The Leipzig Catalogue of Vascular Plants (LCVP) An improved
taxonomic reference list for all known vascular plants
Martin Freiberg
, Marten Winter
Alessandro Gentile
, Alexander Zizka
, Alexandra Nora
, Alexandra Weigelt
, Christian Wirth
1. Systematic Botany and Functional Biodiversity / Botanical Garden, Institute of Biology,
Leipzig University, Johannisallee 21-23, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
2. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, sDiv
Synthesis Centre, Deutscher Platz 5e, Leipzig 04103, Germany
3. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, The Netherlands
4. Molecular Evolution and Plant Systematics & Herbarium (LZ), Institute of Biology,
Leipzig University, Johannisallee 21-23, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
5. Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry; PO Box 100164, 07701 Jena, Germany.
*corresponding author: Martin Freiberg ([email protected])
The lack of comprehensive and standardized taxonomic reference
information is an impediment for robust plant research, e.g. in systematics,
biogeography or macroecology. Here we provide an updated and much
improved reference list of 1,315,479 scientific plant taxa names for all
described vascular plant taxa names globally. The Leipzig Catalogue of
Vascular Plants (LCVP; version 1.0.2) contains 351.176 accepted species (plus
6.160 natural hybrids), within 13.422 genera, 561 families and 84 orders. The
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LCVP a) contains more information on the taxonomic status of global plant
names than any other similar resource and b) significantly improves the
reliability of our knowledge by e.g. resolving the taxonomic status of
~184.000 taxa names compared to The Plant List, the up to date most
commonly used plant name resource. We used ~4500 publications, existing
relevant databases and available studies on molecular phylogenetics to
construct a robust reference backbone. For easy access and integration into
automated data processing pipelines, we provide an ‘R’-package (lcvplants)
with the LCVP.
Background and summary
Due to substantial progress in the last decade in improving plant taxonomy
with phylogenetic findings, an updated global taxonomic reference list was
urgently required. To date, the most commonly used reference list of vascular
plant taxa names is The Plant List (TPL
), hosted by the Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew. TPL contains 1,166,081 vascular plants names, including 308,407
accepted names, 304,419 of them angiosperms. ~700,000 names of TPL are
synonyms or other taxonomic ranks (subspecies, varieties, forms), including
227,025 unresolved names. The here presented Leipzig Catalogue of Vascular
Plants (LCVP) updates significantly the global knowledge of plant names not
only compared to TPL (see Table 1) and thus is a major improvement for
global plant research. It is based on existing databases and an additional
4,500 publications (see Supplementary File 3 and 4 for a list of full literature
references ordered by families as plain text and as bibliography RIS file and
File 5 for a list of abbreviated literature references ordered by individual taxa),
which helped to clarify the status of plant names (i.e. accepted, synonymy,
taxonomic placement; see Methods). In the end, 4059 publications provided
relevant and sufficiently robust additional information, e.g. changes in taxa
names and/or their status. A guiding principle during the compilation of the
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LCVP was to avoid polyphyletic genera, which are frequent in TPL, either by
splitting genera (e.g. separating Goeppertia from Calathea) or fusing them
(e.g. Stapelia and Duvalia in Ceropegia). However, we did not recombine any
species name in the LCVP and in cases of unclear phylogenetic position of
genera, we used the conservative (i.e. existing) name.
Taxonomists, ecologists and conservation biologists often work with many
species (names) and cannot keep pace with the rapid progress in (plant)
systematics, boosted by molecular phylogenetic methods
. These researchers
often rely on taxonomic reference lists as tools to translate taxa names to
accepted species names via accepted synonyms.
Comprehensive taxa lists, such as the LCVP, are essential to standardize
taxonomic names in databases compiled from various sources, relying on a
robust translation of species names into one scheme. The TRY database of
functional plant traits (TRY
; is one of the most prominent
examples containing trait information for about 150,000 vascular plant
species. Other global databases using plant name reference lists focus on
plant co-occurrence patterns, such as sPlot containing about 1,1 million
vegetation surveys (
~55,000 species), or use any plant species occurrence
information, such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF
~315,000 vascular plant species;, the Botanical Information
and Ecology Network (BIEN
: ~348,000). The Global Inventory of Floras and
Traits (GIFT
: ~268,000; or the inventory
of the Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF
~14,000; focus on
plant distribution information from regional floras or floristic inventories.
Generally, such databases were compiled from heterogeneous data sources
varying in time of publication and place of origin. The underlying sources may
be primary or secondary literature-based using work of scientists with
excellent to no plant taxonomic background, thus combining data with
various degrees of complexities and uncertainties. The merging of these
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databases works via species identities and thus depends on the use of
accepted species names. These databases typically tap phylogenetic
information contained in taxonomic references lists via available tools
supporting automated matching and error checking (i.e. taxon scrubbing).
There is a variety of R packages (e.g. taxonstand
; taxize
) or online
tools (e.g. Global Name Resolver or the
Taxonomic Name Resolution Service
12 supporting researchers to
check their taxonomic information (see
for a review on some of those tools).
Most of these tools rely on TPL as part of their reference lists, which, however,
has not been updated for a decade and originated in a time when
phylogenetic information on many genera did not exist.
Global taxonomic name databases are useful in their own right, and jointly
create synergies that have transformed ecology into a synthetic and global
science, and can help identifying knowledge gaps
. For example, functional
biogeography combines information on community composition, plant
species distribution and functional traits of the component species to make
inferences on determinants of global trait distribution
. While there is high
potential for exciting research using most up-to-date taxonomic information,
it can be only as good as the input data and the ability of the user to
understand the advantage and shortcoming of the data coming from those
resources. For example, missing taxonomic background often leads to
neglecting the importance of citing authors of names and inevitably leads to
inconsistencies when data from different sources are matched. LCVP shows
that when matching plant taxa names without author names, results could
have up to 10% mismatches (i.e. ~10% of all LCVP plant taxa names are the
same but ultimately refer to different accepted plant taxa).
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The creation of the LCVP involved three major steps. (1) We did a thorough
search of available and relevant plant taxonomic databases (Supplementary
File 1) to collate a raw data table of existing plant names (see Step 1:
Producing the raw data table). This table included many contradictory
opinions in taxonomic placement of species. (2) Based on additional
information in ~4500 publications and the reliability, timeliness and quality
of relevant scientific evidences in this literature we decided for each name,
whether that name is in LCVP accepted, synonymous or unresolved (see for
more details Step 2: Decision making). Additionally, we harmonized and
corrected taxa names orthographically. (3) We implemented the LCVP in an
R package (LCVP) which is accessible under a MIT license from GitHub
( and will ensure a coherent
versioning of the list and future updates. Furthermore, we provide a utility
function to use LCVP for taxonomic name resolution (lcvplants), which is also
available under the same license from GitHub (
Step 1: Producing the raw data table
TPL provided the core of the basic raw data table for published vascular plant
names, primarily supplemented by the International Plant Names Index
, IPNI provides a list of published names and
their source, but does not provide any information on accepted or
synonymous names. We used additional major and minor databases (
which we have chosen based on their availability, on our expert judgement
on comprehensiveness, and whether they contained information if taxa
names are accepted or not (see Supplementary File 1 for a table of used
databases). All additional names and potential synonyms found in those
databases were incorporated in the raw data table.
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Step 2: Decision making
The extensive raw data table of more than two million entries of plant taxa
names contained a high number of orthographic errors, inconsistencies and
contradictory opinions concerning the status of the names. A rough guideline
for the acceptance of names was a subjective assignment of quality and
reliability to the source. Generally, changes were only applied when the
authors of the respective publications were clearly suggesting those changes.
We ascribed a higher reliability rank (e.g. for conflicting information) usually
to the most recent publications. Additionally, when conflicting information
appeared we usually used information from publications with a) a more
thorough literature section and b) a more comprehensive synonymy history
than to those without. A complete synonymy history should include and
properly cite not only the latest accepted taxon, but also the depending
taxonomic history of all names connected to this taxon (e.g. if it is a
recombined taxon) with all homonymic (i.e. species epitheton is the same)
and heteronymic (i.e. genus name is the same) synonyms. Since phylogenies
based on morphological data alone are prone to homoplasy, only
phylogenetic studies that made taxonomical decisions also based on
molecular data were taken into account. We did not create new species name
combinations. In case of conflicting evidence on the phylogenetic placement
or species name, due to e.g. different methods to build phylogenetic trees,
species names were marked “comb.ined.following the basionym author.
The following examples illustrate how we treated name changes: The genus
Dracaena and Sansevieria are closely related
, where Sansevieria seems to
be clearly nested within Dracaena, but the differences between both genera
are fluently. Lu et al.
separated the Hawaiian species of Dracaena in a new
genus Chrysodracon, but did not recombine Sansevieria with Dracaena yet.
The presented argumentation and data in
were thorough and
comprehensive and thus we accepted the authors arguments, kept
Sansevieria and Dracaena as distinct genera and separated the Hawaiian
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species of Dracaena in the new genus Chrysodracon. In another case
Borchsenius et al.
clearly showed that Calathea in the traditional description
was polyphyletic. In order to keep Ischnosiphon and Monotagma as distinct
genera, being the sister clade to a smaller Calathea clade including the type
species, the larger clade of Calathea was put into the then resurrected genus
Goeppertia. The argumentation and presentation in
was robustly based on
a molecular phylogeny producing well supported clades. As consequence we
accepted the recombination of the much larger clade as suggested in
Supplementary Files 3 and 4 provide a complete list of all ~4,500 literature
references ordered by plant families that we used to decide upon species
names to create LCVP. We focused on literature published from 1994
onwards, when molecular phylogenies became widespread (
Supplementary File 5 provides a list directly matching >104.000 individual
taxa and literature, used to inform the applied name changes for the
respective taxa.
We also applied changes to the spelling of species names. Generally, we
recommend to check the species names prior to automated list treatments,
following the guidelines given in
and the rules of the current version of the
International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen
). We followed the Shenzen Code using standardized orthography of
epitheta across genera and families, e.g. warscewiczii (neither warscewitzii nor
warszewiczii). Only upper cases from ‘A’ to ‘Z’, lower cases from ‘a’ to ‘z’ and
the hyphen -should be used in the scientific names, special characters are
not valid and to be avoided (Isoëtes- > Isoetes, Köberlinia -> Koeberlinia).
Authors were given in their short form as provided by IPNI. For further
standardization and easier use in automated workflows, we omitted spaces
within author names (C. F. W. Meissn., C.F. W. Meissn., C. F.W. Meissn. C. F.
W.Meissn. -> C.F.W.Meissn.; Balf. f.-> Balf.f.). We linked names published by
two authors with the ‘&’ sign (e.g. Primula minor Balf.f. & Kingdon-Ward).
Names published by three and more authors were restricted to the first
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authors followed by ‘& al.’ (e.g. Limonium irtaense P.P.Ferrer, A.Navarro,
P.Pérez, R.Roselló, Rosselló, M.Rosato & E.Laguna -> Limonium irtaense
P.P.Ferrer & al.). This refers to the recommendation of the Shenzhen Code,
Art. 46 c. We tried to include only natural hybrids (i.e. no cultivars; based on
expert judgement of LCVP authors) in the LCVP. Since hybrids were not the
focus of the LCVP, we only marked them with ‘_x’, either following the genus
name or the epitheton to recognize them as such, but we did not give any
parent taxa information.
In most cases, we adopted the names used by the taxonomic expert (i.e.
reference author who is usually a person with a publication record within a
certain taxonomic group). However, there are many taxa belonging to genera
or species which have not been phylogenetically analyzed yet. For those, we
adapted the most frequently used taxon name from the recent literature (see
Supplementary Files 3 -5). Despite a major effort, there are still names, which
we could not resolve.
Step 3: Implementation in R
Besides providing LCVP as downloadable tables, we also provide the LCVP as
an R package (LCVP) for easy integration with analyses pipelines. We also
provide a tool for fuzzy-matching-based taxonomic name resolution directly
linked with LCVP (lcvplants). This fuzzy-matching algorithm is applied at
species, infra-species and authority level of a plant taxon; it uses the
‘max.distance’ argument from the agrep() function’ to assess the comparison
between the searched plant name and the closest plant name from the LCVP
list (in terms of number of the same character and their order). The taxonomic
names resolution is implemented in a user-friendly way, and can be done
with few lines of code:
# install LCVP and lcvplants from GitHub
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# load the package
# run analyses
LCVP("Hibiscus vitifolius")
We provide a description of the fuzzy matching algorithm and its
implementation in Supplementary File 2 and as detailed tutorial on how to
use lcvplants online (
Data Records
LCVP contains 1,315,479 vascular plant taxa names. There are 351,176
accepted species names in the LCVP. The accepted species in LCVP belong to
13,422 genera, 561 families, and 84 orders, respectively. LCVP significantly
reduced the number of unresolved plant taxa names by ~184,000 to ~ 60,000
(5%) taxa (see Table 1). The LCVP version 1.0.2 is available in both Microsoft
Excel and text formats in the iDiv data portal
( A developmental version
of the LCVP and the lcvplants package are publicly available via GitHub
( LCVP version 1.0.2 has a DOI
(10.25829/idiv.1806-40-3009 via the iDiv data portal). We will constantly
curate the LCVP and plan to release a new version once every second to third
Technical Validation
We tested whether all synonyms lead to an accepted name or another
synonym. One major issue with TPL is the high amount of unresolved taxa. A
link to another name sometimes is another synonym leading to unresolved
loops. LCVP only links to accepted names, not to the taxonomic predecessor.
If taxon A is synonym to taxon B and it turned out, that taxon B is synonym
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to taxon C, the accepted name given for taxon A is taxon C, not B. We treated
invalid names as synonyms and assigned them to their appropriate accepted
Most of the still unresolved species names in LCVP were originally published
in the 19th century. There is a high probability that the majority of them are
synonyms, e.g. because of historic transfer errors from one publication to the
other. An extraordinarily high amount of unresolved taxa can be found in
Asteraceae (Hieracium 5,800 names out of a total of 19,300 names are
unresolved, Senecio 685 out of 6,680, Cirsium 357 out of 2,170), Rosaceae
(Rubus 4,040 out of 10,200, Rosa 2,300 out of 5,970, Prunus 512 out of 2,070,
Potentilla 728 out of 3,950, Crataegus 730 out of 2,700, Pyrus 379 out of
1,200), Salicaceae (Salix 619 out of 3,800), Araceae (Anthurium 585 out of
2,260), and Geraniaceae (Pelargonium 963 out of 1,840).
Comparison to TPL
Due to the improved name resolution and increased name information in
general in LCVP compared to TPL, any work flow including taxonomic
harmonization of plant names, will very likely yield more robust and reliable
results for e.g. species richness pattern, matches between different data
sources. For an easier comparison and guidance for users on the differences
between LCVP and TPL, LCVP includes information whether taxa name entries
are identical, differ in the cross-reference to a synonym, differ only
orthographically either by the name or the author, or whether a name is new
in the LCVP and not present in TPL. This unique information makes it possible
for the users of TPL to update their names according to the LCVP, because all
differences are clearly stated in the column ‘status’ of the LCVP.
Plant taxa names
Accepted vascular plant species names
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Accepted infraspecific taxa names
Accepted Genera
Accepted Families
All Genera
Unresolved taxa names
TPL - LCVP comparison
Number of records
Identical taxa names
Additional taxa names in LCVP not being
in TPL
Families in LCVP not being in TPL
Families in TPL not being in LCVP
Genera in LCVP not being in TPL
Genera in TPL not being in LCVP
Resolved in LCVP - unresolved in TPL
Accepted in LCVP - Synonym in TPL
Synonym in LCVP - Accepted in TPL
Different authors in LCVP
Different synonym in LCVP
Different orthography in LCVP
Table 1: Summary of information content in the LCVP and taxa name
differences between LCVP and TPL.
Kew Gardens´ research effort to standardize plant names recently focuses on
their new flagship program, Plants of the World Online (POWO,, which includes a not yet published
new taxonomic reference backbone (Alan Paton from Kew Gardens, pers.
comm.). Given that this is becoming the successor of TPL (see we also compared the
available POWO list with LCVP (POWO access date: November 2018; provided
by Kew). With ~335,000 accepted species names and ~458,000 taxa of
vascular plants marked as synonyms in POWO, LCVP contains also
significantly more species name information than POWO (this comparison
includes only vascular plants and excludes infra-specific taxa since LCVP
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covers only vascular plants and POWO does not include taxa below species
TPL and POWO cover all plants, LCVP only vascular plants. With the current
information we have, LCVP contains more information about vascular plant
taxa names (e.g. more resolved taxa, more accepted species, more synonyms)
than TPL and POWO. A user is more likely to resolve a given vascular plant
taxa name with LCVP than with the given versions of TPL and POWO. LCVP
covers also infraspecific taxa names which are not covered in POWO yet. The
information in LCVP to which genus a species belongs and/or thus which
accepted name should be used, is based on taxonomic, but also on most
recent phylogenetic (i.e. mainly genetic) information. TPL was not updated
for many years, and is mainly based on taxonomic information (i.e. not
molecular phylogenies). With respect to usability of LCVP, we do see
advantages compared to POWO, which to our knowledge does not offer an
R package nor any other functionality of (half)automatic name checking or
any fuzzy name matching functions.
Code Availability
The LCVP generally consists of (1) the LCVP itself available as R data package
(version 1.0.2 as of April 2020) and as tab-delimited textfile file and (2) the R-
package lcvplants. The static LCVP file and the lcvplants tools are publicly
available either via the iDiv data repository: or as developemental
versions via GitHub (, We plan to closely
collaborate with plant synonymy services and tools like e.g. BIEN, GNR, R
packages taxonstand and taxize, to include LCVP as reference option.
Requests for integrating LCVP can be made via the projects GitHub
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We thank thousands of experts working sometimes their whole life on plant
taxonomy and systematics, creating invaluable information and knowledge
the LCVP is also based on. Without this knowledge the LCVP would not exist.
We also thank Anke Stein, Patrick Weigelt, Aldo Compagnoni, Jitendra
Gaikwad, Jens Kattge & Ingolf Kühn for helpful comments on the draft and R
package functionalities. MW, AZ & AG thank DFG for funding (via iDiv, FZT
118). ANMR thanks BMBF for funding (Grant no. 16GW0120K).
Author contributions
MF compiled the LCVP. AG, MW & AZ designed the R packages. AG & AZ
implemented the R functions based on discussions with MW & MF. MW &
MF compiled the drafts of the data paper. All authors contributed to the
writing of the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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