NROTC Scholarship Application Instructions & Checklist
Please read this document completely before starting the application
Privacy Act
Application Login
Account General
Application Deadline
SAT/ACT Scores
Problems Checklist
Privacy Act Statement
1. AUTHORITY: The authority to request this information is contained in: 5 U.S.C. § 301 (Authorizing Departmental Forms and Regulations);
10 U.S.C. § 2107 (Financial Assistance Program); and Executive Order 9397 (Use of Social Security Numbers).
2. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): The information you provide will be used to determine whether you qualify, and should be nominated for, an
NROTC Scholarship. If you are nominated, the information will be used to enroll you into NROTC and will be used by the Navy in its
management of the NROTC program.
3. ROUTINE USE(S): Information you provide in this application is protected by the Privacy Act and will not be released outside the
Department of Defense without your permission unless it comes within an exception to the Act or one of routine uses in 32 C.F.R §
701.112, and the routine uses set forth here. If you are nominated for an NROTC Scholarship, the information
will be released to the top five schools you indicated on your application. Your information and notification of status may also be provided to
your high school so they may assist with the final stages of the process.
4. DISCLOSURE: Providing the requested information is voluntary. However, failure to do so may result in our inability to process your
application for the NROTC program.
Application Login Account
When you access the NROTC Scholarship Application System, you arrive at a
login/registration screen. The first time, you will need to ‘Register’ for a NETFOCUS gateway
account using your email address and other personal information. When you go through the
gateway registration process make sure you pick the email / password option and not the CAC
card option. During the registration process you will be required to enter certain information
including a pin (which can be anything, don’t use your SSN for this pin). You will also be
required to pick a security image. This image is only used in the event that you forget your
password upon future logins. After your initial registration, you will receive and email with a link
to activate your NETFOCUS gateway user account. This email will include a temporary
password that must be changed on the first login to the gateway. Follow the link in this email
and you will then log into the gateway and be forced to enter your new password. Your new
password must follow these rules: (Between 15-30 characters in length, contain at least 1
lower-case letter, contain at least 1 upper-case letter, contain at least 1 special character,
cannot contain any part of user’s name, cannot contain spaces, must be different than any of
the previous ten passwords, must be changed every 60 days).
Once you have completed the registration and login process you will be able to start your
scholarship application.
After you log into the NETFOCUS gateway you will click on the NRSA (NROTC Scholarship
Application) link. When you first start your application you will be required to input your social
security number and birth date as additional security precautions. Please make sure these
items are correct. This will only be required once. Your next login to your scholarship
application will only require you to enter your email and password. If you do not login for more
than 30 days your gateway account will become inactive and need to be reactivated so that
you can login again. If you go for 45 days without logging in your gateway account will be
deleted. If your gateway account becomes deleted, you will need to create a new gateway
account. If either the 30-day inactivity or 45-day delete actions happen your application will not
be deleted and once you get your gateway account working again upon your next login you will
be taken to your application again. It is best to login at least every 30 days so this will not
General Instructions
This application requires considerable thought and detail; it may require several hours to
complete. Please plan on multiple sessions. Use the checklist (below) to gather and prepare
the required information beforehand and then fill it in on-line. You may login multiple times in
order to complete the process and submit your final application. The application contains ten
pages/screens of data entry covering a variety of background topics. Each step will allow you
to save all the information that you fill-in and you may return later to complete the remaining
When you have completed your application, selecting the ‘Finish page will allow you to audit
your application for errors. The Audit will highlight any required information that is missing. You
may print the Audit if you need to do further data gathering prior to completion. If your
application passes the Audit with no errors, we recommend you save a copy of your
application (Adobe PDF format) for your personal reference. Additionally, you must contact
your coordinator/recruiter to complete and sign supplemental forms before your application will
be processed.
We strongly suggest you contact your coordinator/recruiter to have them review your
application before you make the final submission. Once you click on the final submit button,
you will not be able to access it or make changes.
Do not submit a paper copy of this application once you have electronically submitted
Application Deadline
The Application submission cycle starts in the spring approximately 18 months from the
beginning of the school year for which we are soliciting applications. Deadline for submitting
your application is the end of December in the year prior to the school year for which we are
soliciting applications. The earlier you apply the earlier you may be selected. If you apply early
and are not selected at the early Selection Boards, your application may be reconsidered on
each subsequent Board until a decision is made.
SAT/ACT Scores
Test scores must be sent to school code 0656. You may submit your application electronically
at any point, but we must receive qualifying test scores before the application will be
considered complete.
Navy and Nurse Application
SAT: 540 Math; 550 Evidence Based Reading and Writing
1150 Combined (Math plus Evidence Based Reading and Writing)
ACT: 21 Math; 22 English
47 Combined (Math plus English)
Applicants with the minimum individual Math and Verbal scores but not the combined
score, and who respond positively to the MSISR interest question in the application, are
eligible to apply and will be considered on the MSISR selection board (Navy Option only).
Marine Application
SAT minimum combined score of 1000 on the Math and Evidence Based
Reading and Writing portions of the test
ACT minimum composite score of 22.
Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) minimum score of 74
Navy and Nurse Applicants must meet the requirements of minimum individual score and
combined score. Tests can be super scored; meaning some combination of two of the SAME
TYPE of test can be used to achieve the minimum required combined score and will be utilized
in determining the highest individual test scores.
Marine Corps applications will use a single set of test scores.
Valid Test Dates for the 2020 Scholarship Year are December 2018 through December 2020
earlier or later tests will not be considered.
If you retake the SAT/ACT after you submit your application, in order to ensure
new scores are included in your application, you should provide a
hardcopy of the
test scores to your recruiter and/or email a copy to:
Application Problems
If you experience technical problems with the application website such as login,
passwords, if you experience server errors, or information is not saving correctly,
please contact the Help Desk at:
If you have questions about the information requested in the application or need help
completing the application, please contact your recruiter/coordinator or the Candidate
Guidance office at:
After you have submitted your application and you would like to make changes
Marine Options:
Send all update information to your assigned Recruiter/Coordinator.
Navy/Nurse Options:
Send all update information to you assigned Coordinator until your application has been
received by NSTC then forward information to the Application office at: .
Once you’ve submitted your application, you may update your information in your application
until midnight, 31 January.
Please use the same email address you may have used for other official communications with
recruiters, College Board Testing, and US Naval Academy because we may already have
some of your information from these other sources and we need to match these up in the
database. Please use this email address/user login for the duration of the application process.
Do not give out your login information or your full SSN to anyone.
After you have created a login account, you will be asked two qualifying questions about your
citizenship and high school graduation date. Then you will select one of three program options.
Program. You must select Navy, Marine or Nurse Corps Program. You may only
select one program. You may change the option selected prior to submitting your
Name. Your full legal name including any suffix (Jr, Sr, III, etc)
Gender. Select male or female
Permanent Address. Your permanent home address
Mailing Address. Where you receive mail, if it is different from your Permanent address
Phone Number. A home, cell, or work phone number to contact you
Cell Phone Number (Optional). A cell phone number in addition to your home number
Email Address. An email address; this must be a solid email address that you will use
for official communications through the application cycle.
If you reside out of the country (i.e. mailing address is an APO or FPO), please use the
address remarks field to provide full mailing address, country, postal codes, and
international telephone numbers.
Place of Birth. City, State and Country where you were born.
Citizenship. You must be a US citizen, or be in the process of obtaining you citizenship,
to apply for this program. Indicate if you are a citizen of the United States and how you
obtained citizenship (birth or naturalization) or when you expect to receive your citizenship.
You will need to provide a birth certificate and/or proof of naturalization to your local recruiter.
Note: If your parents are U.S. citizens, but you were born in a foreign country, your citizenship
is by birth.
Other Citizenship. If you hold citizenship for any other country (i.e. dual citizenship),
you must identify them in the ‘Remarks section.
State of legal Residence. For most applicants, this will be that state in which you
currently reside. If you have any questions in this matter, you should check with your
Language Proficiency. Any languages, other than English, that you might speak or
understand. Please review the list of languages and select any that apply and answer the
questions regarding how proficient you are and how you obtained your skill.
Race and Ethnicity. You may select as many of the racial categories that you feel
apply to you. You may also select an ethnic group if you desire. This data is used solely for
statistical purposes and will not be considered in selection decisions.
Referral. Please indicate how you heard about NROTC. If referred by a
coordinator or recruiter, please provide his/her name.
Height. Current height.
Weight. Current weight.
Legal infractions. Please list any legal infractions including traffic violations. Please
describe the infraction and the legal penalty imposed. You may include additional remarks to
explain if desired. If you indicate any arrests or convictions other than traffic violations, you
should clarify in the ‘Remarks’ section.
References. Provide the names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email
addresses for three required references: 1) a guidance counselor/school administrator; 2) a
math, science, or English teacher (depending on program option), and 3) another teacher,
counselor, coach, or employer. For teachers, please provide the mailing address for the
school instead of a home address.
Note: A Physics teacher cannot be used to complete the Math teacher evaluation
These individuals will be provided instructions on how to complete the necessary forms. We
will ask these individuals to evaluate you in several areas and to compare you to your peers;
they will also have space to provide written remarks. You should select these individuals
carefully as weight will be given to their comments.
Whether or not you were home schooled.
Graduation Information. Month and year that you graduated/will graduate from High
Class Rank & Class Size. Indicate your rank in class and the size of your graduating
class. If you are home schooled, if your school does not rank or if you don’t know indicate 1
of 1.
High schools, college preparatory schools and colleges attended. You will need to
provide names and addresses of all high school, college preparatory schools, colleges, junior
or community colleges, and trade schools. You will also need to obtain transcripts that reflect
courses taken at all the listed schools.
Current Studies. Please list all courses that you are currently taking or plan to take
in your senior year of high school. If in college, list your current and/or planned courses.
Probation or Expulsion. Have you ever been placed on probation or expelled from any
college, civilian preparatory school or high school? If yes, please provide the date, reason for
probation or expulsion, name and address of school. Please explain the details of the
probation or expulsion in the ‘Remarks’ section.
Test Scores
Test Scores. You may list up to 6 SAT/ACT scores and dates taken (from December
2018 to December 2020). Any scores that cannot be validated will not be considered. All test
scores that you wish to have considered should be released to the Naval ROTC Program at
Code 0656 or hard copy sent to your Recruiter and or emailed to:
Attendance at Military Academy Preparatory Schools. If you attended the Air Force,
Naval or Military Academy Preparatory School, please select "yes" and provide the details of
which school and your status at that school. If you did not complete the school, please explain
in the ‘Remarks’ section.
DEP. Indicate if you are currently in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) and, if so,
provide your ship date.
Military Service. If you have ever served in the military, provide the following details: If
you have been on Active Duty in any of the U. S. Armed Services drawing full pay at any time,
was it on regular active duty or were you activated from your reserve unit? Provide the branch
of the service, your highest grade or rank, name of unit assigned, dates of active duty, date of
discharge and characterization of Discharge. Are you currently in the reserves or a National
Guard organization? If so, provide the branch of the service, your highest grade or rank,
whether on Active or Inactive Reserve Duty, the name of unit assigned, and date the tour
Rejection for Military Service. Have you ever been rejected for any reason for
service in any branch of the military or ROTC? If yes, please explain in the ‘Remarks
Attendance at Service Academy or ROTC Program. Have you ever been a
Cadet/Midshipman at any of the U.S. Service Academies or ROTC Program? If yes, please
answer the following: Which program? Dates attended? Reason for departure?
Application for Service Academies or ROTC Programs. If you are applying to
any of the service academies or other ROTC programs, please indicate.
Parental Information. Please provide your parent’s names and their address(es) if
different from yours. List your parents' occupations. List your parents' full names and
education information.
Parental Military Service. If either or both of your parents served in the military,
provide information about branch of the service, if they are currently on active duty, current
rank/rate, if discharged, if retired (served over 20 years), retirement rank/rate, and duty
status. If you are uncertain about the answers to any of these questions, please ask your
Parents Death. If either or both of your parents are dead, we would like to know if
they died while on active duty in the military.
Family Education. Has either of your parents or any siblings attended college? If
yes, was a degree obtained. Indicate parents highest level of education?
Family graduates or participants in Service Academies or ROTC programs.
Please indicated if either of your parents or any of your siblings participated in one of these
programs. You will be asked which program and year of graduation.
Volunteer History. Please indicate all volunteer service during high school. Please
provide amplifying information in the ‘Remarks’ section (i.e. the organization(s) involved and
the nature of the volunteer work). Please indicate the approximate total number of hours
volunteered in each year (indicate planned hours for senior year).
Work History. Please indicate the approximate number of hours that you worked per
week during the school year. Please answer the questions about the type of work that you
were assigned.
Provide the reason that you worked and any additional information about the duties and
responsibilities in your job(s) in the Remarks section. We are particularly interested in work
experience that displayed leadership or management skills. If you worked during the summer
and would like to provide that information, please use the ‘Employment Remarks’ box (indicate
planned hours for senior year).
The activities listed on the application are not all inclusive. If you are participating in
activities that are not listed, please use the remarks section to describe your activities.
Athletic Activities. Check all the blocks that apply to your four years of high school. If
you have not yet completed your senior year, please project your activities for your senior year.
If you participated in organized sports that are not reflected in the table, please select "other"
and explain in the ‘Remarks’ section. If you took part in athletic pursuits that were independent
of school, please select "other" and provide as much detail as possible in the ‘Remarks’
section. Indicate how well and how often you swim.
Non-athletic Activities. Please indicate your participation in any of the activities
indicated. You can provide more details in the Remarks’ sections below each group of
activities. If you participated in activities that are not listed, please explain in one of the
‘Remarks’ sections. Indicate how many hours per month you are usually involved in these
School Offices. Please indicate your leadership and/or participation in any of the
school organizations or school clubs. Please use the Remarks section to provide the
names of the clubs in which you hold membership. Indicate how many hours per month you
are usually involved in these activities.
School Publications. Please indicate any positions held for school publications.
Remembers to use the ‘Remarks’ section to provide additional information. Indicate how
many hours per month you are usually involved in these activities.
School Organizations. Please indicate your participation in these organizations. Use
the ‘Remarks’ section to indicate the organization mane or club name and any special
positions or events you participated in. Indicate how many hours per month you are usually
involved in these activities.
Awards and Honors. If you indicate that you received awards, please provide details on
the type and nature of the award in the ‘Remarks’ section.
Music Participation. Please indicate any involvement in music organizations and any
leadership positions held. Please use the ‘Remarks’ section to indicate what instruments you
play and any awards earned. Indicate how many hours per month you are usually involved in
these activities.
Other Activities. Please indicate involvement in any other organizations, Select from
the drop down box or indicate in the ‘Remarks section for any activities not already covered.
Indicate how many hours per month you are usually involved in these activities.
JROTC/CAP/Sea Cadets. If you are a member of JROTC, Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
or Sea Cadets, please indicate the years you were a member as well as any years you
held a leadership position. In the remarks section, list leadership positions held and
activities in which you participated. Indicate how many hours per month you are usually
involved in these activities.
Other Accomplishments. Indicate any other accomplishments you may have
achieved. Use the ‘Remarks’ section to list any accomplishments, responsibilities,
leadership, or other noteworthy activities.
NROTC Interests
Minor Serving Institution Scholarship Interest. The NROTC program grants
scholarships to Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) at NROTC-affiliated Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCU), Minority Institutions (MI), and institutions with High
Hispanic Enrollment (HHE). Please indicate your interest in the MSI scholarship program by
checking the appropriate box.
Your response indicates interest only. You must still contact the NROTC Unit at the
Minority Serving Institution you wish to attend in order to begin the application
process for the MSISR scholarship
Five college choices. You must select five (5) choices for the college or university you
want to attend on the NROTC scholarship. We will try to place your scholarship at your first
choice school but, due to limits on the number of scholarships that may be placed at each
school your scholarship may be placed at your second through fifth choice school. The
scholarship offer is for a specific school and may not be used at any other NROTC school
without prior approval. For a listing of Naval ROTC Units and associated schools, see:
If selected, you will be placed at the first school listed in your application, that has room for
another scholarship, and may not be used at any other NROTC school without prior approval.
You must apply to, be accepted at, and enroll in your assigned school in order to utilize the
scholarship. Applying to more than just your first choice school will increase the chances for
acceptance and enrollment and will therefore increase the opportunities to use a scholarship
if selected.
Acknowledgement. Make sure you check the acknowledgement box underneath your
college choices indicating you understand that you must apply to these college/university
choices. Please let us know how strongly you feel about your choices and the order in which
you have placed them.
College major for your first choice school. What is your planned college major.
Please select from the list available and choose a major (with its associated tier) that you
think you’d like to study. If offered a scholarship you will need to enroll in the Tier/Major in
your application in order to activate your scholarship.
Essays. You are required to compose your own statements. You should think
carefully about what you wish to say and attempt to answer the question or discuss an
issue as concisely and completely as possible. You will be required to sign a statement that
certifies that the statements are original work and that you composed them yourself. These
are short essay questions that should consist of one to two paragraphs with 250-500 words
(2500 characters).
Application Audit. When you select ‘Audit’, the application will check several key
areas. In some cases, an item will be flagged for completion or correction. These key areas
must be completed correctly before you can submit your application. In other cases, you will
be informed that information appears to be missing or incorrect and given the option to
submit the application as it is. This indicates that the field is not mandatory, but you are
reminded that the more complete and accurate your application, the better the board will be
able to evaluate your application.
Personal Review. After you have reviewed and corrected any problem areas, you
should review the entire application for accuracy and completeness.
Providing false information could result in your application not being considered or
in revocation of a scholarship offer.
Save a Copy of Your Application. At any time while working on this application, but
most especially at the time you submit it, you may create a printable PDF (Adobe Reader)
version of your application. You may download this PDF file to your computer and print it if you
want a paper copy. You will need to provide a copy of your application to the person who will
be conducting your Officer Interview. It will be a reference for you of the information you
We strongly suggest you work with your coordinator/recruiter and have them
thoroughly review your application before you proceed to the next step.
Submit . When you and your recruiter/coordinator are satisfied that the
application is as thorough and complete as you can make it, then click the ‘Submit’
After submitting the application, you will no longer be able to login and make changes to it. If
you do login, you will be taken to a screen where you may see the status of your application.
If you wish to make changes to your application after you have submitted your application, use
the Application Adjustments email below:
For Application Adjustments, please email:
Updates or additions to your application must be received prior to 31 Jan each year.
Fitness Assessment .
Marine Option applicants must conduct a Physical Fitness test with your recruiter.
Navy and Nurse Option applicants must conduct an NROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment
and provide your scores to your recruiter/coordinator.
Details of the fitness assessments can be found at the following link:
_______Applicants must coordinate with their recruiter/coordinator in order to complete the
following forms:
Statement of Understanding for NROTC Application
Debarment Statement for NROTC Application
Drug Statement for NROTC Application
Note: These statements cannot be witnessed by a family member.
_______The recruiter/coordinator will arrange for one or more officer interviews, teacher
recommendations, gathering transcripts, and ensuring that test scores are received from the
testing agencies.
_______You may wish to schedule your own Officer Interview by contacting the NROTC Unit
near you or that you plan on visiting during a college visit. A list of all our schools and the
NROTC Unit’s contact information can be found at