As approved by the Alabama Public Service Commission in Docket No. U-3170.
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations
for Electric Service
Effective October 4, 2022
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
1.1 Application for Service
1.2 Rates
1.3 Optional Rates
1.4 Premises
1.5 Encroachment on Company Land Rights and Land Interests
1.6 Sharing or Supplying of Service
1.7 Use of or Attachment to Company Facilities
1.8 Character of Service
1.9 Continuity of Service
1.10 Facility Access & Maintenance
1.11 Customer Wiring and Electrical Equipment
1.12 Location of Service Connection
1.13 Meters and Meter Sockets
1.14 Property Damage and Injury to Person
1.15 Service Line Vegetation Management
1.16 Authority
2.1 Credit Requirement
2.2 Interest on Deposit
2.3 Refund of Residential Deposit
2.4 Payment of Previous Accounts Required
3.1 Each Delivery Point Billed As Separate Customer
3.2 Meter Reading and Billing
3.3 Testing Of Meters and Resulting Adjustments
3.4 Billing Inaccuracy
3.5 Abnormal Billing
3.6 Returned Payment/Deposit Charge
3.7 Collection Charge
3.8 Disconnection of Service
3.9 Reconnection Charge
3.10 Transfer of Service
3.11 Extension of Time for Payment of Bill
3.12 Postponing Termination Due to Weather
3.13 Postponing Termination Due to Special Conditions
3.14 Third Party Notification
3.15 Budget Billing
3.16 Unauthorized Usage
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
4.1 Service Application
4.2 Definitions
4.3 Customer Classifications
4.4 Connection of Initial Service
4.5 Connection of Existing Service
4.6 Permanency of Service
4.7 Residential Service If Line Extension Is Required
4.8 Commercial, Farm and Industrial Service If Line Extension Is Required
4.9 Three-Phase Service for Commercial, Farm and Industrial Customers
4.10 Customer Generators
4.11 Non-Permanent Service and Construction Power or Temporary Service
4.12 Relocation of Distribution System Facilities
4.13 Relocation of Transmission (including substation) Facilities
4.14 Aesthetic Relocation
4.15 Right of Way for Relocations
4.16 Protective Equipment Coordination
4.17 Redundant Service Facilities
5.1 Definitions
5.2 Underground Electric Distribution Service for Residential Subdivisions
5.3 Residential Underground Service from Overhead Lines (UOR)
5.4 Underground Service to Residential Multi-Occupancy Buildings (UAD)
5.5 Underground Service to Mobile Home Parks (UMH)
5.6 Underground Service to Commercial and Industrial Customers (UCD)
5.7 Underground Network Service (UND)
6.1 Applicability
6.2 SSI Discount
6.3 Adverse Impact Due To Customer Equipment
7.1 Applicability
7.2 Determination of Capacity Requirement
7.3 Load Buildup
7.4 Power Factor for kW Rates
7.5 kVA Rates
7.6 Adverse Impact
7.7 Excess Transformer Capacity
7.8 Seasonal Load
7.9 Warning Siren Service
7.10 Continuous or Controlled Unmetered Service
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
7.11 Premature Termination of Permanent Service Contracts
8.1 General
8.2 Implementation
9.1 Applicability
9.2 Definitions
9.3 Local Entity Cost Responsibility
9.4 Payment
9.5 Excluded Costs
9.6 Other Considerations
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These Rules and Service Regulations (“Rules”), approved by the Alabama Public Service
Commission (“Commission”), constitute Alabama Power Company’s (the “Company”) operating
procedures and policies and supplement the General Rules of the Alabama Public Service
Commission. These Rules shall be construed together with the General Rules of the Alabama
Public Service Commission. However, in the event these rules conflict with the General Rules
of the Alabama Public Service Commission, the latter shall govern.
1.1 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE Each person, firm, corporation, or entity desiring to
become a Customer for electric service supplied by the Company shall make application
for service. Such application may be written, oral or electronic. The Customer’s service
will not be connected to the Company’s electrical system until all applicable conditions
and provisions of these Rules have been met. The Company, in accepting the
application of the Customer and in supplying energy, does not assume any obligation or
responsibility as to the condition of the Customer’s equipment or apparatus. The
application, as accepted by the Company, constitutes a contract and becomes effective
on the day the Customer is connected to the Company’s electrical system. Under some
circumstances, including where the construction of additional facilities is required to
provide service, the Company may require that the Customer enter into a separate
written agreement for electric service. Any written agreement executed between the
Company and the Customer shall be in effect on the date specified as the effective date
in the agreement. Unless otherwise specified by an electric service extension rule or as
may be required by the applicable rate or written agreement under which service is
provided, such contract is for the term of one (1) year and the terms shall automatically
renew from year to year thereafter unless notice to the contrary is given by either party
to the other as required by the applicable rate and prior to the expiration of the initial
term of the contract or any renewal thereof.
1.2 RATES The rates to be charged by and paid to the Company for service shall be the
rates that have been filed with and approved by the Commission. These rates will
change from time to time and will become the new prices the Customer will be charged.
A copy of the rates under which service will be supplied is available and is open for
inspection at the Company’s business offices. The rates can also be accessed from the
Company’s web site at Return
1.3 OPTIONAL RATES If the Company determines that two (2) or more rates are available
for certain classes of service, the choice of such rate is the responsibility of the
Customer. Upon receipt of the Customer’s request and with reasonable time to perform
such action, the Company will advise the Customer regarding applicable rate(s) for
existing or anticipated service requirements as defined by the Customer, but the
Company does not assume responsibility for the Customer’s selection of such rate or for
the continuance of the annual cost under the rate selected should the volume or
character of service change or if rates are modified or new rates are offered. The
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Customer, having selected a rate applicable to the Customer’s service, may not change
to another rate within a twelve (12) month period unless the Customer demonstrates to
the Company that there has been a substantial change in the character or conditions of
the Customer’s service not previously known when such rate was chosen or a new rate
becomes effective that was not previously available from the Company. Return
1.4 PREMISES For Residential Customers, a “premises” is defined as a metered service
location on a single parcel of land that is residential property and is not divided by any
railroad or public alley, street, road, highway, or other public way. For Industrial,
Commercial and Farm Customers, a “premises” is defined as a metered service location
on a single parcel of land that is owned and operated as a single integrated business or
enterprise by the same Customer and is not divided by any railroad or public alley,
street, road, highway, or other public way. Electric service to more than one (1)
premises shall not be combined, whether for new service or service extensions or
may be refused or discontinued in the event the Customer’s use of premises is
determined by the Company to encroach on or otherwise violate the land interests or
land rights of the Company.
1.6 SHARING OR SUPPLYING OF SERVICE All service supplied by the Company is for
the Customer’s sole use within or upon the Customer’s premises and for the purposes
set forth by the applicable rate. The Customer shall not supply electrical energy to
anyone else or allow anyone to take same, nor shall the Customer use or permit same to
be used at any other premises or for any purposes (either directly or indirectly by
transformation or regeneration) other than those specified in the application.
are forbidden, without the Company’s written consent, from using or attaching any items
to the Company’s facilities, to locate any such items in close proximity to the Company’s
facilities so as to cause, or to be likely to cause, interference with the Company’s
operations or its supply of electric service or a dangerous condition in connection
therewith. The Company shall have the right to remove any such items deemed by the
Company to be a potential safety hazard without notice and without liability for damages
arising from such removal.
1.8 CHARACTER OF SERVICE The phase, frequency, and voltage of electric service that
may be available for delivery to the Customer shall be determined by the available
electrical systems of the Company nearest the Customer’s premises, and the Company
shall not be required to deliver service at a phase, frequency, or voltage other than that
provided for in the applicable rate.
The standard system voltages are:
Distribution Secondary Voltages: 277/480 volts three-phase grounded wye
120/240 volts three-phase delta
120/208 volts three-phase grounded wye
120/240 volts single phase
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Distribution Primary Voltages: 34,500/19,900 volts three-phase grounded wye
22,900/13,200 volts three-phase grounded wye
13,200/7,620 volts three-phase grounded wye
12,470/7,200 volts three-phase grounded wye
4,160/2,400 volts three-phase grounded wye
2,400 volts three-phase delta
Transmission System Voltages: 500,000 volts three-phase
230,000 volts three-phase
161,000 volts three-phase
115,000 volts three-phase
46,000 volts three-phase
Transmission step down voltages 34,500/19,900 volts 3 phase grounded wye
22,900/13,200 volts 3 phase grounded wye
13,800/7,960 volts 3 phase grounded wye
13,200/7,620 volts 3 phase grounded wye
12,470/7,200 volts 3 phase grounded wye
4,160/2,400 volts 3 phase grounded wye
277/480 volts 3 phase grounded wye *
*(from 46,000 volts only)
The Company’s standard primary connection for Customer substations should be
Delta configured.
Not all transmission and step down voltages are available in all areas of the
Company’s service territory. Return
1.9 CONTINUITY OF SERVICE The Company will exercise reasonable diligence and care
to furnish and deliver a regular and uninterrupted supply of electrical energy, but in case
the supply should be variable in frequency or voltage, interrupted or fail:
(a) By reason of legal process, governmental order, strike, riot, war, flood, storm,
fire, accident, an act of nature, or
(b) On account of the maintenance or repairs to its electric system, or any part
thereof, or the installation of new equipment on its electric system, or any
cause beyond the control of the Company, or
(c) By action of the Company when, in the sole judgment of the Company, such
action may prevent or alleviate an emergency threatening the safety of the
public or the integrity of its system or aid in the restoration of its service in
such an emergency,
then the Company shall not be held liable for any injury, loss, damage, or expense to
any Customer, or to any other person, caused directly or indirectly by such variation,
interruption, or failure, but shall restore its service to normal as quickly as practicable.
The Company will not in any event be liable for incidental, consequential or indirect
damages. The Customer shall notify the Company promptly of any defect in service or
of any trouble or accident to the electric supply. To the extent there are planned
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interruptions of firm service, the Company will act in conformance with the applicable
General Rules of the Alabama Public Service Commission. Return
1.10 FACILITY ACCESS & MAINTENANCE The Customer, upon making application for
service, thereby (i) grants and agrees to provide to the Company the rights, ways and
rights of way necessary for the proper construction, operation and maintenance of the
Company's electric facilities, including but not limited to conductors, poles, ducts, cables,
guy wires, anchors, transformers, vaults, meters, fixtures and other equipment
necessary or convenient for providing electric service to the Customer, over, upon,
across and under the Customer's property, and (ii) agrees to execute and deliver related
documentation that the Company may request to further describe or evidence such
rights, ways or facilities. The Customer shall also provide without cost to the Company
(1) suitable location and housing for all facilities installed and owned by the Company on
the Customer’s premises; and (2) all necessary permission for ingress and egress to and
from the Customer’s premises to enable employees, agents, or contractors acting on
behalf of the Company to read meters, install, repair, maintain, and remove the
Company’s property and inspect and test electrical equipment within or upon the
premises at all reasonable times and to perform all necessary or desirable actions in
connection with the service to the Customer and the Company’s property. If the wiring,
fixtures or appliances in the Customer’s premises are found by the Company’s
employees, agents, or contractors to be defective or damaged, and liable to cause
damage to the property of the Company or to affect the proper operation of the
Company’s property, the meter can be removed and service discontinued without liability
on the part of the Company until such time as said defects are remedied.
equipment beyond the delivery point (except Company-owned metering equipment) is
the property of the Customer and must be installed and maintained at the Customer’s
expense. All such wiring and electrical equipment upon the Customer’s premises is the
sole responsibility of the Customer. The Customer has sole responsibility for obtaining
the approval of the inspecting authority of the city or county government that has
jurisdiction to assure compliance with their rules as well as the rules of the National Fire
Protection Association/National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code and any
other requirements that may be in force at the time of connection. All wiring and
electrical equipment must also be in compliance with any Commission requirements and
Company service regulations. The Company shall have no obligation to inspect the
Customer’s facilities. The Company has the right to refuse or terminate service to any
Customer entrance facility whenever the Company becomes aware that such facility is
not in compliance with the above codes and standards. Service entrance conductors
must extend at least 18 inches outside of the building in order to facilitate connections of
Company-owned conductors. The service entrance conductors (between the meter
socket and the point of attachment) are installed by and at the expense of the Customer,
subject to some differences in underground distribution. Where service is supplied
directly from a substation, the Customer’s service conductors will extend to the
Company's substation bus.
1.12 LOCATION OF SERVICE CONNECTION The location of the service connection and
metering equipment shall be the closest, practical point of service as determined by an
authorized representative of the Company, and must conform to these Rules.
Customer shall provide suitable means of supporting service wires to the Customer’s
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premises that will provide the minimum ground clearances and give adequate clearance
over driveways and other obstructions as provided by Part II of the National Electric
Safety Code, as may be amended from time to time. In no case will the Company build
without cost to the Customer more service line than is necessary to reach a service
connection point satisfactory to the Company. Return
1.13 METERS AND METER SOCKETSThe Company will provide a meter socket or
enclosure for the premises. As an alternative, the Customer may provide a meter socket
or enclosure (for self-contained metering applications only), the type to be determined
from the Company’s approved list. The Customer will install, at the Customer’s
expense, the Customer’s own wiring from the Company’s service conductor,
incorporating into such wiring system those sockets, enclosures and metering
connections as are necessary. The Company will furnish such metering equipment as is
necessary to measure the electric service supplied in accordance with the requirements
of the rate. All self-contained meter sockets and self-contained meter enclosures that
become deteriorated or damaged shall be replaced by the Customer. The Company is
not required to furnish surge protection devices or services to protect the Customer’s
1.14 PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY TO PERSON Neither the Customer nor the
Company shall be responsible for damage to machinery, apparatus, appliances or other
property of the other party caused by lightning or other events beyond the control of the
party against whom such claim is made. The Company shall not be in any way
responsible for the transmission or control of electrical energy beyond the point of
connection to the Customer’s facilities, and shall not be liable for damages on account of
injuries to person (including death) or property resulting in any manner from the receipt,
use, or application by the Customer of such electrical energy beyond such point of
connection. If deemed necessary by the Company, or the Customer, the Customer shall
provide suitable equipment on the Customer’s lines to adequately protect the Company
from lightning discharges originating on the Customer’s circuits. The Customer must
keep its machinery, lines, apparatus and appliances in a safe condition and shall
indemnify and save harmless the Company and its employees and contractors from all
claims, suits, demands, judgments, settlements or liability (including reasonable
attorneys’ fees, and court costs, as well as reasonable fees and costs incurred in
enforcement of this indemnity) for injuries to persons (including death) and damage to or
loss of property, that may be in anyway caused by, arising from or related to the
operation and maintenance of the machinery, lines, apparatus and appliances belonging
to the Customer or service furnished to the Customer.
1.15 SERVICE LINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT The Customer is responsible for
keeping tree branches and other vegetation from potentially interfering with the overhead
service line and causing interference with or interruption to the Company’s provision of
electric service to Customer’s premises. Upon request and with reasonable notice, the
Company will temporarily shut off power to Customer’s premises during regular business
hours so that vegetation can be removed without risk of contact with an energized line.
Only qualified personnel should perform vegetation management around or adjacent to
an overhead service line, as well as any other power lines or electrical equipment. For
purposes of this rule, the service line is the wire or wires that run from a pole to a service
connection at Customer’s premises.
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1.16 AUTHORITY No promise, agreement, or representation of any employee, officer, or
agent of the Company shall bind the Company unless the same is in writing and
approved by an authorized representative of the Company, and no employee, officer, or
agent of the Company is authorized to waive this condition.
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2.1 CREDIT REQUIREMENT A cash deposit, amounting to approximately twice the
estimated monthly bill (such estimate to be made by the Company), or, in lieu thereof, an
irrevocable letter of credit or a surety bond for a similar amount from an approved
institution may be required at the option of the Company from an applicant for service to
guarantee the payment of all bills and the protection of the Company’s property on the
Customer’s premises. The Company reserves the right, after service has been
established, to require that deposits or other financial security be provided by the
Customer and to increase the amount of any previous deposit or other financial security
to such amount as the Company shall deem necessary, up to approximately twice the
estimated monthly bill, if at any time in the judgment of the Company such deposit,
financial security, or increase is necessary for its full protection.
2.2 INTEREST ON DEPOSIT The interest on the deposit will be applied at the rate
applicable to Customer service deposits under Commission General Rule 8. The
interest will be applied as a credit to the Customer’s December electric service bill each
2.3 REFUND OF RESIDENTIAL DEPOSIT Customer deposits securing residential
accounts will be refunded by crediting the amount of the deposit plus interest to the
electric service bill after the deposit has been held for a period of twenty-four (24)
months, provided that there have not been any delinquent payments in the last twelve
(12) months. When the service is discontinued where a deposit exists on the account,
the amount of the deposit, with accrued interest due from the last annual payment date
or deposit date, will be paid to the Customer after deducting therefrom all sums owed to
the Company by the Customer, including damages to the property, if any, of the
Company on the Customer’s premise.
serve an applicant or disconnect a Customer who is indebted to the Company for similar
service at a former location or at the present location of the applicant or Customer, or
where such indebtedness was incurred by a member of the applicant's or Customer's
household, either under the name of the applicant or the Customer, or another name
when the application for such service is or was made within one (1) year from the date
such indebtedness became due. Provided, however, that in the event such
indebtedness for service previously rendered is in dispute, applicant shall be served or
the Customer's service shall be continued upon complying with normal deposit
requirements, and in addition thereto making a special deposit in amount equal to the
net balance in dispute. Upon settlement of the disputed account, the balance if any, due
to the applicant or Customer or member of applicant's or Customer's household shall be
promptly repaid, together with accrued interest at the rate applicable to Customer
service deposits under Commission General Rule 8.
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meter will be used for determining the capacity requirements of each Customer. In
cases where the Customer, for any reason, requests two (2) or more service points,
each extra service point shall be treated as a separate Customer, unless the Company
determines that the Customer meets the Company’s requirements for totalized metering.
The Company will allow totalized metering when the combination of two or more meters
will result in a cost savings to the electric system, and thereby all customers. When
conditions dictate the need to provide special metering arrangements for the benefit of
the Customer, the Customer will be required to bear the cost of any additional facilities
or service required.
3.2 METER READING AND BILLING Meters will be read at regular intervals for billing.
Bills will be rendered as soon as practicable after meters are read each month and shall
be due and payable at the office of the Company pursuant to Commission General Rule
12. When a meter cannot be read on the scheduled date, the meter reading and
corresponding use for the month will be estimated based on electric usage by the
Customer in previous months.
request, test any meter or meters through which the Customer is receiving service.
There will be no charge for the test provided that the meter has not been tested by the
Company within twelve (12) months prior to such request. If the Customer requests a
meter test more frequently, the Company may require a deposit as stated in
Appendix A
to defray the cost of testing. If the test shows the meter to be accurate within two
percent (2%) fast or slow determined by the average error or other method prescribed by
the Commission, the deposit may be retained by the Company as a service charge for
conducting the test; if the test shows otherwise, the deposit shall be refunded and
adjustments in billing, determined in accordance with Commission Special Electric Rule
E-15 shall be made as follows:
3.3.1 If the date the meter first became inaccurate or the equipment failed to
perform can be definitely ascertained, an adjustment shall be made for the
incorrect amount charged since said date in the most recent thirty-six (36)
month period, over or under what the billing would have been had the meter
registered with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy.
3.3.2 Otherwise, adjustments shall be calculated by adjusting the Customer's
metered consumption for the most recent thirty-six (36) month period by the
application of the percentage of error related to one hundred percent (100%)
accuracy as determined by a current test or use of the most reliable available
information. The rates effective during said thirty-six (36) month period shall
be applied to this adjusted consumption and the difference between the
amount so obtained and the actual billing shall be adjusted to the Customer.
3.3.3 Refunds shall be made either as a credit to the Customer's next monthly bill
or in a lump sum payment within forty-five (45) days of confirmation of
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inaccurate billing, such method of refund to be mutually agreed upon by the
Company and the Customer.
3.3.4 In the event the inaccuracy results in the Customer having underpaid the
Company service, no backbilling shall be allowed without prior written
notification to the Customer by the Company. Such notice shall inform that
the Customer shall be given the option of repayment of the amount due in
monthly installments equal to the period of said underbilling, or by any other
mutually agreeable arrangement, except in the cases of meter or equipment
tampering and/or unauthorized use. Return
3.4 BILLING INACCURACY Whenever a billing inaccuracy would not have occurred or
would have been corrected more promptly but for a failure of the Company to perform in
accordance with applicable rules of the Commission or the written policies, procedures
or practices of the Company, and the affected Customer has not caused or contributed
to the billing inaccuracy or failed to notify the Company of any known or suspected billing
inaccuracy, the Company shall:
(a) Notify the Customer of the billing inaccuracy,
(b) Correct the billing inaccuracy without charge to the Customer for any
underbillings caused by the Company's failure,
(c) Bill the Customer for any underbillings associated with the inaccuracy for the
most recent thirty-six (36) month period that were not caused by the
Company's failure in accordance with the methods set out in Section 3.3
above, and
(d) Refund to the Customer any overbillings caused by the Company's failure for
the most recent thirty-six (36) month period calculated in accordance with the
methods set out in Section 3.3 above with interest at the rate applicable to
Customer service deposits under Commission General Rule 8. Return
3.5 ABNORMAL BILLING Abnormal billing resulting from accidents involving the
Customer’s machinery or plant, short circuits, etc. may be subject to adjustment upon
the Customer’s notification to the Company of such abnormal billing.
3.6 RETURNED PAYMENT/DEPOSIT CHARGE The Company will assess a charge as
stated in Appendix A for each payment instrument returned, refused or rejected by a
financial institution except in the case of bank error or fraud. Such charge shall become
a part of the total amount owed by the Customer for which electric service may be
3.7 COLLECTION CHARGE Once a bill becomes delinquent pursuant to Commission
General Rule 12, a late fee as stated in Appendix A shall be added to Customer’s
account. The Company may dispatch its collector to the premises of the Customer for
the purpose of collecting such delinquent account, and, in event such dispatching is
done, a collection charge as stated in
Appendix A shall be added to Customer’s
delinquent account to cover, in part, the additional expense incurred by the Company.
3.8 DISCONNECTION OF SERVICE At any time after a Customer's account has become
delinquent pursuant to Commission General Rule 12, the Company shall give to the
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Customer at least five (5) calendar days written notice of the Company's intention to
discontinue service if the Customer’s account, including any subsequently rendered bill
for service which has also become delinquent, is not paid in full. Notice of the
Company's intention to discontinue service shall be considered to be given to the
Customer when copy of such notice is left with such Customer, left at the premises
where service is rendered, electronically mailed or posted in the United States mail,
addressed to the Customer's last known e-mail address or post office address, or
provided to the Customer on its monthly bill for service. If the notice is posted in the
United States mail, it shall be delivered to the U. S. post office at least five (5) calendar
days before service may be disconnected. After the elapse of the period specified in the
written notice, if the account has not been paid in full, including any applicable fees, the
Company, notwithstanding any deposit, may then discontinue service without further
notice, subject to the following provisions:
3.8.1 The Customer shall have the right of paying such delinquent account, which
shall include any subsequent bill for service that has become delinquent,
including any applicable fees, at any time prior to the actual disconnection of
the Customer’s service.
3.8.2 Payment by the Customer, as set out in 3.8.1 above, at a collection office of
the Company, shall not affect the Company's right during the day such
payment is received to disconnect service for nonpayment, if such payment
was unknown to the employee disconnecting service.
3.8.3 The Customer making payment in accordance with 3.8.2 above will not, in
case Customer’s service is disconnected, be required to pay any
reconnection charge. A reconnection charge may apply if the Company has
certain knowledge that payment was made following disconnect.
3.8.4 No service shall be disconnected for nonpayment after 3:30 P.M. on any day
immediately preceding a day or days when the Company's office will be
3.8.5 The Company will, upon the written request of the Customer or a designated
representative, maintain a record of the Customer’s age or physical or mental
disabilities which might require that special efforts be made to contact the
Customer prior to termination of service for nonpayment. The Customer shall
notify the Company of any change in such conditions. The Company may, as
it deems necessary, contact the Customer to determine whether the condition
still exists. Once the Customer has been so contacted, the Company shall
have no obligation to delay terminating service for nonpayment, and shall not
be liable for any injury, loss, damage, or expense caused by such
termination. Return
3.9 RECONNECTION CHARGE Whenever service is discontinued for nonpayment and
the Customer requests that service be restored, a reconnection charge as stated in
Appendix A shall be added to the Customer’s delinquent account, except as provided in
3.8.3 above, and shall become due and payable as part of the account for service
rendered, and can be required by the Company to be paid before service is restored
along with all amounts owing on the Customer's account which were specifically referred
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to in the delinquent notice, together with all amounts owing on the Customer's account
which has subsequently become delinquent. A deposit or additional deposit may also be
required before service is restored. Return
3.10 TRANSFER OF SERVICE When, at the Customer's request, the Company changes
the location at which service is rendered, the service at the new and old locations and
the account therefore shall, for the purposes of these rules, be deemed one service and
one account and the change of the location to which service is rendered shall not be
deemed to affect the rights of the Company with regard to the application of deposit or
discontinuance of service for nonpayment of the account.
3.11 EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PAYMENT OF BILL The Company may extend at any
time and from time to time upon terms satisfactory to it, the time for payment of any
delinquent account, or any part thereof, and its action in so doing, whether by taking the
promissory note of the Customer or anyone else, with or without security or merely
extending the time for payment of such account, shall be without prejudice to its right
thereafter to disconnect service. The amount of the unpaid bill, the Customer's payment
record, the length of time the bill has remained unpaid, and the reasons why the bill is
unpaid will be considered in granting any extension of time for payment of a delinquent
amount. It is the responsibility of the Customer to notify the Company regarding the
conditions in Section 3.8.5 that might require special consideration prior to the
termination of service for nonpayment of a delinquent bill.
3.12 POSTPONING TERMINATION DUE TO WEATHER The Company will temporarily
postpone termination of residential service for nonpayment of a delinquent bill during
periods of extreme weather conditions which occur for specific geographic areas.
Extreme weather includes, but is not limited to the following conditions:
(a) Extreme Cold the forecasted or anticipated temperature is expected to
be 32 degrees (F) or below.
(b) Extreme Heat the forecasted or anticipated temperature is expected to
be 98 degrees (F) or above or any time the national Weather Service or
Health Department issues a heat advisory. Return
temporarily postpone termination of residential service for nonpayment of a delinquent
bill where the Company has received written verification of the need for life support
equipment in the Customer’s household from the Customer’s physician as provided in
this section. The term "life support equipment" as used in this section shall mean any
medical device that is electrically operated on a twenty-four (24) hour a day continuous
basis to avoid the loss of life. In order to obtain this verification from the physician, the
Company may require the Customer to execute a certified statement about the life
support equipment. Upon receiving the Customer’s executed certified statement, the
Company may request the Customer’s licensed physician to verify the need for the life
support equipment. After receipt of the physician’s written verification, the Company will
place the Customer’s household on life support status. The Company will maintain a list
of all households placed on life support status. The Customer shall notify the Company
of any change in life support status. The Company may periodically confirm the life
support status of any household by requiring the Customer to execute an updated
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certified statement and requesting the Customer’s licensed physician to verify the
continuing need for the life support equipment. The Company shall have no obligation to
place any household on life support status if the Customer fails to execute the certified
statement or the Company never receives a licensed physician’s written verification of
the need for life support equipment. Notwithstanding these provisions, pursuant to
Section 1.9 of these Rules, there is no guarantee of the continuity of service. Return
3.14 THIRD PARTY NOTIFICATION - The Company will mail a copy of disconnect notices to
a third party such as a relative, friend, agent, or agency when so requested by the
Residential Customer and agreed to by such third party.
3.15 BUDGET BILLING - All Residential, Commercial and Industrial Customers are eligible
for Budget Billing except Customers using the following rates: BTAL, LPLM, LPL, LPLE,
RGB, or their successor rates, or any other rates, which by their terms, are not subject to
Budget Billing. Budget Billing is a payment option intended to level out the effects of
seasonal changes in electric consumption. A levelized payment amount will be
calculated equal to be approximately one twelfth (1/12) of actual or estimated annual
charges, plus one twelfth (1/12) of any arrears. Annual charges are based upon the
previous twelve (12) months usage, when available. The Customer pays this amount
each month rather than the actual usage billing amount during that month’s billing
period. The difference between the budget amount paid and the actual usage may be
periodically reviewed and the budget amount adjusted as necessary to avoid large
accumulated differences. Full settlement of the differences between actual usage
amounts and budget payment amounts will be required if the Customer is removed from
the plan for any reason. It is required that Budget Billing Customers have good payment
records and/or meet the proper credit requirements (i.e. deposits, etc.) of the Company.
3.16 UNAUTHORIZED USAGE The discovery by the Company of unauthorized
connections to, or tampering with the Company’s meters, meter seals, or metering
equipment, or evidence thereof, which would cause the meter to fail to register or to
register inaccurately, shall subject the Customer to the disconnection of service and
possible prosecution. After investigation, if unauthorized usage is discovered, the
Customer will be charged as stated in
Appendix A for the investigation and inspection of
the unauthorized usage. There will also be a charge for the reconnection of service, the
cost of repair to the Company’s facilities, and the estimate of the unauthorized energy
usage. The bill will be estimated based upon either a reading taken during the next
billing period after the meter has been repaired or replaced, upon the amount charged
during a previous corresponding period, or upon such other reasonable basis as may
apply to the particular service at the discretion of the Company. The charges for
unauthorized usage shall not be limited to the most recent thirty-six (36) month period.
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4.1 SERVICE APPLICATION These service regulations apply to all applicants requesting
service from the regular electrical systems of the Company for residential, commercial
and industrial usage. Customers requesting service from the transmission system of the
Company may require individual consideration and will be handled accordingly as they
request service.
4.2 DEFINITIONS The following words and terms, when used in these Rules, shall have
the meaning indicated:
4.2.1 Contribution in Aid of Construction (“CIAC”) Customer payment for excess
construction charges which include payments for differential costs, out-of-
ratio charges, extraordinary facilities and relocation costs among others. The
CIAC will have a Time Value of Money Allowance (“TVMA”) added to the
amount to allow the full value of excess construction charges to apply.
4.2.2 Cost to Serve The estimated installed cost of new facilities plus the cost of
retiring any existing facilities less associated salvage. The costs associated
with improving service to other Customers will not be included in the
determination of the Cost-to-Serve.
4.2.3 Cost-to-Serve Revenue Ratio The ratio of the cost-to-serve to the
estimated annual revenue.
4.2.4 Estimated Annual Revenue - The estimated annual base revenue, including
demand, energy, and Customer charges plus any applicable adjustments and
excluding Rate ECR, state utility license tax (1.8%), and state gross receipts
4.2.5 Present Value of Future Operating Costs (“PVFOC”) the present value of
future ownership, operating and maintenance costs
4.2.6 Redundant ServiceA duplication of transformation capacity, distribution line
capacity, distribution substation capacity, auxiliary generation (Company-
owned), or transmission line capacity dedicated to serve one (1) Point of
Common Coupling.
4.2.7 “Up and Down Costs”
a. Original Service - The estimated cost of new facilities needed to
furnish service, plus the estimated cost of removal of such facilities
upon the discontinuance of service less the estimated salvage value
of such facilities. Up and Down Costs shall not include general
system improvements.
b. Added Facilities to Serve Increased Loads of Existing Customers -
The estimated cost of such facilities plus the estimated cost of
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removal of the original facilities which are no longer required, if any,
less the estimated salvage value of the original facilities. Up and
Down Costs shall not include general system improvements. Return
4.3 CUSTOMER CLASSIFICATIONS The following Customer Classifications are
4.3.1 Residential A dwelling unit suitable for year-round family occupancy
containing full kitchen facilities and shall be occupied by the owner, or shall
be the principal place of residence of the occupant, or shall be leased by the
occupant for a period of one (1) month or more. Specifically excluded from
this category are dwelling units licensed as rooming houses, hotels, motels,
nursing homes, or for other commercial uses. A separate point of service will
be considered residential when it is determined to be at the same premises
as the primary, permanent, single family residence and is used exclusively for
personal use (e.g., garages, pumps, pools, boat docks, etc.) rather than
commercial or business use.
4.3.2 Commercial and Industrial An establishment that is used for commerce,
professional, religious, educational, philanthropic, fraternal, governmental,
manufacturing, mining, transportation, or similar purpose, including multiple
buildings used for residential purposes.
4.3.3 Farm Farming operations eligible for the Farm Service Rates (ASL, CFTU,
FIRTU or LFS) and other agribusiness operations closely linked to farm
4.4 CONNECTION OF INITIAL SERVICE Where the Company’s distribution system
already is in place on the pole adjacent to the Customer’s premise that is being served
for the first time and requiring only the installation of service wires and meter, the
Company will place the service wires and meter completing the connection to provide
service. The Customer shall not be charged for this connection.
4.5 CONNECTION OF EXISTING SERVICE Where service has previously been
connected at a premises, a service charge as stated in Appendix A shall be paid for all
subsequent reconnections, except at the Company’s discretion as a consequence of
significant damage to the new or existing Customer’s premises caused by a natural
disaster or other similar conditions for which an emergency has been declared by a
governmental body authorized to make such a declaration.
4.6 PERMANENCY OF SERVICE The Company will give consideration to the following to
determine a Customer’s permanency before committing to a line extension:
(a) Customer’s financial stability to compensate Company for its un-recoverable
cost should service be discontinued.
(b) The likelihood that a succeeding Customer with similar service requirements
would occupy the premises should the initial Customer terminate service.
(c) Reasonable assurance of continued operation.
(d) Unusual risks inherent in the Customer’s operations which may force
abandonment of the operation prior to the expiration of the service contract.
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(e) A reasonable relationship between the Customer’s investment risk and the
Company’s investment risk.
(f) Permanently installed underground water and sewage facilities for mobile
homes. Return
shall be provided standard front-lot overhead service of the character described in
the applicable rate. The Company will invest in facilities to serve a permanent Customer
up to five dollars ($5.00) for each one dollar ($1.00) of estimated annual revenue, i. e. the
maximum Cost-to-Serve/Revenue Ratio for residential service less Customer CIAC is
5:1. When the estimated cost of the new facilities required to serve a permanent
Customer exceeds the Company’s maximum allowable investment, the Customer shall
make a payment equal to the amount by which the estimated cost of such new facilities
exceeds the allowable investment, plus the applicable TVMA. The Customer should be
billed the cost for any additional facilities including TVMA and PVFOC associated with
the additional facilities required to provide electric service to a service point not
satisfactory to the Company.
4.7.1 FACILITIES ON PUBLIC ROW If new facilities are constructed on public
ROW and it can be reasonably assumed that these facilities will be used to
serve other Customers, the costs of those facilities should be excluded from
the Cost-to-Serve/Revenue Ratio. The investment associated with providing
service to other Customers will not be included in the determination of the
4.7.2 SECONDARY RESIDENCES The 5:1 ratio will also be applied to
secondary residences that qualify for the residential rate. However, the
annual revenue should be adjusted based on the estimated use of the
secondary residence. For example, the revenue calculated for a full year
should be reduced by 50% for a secondary residence that is only utilized for
approximately six (6) months each year.
Customers requesting three-phase service shall be required to pay all
additional costs of such service in excess of a 3:1 Cost-to-Serve/Revenue
Ratio, plus applicable TVMA. The value of Cost-to-Serve shall be the
difference in the cost of providing three-phase service and the cost of
providing single-phase service. The added annual revenue shall be only that
revenue produced by the operation of the three-phase appliance. Three-
phase service is not available to Customers served from underground
residential distribution systems.
4.7.4 RELOCATION OF FACILITIES Relocation or modification of existing
overhead or underground residential facilities shall be performed in
accordance with the following guidelines:
(a) Requested relocation or modification of existing overhead service
drop conductors which involve no work other than relocating,
lengthening, shortening, or re-attaching of such conductors will be
performed at the Company’s expense.
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(b) Requested relocation or modifications of overhead or underground
facilities due to addition of living quarters space or regulatory code
(National Electric Safety Code NESC) conflicts with new swimming
pools, outbuildings, carports, patios, TV satellite dishes, antennas,
etc. will be performed at the Company’s expense within 5:1 ratio of
total estimated relocation cost to added revenue produced by the
facility causing the relocation.
(c) Requested relocation or modification of Company facilities for
aesthetic purposes or Customer convenience and not required due to
the addition of living quarters space or NESC regulatory code conflicts
will be performed at the Customer’s expense. The Customer should
be billed separately for the total cost of the miscellaneous work, plus
4.7.5 REAR LOT LINE SERVICE Residential Customers requesting rear lot line
service will pay the differential cost between front and rear lot services, plus
TVMA and the PVFOC. Due to the maintenance problems associated with
rear lot line service to individually owned, attached, single-family dwellings,
on individually owned dedicated lots, rear lot line service is generally not an
option. Exceptions should be limited to those cases where statutory
requirements prohibit front lot construction or cases where it is more
economical to the Company, considering both initial costs of operating and
maintaining the system and PVFOC.
REQUIRED - Customers shall be provided standard front-lot overhead service of the
character described in the applicable rate. Service with nonstandard characteristics will
be provided in accordance with section 4.8.1. The Company will invest in facilities to
provide standard service from its distribution system to serve a permanent Commercial
or Industrial Customer up to three dollars ($3.00) for each one dollar ($1.00) of
estimated annual revenue, and for farming operations up to five dollars ($5.00) for each
one dollar ($1.00) of estimated annual revenue. The Company’s maximum allowable
investment in facilities to provide service to a Customer from the transmission systems
(including substations and at the discretion of the Company) shall be determined by a
capital investment analysis of the estimated annual revenues, service cost, and contract
terms and conditions.
4.8.1 ADDITIONAL FACILITIES - Whenever the Company provides additional
facilities for the benefit of the Customer which result in a net plant addition to
the Company's electric system, the Customer shall reimburse the Company
for the installation of the additional facilities. Such reimbursement shall
include the Company’s incremental capital investment covering the additional
facilities including TVMA and PVFOC. Charges under this provision shall not
convey title to the Customer for such facilities. This paragraph applies
regardless of the capital investment ratio as outlined in these Rules. Any
exception to the capital investment ratio requirements, as outlined in Section
4.8 above, for any extraordinary service facilities to a Commercial or
Industrial Customer served from the Company’s distribution system requires
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the approval of an officer of the Company and must be made based on
economic benefit to all Customers.
4.8.2 UP AND DOWN COSTS - Customers that do not meet the definition of
permanency as described in Section 4.6 above may be required to pay an Up
and Down Costs subject to the terms found in Section 4.11.1 for service to
non-permanent customers. Costs associated with general system
improvements will not be included in Up and Down calculations. If it is clear
that there will be no further need for the added facilities after the termination
of the contract, the up and down cost will be increased to include the
estimated cost of removal of the new facilities less the estimated salvage
value of such facilities.
CUSTOMERS Where three-phase primary lines are available at the premises of any
Customer, three-phase service may be established but the Customer may be required to
pay the additional cost of providing three-phase service that is over and above the cost
that would have been incurred to provide single-phase service. The Company shall not
be required to construct any additional facilities for the purpose of supplying three-phase
service unless the estimated annual revenue to be derived therefrom shall be sufficient
to yield to the Company its current ratio or economic analysis on such additional
facilities. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that the load of any three-phase
service shall be reasonably balanced between phases.
4.10 CUSTOMER GENERATORS - It shall be the Company's policy that generators may
be used by the Company’s customers when (1) the Customer meets or exceeds the
implementation requirements set forth below and (2) such generator does not
present a potential hazard of feedback into the company's distribution system.
4.10.1 It shall be the responsibility of the customer to ensure that generators utilized
by the customer are installed and maintained in accordance with all
applicable national, state, or local laws, rules, regulations, standards, codes
and ordinances including, but not limited to, the most recent version of the
National Fire Protection Association/ National Electrical Code, National
Electrical Safety Code, and the Alabama Public Service Commission’s Rules
and Regulations for Electric Service.
4.10.2 Prior to the connection of any generator to the premises wiring, the same
must be inspected by an inspecting authority within that jurisdiction, such as a
city or county government to ensure compliance with all of the above that are
applicable to such installation. If no such inspecting authority exists within
that jurisdiction, the generator shall be inspected and determined to be in
compliance with the latest revision of the National Electric Code. The
customer shall have a licensed electrician or engineer provide notification of
compliance in writing to the local Company engineering office. The Company
shall have no obligation to inspect the same, but may, at its option and upon
written notification to the Company at its nearest office, choose to inspect the
installation for the purpose of ensuring that the installation eliminates the
possibility of feedback into the Company's distribution system.
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4.10.3 The customer shall not operate a generator in parallel with a Company circuit
unless specifically authorized in writing by the Company.
4.10.4 Portable Generators designed only for connection of appliances by means of
cords and plugs are intended for isolated operation and shall not be
connected directly to the premises wiring, the Company’s system or any part
4.11.1 Non-Permanent Service and Construction Power for twelve (12) Months or
A Customer who fails to meet the test for permanency but otherwise meets
the service extension ratio test will be required to make a non-interest
bearing cash advance in the amount of the up and down cost. The person
with contract approval authority shall make a final determination of
permanency, and may waive the advance.
Facilities necessary to provide construction power are known to be non-
permanent; therefore, the up and down advance for such facilities should
normally not be waived. Up and down advances will be subject to annual
refunds on the anniversary of the beginning of service. The amount and
duration of the annual refunds will be determined as follows:
(a) New Customer: The sum of amounts equal to ten percent (10%) of
base monthly bill for electric service, excluding ECR, state utility
license tax (1.8%), and state gross receipts tax for each month of the
preceding year provided the net amount of each monthly payment due
is not reduced below the minimum charge of the applicable rate.
(b) Increased Loads of Existing Customer: Ten percent (10%) refunds
shall be computed on that part of each base monthly bill for electric
service which is in excess of the average monthly bill during the
twelve (12) months preceding the date of the amended service
(c) Duration of Refunds: Refunds shall continue for a maximum term of
five (5) years, or until electric service has been discontinued,
whichever occurs first. Should electric service be discontinued prior
to the first anniversary of the beginning of service, the Company will
retain the full amount of the up and down advance. Should electric
service be discontinued after the first but prior to the fifth anniversary
of the commencement of service, refunds will be based on total
revenue to the date of the service termination and the Company will
retain the remaining balance. Any un-refunded balance remaining on
the fifth anniversary shall be refunded in a lump sum.
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(d) Customer Not Meeting Cost-to-Serve/Revenue Ratio Test: Approval
of advances and refunds shall rest with the Officer of the Company
having the approval authority.
4.11.2 Construction Power or Temporary Service for Less Than Twelve (12) Months:
The Company shall provide temporary service when requested. A Customer
who requests electric service for a period of less than twelve (12) months for
construction or other temporary uses shall make a non-refundable payment
as outlined in the Temporary Service Section of Rate Rider RT. Facilities that
will be used to provide permanent service will be excluded. Return
Commercial, Farm, or Industrial Customer requests that the Company relocate or modify
its distribution facilities to provide for a new or expanded building or plant, an industrial
process expansion, or changes in access thereto, the Company may agree to relocate
or modify its facilities if sound business practices so indicate. The Customer's and
Company’s physical land use requirements and the impact on the Company's electrical
system should be considered when making decisions involving such relocation or
modification. The Company may bear the cost of relocating or modifying its distribution
facilities if:
(a) The Customer is or will be served directly from those facilities that are being
(b) The increased revenue to the Company from the Customer requesting the
relocation or modification of facilities satisfies the Cost-to-Serve/Revenue
ratio when applying incremental revenue only to the investment required to
relocate or modify the Company's facilities and provide electrical service to
the Customer;
(c) Equivalent right-of-way or equivalent property is provided to the Company
without charge and without condemnation;
(d) The relocation does not substantially increase operating, maintenance,
access, or future replacement costs to the Company;
(e) There is no substantial impact on the reliability and usefulness of the
electrical system;
(f) Any new point of service for an existing Customer or any relocation or
modification of facilities is based on the specific needs of the Customer,
utilizing similar engineering practices and economic considerations as are
employed in providing service to new Customers generally; and
(g) The Customer fulfills all requirements as specified by other applicable
guidelines, procedures, service rules, and regulations. In addition, the
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Company may take into consideration the Customer's existing contract
obligations in determining whether any relocation or modification of facilities
will be without costs to the Customer. The Company may also bill the
Customer for the unrecoverable engineering costs associated with the
evaluation of any proposed relocation plus applicable TVMA.
(h) For relocations not meeting the above criteria, the Customer pays the total
cost of the relocation (including applicable TVMA and PVFOC). Return
existing or prospective Commercial, Farm or Industrial Customer requests that the
Company relocate or modify its transmission facilities to provide for a new or expanded
building or plant, an industrial process expansion, or changes in access thereto, the
Company may agree to relocate or modify its facilities if sound business practices so
indicate. The Customer’s and Company’s physical land use requirements and the
impact on the Company’s electrical system should be considered when making
decisions involving such relocation or modification. The Company may bear the cost of
relocating or modifying its transmission facilities if:
(a) The increased revenue to the Company from the Customer requesting the
relocation or modification of facilities satisfies a capital investment analysis
when applying incremental revenue only to the investment required to
relocate or modify the Company's facilities and provide electrical service to
the Customer;
(b) Equivalent right-of-way or equivalent property is provided to the Company
without charge and without condemnation;
(c) The relocation does not substantially increase operating, maintenance,
access or future replacement costs to the Company;
(d) There is no substantial impact on the reliability and usefulness of the
electrical system;
(e) Any new point of service for an existing Customer or any relocation or
modification of facilities is based on the specific needs of the Customer,
utilizing similar engineering practices and economic considerations as are
employed in providing service to new Customers generally; and
(f) The Customer fulfills all requirements as specified by other applicable
guidelines, procedures, service rules, and regulations. In addition, the
Company may take into consideration the Customer's existing contract
obligations in determining whether any relocation or modification of facilities
will be without costs to the Customer. The Company also may bill the
Customer for the unrecoverable engineering costs associated with the
evaluation of any proposed relocation plus TVMA.
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(h) For relocations not meeting the above criteria, the party requesting the
relocation pays the total cost of the relocation (including applicable TVMA
and present value of future ownership, operating and maintenance costs
PVFOC). Return
4.14 AESTHETIC RELOCATION - The Company normally will not alter the design or location
of its transmission or distribution facilities at Company expense solely for aesthetic
purposes or solely to increase the value of a Customer's property.
4.15 RIGHT OF WAY FOR RELOCATIONS - Relocation clauses in existing right of way
agreements shall prevail over Sections 4.12, 4.13 and 4.14. Return
4.16 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT COORDINATION - A new Commercial or Industrial
Customer shall provide protective equipment as determined by the Company that
coordinates with the protective equipment of the Company.
4.17 REDUNDANT SERVICE FACILITIES - The Customer will be required to pay the total
cost of redundant facilities through either a one time CIAC payment (including TVMA
and PVFOC), or an additional facilities charge, or as determined by economic analyses
of the estimated annual base revenues and service costs associated with the
incremental load gained by installing the redundant facilities.
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5.1 DEFINITIONS The following words and terms, when used in Part V of these Rules,
shall have the meaning indicated:
5.1.1 Additional Conduit Costs The cost incurred over and above what would
generally be needed for the protection of underground facilities due
principally to either: (a) conduit used in lieu of select backfill; or (b) conduit
installed at the request of the developer.
5.1.2 ConterminousContained within the same boundary.
5.1.3 ContiguousSharing an edge or common boundary; Adjacent.
5.1.4 Corner Lot A lot situated such that its property lines form the converging
edges or sides of the intersection of two streets or roads both of which are
fronted by lots inside the restrictive boundaries of the proposed URD
subdivision or sector.
5.1.5 Dedicated Lot A parcel of land, which has been surveyed and recorded at
the appropriate governing office by a registered surveyor, with property lines
extending to dedicated street rights-of-way. This parcel shall be for the
construction of a single family unit within the recorded subdivision.
5.1.6 Dwelling A single family residence permanently constructed on a dedicated
5.1.7 Excess Construction Cost The cost incurred over and above the costs
generally associated with trenching for underground URD distribution which is
due principally to:
a) rock or debris removal requirements,
b) sodding and/or resodding,
c) requirements to obtain suitable backfill from off-site,
d) trenching requirements for boring,
e) excess costs associated with the installation of street crossings, to
include cutting pavement, repaving, backfill, and/or boring, when
incurred due to inadequate written notice from the developer as
specified in paragraph nine (9) of the agreement, and/or
f) additional equipment not generally employed by the Company for
underground trenching.
5.1.8 Gaps, Non-Revenue Producing Any land covered by the restrictive
covenant, fronting or crossing any street inside the URD subdivision or sector
boundaries which will not be opposite of or used as a lot upon which a single
family dwelling is to be constructed.
5.1.9 Sector A distinctive part or subdivided portion of a subdivision.
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5.1.10 Service That portion of secondary cable where the cable enters a lot to the
point where service is taken. Point of entry to the lot may be a transformer,
secondary pedestal, or stub-out.
5.1.11 Subdivision A tract of land divided into building lots with individual property
lines, easements, and dedicated streets conforming to the requirements of
the local governing body as well as all state regulations and intended for the
construction of one single family dwelling per lot. Lot lines shall be contiguous
and conterminous. Each lot shall front on a dedicated street with lots
intersecting the street right of way.
SUBDIVISIONS (URD) Underground electric distribution facilities may be offered in
lieu of overhead facilities for residential subdivisions in accordance with these Rules.
5.2.1 STANDARD SERVICE Standard underground systems will be designed to
provide direct buried 120/240 volt single phase front lot line underground
service for service entrances up to and including 600 amperes in accordance
with costs in
Appendix B.
design, install, own and maintain a front lot underground system, including
service laterals, to serve new subdivisions or sectors as outlined in these
Rules where the following conditions are met:
(a) Each subdivision must have a minimum of five (5) lots and
maximum of 250 lots.
(b) The sum of the lot front footages of all lots divided by the number
of lots results in an average front lot width not to exceed 314 feet.
In the case of corner lots inside the subdivision boundaries, the
street front side with the greatest length shall be used in
determining the total front footage. Non-revenue producing gaps
shall not be included in determining the average lot front footage.
(c) The maximum distance from the point of entry of the service at the
front lot line to the proposed service point at the residence
locations shall be 70 feet (when maximum average front footage is
140 feet), and 100 feet (when maximum average front footage is
141 to 314 feet).
(d) Each non-revenue producing gap inside the subdivision shall not
exceed 400 feet.
(e) The Developer agrees to meet the Developer’s obligations as
stated by the Company.
The Company will provide underground service to a subdivision or sector
with fewer than five (5) lots provided the subdivision or sector being
developed meets the conditions in items (b) through (e) above and the
subdivision or sector is conterminous with an existing underground
development and includes a dedicated road which connects directly with
a dedicated road in the existing development.
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the subdivision or sector qualifies under all the requirements of Section 5.2.2
above, the Developer's payment shall be calculated using the Developer cost
data included in
Appendix B of these rules, plus the amount, if any, for TVMA
on CIAC. Each point of service established to serve facilities associated with
the URD Development such as entrance lighting, guard houses, swimming
pools, mail houses, lift pumps, etc., whose capacity does not exceed 167
KVA single phase, shall be considered a "lot" for billing purposes. The
facilities must be contiguous and conterminous with the URD subdivision
sector or addition being developed, and are to be constructed at the time the
sector or addition is developed.
When the subdivision or sector does not qualify under the provisions of
Section 5.2.2 above, the Developer's payment to the Company shall be
calculated by preparing overhead and underground estimates per
B. The Developer’s payment shall be the difference between the estimates,
plus the amount, if any, for TVMA on CIAC. Return
Underground electric distribution facilities may be offered in lieu of overhead facilities for
individual single family dwellings and qualifying manufactured home Customers on
individual lots from overhead lines in accordance with these Rules.
5.3.1 STANDARD SERVICE Standard underground service will be designed to
provide direct buried 120/240 volt single phase underground residential
service laterals for service entrances up to and including 600 amperes in
accordance with costs in
Appendix C. The Company shall collect in advance
any cost differential between underground and overhead service. Service
length will be limited by the expected voltage drop conditions.
5.3.2 QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS - Standard service shall be direct buried
120/240 volt single phase underground residential service laterals consisting
of the Company standard conductors for 200 ampere, 400 ampere, and 600
ampere service entrances respectively, with optional Company or Customer
trenching. Service will also be provided from a single-phase padmounted
transformer and underground primary at the customer’s request or where
good accepted engineering practice dictates. Maximum Customer demand is
limited to the capacity of a 167 KVA transformer. Conduit may be included
with Company trenched services, subject to any Additional Conduit Costs.
Conduit shall be included with all Customer trenched services.
Customer’s payment to the Company for underground service to individual
Customers shall be calculated using the cost data included in
Appendix C,
plus the amount, if any, for TVMA on CIAC.
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Installations exceeding the provisions of Section 5.3.2 are deemed non-
standard and require overhead versus underground estimates for billing
calculations. The Customer’s payment to the Company for underground
service to individual Customers shall be calculated using the cost differential
between the underground and overhead estimates, plus the amount, if any,
for TVMA on CIAC.
(UAD) Company’s underground electric distribution facilities may be offered in lieu of
overhead facilities for residential multi-occupancy buildings in accordance with these
5.4.1 STANDARD SERVICE Standard underground service will be designed to
provide direct buried 120/240 volt single phase service in accordance with
costs in
Appendix D. When three phase service is requested for multi-
occupancy buildings, service to the project shall be in accordance with
Underground Commercial Distribution (Section 5.6 below). The Company
shall collect in advance any cost differential between underground and
overhead service or receive acceptable guarantees of such payment prior to
material acquisition or scheduling work.
5.4.2 QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS The Company will provide standard UAD
service to residential multi-occupancy buildings when the following conditions
are met:
(a) Minimum two (2) units and a maximum 500 units.
(b) Average primary cable length per transformer or building does not
exceed 350 feet.
(c) Maximum service lateral length does not exceed:
i. For Service from Overhead Pole & Transformer
130 feet
ii. For Service from Padmounted Transformer 50
(d) The load at any one (1) service point does not exceed the
capacity of a 167 KVA, single phase transformer.
(e) Point of Demarcation of Service between the Customer and the
Company shall be at the outside wall of the multi-occupancy
rooms, clubhouses, swimming pools and other facilities which are inherently
a part of the multi-family complex, and are operated solely for the private use
and convenience of the tenants thereof, may be served at Rate FD provided:
(a) It is served through a residential meter serving a dwelling unit in
the multi-family complex, and
(b) The combined services do not require service entrance facilities in
excess of 400 amperes.
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When such services are metered separately from a residential unit and it is a
part of a multi-family underground complex, underground service, (single
phase, 120/240 volt) will be provided at the appropriate Commercial Electric
Service Rate.
Developer’s payment to the Company for underground service shall be
calculated using the cost data included in
Appendix D, plus the amount, if
any, for TVMA on CIAC. When laundry rooms, clubhouses, etc. are metered
separately from a residential unit, the differential cost per service shall be the
same as the cost for a single family unit in the complex, regardless of the
possible requirements for a separate service lateral or pad-mounted
projects not meeting Section 5.4.2 above, the Developer payment to the
Company shall be calculated by preparing overhead and underground
estimates. The Developer’s payment shall be the difference between the
estimates, plus the amount, if any, for TVMA on CIAC. When laundry rooms,
clubhouses, etc. are metered separately from a residential unit, service to
these units will be included in the overhead and underground estimates
regardless of the possible requirements for a separate service lateral or pad-
mounted transformer.
distribution facilities may be offered in lieu of overhead facilities for mobile home parks in
accordance with these Rules.
5.5.1 STANDARD SERVICE Standard distribution service to mobile home parks
(120/240 volt-single phase) is provided with overhead facilities. Two methods
of underground service are also available to serve mobile home parks. One
method uses overhead primary and pole mounted transformers with
underground secondary to meter pedestals. The second method utilizes a
front lot design for underground primary and pad-mounted transformers with
underground secondary to meter pedestals.
When a method of underground service, defined above, has been
established in a mobile home park or sector, all services within the confines
of the mobile home park or sector are to be of the same method used to
establish the initial service within the mobile home park or sector.
When underground service facilities are to be provided, the Company must
collect, in advance, any difference between underground and overhead costs
or receive acceptable guarantees of such payment prior to scheduling work.
5.5.2 QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS The Company will provide underground
service to mobile home parks using the methods in Section 5.5.1 above when
the following conditions are met:
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(a) Minimum six (6) lots and a maximum 250 lots.
(b) The sum of the lot front footages of all lots divided by the number
of lots results in an average front lot width not to exceed 60 feet.
(c) The maximum distance form the point of entry of the secondary at
the front lot line to the proposed meter pedestal, and from
pedestal to pedestal shall be 130 feet.
(d) The load at any one service point does not exceed the capacity of
a 167 KVA transformer.
(e) Each non-revenue producing gap inside the mobile home park
shall not exceed 200 feet.
will provide underground service to a mobile home park or sector with fewer
than six (6) lots provided the park or sector being developed meets the
conditions in Section 5.5.2 above and the park or sector is conterminous with
an existing underground development and includes a dedicated road which
connects directly with a dedicated road in the existing development.
the mobile home park or sector qualifies under all the requirements of
Sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3, the Developer's payment shall be calculated using
the Developer cost data included in
Appendix E plus the amount, if any,
stipulated for TVMA on CIAC.
projects not meeting Sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 above, the Developer payment
to the Company shall be calculated by preparing overhead and underground
estimates per
Appendix E, plus the amount, if any, stipulated for TVMA on
CIAC. Return
(UCD) Underground electric distribution facilities may be offered in lieu of overhead
facilities for commercial and industrial buildings in accordance with these Rules.
5.6.1 STANDARD SERVICE Standard underground service will be designed to
provide service in accordance with costs in Appendix F. The Company shall
collect in advance any cost differential between underground and overhead
service or receive acceptable guarantees of such payment prior to material
acquisition or scheduling work.
5.6.2 QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS The Company will provide standard UCD
service when the following conditions are met:
(a) Main size, demand, and service length must be within the limits of
Company specifications.
(b) Fulfill the “Customer Responsibilities” from the list provided by the
(c) Receive underground pad-mounted service from a 200 amp
underground primary circuit or applicable secondary service.
Note: Primary 600 amp backbone feeders are considered non-
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standard and the costs are not included under this Section. An
underground to overhead differential must be calculated for 600
amp backbone feeders and associated pad-mounted switches.
(d) These requirements will not apply in designated downtown areas
which are served from established underground network and
commercial systems.
Developer’s payment to the Company for underground service shall be
calculated using the cost data included in
Appendix F, plus the amount, if
any, stipulated for TVMA on CIAC.
projects not meeting Section 5.6.2 above, the Developer payment to the
Company shall be calculated by preparing overhead and underground
estimates. The Developer’s payment shall be the difference between the
estimates, plus the amount, if any, for TVMA on CIAC.
5.6.5 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING PROJECTS Customer shall pay the total
cost of modifications to the UCD system after initial installation. Return
5.7 UNDERGROUND NETWORK SERVICE (UND) Underground network electric
distribution facilities may be offered in lieu of standard underground facilities in the
designated geographic areas in Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile. UND is
considered a premium service and may be provided in accordance with these Rules.
5.7.1 STANDARD NETWORK SERVICE Underground network service is
available as a network grid or spot network service.
5.7.2 QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS Underground network service is only
available in those areas presently served by or adjacent to existing networks.
The Customer must provide at no cost to the Company and constructed to
Company specifications, and acceptable to the Company the following:
Primary Duct Banks on Customer Property
Secondary Cables to the load side of the network protector.
Collector Bus outside of Company’s vaults
Cable Limiters
Secondary cables and conduit to a Company specified service
point for 208 volt grid network customers.
Underground network service will be designed to provide service in
accordance with costs in
Appendix G. The Company shall collect in advance
any cost differential between underground and overhead service or receive
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acceptable guarantees of such payment prior to material acquisition or
scheduling work.
5.7.4 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING PROJECTS Customer shall pay the total
cost of modifications to the UND system after initial installation. Return
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6.1 APPLICABILITY Rate FD is considered the standard residential rate and all other
residential rates are considered optional rates. These residential rates are applicable to
a dwelling unit suitable for year-round family occupancy containing full kitchen facilities
and shall be occupied by the owner, or shall be the principal place of residence of the
occupant, or shall be leased by the occupant for a period of six (6) months or more.
These residential rates are not applicable to service in recognized boarding or rooming
houses, hotels, motels, nursing homes, or other commercial establishments.
One or more additional points of service may be placed on a residential rate when they
are at the same premises as the primary, permanent, single family residence and are
used exclusively for personal use rather than commercial or business use. When two or
more family dwelling units are served through a single meter, a Customer Charge shall
be charged for each unit. The actual meter consumption will be divided equally among
the units to apply the “charge for energy” and billed as one monthly bill.
Where a portion of a residential unit is used for nonresidential purposes and has five (5)
kilowatts or more of connected nonresidential load, the appropriate nonresidential rate is
applicable for all service. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for
residential purposes and for non-residential purposes can be metered separately, the
residential rate will be applied to the residential service. Return
6.2 SSI DISCOUNT For Customers qualified under Rate Rider SSI, the amount of the
Customer Charge that will be waived under the optional residential rates will be equal to
the Customer Charge currently established in Rate FD.
required to furnish electric service to any Customer operating electrical equipment that
may cause power quality disturbances that violate Company Harmonics Policy and/or
Company Flicker Policy or otherwise adversely impact electric service to the Customer
or other Customers of the Company or the Company’s electric system, or which poses a
danger to persons who perform work on the Company’s electrical system.
Should the operation of the Customer’s electrical equipment cause or be expected to
cause an adverse impact or danger, the Customer shall be responsible for eliminating
the adverse impact
or danger. The Customer shall immediately modify the operation of
or discontinue use of the electrical equipment causing the adverse impact or danger.
In the event the operating characteristics of the Customer’s equipment cannot be
adequately modified to eliminate the adverse impact or danger to the electric system, the
Company may, if feasible at its sole discretion and with Customer’s full knowledge and
agreement, make modifications to its electrical system as a remedy to eliminate the
adverse impact
or danger. Such modifications may include: additional transformer
capacity, additional capacity in secondary and service cables serving the Customer, or
other modifications to the Company’s electrical system. The Customer will be
responsible for the Company’s cost associated with all electric system modifications
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required to eliminate the adverse impact or danger. Such estimated cost shall be
determined as follows:
(a) For service to a new premises, the Customer shall be required to pay a CIAC
based on the differential cost between providing electric service with the
aforementioned modifications and providing electric service without the
aforementioned modifications.
(b) For service to an existing premises, the Customer shall pay a CIAC based on
the cost of the modifications.
For either case, the Customer’s total payment shall include: the CIAC, TVMA
associated with the CIAC, and PVFOC of the electric system modifications.
All electric service facilities provided by the Company shall remain property of the
Company and in no event become the property of the Customer. Return
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7.1 APPLICABILITY Commercial and industrial rates are applicable for retail service
provided to any premises or establishment that is used for professional, religious,
educational, philanthropic, fraternal, governmental, farm service or similar purposes
including multiple buildings used for residential purposes. Commercial rates would also
apply to any place of business within which the Customer lives or a residence in which
the Customer operates a business (e.g., beauty shop, barber shop, repair shop, garage,
etc.) having connected nonresidential loads in excess of 5.0 kilowatts. In such cases the
Customer shall have the right to install a separate service entrance and switch for his
residential uses and receive separate service thereto at the residential rate. Rate LPS,
Rate LPM and Rate LPL are considered standard commercial and industrial rates. All
the other commercial and industrial rates are considered optional rates.
7.2 DETERMINATION OF CAPACITY REQUIREMENTFor commercial and industrial
rates that have a capacity charge, the determination of capacity requirement will be:
(a) Capacity requirements shall be rounded to the nearest whole kW or kVA
indicated by the demand meter for the current month. A meter reading of 7.5
kW will be 8.0 kW of capacity requirements, but a reading of 7.4 kW will
indicate 7.0 kW of capacity requirements.
(b) Public or private schools shall be exempt from the ninety percent (90%)
ratchet provisions of all Light and Power Rates.
(c) The billing capacity for churches will be fifty percent (50%) of the capacity
indicated by the demand meter for the current month. The word "churches" is
intended to mean premises, operated in good faith for religious purposes,
where electric service supplied such premises is utilized exclusively in
connection with such religious purposes. This provision shall not be applied
where any part of the premises is used for business or other nonreligious
purpose and not used for religious purposes on a regular basis. Church
operated schools, hospitals, camps, orphanages, book stores or similar
services shall not qualify for this provision. Return
7.3 LOAD BUILDUP The Company may, at its option, permit a Customer a period of up to
six (6) months in which to develop its load beginning from the commencement date of
service under the contract and during such development period the Customer's actual
measured capacity for each billing month will be billed in lieu of the minimum contract
capacity provided that no such capacity billed shall be less than that billed in any
preceding month during such load development period. During the load development
period, the capacity charge of demand rates may be less than the minimum capacity
specified in the rate; however, in order to determine the use factor for the calculation of
the energy charge in demand rates, the capacity used shall not be less than the
minimum capacity under the rate. In no event shall the billing capacity be less than 5.0
kW (kVA). For Time-of-Use and Real Time Pricing rates, the monthly billing capacity
may be waived for the load buildup period.
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7.4 POWER FACTOR FOR kW RATES When a Customer is served under a kW rate and
Customer’s power requirements are 100 kW or greater, the Company shall at its option,
install appropriate meters to measure reactive capacity (kVAR) or determine by test the
actual power factor and adjust the measured kW capacity to ninety percent (90%)
lagging power factor for billing purposes. Such adjustment to kW capacity will be made
as the following example:
A Customer having a 100 kW measured billing capacity and an actual lagging power
factor of forty percent (40%); as determined by the above criteria, will be adjusted as
kW Measured Capacity X 90% Power Factor = kW Billing Capacity
Actual % Power Factor
100 kW X .90/.40 = 225 kW Billing Capacity Return
7.5 kVA RATES Under rates which provide for kVA charges the Company will install
appropriate meters to determine kVA capacity or determine by test the actual power
factor to determine kVA and use such kVA capacity for billing purposes.
7.6 ADVERSE IMPACT Electric power must not be used in such a manner as to cause
power quality disturbances that violate Company Harmonics Policy and/or Company
Flicker Policy. In case of a violation of this rule, service may be discontinued. The
prevention, abatement, or other remedies of such disturbances is the responsibility of
the Customer whose electrical load creates the disturbance, shall be at the customer’s
expense and shall be to the Company’s satisfaction. Such remedies include, but are not
limited to, retaining the services of an electrical consulting firm to design, install and
maintain VAR compensation or auxiliary equipment that will permit Customer’s electrical
load to meet Company Harmonics Policy, and/or Company Flicker Policy. If the
Customer is not willing to meet these Company policies, the Company may at the
Customer’s expense take whatever measures are necessary to remedy the power
quality disturbances, including the design, installation and maintenance of VAR
compensation and auxiliary equipment.
The Company shall not be required to furnish for the exclusive use of any Customer,
lines or transformation facilities, the capacity of which is in excess of the maximum
capacity required to be maintained under agreement. However, the Company may
participate in reducing the power quality disturbances in accordance with these Rules.
At the Customer's expense, the Company may provide adequate system capacity for the
operation of such loads whenever the Customer contracts to be billed upon a minimum
capacity requirement equal to appropriate ratchet provisions of the applicable rate for the
kW or kVA capacity so provided by the Company; or, at the option of the Company such
excess capacity required will be provided to the Customer in accordance with Section
7.8. If it is necessary, in order to prevent adverse impact of service to other Customers,
for the Company to install facilities, other than excess transformer capacity, in addition to
those required to serve a load of the same magnitude which does or will not create
adverse impact to service of other Customers; the Customer will be required to
reimburse the Company for the cost and expenses of such additional facilities installed,
including TVMA and PVFOC. Charges under this provision shall not convey title to the
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Customer for such facilities so required. This paragraph applies regardless of the capital
investment ratio or economic analysis as outlined in these Rules.
The Company reserves the right to negotiate terms and conditions of service to electric
arc furnaces, wood chippers, and to other equipment with impact load characteristics.
7.7 EXCESS TRANSFORMER CAPACITY Whenever excess transformer capacity is
provided by the Company for the exclusive use of a Customer using distribution system
transformer installations with a total rated capacity greater than 15.0 kVA and, but not
greater than 501 kVA, a monthly charge of fifty cents (50¢) per kVA per month of such
excess transformer capacity will be added to the Customer’s electric service billing. This
added charge shall be waived when the Customer's total transformation requirements,
including the excess capacity, are 15 kVA or less. When the required transformer
installation exceeds a total rated capacity of 501 kVA, or when transformation is
connected directly to the Company's transmission system, excess capacity required by a
Customer will be provided at the Company's current rate for such excess transformer
capacity; and, the Customer shall reimburse the Company for capacity and energy
consumed as losses by such excess transformer capacity.
7.8 SEASONAL LOAD Some Customers have certain loads that are used seasonally
which can be and are entirely dispensed with for a part of each year. Such loads may
be considered as part of the total service. Air conditioning does not qualify.
Example of Application
The capacity requirements for a Customer having 80 kW of seasonal load will be as
25% of 80 kW (Seasonal Load) or 20 kW added to
actual capacity for months when seasonal load is used.
The ninety percent (90%) ratchet applies to the highest capacity established during the
billing months of June through September falling within the eleven (11) months
preceding the billing period, disregarding the seasonal load and the twenty-five percent
(25%) added. In the example above for a seasonal month, the ninety percent (90%)
ratchet would apply to the actual capacity minus 80 kW.
7.9 WARNING SIREN SERVICE Any warning siren can be billed as a separate Customer
under the Light and Power Service - Small. Service to warning sirens may or may not
be metered, at the Company's option. The customer base charge for warning sirens on
this rate is located in
Appendix A. Return
sign lighting, display lighting, ornamental lighting and other service where the load is
practically constant and the hours of burning are continuous or controlled by equipment
furnished and maintained by the Company or at Company's option from a circuit
controlled by equipment furnished and maintained by the Customer.
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Billing capacity shall be the average sixty (60) minute capacity in watts (or at the
Company's option in volt amperes) as determined by tests, or, on agreement between
Customer and the Company, may be taken as the sum of the manufacturer's rating of all
lamps, equipment and controls served hereunder. The kWh for billing purposes shall be
determined from the watts times the monthly burning hours. Total base monthly billing
under the applicable Light and Power Rate shall be reduced by an amount equal to four
dollars ($4.00) per month.
When the Company furnishes and installs a photo electric or other separate control unit,
a monthly charge of fifty cents (50¢) will be added to the charges of the appropriate rate.
This section shall be limited to Rates LPS and LPM. Return
Customer at an electric service premises terminates service prior to the expiration of the
initial term of a twelve (12) month Contract for Electric Service (“Contract”), the
Customer's final bill will be based on the Company’s final bill requirements as
determined under the applicable rate and Contract. For all Contracts having an initial
term longer than twelve (12) months, the Company will require the Customer to comply
with the Company’s final bill requirements for premature cancellation of the Contract.
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8.1 GENERAL - Demand Control Pulses, also known as meter pulses or meter data pulses,
provide signals to Customers as indications of present load conditions at the meter.
Pulses provide information that enables Customers to monitor their energy usage,
demand, power factor, and their compliance during a Non Firm suspension period.
8.2 IMPLEMENTATION - kWh/kW and kVARh/kVAR pulses can be provided upon request
from the Customer. Requests for other type pulses will be evaluated on a case-by-case
(a) Approval for providing Demand Control Pulses and for executing any
appropriate contracts or agreements will rest with the person having final
approval of the work estimate.
(b) Information required for the design, engineering, and construction of proper
Demand Control Pulses is shown in Appendix H
(c) The Company shall not be required to provide meter pulses to a Customer for
the purpose of that Customer attempting to ‘split’ billing demand intervals.
The Company reserves the right to determine the fifteen minute interval for its
billing purposes. Return
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9.1 APPLICABILITYThese service regulations apply to a Local Entity that seeks, through
a Requirement, to direct the Company to construct, maintain, modify or relocate a
Company distribution or transmission facility.
9.2.1 LOCAL ENTITYA county, city, town, or other municipal corporation or
organization, and any instrumentality thereof.
9.2.2 REQUIREMENTA law, ordinance, resolution, rule, standard, regulation, code
or other authorized directive by the Local Entity or a governing body (such as a
board, commission or council), officer, manager or representative authorized to
act on behalf of the Local Entity.
9.3 LOCAL ENTITY COST RESPONSIBILITYA Local Entity shall compensate the
Company as follows for costs incurred by it when the Local Entity, through application of
a Requirement, directs the Company to do any of the following: (i) construct an
underground electric distribution or transmission facility, (ii) convert an existing
distribution or transmission facility from overhead to underground, (iii) relocate or modify
an existing distribution or transmission facility, or (iv) undertake any other action
involving a distribution or transmission facility. The Company shall not alter the design,
configuration or location of its transmission or distribution facilities at Company expense
except as consistent with section 9.5 of these service regulations.
9.3.1 UNDERGROUND FACILITIES The cost responsibility for a new underground
distribution or transmission facility shall be calculated using the cost differential
between the estimated cost of the underground facility and overhead facility, plus
applicable TVMA and PVFOC (as defined in Part IV of these service regulations).
9.3.2 CONVERSION OF EXISTING FACILITIESThe cost responsibility for the
conversion of an existing overhead distribution or transmission facility to an
underground facility shall be the cost of the underground facility, plus applicable
TVMA and PVFOC, plus all costs associated with the retirement of the existing
overhead facility, which shall include the estimated value of the existing facilities,
plus removal costs (adjusted for salvage).
responsibility for the relocation of an existing overhead distribution or
transmission facility shall be determined by the Company in a manner consistent
with sections 4.12 and 4.13 of these service regulations.
9.3.4 OTHER PROJECTSThe cost responsibility for projects not otherwise reflected
in the foregoing sections shall be determined by the Company in a manner
consistent with the procedures and principles provided by these service
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9.4 PAYMENT Prior to any material acquisition or the scheduling of work, the Company
shall collect from the Local Entity the costs attributable to the Requirement and the
associated directives (less any excluded costs, as provided in section 9.5) or secure a
guarantee or other form of assurance of payment acceptable to the Company.
9.5 EXCLUDED COSTS Where the Company determines that the construction,
conversion, relocation or modification of a distribution or transmission facility sought by a
Local Entity in reliance on a Requirement is otherwise in accordance with the
Company’s existing service regulations and practices, the Local Entity will to that extent
be relieved of cost responsibility.
9.6 OTHER CONSIDERATIONSIn determining a Local Entity’s cost responsibility under
these service regulations, the Company shall consider other applicable sections in Parts
IV and V as warranted.
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Appendix A
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3.3 Testing of Meters $40.00
If the meter tests within range and
has been tested in the previous 12
3.6 Returned Check Charge $20.00 Per occurrence
3.7 Late Fee
The greater of
1.5% of amount
due for
service or $2.00.
Per occurrence.
3.7 Collection Charge $10.00 Per occurrence
3.9 Reconnection Charge
If service is restored during normal
business hours
If service is restored after hours
(includes weekends and holidays)
Investigation of
Unauthorized Usage
Per investigation; if investigation time
exceeds two (2) hours, the Company
will charge an additional $45.00 per
Connection of Existing
$40.00 Per occurrence
Residential Service
5:1 ratio
The Company will invest $5.00 in
facilities for each $1.00 of estimated
annual revenue to be received from a
residential Customer
Service Extension
3:1 ratio
The Company will invest $3.00 in
facilities for each $1.00 of estimated
annual revenue to be received from a
commercial or industrial Customer
Farming Operations
Service Extension
5:1 ratio
The Company will invest $5.00 in
facilities for each $1.00 of estimated
annual revenue to be received from a
commercial or industrial Customer
7.9 Warning Siren Service
$9.30 Unmetered base charge per month
Metered base charge per month
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Appendix B
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I. Qualifying Projects meeting the requirements of Section 5.2.2 of these Rules
Patio front footage below 70 feet:
$559 per lot x _______ lots
Standard front lot average is 70 ft. to 140 ft.
$671 per lot x _______ lots
Standard front lot average is 141 ft. to 314 ft.:
$808 per lot x _______ lots
$ ________
Excess construction costs (See Section 5.1.7):
Conduit _______ ft. x $1.76 per ft.(See Section 5.1.1)
Non-revenue producing gaps: (No charge for gaps less than 100 ft.)
$1.92 per ft. x _______ ft.
Cost of URD outside subdivision boundaries at developer request.
Additional URD facilities, i.e., loop switches, backbone feeders, etc.
(Differential between UG and OH)
Part I Sub TOTAL
II. Projects not meeting the requirements of Section 5.2.2 of these Rules
Cost for URD (estimate includes all facilities excluding services)
Credit for overhead (estimate excluding services)
- $_________
Credit for tree trimming for overhead (pri. pole line ________x $8,805/mi.)
- $_________
Service differential cost
200 A Services (No. of lots _______ x $262 per service)
400 A Services (No. of lots _______ x $482 per service)
600 A Services (No. of lots _______ x $446 per service)
Excess construction costs (See Section 5.1.7)
III. TVMA on CIAC (if applicable) from Taxable Plant Report in JETS
TOTAL ( Part I + Part II + Part III)
$ ________
Cost includes 20 ft. service conduit under drives. Cost includes crushed stone for road crossings.
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Appendix C
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Underground Service with APCO Trenching
Underground Service (200 or 400 AMP)
Trenching U.G. Service (200 or 400 AMP)
per ft.
Underground Service 600 A
Trenching U.G. Service (600 Amp)
per ft.
Underground Service Primary
Trenching U.G. Primary (0-400’)
per ft.
Trenching U.G. Primary (401’ & above)
per ft.
Overhead Service in Place Value
Underground Service in Place Value
Underground Service with Customer Trenching*
Underground Service (200 or 400 AMP)
Not an Option
Trenching U.G. Service (200 or 400 AMP)
per ft.
Not an Option
Underground Service 600 A
Not an Option
Trenching U.G. Service (600 Amp)
per ft.
Not an Option
Underground Service Primary (APCO furnish Pad)
Not an Option
Trenching U.G. Primary (0-400’)
per ft.
Not an Option
Trenching U.G. Primary (401’ & above)
per ft.
Not an Option
Overhead Service in Place Value
Underground Service in Place Value
*APCO furnishes conduit for Customer trenched systems
Costs above do not include rock removal, boring or cutting paved streets, or any other costs for additional
facilities or landscaping. These costs will be estimated and added to the above costs.
TVMA to be added to the above costs as applicable.
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Appendix D
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I. If the development is within Section 5.4.2 qualifying requirements. The owner's cost
shall be:
$ 218.00
per unit. (Plus excess primary and/or service lengths, per Item IV
and V)
$ 218.00
per service. (Plus excess primary and/or service lengths, per Item IV
and V) For
commercial loads meeting the requirements of Section
5.4.4 and metered separately from the residential dwelling unit.
per building for buildings with four or less units. (Served with 1 # 1/0
& 2 # 4/0 AL secondary from an overhead system, plus cost for total
excess service length per Item V D.)
per building for buildings with four or less units. (Served with 250 thru
500 AL secondary from an overhead system, plus cost for total
excess service length per Item V D.)
II. Total cost of underground facilities in excess of limitations in 5.4.2 at the developer's
III. Differential cost of facilities in excess of limitations in 5.4.2 due to project layout and/or
spacing of buildings.
IV. Primary - Includes cost of material,
trenching, labor, engineering and overheads.
Total UG
Diff. Cost
(1) #1/0 AXNJ Cable - Direct Burial Ft.
(2) #1/0 AXNJ Cable in 2" PVC Conduit Ft.
(3) #1/0 AXNJ Cable in 3" PVC Conduit Ft.
V. Services
Differential Adder for Services not installed at the time the
padmount and primary are installed:
(1) First Conduit & Service to Each Ganged Meter Socket Ea.
(2) Each Additional Conduit & Service to Each Ganged
Meter Socket Ea.
$ 77.00
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix D
Page 2 of 2
For Services from padmounts with lengths in excess of 50
feet: (Plus Wire from Sect C.)
(1) Cost of Trench & Conduit for first run. Ft.
(2) Cost of Trench & Conduit for each additional Run Ft.
$ 9.68
$ 4.80
Total UG
Diff. Cost
C. Service Conductors Associated with Padmounted
Transformers -
Includes cost of cable, labor for
pulling cable in conduit, and E & S.
(1) 1 #1/0 & 2 #4/0 AL Cable Ft.
(2) 1 #3/0 & 2-250 KCM AL Cable Ft.
(3) 1 #4/0 & 2-350 KCM AL Cable Ft.
(4) 1 #4/0 & 2-500 KCM AL Cable Ft.
Service Laterals Associated with OH Primary &
Transformers- Includes cost of cable, conduit,
trench, labor for pulling cable in conduit, and E &
(1) 1 #1/0 & 2 #4/0 AL Cable Ft.
(2) 1 #3/0 & 2-250 KCM AL Cable Ft.
(3) 1 #4/0 & 2-350 KCM AL Cable Ft.
(4) 1 #4/0 & 2-500 KCM AL Cable Ft.
$ 7.68
$ 8.44
$ 9.55
VI. Prefabricated Pull Boxes & Sectionalizing Cabinets. Ea
(1) Above Grade Sect Cabinet 2-3 way
(Cust. Installed)
(2) Above Grade Sect Cabinet 2-3 way
(APCo Installed)
(3) 4' x 6' x 3' Conc Pullbox w Lid
(Cust. Installed)
(4) 4' x 6' x 3' Conc Pullbox w Lid
(APCo Installed)
VII. Installed Cost of Primary Splice in Pull Box $ 238.00
1/ See Section II, this appendix
2/ See Section III, this appendix
3/ For primary distances greater than 450 feet per building or transformer (whichever is
greater), overhead and underground estimates shall be prepared to calculate the project
differential cost.
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix E
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Mobile Home Park Service (UMH)
I. The estimated cost for overhead primary and underground secondary in excess of the
estimated cost for overhead primary and overhead secondary has been fixed at $164.00
per lot in mobile home parks where the average per lot front footage does not exceed 60
II. The estimated cost for underground primary and underground secondary in excess of
the estimated cost for overhead primary and overhead secondary has been fixed at
$249.00 per lot in mobile home parks where the average per lot front footage does not
exceed 60 feet.
III. When the average per lot front footage exceeds 60 feet, a separate estimate of cost for
underground facilities and a separate estimate of cost for similar overhead facilities shall
be prepared, and the mobile home park developer or owner shall make a payment equal
to the estimated excess cost for underground facilities.
IV. Conduit shall be furnished and installed by the Company in areas where field lines are
within five feet of underground conductors, where conductors are under paved areas
and in any other congested areas with the additional cost being billed to the developer
as tabulated below:
2" Direct Burial PVC Conduit $2.00 per ft.
3" Direct Burial PVC Conduit $3.00 per ft.
5" Direct Burial PVC Conduit $5.00 per ft.
The above costs include the differential labor cost for pulling the cable in the conduit
versus laying cable in an open trench. Cost also includes labor to install conduit in
The cost for conduit for radial primary runs installed in lieu of a loop system shall not be
billed to the developer.
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix F
Page 1 of 4
UCD Billing to Customer = Total Fixed Cost + Variable Distance Cost + Special Distance Cost
Qualifying kVA
Demand (8)
Service Main
Service Lateral
Total Fixed
Differential (9)
Cost (11)
Single Phase 240/120
Underground Service from
Overhead Transformer
0 - 4 2 W - 60 A 2 # 6 AL
$ 142.00 $ 1.08
$ 2.62
0 - 11 3W - 60 A 3 # 6 AL $ 215.00 $ 1.83 $ 3.37
0 - 19 100 A 2 #1/0 & 1 #2
$ 425.00 $ 1.74 $ 3.28
0 - 28 125 A - 150 A
2 #1/0 & 1 #2 $ 425.00 $ 1.48 $ 3.28
0 - 43 200 A - 225 A 2 #4/0 & 1 #1/0 $ 379.00 $ 1.94 $ 4.12
0 - 57 300 A 2 #250 & 1 #3/0 $ 481.00 $ 1.97 $ 5.39
0 - 67 350 A 2 #350 & 1 #4/0 $ 513.00 $ 3.07 $ 6.49
0 - 76 400 A 2 #500 & 1 #4/0 $ 543.00 $ 4.29 $ 7.71
Three Phase 240/120 Volt
208/120 Volt 480/277 Volt
Underground Service from
Overhead Bank (2)
0 -74 200-225 3 #4/0 & 1 #1/0
5" N/A
$ 495.00 $ 1.80
$ 5.06
77 116 300-350 3 #500 & 1 #4/0 $ 574.00 $ 3.55 $ 8.02
117 -266 400 3 #500 & 1 #4/0 $ 498.00 $ 0.00 $ 8.02
Single Phase 240/120
Underground Service from
mounted Transformer
16 167 N/A N/A 3"
25 kVA
167 kVA
$ 964.00 $ 1.16 300' $ 3.00
Three Phase 208/120
480/277 Volt Underground
Service from Pad-
Transformer (4)
46-75 (4) N/A N/A 5" 75 "Mini" (4)
$ 0.00
200 feet
76-2500 N/A N/A 5"
150 kVA
2500 kVA
201 Feet -
Max Pull
Three Phase 240/120 Volt
Underground Service from
Transclosure (5)
45 -1000 N/A N/A 5"
3 - 25 kVA
3-333 kVA
$ 4,320.00 $ 5.42
$ 9.00
Three Phase Pad-mounted
Transformer Service to
Malls and Strip Shopping
Centers (6)
N/A N/A N/A 5"
150 kVA
2500 kVA
$0 $0.00 N/A N/A
Three Phase 4160/2400
Volt Underground Service
from a Pad-mounted
Transformer (7)
1200 2500 N/A N/A 2 - 5"
1500 kVA
2500 kVA
$0 $0.00 300’
$ 9.00
( ) See accompanying notes
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix F
Page 2 of 4
(1) Single phase 240/120 volt underground service from a pole mounted transformer: Customer must
provide and install specified size schedule 40 conduit from the building service entrance to the base of the riser
pole. The Company will install riser and install cables in customer owned conduit and make necessary
(2) Three phase 240/120, 208/120, and 480/277 volt underground service from a pole mounted transformer
bank: Customer must provide and install the specified number and size schedule 40 conduit(s) from the
building service entrance to the base of the riser pole. The Company will install riser and install cables in
customer owned conduit and make necessary connections.
(3) Single phase 240/120 volt service from a single phase pad-mounted transformer: Customer must provide
and install specified size schedule 40 conduit from the riser pole to the pad-mounted transformer location.
Customer will provide, install, and own the service entrance cables from the transformer secondary terminals to
the building service entrance. The Company will install concrete transformer pad, pad-mounted transformer,
and primary cables from the riser pole to the pad-mounted transformer and make all cable connections within
the transformer.
(4) Three phase 208/120 and 480/277 volt service from a three phase pad-mounted transformer: Pad-mount
sizes for 208/120 volt service is limited to 1000 kVA. Customer must provide and install specified number and
size schedule 40 conduit(s) from the riser pole to the pad-mounted transformer location. Customer will provide,
install, and own the service entrance cables from the transformer secondary terminals to the building service
entrance. Customer will construct a cast-in-place concrete transformer pad as per the Company’s
specifications. The customer may option for the Company to provide the transformer pad for a price as shown
on sheet 3. The Company may option to install a transclosure to provide 208 or 480 volt grounded wye service.
(i.e. in 4 kV areas) In this case the customer will be billed the equivalent pad-mounted transformer costs.
The Mini” design 75 kVA three phase pad-mounted transformer is currently available for 208/120 volt and
480/277 volt services and only for the 12,470 volt, 13,200 volt, and 34,500 volt operating systems. A special
fiberglass box pad will be provided by the Company for use with the “Mini” design three phase pad-mounted
transformer. Contact Distribution Engineering Services for other sizes and voltages.
(5) Three phase 240/120 volt service from a transclosure bank. Customer must provide and install the
specified number and size schedule 40 conduit from the riser pole to the transclosure bank location. Customer
will provide, install, and own the service entrance cables from the transclosure bank secondary terminals to the
building service entrance. Customer will construct a cast-in-place concrete transformer pad as per the
Company’s specifications. The Company will fabricate and install the transclosure, transformer bank, and
install primary cables in customer provided conduit from the riser pole to the transclosure location.
(6) Three phase 208/120 and 480/277 volt pad-mounted transformer service to malls and strip type
shopping centers will be provided at no cost provided the project can be served with a 200 amp loop primary
system. Customer will provide all trenching and conduit installation, transformer pads and service entrance
(7) The cost shown for 4160 / 2400 volt service from a pad-mounted transformer is contingent on the customer
meeting the special requirements regarding cable dimensions, terminations, and other requirements particular
to this service.
(8) The "Customer Qualifying kVA Demand” is used to determine the equivalent overhead service size that
relates to the differential costs shown in the table.
(9) The "Total Fixed Cost Differential" is the UG-OH differential costs associated with those items that are not
affected by underground circuit length, such as riser pole assembly, cable connections, transformer
accessories, etc.
(10) The "Variable Distance Cost" is the UG-OH differential costs associated with underground cables and
overhead wire. “Variable Distance Cost” from Appendix F, Sheet 1 shall be applied to the length of UG circuit
from the base of the riser pole to the nearest practical point of service on the customer’s building. For primary
circuit lengths in excess of the “Maximum Variable Distance”, deemed to be the closest point of service, the
Variable Distance Cost should be used for determining the additional billing to the customer.
(11) The "Special Distance Cost" is the total installed cost of underground cables. This cost is applicable for
underground circuit distance that is installed at the Customers request, that exceed the circuit length to the
nearest practical service point on the building.
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix F
Page 3 of 4
Customer Cost for APCo Provided and Installed Options
UCD Billing to Customer = Costs from Appendix F Sheet 1 + APCo Provided and Installed
Options from Appendix F Sheet 3
For three phase pad-mounted installations the customer shall have the option of the Company
providing and installing the below listed items with additional billing as shown.
Fixed Cost
Distance Cost
(Per Foot)
65" x 76" Composite Transformer Pad (150 to 300 kVA) $1,456 -
96" x 112" Pre-cast Transformer Pad (500 to 2500 kVA) $1,735 -
42Trench for Primary Circuit Trench & Backfill $121 $2.47
5” Conduit (DB-120) includes material & labor to install
Remove Spoil Soil from Construction Site (Per 50 foot of Trench) $69 -
Rock Removal $25.55*
* Includes credit for normal 42” trench cost.
Customers with existing overhead services that have adequate capacity for existing and
added loads may request standard UCD service. Customers requesting such replacement
must qualify for the service type requested and pay the applicable UCD costs as specified in
this appendix for new service. In addition, the customer shall pay the removal cost and in
place value of the existing service.
Current Existing Service Removal Cost $0.61 per foot
Current In Place Value of Services:
Triplex 3.44 per foot
Quadruplex 5.67 per foot
Single Wire, AL 0.60 per foot
Single Wire, CU 0.91 per pound
Customers with existing underground service laterals that are insufficient for added loads
may request upgrading of the service. Provided the applicable cost to serve - added revenue
ratio requirement is satisfied and the appropriate ratio differential advance is collected, the
Company will upgrade such services as follows:
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix F
Page 4 of 4
1. 200 Ampere Existing Service Laterals: If the in-place conduit will accommodate 400
ampere conductors and the estimated demand does not exceed 50 kW single phase
or 100 kW three phase, the customer shall not pay for the upgrade.
2. 400 Ampere Existing Service Laterals: If in-place conduits will accommodate
paralleled 400 ampere service, and estimated demand does not exceed 100 kW
single phase or 200 kW three phase, the customer will not pay the cost of the
3. Any Service Lateral: If estimated demand exceeds limits for upgrading the existing
service lateral, secondary conductors shall be replaced by primary cables, and pad-
mounted transformers. The customer shall provide necessary work as furnished from
list provided by the Company listing Customer Responsibilities. There will be no
billing to the customer for the standard UCD service.
4. For standard UCD service to individual customers and customers being considered as
"Individual"; billing shall be in accordance with applicable alternatives in appendices,
plus the applicable TVMA.
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix G
Page 1 of 1
The cost to Customers for Network Service is as follows:
I. Inside the network and no other practical means exist to serve overhead or with
standard service per Section 5.7 of these Rules, there shall be no cost to the customer
provided the customer meets and fulfills the obligations and qualifications for UND
II. When the Company has an option to provide standard overhead or UCD service and the
qualifying Customer specifically requests UND service at a location separate from,
adjacent to, or within the existing UND system, the Company may determine that it is in
the Company’s best interest to provide UND service. If the Company so determines, the
UND service will be provided in accordance with the following:
A. The Company shall calculate estimates of the UND service method and the most
economical alternative service method (UCD or standard overhead). The
Customer shall pay a CIAC equal to the differential cost between the estimates.
B. In addition to CIAC, the Customer shall be responsible for reimbursing the
Company the TVMA and the PVFOC.
C. An exception to the requirements of the paragraph B.1 may be made, but will
require an economic evaluation of the Company’s investment and the approval of
an officer of the Company.
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Appendix H
Page 1 of 1
I. Standard Installation - The price for standard meter pulses is $1,616.00 per meter, a
one-time charge. This amount does not include TVMA.
II. Non-standard Installation - If a customer requires non-standard pulses, or if special
equipment or labor is required, the Company reserves the right to bill the Customer on
the basis of a special estimate. Non-standard Installations may include, but are not
limited to:
A. long circuit lengths,
B. underground conduit runs,
C. trenching,
D. protection for ground potential rise,
E. provision of reactive or apparent power pulses to a Customer on a non-
reactive-power rate,
F. special communications circuits such as wireless or fiber optics,
G. accumulating pulses from multiple meters for totalizing, and
H. modifying an existing metering and service facility to permit the provision of
Demand Control Pulses.
Alabama Power Company
Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
Revision History
Effective Date
January, 2009
Approved by order of the APSC dated October 20, 2008 in
Docket No. U-3170; conforming revisions filed by Alabama
Power on October 28, 2008 as directed by APSC October 20,
2008 Order.
April, 2009 Billings
Modifications to Section 7.9 and Appendix A addressing
Warning Siren Service filed by Alabama Power on February
27, 2009 and approved by order of the APSC dated March 3,
2009 in Docket No. U-3170.
October, 2011
Modifications to Section 3.15 updating which rates qualify for
Budget Billing filed by Alabama Power on May 20, 2011 and
approved by order of the APSC dated July 14, 2011 in Docket
No. U-3170.
May 2, 2017
Part IX - Local Entity Requirements Affecting Transmission Or
Distribution Facilities as approved by order of the APSC dated
May 2, 2017 in Docket U-3170.
October 4, 2022
Addition of new Section 1.15 respecting Service Line
Vegetation Management as approved by order of the APSC
dated October 4, 2022 in Docket U-3170.