartridge place-
ment. This informs the user of any issues before the run starts.
An integrated bar code reader makes it easy to track sample
information along the extraction workow.
Because the Maxwell
RSC instruments are magnetic particle
movers, not liquid handlers, they offer advantages over other
automated nucleic acid extraction systems. There is minimal
risk of cross-contamination because no liquid handling or
splashing occurs during sample processing. With no clogs and
fewer breakdowns, there are fewer disruptions to the nucleic
acid extraction workow. High-quality nucleic acid purication,
with minimal steps and hands-on time, can be obtained with
a wide range of available extraction kits, including the Large
Volume (LV) ccfDNA plasma extraction kit used for this study
(Figure 1C and 1D).
Figure 1 | Maxwell
system workow. A) Maxwell
RSC 48 (top) and Maxwell
RSC 16 (bottom) instruments, B) the Maxwell
extraction methods start
with prelled cartridges ready for the samples. C) Sample preparation for the use of Maxwell
RSC ccfDNA Plasma Large volume Kit extraction D) After
sample addition, the instrument moves the particles and associated nucleic acids through a series of automated steps, ultimately yielding highly pure
nucleic acids.
RSC 48 Instrument
Crystal Digital PCR™ on the 6-color naica
The 6-color naica
system Crystal Digital PCR™ workow (Fig-
ure 2) enables high multiplexing capacity in a single reaction,
saving both time and precious samples, and provides ultra-sen-
sitivity and increased low-level detection of multiple reactions
in parallel. By automatically partitioning sample reactions into a
2D array of tens of thousands of droplets, Crystal Digital PCR™
technology can be used for absolute nucleic acid quantication
in a wide range of applications. For example, Crystal Digital
PCR™ can be used for oncological analysis applications, includ-
ing copy number variation, mutation detection,rare event de-
tection, and therapeutic monitoring. The accompanying Crystal
Miner software measures the concentrations of targeted nucle-
ic acids, providing automatic identication of positive and neg-
ative Droplet Crystals for the selected uorescence channels.
With intuitive visuals for image analysis, users can easily ex-
plore their multiplex data and directly inspect the Droplet Crys-
tals in different uorophore channels. This visual inspection
allows unparalleled peace of mind for quality control.
Integration of the Maxwell
RSC LV kit and
the 6-color naica
system into a compatible
sample-to-answer workow
To evaluate the Droplet Crystal stability and compare the sam-
ple concentrations of cfDNA using two different extraction pro-
cedures, cfDNA from plasma-like samples were extracted auto-
matically with the Maxwell
RSC LV kit on the Maxwell
RSC 48
system (Promega) and manually with the QIAamp circulating
nucleic acid kit (Qiagen). The samples were processed by Crys-
tal Digital PCR™ on the 6-color naica
system using the EGFR
6-color Crystal Digital PCR™ kit. All samples showed full com-
patibility for Droplet Crystal stability (Figure 3A). Furthermore,
a comparison of the total DNA concentration (Figure 3B) and
mutant DNA concentrations (Figure 3C) revealed highly similar
results across the two extraction procedures.
Figure 2 | The 6-color naica
system: absolute quantication of multiple genetic targets in a single run. The 6-color naica
system is an easy-to-use digital
PCR platform whose cutting-edge microuidic technology automatically integrates the digital PCR workow into a ready-to-use single consumable chip.
With no moving parts, Crystal Digital PCR™ partitions the sample into a 2D array of thousands of individual droplet reaction compartments that individually
amplify nucleic acid molecules. These reactions are tagged with uorophores to be read using up to six different uorescence light channels that can be
combined for multiplex detection of dozens of individual target mutations. The 6-color naica
system makes for a fast and simple workow that can be
completed with less than 10 minutes of hands-on time.
Figure 3| A. Comparing automated Maxwell RSC LV extraction with another manual extraction method. A. Direct visualization of droplets containing
amplicons amplied from cfDNA extracted with the Maxwell
RSC system. Droplets show a stable 2D Droplet Crystal characteristic of high-quality Crystal
Digital PCR™ data. Inset: a zoom of the Droplet Crystal structure with positive and negative droplets clearly distinguishable. B. Total DNA concentrations
(copies/µL) of circulating cfDNA samples extracted from 2mL of plasma-like samples with the Maxwell
RSC LV kit and the QIAamp circulating nucleic
acid kit. C. EGFR mutant DNA concentrations (copies/µL) of cfDNA samples extracted from 2mL of plasma-like samples by the Maxwell
RSC LV kit (dark
blue) and the QIAamp circulating nucleic acid kit (light blue).
Example 1D-dot plots generated by the Crystal Miner software resulting from the detection by the 6-plex Rectal Cancer assay are
shown in Figure 4.
Table 1 | Crystal Digital PCR™ 6-color naica
system results: Two assays, 6-plex Rectal Cancer assay and EGFR 6-color Crystal Digital PCR™ kit, were used
with the 6-color naica
system to quantify wild-type and mutant DNA from cfDNA extracted from plasma or plasma-like samples with the Maxwell
LV kit. Concentrations are in copies/µL. Extraction yield was calculated by dividing the measured EC DNA concentrations by the expected concentrations.
Mutation detection in plasma and plasma-like samples
Extracted cfDNA from both plasma and plasma-like samples were analyzed by two multiplexed detection assays customized for Crys-
tal Digital PCR
workow: a custom designed 6-plex Rectal Cancer assay and the commercially available EGFR 6-color Crystal Digital
PCR™ kit. Quantication of the EC allowed to calculate the extraction yield for each sample. The mean yield obtained for eight samples
(three plasma-like and ve plasma) was 74.5%. All mutations known to be present in the samples were detected (Table 1).
Figure 4 | 6-plex Rectal Cancer assay analysis with Crystal Miner software. 1D dotplots generated by Crystal Miner software after Crystal Digital PCR™
partitioning, amplication and scanning using the 6-plex Rectal Cancer assay of DNA extracted from 2mL of clinical plasma with the Maxwell RSC LV kit.
Detected alleles, are the PIK3CA wild-type in the teal channel, the PIK3CA H1047R, E542K, E545K and H1047L mutations in the blue, green, yellow and red
channels respectively. The IR channel quanties the EC. Sample names are shown on the X-axis and uorescence intensities for each color channel on the
Y-axis. Threshold lines are automatically generated to separate the negative and positive clusters of droplets.
6-plex Rectal Cancer assay
EGFR 6-color Crystal Digital PCR™ kit
Extraction control DNA Measured concentrations (copies /µL)
yield (%)
exon 19
Plasma-like WT No mutant 60.0 47.3
78.8 735.6
0.0 0.0 0.0 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
Plasma-like PIK3CA
60.0 38.0
63.3 642.0 2.7 6.0
N. A N.A N.A N.A N.A
Plasma-like EGFR
EGFR Deletion exon19,
L858R, L861Q, G719S,
60.0 47.0
N.A N.A N.A N.A
411.3 5.3 5.0 14.0 4.8
Plasma WT No mutant 60.0 46.0
76.6 175.3
0.0 0.0 0.0
Plasma PIK3CA E545K PIK3CA E545K
60.0 38.2
63.6 190.4 12.9
0.0 0.0
Plasma PIK3CA H1047L PIK3CA H1047L
60.0 46.7
77.8 116.6
0.0 0.0
Plasma PIK3CA H1047R PIK3CA H1047R
60.0 44.6
74.3 109.0
Plasma EGFR EGFR Deletion exon19
60.0 50.0
83.3 122.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
105.0 4.8
0.0 0.0 0.0
Mean Yield (%) 74.5
N.A. Not applicable
STILLA TECHNOLOGIES For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Furthermore, 2D-dot plots resulting from the detection by the EGFR 6-color Crystal Digital PCR™ kit show clear separability between the
positive and negative clusters. (Figure 5).
This study demonstrates compatibility between the automat-
ed Maxwell
RSC cfDNA extraction system and high-plex de-
tection from liquid biopsy samples by Crystal Digital PCR™ on
the 6-color naica
system. This full solution workow enables
largely automated highly sensitive detection and quantication
of the main somatic EGFR mutations described in NSCLC and a
set of PIK3CA mutations in breast and rectal cancers. Both tech-
nologies produce results quickly with minimal hands-on-time,
enabling a complete sample-to-result workow in less than a
day. This proof-of-concept workow creates the foundation
for the further development of streamlined sample-to-answer
protocols for high multiplex assays that will benet cancer re-
searchers across the biomarker testing landscape.
Stilla Technologies provides a full set of comprehensive
Application Notes and Technical Notes to support the Crystal
Digital PCR™ workow. In case further support is needed,
For further information on Maxwell Extraction systems and
technologies, contact Maxwell-dP[email protected]
Harrison PT, Vyse S, Huang PH, Rare epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
mutations in non-small cell lung cancer, Seminars in Cancer Biology (2019),
Figure 5 | EGFR 6-color Crystal Digital PCR™ kit analysis with Crystal Miner software. Examples of 2D dotplots, generated by Crystal Miner software, of the
uorescence intensities of each indicated color channel after Crystal Digital PCR™ partitioning, amplication and scanning of two cfDNA (A and B), extracted
from 2mL of plasma-like sample with the Maxwell
RSC LV kit. Colored polygon thresholds separate the negative (orange polygon) and positive clusters as
indicated on the axes.
y The Maxwell
RSC cfDNA extraction system and
Crystal Digital PCR™ on the 6-color naica
system for a
seamless, largely automated, highly sensitive detection
and quantication end-to-end workow.
y Demonstrated detection and quantication of the main
somatic EGFR mutations described in NSCLC and a set
of PIK3CA mutations described in breast and rectal
y Minimal hands-on-time, enabling a complete full
solution sample-to-result workow in less than a day.