CG-ENG Policy Letter
No. 01-21
April 7, 2021
From: Robert C. Compher, CAPT
To: Distribution
Ref: (a) ISO 799-1 Ships and marine technology – Pilot ladders – Part 1: Design and
specifications, First edition, 2019-02 (ISO 799-1:2019)
(b) ISO 5489 Ships and marine technology – Embarkation ladders, Third edition,
2008-03-01 (ISO 5489:2008)
(c) SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 23 – Pilot transfer arrangements
(d) SOLAS Chapter III, Part A, Regulation 4 – Evaluation, testing and approval of life-
saving appliances and arrangements and Chapter III, Part B, Regulation 11 –
Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements
(e) Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 32.90-1, 77.40-1, 96.40-1, 108.719, and
(f) Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular 4-91 - Pilot Transfer Arrangements dated
March 4, 1991 (NVIC 4-91)
(g) IMO Resolution A.667(16) Pilot Transfer Arrangements adopted October 19, 1989
(h) IMO Resolution A.889(21) Pilot Transfer Arrangements adopted
November 25, 1999
(i) IMO Resolution A.1045(27) Pilot Transfer Arrangements adopted
November 30, 2011
1. Purpose. This policy letter provides guidance for approval of pilot ladders and embarkation
ladders that meet ISO 799-1:2019 or ISO 5489:2008, references (a) and (b). Additionally, it
provides current guidance on embarking and disembarking of pilots.
2. Background.
a. SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 23.2.3, reference (c), requires pilot ladders to be certified
by their manufacturer as complying with Regulation 23. SOLAS Chapter III, Part A,
Regulation 4, reference (d), requires lifesaving appliances, including embarkation ladders
required by SOLAS Chapter III, Part B, Regulation 11.7, to be approved by the
b. Per reference (e), certain U.S. vessels are required to have pilot ladders approved by the
Coast Guard under approval series 163.003. Title 46 CFR 199.110(f) requires embarkation
ladders to be approved by the Coast Guard under approval series 160.117 or 160.017.
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE
Washington, DC 20593-7509
Staff Symbol: CG-ENG
Phone: (202) 372-1375
E-mail: typeapprov[email protected]
April 7, 2021
c. NVIC 4-91, reference (f), provides pilot transfer guidance based on IMO Resolution
A.667(16), reference (g). Resolution A.667(16) was superseded by IMO Resolution
A.889(21), reference (h). Resolution A.889(21) was later superseded by IMO Resolution
A.1045(27), reference (i). The Coast Guard is in the process of cancelling NVIC 4-91
because the IMO guidance it is based on has been superseded. IMO Resolution
A.1045(27) is included as enclosure (1).
d. ISO 799-1:2019 and ISO 5489:2008 provide current design and testing guidance for pilot
ladders and embarkation ladders. ISO 799-1:2019 supersedes ISO 799:2004 and ISO
5489:2008 was re-affirmed in 2018.
e. Mechanical pilot hoists, while are included in U.S. regulations, are prohibited by SOLAS
Chapter V Regulation 23. There are no Coast Guard approved pilot hoists.
3. Discussion.
a. Pilot ladders tested by a Coast Guard accepted independent laboratory and found to
comply with ISO 799-1:2019 are, pursuant to 46 CFR 163.003-9(c), approved alternatives
to ladders meeting approval series 163.003. Such pilot ladders also satisfy SOLAS
Chapter V Regulation 23.
b. Embarkation ladders tested by a Coast Guard accepted independent laboratory and found
to be in compliance with ISO 5489:2008 are, pursuant to 46 CFR 160.017—9(c) and 46
CFR 199.09, approved alternatives and equivalents to approval series 160.017 and
160.117. Such embarkation ladders also satisfy SOLAS Chapter III Regulation 11.7, and
paragraph 6.1.6 of the International Life-Saving Appliance Code.
4. Action.
a. Manufacturers are strongly encouraged to produce ladders that comply with ISO 799-
1:2019 and ISO 5489:2008, as applicable. Further information on the material to be
submitted to receive Coast Guard approval is located at https://www.dco.uscg.mil/CG-
b. Manufacturers of pilot ladders intended for use on a vessel engaged in international
voyages should ensure they provide certification of the ladder’s compliance with SOLAS
Chapter V Regulation 23.
c. Manufacturers of pilot ladders and embarkation ladders intended for use on a vessel
engaged in international voyages should ensure they are marked in accordance with ISO
799-1:2019 and ISO 5489:2008. This includes “ISO 799-1” or “ISO 5489” and “SOLAS”.
d. Operators of vessels embarking or disembarking maritime pilots away from the dock are
strongly encouraged to comply with the pilot transfer arrangements described in enclosure
(1). The Coast Guard also recommends that all vessels obtain the poster illustrated in
enclosure (2) and post it where it is accessible. It is available for download on the
International Maritime Pilots’ Association’s website at www.impahq.org.
5. Disclaimer. The guidance in this policy letter is not a substitute for applicable legal
requirements and is not a rule. It does not impose legally binding requirements on any party.
This guidance represents the USCG’s current thinking on this topic and may assist industry,
mariners, the public, and the Coast Guard, as well as other Federal and state regulators, in
applying statutory and regulatory requirements. An alternative approach for complying with
April 7, 2021
these requirements is acceptable, if that approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable
statutes and regulations.
6. Changes. This policy will be revised as necessary. It will be available with any changes on
the CG-ENG portal website at https://www.dco.uscg.mil/CG-ENG/.
Questions concerning equipment approval should be directed to Commandant (CG-ENG-3),
Commercial Regulations and Standards Directorate, Office of Design and Engineering
Standards, Systems Engineering Division at T[email protected].
Enclosure: (1) IMO Resolution A.1045(27) Pilot Transfer Arrangements
(2) International Maritime Pilots’ Association Poster – Required Boarding
Arrangements for Pilots
Distribution: Operators of vessels on international voyages
Manufacturers of Coast Guard approved pilot and embarkation ladders
Coast Guard accepted independent laboratories for pilot and embarkation ladders
27th session
Agenda item 9
A 27/Res.1045
20 December 2011
Original: ENGLISH
Resolution A.1045(27)
Adopted on 30 November 2011
(Agenda item 9)
RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
regarding the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning
maritime safety,
NOTING the provisions of regulation V/23 of the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended,
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its
eighty-seventh session,
1. ADOPTS the "Recommendation on Pilot Transfer Arrangements", as set out in the
Annex to the present resolution;
2. INVITES Governments to draw the attention of all concerned to this
3. FURTHER INVITES Governments to ensure that mechanical pilot hoists are
not used;
4. REQUESTS Governments to ensure that pilot ladders and their arrangements, use
and maintenance conform to standards not inferior to those set out in the annex to the
present resolution;
5. REVOKES resolution A.889(21).
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Ship designers are encouraged to consider all aspects of pilot transfer arrangements at an
early stage in design. Equipment designers and manufacturers are similarly encouraged,
particularly with respect to the provisions of paragraphs 2.1.2, 3.1 and 3.3.
A pilot ladder should be certified by the manufacturer as complying with this section or with
the requirements of an international standard acceptable to the Organization.
2.1 Position and construction
2.1.1 The securing strong points, shackles and securing ropes should be at least as
strong as the side ropes specified in section 2.2 below.
2.1.2 The steps of the pilot ladders should comply with the following requirements:
.1 if made of hardwood, they should be made in one piece, free of knots;
.2 if made of material other than hardwood, they should be of equivalent
strength, stiffness and durability to the satisfaction of the Administration;
.3 the four lowest steps may be of rubber of sufficient strength and stiffness or
other material to the satisfaction of the Administration;
.4 they should have an efficient non-slip surface;
.5 they should be not less than 400 mm between the side ropes, 115 mm wide
and 25 mm in depth, excluding any non-slip device or grooving;
.6 they should be equally spaced not less than 310 mm or more than 350 mm
apart; and
.7 they should be secured in such a manner that each will remain horizontal.
2.1.3 No pilot ladder should have more than two replacement steps which are secured in
position by a method different from that used in the original construction of the ladder, and
any steps so secured should be replaced as soon as reasonably practicable by steps
secured in position by the method used in the original construction of the pilot ladder.
When any replacement step is secured to the side ropes of the pilot ladder by means of
grooves in the sides of the step, such grooves should be in the longer sides of the step.
Refer to the recommendations by the International Organization for Standardization, in particular
publication ISO 799:2004, Ships and marine technology – Pilot ladders.
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2.1.4 Pilot ladders with more than five steps should have spreader steps not less
than 1.8 m long provided at such intervals as will prevent the pilot ladder from twisting.
The lowest spreader step should be the fifth step from the bottom of the ladder and the
interval between any spreader step and the next should not exceed nine steps.
2.1.5 When a retrieval line is considered necessary to ensure the safe rigging of a pilot
ladder, the line should be fastened at or above the last spreader step and should lead
forward. The retrieval line should not hinder the pilot nor obstruct the safe approach of the
pilot boat.
2.1.6 A permanent marking should be provided at regular intervals (e.g. 1 m) throughout
the length of the ladder consistent with ladder design, use and maintenance in order to
facilitate the rigging of the ladder to the required height.
2.2 Ropes
2.2.1 The side ropes of the pilot ladder should consist of two uncovered ropes not less
than 18 mm in diameter on each side and should be continuous, with no joints and have
a breaking strength of at least 24 Kilo Newtons per side rope. The two side ropes should
each consist of one continuous length of rope, the midpoint half-length being located on a
thimble large enough to accommodate at least two passes of side rope.
2.2.2 Side ropes should be made of manila or other material of equivalent strength,
durability, elongation characteristics and grip which has been protected against actinic
degradation and is satisfactory to the Administration.
2.2.3 Each pair of side ropes should be secured together both above and below each step
with a mechanical clamping device properly designed for this purpose, or seizing method
with step fixtures (chocks or widgets), which holds each step level when the ladder is
hanging freely. The preferred method is seizing.
3.1 Arrangements which may be more suitable for special types of ships may be
accepted, provided that they are equally safe.
3.2 The length of the accommodation ladder should be sufficient to ensure that its angle
of slope does not exceed 45°. In ships with large draft ranges, several pilot ladder hanging
positions may be provided, resulting in lesser angles of slope. The accommodation ladder
should be at least 600 mm in width.
3.3 The lower platform of the accommodation ladder should be in a horizontal position
and secured to the ship's side when in use. The lower platform should be a minimum of 5 m
above sea level.
3.4 Intermediate platforms, if fitted, should be self-levelling. Treads and steps of the
accommodation ladder should be so designed that an adequate and safe foothold is given at
the operative angles.
Refer to the recommendations by the International Organization for Standardization, in particular
publication ISO 799:2004, Ships and marine technology — Pilot ladders, part 4.3a and part 3,
paragraph 3.2.1.
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3.5 The ladder and platform should be equipped on both sides with stanchions and rigid
handrails, but if handropes are used they should be tight and properly secured. The vertical
space between the handrail or handrope and the stringers of the ladder should be securely
3.6 The pilot ladder should be rigged immediately adjacent to the lower platform of the
accommodation ladder and the upper end should extend at least 2 m above the lower
platform. The horizontal distance between the pilot ladder and the lower platform should be
between 0.1 and 0.2 m.
3.7 If a trapdoor is fitted in the lower platform to allow access from and to the pilot
ladder, the aperture should not be less than 750 mm x 750 mm. The trapdoor should open
upwards and be secured either flat on the embarkation platform or against the rails at the aft
end or outboard side of the platform and should not form part of the handholds. In this case
the after part of the lower platform should also be fenced as specified in paragraph 3.5
above, and the pilot ladder should extend above the lower platform to the height of the
handrail and remain in alignment with and against the ship's side.
3.8 Accommodation ladders, together with any suspension arrangements or attachments
fitted and intended for use in accordance with this recommendation, should be to the
satisfaction of the Administration
The use of mechanical pilot hoists is prohibited by SOLAS regulation V/23.
Means should be provided to ensure safe, convenient and unobstructed passage for any
person embarking on, or disembarking from, the ship between the head of the pilot ladder, or
of any accommodation ladder, and the ship's deck; such access should be gained directly by
a platform securely guarded by handrails. Where such passage is by means of:
.1 a gateway in the rails or bulwark, adequate handholds should be provided
at the point of embarking on or disembarking from the ship on each side
which should be not less than 0.7 m or more than 0.8 m apart. Each
handhold should be rigidly secured to the ship's structure at or near its base
and also at a higher point, not less than 32 mm in diameter and extend not
less than 1.2 m above the top of the bulwarks. Stanchions or handrails
should not be attached to the bulwark ladder;
.2 a bulwark ladder should be securely attached to the ship to prevent
overturning. Two handhold stanchions should be fitted at the point of
embarking on or disembarking from the ship on each side which should be not
less than 0.7 m or more than 0.8 m apart. Each stanchion should be rigidly
secured to the ship's structure at or near its base and also at a higher point,
should be not less than 32 mm in diameter and should extend not less
than 1.2 m above the top of the bulwarks. Stanchions or handrails should
not be attached to the bulwark ladder.
Refer to SOLAS regulation II-1/3-9 concerning accommodation ladders.
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Where rubbing bands or other constructional features might prevent the safe approach of a
pilot boat, these should be cut back to provide at least 6 metres of unobstructed ship's side.
Specialized offshore ships less than 90 m or other similar ships less than 90 m for which
a 6 m gap in the rubbing bands would not be practicable, as determined by the
Administration, do not have to comply with this requirement. In this case, other appropriate
measures should be taken to ensure that persons are able to embark and disembark safely.
7.1 Point of access
7.1.1 When a pilot ladder winch reel is provided it should be situated at a position which
will ensure persons embarking on, or disembarking from, the ship between the pilot ladder
and the point of access to the ship, have safe, convenient and unobstructed access to or
egress from the ship.
7.1.2 The point of access to or egress from the ship may be by a ship's side opening, an
accommodation ladder when a combination arrangement is provided, or a single section of
pilot ladder.
7.1.3 The access position and adjacent area should be clear of obstructions, including the
pilot ladder winch reel, for distances as follows:
.1 a distance of 915 mm in width measured longitudinally;
.2 a distance of 915 mm in depth, measured from the ship's side plating
inwards; and
.3 a distance of 2,200 mm in height, measured vertically from the access
7.2 Physical positioning of pilot ladder winch reels
7.2.1 Pilot ladder winch reels are generally fitted on the ship's upper (main) deck or at a
ship's side opening which may include side doors, gangway locations or bunkering points.
Winch reels fitted on the upper deck may result in very long pilot ladders.
7.2.2 Pilot ladder winch reels which are fitted on a ship's upper deck for the purpose of
providing a pilot ladder which services a ship side opening below the upper deck or,
alternatively, an accommodation ladder when a combination arrangement is provided should:
.1 be situated at a location on the upper deck from which the pilot ladder is
able to be suspended vertically, in a straight line, to a point adjacent to the
ship side opening access point or the lower platform of the accommodation
.2 be situated at a location which provides a safe, convenient and unobstructed
passage for any person embarking on, or disembarking from, the ship
between the pilot ladder and the place of access on the ship;
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.3 be situated so that safe and convenient access is provided between the
pilot ladder and the ship's side opening by means of a platform which
should extend outboard from the ship's side for a minimum distance
of 750 mm, with a longitudinal length of a minimum of 750 mm.
The platform should be securely guarded by handrails;
.4 safely secure the pilot ladder and manropes to the ship's side at a point on
the ships side at a distance of 1,500 mm above the platform access point to
the ship side opening or the lower platform of the accommodation ladder;
.5 if a combination arrangement is provided, have the accommodation ladder
secured to the ship's side at or close to the lower platform so as to ensure
that the accommodation ladder rests firmly against the ship's side.
7.2.3 Pilot ladder winch reels fitted inside a ship's side opening should:
.1 be situated at a position which provides a safe, convenient and
unobstructed passage for any person embarking on, or disembarking from,
the ship between the pilot ladder and the place of access on the ship;
.2 be situated at a position which provides an unobstructed clear area with
a minimum length of 915 mm and minimum width of 915 mm and minimum
vertical height of 2,200 mm; and
.3 if situated at a position which necessitates a section of the pilot ladder to be
partially secured in a horizontal position on the deck so as to provide a
clear access as described above, then allowance should be made so that
this section of the pilot ladder may be covered with a rigid platform for a
minimum distance of 915 mm measured horizontally from the ship's side
7.3 Handrails and handgrips
Handrails and handgrips should be provided in accordance with section 5 to assist the pilot
to safely transfer between the pilot ladder and the ship, except as noted in paragraph
for arrangements with platforms extending outboard. The horizontal distance between the
handrails and/or the handgrips should be not less than 0.7 m or more than 0.8 m apart.
7.4 Securing of the pilot ladder
Where the pilot ladder is stowed on a pilot ladder winch reel which is located either within the
ship's side opening or on the upper deck:
.1 the pilot ladder winch reel should not be relied upon to support the pilot
ladder when the pilot ladder is in use;
.2 the pilot ladder should be secured to a strong point, independent of the pilot
ladder winch reel; and
.3 the pilot ladder should be secured at deck level inside the ship side opening
or, when located on the ship's upper deck, at a distance of not less
than 915 mm measured horizontally from the ship's side inwards.
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7.5 Mechanical securing of pilot ladder winch reel
7.5.1 All pilot ladder winch reels should have means of preventing the winch reel from
being accidentally operated as a result of mechanical failure or human error.
7.5.2 Pilot ladder winch reels may be manually operated or, alternatively, powered by
either electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic means.
7.5.3 Manually operated pilot ladder winch reels should be provided with a brake or other
suitable arrangements to control the lowering of the pilot ladder and to lock the winch reel in
position once the pilot ladder is lowered into position.
7.5.4 Electrical, hydraulic or pneumatically driven pilot ladder winch reels should be fitted
with safety devices which are capable of cutting off the power supply to the winch reel and
thus locking the winch reel in position.
7.5.5 Powered winch reels should have clearly marked control levers or handles which
may be locked in a neutral position.
7.5.6 A mechanical device or locking pin should also be utilized to lock powered
winch reels.