??? Primary &
Nursery School
School Logo
Date approved by
Board of Governors: _____________________________
Review Due: _____________________________
Intimate Care Policy
The Intimate Care policy has been developed in line with the Regional Intimate Care Policy
and Guidelines Regarding Children.
??? Primary & Nursery School is committed to ensuring that all staff responsible for the
intimate care of children will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times.
We recognise that there is a need to treat all children with respect when intimate care is
given. No child should be attended to in a way that causes distress, embarrassment or pain.
The Intimate Care Policy and Guidelines regarding children have been developed to
safeguard children and staff.
They apply to everyone involved in the intimate care of children.
Please note: The term parent/s is used to refer to parents, carers and legal guardians.
Definition of Intimate Care
Intimate care may be defined as any activity required to meet the personal care needs of
each individual child. Intimate care may involve washing, touching or carrying out an
invasive procedure (such as cleaning up after a child has soiled him/herself), that most
children can carry out for themselves, but with which some are unable to do due to physical
disability, special educational needs associated with learning difficulties, medical needs or
needs arising from the child’s stage of development.
Intimate care for pre-school children may also involve help with drinking, eating, dressing,
supervision of a child involved in intimate self-care and toileting. Help may also be needed
with changing colostomy bags and other such equipment. It may also require the
administration of an insulin injection, EpiPen or rectal medication.
In most cases intimate care will involve procedures to do with personal hygiene and the
cleaning of equipment associated with the process. In the case of a specific procedure only a
person suitably trained and assessed as competent will undertake the procedure. Any
additional training will be provided by the school.
The aims of this document and associated guidance are:
• To provide reassurance to staff and parent/s
• To safeguard the dignity, rights and well-being of children
• To assure parents that staff are knowledgeable about intimate care and that their child’s
individual needs and concerns are taken into account
This document embraces the principles of The Children (N.I.) Order 1995, Cooperating to
Safeguard Children 2003 and The Area Child Protection Committees’
Regional Policy and Procedures 2005.
• Every child has the right to feel safe and secure
Every child has the right to be treated as an individual
• Every child has the right to remain healthy
• Every child has the right to privacy, dignity and a professional approach from all staff when
meeting his or her needs
• Every child has the right to information and support that will enable him or her to make
informed and appropriate choices
• Every child has the right to be accepted for who they are, without regard to age, gender,
ability, race, culture or beliefs
• Every child (and parent) has the right to information and procedures for any complaint or
queries he or she may have regarding intimate care
Our Approach to Best Practice
The management of all children with intimate care needs will be carefully planned. The
child's welfare and dignity is of paramount importance.
Staff will be supported to adapt their practice in relation to the needs of individual children,
taking into account their developmental stage. The child will be supported to achieve the
highest level of autonomy that is possible given their age and abilities. Staff will encourage
each child to do as much for him/herself as he/she can. This may mean, for example, giving
the child responsibility for washing themselves.
Individual intimate care plans will be drawn up for particular children as appropriate to suit
the circumstances of the child. Careful consideration will be given to each
child's situation to determine how many carers might need to be present when a child is
toileted. Where possible one child will be catered for by one trained adult, unless there is a
sound reason for having more adults present. If this is the case, the reasons will be clearly
Intimate care arrangements will be discussed with parents/carers on a regular basis and
recorded on the child's intimate care plan. The needs and wishes of children and parents
will be taken into account wherever possible within the constraints of staffing and equal
opportunities legislation.
Working with Parents
Partnership with parents is an important principle in any school and is particularly necessary
in relation to children needing intimate care. Much of the information
required to make the process of intimate care as comfortable as possible is available from
parents, including knowledge and understanding of any religious/cultural sensitivities. Prior
permission must be obtained from parents before Intimate care procedures are carried out
(see appendix 7). Parents should be encouraged and empowered to work with staff to
ensure their child’s needs are identified, understood and met. This will include involvement
with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Health Care Plans and any other plans which identify
the need for intimate care where appropriate. Exchanging information with parents is
essential through face-to-face contact, telephone or written correspondence. However,
information concerning intimate care procedures should not be recorded in home/school
books as it may contain confidential information that could be accessed by people other
than the parent and named staff member.
Writing an Intimate Care Plan
Where a routine procedure is required an intimate care plan should be agreed in discussion
with the child, school staff, parents and relevant health personnel. The plan should be
signed by all who contribute and reviewed on an agreed basis.
In developing the plan, the following should be considered:
a) Whole School implications
• The importance of working towards independence
• Arrangements for home-school transport, sports day, school performances, school trips,
• Ensure that there is enough stock of equipment such as nappies.
• Who will substitute in the absence of the appointed person?
b) Classroom management
• A system for the child to leave class without disruption to the lesson
• Avoidance of missing the same lesson all year due to medical routines
• Awareness of a child’s discomfort which may affect learning
• Implications for physical play e.g. discreet clothing, additional time for changing
• Strategies for dealing with pressure from peers. e.g. teasing/bullying particularly if the
child has an odour
All plans will be clearly recorded to ensure clarity of expectation, roles and responsibilities.
They will reflect all methods of communication including emergency procedures between
home, school and medical services. A procedure will also be included to explain how
concerns arising from the intimate care process will be dealt with (e.g. School’s Complaint’s
Links with other agencies
Positive links with other agencies will enable school-based plans to take account of the
knowledge, skills and expertise of other professionals and will ensure the child’s well-being
and development remains paramount.
Voice of the Child
??? Primary & Nursery School will agree the appropriate terminology for private parts of the
body and functions to be used by staff. It may be possible to determine a child’s wishes by
observation of reactions to the intimate care. Where there is any doubt that a child is able
to make an informed choice on these issues, the child’s parents/carers are usually in the
best position to act as advocates. It is the responsibility of all staff caring for a child to
ensure they are aware of the child’s method and level of communication. Communication
methods may include words, signs, symbols, body movements and eye pointing. To ensure
effective communication with the child, staff will ascertain the agreed method of
communication and identify this in the agreed Intimate Care Plan.
Parents must feel confident that relevant staff have been carefully vetted and trained,
helping to avoid potentially stressful areas of anxiety and conflict. Recruitment and selection
of candidates for posts involving intimate care will be made following the usual
Safeguarding, AccessNI checks, equal opportunities and employment rights legislation.
Candidates will be made fully aware of what will be required and detailed in their job
description before accepting the post.
Staff Professional Development
• Staff will receive training in working practices which comply with Health & Safety.
• All staff will receive Safeguarding/Child Protection training as part of Whole School
• Staff will be trained in the specific types of intimate care that they carry out and fully
understand the intimate care policy and guidelines within the context of their work.
• Staff will receive Moving and Handling training where appropriate.
• Newly appointed staff will be closely supervised until completion of a successful
probationary period.
• The school will keep a dated record of all training undertaken.
The school will ensure staff understand the needs of children from different racial and
cultural backgrounds and specialist advice sought when necessary.
In addition, identified staff members should be able to:
• Access other procedures and policies regarding the welfare of the child e.g. Child
Protection Policy
• Communicate with and involve the child in the intimate care process
• Offer choices, wherever possible
• Develop, where possible, greater independence with the procedure of intimate care.
Where children have a long - term incontinence or a disability requiring regular intimate
care, the school may require specially adapted facilities. Specialist advice from medical or
therapy staff will be sought when considering space, heating, ventilation and lighting.
Additional considerations we have in place include:
Facilities with hot & cold running water
Protective clothing including disposable protective gloves - provided by the school
Labelled bins for the disposal of wet & soiled nappies/pads
Waste for incineration
Supplies of suitable cleaning materials; anti-bacterial spray, sterilising fluid,
deodorisers, anti-bacterial hand wash
Supplies of appropriate clean clothing, nappies, disposal bags and wipes
Changing mat or changing bench
An effective system to alert staff for help in an emergency.
The Protection of Children
The School’s Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy will be adhered to. If a member of staff
has any concerns about changes in a child's presentation, e.g. marks, bruises, soreness etc.
s/he will immediately report concerns to the Designated Teacher for Child Protection.
Further advice will be sought from outside agencies if necessary. If a child makes an
allegation against a member of staff, all necessary procedures will be followed.
Vulnerability to abuse
Children should be encouraged to recognise and challenge inappropriate assistance and
behaviour that erodes their dignity and self-worth. It is essential that all staff are familiar
with the school’s Child Protection policy and procedures.
The following are factors that can increase a child’s vulnerability:
Children who need help with intimate care are statistically more vulnerable to
exploitation and abuse
Children with disabilities may have less control over their lives than others
Children may experience multiple carers
Children may not be able to distinguish between intimate care and abuse
Children may not be able to communicate.
If a child is hurt accidentally, he or she should be immediately reassured, and the adult
should check that he or she is safe, and the incident reported immediately to the designated
line manager.
Toileting Procedures (see Appendix 4)
If the toilet management plan has been agreed and signed by parents, children and staff, it
is acceptable for only one member of staff to assist unless there are implications for safe
moving and handling of the child.
The plan will consider the following:
Location of the plan for reference, ensuring discretion and confidentiality.
Location of recording procedures, ensuring discretion and confidentiality.
Necessary equipment & waste disposal see environmental.
Clear labelling of equipment and procedures will be displayed e.g. Wipe table after
Relevant Policies
These guidelines should be read in conjunction with other School policies:
• Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Staff Recruitment Policy
Safe Handling Policy
• The Administration of Medicines in Schools
Staff Code of Conduct
• Anti-bullying policy
Further Guidance
Regional Intimate Care Policy and Guidelines Regarding Children which can be accessed
Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland Procedures Manual which is available here.
Appendix 1 Record of Agencies involved
Appendix 2 Record of Intimate Care Intervention
Appendix 3 Working Towards Independence record
Appendix 4 Toilet Management Plan
Appendix 5 Agreement Between Child and Classroom Assistant
Appendix 6 Permission for Schools to Provide Intimate Care
Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________
DOB: ___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Parent/Carer: ___________________________________________________
GP: ___________________________________________________
School Nurse/
Health visitor: ___________________________________________________
Continence Advisor____________________________________________________
Physiotherapist: ___________________________________________________
Occupational Therapist:________________________________________________
Hospital Consultant:___________________________________________________
Physical/Sensory Service:______________________________________________
Social Worker: ___________________________________________________
Others: ___________________________________________________
Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________
DOB: ___________________________________________________
Name of support
staff involved: ___________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
Time: ___________________________________________________
Procedure: ___________________________________________________
Further comments: ___________________________________________________
Signature(s): ___________________________________________________
Child’s Name: ______________________________________________
DOB: ______________________________________________
Date of Plan: ______________________________________________
Name of support
staff involved: ______________________________________________
I can do: ______________________________________________
I will try to do: ______________________________________________
Review date: ______________________________________________
Parents/Carer: ______________________________________________
Child (if appropriate): ______________________________________________
Personal Assistant: ______________________________________________
Senior Management/
SENCO: ______________________________________________
Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________
DOB: ___________________________________________________
Date of Plan: ___________________________________________________
Name of support
staff involved: ___________________________________________________
Area of need: ___________________________________________________
Equipment required:___________________________________________________
Location of suitable
toilet facilities: ___________________________________________________
Support required: ___________________________________________________
Frequency of support:__________________________________________________
Parent/Carer: ___________________________________________________
SENCO: ___________________________________________________
Child’s Name: ______________________________________________
DOB: ______________________________________________
Classroom Assistant’s Name:____________________________________________
Date of Agreement: ______________________________________________
Personal Assistant
As the Personal Assistant helping you in the toilet you can expect me to do the following:
• When I am the identified person, I will stop what I am doing to help you
• I will avoid all unnecessary delays
• I will treat you with respect and ensure privacy and dignity at all times
• I will ask permission before touching you or your clothing
• I will check that you are as comfortable as possible, both physically and emotionally
• If I am working with a colleague to help you, I will ensure that we talk in a way that does
not embarrass you
• I will look and listen carefully if there is something you would like to change about your
Toilet Management Plan.
As the child who requires help in the toilet you can expect me to do the following:
• I will try, whenever possible to let you know a few minutes in advance, that I am going to
need the toilet so that you can make yourself available and be prepared to help me
• I will try to use the toilet at break time or at the agreed times
• I will tell you if I want you to stay in the room or stay with me in the toilet.
• I will tell you straight away if you are doing anything that makes me feel uncomfortable or
• I may talk to other trusted people about how you help me. They too will let you know
what I would like to change
• We will review this agreement on: ___________________________________
• Child (if appropriate): ___________________________________
Parent/Carer: ___________________________________
Classroom Assistant: ___________________________________
I understand that:
• I give permission to the school to provide appropriate intimate care support to my child
e.g. changing soiled clothing, washing, toileting, administering medication.
• I will advise the Principal of any medical complaint my child may have which affects issues
of intimate care.
Name: ___________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Relationship to child:___________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________
DOB: ___________________________________________________
Male/Female: ___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Tel. Number(s): ___________________________________________________