Copyright 2005 Mark Duginske
Introduction to Basic Cabinetmaking
using Pocket-Screw Joinery
Table of Contents
Introduction to Cabinetmaking .................................................................... 3-4
Face Frames Explained ................................................................................. 5-6
Hardware Recommendations ....................................................................... 7
Kreg Joinery
Fundamentals ...................................................................... 8-10
Kreg Joinery
Applications ......................................................................... 11-12
Stock Preparation .......................................................................................... 13-15
Building a Single 15” Cabinet
Cabinet Overview .................................................................................... 16-24
Assembly ................................................................................................. 25-26
Adding a Countertop ............................................................................... 27-29
Making the Drawer .................................................................................. 30-33
Making the Door ...................................................................................... 34-36
Wall Cabinet Overview ............................................................................ 37-38
About the Author ............................................................................................ 39
Pg. 2
Welcome Woodworkers!
This booklet is designed to provide you with the basic fundamentals needed to create your own
custom cabinets for the home, shop or ofce. Although we’ve tried to make this booklet as com-
prehensive as possible, there are some areas that we felt were beyond the scope of this booklet
and were skimmed over. Look for more detailed information on cabinetmaking from me in the
near future as I nish a cabinetmaking book. In addition, if you have any questions or suggestions
regarding the content of this booklet, feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Mark Duginske
Pg. 3
Counter Top
Panel Doors
Face Frame
Face Frame
Panel Doors
Introduction to Cabinetmaking
Every year professional and
amateur woodworkers build
thousands of cabinets. One of
the biggest misconceptions
about building cabinets is that
you need a shop full of ex-
pensive machinery to achieve
professional results. On the
contrary, cabinets are actually
quite simple constructions that
with a few well-designed tools
can be very easy to build.
Kreg Jigs®, invented in the late
1980’s have changed the way
many woodworkers choose to
This booklet is designed to act
as a primer to get you started
in cabinetmaking. Rather than
offering a lot of theory we strive
to teach you cabinetmaking by
The simple example that we
chose to build in this book-
let is a 15” wide base cabinet
with one drawer and one door.
This is a good place to start
because it is full sized and yet
small enough so one person
can build the whole thing with-
out any help. Once you build
this cabinet and learn the sys-
tem you will be able to build
an entire kitchen. Using this
system you will also be able
to build professional looking
bookcases, display cabinets,
entertainment centers and just
about any other type of cabi-
net that you would like.
Pg. 4
Top Frame Rail
Top Frame
Top Frame Stile
Face Frame Rail
Door Panel
Kick Board
Face Frame Stile
Face Frame
Cabinet Side
Introduction to Cabinetmaking
Exploded view of cabinet.
Don’t expect the rst cabinet you
build to be perfect. There will be
some mistakes and that is to be
expected. Try not to be too goal
oriented or upset if you make a
mistake. That is how you learn. We
recommend that before you jump
into building an entire kitchen, you
should build at least two sample
cabinets as you will learn quite a lot
from each experience.
You can use your sample cabinets
in your shop as a storage place, or
a tool stand. The 15” wide sample
cabinet detailed in this booklet is an
excellent size for use as a stand for
a drill press, grinder or sharpening
station. Please read through the
entire text and study the drawings
before starting this project.
Pg. 5
Face Frames Explained
Cabinet types are usually divided into two dif-
ferent construction methods: face frame and
frameless. The 15” cabinet that we are mak-
ing in this booklet is the face frame style which
means that there is a frame on the front of the
cabinet as shown in Fig. 4-A. Using a face frame
is the traditional way of making cabinets and
case furniture. The frameless cabinet styles are
a more recent European development that is
sometimes referred to as a Euro cabinet. Fra-
meless cabinets, as the name suggests, don’t
have a face frame and require relatively expen-
sive equipment to manufacture because there
is little room for error. Face frame cabinets, like
the one shown in this booklet, are easier for the
small shop or the hobbyist to build. The cabinet
is essentially a box with a face frame attached to
the front of it. The face frame reinforces the box
and helps to keep it square. The doors are then
mounted to hang from the face frame. Because
the face frame supports the box and keeps it
square, the back of the cabinet can be made of
thinner materials such as 1/4” plywood or anoth-
er man-made material. The back provides little
structural support compared to the face frame
which is located on the front of the cabinet.
The face frame is designed to extend past the
cabinet carcase 1/4” on each side so when the
cabinets are attached to each other, there is a
tight t between the frames. The 1/4” of excess
material on each side also allows the cabinet
side to be scribed to the wall if it is not straight.
The face frame also serves to cover the edge of
the materials used to make the box. Single cabi-
nets are often joined together at the face frame
to make multiple cabinets as the one shown in
Fig. 6-C. Another option is to make multiple
cabinet compartments with one face frame.
Dimensions of the Face Frame
The face frame is the widest part of the cabi-
net. It is 1/2” (1/4” on each side) wider than
the cabinet carcase. Because the width of
the face frame determines the width of the
cabinet, it should be the rst measurement
determined when designing a cabinet. If the
distance between a refrigerator and a stove is
15-1/2”, the cabinet should be designed with
a 15” wide face frame. That would allow for
a little space on each side of the cabinet. Fig.
5-A and 5-B shows the front and the back of
the typical face frame. The Pocket Holes are
located in the backside of the cabinet and are
not visible from the front. The face frame stiles
extend from the top of the cabinet to the bot-
tom so end grain is not shown.
Face Frame Front
Face Frame Back
Pocket Holes
placed on backside
of Rails
Introduction to Face Frames
Pg. 6
Face Frames Explained
Building a cabinet is essentially a matter of
building a box. Most of the joinery used to
build the cabinet in this booklet features Kreg
Joinery™. Kreg Joinery™ is a relatively new
technique in which an angled hole is drilled
into one workpiece only and then is joined
to the second workpiece using a specialized
self-tapping wood screw. Kreg Joinery™ has
many advantages compared to other wood
joinery techniques for a variety of reasons.
Alignment is simplied with Kreg Joinery as
only one of the workpieces must be drilled pri-
or to assembly. Assembly and clamping time
is decreased as you can connect one joint at a
time and not need to wait for the glue to dry.
This cabinet design has been simplied so
that it can be assembled from the absolute
least number of parts. There are only eight
parts, including the optional mounting rail.
The two identical sides, oor and back are
made from manmade panel materials such
as plywood, medium density berboard or
particle board. The face frame and top frame
are made from solid stock and are efciently
assembled using Kreg Joinery™. Compli-
cated machining such as the use of dados
and rabbets, are avoided. Rather than using
individual pieces of wood or triangular cor-
ner blocks that are an installed individually
(which is time consuming and can be mis-
aligned), this cabinet design employs a top
The top frame is made of four pieces that
are pocket screwed together. Because it is
a one-piece frame it is easily installed. An
optional nail rail at the back of the cabinet
allows the cabinet to be secured to the wall
at the time of installation.
To make sure that the cabinet sides are
parallel to each other, the Top Frame and
the oor must be EXACTLY THE SAME
WIDTH. This is accomplished by rst
joining the frame together, then removing
less than a 1/16th of an inch off the edge
of the frame by running it through a table-
saw. This will then give you the correct
tablesaw setting to cut the oor EXACT-
LY identical to the top frame, which will
result in perfectly parallel cabinet sides.
Top Frame
Face Frame
Face Frame
Top Frame Rails
Top Frame Stiles
Top Frame
Face frame cabinets set together
Single face frame cabinet
Top Frame
Face Frame
Face Frame
Pg. 7
Frameless cabinets are a recent European devel-
opment that are sometimes referred to as Euro
cabinets. The cabinet is essentially a box with no
face frame. The sides, oor and solid top are usu-
ally made from 3/4” material. The design evolved
from new developments in cabinet hardware that
allow the doors to be mounted directly to the side
of the cabinet rather than the face frame, which
is traditionally the way it is done. Along with the
door hinge hardware, Europeans also developed
hardware for quickly installing the drawers. Euro-
pean hardware has become the standard in the
industry and designs have been developed so that
the hardware can be used with the traditional face
frame. One huge advantage of the hardware is the
door hinges are very easily adjusted for alignment
with the turn of a screw.
Fig. 7-B shows the drawer slide hardware that we
are using in the 15” cabinet. A bottom-mount draw-
er slide with a roller on the front is secured into the
cabinet. The other part of the slide is screwed to
the bottom edge of the drawer. This hardware is
designed to work with a drawer that is 1” narrower
than the opening in the face frame.
The two door hinges are located in two 35mm holes
drilled in the frame of the door. The door hinges
are then screwed to the face frame edge. Fig. 7-C
shows a drill press setup for locating the hinge cups
that uses the Kreg Trak and Stop components.
Study the hardware and make samples of how it
will be used before you make the cabinet. It is a
good idea to have one or two extra sets of hard-
ware so you can make some sample pieces and
keep them.
Drawer Slide
Drilling 35mm hole in door stile for hinges to t into.
Note: We recommend that you acquire
your hardware BEFORE BUILDING
THE CABINET and follow the manufac-
turers instructions completely. For the
15” cabinet with overlay drawers built
in this booklet, we recommend that
you use 22” drawer slides.
Pg. 8
Kreg Joinery
Kreg Joinery™ is one of the easiest ways
to assemble cabinets and many types of
furniture. The joint is easy to make with the
proper equipment. The concept is quite
simple. One of the boards is secured into
a Kreg Jig® and the specialized step drill
bit is used to drill an angled hole as shown
in Fig. 8-A. A self-tapping screw is then
inserted into the Pocket Hole formed by the
drill bit and the point of the screw is secured
into the mating workpiece, as shown in Fig.
8-C. Although Pocket Hole technology has
been used in the furniture making industry
for years, two more recent inventions from
the 1980’s, the Kreg Jig® and the develop-
ment of the self-tapping wood screw, have
made the technology available to all levels
of woodworkers.
Kreg Jig secure one workpiece in the
drilling position, as shown in the photos on
page 9. Holes are drilled at a 15 degree an-
gle on the backside of the workpiece using
a special step drill bit with a depth collar so
that the drill bit does not penetrate the end
of the board. There are a number of man-
ual Kreg Jigs® available as well as semi-
automatic and fully-automatic machines at
a variety of price levels that produce Pocket
Pocket Hole
Self Tapping Screw
Pocket Hole
Side view of Pocket Hole drilled at
15 degree angle into end of Rail.
Introduction to
Kreg Joinery™
Drilling a Pocket Hole
Completed joint after driving
self-tapping screw.
Step Drill Bit
Depth Collar
Clamping Pad
Kreg Jig
Pg. 9
Kreg Jig
Benchtop Unit
Kreg Joinery
Kreg Joinery™ is signicantly
faster than other wood joining
techniques for a number of rea-
sons. The use of a self-tapping
screw eliminates the need to pre-
drill the mating work piece, which
avoids many alignment problems
caused by having to layout and
drill for aligning fasteners as with
dowel, biscuits and mortise and
tenon joints. The self-tapping
screw serves as an internal
clamp that eliminates the need
to clamp the joint as the glue
dries. This saves the investment
in various clamping devices, the
time and frustration of clamping,
as well as problems associated
with pulling the assembly out of
square with clamping pressure.
You can add additional workpiec-
es to the assembly -- sand, rout
and even stain while the glue is
still drying. Pocket Hole projects
can be completed in hours rather
than days.
With Kreg Joinery™, specially
designed clamps are used to
align the surfaces of the mating
boards together while the screws
are being driven. Kreg Join-
ery™ is unique from other join-
ery methods because there is no
need to use multiple clamps for
assembly as you assemble one
joint at a time. The self-tapping
wood screws serve as an internal
clamp that instantly bonds the
workpieces together, negating
the time usually spent waiting for
the glue to dry.
Kreg Joinery™
Kreg Jig® Mini
Kreg Jig® Jr.
Kreg Jig
Portable Base
9-C 9-D
Pg. 10
Kreg Joinery
Fig. 10-A shows a completed
Pocket Hole Joint and a Face
Clamp™ used to hold the work-
pieces together as the screw is
driven into place. Images 10-C,
10-D, and 10-E show three differ-
ent types of clamping tools that
allow Pocket Hole Joints to be
quickly assembled.
Photo 10-C shows a portable
Face Clamp™ in use that requires
the joint to be assembled off the
edge of the workbench. The Face
Clamp™ has a large clamp pad
that registers the faces of the mat-
ing boards so that they are in the
same plane resulting in minimal
sanding being required.
Photo 10-D shows a Right Angle
Clamp that is used to secure
boards at a 90 degree angle. This
clamp features a steel dowel pin
on one end of the clamp that ts
down into the Pocket Hole and a
swiveling pad on the other end that
reaches around the opposite side
of the board to hold the workpiec-
es rmly in place while the screw
is driven into an adjacent Pocket
The Bench Klamp™ shown in Pho-
to 10-E works very similarly to the
Face Clamp™ shown in Fig. 10-C,
but is designed to be routed into
the top of a workbench. This al-
lows you to rotate the frame around
the clamp and assemble one joint
at a time as it lays perfectly at on
the workbench.
Kreg Premium Face Clamp - Item# PFC
Kreg Right Angle Clamp - Item# RAC
Kreg Bench Klamp™ - Item# KBK
Joint Line
Large Clamp Pad
Face Side
Face Frame Clamp
Assembling Pocket
Hole Joints
Fine Thread for Hardwoods
Coarse Thread for Softwoods
Self-Tapping Tip
Pg. 11
Rail to Stile
Panel to Face Frame
Face Frame
Top Frame
Kreg Joinery
Cabinet construction is the one of
the most popular applications for
Pocket Hole technology. There are
three basic Pocket Hole orienta-
tions used to build the 15” cabinet
discussed in this booklet.
The end-to-edge application is
used for making the joints in the
top frame and face frame as shown
in Fig. 11-B.
The panel-to-panel application is
used to secure the oor of the cabi-
net to the sides as shown in Fig.
The end-to-face application is used
for attaching the face frame to the
cabinet side as shown in Fig. 11-D.
Panel to Panel
Pocket Hole Applications
in Cabinetmaking
11-C 11-D
Pg. 12
Nail Rail
Drawer Slide
Kick Board
Kreg Joinery
Pocket Holes are normally placed on
the backside or underside of a proj-
ect where they are hidden from view.
With a little design ingenuity there
are few situations in which a Pocket
Hole needs to be visible from the front
of the cabinet. The drawings on this
page help to illustrate the placement
of Pocket Holes on the backside and
underside of the 15” cabinet design.
Note that Pocket Holes placed on the
cabinet sides can usually be hidden
against another cabinet side, a wall, or
an appliance.
It is important with Kreg Joinery™ to
use a self-tapping wood screw. Or-
dinary drywall or hardware store type
screws are not self-tapping and will
tend to split the wood. First, choose the
correct screw length, which depends
on the thickness of the wood, the set-
ting of your Kreg Jig® and the depth
at which you drill the Pocket Hole.
When joining 3/4” to 3/4” stock, which
is what we are doing with our cabinet,
a 1-1/4” screw length is standard. I use
Kreg Self-tapping Pocket Hole screws
which are specially designed for Kreg
Joinery™. They feature a type-17 self-
tapping auger point that eliminates pre-
drilling and a washer head that seats
ush in the bottom of the Pocket Hole.
These screws have a deep #2 square
drive recess, which provides a very
positive t when driving the screw.
It is also important to use a screw
thread appropriate for the hardness
of the material being joined (see Fig.
10-B). A ne-thread screw is used
any time you’re driving the screw into
a hardwood (i.e., oak, maple, walnut,
cherry, hickory, etc).
The coarse thread screw has a larger
thread diameter and provides greater
holding power when driving a screw
into soft material such as plywood, par-
ticle board, MDF, melamine, and pine.
Pocket Holes
12-B 12-C
Pocket Holes in
backside of Nail Rail
Pocket Holes
placed in bottom
side of oor
Selecting the Correct Screw
Stock Preparation
First Things First
Successful results of any woodworking project depends on the
accuracy of stock preparation. Any errors during this step com-
pound as the project progresses. This critical process involves
much more than just cutting up the pieces for your project. The
initial step in stock preparation is planning. Plans and shop draw-
ings will help you to visualize the nished project.
Make a cutting list, which is a detailed account of the size and
number of the parts required. To begin, inspect the wood. Look
for aws, warp, checks, splits or other defects that may prove
dangerous. When inspecting the wood, observe grain patterns
and color. It is a good practice to buy 25% more material than
you need. There is always some waste, but remember that the
more material you have, the easier it is to make choices.
Preparing Stock for
Your Project
First, check your machine set-ups. Is your jointer fence, table
saw, and miter saw square and cutting accurately? Are your
jointer and planer knives sharp and adjusted correctly? Sec-
ondly, choose your lumber wisely. Lumber is usually available
in three forms. The more the wood has been processed the
higher the price. Rough lumber has not been processed since
it was cut at the sawmill. It has a rough surface and is usually
slightly warped. Surfaced lumber has been planed so that both
faces of the board are parallel to each other and have a smooth
planed surface. This is also known as “surfaced two sides” or
“S2S.Surfaced four sides” (“S4S”) means that the board has
been planed and the edges are square and parallel to each oth-
er. Plywood, particleboard and melamine sheets are the most
stable materials available to the woodworker. The S4S (sur-
faced four sides) boards and man-made materials are the most
convenient. The drawback, of course, is that you have to pay a
higher price for these nished boards. Many woodworkers with
well-equipped shops prefer to surface rough lumber into the S4S
“Layoutis the term for the process of selecting and marking the
stock required for the cutting lists. The boards are usually sorted
by size and color. The widest and the longest boards should be
used for drawer fronts. Ideally, the drawers fronts should all be
cut from the same board and mounted consecutively with the
grain creating a continuous ow. Door panel material should
also be chosen with care.
A board that is 4 ft. long is the most manageable to machine.
If the nished pieces will be short, leave as long as possible
and crosscut them to length last. The key to layout success
is to plan ahead so that you can maximize the use of your
lumber and your time. Every situation is different and requires
a different solution. Jointing and planing may release tension
in the board and expose the interior of the board to the envi-
ronment, which may have a different moisture content. The
fresh surfaces may either release or absorb moisture, and the
board may distort slightly.
Many experienced woodworkers allow the wood moisture
content to equalize by partially processing the wood and then
allowing it to stabilize for a couple of weeks in the shop be-
fore the nal machining. The wood is cut and planed slightly
oversize and then stacked with shims between each board.
Stacking the boards in this way allows air to circulate between
the boards so that they have the same moisture content as
the air in the shop. After the boards stabilize, they are jointed
and planed again to remove any warp that developed.
Miter Saw with Kreg Trak and Stop System on Support Wings
Top Trak
Swing Stop™
Back Board
Table Box
Pocket Hole Screws
Height of
Miter Saw
Support Wing Detail
Radial Arm Saw with Kreg Trak and Stop System
Tablesaw with Kreg Precision Miter Gauge
Pg. 14
Stock Preparation
Cutting to length
After the boards have been sur-
faced on all four sides, the last
stage is to crosscut the pieces
to the desired length. Before you
start cutting up your pile of wood,
make sure that you have newly
sharpened saw blades on your
machines. Cutting the two ends
square and to the desired length
is a two-step process. The initial
step is to cut one end square and
the second step is to cut the op-
posite end square and to the re-
quired length. I use my tablesaw
and the miter gauge to crosscut
anything that is less than 20
inches long and the radial-arm
saw or miter saw for wood longer
than 20 inches. If more than one
board is to be cut to the same
length, use a stop for accuracy
and repeatability. The ideal stop
would be there when needed but
also allow multiple set-ups. The
answer for the small shop is the
reasonably priced Kreg Precision
Trak and Stop System (Fig. 13-A).
Choose the Right Saw
for the Job
Fig. 13-A and 13-B show an
easy way to make auxiliary sup-
port wings for your miter saw with
trak mounted for the stops. Fig.
14-A shows the Kreg stops on the
radial arm saw. The miter saw is
usually more accurate than a ra-
dial arm saw. The Trak and Stops
can be mounted on either side of
the saw. The curved design of the
Swing Stop
allows a board to
bypass the stop by simply sliding
the board into the stop, thereby
lifting it out of the way. Pieces of
multiple lengths can be cut to the
precise length without ever touch-
ing a stop. For cutting short piec-
es less than 20 inches long, I use
the miter gauge on the tablesaw
with the same Kreg Swing Stop
as shown in Fig. 14-B.
Pg. 15
Stock Preparation
Building a
Crosscut Sled
Although the miter saw and the
tablesaw miter gauge are great
for accurate crosscuts, they are
not ideal for cutting sheet ma-
terials used in the cabinetmak-
ing process. The Kreg Trak and
Stop System can also be used
to build jigs and xtures.
The shop- made crosscut sled
shown in Fig. 15-A and 15-B is
one of the most useful jigs that
you can make for your shop.
The plywood platform should
be made of high quality mate-
rial. The back fence supporting
the Kreg Top Trak should be 2-
1/4higher than the table. The
Kreg Top Trak is screwed on top
of the fence board which is se-
cured to the plywood platform
with screws. You only need to
use one 30” piece of Kreg Jig
and Fixture Bar for the bottom
of the sled. The sled bottom
should be 25” wide so that you
can cut a piece of plywood in
half as shown in Fig. 15-A.
Back Fence
Kreg Jig and
Fixture Bar
Swing Stop
Top Trak
Plywood Sled
Top Trak
Back Fence
Plywood Sled
Kreg Jig and
Fixture Bar
Swing Stop
Pg. 16
Panel Doors
Face Frame
Counter Top
Drawer Front
Panel Doors
Face Frame
Base Cabinet
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
Over the years, a lot has been
written about cabinetmaking and
the best systems for making kitch-
en cabinets. Unfortunately, some
cabinet designs are not practical
for a small shop or use materials
that are not readily available to the
small shop or individual hobbyist.
When I rst started making cabi-
nets, I doweled the face frame
which was much faster than the
mortise and tenon joint that my fa-
ther and grandfather used. When
I rst saw the Kreg Jig® at a
woodworking show in Minneapo-
lis, it took about ten seconds for
me to gure out that I needed this
This one small device has made
more difference that any other
tool in my shop. It has helped to
make my woodworking a lot faster
and easier, the quality of my work
has also improved. The cabinet
design shown in this booklet has
evolved over the years. In this
design, I’m using modern technol-
ogy such as Kreg Joinery™ and
European hardware to produce a
stronger cabinet in less time.
Wall Cabinet
15” Cabinet Overview
Pg. 17
Top Frame Rail
Top Frame
Top Frame Stile
Face Frame Rails
Kick Board
Toe Kick Space
Face Frame Stile
Cabinet Side
Face Frame
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
In this cabinet design, I create two simple
frames with Kreg Joinery™ that serve as a
reference point for the rest of the cabinet.
The standard face frame and also a “top
frame” which stabilizes the top of the cabinet.
It makes the assembly of the cabinet a snap,
and I think that it is a better overall product.
It is especially easy for one person working
alone to assemble.
I’ve used this design in cabinetmaking classes
and now have students, some of whom have
never done any woodworking, nish com-
plete cabinets in two days. That includes re-
saw and bookmatching the door panel. This
booklet is designed to systematically present
the information needed to build a high-quality,
professional cabinet that can be easily rep-
licated to build an entire kitchen. With that
said, let’s get started. I’m sure you’ll enjoy
the simplicity and speed of this construction
Before you start, the placement of Pocket
Holes in the side panels is important to plan
out in advance. If the side panel is to be ex-
posed to the room, you’ll want to position the
Pocket Holes on the inside face of the panel
and plug them if necessary. If the side panel
will be against a house wall or another cabi-
net, the Pocket Holes should be placed on
the outside face, as it won’t be visible. If the
side panel will be against an appliance and
trim will be used to hide the side panel, place
the Pocket Holes on the outside face.
The 15” sample cabinet illustrated in this
booklet is the face frame style, which means
that there is a frame on the front of the cabi-
net as shown in Fig. 17-A. The cabinet is es-
sentially a box with a face frame attached to
the front of it. The frame reinforces the box
and keeps it square. The frame is designed
to be 1/2” wider than the cabinet so the when
the cabinets are attached to each other there
is a tight t between the frames. This cabi-
net design also has a top frame which keeps
the tops of the sides in place and makes the
cabinet easier to assemble. The two frames
are made from solid stock and are quickly as-
sembled using Kreg Joinery™.
Simple Design -
Yet Ready for Production!
Placement of the Pocket Holes
Nail Rail
Pg. 18
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
Kick Board
Face Frame
Toe Kick Space
Top Frame Stile
Top Frame
Drawer Slide
Nail Rail
Fig. 18-A is an exploded view
of the cabinet. The sides are
secured to the oor and the
top frame before the back
and front face frames are at-
tached to the box unit. With
this design, complicated ma-
chining and the use of dados
and rabbets can be avoided.
Also avoided with the use of
a top frame are ller pieces or
angle brackets, which require
tedious positioning and instal-
One of the questions to be an-
swered when making a cabi-
net is how will the countertop
be attached to the cabinet?
Another often asked question
relating to this issue is how do
you keep the cabinet sides
parallel to each other? In the
past, individual corner blocks
have been used to square
the cabinet top and provide a
place for securing the coun-
ter to the top of the cabinet.
An alternative to the corner
blocks is a ller piece called a
“stretcherwhich is the width
of the oor and keeps the
sides parallel.
Rather than using triangular
corner blocks which are in-
stalled individually this cabi-
net design employs a top
frame. The top frame is made
of four face frame pieces that
are Pocket Screwed together.
It provides the spacing func-
tion of the stretcher and the
squaring function of the trian-
gular blocks. Because it is a
one piece frame, it is easily in-
stalled when aligned with the
top of the cabinet.
Cabinet Parts
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
Pg. 19
Side of Cabinet
Front of Cabinet
Top of Cabinet
Nail Rail
Pg. 20
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
Cutlist Diagram
Top Frame Rails
Top Frame Stiles
Nail Rail
Kick Board
Cutlist Parts Identication
The parts identied on this page correspond with the cutlist on the
following page. Please reference dimensions from the list to size
parts correctly prior to assembly.
Pg. 21
Standard Parts Cut List for 15” Wall Cabinet:
Non-Standard Parts Cut List for 15” Base Cabinet:
Non-standard parts change in size (width or length) depending on the width of the cabinet (15”,18”, 21”, etc.). These
parts include the oor, face frame rails, top frame rails, back, door frame rails, drawer rails, drawer fronts, nail rail,
and kick board. The rule listed to the right of each component makes it very easy to re-calculate the dimensions for
various sized cabinets.
Standard parts are always the same regardless of the width of the cabinet. These items can be made at one time and
stockpiled for ease of processing when building a set of cabinets.
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
Part Name Qty. Thickness Width Length Note:
Side 2 3/4” 23-1/4” 34-1/2” Note: There is a cut out for the kick board that is 4-1/2” high and
3” wide. There is also an optional rabbet in the side panel that is
1/4” deep and 3/8” wide to accept the back panel.
Top frame stile 2 3/4” 1-1/2” 23”
Face frame stile 2 3/4” 1-1/2” 30”
Door frame stile 2 3/4” 2” 21-1/2”
Drawer sides 2 1/2” 4” 21-1/2”
Part Name Qty. Thickness Width Length Rule:
Floor 1 3/4” 13” 23” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 2”
Top frame rail 2 3/4” 1-1/2” 10” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 5”
Face frame rail 3 3/4” 1-1/2” 12” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 3”
Back panel 1 1/4” 13-1/2” 29-1/2” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 1-1/2”
Door frame rail 2 3/4” 2” 9” Plus The door frame rail is 9” for the 15 cabinet plus the length
of the stub tenon or the length of the tenon on the cope and stick joint.
The door panel should be sized AFTER the door frame is completed.
Drawer front rail 2 1/2” 4” 10” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 5” Note: The drawer bottom
panel should be sized AFTER the drawer box is completed.
Drawer back rail 2 1/2” 3-1/4” 10” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 5” Note: The drawer bottom
panel should be sized AFTER the drawer box is completed.
Drawer front 1 3/4” 6” 13” Drawer front to be same width as door.
Nail rail 1 3/4” 5” 13” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 2”
Kick board 1 3/4” 4” 14-1/2” Width of cabinet (15”) minus 1/2”.
Pg. 22
Standard Parts
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
About Standard Parts
Standard parts shown shaded
gray in Fig. 22-A are always the
same size because they do not
change with different cabinet
widths (ie. 15”, 18”, 21”). Be-
cause these parts are not cus-
tom pieces, they can be made
in quantity and “stockpiled”.
The sides, face frame stiles
and top frame stiles are stan-
dard parts and are always the
same no matter what the width
of the cabinet may be.
Standard Parts
Pg. 23
Non-Standard Parts
Top Frame Rails
Kick Board
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
Nonstandard parts, which are
shown shaded gray in Fig. 23-A,
are the parts that determine the
width of the cabinet. They are dif-
ferent lengths depending on the
cabinet sizes. The bottom, back,
kickboard, nail rail, and frame
rails change in size as the cabinet
changes in size.
To make sure that the cabinet
sides are parallel to each other
the top frame and the oor must
This is accomplished by using the
same tablesaw rip fence setting
to cut a hair off the width of the
top frame and then cut the oor to
the same width.
Non-Standard Parts
Nail Rail
Non-Standard Parts
Pg. 24
Face Frame
Building a 15” Base Cabinet
Top Frame
Top Frame and Floor are ripped to the exact same width on
the tablesaw to achieve perfectly parallel cabinet sides.
Building cabinets efciently can best be accom-
plished by following the simple steps below.
Step 1: Make one complete cabinet at a
time (with the exception of the
countertop). We recommend
beginning with a base cabinet
that doesn’t span a corner
because these are the simplest.
These types of cabinets are the
focus of this booklet.
Step 2: Once all the cases are made,
drawers and doors can be made
and nished.
Step 3: Door and drawer hardware
should be installed.
Step 4: Attach backs.
Step 5: Install cabinets.
Step 6: Countertops constructed and
installed. Important! It will be
easier to install your wall
cabinets if you haven’t installed
the base cabinets.
Pg. 25
The actual assembly of the cabinet is a step
that is easily taken for granted. However, as
with other steps in the cabinetmaking pro-
cess, attention to detail will reward you with
professional results.
First, Assemble the Frames
Step 1: Bore two Pocket Holes in the end
of each rail.
Step 2: Assemble the face frame and
top frame one joint at a time using
a Face Clamp™ to align the
I use the following screws from Kreg: a #7,
ne thread 1-1/4” (#SML-F125) for hard-
woods, and a #8, coarse thread, 1-l/4screw
with a washer head (SML-C125) for soft-
woods and man-made materials.
Second, Drill Pocket Holes
in Side Panels and Floor
(Note: First mark the inside and outside
of each side panel for reference.)
Once the side panels are cut to size, you
will need to rout a rabbet into the back in-
side edge of the panels. This rabbet will later
accept the back panel. If the side panel is
designed to support shelving, you will also
need to bore holes for shelf pins at this time,
or use adjustable shelving tracks. If adjust-
able shelving isn’t important, you can simply
place Pocket Holes on the underside of the
shelves and screw the shelves directly into
the side panel.
The next step is to bore the Pocket Holes
along the front edge of each side panel.
Make sure your depth collar is set correctly.
If the side panel is exposed to the room you’ll
want to position the Pocket Holes on the in-
side face of the side panel and plug them if
necessary. If the side panel will be against
a house wall or another cabinet, the Pocket
Holes should be placed on the outside face,
as the outside face wont be visible. If the side
panel will be against an appliance and trim
will be used to hide the side panel, place the
Pocket Holes on the outside face. Choose
which side to place the Pocket Holes, given
your situation, and bore Pocket Holes every
6” to 8” along the front edge of the side panel.
Use a Right Angle Clamp (as shown in Fig.
10-D) to hold the panels in place as you drive
the screws into the face frame.
First, assemble face frame and top frame.
1. Position rst side panel on bench.
2. Join oor to one side panel.
3. Join top frame to side panel.
4. Add opposite side panel.
5. Add face frame to front of cabinet.
6. Join nail rail to side panels.
7. Secure kick board to side panels
8. Nail back panel into position.
Assembly Overview
Pg. 26
Place the Pocket Holes along the front edge
and sides on the underside of the oor. Make
sure your depth collar is set correctly.
Assembly – Step by Step Overview
We recommend that you make a oor spacer jig
to help secure the oor to the side using Pocket
Hole screws. The spacer is simply a piece of 5”
wide scrap with a 1-1/2” piece of wood screwed
to the edge of it as shown in Fig. 26-A. Once
built, this spacer will allow you to accurately po-
sition the oor into your cabinet time after time.
Step 1: Using the shop made oor spacer
jig, secure the oor to one side
panel using Pocket Hole screws
as shown in Fig. 26-C.
Step 2: Next, secure the top frame to
the top edge of the side panel.
Step 3: Flip the cabinet over and secure
the oor and the top frame to
the opposite side panel.
Step 4: Secure the face frame to the front
of the cabinet making sure to leave
a 1/4” reveal on each edge.
Step 5: Screw the toe kick board to the
oor and sides of the cabinet.
Step 6: Door and drawer hardware should
be installed at this time. If you are
going to use a wood spacer to
correctly position the drawer
hardware, t and install the ller
strip now. This is covered in detail
in the drawer section of this
Step 7: Screw the nail rail to the sides
of the cabinet.
Step 8: Fit the back but leave it unattached
for now until the hardware and
drawers are tted.
Floor Spacer
Cabinet Side
Cabinet Side
Cabinet Floor
Driving screws from oor into cabinet side.
Floor spacer
Pg. 27
The last big task for making the cabi-
net base is to decide on the design and
material for the countertop. There are
many options in addition to the stan-
dard plastic laminate top including man-
made solid surface materials such as
re slate and Corian. Other materials,
such as tile and stone, have also gained
popularity. After you decide on the ma-
terial, research the thickness in which it
is available in. Some materials, such
as Corian, are only available in 1/2” and
the height of the cabinet may have to
be elongated to reach the nish height
of 36”, which is the standard height for
stoves, etc.
The most popular countertop is the
post-formed plastic laminate shown in
Figure 27-A. It is available in a large va-
riety of patterns and colors and is rela-
tively inexpensive. It can be ordered in
any length up to 12’ long and pieces can
easily be connected end to end to form
any length. It is characterized by three
curves, which are the top of the backs-
plash, the union of the top and the back-
splash and the front edge as shown in
Fig 27-A. Making the three curves
requires very expensive commercial
equipment and is beyond the scope of
the small shop or hobbyist. It is eas-
ily ordered with the end caps already
installed from a local dealer or home
center either in standard lengths or cus-
tom lengths. It usually takes about two
weeks for delivery.
Another option for the hobbyist or the
small shop is the choice of making
plastic laminate countertops without
the post-formed edge. The shop-made
countertop would have square edges,
like the cabinet shown in Fig. 27-B. This
countertop is similar to the post-formed
version in that the top is made from a
3/4” substrate such as particle board or
MDF. The side is designed to look as if
it is 1-1/2” thick which is accomplished
by adding 3/4” by 3/4rim boards to the
bottom outside edge of the substrate
as shown in Fig. 27-C. The rim board
should be glued and screwed to the
substrate with 1” pocket hole screws.
It you secure the rim board material so
that it is proud of the substrate by 1/8”,
it is easily trimmed to be ush with the
top by using a ush trimming router bit.
Using contact cement, attach the plastic
laminate to the sides before laminat-
ing the top. After the top and sides are
done secure the laminated backsplash
to the top with Pocket Hole screws.
Standard Countertop
Square Countertop
Countertop Basics
Pg. 28
Laminated tops, both post-formed and shop
made, should be 25” from front to back which
allows the cabinet to have a 1” overhang on
the front of the cabinet. There are three op-
tions for determining the width of the counter
top. Islands and counters that are freestand-
ing (don’t touch another cabinet or appliance)
should have a 1” overhang on each side to
match the front of the cabinet. An island with
an eating space is an exception because the
counter top should extend past the cabinet
for sitting space.
If the cabinet is placed between appliances,
such as a stove and a refrigerator, the coun-
tertop should extend 1/4” past the edge of the
face frame on each side of the cabinet. That
means that the countertop for the 15” cabi-
net would be 15-1/2” wide. The third option
is to make a countertop with a 1/4” overhang
on one side which contacts an appliance and
a 1” overhang on the opposite side which is
open to the room.
There are various mechanisms for securing
the countertop to the cabinet. One option
for securing plastic laminated counter tops is
to use spacers attached to the top of the top
frame with screws as shown in Fig. 28-A and
28-B. The spacer is 3” wide and the width
of the top frame which is 13” for the sample
15” cabinet. The spacers t in the 14” space
between the rim boards. Holes in the spac-
ers allow 1” screws to be used to secure the
countertop to the cabinet.
Countertop cut-away to show
placement of spacers.
Pg. 29
Another option for making a
countertop is called edgeband-
ing. As the name implies, ma-
terial (usually decorative hard-
wood) is secured to the edge of
the countertop.
The 3/4” substrate should be
cut to size so that it over hangs
the cabinet front and sides (but
not the back) by the appropriate
amount. Remember to add the
width of the edgebanding. Bore
pocket holes 6” to 8” apart along
all countertop edges that will be
exposed to the edgebanding
as shown in Figure 29-A. Re-
member to pay close attention
to the depth of the pocket hole.
Keep in mind that the trim will
be routed so the screw must t
the proled edgebanding.
There are two options for attach-
ing an edgebanded piece to the
substrate counter top. Figure
29-C shows the option of apply-
ing the plastic laminate to the top
of the substrate before applying
the edgebanding. Figures 29-D
and 29-E show the option of ap-
plying the plastic laminate to the
top of the substrate and to the
front of the edgebanding before
routing the edge. This last op-
tion is one of the ways that com-
mercially available counter tops
are made. As with any other
techniques, it is a good idea to
make some countertop samples
to get the hang of it before start-
ing a big project.
Pocket Hole Screw
Plastic Laminate
Plastic Laminate
Plastic Laminate
Pocket Holes
Plastic Laminate
Be sure to use 1” screws for edgebanding!
Pg. 30
Making the Drawer
The drawer is essentially an open
box. Cabinet drawers are usually
made with two parts: a drawer box
and a drawer front, which is made of
the same wood type used to make
the face frame. Making a separate
front allows the box to be installed
and then the front attached so that it
is centered on the opening or aligned
with the door. Fig. 30-A shows the
drawer construction with a dado on
the front and sides. The drawer bot-
tom slides in from the back after the
box is constructed. Fig. 31-A, 31-B
and 31-C shows the drawer dimen-
sions in detail for the 15” cabinet.
The drawer is constructed using Kreg
Joinery™ on the front and the back
of the drawer. The Pocket Holes at
the front of the drawer are later cov-
ered by the drawer front. Fig. 30-A
shows the hardware that we are us-
ing in this 15” cabinet. A track with
a roller on the front is secured to the
cabinet. Another track with a roller
on the back is screwed to the bottom
edge of the drawer. This hardware is
designed to work with a drawer that
is 1” narrower than the opening in the
face frame. We’ve chosen this type
of drawer slide because it offers ex-
cellent performance, is economical,
and are simple to install. Many manu-
facturers make bottom mount slides
that install in a similar manner.
The traditional wood used for mak-
ing drawers is ash, other hardwoods
can also be used. Another option is
1/2” or 3/4” Baltic Birch or Appleply
If you are using the bottom mount
drawer slides, get the slides and read
the instructions. You may want to
build a sample drawer to work out the
details if you have not used this kind
of hardware before.
The drawer size is determined by
the kind of hardware you use. Make
the drawer boxes 1” narrower and 1”
shorter than the drawer opening in
the face frame. For example, if your
face frame opening is 5” tall by 24”
wide, the outside dimensions of the
drawer box should be 4” tall by 23”
Pocket Holes placed on
backside of Drawer Rail.
Pocket Holes placed on the
front side of drawer rail will be
covered by the drawer front.
Drawer Side
Drawer Bottom
Pg. 31
Making the Drawer
The length of the drawer
slide you choose will vary de-
pending on if you build your
cabinets with inset or overlay
drawer fronts. We recommend
that you acquire your hard-
THE CABINET and follow the
manufacturers instructions
Metal drawer slides are very
popular because they work
well, add a professional
touch and are economical.
Side mount drawer slides
are made of two parts. The
part mounted to the cabinet is
called the cabinet track. It is
U shaped with a attened end
to which a wheel is attached.
The cabinet tracks have to be
accurately positioned in the
cabinet. Without a mounting
tool, the job is tedious be-
cause of all the measuring
and marking.
The Kreg Mounting Tool
shown on page 32, is used to
easily mount the drawer slide
to the cabinet side. It elimi-
nates the need for measuring
and marking because it uses
the intersection of the stile
and rail as a reference point
so that each cabinet track
is mounted accurately. This
new design employs magnets
to hold the cabinet track in
See manufacturers drawer slide
instructions for this dimension.
See manufacturers drawer slide
instructions for this dimension.
Pg. 32
Making the Drawer
The design of the Kreg Drawer
Slide Mounting Tool allows most
types of metallic slides to be in-
stalled with ease. This product fea-
tures a magnet on each side of the
tool so it can be used for mounting
the track to the cabinet on each
side of the drawer. The end with the
wheel should be positioned toward
the Mounting Tool. Make sure that
the cabinet track is secured to the
mounting tool with the slide parallel
to the bottom of the mounting tool
as shown in Fig. 32-A.
A Face Clamp™ can then be used
to hold the mounting tool in place
while the screws are driven into
the cabinet side. The cabinet track
typically has an oblong hole. Use
this hole for securing the track to
the side of the cabinet. Putting the
screw in the middle of the oblong
hole allows for a slight adjustment
When there is a space between
the edge of the stile and the cabi-
net side, a mechanism is needed
to support the cabinet track. One
option is to use a commercially
available plastic rear cabinet track
support, as shown in Fig. 32-B, that
mounts to the rear of the cabinet.
Another option is to use a wood
spacer as shown in Fig. 32-B. The
spacer is the width of the distance
between the edge of the face frame
and the side of the cabinet. Make
and mount the drawer fronts after
you have hung and adjusted the
doors. That way, you can align the
drawer fronts with the doors.
Kreg Drawer Slide
Mounting Tool
Drawer Slide mounted
with slide support.
Rear Cabinet
Slide Support
Face Frame
Installing the
Drawer Slides
Pg. 33
Making the Drawer
After the doors are made, in-
stalled and aligned, the next
task is to attach the drawer
fronts. Carefully measure the
width of the door and cut the
drawer face to that width. Make
a spacer that will rest on top of
the door. With the drawer box
in the cabinet, place the drawer
front on top of the spacer. Roll
the drawer box out and use a
couple of clamps to secure the
drawer front to the drawer box.
Drive a screw from inside the
box through the drawer box and
into the drawer front.
We like to use the SPS-F1 (1”)
or SPS-F125 (1-1/4”) screws
because the self-tapping tips
eliminate pre-drilling. Keep in
mind that if you’ve used a 1/2”
material for the drawer box and
3/4” material for the drawer front,
a 1-1/4” screw is too long.
Width of Drawer Box
Width of Face Frame Opening
1/2” Gap required
for hardware to
function correctly.
Pg. 34
Making the Door
Cabinet doors are made in many different styles. Most cabinet
doors are made with the frame and panel design because it
is a good way of making a wide door without the expansion
and contraction problems of solid wood. The style of the door
determines the hardware design that can be used to mount
it. If the door ts inside the face frame, it is called an “inset”
door and requires the appropriate hardware. Furniture often is
made with inset doors. Cabinets are usually made with over-
lay doors which are wider than the face frame opening. The
rst consideration should be whether you want overlay or inset
style doors.
If you choose overlay doors, the next decision is how much
overlay you want. Traditional cabinets typically use a 1/2” over-
lay, meaning the door covers a 1/2” of the face frame on all
sides. Usually the overlay door is one inch wider and one inch
longer than the face frame opening. The 15” sample cabinet
door opening in the face frame is 20-1/2by 12”. The door
will be made to be 21-1/2” by 13”.The amount of overlay is
determined by the hinge design. There are many choices in
hardware and the details of the choices available are beyond
the scope of this booklet. Magazines, books, catalogs, home
centers and home shows are good sources of information.
There are many considerations when choosing hardware.
Concealed hinges provide a more contemporary look and are
typically used with solid, composite laminate or at panel doors
in either an overlay or inset style. All things being equal, overlay
doors are easier to make and install because, with inset doors,
the openings and the doors must be perfectly square.
Concealed European style cup hinges typically mount into a
35mm (diameter) hole bored 1/2” deep into the door, requiring
a 35mm forstner bit used in a drill press. If you don’t have a drill
press, there are some jigs available through catalogs, which
make a portable drill work like a drill press.
For the 15” sample cabinet that we are making in this booklet,
we are using an overlay door that is one inch longer and one
inch wider than the face frame opening. We are using two Eu-
ropean style cup hinges for the door which are placed in 35mm
holes in the door frames.The standard for mounting door hard-
ware is to mount the centerline of the hinge 3” in from the top
and bottom of the door. If the hinge provides a 1/2” overlay,
then the centerline of the hinge should be mounted to the face
frame 2-1/2” below where the stile meets the rail.
A huge advantage of the European style cup hinge is the ad-
justability factor. These hinges have screws that allow the
door to be adjusted up or down or in and out which allows for
squaring, leveling and alignment with the other doors in a set
of cabinets.
After deciding on the door design and what kind of hinges you
will use, you are ready to make the door. The door that we
are making for the 15” cabinet is a simple panel door. The
frame is made of the top and bottom rail (horizontal members)
and the side stiles (vertical members). The side stiles run the
length of the door and cover the end grain of the horizontal
rails. There are two options for making the door frames, which
are shown in Fig. 34-A and 34-B on page 34. The easiest op-
tion is the stub tenon, which is made with standard woodwork-
ing equipment such as a dado blade or a slot cutter router bit.
The door stiles and rails are 2” inches wide by 3/4” of an inch
thick. A 1/2” deep dado that is 1/4” wide is made on the inside
of both the rail and the stile pieces. The dado on the inside
of the door is the space in which the door panel is located.
The stub tenon, which is 1/2” by 1/4”, is the same size as the
dado and is glued in the dado after the door panel is tted to
the door frame. The stub tenon has a number of advantages.
It is fairly easy to make and doesn’t require the purchase of
special equipment such as a matching set of router or shaper
cutters. The simple design compliments just about any style
of décor and is especially at home with the very popular Arts
and Crafts designs. If you use the stub tenon, remember to
add the 1” measurement (1/2” on each side) to the door rail.
The rail for the 13” wide door should be 10” long.
Stub Tenon Door
1/4” Dado
1/2” by 1/4” Dado
Making the Door
Cope and Stick Door
Cope and Stick Doors
A more complicated door de-
sign is the rail and stile shown
in Fig. 35-A. An interlocking
joint called the cope and stick
joint is produced by either
using router table cutters or
shaper cutters. This joint re-
quires making a series of cuts
with two different cutters and
precisely adjusting the set-up
for a perfect t. For the begin-
ning woodworker, this task can
be intimidating due to the com-
plex nature of the required t.
However, cope and stick doors
of professional quality are eas-
ily produced once you have
mastered the techniques.
Cope and stick doors require a
learning curve which requires
study and practice. Like many
woodworking joints, they are
easily produced once you
have the correct set-up and
develop the technique. If you
decide to use the cope and
stick joint, practice making the
joint and carefully measure
the rail length for the 13” wide
sample cabinet door. After
the door is complete, drill the
holes for mounting the Euro-
pean style cup hinges. The 2
door hinges are located in two
35mm holes drilled 1/2” deep
in the door stile. The door
hinges are screwed to the face
frame edge. Drill the 35mm
holes 3” from the end of the
cabinet. Use a drill press with
two stops, as shown in photo
Drilling 35mm holes in door stile for hinge cups.
Pg. 36
Front View
Making the Door
Top View
Side View
Cope and Stick
Door Dimensions
Pg. 37
Wall Cabinets
Wall cabinets mount on the wall
above the base cabinets and are
usually the same width as the
base cabinet, as shown in Fig. 37-
A. The depth of the cabinet is usu-
ally 12”. When the wall cabinet is
located above an appliance, such
as a 30” wide stove the cabinet
should be 30” wide. The standard
height wall cabinet is 30” high and
is designed to be used with a room
soft, which is box in the top corner
of the ceiling and wall junction that
is the same material as the wall.
The soft is usually a framed box
that is secured to the corner of
the room where the wall and ceil-
ing meet. It is often covered with
the wall material that is used in the
rest of the room, which is usually
drywall. The nished dimension
(frame plus drywall thickness) of
the soft is usually 12” height and
14” wide.
Thus, the nished soft extends
past the top of the wall cabinet 2”
which gives it a pleasing profes-
sional look.
Depending on the height of the
ceiling and the size of the sof-
t, the distance between the wall
cabinet and the countertop is usu-
ally 16 to 20”.
In recent years, kitchens are fre-
quently designed without softs
and, in some cases, the cabinet
goes all the way up to the ceiling.
A kitchen may have wall cabinets
of varying heights to accommodate
appliances such as stove hoods or
wall mounted microwaves. To ac-
commodate different kitchen de-
signs (soft or no soft), appliance
sizes, wall height variations, etc,
commercially made wall cabinets
are available in heights ranging
from 9” to 48” in 3” increments.
Obviously, the huge advantage of
a custom made cabinet is that it
can be designed and made for a
specic space.
Building a 15”
Wall Cabinet
Pg. 38
Wall Cabinets
Most wall cabinets are designed
with mechanisms for shelf height
adjustment. The standard is the use
of multiple holes with shelf supports
on which the shelf rest. Another op-
tion is the use of a front and back
track with adjustable shelf supports.
Get the adjustable shelf hardware
before planning and building the
Compared to the base cabinet, the
wall cabinet is a lot easier to build. It
is smaller and has less pieces, plus
it doesn’t have a drawer. The face
frame is a simple rectangle made of
the standard 1-1/2” by 3/4” material.
After the parts are cut to size using
the wall cabinet cut list, assemble
the parts in a similar manner as the
bottom cabinet as described in the
“assembly” section of this book-
let. Make a spacer for measuring
the distance between the oor and
the bottom edge of the face frame.
A 3/4” spacer will secure the oor
ush with the top edge of the face
frame rail. Another option is to use
a 5/8” spacer so that the bottom is
1/8” lower than the top edge of the
face frame.
The Pocket Holes on the top should
be located on the front and sides of
the top. They should be oriented so
that the pocket holes are exposed
on the top of the cabinet so, when
you open the cabinet door, you don’t
see any Pocket Holes. For most
wall cabinets, the Pocket Holes
should be oriented on the bottom of
the cabinet so when you open the
door Pocket Holes are not visible.
The one exception to having the
holes on the bottom of the cabinet,
is the wall cabinet above the sink
where the bottom of the cabinet is
visible. Plugs can be used to cover
pocket holes in situations where
they may be visible.
As with the bottom cabinet, orient
the Pocket Hole screws so they are
not visible from the outside of the
Face Frame Stile
Face Frame Rail
15” Wall Cabinet Cut List:
Nail Rail
Part Name Qty. Thickness Width Length
Side 2 3/4” 11-1/4” 30”
Face frame rail 2 3/4” 1-1/2” 12”
Face frame stile 2 3/4” 1-1/2” 30”
Floor 1 3/4” 13” 11”
Top 1 3/4” 13” 11”
Back 1 1/4” 13-1/2” 29-1/2”
Nail Rail 1 3/4” 13” 4”
Pg. 39
About the Author
The information in this booklet was kindly provided to Kreg by Mark Duginske. Mark is a
fourth generation woodworker from central Wisconsin. He makes his living as a woodwork-
er, designer, writer, and inventor. He was formerly a contributing editor to Fine Woodwork-
ing Magazine and currently writes for a number of magazines. His work has appeared in
Fine Woodworking, Fine Homebuilding, The Design Book, Americana, Chicago Magazine,
Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Woodsmith, Wood Shop News and Wood News.
About the Author
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Printed in the USA
Copyright 2005 Mark Duginske