©2016 by Raymond Millien, Esq.
For educational and informational purposes only. Not intended to be construed as legal advice.
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The capitalized terms used, but not defined, below are purposeful
so that you may use the definition section of your favorite relevant agreement.
Option 1: All Activities Are Truly Done Jointly
1. Company-A New Intellectual Property. All Intellectual Property made, developed, conceived, first
reduced to practice, fixed in any tangible medium of expression, or created independently by Company-
A, without any contribution from Company-B of any kind during the term of this Agreement (Company-
A New Intellectual Property), will be the sole and exclusive property, including the entire right, title and
interest of Company-A.
2. Company-B New Intellectual Property. All Intellectual Property made, developed, conceived, first
reduced to practice, fixed in any tangible medium of expression, or created independently by Company-
B without any contribution from Company-A of any kind during the term of this Agreement (Company-B
New Intellectual Property), will be the sole and exclusive property, including the entire right, title and
interest, of Company-B.
3. Joint Intellectual Property. All Intellectual Property jointly made, developed, conceived, first
reduced to practice, fixed in any tangible medium of expression or created by Company-A and Company-
B during the term of this Agreement (Joint Intellectual Property), will be the joint property of and the
entire right, title and interest is hereby assigned jointly to Company-A and Company-B, and each party
may enjoy all rights and privileges accorded ownership of such joint property without accounting to the
4 Assignment of Joint Intellectual Property. Each party hereby assigns and agrees to assign to the
other party, or its designees, an undivided one-half its full right, title and interest in and to all Joint
Intellectual Property. Each party agrees that, during the term of this Agreement and subsequent to the
completion or termination of this Agreement, they will, at the other partys request and expense, execute
any and all applications for U.S and foreign patents, copyrights or other rights and otherwise provide
assistance (including, but not limited to, the execution and delivery of instruments of further assurance
or confirmation) to assign an undivided one-half interest in said Joint Intellectual Property to the other
party and to permit the other party to enforce any patents, copyrights or other rights in and to said subject
intellectual property. All copyrightable works that are created pursuant to performance under this
Agreement shall be considered works made for hire as defined by U.S. Copyright Law.
5. Filings. The parties agree not to file any patent, trademark, or copyright applications relating to
Joint Intellectual Property, without first notifying the other party.
©2016 by Raymond Millien, Esq.
For educational and informational purposes only. Not intended to be construed as legal advice.
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6. Disclosure. Each of the parties shall promptly and fully disclose to the other party all Joint
Intellectual Property and shall identify and maintain records of Joint Intellectual Property, and a copy of
all such records shall be promptly provided to the other party. Such records shall be considered
Confidential Information and subject to Section [x] of this Agreement.
7. Transfer, Assignment and Waiver. Each of the parties represents, warrants and covenants that
any Joint Intellectual Property will be created solely by their respective Personnel acting within the scope
of their employment, or under a written independent contractor agreement assigning Intellectual
Property rights.
8. Moral Rights. With respect to Joint Intellectual Property that qualifies as original works of
authorship under the copyright laws (either U.S. or foreign), if any moral rights (either U.S. or foreign) are
created, each party hereby waives and shall cause its Personnel to waive such rights in the Joint
Intellectual Property.
9. Joint Prosecution. Each party agrees to perform all acts that the other party may reasonably
request to assist in obtaining the full benefits, enjoyment, rights, title, and interest in the United States
and throughout the world, in the Joint Intellectual Property. Such acts shall include, without limitation,
execution of documents, assistance in the prosecution of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade
secrets. The parties shall each bear their own expenses under this Section 9.
10. Attorneys-in-Fact. In the event that a party is unable to secure the signature of the other party,
any of its Personnel, or its other legal representative, to any lawful document required to apply for or
enforce any of Joint Intellectual Property, for whatever reason, each party hereby irrevocably appoints
the other party and its duly authorized officers and agents as the other partys agents and attorneys-in-
fact to apply for or enforce Joint Intellectual Property with the same legal force and effect as if executed
by the other party, its Personnel, or its other legal representative.
11. Joint Enforcement. Upon learning of any infringement of Joint Intellectual Property, from any
source, the parties shall first determine if they desire to jointly take action to suppress or eliminate such
infringement. If the parties decide to take such action jointly, the parties agree that they will share equally
in the expenses related to such actions, and share equally in any recovery as a result of such action.
[Company-A shall have the sole right to direct such joint action.] In the event that either party decides not
to participate in such action, the other party shall have sole discretion to take whatever action it
determines is necessary or appropriate under the circumstances, including without limitation legal action
to suppress or eliminate any such infringement, at the acting partys expense. The non-acting party agrees
to cooperate with the acting party in such action and the acting party agrees that it will reimburse the
non-acting partys reasonable and actual expenses incurred in such action. The acting party retains all
recovery from such action.
12. Arbitration. The parties agree to arbitrate any dispute or controversy regarding whether
intellectual property should be considered Joint Intellectual Property, Company-A New Intellectual
Property or Company-B New Intellectual Property under the Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
©2016 by Raymond Millien, Esq.
For educational and informational purposes only. Not intended to be construed as legal advice.
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Association, and any resulting award or judgment shall be binding and non-appealable and shall be
entered in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce it.
Option 2: One Party Has the Option to Take the Lead
1. Except as specifically provided herein, each Party owns and retains all right, title and interest,
worldwide, in any and all of its Intellectual Property preexisting before the effective date of this
Agreement (Background IP).
2. Company-A shall own and retain ownership of any data, information, derivative works, work
product or other Intellectual Property it creates, without any contribution from Company-B of any
kind, hereunder (Company-A IP).
3. Company-B, subject to the licenses described herein, shall own and retain ownership of any data,
information, derivative works, work product or other Intellectual Property it creates, without any
contribution from Company-A of any kind, hereunder (the Company-B IP).
4. All Intellectual Property jointly made, developed, conceived, first reduced to practice, fixed in any
tangible medium of expression or created by Company-B and Company-A under this Agreement
(Joint IP), shall be the joint property of the Parties.
5. Each of the Parties represents, warrants and covenants that any Joint IP will be created solely by
their respective Personnel acting within the scope of their employment, or under a written
independent Company-B agreement assigning Intellectual Property rights.
6. With respect to Joint IP that qualifies as original works of authorship under the copyright laws
(either U.S. or foreign), if any moral rights (either U.S. or foreign) are created, each Party hereby
waives and shall cause its Personnel to waive such rights in the Joint IP.
7. Company-A shall have the right to adopt and use its own trademarks, trade dress and identifying
information to be used in association with any Joint IP or Company-A IP. Except as expressly
provided for in this Agreement, neither Party grants to the other any rights to use its trade names,
trademarks, service marks, logos or designations (each a Mark and collectively the Marks) in
connection with exploiting Joint IP. Any license to Marks shall only be granted pursuant to a
separate trademark license mutually agreed by the Parties.
8. Each Party agrees to and hereby assigns to the other Party, or its designees, an undivided one-half
of its full right, title and interest in and to all Joint IP. Each Party agrees that, during the term of this
Agreement and subsequent to the completion or termination of this Agreement, they will, at the
other Partys request and expense, execute any and all applications for U.S and foreign patents,
copyrights or other rights and otherwise provide assistance (including, but not limited to, the
execution and delivery of instruments of further assurance or confirmation) to assign an undivided
one-half interest in said Joint IP to the other Party and to permit the other Party to enforce any
patents, copyrights or other rights in and to said subject Intellectual Property.
©2016 by Raymond Millien, Esq.
For educational and informational purposes only. Not intended to be construed as legal advice.
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9. Each of the Parties shall promptly and fully disclose to the other Party all Joint IP and shall identify
and maintain records of Joint IP, and a copy of all such records shall be promptly provided to the
other Party. Such records shall be considered Confidential Information hereunder.
10. For each Joint IP identified hereunder:
a. The Parties agree not to file any patent, trademark or copyright applications relating to
such Joint IP, without first notifying the other Party.
b. Company-A shall have the first right, but not be obligated to, file, prosecute and control
any and all patent applications for such Joint IP and control any action or proceeding to
restrain infringement of any resulting patents at its sole expense (the Company-A Joint
IP Option). Company-A agrees to pay a reasonable exclusive license royalty to Company-
B to be negotiated in good faith for such sole use and control of such Joint IP. Any
exclusive license to such Joint IP granted to Company-A pursuant to this paragraph, shall
include at least the following terms: (i) a reasonable and customary running royalty on
net sales from licensed products and services based upon at least Company-Bs
contribution to the Joint IP and not to exceed [x]%; and (ii) the right to grant sublicenses.
c. Should Company-A not exercise the Company-A Joint IP Option: (i) the Parties shall share
equally in the expenses to file and prosecute any and all patent applications for such Joint
IP; and (ii) either Party will be free to treat, exploit or dispose of any such Joint IP as it
sees fit, including, but not limited to, the right to make, have made, use, offer for sale, sell
or otherwise distribute, perform and display, reproduce, modify, make derivative works
of, combine with such Party’s other products, electronically transfer, import and export,
such Joint IP without a duty to account or pay any royalties to the other Party.
d. In the event that Company-A does not exercise the Company-A Joint IP Option and either
Party declines to share the cost of patenting, the other Party may continue to pursue
patent prosecution at its sole expense, subject to the following: (i) if the non-paying Party,
later assigns, licenses or otherwise transfers any of its rights in such Joint IP to a third
party, such non-paying Party shall pay the other Party a royalty of [y]% of the gross
compensation received for such transfer of rights; and (ii) for a period of [z] months from
the date such Joint IP is identified, neither Party will assign, license or otherwise transfer
any of its rights in such Joint IP to a third party and either Party will have a no-cost option
to elect to negotiate, subject to a reasonably-negotiated royalty and terms, the purchase
or exclusive license of the other Partys ownership rights in such Joint IP, to the extent
permitted by law. For clarity, Company-As standard commercialization or licensing to
customers of Company-A products or services incorporating Joint IP shall not be
considered a third-party assignment, license or transfer of the rights of Company-A in the
Joint IP.
©2016 by Raymond Millien, Esq.
For educational and informational purposes only. Not intended to be construed as legal advice.
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11. In the event that a Party is unable to secure the signature of the other Party, any of its Personnel,
or its other legal representative, to any lawful document required to apply for or enforce any of
Joint IP, for whatever reason, each Party hereby irrevocably appoints the other Party and its duly
authorized officers and agents as the other Partys agents and attorneys-in-fact to apply for or
enforce Joint IP with the same legal force and effect as if executed by the other Party, its Personnel,
or its other legal representative.
12. If Company-A does not exercise the Company-A Joint IP Option, then: (i) upon learning of any
infringement of Joint IP, from any source, the Parties shall first determine if they desire to jointly
take action to suppress or eliminate such infringement; (ii) if the Parties decide to take such action
jointly, the Parties agree that they will share equally in the expenses related to such actions, and
share equally in any recovery as a result of such action; (iii) Company-A shall have the sole right to
direct such joint action; (iv) in the event that either Party decides not to participate in such action,
the other Party shall have sole discretion to take whatever action it determines is necessary or
appropriate under the circumstances, including without limitation legal action to suppress or
eliminate any such infringement, at the acting Partys expense; (v) the non-acting Party agrees to
cooperate with the acting Party in such action and the acting Party agrees that it will reimburse the
non-acting Partys reasonable and actual expenses incurred in such action; and (vi) the acting Party
shall retain any recovery from such action.
13. The Parties agree to arbitrate any dispute or controversy regarding whether Intellectual Property
should be considered Joint IP, Company-A IP or Company-B IP under the Arbitration Rules of the
International Arbitration Association, and any resulting award or judgment shall be binding and non-
appealable and shall be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce it.