CERN-INTC-2013-013 / INTC-O-017
Letter of Interest
to the ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Committee
VITO Versatile Ion-polarized Techniques On-line at ISOLDE
(former ASPIC UHV beamline)
29 May 2013
M. Deicher
, M. Stachura
, V.S. Amaral
, M. Bissell
, J.G. Correia
, A. Gottberg
, L. Hemmingsen
S-W Hong
, K. Johnston
,Y. Kadi
, M. Kowalska
, J. Lehnert
, A.M.L. Lopes
, G. Neyens
K. Potzger
, D. Pribat
, N. Severijns
, C. Tenreiro
, P.W. Thulstrup
, T. Trindade
, Th. Wichert
H. Wolf
, D.T. Yordanov
, Z. Salman
University of Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany
PH-Department, ISOLDE, CERN, Switzerland
3 University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
4 KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
5 University of Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
6 CSIC, Madrid, Spain
7 University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
8 Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
9 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
10 University of Talca, Chile
11 Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany
12 PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
Spokesperson(s): M. Deicher (
M. Stachura (
Local contact(s): M. Stachura (
A. Gottberg (
K. Johnston (
Initial Remark
This letter of interest expresses the wide and general motivation of performing numerous
experiments at a dedicated beamline for producing polarized beams at ISOLDE/CERN by
modifying the former UHV beamline hosting the ASPIC apparatus. The usual letter of
intents and full proposals for beamtimes at ISOLDE will be submitted to the INTC
committee after the approval of the upgrade of the UHV beamline by the ISCC committee
in July 2013. The presented scientific program in the near future will request approx.
70 shifts which will be spread over several runs for a period of 2 years, starting in 2014.
The planned upgrade of the UHV beamline is to be presented to the ISCC committee in July
2013. The major enhancement will be introducing the laser-based nuclear spin polarisation
of the isotope beam at RB0 line, which will allow for establishing β-NMR and
beta-asymmetry studies in a wide range of sample environments realized in all end-stations.
Figure 1. An overview of the beamline system at ISOLDE around RB0.
The interest in using polarized beams for addressing various scientific phenomena has
constantly increased over the past few years. Only at ISOLDE, there is one and frequently
running experimental setup employing such beams (COLLAPS), besides other systems such
as NICOLE or more recently the tilted foil setup using post-accelerated isotopic beams.
However, neither of them provides the particular specifications needed for either of the
following cases without major modification.
Therefore, we aim to establish a dedicated beamline for laser-induced nuclear orientation, which will
open a wide range of possibilities for carrying out versatile and multidisciplinary experiments at
ISOLDE by modifying the existing UHV beamline at the RB0 branch.
As shown in figure 2, the new beamline will provide three end stations after the intended
upgrade: the ASPIC end station, the β-NMR spectroscopy end station and an open station
for movable experiments requiring rare polarized ions e.g. for nuclear or fundamental
physics studies. The UHV and low temperature ASPIC station will remain for PAC studies
on sensitive surfaces and interfaces (see suggested experiments by M. Deicher et al.,
V. Amaral et al., and J.der et al., in section 2.1) and shall later be extended for β-NMR
spectroscopy (suggested experiment by Z. Salman in section 2.1). The second station will
be open for movable experiments or UHV environment. The β-NMR spectroscopy station
will be equipped with a strong differential pumping system allowing for online bio-β-NMR
on liquid samples (suggested experiment by L. Hemmingsen in the section 2.2) and online
PAC spectroscopy in volatile matter, such as biochemically relevant aqueous solution.
Furthermore, after chamber exchange, this station will allow for other, non-biological
experiments e.g. for weak interaction physics research (suggested experiment by
N. Severijns and G. Neyens, and D.T. Yordanov et al., in section 2.2). A short description
of the two permanent end stations is presented below.
Figure 2. A schematic view of the three end stations.
1.1 The ASPIC end station
The Apparatus for Surface Physics and Interfaces at CERN (ASPIC) achieves high
resolution of local electronic and magnetic properties and high surface sensitivity at the
same time. Therefore it combines nuclear Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC)
spectroscopy with state-of-the-art sample preparation and manipulation hosted in a
common ultra-high vacuum system. Samples can be prepared in-situ by molecular beam
epitaxy (MBE), argon ion beam sputtering and heat treatment between 77K and 2800K. A
low energy electron diffractometer (LEED) and an Auger spectrometer (AES) are in place
for chemical and structural characterisation. A base pressure of 10
mbar ensures the
required high surface quality throughout the time required for detailed measurements.
Once the sample is prepared, suitable radioactive probe nuclei are collected from ISOLDE
through a dedicated UHV beamline and transferred to the sample’s surface by soft-landing,
where the ions are deposited with thermal energy only on top of the first atomic layer.
Additional preparation steps help to integrate the probes into defined crystalline sites on the
surface or at an interface. Different detection geometries allow for PAC spectroscopy along
and perpendicular to all surface directions at variable temperatures (4K to 500K) and
variable magnetic field (0.01T to 0.8T).
The setup has been successfully used from 1990 until 2008, generating numerous results of
relevance in the field of the interaction of single add-atoms with magnetic metallic surfaces.
In 2009 it was left in a widely operating state under conserving conditions. In 2012 the UHV
chamber was re-started and the individual connected elements were mostly commissioned,
repaired or replaced by existing spares.
1.2 The β-NMR spectroscopy end station
Nuclear spin polarization induced by circular polarized laser light [1] appears to be the most
appropriate technique for a β-NMR end station for applied research since it does not require
stopping or extreme cooling of the ion, and it has provided very good and reproducible
results for over a dozen of isotopes. After passing the polarization section, the ion beam is
implanted into the NMR sample placed inside a strong magnetic field of some kG. Due to
both, the high degree of nuclear polarization and the sensitive detection of asymmetry via
the beta decay as little as 10
nuclei are required for observing a resonance, compared to 10
for conventional NMR spectroscopy. Except for this difference, β-NMR spectroscopy
provides the same information as conventional NMR: chemical shifts, line broadening or
relaxation times providing information about energies and dynamics of chemical bonding.
The best polarization schemes are found by identifying strong transitions in atomic-
transition databases, performing atomic calculations which involve coupled differential
equations for light absorption and emission, and finally testing the schemes “online” with
radioactive beam from ISOLDE. For
Mg such schemes have been already identified (see
[2] for details on the calculations and their comparison to experimental data). For Cu strong
excitation schemes have been already used online [3] (see figure 3), so calculations and
“online” polarization tests have good starting points. For Zn, the candidate transitions have
been identified and they will be tested on radioactive beams in 2014 [4].
Figure 3. Top: Hyperfine splitting of the 2S1/2 and 2P3/2 levels for a Cu isotope nuclear spin I = 1. Bottom:
Hyperfine spectra for 64Cu and 66Cu, observed in fluorescence (not β-asymmetry). Reprinted from [3].
A prototype spectrometer was successfully tested in August 2012, when the first β-NMR
spectrum was recorded on a liquid sample. This spectrometer will be available for use at this
end station.
2.1 The study cases at the ASPIC end station
2.1.1 Surface mediated magnetism in metal-oxide semiconductors
M. Deicher, K. Johnston, J. Lehnert, Th. Wichert, H. Wolf
Dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS) are of great interest due to their potential
applications in spintronics, which uses the electronic and magnetic properties of the
semiconductor [5]. Especially, transition metal doped wide band gap metal oxide
semiconductors, such as ZnO, are expected to exhibit ferromagnetism at room temperature
[6]. A large number of studies on ZnO based DMS has been reported, but there is no clear
agreement about the nature and origin of the ferromagnetism in this system. However,
many studies, both experimental and theoretical, during the last years show strong evidence
that defect-induced magnetism is a key mechanism for ferromagnetism in ZnO as well as in
other non-magnetic oxides with a Curie temperature above room temperature. It seems that
doping with magnetic elements is not the only and most promising way to achieve magnetic
ordering in these oxides. The introduction of intrinsic defects of the order of a few percent,
such as vacancies (with or without doping with magnetic or non-magnetic ions) plays a
dominant role in triggering magnetic ordering.
It has been shown both for thin ZnO films [7] and nanostructured ZnO [8,9] that surface
defects which can reach high concentrations play a critical role for achieving
ferromagnetism in ZnO. There is also evidence that room-temperature ferromagnetism can
be triggered by hydrogen adsorption at the surface of ZnO [10]. The ASPIC setup allowing
the soft landing of radioactive isotopes on surfaces and nuclear spectroscopic techniques like
PAC opens the possibilty to gain microscopic information both on the magnetic and
structural properties of ZnO surfaces.
PAC studies using the probe atom
Determine via magnetic hyperfine interaction the magnetic properties of surfaces of
undoped ZnO with different native defects (O or Zn vacancies).
Investigate the effect of native surface defects and hydrogen-related defect complex on
ferromagnetism on undoped ZnO.
PAC experiments on the ferromagnetic interplay between surface defects and transition
metals in ZnO.
Estimated number of shifts: about 10 shifts for
2.1.2 Interaction and Dynamics of add-atoms with 2-Dimensional Structures
(PAC studies of mono- and low- number of stacking layers)
V.S. Amaral, A. Gottberg, J.G. Correia, K. Johnston
Y. Kadi, S-W Hong, D. Pribat, J. Röder, L. Hemmingsen, V.M. Pereira, K. Potzger,
T. Trindade, J.P. Araújo, A.M.L. Lopes, C. Tenreiro, A.S. Fenta, S. Cottenier, S. Casassa
IDADS Collaboration
An international collaboration is being settled by grouping people and institutes from
Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Italy, Korea, Portugal, Singapore and Spain to establish the (so
far called) IDADS-Collaboration, aiming the study of interactions and dynamics of add-
atoms with two-dimensional single or few atomic layers with the Perturbed Angular
Correlation PAC technique. Graphene and derivate structures and new bi-dimensional
materials like dicalcogenides (e.g. MoS
, MgB
) are the substrates where radioactive probe
atoms will be deposited with the soft-landing technique under the UHV conditions
proportionated by the ASPIC setup at ISOLDE. The hyperfine fields obtained under such
clean environment are expected to reveal in detail the basic bricks of the 2D surface’s unique
1 Motivation in brief
Graphene presents unique physical and structural properties, and has captured the attention
of a large number of researchers, as a strong candidate for a variety of electronic and energy-
related devices and structures. It has recently been chosen as the subject of one of the two
Europe’s first 10-year FET flagship projects, and a R&D roadmap was elaborated. Among
the properties of graphene outstands the tuneable electronic transport properties, with
exceptional quantum characteristics associated to the massless Dirac fermions
characteristics. Its stiffness, stretchability and impermeability, as well as optical absorption
features are also distinctive. From a technological point of view, devices like ultrahigh
frequency transistors, ultrafast photoactive structures, and transparent flexible electrodes for
optoelectronics or photovoltaics were demonstrated and are being developed, combining
also graphene with other 2D materials, such as atomically thin boron nitride or
molybdenum disulfide. The growth of graphene (single or multiple) layers on metallic and
semiconducting surfaces, which can then be transferred, goes already beyond wafer
dimensions (several cm
). Moreover, the low electronic noise in graphene makes its
properties very sensitive to the presence of add-atoms or molecules (e.g. for sensors) and the
manipulation of its properties by chemical functionalization is also focus of strong attention.
In the context of condensed-matter physics, radioactive ion beams and associated nuclear
techniques available at ISOLDE-CERN have been applied to modify (dope) and probe
materials with the exceptional possibility to “see and feel” at the nanoscale, to determine the
positions and functions of atoms and electrons, of electric and magnetic fields, at a certain
element/isotope with extreme sensitivity (doses of ppm or less). By using the soft-landing
technique of add-atoms, ASPIC @ ISOLDE, allows doing all of this unique research under
UHV conditions at surfaces and interfaces.
2 Case Studies
The opportunities for the application of radioactive ions in the study of graphene are
numerous. The hyperfine properties of pure graphene were addressed theoretically, in the
presence of a sea of 2D Dirac electrons, with a linear dispersion and the role of spin
coherence relaxation mechanisms with nuclei for spintronics and quantum information
processing applications was highlighted. The presence of a probe was not considered,
We propose to use Perturbed Angular Correlations (PAC) to study the interaction of the
add-atom probe element, nucleus and the surrounding electrons with the surfaces, by
assessing the Electric Field Gradient and the Hyperfine Magnetic Fields. Following the
LOI132 first studies, drafted below, we will address the following topics of add-atoms
physics that require the UHV ASPIC environment:
1- Charge renormalization in graphene was predicted to change considerably the electron
motion in a strong Coulomb field of an ad-atom impurity, leading to quantum relativistic
atomic collapse and the supercritical instability already at charges Z~1-2 in contrast to the
heavy nuclei charge (Z>170) for free atoms. The crossover was very recently observed by
Scanning Tunnel Microscopy in clusters of charged Ca dimers on electronically gated
graphene on BN, thus, producing resonances in conductivity. It is our intent to probe such
catastrophic charge renormalization phenomena using hyperfine effects with radioactive ions of different
valences soft-landed onto graphene.
2- The concept of topological insulator (TI), or Quantum spin-Hall state was predicted initially to
occur in graphene, but such new quantum state, with spin-filtered edge states (quantized
conductance, with opposite spin electrons propagating in opposite directions), were first
observed in HgTe quantum wells and in the surface states of Bi2Se3 and other materials
with sufficiently strong spin-orbit coupling Recently, graphene as a viable candidate for TI
was revived by predicting that a few % of heavy add-atoms (In, Os, Ir,.. ) can produce a
robust gapped topological insulator state. However, the mechanism is still controversial,
either involving electron tunnelling from graphene onto an add-atom or considering that
despite their dilute character add-atoms form impurity states that hybridize with graphene.
Further, it is found that the electronic structure of add-atoms (e.g. Co) deposited on back-
gated devices, could be tuned by application of voltage and screening clouds around a single
atom as large as 10 nm observed. Such tunability by external control and the emergence of
extended screening effects are fundamental for electronic applications. These issues highlight
the need for locally and internally probing the add-atom physics on graphene, which we here propose
now by using the PAC technique within the ASPIC environment.
3- Physics of add-atoms on other 2D materials, such as MoS
, MgB
and similar dichalcogenides, is
also poorly known in spite of its importance for understanding the catalytic properties, and
for helping the designing of heterostructures with tuned properties, for which the first
examples start to appear. Again these are ideal subjects to be addressed with add-atoms probed by
PAC under the UHV environment of ASPIC.
4- Addressing the preparation of isotopically pure graphene layers or their modifications. Study of the
growth on transition metal template coatings/ substrates. Graphene synthesis by ion
implantation was demonstrated (carbon implanted at 30 keV on metal (Ni)
coatings/substrates, and subsequently segregated to the surface at lower temperature). The
use of add-atoms probes of PAC within the UHV ASPIC environment challenges our understanding of
these processes and in-situ doping.
5- Studying of nucleation of nanostructures and clusters on graphene and related phases requires
the complementary use of ASPIC and wet chemical methods.
Graphene and graphene oxide have been investigated as new platforms for growing
semiconductor nanostructures aiming diverse devices, such as quantum dots. Fundamental
studies that address their nucleation are lacking. We intend to monitor the nucleation of
CdS nanophases on graphene sheets. This task will involve the controlled generation of CdS
seeds, in situ, using wet chemistry methods developed in our laboratories. Radioactive
Cd will be implanted in the CdS precursors and then synthetic samples will be analysed
for distinct reaction times to inquire the local environment of the CdS dots on the graphene
surface. Complementary studies in UHV will allow comparing the Cd local environment and the role
of solvent (water).
3 Short report on LOI I132: Radioactive Local Probing and Doping on Graphene
Experiments were performed using radioactive
Cd and
Hg on graphene
laying into Si/SiO
wafers and PET polymer sheet substrates. Additional experiments on
related materials, like graphite, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes suspensions were
done for comparison. On these preliminary studies two different methods were used to
deliver the isotopes to the sample’s surfaces. The first method consisted on implanting the
ions on ice that, once melted, was used to wet the samples until some ions bind to graphene.
In the second method, direct implantation of radioactive ions through graphene samples
standing on a Si/SiO
wafer, was followed by subsequent annealing up to 800 º C and 1100
º C, in order to promote the diffusion of ions from the substrate to the graphene interface.
The aim was to study the process of recovery of the substrate and graphene itself after
suffering the 50kV ion beam bombarding. From these experiments we got amazing results
regarding the determinant contribution of the still surviving graphene layer to the damage
recovery of the implanted substrates (to be reported in detail elsewhere).
Hereby, are shown results obtained at different temperatures, after wetting with melted ice
Cd and
Hg, the graphene samples laying at PET and Si substrates: Figure
4 and Figure 5 show the experimental PAC observable, the R(t) function, as measured in
graphene on Si and PET substrates with
Hg. The different spectra show multiple
Electric Field Gradients, which reveal that the substrate is able to influence the binding of
Hg and Cd ions to graphene. Due to the temperature dependence of the R(t) spectra, we
further believe that water molecules are interfering with the bonding, and consequently,
with the places where the Cd and Hg metal ions sit. DFT first principle simulations are in
progress, which model atomic configurations containing metal ions and water molecules on
graphene, aiming to reproduce the experimental data and help on explaining the interaction
of metal ions with graphene in, e.g., catalytic processes.
Figure 4. R (t) functions and respective Fourier Transforms (FT) obtained using PAC, with
Cd isotope,
measured at room temperature (RT) and 3 º C. The samples analyzed were graphene on PET - a) and b), and
graphene on Si - c) and d).
Figure 5. R (t) functions and respective Fourier Transforms (FT) obtained using PAC, with
isotope, measured at 3 ºC. The samples analyzed were graphene on PET - a), and graphene on Si - b).
Estimated number of shifts: 18 shifts, (over two years) regarding the following probes:
Hg. (M) accounts for magnetic probing only.
(a) graphene/PET, T=RT
0 100 200 300
(b) graphene/PET T=3ºC
0 100 200
time (ns)
(c) graphene/Si, T=RT
0 100 200 300
(d) graphene/Si,T=3ºC
0 100 200
time (ns)
0 5 10 15
(a) graphene/PET, T=3
0 2000 4000
time (ns)
2.1.3 Surface and interface investigations of first, second, and third
generation solar cells using ASPIC
J. Röder, A. Gottberg, T. Beckers, M. Martin
Solar cells of the third generation use multilayers of different semiconductors to overcome
the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit for conventional first generation solar cells. This
limits the efficiency of converting the power of irradiated sun light to electrical power
theoretically to about 34% up to about 87% for an infinite number of layers. Laboratory
examples have already shown efficiencies of more than 43% while best examples one layer
silicon cells may reach 25%. Understanding the behaviour of complex multilayer systems as
shown in Figure 6 below is crucial for their implementation and in addition for addressing
aging processes. At contact of interfaces additional phases may form at certain
temperatures, or diffusion may take place, changing the designed properties. Due to the
typical layer thicknesses in the range of nanometres to micrometres and the challenging
conditions of interfaces, available methods to investigate the concerned material properties
are challenging themselves.
Figure 6. Typical solar cell multilayer (A) Coverage of the natural Sun spectrum for each of the layers (B)
Second generation solar cells are significantly simpler to implement with the advantage of
requiring only a low amount of high purity semiconductor material as layer on a cheap and
free to design carrier material, such as glass. Although a monolayer solar cell, the layer itself
consists of several layers of different materials. One specific example is the question of
sodium diffusion from the glass into the CIGS layers, which is crucial for a good
performance and till now a poorly understood process.
Figure 7. CIGS solar cell.
First generation solar cells with high efficiency are produced from wafers, mainly silicon, see
Figure 8. The roughness of the surface is enlarged in order to increase the performance.
Investigation of the defect structure of the surface and its influence of additional anti-
reflexion coatings may result in better understanding of the involved processes.
Furthermore, the contact conjunctions are produced of different layers, introducing various
interfaces that are subject of aging and thermal changes, which are poorly understood.
Figure 8. Typical single crystal solar cell.
PAC spectroscopy in combination with ASPIC can be a powerful tool to investigate the
local structure in these materials as well as in the interfaces or surfaces. ASPIC is a decisive
tool for preparing samples in ultra-high vacuum under controlled conditions in order to
perform investigations in all fields described above.
As a first experiment Cu(In,Ga)Se semiconductor layers could be investigated temperature
dependent, focussing on its properties in contact with the surrounding layers. Glass -
molybdenum and Cu(In,Ga)Se will be studied, investigating the influence of sodium in the
local structure.
In a second step, contact interfaces of silicon and common coatings for the solar cell
production are planned to be studied. Finally multilayer systems of InGaP and AlInP and
GaAs will be a challenging research interest.
Intermetallic conjunctions of aluminum and gold are used for contacts in space devices and
on solar cells. Gold and aluminium have a complex phase diagram producing at contact
different intermetalic phases. Phases causing mainly problems are Au
, known as white
plague, AuAl
as purple plague, and Au
Al. These phases have different material
properties, cause an increase of resistance and reduction in volume causing cavities.
Solutions are using ultrasound welding or adding additional metals such as Ni and V as
intermediate layer. To increase the understanding of the undergoing processes, intermetalic
phase formations will be studied on Au-Al contact and with intermediate layers Ni:V/Ag as
well as Ga as amalgam forming metal. Investigations will be performed in layers and
temperature dependant. The preparation will be performed using ASPIC and phase changes
will be studied by using PAC.
2.1.4 Low energy β-NMR for studies on condensed matter
Z. Salman
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and related nuclear methods are widely used in
condensed matter physics. The magnetic moment of a nucleus acts as a sensitive probe of
the local magnetic and electronic environment. All forms of magnetic resonance require
generation of nuclear spin polarization out of equilibrium followed by a detection of how
that polarization evolves in time. The spin precession rate or Larmor frequency is a measure
of the local magnetic field at the nucleus, whereas the spin relaxation rate is determined by
spin dynamics near the Larmor frequency. However, there are also significant differences
which influence the specific applications. For example, in conventional magnetic resonance
a relatively small nuclear polarization is generated by applying a large magnetic field after
which it is tilted with a small RF magnetic field. An inductive pickup coil is used to detect
the resulting precession of the nuclear magnetization. Typically one needs about 10
nuclear spins to generate a good NMR signal with stable nuclei. Consequently conventional
NMR is mostly a bulk probe of matter. On the other hand, in related nuclear methods such
as muon spin rotation (mSR) or b-detected NMR (β-NMR) a beam of highly polarized
radioactive nuclei (or muons) is generated and then implanted into the material. The
polarization can be made much higher - between 50 and 100% . Most importantly, the time
evolution of the spin polarization is monitored through the anisotropic decay properties of
the nucleus or muon which requires about 10 orders of magnitude fewer spins. Furthermore
one can control the depth of implantation of the probe on an interesting length scale (1-
300~nm). Thus depth controlled low energy b-NMR [11-14] and mSR (LE-mSR) [15-17]
are well suited to studies of dilute impurities, nano-structures or interfaces where there are
few nuclear spins.
The low energy β-NMR technique used for condensed matter studies has the advantage of
not being limited to a specific material or properties. It can be used to study any material
whether they are conducting, insulating, magnetic or non-magnetic. This makes it extremely
versatile and useful for different fields in condensed matter, and therefore has the potential
of attracting many new users to ISOLDE. The low implantation energy of the spin probes in
β-NMR, makes the technique useful mainly for studies of surfaces and interfaces. The
electronic, magnetic and structural properties of an interface between two materials (or near
the surface) are in general different from the bulk properties of both. In such systems the
technique can provide depth resolved information of the properties of such systems.
A dramatic example which was discovered recently [1820], is the high mobility two-
dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the interface between two insulating perovskite oxides;
-terminated SrTiO
(STO) and LaAlO
(LAO). Surprisingly, there is evidence that this
interface can be both magnetic and even superconducting below 300 mK [18-21]. In this
example the high magnetic sensitivity of β-NMR was used (at TRIUMF) to detect weak
magnetism at these interfaces and its dependence on the thickness of the LAO layers [22].
Another important example where β-NMR can provide unique information is the newly
discovered class of materials called topological insulators (TIs) [23]. These are 3D insulating
materials with a band gap in the bulk electronic structure but with metallic gapless surface
states. The protected surface states are believed to be robust to disorder, interactions, and
thermal fluctuations, potentially leading to room temperature device applications [24]. In
this case we expect β-NMR to provide novel information regarding the depth dependence of
these surfaces states, and more importantly, study the properties of interfaces between TIs
and other superconducting or magnetic materials. Such buried interfaces cannot be
investigated using the commonly used techniques in TI studies such as angle resolved
photo-emission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy.
Several isotopes have been identified as suitable for development as probes for condensed
matter applications.
Li is the lightest and is relatively easy to polarize. There are, however,
several other probes which could be very useful for β-NMR studies in the near future,
O and
Be. Different nuclei offer complementary information since they have
different nuclear dipole and quadrupole moments as well as a different decay lifetime. For
example, since
Li has a nuclear moment of I=2 it experiences both the local magnetic field
as well as electric field gradient. This may complicate the measured resonance results and
makes it hard to disentangle the local magnetic and electronic information in the studied
system. In contrast,
Be which has nuclear spin 1/2 will have a purely magnetic interaction
with the system.
2.2 The study cases at the β-NMR spectroscopy end station
2.2.1 Bio-β-NMR spectroscopy on liquid samples
L. Hemmingsen, M. Stachura, A. Gottberg, M. Kowalska, P.W. Thulstrup
Metal ions are essential for life, and various functions have developed depending on the
intrinsic properties of each metal ion. The current letter of interest is focused on establishing
new spectroscopic possibilities for studies of the biologically highly important metal ions
, Ca
, Cu
, and Zn
. Mg
is involved in practically all phosphate metabolism as well
as an integral component of chlorophyll in photosynthesis. Ca
is involved in a plethora of
biochemical reactions, for example kinase reactions, muscle contraction, cell division, as
well as biomineralization etc. Both of these ions also take part in the control of formation of
negatively charged polymers, and thereby in the control of membrane stability and cell-cell
interactions, a property that may be exploited in this project, vide infra [25]. Cu
essential in both various oxidases (enzymes) and in electron transfer processes, for example
in photosynthesis, where so-called small blue copper-proteins play key roles as electron
transporters. Finally Zn
is both an integral structural component of proteins, involved in
many enzymes, and in biochemical control of the expression of genes. All these metal ions
usually evade spectroscopic characterization, as they are invisible to most standard
spectroscopic techniques. Thus, the application of radioactive ion beams and nuclear
spectroscopic techniques would constitute an important, novel and most notably highly
sensitive approach to the elucidation the biological chemistry of these elements.
The short term aim (1-3 years) of this project is to establish a proof-of-principle that on-line
β-NMR and PAC spectroscopy on liquid samples using short lived radioisotopes of Mg, Ca,
Cu, and Zn is feasible. The long term aim is to apply these spectroscopic techniques to
elucidate both local structure and dynamics at the probe sites in biological systems. Only the
short term aim is addressed in detail in the following. Once the short term aim is achieved,
and the experimental setup has been optimized to allow for experiments on aqueous
solutions (test experiments have indicated that this is within reach), a number of
experiments elucidating the biological chemistry of the metal ions, vide supra, will be
In the following specific experiments on the different metal ions are described. They are all
to be conducted using ionic liquid as solvent, as it displays very low vapor pressure, and
thus is suitable for UHV beam lines:
Mg β-NMR experiments have already been successfully carried out using
ionic liquid as solvent [26]. Conventional
Mg NMR spectroscopy will be applied to
validate the results.
o The binding of
to a molecule in the ionic liquid solution would
complete the experiment series, demonstrating that not only a signal from
in the solvent, but also the process of binding to high affinity site may
be achieved within the lifetime of the radioisotope. As the chemical shift
range for
in a variety of compounds is rather small (about 200 ppm),
and this is close to the limit of what can be resolved (with the current setup), it
will be very difficult directly to observe different chemical shifts. Thus we
adopt a different strategy, and aim to bind Mg
to different sizes of
molecules, using anionic molecules exhibiting Mg
polymerization, vide supra. The origin of this strategy is that for molecular
species experiencing rotational diffusion on a time scale comparable to the
inverse of the Larmor frequency, the spin-lattice relaxation time is minimal,
and thus the signal is lost or reduced in intensity. That is, the binding of
to a certain size of polymer will give rise to loss of signal, and thus
demonstrate that the metal ion is in fact bound.
In addition a number of test experiments are important:
o The resonance frequency in a reference (single crystal of MgO) must be
recorded to calibrate the system
o A β-NMR experiment without any sample in the chamber, in order to test if
the recently designed setup in itself gives rise to a signal (a fraction of the
beam is deposited in the walls of the final pin-hole, and we suspect that
the Knight shift of Mg in aluminum is consequently observed)
o Conventional
Mg NMR spectroscopic data indicate a strong temperature
dependence of the signal, and we aim to carry out a similar series (20 C
100 C) using β-NMR.
For Ca
, Cu
and Zn
: For these elements conventional NMR experiments are
difficult, and we resort to other conventional techniques for validation of the results
(electronic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy), see the second bullet below.
o The first experiments to be carried out will be simply implanting the spin-
polarized radioisotope into ionic liquid, in analogy to the initial
Mg β-NMR
experiments. The binding of the metal ions will most likely occur to the anion
of the ionic liquid (acetate).
o Next, a molecule with high affinity for each of the respective metal ions will
be added to the solution. Fortunately, such metal ion specific chromophores
and fluorophores exist, and additionally independently allow for
spectroscopic characterization of the process of metal ion binding, using so-
called stopped flow techniques (where the chromophore/fluorophore is mixed
with the relevant metal ion, and then rapidly (with a dead time of ~1 ms) the
time trace of the spectroscopic signal is followed.
Estimated number of shifts:
Mg, Ca,
Cu or
Zn (10 shifts each element)
2.2.2 β-decay studies of laser-polarized radioactive beams
D.T. Yordanov for the proponents of INTC-I-090
Currently there is a strong interest in β-decay studies of laser-polarized radioactive beams.
This technique has the capability of measuring spins of excited nuclear states and as such is
expected to be an important tool for nuclear-structure studies. The basic principles, as well
as a physics case were presented in a letter of intent [27] in the context of collinear laser
spectroscopy at HIE-ISOLDE. The intention to establish a dedicated beam line for laser-
induced nuclear orientations opens the possibility to employ an alternative geometry for
optical-pumping, as shown in figure 9. The ion beam is deflected at 90° which is equivalent
to, and therefore removes the need of, a 90° turn of the orientation axis. Under these
conditions the nuclei will be delivered at the implantation point with a higher degree of
polarization. Furthermore, the magnetic field needed to bend the orientation axis is obsolete
in this configuration. In the absence of a large electromagnet the solid angle around the
sample can be used instead for an efficient detection system.
Figure 9. Geometry of β-delayed spectroscopy with optical pumping of ions.
2.2.3 Fundamental weak interaction physics using polarized beams: Precision
measurements of the beta asymmetry parameter for mirror β transitions in
Ar for determination of the V
element of the CKM quark mixing matrix
N. Severijns, G. Neyens, M. Bissell
Measurements of correlations in nuclear beta decay (e.g. the beta-neutrino correlation or the
beta emission asymmetry) are a sensitive means to search for the presence of new charged
gauge bosons mediating scalar or tensor type weak interactions not included in the Standard
Model [28]. Moreover, when results of such measurements for mirror beta transitions are
combined with the ft-value of the transition, then also the V
element of the Cabibbo-
Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing matrix is obtained. E.g the beta-asymmetry
parameter A yields the Fermi-Gamow-Teller mixing ratio,
1 11
++ +
which in turn yields V
when combined with the corrected Ft-value
00 2
2 / 1
ℑ= +
. Via the unitarity requirement of the CKM matrix additional
information on physics beyond the Standard Model is then obtained, such as e.g. on the
existence of heavy Z bosons [29].
Recently, it was shown that existing results of correlation measurements in the beta decay of
five mirror nuclei, originally not intended for this purpose, provide a value for V
of similar
precision to that obtained in neutron decay [30]. Further, it was shown that the beta
asymmetry parameter of the mirror beta decay of
Ar provides unrivaled sensitivity to V
[31] within the series of mirror nuclei. A measurement of the beta-asymmetry parameter
with a relative precision of 0.5 %, would provide a value for V
that is only a factor of 3 less
precise than the value for V
that is obtained from the entire set of superallowed pure Fermi
beta transitions [32]. Furthermore, if the current ft-value [33]) can be improved by a factor of
5, the V
would be obtained with a precision that is half of the current precision as obtained
from all data available till now. A measurement of the beta asymmetry parameter in the
decay of
Ar would thus allow further improving the precision of the value of V
and thus
the sensitivity to different types of new physics.
A measurement of the beta asymmetry parameter requires a polarized beam that is
implanted in a suitable host material selected so as to maintain the nuclear polarization
sufficiently long. Using optical pumping with a circularly polarized laser beam allows
producing high degrees of polarization, as illustrated e.g. for Na and Mg isotopes [34, 35].
The polarization is maintained after implantation by placing the host crystal in a magnetic
field of a few 1000 Gauss. The beta asymmetry will be observed with two E-E telescopes
(to reduce background counts) placed perpendicular to the polarization symmetry axis. As
the measured asymmetry will provide the product of the nuclear polarization, P, and the
beta asymmetry parameter, A, the nuclear polarization has to be determined with a
precision better than 0.5%. Such methods have recently been developed at TRIUMF [36]
and at Los Alamos Natl. Laboratory [37]. Alternatively, determining the polarization can be
avoided by measuring simultaneously the asymmetry for the mirror beta transition and for
the pure Gamow-Teller transition to the first excited state of
Ar (with a branching ratio of
1.2 %). The nuclear polarization then cancels in the ratio of both beta-asymmetries. This
method has successfully been applied in the past already [38-40] and requires gamma
detectors to be installed as well, in order to select the two individual beta transitions via
beta-gamma coincidences.
As polarizing of a noble gas such as
Ar requires some development, the method and setup
will first be tested with
Mg and/or
Na which, apart from the dominant g.s. g.s. mirror
beta transition, also have a Gamow-Teller transition to the first excited state (branching
ratio respectively 8.2 % and 4.8 %).
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The experimental setup comprises: (name the fixed-ISOLDE installations, as well as flexible
elements of the experiment)
Part of the Choose an item.
Design and manufacturing
Dedicated beamline for producing
polarized beams at ISOLDE
To be used without any modification
Standard equipment supplied by a manufacturer
CERN/collaboration responsible for the design and/or
ASPIC apparatus
To be used without any modification
To be modified
Standard equipment supplied by a manufacturer
CERN/collaboration responsible for the design and/or
β-NMR apparatus
To be used without any modification
To be modified
Standard equipment supplied by a manufacturer
CERN/collaboration responsible for the design and/or
bio-β-NMR apparatus
Standard equipment supplied by a manufacturer
CERN/collaboration responsible for the design and/or
PD Dr. Manfred Deicher
Technische Fakultät II
Fakultät 7
Physik und Mechatronik
Campus E2 6
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 (0)681 302 58198
Fax: +49 (0)681 302 4315
Datum: 28.05.2013
Universität des Saarlandes - Fakultät 7 Physik und Mechatronik
Postfach 15 11 50, D-66041 Saarbrücken
Letter of support for ASPIC
Together with the radioactive isotopes provided by ISOLDE, ASPIC
opens world-wide unique possibilities to combine “classical” surface
and interface experiments with nuclear solid state physic techniques
like perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy (PAC) or spin
polarization methods like β-NMR.
I hereby strongly support an upgraded ASPIC beamline at ISOLDE.
Using ASPIC, we plan to perform PAC experiments in
semiconductors, especially on surface and interface magnetism in
spintronic systems.
Saarbrücken, May 28, 2013
Dr. Manfred Deicher
ISOLDE and Neutron Time
Experiments Committee (INTC)
-1211 Geneva 23
May 28, 2013
Letter of support for the “Letter of Interestfor a beam line at ISOLDE, for the production and
application of spin polarized nuclei,
The possibility to carry out research in the fields of biochemistry and biophysics at ISOLDE, using
ion beams with spin polarized nuclei represents a unique opportunity. It will allow us to conduct
experiments that cannot be carried out elsewhere, and which are expected to significantly
advance both basic and applied biochemistry, most notably concerning the role of metal ions in
biological system, which is the core expertise of my group at the University of Copenhagen.
The group in Copenhagen has been fortunate enough to have had beam time grants for several
years at ISOLDE, leading to publications in high ranking international chemistry and biochemistry
journals, and expect to continue carrying out research for at this facility for many years to come.
Similarly, the group has attracted funding for this research for several years, and hope and aim to
attract future funding for biochemistry and biophysics projects to be carried out at this beam line
Thus, my group will greatly benefit from the facilities at proposed beam line, both on a short and
on a longer time scale.
Lars Hemmingsen,
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Biophysical and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science
University of Copenhagen
Thorvaldsensvej 40
DK-1871 Frederiksberg
TEL +45 35332307 / +45 22341782
Vítor Amaral
Departamento de Física
Universidade de Aveiro
3810-193 Aveiro
Fax +351-234378197
To whom it may concern
Having in mind research projects requiring the use of radioactive ion beams for hyperfine
measurements in demanding conditions I hereby state my support to the UHV RB0 beam line upgrade
project. This will allow the continuation of current activities and the enrichment of conditions to
foster demanding experiments in solid-state, soft-matter and biophysics applications.
I will do my best to contribute to the progress of research in its multiple and interdisciplinary
aspects, looking forward to the improvements well expressed, and justifiable, by the UHV RB0 beam-
line upgrade project.
Aveiro, 28
May 2013
(Vítor Brás de Sequeira Amaral)
Full Professor,
Physics Department University of Aveiro