SAT Test Directions Translated into
<LANGUAGE> for Students
Spring 2017 School Day Only
Notes to the Supervisor: This document should be printed and distributed once students are
Students may use this document to read translations of the directions that are read aloud or
printed in their test book.
Students may keep this document open and on their desk during the entire testing period.
Students may not be given additional time, unless approved by College Board as a separate
Collect this document from each student at the end of testing and destroy it.
© 2017 The College Board. College Board and SAT are registered trademarks of the College Board. Unauthorized
copying or reuse of any part of this document is illegal.
Table of Contents
Notes to the Student ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Directions Read by the Supervisor................................................................................................................................. 3
Front Cover Directions .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Back Cover Directions ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Section 1: Reading Test ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Section 1 Test Book Directions ............................................................................................................................. 9
Section 2: Writing and Language Test ..................................................................................................................... 10
Section 2 Test Book Directions ........................................................................................................................... 10
Section 3: Math Test No Calculator ...................................................................................................................... 10
Section 3 Test Book Directions ........................................................................................................................... 11
Section 4: Math Test Calculator ........................................................................................................................... 13
Section 4 Test Book Directions ........................................................................................................................... 14
Section 5: SAT Essay ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Back Cover Directions ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Front Cover Directions ........................................................................................................................................ 17
After the Test .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Notes to the Student
The following is a translation of the directions the supervisor will read aloud as well as the written
directions found in your test book. These translated directions may not match word-for-word what is read
by your supervisor; however, the pertinent information is the same. If you have questions about what is
being read by your supervisor, please raise your hand.
You may keep this document on your desk for the entire testing time, but must return it to the supervisor
after testing.
You may NOT use this document for scratch paper.
At various times, your supervisor will announce the time remaining in the section, as well as breaks when
appropriate. If you are testing with an approved accommodation, these announcements may differ from
the timing and breaks listed in this translated document. Please listen carefully to the announcements
read by your supervisor.
If you are testing with approved accommodations, your supervisor may give you additional directions in
In some cases, your state or district may have unique instructions or policies related to admission tickets.
Please listen and follow direction from your supervisor regarding how to complete the registration
number field on your answer sheet.
Icons are used throughout this document to draw your attention to specific information:
Important information
Directions spoken by your supervisor
Directions found in your test book
Directions Read by the Supervisor
Your supervisor will begin by saying:
Good morning. Today you are going to take the SAT. This is your chance to show how prepared you are
for college and career. If you have questions about any of the instructions I give you, please ask them, so
that you can be sure of doing your best. Please take a look at your Admission Ticket now. Raise your hand
if your ticket shows the word “Rosteror the letters “N A Rin the header.
If your school is taking the SAT with Essay, your supervisor will say:
In this room you will be taking the SAT with Essay.
If your school is taking the SAT (without the Essay), your supervisor will say:
In this room you will be taking the SAT; you will not be taking the SAT Essay.
Your supervisor will continue with the following directions:
The College Board has policies that are designed to give each of you an equal opportunity to show your
abilities. We will dismiss and cancel the scores of anyone who tries to gain an unfair advantage by:
Giving or receiving help of any kind
Looking through the test book before the start of the test
Working on the wrong section or referring to a previous or future section in the test book or
answer sheet
Using a calculator during a non-calculator section
Marking answers after time is called
Sharing test questions with anyone during or after the test
Using any unauthorized testing aids, including phones, during testing or on breaks
Attempting to take the test for someone else
You may also be dismissed for:
Eating or drinking in the testing room unless you have an approved accommodation
Causing a disturbance of any kind
Failing to follow testing procedures
Going to your locker or leaving the building during breaks
You will have until 11:59 p.m. the third business day from the date you complete testing to file a test day
complaint. If you see any behavior that causes you concern, please notify the test center supervisor, who
will explain how to contact the College Board. Are there any questions?
Please listen carefully to the following information about phones and other electronic equipment. The use
of phones or other prohibited electronic devices at any time in this test center is prohibited. At this time,
if you still have a phone, watch alarm, handheld computer, or any other electronic device in your
possession, you need to completely power if off and put it under your desk until testing is over. If your
phone or other prohibited device makes any noise or you are seen using it at any time, including breaks,
you will be dismissed and your scores will be canceled. In addition, any electronic device that is not turned
off and put away may be confiscated and its contents inspected as part of a thorough investigation.
Now we’re going to prepare to start the test.
Remove everything from your desk except your Admission Ticket, pencils, erasers, and
acceptable calculator.
Remove any earplugs, which may not be worn during testing; any highlighters; rulers;
dictionaries or other books; pens or colored pencils; pamphlets; and papers of any kind,
including scratch paper these are all prohibited.
If you brought a backup calculator or extra batteries, get those out and put them on the
loor under your desk.
Place any water bottles under your desk. Close all bags and backpacks and put them under
your desk until the test is over.
I will take a moment now to look around and make sure you are using approved calculators.
You may not share or exchange calculators at any time. Put your calculator and extra batteries under your
desk now. You will not need them until a later section. I am going to give test materials to each of you
now. Do not open them.
When you get the test book, turn it over and read the back cover. It has important information about
timing, marking answers, and scoring. When you have finished reading, please look up.
Front Cover Directions
The following is a translation of the front cover of your test book.
1. A No. 2 pencil is required for the test. Do not
use a mechanical pencil or pen.
2. Sharing any questions with anyone is a
violation of Test Security and Fairness policies
and may result in your scores being canceled.
© 2016 The College Board. College Board, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.
Back Cover Directions
The following is a translation of the back cover of your test book. When instructed, you should write on the
test book or the answer sheet, not this document of translated directions.
YOUR NAME (PRINT) ____________________________________________________________________________
TEST CENTER ___________________________________________________________________________________
The SAT®
You may work on only one section at a time.
If you finish a section before time is called, check your
work on that section. You may NOT turn to any other
Be sure to mark your answer sheet properly.
You must use a No. 2 pencil.
Carefully mark only one answer for each question.
Make sure you fill the entire circle darkly and completely.
Do not make any stray marks on your answer sheet.
If you erase, do so completely. Incomplete erasures may
be scored as intended answers.
Use only the answer spaces that correspond to the
question numbers.
You may use the test book for scratch work, but you will
not receive credit for anything that you write in your test
After time has been called, you may not transfer answers
from your test book to your answer sheet or fill in circles.
You may not fold or remove pages or portions of a page
from this book, or take the book or answer sheet from
the testing room.
For each correct answer, you receive one point.
You do not lose points for wrong answers; therefore, you
should try to answer every question even if you are not
sure of the correct answer.
The codes below are unique to your test book.
Copy them on your answer sheet in boxes 8 and 9
and fill in the corresponding circles exactly as
Ideas contained in passages for this test, some of which are excerpted or adapted from published material, do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the College Board.
Your supervisor will continue with the following directions:
Are there any questions about the information you just read?
It is important that you understand how to mark your answers. Unless you are approved to do so, you
may not mark your answers in your test book only answers marked on the answer sheet will be scored.
Please listen carefully to these instructions, because they are critical to the scoring of your test. If you
don’t follow my directions exactly, you may not receive a score.
Make sure you are using a Number 2 pencil and that you fill in the circles darkly and completely on the
answer sheet. If you change your response, erase it as completely as possible. Avoid making stray marks,
and do not use your answer sheet for scratch work. It is very important that you follow these instructions
when filling out your answer sheet.
If you are using a large-block answer sheet, also read the instructions on the front of the answer sheet
about where and how to mark your answers. You will be marking “X” in relevant boxes rather than filling
in circles, and the page numbers will be different from those that I announce.
On the back of your test book, print your last name, first name, and middle initial, if you have one. Then
print this test center’s number, test center name, and this room number (or name).
Now look at the front of your answer sheet (or page 2 of your large-block answer sheet). You are going to
enter personal information on this page. Make sure that your personal information matches what is on
your Admission Ticket. Whenever you see corresponding circles or boxes for an item, fill them in.
In item 1:
Print your last name, first name, and middle initial, if you have one, exactly as they appear
on your Admission Ticket.
Read the statement on the next line, then sign your full name. Look up when you are done.
Today’s date is _____. Write the numbers for the month, day, and year for today’s date.
Next, print your home address.
Print your phone number, including the area code.
Print the city and state of this test center. Look up when you are done.
In item 2: Print the first six letters of your last (or family) name, the first four letters of your first (or given)
name, and your middle initial, if you have one. Include blanks, dashes, or apostrophes if these are part of
your name. The order and spelling of your name must exactly match your Admission Ticket. Fill in the
corresponding circles.
In item 3:
Fill in the circle for the month of your birth (or on the large-block answer sheet, fill in the two
digits for the month). Next, write in the two-digit numbers for the day and year of your birth. Start with a
zero if the number is less than 10 (for example, for the number 3, write 0 followed by 3). Fill in the circles.
Look up when you are done.
In item 4: Print your registration number and fill in the circles. Copy the registration number that is
printed on your Admission Ticket. Make sure you provide this information correctly and completely.
In item 5: Write in the ZIP code of your home address and fill in the corresponding circles.
In item 6: Print the number of this test center as posted and fill in the circles. Look up when you are done.
Now remove the Admission Ticket from your desk. Keep your ticket with you at all times during the test,
especially during breaks.
In item 7: Turn to the front cover of your test book. Find the area in the upper right-hand corner labeled
“Test Book Serial Number” and enter the number printed onto item 7 on your answer sheet. Fill in the
In item 8: Turn to the back cover of your test book. Find the box labeled “8. Form Code” and enter the
code onto item 8 on your answer sheet. Fill in the circles exactly as shown.
In item 9: Copy the number from the box labeled “9. Test IDexactly as shown. Look up when you are
Take a moment to ensure that items 8 and 9 on your answer sheet are completed correctly. In order to
score your test, items 1 through 9 must be completed correctly.
Now listen to this important information. If you wish to cancel your scores before you leave, ask me for a
Request to Cancel Test Scores form, which you must complete before you leave the room. To cancel your
scores later, you must notify the College Board in writing no later than 11:59 p.m. on the third business
day from the day you complete testing. Send your signed cancellation request by overnight mail or fax.
You cannot cancel your scores with an email message or phone call.
Note that canceled scores will still be sent to your state and district, and will be accessible to your school,
but will not be sent by the College Board to your chosen colleges or scholarship organizations. And, once
canceled, your scores may not be reinstated for reporting to colleges. Completing and submitting this
form will make your SAT scores not reportable to colleges or scholarship organizations; however your
state, district, and school will still receive them as part of sponsored testing.
If you finish before time is called, you may NOT turn to any other section. During testing, keep your
answer sheet and test book flat in the center of your desk. If you find a defect with either your test book
or answer sheet, or if you realize that you’ve been writing answers in the wrong section of your answer
sheet, raise your hand at that time. You will only receive credit for answers recorded on your answer
sheet. This applies to all of you unless you have approval from the College Board to record your answers
differently. You may not use your answer sheet for scratch work.
I will walk around the room to check your progress. I will also keep the official time for the test. You will
have breaks during the test, when you can leave this room to have a snack or use the restroom.
Answer sheets and test books and other testing materials must never be removed from the testing room.
Remember, after the test has ended, no one may leave the room until I announce dismissal. If you have
any questions about testing procedures, please ask them now. I cannot answer questions during the
timed sections of the test.
Section 1: Reading Test
The standard time for Section 1 is 65 minutes, with a 10-minute break at the end of the section. If you are
testing with an approved accommodation, your timing and breaks may be different. Please listen carefully to
the announcements read by your supervisor.
Your supervisor will read the following directions for Section 1, Reading Test:
Do not begin work until I tell you to. If you finish before time is called, you may NOT turn to any other
section. Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet. Keep your answer sheet, test book and translated test
directions (if applicable) flat on your desk. You are not allowed to use a calculator on this section. Please
keep your calculator under your desk. Now, open your test book to Section 1, read the directions, and
begin work.
Section 1 Test Book Directions
The following is a translation of the directions found at the beginning of Section 1 of your test book.
rn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading each passage or pair,
choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the passage or passages and in any
accompanying graphics (such as a table or graph).
the end of the section, your supervisor will say:
Stop work and put your pencil down. We will now stop for a 10-minute break. Close your answer sheet
and place it inside the front of your test book. Close your test book and leave it on your desk. If you are
using translated instructions, leave them on your desk. If you have brought a snack, you may eat it in
designated areas only. Do not go anywhere other than designated areas, the hallway, or the restroom. Do
not talk in the hallway or discuss the test questions with anyone. Be considerate of those in other rooms.
You may not use any electronic device, including a phone. Any devices must remain out of sight under the
desks. We will start testing again in exactly 10 minutes. Return promptly. I cannot give extra time if you
are late returning. Take your ID and Admission Ticket with you if you leave the room.
Certification Statement
Your supervisor will continue with the following directions:
Please take your seat. Take out your answer sheet, but leave your test book closed. Turn to the back page
of your answer sheet, and find the Certification Statement Box. Copy the requested statement and sign
and date using your full name as you would on an official document. The statement must be made in your
own handwriting style, either printed or in script, and it is required. The quality of your handwriting will
not be used to calculate your score.
When you submit your answer sheet you are agreeing to the following conditions: You will not, under any
circumstances, take any test questions from the testing room, give them to anyone, or discuss them with
anyone through any means, including, but not limited to, email, text messages, or the Internet. These
conditions are spelled out in the Registration and Questionnaire Booklet and online at sat.org. Look up
when you are done.
Section 2: Writing and Language Test
The standard time for Section 2 is 35 minutes. If you are testing with an approved accommodation, your timing
and breaks may be different. Please listen carefully to the announcements read by your supervisor.
Your supervisor will read the following directions for Section 2, Writing and Language:
Now turn to Section 2 of your answer sheet. Do not begin work until I tell you to do so. Keep your answer
sheet, test book, and translated test directions flat on your desk. If you finish before time is called, you
may NOT turn to any other section. You are not allowed to use a calculator on this section. Please keep
your calculator under your desk. Be sure to mark your answers in the correctly numbered spaces in
Section 2. Now, open your test book to Section 2, read the directions and begin work.
Section 2 Test Book Directions
The following is a translation of the directions found at the beginning of Section 2 of your test book.
rn to Section 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Each passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you will consider how the
passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For other questions, you will consider how the
passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question
may be accompanied by one or more graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make
revising and editing decisions.
Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will direct you to a location
in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.
After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively improves the quality of
writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Many
questions include a “NO CHANGE” option. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant
portion of the passage as it is.
the end of the section, your supervisor will say:
Stop work and put your pencil down. Close your test book.
Section 3: Math Test No Calculator
The standard time for Section 3 is 25 minutes, with a 5-minute break at the end of the section. If you are
testing with an approved accommodation, your timing and breaks may be different. Please listen carefully to
the announcements read by your supervisor.
Your supervisor will read the following directions for Section 3, Math TestNo Calculator:
Although this is a math section, you are NOT allowed to use a calculator on this portion of the test. Please
keep your calculator under your desk.
Turn to Section 3 of your answer sheet. Do not begin work until I tell you to do so. Keep your answer
sheet and test book flat on your desk. Be sure to mark your answers in the correctly numbered spaces in
Section 3. For the questions labeled “Student-Produced Responses,” which are at the end of this section,
follow the instructions for marking your answers that are given in your test book. These student-produced
answers can be shorter, but not longer, than four numerals. Now, open your test book to Section 3, read
the directions, and begin work.
Section 3 Test Book Directions
The following is a translation of the directions found at the beginning of Section 3 of your test book.
to Section 3 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
For questions 115, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in the
corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 1620, solve the problem and enter your answer in the
grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 16 on how to enter your answers in the
grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.
1. The use of a calculator is not permitted.
2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for which f(x) is a
real number.
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2π.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
For questions 1620, solve the problem and enter
your answer in the grid, as described below, on the
answer sheet.
1. Although not required, it is suggested that yo
write your answer in the boxes at the top of the
columns to help you fill in the circles accurately.
You will receive credit only if the circles are filled
in correctly.
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.
3. No question has a negative answer.
4. Some problems may have more than on
rrect answer. In such cases, grid only one
5. Mixed numbers such as must be gridded
as 3.5 or 7/2. (If is entered into the
grid, it will be interpreted as , not .)
At the end of the section, your supervisor will say:
Stop work and put your pencil down. Put your answer sheet inside the front of your test book. Close your
test book and leave it on your desk. If you are using translated instructions, leave them on your desk. We
will now stop for a 5-minute break. If you have brought a snack, you may eat it in designated areas only.
As before, do not go anywhere other than designated areas, the hallway, or the restroom. Do not talk in
the hallway or discuss the test questions with anyone. You may not use any electronic device, including a
phone. Any devices must remain out of sight under the desks. We will start testing again in exactly 5
minutes. Return promptly. I cannot give extra time if you are late returning. Take your ID and Admission
Ticket with you if you leave the room.
Section 4: Math Test Calculator
The standard time for Section 4 is 55 minutes, with a 2-minute break at the end of the section for those taking
SAT with Essay. If you are testing with an approved accommodation, your timing and breaks may be different.
Please listen carefully to the announcements read by your supervisor.
Your supervisor will read the following directions for Section 4, Math TestCalculator:
Please take your seat. Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. For this section, Math Test
Calculator, you may use a calculator. Please take your calculator out and place it in the center of your
All math questions can be answered without a calculator. When using a calculator, follow these
Keep it flat on your desk or hold it so that other test-takers cannot view your work.
Do not share or exchange your calculator.
If you brought a backup calculator, keep it on the floor underneath your desk.
If your calculator malfunctions and you have batteries or a backup calculator, raise your
hand. I will see if your substitute is acceptable. If you do not have a backup, continue to test.
For the questions labeled “Student-Produced Responses,” which are at the end of this section, follow the
instructions for marking your answers that are given in your test book. These student-produced answers
can be shorter, but not longer, than four numerals.
Be sure to mark your answers in the correctly numbered spaces in Section 4. If you finish before time is
called, you may NOT turn to any other section. Take your answer sheet out of the test book and turn to
Section 4. Keep your answer sheet and test book flat on your desk. Now, open your test book to Section 4,
read the directions, and begin work.
Section 4 Test Book Directions
The following is a translation of the directions found at the beginning of Section 4 of your test book.
to Section 4 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
For questions 130, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in the
corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 3138, solve the problem and enter your answer in the
grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 31 on how to enter your answers in the
grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.
1. The use of a calculator is permitted.
2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for which f(x) is a
real number.
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2π.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
For questions 31–38, solve the problem and enter
your answer in the grid, as described below, on the
answer sheet.
1. Although not required, it is suggested that you
write your answer in the boxes at the top of the
columns to help you fill in the circles accurately.
You will receive credit only if the circles are filled
in correctly.
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.
3. No question has a negative answer.
4. Some problems may have more than one
correct answer. In such cases, grid only one
5. Mixed numbers such as must be gridded
as 3.5 or 7/2. (If is entered into the
grid, it will be interpreted as , not .)
6. Decimal answers: If you obtain a decimal
answer with more digits than the grid can
accommodate, it may be either rounded or
truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
At the end of Section 4, your supervisor will say:
Stop work and put your pencil down. Close your test book and answer sheet. Place your answer sheet
next to your test book.
If you are taking the SAT (without the Essay) turn toAfter the Test” on page 18 of this document.
If you are taking the SAT with Essay, your supervisor will continue by saying:
ace your calculator under your desk. We will now stop for a 2-minute stretch break. You may not leave
the room or discuss test questions. You may not use any electronic device, including a phone. Any devices
must remain out of sight under the desks.
At the end of the break, your supervisor will say:
Please take your seat. I will now collect your test books. You will need to keep your answer sheets and
translated test directions (if applicable) for the Essay section of the test. Please sit quietly while I collect
and count the test books.
Section 5: SAT Essay
The standard time for Section 5 is 50 minutes. If you are testing with an approved accommodation, your
timing and breaks may be different. Please listen carefully to the announcements read by your supervisor.
Your supervisor will read the following directions for Section 5, SAT Essay:
Now, open your answer sheet to page 6 (or page 14 of a large-block answer sheet). Please take a moment
to read the statement at the top about the use of your essay, then decide whether or not to mark the
circle or box. When you have finished reading, please look up.
I will now give an Essay book to each of you. Do not open your Essay book until I tell you to do so. On the
back of your Essay book, print your last name, first name, and middle initial, if you have one. Then print
this test center’s number, test center name, and this room number (or name).
Back Cover Directions
The following is a translation of the back cover of your Essay book. When instructed, you should write on the
Essay book or the answer sheet, not this document of translated directions.
YOUR NAME (PRINT) ____________________________________________________________________________
TEST CENTER ___________________________________________________________________________________
Ideas contained in the passage for this test, which is excerpted or adapted from published material, do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the College Board.
Your supervisor will then say:
You may make notes and plan your essay on the unlined Planning Page in your answer sheet, but any
anything written there will not be scored. When you are ready, you’ll need to start writing your essay on
page 7 of the answer sheet and can continue on pages 8 through 10, if needed. If using a large block
answer sheet, you must use pages 16 through 22 of your answer sheet. You must fit your essay into those
pages and within the margins marked. No extra pages are allowed. You must write your essay using a
Number 2 pencil. If you do not use a pencil, you will receive a score of zero. If you finish before time is
called, you may NOT turn to any other section. If you try to work on a different section of the test, I will
need to report it, and your scores may be canceled. If you leave your essay blank, you will receive an
essay score of zero.
Read the directions on the front of your Essay book, then open the book and begin work.
Front Cover Directions
The following is a translation of the directions found on the front cover of your Essay book.
The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you
can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing
the passage. In your essay, you should demonstrate that you have
read the passage carefully, present a clear and logical analysis,
and use language precisely.
Your essay must be written on the lines provided in your answer
booklet; except for the Planning Page of the answer booklet, you
will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have
enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and
keep your handwriting to a reasonable size. Remember that
people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what
you write. Try to write or print so that what you are writing is
legible to those readers.
You have 50 minutes (standard time) to read the passage
and write an essay in response to the prompt provided
inside this booklet.
Do not write your essay in this
booklet. Only what you write on the
lined pages of your answer booklet
will be evaluated.
An off-topic essay will not be
© 2016 The College Board. College Board, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.
At the end of Section 5, your supervisor will say:
Stop work. Put your pencil down. Close your answer sheet and your Essay book. Place your answer sheet next to
your Essay book.
After the Test
When testing is over, your supervisor will say:
Place your Admission Ticket on the desk in plain sight. I will now collect your answer sheet and test materials.
Please sit quietly until you are dismissed.
Remember, you should not under any circumstances, take any test questions from the testing room, give them to
anyone, or discuss them with anyone through any means, including email, text messages, or the Internet.
If you are taking the SAT with Essay, your supervisor will say:
In addition, you are not permitted to discuss or share today’s essay question until after the essay is available
Your supervisor will then say:
This test administration is now over. Gather your belongings and exit the room quietly. Please keep in mind that
students in other rooms may still be testing. Thank you for your cooperation.