Interim report
Public and industry engagement
Executive summary ....................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................. 5
Background ................................................................................... 5
Why is the ICO working on this? ...................................................... 5
Why is The Alan Turing Institute working on this? .............................. 6
What is an AI decision? ................................................................... 7
What does the GDPR say about AI? .................................................. 7
Methodology .................................................................................. 9
Public engagement research ............................................................ 9
Industry engagement research ...................................................... 12
Findings ....................................................................................... 15
1. Context ............................................................................... 15
2. Education and awareness ...................................................... 18
3. Challenges........................................................................... 20
Discussion ................................................................................... 23
1. Context ............................................................................... 23
2. Education and awareness ...................................................... 24
3. Challenges........................................................................... 24
Limitations of research ................................................................ 26
Public engagement research .......................................................... 26
Industry engagement research ...................................................... 27
Conclusion ................................................................................... 29
Next steps ................................................................................... 30
Executive summary
Project ExplAIn is a collaboration between the Information
Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and The Alan Turing Institute (The Turing) to
create practical guidance to assist organisations with explaining artificial
intelligence (AI) decisions to the individuals affected.
As part of this project, the ICO and The Turing conducted public and
industry engagement research. This helped us understand different points
of view on this complex topic.
This report sets out the methodology and findings of this research. Key
findings are:
the relevance of context for the importance, purpose and
expectations of explanations;
the need for improved education and awareness around the use of
AI for decision-making; and
challenges to deploying explainable AI such as cost and the pace of
The possible interpretations of these findings and their implications for the
development of the guidance are discussed, including:
the lack of a one-size-fits-all approach to explanations, including the
potential for a list of explanation types to support organisations in
making appropriate choices;
the need for board-level buy-in on explaining AI decisions; and
the value of a standardised approach to internal accountability to
help assign responsibility for explainable AI decision-systems and
foster an organisational culture of responsible innovation.
We acknowledge the limitations of the research, and a conclusion
summarises the findings, setting out their value to the project and
The report ends with next steps for the project, including a summary of
the planned guidance.
The ICO and The Turing gratefully acknowledge the support and input
given to this project by Citizens’ Juries c.i.c., the Jefferson Center, the
Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, techUK,
and all the industry representatives and members of the public that took
part in our engagement research.
In October 2017, Professor Dame Wendy Hall and Jérôme Pesenti
published their independent review on growing the AI industry in the UK
The second of the report’s recommendations to support uptake of AI was
for the ICO and The Turing to:
“…develop a framework for explaining processes, services and
decisions delivered by AI, to improve transparency and
In April 2018, the Government published its AI Sector Deal
. The deal
tasked the ICO and The Turing to:
“…work together to develop guidance to assist in explaining AI
The independent report and the Sector Deal are part of ongoing efforts
made by national and international regulators and governments to
address the wider implications of transparency and fairness in AI
decisions impacting individuals, organisations, and wider society.
Why is the ICO working on this?
As the UK regulator for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
the ICO understands that, while innovative and data-driven technologies
create enormous opportunities, they also present some of the biggest
risks related to the use of personal data. We also recognise the need for
effective guidance for organisations seeking to address data protection
issues arising from the use of these technologies.
In particular, AI is a key priority area in the ICO’s Technology Strategy.
Project ExplAIn is an opportunity to address this priority area and achieve
the second goal of our Technology Strategy:
“To provide effective guidance to organisations about how to
address data protection risks arising from technology.”
Available <
ibid Recommendation 2
Explaining AI decisions is one part of the ICO’s work on exploring the data
protection implications of AI.
In 2017, the ICO published a paper titled Big data, artificial intelligence,
machine learning and data protection”
. This discussed the data
protection and societal impacts of these technologies and provided
guidance on these issues.
Additionally, Dr Reuben Binns, the ICO’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow in
AI, is leading the development of an AI auditing framework, due to be
finalised in 2020. The ICO will use the framework to assess the data
protection compliance of organisations using AI. The framework will also
inform guidance for organisations on the management of data protection
risks arising from AI applications.
Why is The Alan Turing Institute working on this?
As the national institute for data science and AI, the mission of The Turing
is to use these technologies to change the world for the better. The
Turing’s public policy programme, working in close collaboration with
public authorities, supports this mission by bringing together technical,
legal, and ethical expertise to ensure that data science and AI serve the
public good.
To achieve this, AI systems must be designed to operate ethically, fairly,
and safely. This requires great strides to be made in the interpretability of
these systems. This is why the public policy programme has partnered
with the ICO on Project ExplAIn.
This joint effort to assess how to effectively explain AI decisions couldn’t
be more timely or critical, given that AI systems are currently in use
across the UK. This makes the need for the responsible design and
implementation of explainable AI systems all the more urgent.
Explainabilityis an essential ingredient for the responsible development
of AI and machine learning technologies. It allows the developers and
implementers of these technologies to be better informed about their
operations and outcomes. It also affords important safeguards to
individuals subject to AI decisions, and it enables society as a whole to
gain greater understanding about the benefits and drawbacks of AI
As part of the project, The Turing has drawn on the multidisciplinary
expertise of its academics from across the domains of digital ethics, public
policy, data science and artificial intelligence. The goal of our contribution
to this valuable collaborative work is to deliver results that will encourage
well-informed and ethical decisions to be made about the application of
these powerful technologies in real world scenarios.
What is an AI decision?
AI is an umbrella term for a range of technologies and methodologies
seeking to simulate human intelligence in attempting to solve complex
tasks, such as decision-making.
AI decisions are often based on the outputs of machine learning models,
trained on data to generate predictions, recommendations or
classifications - for example, whether to grant a customer a loan or invite
an applicant to an interview.
AI can be used for decision support (to inform the thinking of a human
decision-maker) or it can be used to automate the generation and
delivery of a decision without any human involvement.
What does the GDPR say about AI?
The GDPR is technology neutral, so it does not directly reference AI.
However, it has a significant focus on large scale automated processing of
personal data, specifically addressing the use of automated decision-
making. As such, several provisions are highly relevant to the use of AI
for decision-making:
Principle 1. (a) requires personal data processing to be fair, lawful,
and transparent.
Articles 13-15 give individuals the right to be informed of the
existence of solely automated decision-making, meaningful
information about the logic involved, and the significance and
envisaged consequences for the individual.
Article 22 gives individuals the right not to be subject to a solely
automated decision producing legal or similarly significant effects.
Article 22(3) obliges organisations to adopt suitable measures to
safeguard individuals when using solely automated decisions,
including the right to obtain human intervention, to express his or
her view, and to contest the decision.
Recital 71 provides interpretative guidance of Article 22. It says
individuals should have the right to obtain an explanation of a solely
automated decision after it has been made.
Article 35 requires organisations to carry out Data Protection Impact
Assessments (DPIAs) when what they are doing with personal data,
particularly when using new technologies, is likely to have high risks
for individuals.
The objective of Project ExplAIn is to produce useful guidance that assists
organisations with meeting the expectations of individuals when delivering
explanations of AI decisions about them. This will support organisations to
comply with the legal requirements above, but the guidance will go
beyond this. It will promote best practice, helping organisations to foster
individuals’ trust, understanding, and confidence in AI decisions.
Given the complex nature of AI decisions, and the sparsity of research on
explanations in this context, it was necessary to carry out primary
evidence-based research to help inform the development of the guidance.
We undertook two strands of research: public engagement and industry
engagement. This allowed views to be gathered from a range of
stakeholders with various (and sometimes competing) interests in
explaining AI decisions.
The methodologies used for these research activities are detailed under
the headings below.
Public engagement research
Choosing a research method
Understanding public opinion is vital to develop guidance that is effective
at supporting organisations to meet the expectations of individuals when
explaining AI decisions.
Public engagement activities, such as surveys and focus groups, are an
efficient way to quickly gauge public opinion on a given topic. However,
for this project, they were considered less useful due to the complex
nature of AI decisions and the need for an in-depth exploration and
discussion of the issues. As such, the ‘citizens’ jury’ research methodology
was chosen as an appropriate approach to public engagement that met
these requirements.
Citizensjuries (juries) are the creation of the Jefferson Center’s Ned
Crosby. In 1971 he founded the concept with the belief that groups of
everyday citizens can provide unique insight into tackling complex
This is achieved by allowing ‘jurors’ time to learn about, discuss,
and come to conclusions on complex social issues.
Setting up the juries
The ICO co-commissioned two juries with the National Institute for Health
Research (NIHR) Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational
Research Centre (GM PSTRC), hosted by the University of Manchester.
The GM PSTRC were conducting their own research into public perceptions
on the use of AI in healthcare. The juries were an opportunity for
collaborative public engagement that was mutually beneficial for the ICO’s
and the GM PSTRC’s respective research projects.
Citizens’ Juries c.i.c., specialists in the design and facilitation of citizens’
juries, organized the juries in collaboration with the Jefferson Center.
Two juries were undertaken, one in Coventry and one in Manchester. Both
juries followed the same design and process, the only difference being the
location and the jurors. Jurors were made up of a cross-section of the
population, representing the demographic breakdown of England as per
the 2011 Census. Juror selection took into account gender, age, ethnicity,
and educational attainment. In total, 36 individuals were selected to be
jurors, 18 for Manchester, and 18 for Coventry.
Prior to selection, jurors were asked the following question, taken from a
national survey commissioned by the Royal Society for Arts (RSA):
Responses were compared against the results of the RSA survey to
ensure jurors had a range of views on AI, matching those reported in the
RSA survey.
Jury overview
Over five days in February 2019, each jury heard evidence from several
expert witnesses. Jurors took part in exercises and discussions on AI
decisions and explanations. Giving consideration to the importance of an
explanation of an AI decision, when this is at the cost of the system’s
overall accuracy, jurors came to conclusions on what to prioritise and
Some experts argue that a trade-off between the ‘explainability’ and the
accuracy of AI decisions is artificial. This was acknowledged in the design
of the juries. However, it was necessary to use a dichotomy like this,
giving jurors a clear choice between two competing priorities in order to
understand how much importance they attached to explanations, and the
reasons for this.
Q: How comfortable, if at all, are you with the
following idea? As the accuracy and consistency of
automated systems improve over time, more
decisions can be fully automated without human
intervention required.
a) Very comfortable
b) Fairly comfortable
c) Not very comfortable
d) Not at all comfortable
e) Don’t know
It was important to see if and how these priorities and reasons changed in
different settings. To test this, the ICO and the GM PSTRC constructed
hypothetical scenarios involving the use of AI decisions in various public
and private sector contexts.
Jury process
On the first two days of each jury, jurors heard from four expert
Prof. Sonia Olhede talked about the trade-off between explanations
and accuracy of AI decisions;
Rhiannon Webster discussed the law concerning AI decisions, in
particular data protection;
Dr. Andre Freitas made the case for prioritising accuracy; and
Prof. Alan Winfield made the case for prioritising explanations.
On the third and fourth days, jurors considered four scenarios involving
the use of AI decisions in different contexts:
Scenario 1Healthcare: stroke diagnosis in the NHS.
Scenario 2Recruitment: candidate shortlisting in a private
Scenario 3Healthcare: kidney transplant matching in the NHS.
Scenario 4Criminal justice: offender selection for a rehabilitation
programme (as an alternative to prosecution) in a UK police force.
The organisations in each scenario could choose between three
hypothetical AI decision systems:
System A75% accurate / full explanation.
System B85% accurate / partial explanation.
System C 95% accurate / no explanation.
A fifth expert witness, Dr Allan Tucker, talked to jurors about the kind of
explanation that the systems might give for each scenario. Jurors also
watched video interviews with four scenario witnesses (people whose
work related to each scenario) discussing how much the accuracy of, and
explanations of, decisions might matter in each case.
Jurors were asked the same three questions about each scenario,
including which system should be chosen, and whether and why
explanations were important. On the fifth day, jurors considered and
answered three general questions about AI decisions, including whether
human and AI decisions should require similar explanations, and what
else can be done to build confidence in AI decisions.
Juror deliberations and responses to questions were captured on a digital
survey tool and by jury facilitators.
Further details of the jury design and all jury materials (including expert
witness presentations, full scenario descriptions and questions posed to
jurors) are available on the GM PSTRC website
Industry engagement research
Choosing a research method
Discussions with practitioners the people and organisations developing,
procuring and deploying AI decision systems are a key part of the
project. It is important that the planned guidance reflects actual
applications of AI, addressing real challenges, for it to be of practical use
for industry.
Roundtable discussions were chosen as the research method for
engagement with industry. With well-selected participants and
appropriate moderation, this approach provides an informal environment
for honest, open and frank debate on complex or contentious topics.
While digital surveys or email consultations were considered as
alternatives, it was determined that these approaches would not elicit the
depth and quality of response that the roundtables could deliver.
Roundtables overview
Three roundtables were convened, each made up of a distinct set of
people holding key organisational roles relating to AI decisions across the
public, private and third sectors:
Roundtable 1 – Data scientists and researchers.
Roundtable 2 Chief Data Officers (CDOs) and C-suite executives.
Roundtable 3 Data Protection Officers (DPOs), lawyers, and
The roundtables were purposefully split according to role (technical,
senior, and compliance) to allow insights unique to each discipline to
emerge, reflecting the varying opinions and challenges of different
industry stakeholders involved in the use of AI in decision-making.
The roundtables were held at The Alan Turing Institute in London over
consecutive days in March 2019. Participants discussed their approach to
explaining AI decisions, their reactions to the findings from the juries, and
their thoughts on the planned guidance.
Roundtables process
Each roundtable was moderated by a chair with expertise relevant to its
David Leslie, Ethics Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute chaired
roundtable 1.
Sue Daley, Associate Director of Technology and Innovation at
techUK chaired roundtable 2.
Carl Wiper, Group Manager in the Innovation department at the ICO
chaired roundtable 3.
Chairs used questions specific to each roundtable to instigate
conversation, and where appropriate, to probe for further detail.
Discussion at each roundtable was structured around the same three
AI in decision-making
The technical, organisational and compliance approaches (and
barriers) to developing, procuring and deploying explainable AI
Citizens’ juries
Reactions to juror insights, the gap (if at all) between juror
expectations and technical / organisational feasibility, and steps to
address this.
Planned guidance
Reactions to a high-level outline of the planned guidance, including
any useful or missing elements.
Participant discussions were captured by note-takers from the ICO.
Three key themes relating to explaining AI decisions emerged from the
1. the importance of context;
2. the need for education and awareness; and
3. the challenges in providing explanations.
The results informing these findings, from the public and industry
engagement activities, are summarised under the headings below. For a
full breakdown of juror responses, see the Citizens’ Juries Report
published by Citizens’ Juries c.i.c. on the GM PSTRC website
1. Context
Public engagement results
Importance of explanation
Quantitative results indicated that the context in which an AI decision is
made affects the importance of receiving an explanation.
In the healthcare scenarios (1 and 3), most jurors felt it was less
important to receive an explanation and opted for AI decision-system C
(95% accurate / no explanation).
However, in the recruitment and criminal justice scenarios (2 and 4),
jurors mostly thought explanations were important and tended to opt for
AI decision-system A (75% accurate / full explanation) or B (85%
accurate / partial explanation).
Juror responses to the general questions posed at the end of the juries
supported the above. Most jurors felt that the relative importance of
explanations and accuracy varied by context; not a single juror concluded
that an explanation should be provided in all contexts.
Purpose of explanation
Qualitative results suggested context is also important in determining the
reasons why an explanation is (or is not) important and the purpose for
which it is used.
In the healthcare scenarios (1 and 3), jurors tended to prioritise accuracy
of decisions due to the need for a quick and precise diagnosis or match.
They were concerned with “…fixing the problem…” and thought that “…
alternative explanations…” could be provided later. Jurors also thought
that an explanation may be of limited use because the scientific nature of
the data used meant that “…the factors are not changeable”.
In the recruitment and criminal justice scenarios (2 and 4), jurors instead
prioritised explanations, referencing purposes they can be used for in
these settings. Purposes included:
challenging a decision“…correct reason for rejection.”;
changing behaviour “…feedback in order to allow them to
improve.”; and
building trust / ensuring equity“…to prove there is no bias.”
Expectation of explanation
Quantitative results from the general jury questions indicated that context
is also key for jurors as regards their expectations of receiving an
Most jurors placed less importance on explanations in contexts where
they would not usually expect a human decision-maker to provide an
explanation. Only one juror thought that AI decisions should be explained
in contexts where a human would not normally explain their decision.
In contexts where humans would usually provide an explanation, most
jurors indicated that explanations of AI decisions should be similar to
human explanations. Jurors felt this was important to help build trust and
to ensure explanations were understandable.
Industry engagement results
Importance of explanation
Participants from all three roundtables raised the relevance of context
when considering how to approach explaining AI decisions. While this
generally corresponds with findings from the juries, the roundtables
tended to approach context from a different perspective, identifying other
factors affecting explanations.
It was suggested that the contextual consideration of ‘agent’ (person) is
key. Participants felt the importance of an explanation of an AI decision is
likely to vary depending on the person it is given to. For instance, in a
healthcare setting, it may be more important for a healthcare professional
to receive an explanation of a decision, than for the patient, given their
expertise and authority in this context.
Participants also discussed the importance of context in relation to the
unique operations of the organisations deploying AI decision-systems. It
was suggested that the planned guidance should be flexible enough to
reflect differences in sectors, size of organisation, and business model (eg
B2B and B2C).
Roundtable reactions to jury findings on the varying importance of
explanations in different scenarios generally indicated that participants
considered juror requirements as relatively modest and achievable,
especially in healthcare settings.
Purpose of explanation
As with the jurors, roundtable participants recognised the value of
explanations in allowing a decision to be challenged and enabling
individuals to learn and change their behaviour in contexts where these
purposes can be served (such as the recruitment and criminal justice
scenarios presented to jurors). Participants from the data scientist
roundtable noted that to support these purposes it is important for
explanations to adequately and truthfully justify the decision (as opposed
to explanations that merely list the causes for a decision or misrepresent
the rationale to appease an individual).
Roundtable participants agreed that explanations can be used to build
trust and detect bias but did not indicate that this explanation purpose
was context-specific. Rather, it was highlighted that using explanations to
identify and address underlying system bias was a key consideration
across the board.
Further to the idea that explanations may vary by agent, some roundtable
participants argued that there are contextual differences even for a single
type of agent. For instance, explanation purposes may differ according to
the level of expertise of an individual subject to, or interpreting and
applying, the decision. It was proposed therefore that a hierarchy of
explanations could allow individuals to choose the detail most useful to
Expectation of explanation
Some roundtable participants agreed with jurors that explanations of AI
decisions should largely reflect the way in which human decision-makers
provide explanations. It was suggested that there may be an unwarranted
attitude of exceptionalism around expectations of explanations of AI
decisions, ie that they should provide a greater level of detail than those
explanations which are generally accepted in the case of human decisions.
Others however argued that AI decisions should indeed be held to higher
standards. It was argued that humans are prone to delivering
explanations that are socially beneficial for the explainer, and do not
accurately represent the truth of the decision-making process. They
thought it may therefore be preferable for the content of explanations,
and the contexts they are provided in, to differ from current human
2. Education and awareness
Public engagement results
Value of education and awareness
The juries considered what else can be done to build confidence in AI
decisions. Jurors made a number of suggestions, 40% of which related to
education or awareness-building activities.
Jurors ranked their suggestions, selecting ten that they felt would most
effectively increase confidence. Six of these suggestions covered
education and awareness. Excerpts from suggestions include:
“Education: in schools/colleges…TV…radio…”
“Public awareness and education.”
“Greater public awareness and involvement in…AI…”
Jurors therefore made a clear statement that, as a complement to the
value of explanations (in certain contexts), a broader public
understanding of the technology is desirable. It was proposed that such
education and awareness could cover topics including:
how AI decision-making systems work;
key benefits; and
common misconceptions.
Ownership of education and awareness
Generally, jurors did not specify who should be responsible for delivering
education and awareness programmes (although the government was
most commonly mentioned). Instead, jurors tended to focus on the
method of delivery, including:
social media;
broadcast media; and
the national curriculum.
Industry engagement results
Education and awareness also emerged as a key theme from the three
roundtable discussions, although there were divergent views as to the
value, and ownership, of such initiatives.
Value of education and awareness
Participants from roundtable 2 discussed education as a more narrow and
directed activity than the jurors. Some participants felt a level of
education for individuals is necessary so that specific explanations of AI
decisions can be properly understood. Other participants at this
roundtable saw the benefit of a broader educative piece, particularly in
tackling misconceptions around AI, and what was perceived as its
distorted portrayal in the media.
Participants at the other roundtables recognised the value of education
and awareness to increase public awareness of rights related to AI
decisions (which was currently perceived as low). However, a participant
from roundtable 1 raised the possibility that this may incentivise
behaviour (and increase the exercise of rights) that some organisations
may not want due to additional burden on, and disruption to their
Additionally, discussion on roundtable 3 revealed a more sceptical
perspective on the value of education and awareness. It was suggested
that putting more information out about AI and decision-making may
actually confuse matters. Participants felt there is no single (and simple)
message to communicate.
Ownership of education and awareness
Participants gave a range of views on where ownership lies for education
and awareness campaigns. Some felt that the organisations developing
and using systems for AI decisions had a responsibility. Examples were
cited relating to the efforts made by some organisations to educate their
customers about data protection in the run-up to the GDPR.
It was also raised, particularly by participants on roundtable 2 that
organisations have a responsibility for internal education and awareness
to ensure their staff understand the use AI decisions, its benefits and
Others however thought organisations should not have a broad educative
role. One participant noted that although organisations have a duty to
explain their own products to customers, it is for government to educate
the public on AI more generally. There was a perceived need to separate
the technology from the range of AI-based products and services.
Some participants on roundtable 3 highlighted the role of trade bodies in
educating the public on matters concerning their industry, or less directly,
supporting their members by helping them to educate their customers.
3. Challenges
Public engagement results
Cost and resources
Qualitative results indicated that jurors’ reasons for de-prioritising
explanations often related to issues of cost and resource. Jurors remarked
that by not providing individuals with explanations of AI decisions,
organisations could:
“…reduce costs…”;
“…save time, money …”;
use “…less resources…”;
“…less manpower…”; and
better “target resources…”.
Explanation detail
The issue of the level of detail of the explanation was a less marked, but
still observable, challenge identified by jurors. Some jurors felt,
particularly in the healthcare and criminal justice scenarios (1, 3 and 4),
that explanations of AI decisions may be too complex, or delivered at a
time when individuals would not:
“… understand [the] rational[e] …”
“…understand [the] explanation…”
“…be in the best place to receive or understand the reasoning…”
Industry engagement results
Cost and resources
As with the juries, roundtable discussions highlighted the cost of
compliance with transparency and explanation requirements as a
potential challenge for the implementation of AI decisions systems.
Participants from roundtable 2 suggested that compliance is achievable,
but felt some organisations used a perceived lack of technical feasibility
as an excuse for not implementing explainable AI decision-systems.
Participants thought that, in reality, cost and resource were more likely
the overriding factors.
Explanation detail
Discussions at all three roundtables touched on level of detail as a
possible challenge to the provision of explanations of AI decisions.
While jurors suggested individuals may not understand the detail provided
in an explanation, roundtable participants noted a number of other risks
associated with explanations that may be overly detailed:
Distrust giving individuals too much information about AI
decisions may actually increase distrust or fear due to revealing the
underlying complexities of the process.
Commercial sensitivities detailed explanations could disclose
commercially sensitive material or infringe intellectual property.
Third-party personal data explanations may necessarily include
the personal data of individuals other than the subject of the
decision, potentially breaching data protection.
Gaming an explanation revealing too much about an AI decision
may lead to gaming or otherwise exploiting the system.
Internal accountability
Accountability within organisations for implementing governance
frameworks and ensuring the appropriate design (or procurement) and
deployment of explainable AI decision-systems emerged as a theme from
discussions, particularly roundtable 2.
Participants indicated this can be challenging. With multiple staff across
different business functions involved at various stages of the process,
there are difficulties in assigning responsibility and ultimate ownership for
AI decision-systems.
Some participants noted that traditional legal and compliance functions
had ownership, some advised that responsibility was distributed across
their organisation, while others had not yet assigned ownership for this.
Participants also noted that issues of ownership and accountability are
further complicated when buying off-the-shelf AI decision-systems, or
outsourcing the development or deployment of these systems.
Regulation and guidance
Some participants suggested that the lack of a broad regulatory
framework around AI is a challenge. They felt it is not clear whether there
is a legal incentive to explain AI decisions to individuals, thereby causing
a staggered and piecemeal attempt at implementing and developing
explainable AI across different sectors. Participants recommended that
the planned guidance distinguishes between the legal requirements and
ethical, or good practice, considerations.
Additionally, participants observed there are limited guidance or tools to
assist in the selection of appropriate AI models, and to assess the impact.
Participants had mixed views as to the effectiveness of DPIAs, given their
primary role as data protection compliance tools, and suggested they may
be limited in their ability to test broader ethical considerations. While
participants welcomed guidance that would help to address this gap, there
was a general consensus that it should not be too prescriptive or unduly
inhibitive, leaving space for organisations to innovate.
The pace of technological innovation was discussed as a challenge to
providing explanations of AI decisions. Some participants expressed
frustration that, within their organisations, new innovative products were
being developed so quickly and frequently that legal or compliance
departments were not able to provide input. This hampered their ability to
embed explanation capabilities as a core requirement of the products
before they were deemed ready for market by management.
1. Context
The strongest message emerging from the juries and roundtables was
that context matters. Depending on context, the importance, purpose and
expectations of explanations can change dramatically.
The unique characteristics of the four scenarios posed to jurors and the
qualitative results from both strands of research indicate there may be
several contextual factors contributing to this, including:
The urgency of the decisionIs the decision time-sensitive? Or is
there time for an individual to reflect on it?
The impact of the decisionIs the decision safety-critical? Does it
affect someone’s legal status? Or are the consequences less severe?
The ability to change the factors influencing the decisionCan an
individual alter their behaviour for a future decision? Or are the
factors fixed?
The scope for bias in the decisionIs the decision non-
controversial? Or might the decision be challenged on the basis of
The scope for interpretation in the decision-making processAre
the inferences made open to interpretation? Or is interpretation
constrained due to safety and accuracy testing of the algorithm?
The type of data used in the decision-making processDoes the
decision use categories of data resulting from a scientific process?
Or does it use data from social, or human processes?
The recipient of the explanation of the decision – Does the person
receiving the explanation have expertise in the domain the decision
is made? Or do they have no specialist knowledge?
This suggests there is no one-size-fits-all approach for explanations of AI
decisions. Rather, the content and delivery of explanations should be
tailored to their audience based on a consideration of the relevant
contextual factors for a particular decision.
This appears to align with the GDPR’s requirements for the provision of
meaningful information, and the adoption of suitable safeguards, when
using solely automated decision-making. What information is ‘meaningful’
and what safeguards are ‘suitable’ is likely to differ depending on context.
However a flexible, case-by-case, approach such as this complicates
matters for those looking to operationalise explainable AI decision-
systems. It may therefore be useful to develop a list of explanation types
to support organisations in identifying appropriate ways of explaining
particular AI decisions, and delivering explanations, to the individuals
they concern.
2. Education and awareness
Project ExplAIn is focused on explanations of AI decisions. But findings
from the public and industry engagement research activities serve as a
welcome reminder that explanations alone cannot address all the
challenges associated with AI and its use in decision-making. Jurors in
particular signalled the importance of education, awareness-raising, and
involvement of the public in the development and application of AI.
This suggests that, as well as one-off engagement at the time an AI
decision is made, there should be broader public engagement. This may
help individuals gain a better understanding of the extent of AI decisions
in everyday life, making them better equipped to anticipate its use and
empowering them to be confident in interacting with such systems.
There are risks that awareness raising could simply serve to normalise the
use of AI decisions, disproportionately emphasising its benefits so
individuals are less likely to question its use and expect explanations. A
campaign purely focused on the risks and potential negative
consequences would be equally as harmful. Although no clear message
emerged from the research around who should be responsible for a broad
educative piece for the public, it is important that there are diverse voices
behind this work to ensure a balanced message.
Consideration will be given to how the planned guidance, and broader ICO
and Turing work on AI can support industry, government and other bodies
to increase awareness and better engage the public on this complex topic.
3. Challenges
In the public engagement research, jurors primarily focused on when and
why they did, or did not, prioritise explanations of AI decisions over
accuracy. It is therefore interesting that a number of jurors considered
the cost and resource burden on the organisation delivering the
explanation. Although comments predominantly related to scenarios
involving the use of public money, several jurors also acknowledged
issues of cost and resource for the private sector organisation in the
recruitment scenario. This suggests that, although not an excuse for
failure to provide any explanation of an AI decision, individuals are
sensitive to the effort involved in, and the potential limitations to, the
detail of an explanation in certain contexts.
The identification by some roundtable participants of cost and resource as
the real challenge to delivering explanations, as opposed to technical
feasibility, is important. It is reassuring that the organisations deploying
these technologies are confident they can be explained. It also highlights
that there is work to be done on raising the profile of explaining AI
decisions at board-level within organisations, to ensure the necessary
budget and personnel to address this issue. This suggests there is a space
for the planned guidance to help with gaining board-level buy-in by
clarifying the legal requirements for explaining AI decisions and
emphasising the broader commercial and social benefits.
Where jurors identified issues with individuals being unable to understand
an explanation due to the complexities of the decision, this may imply two
First, a need to find ways to translate complex decision-making
rationale into an appropriate form or language for a lay audience.
Second, a need to identify the contexts in which individuals may not
wish to shoulder the burden of understanding a decision and would
prefer to delegate to another agent.
It does not necessarily follow that individuals are willing to forego any
explanation at all in such circumstances. Instead, they may wish for other
types of explanations satisfying their needs (such as information about
the verification or safety of the AI decision-system). Further work on
developing a list of explanation types may help here.
In light of concerns from roundtable participants around the provision of
overly detailed explanations due to risks around distrust, commercial
sensitivities, third-party data and gaming, there is a clear need for the
planned guidance to acknowledge and balance these issues against
requirements to provide appropriately detailed explanations to individuals.
Similarly, there was a lack of a broadly accepted or standardised
approach for establishing internal accountability for explainable AI
decision-systems across the organisations present at the roundtables.
This suggests there is space for the planned guidance to support
organisations in identifying the various internal and external stakeholders
and assigning responsibility to ensure coherent governance of a complex
multi-disciplinary area. More broadly, this may also help organisations to
foster a culture supporting a multilateral, informed and responsible
approach to innovation with technologies like AI.
Limitations of research
Public engagement research
We took care to design the juries in a way that minimised bias and
provided balanced and impartial information for jurors, including the use
of an oversight panel to review and feedback on these matters.
Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this
False dichotomy
As mentioned in the Methodology section, citizens’ juries usually require
jurors to make a clear choice on a particular issue. To achieve this, the
trade-off between the ‘explainability’ and accuracy of AI decisions was
presented to jurors. Some (including some roundtable participants) argue
this is a false dichotomy because, although more challenging, there are
still ways to explain highly accurate AI decision-making systems.
In addition, it is arguable that the accuracy of certain AI decision systems
was overemphasised, and that information relating to their robustness (or
lack of robustness) was omitted.
We chose to make these compromises in order to:
simplify matters for jurors;
present clear distinctions between each AI decision-system; and
gauge public opinion on highly accurate, but opaque, AI decision-
systems (which, although arguably rare now, may be more
widespread in the near future).
However, we acknowledge that such choices may have led jurors to place
more weight on, and trust in, the accuracy of AI decisions at the expense
of giving more consideration to the potential value and utility of
Negative impact
Although the consequences of receiving an inaccurate AI decision were
discussed, the framing of the scenarios and associated questions may also
have influenced jurors to prioritise accuracy over explainabilityin certain
contexts. The phrasing of the questions may have encouraged jurors to
consider the three AI decision-systems from the perspective of the
majority for whom the decision is accurate, as opposed the minority
receiving an inaccurate decision.
Some roundtable attendees questioned whether jurors would have been
as willing to de-prioritise explanations had they been asked to consider
the same question from the point of view of receiving an inaccurate
decision (eg an incorrect diagnosis or match in the healthcare scenarios).
Encouraging greater consideration of this negative impact may have
yielded further insights into expectations around explanations in contexts
where they were not prioritised by jurors.
Explanation format, content and delivery
Jurors considered when and why explanations were (and were not)
important in different scenarios, but were not asked to consider the
format, content, or timing of delivery of the explanation (ie before or after
a decision is made).
As such, findings from the juries do not directly translate into advice for
organisations on what information to give to individuals, how to present
it, and when to do so. Roundtable discussions highlighted this as an area
organisations are keen to have a steer on.
While the reasoning for prioritising explanations in certain scenarios offers
valuable insights into the purposes jurors want those explanations to
serve in different settings, further work is required to map these purposes
on to different explanation types.
Industry engagement research
Public, private and third sectors were represented at the roundtables as
We took steps to obtain a range of participants from across sectors, but
the sample was not representative of the UK’s sectoral landscape.
It is possible that findings from the roundtable overstate certain concerns
(for instance from a well-represented private sector) and did not capture
other input and insights from less represented sectors.
In addition, the make-up of participants within sectors was not intended
to be representative. For instance, while SMEs form 99.3% of the UK’s
private sector
, they only formed a small proportion of the organisations
at the roundtables.
More and more organisations, across all sectors, are using AI to make, or
to support, decisions about individuals. While there are undoubtedly
benefits to this use of AI, there are also risks. Increasingly, governments
and regulators are considering how to mitigate these risks. One such risk
is the lack of transparency around how AI decisions are made. To help
address this, the UK Government’s AI Sector Deal tasked the ICO and The
Turing to develop guidance assisting organisations with explaining AI
To inform this guidance, the ICO and The Turing carried out primary
evidence-based research through public engagement (citizens’ juries) and
industry engagement (roundtables). Three key themes emerged from this
1. Context is key. The importance, purpose, and expectation of
explanations of AI decisions depend on several interrelated
contextual factors such as the impact of the decision, the ability to
change it, and the data used to inform it.
2. While unclear where responsibility lies, there is a desire for a range
of education and awareness raising activities to better engage and
inform the public on the use, benefits and risks of AI in decision-
3. There are several challenges in explaining AI decisions, including
cost, commercial sensitivities, and a lack of internal organisational
accountability. However, technical feasibility was generally not
considered an issue.
While there are some limitations to the research, the above findings
remain incredibly valuable, giving key insights into a range of different
stakeholder views on explaining AI decisions. The juries in particular
provided a unique and informed public opinion on this complex issue.
As well as benefiting the ICO and The Turing on Project ExplAIn, it is
hoped that others too can make use of these findings for their own
thinking, research, or development of explainable AI decisions. All
materials and reports generated for and by the jurors are freely available
to access from the GM PSTRC website
Next steps
Although these strands of research are only one aspect of Project ExplAIn,
the themes raised will inform further work to consider, assess and test
the ICO and The Turing’s understanding of the implications. The issues
raised will also be addressed in the guidance currently under
Overleaf is an overview of the planned format and content for the
guidance. This has been refined based on outputs from this research.
The current plan is a modular framework based around a set of
overarching principles. The principles inform how organisations should
approach the use of AI for making decisions about individuals. Guidance
on organisational controls, technical controls, and explanation delivery
support the implementation of the principles.
The planned guidance is subject to change based on further work on
Project ExplAIn. A full draft will be put out for public consultation over the
summer. Any and all interested parties are encouraged to comment and
make suggestions during the consultation period. This will be signposted
on the ICO website, in the ICO e-newsletter and through social media.
Following consultation, the guidance will be published later in the autumn.
Legal frameworkthe legal requirements around AI decisions, including data
protection and other relevant regimes.
Definitionsexplaining what is meant by ‘AI’, ‘AI decisions’, and providing a list of
explanation types.
Benefits and risks highlighting the benefits of explaining AI decisions, and the risks
of not doing so for organisations, individuals and wider society.
Transparencythe need to be open and engaged with customers and the wider public
about the use of AI decisions.
Contextthe need for explanations to reflect the unique context in which an AI
decision is made.
Accountabilitythe need to have corporate governance measures in place to
appropriately manage the whole AI decision process.
Organisational controls
Rolesguidance on mapping the roles
involved in AI decisions, identifying
reporting lines and assigning
Policies and proceduresguidance on the
necessary policies including training, risk
assessment and monitoring.
Documentationguidance on
documenting AI decisions, including
maintaining an audit trail.
Technical controls
Data collectionguidance on ensuring
the integrity of the data used to train AI
Model selectionguidance on appropriate
AI models for different contexts.
Explanation extractionguidance on
approaches to drawing out explanations of
AI decisions.
Explanation delivery
Proactive engagement guidance on engagement with individuals in advance of an AI
Explanation selectionguidance on appropriate explanations types for different
Explanation timingguidance on appropriate timing of delivery of explanations for
different contexts.